Never forget: You can’t spell “felon” without Elon.

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Musk spent an estimated $175 MILLION to help Trump get elected and prevent that "f" from officially being installed on his name. He was thumbing his nose at the Justice Department as he offered a "million dollars a day" raffle for people to sign his petition saying they agreed with the first two amendments to the constitution (er: signing up to pledge their vote for Trump). That, plus all his other legal problems went "poof" when Trump got "elected." Like two peas in a pod.

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"Like two peas in a pod."

Are they more like two pieces of shit in a shitpot? 🤔.

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Why did we give Elon too much power?

The top CBT (anxiety depression) scientist found that our thinking flaws are limited to ten. It seems we evolved to exaggerate threats. We may react to our exaggeration of threats by exaggerating power, from thumb sucking to "hero worship."

This may have enhanced our survival by bonding with our caregivers.

We surpass optimal nutrient intake of sugar salt and fat: another exaggeration of power.

Here is a famous therapy session for bad habits:



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I totally agree. Why is the goverment subsidising and supporting oligarghs. This has been happening for a very long time and it's too late to regret. We've literally brought this upon yourselves. Instead of electing Senators and House Representatives that are looking after the interests of Constitutents and country, we've elected people that are pocketing tax payers money and fattening their weath so much so we're the only country on this planet with an excess of billionaires whilst the poor are getting poorer. The education system has failed and is still keeping the rural population and the lower and middle class illiterrate. They have zero ability to think for themselves and hence turn to false prophets for consolation. Bernie Sanders and his followers were the only ones genuinely interested in helping to bring equality to this over the top capitalistic monopoly but he was considered an extremists of course by the billionaires and millionaires running the country for their own selfish benefits. Maybe it's time to accept dictatorship and learn a lesson or two. Sadly it's the poor and especially lower middle class that are going to bare the grunt of misfortunes. Ironically they will just bite their tongues and live in contentment of their plight like the poor and rural folks in Russia accepting their fate as long as they can put food on their table because they don't know any better. They turn to religeon for consolation and believe they'll be saved by just praying. They can't help themselves for being ignorant and easily manipulated to the whims of oligarghs.

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It is never a time to accept dictatorship. Doing so admits defeat!

Most Americans dutifully pay their federal taxes, yet it seems we are kept in the dark as to where and how these vast sums are applied. The tax code itself is so Byzantine that only IRS accountants truly understand how it works. While it would be unlawful to withhold our taxes, we deserve a full accounting in plain English, not legalese, that breaks down how our government justifies awarding such enormous sums of money to ‘government contractors’ a.k.a oligarchs.

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Yes, Ilene! Well said!

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Nov 21Edited
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I agree except for the dictatorship part, Katy. Once we accept it, we're done. Period.

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They do it because those oligarchs then owe them and will give them big donations, which helps line their own pockets. It's all about money, of course.

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We are discussing the most egregious atrocity in the history of the United States with our election most likely hacked!


ACT! 🙋‍♀️


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So, if it is true, it's still likely the DNC and dem leadership will walk away with their tails between their legs instead of following up. Even if it's a conspiracy, I'm all for giving trump back more than he dished out.

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Except musk may have slightly more brain power than trump.

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He might have a slight edge in brain power but he is only looking after his own interests not yours, mine or the country's.

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ego has a way of diminishing brain power.

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Well said !

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Not sure about that.

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Nope; not a chance!

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Ragpad--Is that what you consider constructive dialog?

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Your point is well-taken, but I am not sure that anything "constructive" works with that Orange Jesus Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo; does it?

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Oh shut up. Democrats have to stop being so nice, it’s why we lose

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Well Lorraine, I see you have moved from Martha's Vineyard to Mexico. Was that after the bus from Texas arrived? Or was that after the election? Many Democrats have promised to leave but few keep their promises. Habla Espanol? Could I assume you kept your Vineyard estate for summer vacations? As for Democrats being so nice, give me a break. Do you watch the View? Joy Reid? Maybe you prefer Ragpad or the ever vitriolic Robert Reich.

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@Bill Pound,

You lectured me (see below, in case you have forgotten) on being respectful, blah, blah ... Here you are, you are not even attempting to show a semblance of doing what you intensely "preachify." I suppose that that comes with your brand of ersatz "conservatism"? I will bet that you only watch Fucks Noose, NooseMax, and get your daily dose of idiocy and stupidity from YouTube, Instagram, and that Moron Muskrat's NiTwitter. Shame on you, man!

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Oh fuck you. Ive lived in Mexico for three years. They’re fabulous kind people not like you you piece of garbage

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2 turds in a pot...

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Exactly, my friend! Massive ones, too, at it!

