Sitemap - 2024 - Robert Reich

Lawless Trump demands law-and-order on campuses

Office Hours: Will Israel’s war in Gaza harm Biden in November? If so, what should Biden do now?

What to say to a Republican who complains about the federal debt.

The most important litmus test of all

Brief thoughts on the wave of campus protests across America

Sunday caption contest: friendship

Why do so many Americans support a neofascist for president? | The Coffee Klatch, Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Supreme Court’s Farce and Ruse

The most important thing I teach my students

Elon Musk’s grotesque distortion of capitalism

Office Hours: How are you talking with your pro-Trump or anti-Biden family members about the upcoming election?

How the Free Speech Movement was born

The most important thing I teach my students

How to talk about Israel and Gaza on a college campus (or anywhere else)

The stunning rebirth of the American labor movement

Sunday caption contest: The twelve

Trump’s Trials and Tribulations | The Coffee Klatch, Saturday, April 20, 2024

A small thing you can do today to help stop Trump

The Trump voter fraud paradox

The Party’s Over

Office Hours: Biden in Pennsylvania, Trump in court — who gets the biggest boost?

The Big Picture: Trump’s ongoing attempted coup

Happy Tax Day, and the coming fight over extending Trump’s tax cut

Sunday caption contest: On the road?

Why are food prices out of control? | The Coffee Klatch, with Michael Pollan

How to understand next week's Trump criminal felony trial

Why I draw

Why are we still suffering inflation? Monopoly power!

Office Hours: Should parents be criminally responsible for a child who kills?

Now Trump can’t sidestep his key role in banning abortions

More evidence that RFK Junior is working for Trump (as if you needed it)

The Total Eclipse of Donald Trump

When will Americans start crediting Biden with a great economy?

Sunday caption contest: Gallery

No More Bombs for Bibi? The Coffee Klatch

The man who sacrificed workers to shareholders

Bombs away?

Chips, Tech, and Steel

Office hours: Biden’s biggest obstacle?

How (and why) I post every day

Trump’s 5-Step Fascist Plan

The end of the necktie?

Sunday caption contest: Good or rotten?

Record corporate profits from your thinning wallets

Big Money: Taxes, Trump, and Beyoncé | The Coffee Klatch

When Roger Ailes and I didn’t make a deal

The Trump integrity trap

Office Hours: NBC fires Ronna McDaniel, former RNC chair. Does the Republican Party have a future?

How Biden can stop Netanyahu

How to deal with the Trump threat (Part 1)

Congress’s new low

Sunday caption contest: broke?

Is Trump Broke? | The Coffee Klatch, March 23, 2024

My mentor and friend, Ken Galbraith

Why Boeing is such a shitty company (continued)

Office Hours: What is the most important thing we should be doing now to ensure that Biden and Harris are elected in November?

Trump’s warnings of violence must not be ignored

The biggest contrast in the upcoming election (other than democracy vs. “bloodbath” fascism)

Sunday caption contest: The race is on!

Trump is out of his mind and desperate

The Billionaire Takeover of America? | The Coffee Klatch, Saturday, March 16, 2024

Whom do you trust more with TikTok — China, or American billionaires?

Seriously, again, how dumb is Trump?

Office Hours: Will 2024 be another contested election?

The global anti-democracy movement, co-chaired by D. Trump and V. Putin

The Case for Nauseous Optimism

Sunday caption contest: Potholes

Biden’s Resurrection and Trump’s Diminution: Saturday Coffee Klatch, March 9, 2024

Biden's strong State of the Union — and my utter failure advising Democratic presidential candidates

Mr. President, what you should say tonight

Office Hours: What should be Biden’s central message in tomorrow’s State of the Union?

Back to the trial of John T. Scopes

The most troubling aspect of today’s Supreme Court decision

Escaping Trump’s revenge

How Biden can save tens of thousands of lives (and help save his presidency)

Sunday caption contest: Will they promptly decide about Trump's immunity?

The beginning of the end for Trump? Saturday coffee klatch

The Old Left, the New Left, and the Left Behind

Goodbye, Mitch: You were the worst

Office Hours: Should the Michigan primary result be a wakeup call to Biden?