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A shitpot, is that what you keep on your Ragpad? Your potty humor is better left at home. Be silent if you can't be respectful. You are probably one of those who only talks to those of like mind such as Robert Reich. Many on the left applaud Biden for refusing to speak to Putin. How dumb is that? And the same people decry Trump for talking to Putin, Xi, and Kim calling Trump a puppet and the like. Openness and respect is the only way diplomacy can work. Refusal to show these characteristics leads to forever war. Maybe that is what you want.

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@Bill Pound,

I respect your opinion, to which you are certainly entiled; and likewise, I am entitled to mine. Let us keep that way; shall we? However, as I have repeatedly said elsewhere, respect - and diplomacy, of course - is a two-way street. If the other guy does not respect, or is not "diplomlatic," or keeps pounding you, just because you are fighting back, then you are dealing with nothing more than a bully, which is exactly your Orange Jesus is.

Frankly, you are needlessly denigrating Robert Reich, for what I said. Rather than telling me to "Be silent if can't be respectful,"you should first try to follow your own advice. The old adage, "First, seek to understand, then to be understood" still applies - especially to people like who have a very contemptible "holier-than-thou" attitude, such as yourself. Ultimately, if you do not like what we are saying, then you can always leave this forum and go somewhere that is more suited to your disposition. How about that, sir?

Lastly, despite your being seemingly well-educated, it appears that you are drunk on that Orange Kool-Aid that that Chump-Pansy uncontrollably leaks in his diaper; or terribly hung over on that Orange miasma that he seems to spew everywhere he goes.

Thank you, sir, for your pearls of wisdom.

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OK, you like Robert Reich and dislike Trump. I do respect that opinion. It is shared by some in my family. In responding to Robert Reich's opinion and that of his followers, I as a conservative want you all to know there are people outside your silo who don't agree with you. I intend to continue tilting at your windmills. Especially now that Trump has been re-elected and with a better understanding of where the problems lie in our Federal government. We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl, winner take all game; and an unelected Bureaucracy which is largely composed of Democrats thinking they have all the answers. With luck and persistence, Trump will be able to slow the tyranny of regulations and restore our Republic (democracy living only at the State and local level), and FEDERALISM. Just don't tell Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL.

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Please, have at it, @Bill Pound. You, I am afraid, have a closed mind and very parochial thoughts. I agree with you on this:

"We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl ..."

and nothing else that you have said. Further, I am not sure that anyone "tell[s] Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL." I certainly did not and will not.

As regards your statements, "... better understanding of where the problems lie ..." and "Trump will be able to slow the tyranny ..." Well, the Orange Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo only has look in the mirror (while combing over his nonexeistent hair ad infinitum) and start addressing those problems; but he has abundantly clearly proved that he is so incompetent that he cannot even comprehend anything other how to pathologically lie, cheat, con, and defraud.

Thank you very much.

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Maybe you want to go down that road, hopefully more of us don’t. Thanks for your comments, comrade, let’s everyone know where you stand.

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@Rick Sender, While I agree that Democrats flubbed the election, I must beg to differ with you on almost everything else. I am afraid that you have drunk too much of that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's Kool-Aid. And your news sources are very likely Fucks Noose, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The US economy is where it is because that Orange Jesus's absolute disaster of "mishandling" the pandemic - and do not forget that his callousness, idiocy, and stupidity resulted in almost 1 million American deaths.

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"He is the President of the United States"

Perhaps, for you, sir. Not for me. NEVER WAS; and NEVER WILL BE. You are just a MAGAlomaniac (or is it MAGAt?) masquerading as a centrist, playing "both-siderism," at every turn.

Well, I am done responding to your spurious "alternate" facts.


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Why don't you name some of those policies of Trump that you like? Did you like his infrastructure bill? How about his wonderful health insurance plan? Or maybe you liked the way he downplayed Covid and made people think there was nothing to worry about? Not to mention that young men will now think that the way to get ahead in this country is to cheat and lie and sleep with porn stars while your wife is still nursing?

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Obviously you have a problem with numbers. If you look it up, you will see that Covid started at the beginning of 2020. I think the first official case was in February. That leaves one year for Covid under Trump. A year when the rate of infections just grew and grew, while Trump recommended injecting bleach. So even if your numbers are correct, Biden brought deaths down to near zero over 4 years.

And you like Trump's policies? I suppose his brutality on the border is one. Do you realize that for the first 3 years of Trump, illegals crossing the border were low as in the Bush and Obama years. But in the last Trump year they started the steep upward climb. The continued to climb in the first Biden year, and when Biden offered a bipartisan bill to control it, Trump killed the bill.

Or maybe you like the China and other Tariffs? I can understand that a tariff tends to decrease the trade of Chinese goods entering the US, and hopefully stimulates production in the US. But, trade is a very complicated set of agreements. And dumb ass Trump had and has no clue. China responded by opening production in Mexico and Canada. China responded by reducing precious metals for US companies. The entire international trade has been upset.

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At least we don't support a lying, cheating, unethical con man, narcissist who led an insurrection. You want to go back to having a king? Go for it ,Hoss, but know that we who still value democracy will oppose you every step of the way.

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Trump had guardrails in his first administration. People like General Kelly and General Mattis prevented him from carrying out his unconstitutional urges. Those people won't be around for this coming administration. BTW, General Kelly said that Trump fits the definition of a fascist. Or did you already know that?

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Nov 21Edited
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Beware. This may be a phishing expedition. Don't click on the link.

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Come now! (I am trying to be polite!)

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Kelly, it's not the mrna that worries me, but rather the microchips that attach to and interface with neurons in the brain. elon's neuralink is just another delivery system for this insidious onslaught on our free wills. additionally, they can customized to deliver chemicals that turn genes on and off. So for example, we have genes that control for appetite, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and political leanings. It's all well documented and part of the government's biowarfare program. Imagine turning the proud boys into effeminate cross dressing advocates for social safety nets, easy pathways to citizenship, ratification of the ERA, and heavy taxation of billionaires and corporations.

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Do you work for this website?

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*sigh* Yeah. Sure. Go eat your dirt.

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This illegal "lottery" could have been the key basis for the election hack, as noted in Stephen Spoonamore's "Duty to Warn." All Musk asked for was name and address, which would have been key in the hack scenario outlined by Spoonamore. See the links in my other comment here.

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If we ALL ACTED and called the WhiteHouse maybe they would do a hand recount in the swing states or at least Mi, WI, AZ, & NC.

Call the White House!


Comments: 202-456-1111

Switchboard: 202-456-1414

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As noted by Spoonamore, the ONLY party that can request a recount is Harris. As he noted in his update, if she does not, this will bring shame to her and our system, assuming his analysis is correct. https://substack.com/inbox/post/151923500?publication_id=3332631&post_id=151923500&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=2cqkq&triedRedirect=true

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Various sources confirm that a smallish percentage of Harris' current fundraising is being directed toward a recount effort, with a much larger percentage going to the DNC.

For the love of all that’s holy, the DNC should be giving Harris every dime it has for a recount! No effort should be spared to uncover the hacks that have been warned about. Do the Dems not care what a Drumpf Presidency will do to them? Or are they simply content to go along and get what they can from the trough?

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Well, I donated to Harris five times and with the current outreach, I replied and said I would double the sum of all five if and only if she demanded a recount. I need more than a rumor at this point.

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Musk's "lottery", which required applicants to submit their street address, but no contact information (like email or phone) may be complicit in election fraud, as the name and street address is what is required to fake-vote.


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Musk undermined our Democracy.

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I’ve also heard Pam Bondi’s sister (also a lawyer) is working on a case for Elon… Pam being AG shouldn’t have anything to do with this, right???

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I notified (email):


Emailing many journalists hoping to get this in the news

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I agree Dem's messaging was/is terrible. People needed facts presented loudly and repeatedly. Presidents do not control inflation -- Big Ag and Big Business set the price, which for groceries is still 40%, higher than any other sector. And there should have been big signs on all the Intrastructure improvements, which have created jobs: "Joe did this!" Repubs esp. in Indiana are taking credit.

Trump and Musk both yearn to be autocrats and control us "little people." The creator of Project 2025 has been nominated for OMB Director. Read it closely, and check out JD's mentor, Curtis Yarvin.

Elon is a savvy businessman though I question his motives. Trump is not. He had Daddy's money yet bankrupted 3 casinos by stiffing his creditors and contractors.

Boycott Delta!!

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@Anne Sutherland MD,

I agree with everything that you said, but for this: "Elon is a savvy businessman ..." This is what I said in one of my earlier posts:



You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.

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Yes, on the funding

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What do you mean by being specific about "funding"?

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A quibble, Anne: inflation numbers don't include food or fuel costs. That's why the claim can be made that inflation is low, even when prices are rising at the grocery store and the gas pump (and fortunately, gas prices are no longer rising in most areas). That's why there was a broad disconnect when the Dems applauded Biden’s inflation numbers.

Also, those who say the economy is great aren't taking into account that food prices skyrocketed over the last couple years and will never come down. That is, even if food and other prices don't go up another dime, they're still cripplingly high, while the average working person's wages have less buying power than they did 40 years ago, and many people haven't seen an increase in years. It's lived experience vs. what the Dems are saying. The Dems have to address that discrepancy if they expect to win elections.