Office Hours: Where will Trump find the money to pay all his civil penalties?

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk vs. American workers

Today in the Supreme Court: What’s the real answer to the problem of policing Giant Tech’s content?

Less than 60 percent of the vote in South Carolina? Sheesh. Trump continues to do poorly in Republican caucuses and primaries

Sunday caption contest: Little darling

Why has the Republican Party become an enemy of democracy? The Saturday coffee klatch

The Emerging Republican Theocracy

When I met Strom Thurmond

My surprise at yesterday’s Substack response

Office Hours: Should Biden step aside and allow an open Democratic convention?

The poster child for the perils of dynastic wealth

The difference between leaders and thugs

Sunday caption contest: money troubles?

Trump’s Week from Hell: The Saturday Coffee Klatch

How Trump is liable for fraud even though no one was hurt

Where are the record corporate profits coming from? Your thinning wallets

The Really Big Picture

Office Hours: A Valentine’s Day question about people in public life

Children in Gaza: Why aren’t we stopping the deaths?

The growing disgrace and danger of Robert F. Kennedy Junior

Who’s Vladimir Putin’s best friend in the world?

Sunday caption contest: pray

Sunday caption contest: pray

Is Biden Too Old? | The Coffee Klatch

Biden’s brain, Trump’s brain

Oral surgery at today’s Supreme Court

Getting Wall Street out of our houses

What do Dartmouth basketball and Tennessee’s VW plant have in common?

Office Hours: What kind of presidential candidate — and supporters — would cause opponents to fear for their lives?

No immunity for Trump

Why I preach to the choir

How to understand the politics of Israel and Palestine?

Sunday caption contest: Grandchild’s curiosity

Is there any good news to celebrate? Our Saturday coffee klatch, February 3, 2024

The truth about the economy

Why I was expelled from Miss Bouton’s nursery school

Quiz: Do you favor giving some help to poor kids but even more to the rich?

How Trump could win the presidency even if he loses the popular vote AND the Electoral College

Elon’s gonzo pay

Office Hours: Can Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, and Jon Stewart help Biden?

BS on the border

How to survive the next 280 days (and help America survive beyond them)

Sunday caption contest: Land Ho?

The real story behind Trump’s “wins” in New Hampshire and Iowa: Saturday coffee klatch

Today, Trump got his comeuppance

The Final Battle (The last installment of Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 10)

Citizen Musk

Trump’s biggest economic lie of the campaign (so far)

Wanna know Trump’s running mate?

Moral clarity in Gaza

Office Hours: What will you do if Trump steals the 2024 election?

Trump’s poor showing in New Hampshire

Why the mainstream media’s awestruck coverage of Trump’s campaign is deceptive and dangerous

Trump’s Brownshirts

Sunday caption contest: this way!

What the hell has happened to the Republican Party? Our Saturday Coffee Klatch

Why Jamie Dimon loves Trump’s policies

Resurrecting Countervailing Power (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 9)

Why is Boeing such a shitty corporation?

Davos duplicity

Office Hours: Can Trump’s nomination be stopped?

Why Trump ran away with Iowa

What’s the “Chevron doctrine,” and why should you want to preserve it?

What’s the matter with Iowa?

Sunday caption contest: the currents

Will Trump walk away with the Republican nomination? Saturday Coffee Klatch

How Trump is exploiting our scarcest resource

Sunday caption contest: the currents

How the oligarchy shrank America’s middle class (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 8)

What Trump’s lawyer is really advocating

Office Hours: Will the Supreme Court drag its robes?

The 5 biggest Trump-Republican lies about illegal immigration

Where in the world is Lloyd?

Sunday caption contest: Where?

Will Trump ever be held accountable for his attempted coup? Saturday coffee klatch

Five horrifying truths about what occurred three years ago today

How America’s oligarchy has paved the road to fascism (Why American capitalism is so rotten, Part 7)

The “I won’t vote for the lesser of two evils” rubbish

Office Hours: Our start-of-year presidential poll

Claudine Gay is ousted at Harvard

Why is the mainstream media failing to report accurately on the upcoming election?

Welcome to (gulp) 2024