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Denise, the economy is much more than inflation. Unemployment has been very low under Biden. Wages are up. Job creation has been good. The GDP has been very good. Trade relations are good. The number of new manufacturing startups is very high. The stock market keeps hitting new highs and people have done well with their IRA's and 401k's. What did Trump do that makes you think he'd be better than Biden for the economy.? And please don't use the Covid excuse for Trump's miserable numbers, because Biden had to deal with that as well. In fact, the inflation that you bemoan has been a direct result of Covid and it affected every country in the world. Biden had nothing to do with that.

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Exactly. These are the stories that the Media failed to cover for 4 years. Inflation when up under Trumps first two years- up from the 1.6% miracle that Obama achieved. Never heard a word about it.

The Pandemic blew the world economy up and Biden protected the US from the worst of it and started to rebuild manufacturing and the working class. The Media never covered the Pandemic Economic Recovery story- just repeated over and over the "inflation" story.

CNN gave no explanation- which left FOX with the opening to claiming that the moment the IRA was passed- the price of everything went up. Of all the thousands of hours of "expert" interviews on CNN no one talked about how that was baloney and the real cause for the price of eggs. To think that any Dem candidate could counter years of programing in a 3 month campaign is unrealistic.

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It was a choice between two dispicable candidates and parties - and they impact the world. Unfortunately, only Americans get to vote in these elections.

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'F' Elon!

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From BBC World News:

12/18/2024 13min

Elon Musk — the world’s richest man — has built several companies, including PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX. He’s also built a close relationship with Donald Trump, president-elect of the United States. America’s next leader has appointed Musk to run the newly created Department of Government Efficiency, which is meant to slash government waste.

Nathalie Jimenez, a BBC reporter in New York, explains how Musk built his business empire and why he may have aligned with the Trump administration. She also discusses Musk’s personality traits and how they influence how he leads.

And Lily Jamali, the BBC’s North America Technology Correspondent, explains the ways Musk does and does not reflect “tech bro” stereotypes.


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Musk is merely the financier of others' innovations. He does not give the actual innovators equal billing. He also gets so much $ from the American taxpayer. One is neither 'right' nor 'left' for agreeing or disagreeing with Trump's choice. And one is neither 'right' or 'left' for not wanting to use taxpayer $ to further enrich the world's richest man who got most of that wealth at the expense of the tax-payer. Remember - he got grants from the tax-payer to finance other peoples ideas and took credit for both while transforming our tax-dollars into his private profit. Sounds like a massive shell game and graft on a huge scale to me. How is pointing that out 'right' or 'left'.

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Spells Felon?

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Reich can back up his statements, can you?

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F you Charlie

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Or, “Chuck you, Farley!”

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'And your whole Fam Damily'

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🤣🤣🤣. You guys - @Phil H and @Chris Hayden are funny!

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🤣🤣🤣. You guys - @Phil H and @Chris Hayden are funny!

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My, the level of polite, considerate discourse here is amazinga!

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Not for the faint hearted, that is for sure. And look what polite considerate discourse has brought us. a nascent dictatorship.

Polite considerate discourse was not their style, was it?

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Just a troll: like you.

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Me? Okay, why am I a troll? I am sorry that you feel that way.

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Ragpad--Opinions presented honestly and for the right reason are always welcome, regardless of their nature.

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I'm sorry I feel that way, too. It was something you posted.

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Maybe he would pronounce that as freak?

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Oh, man! 🤣.

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Charlie--Careful, your intelligence is showing. No one wants the 4th Reich. Tell Trump to take a hike.

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Nov 21Edited

How can he take a "hick." It's impossible for him to take another, since he's cornered the market on them all!

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F u go to X where the losers hang out

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Chuck you Farley!

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That MAGA hat makin’ yer head hot, Charlie old son?

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Stated succinctly, from the Dark MAGA alt Reich.

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Why isn’t anyone talking about a HAND RECOUNT in the swing states?? And calling for one? This election was obviously rigged. There were an explosion of bullet ballots for Trump in the swing states and very little in the non swing states. It’s obvious.


Elon Musk knows how to steal an election (per Dan Solomon)


Musk says it here: “I don’t trust a computer. They are too easy to hack. That’s why I want to go to all paper ballots.”

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Marlo--The entire election system was disconnected from the internet. There was no way to hack into the system from the outside.

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Two of the voting machine companies are owned by rightwing fanatics. One is connected to the Koch Brothers and another is owned by two Dominionist men. It's since changed hands with s group of Hard Right MAGA people. In 2004 the former personally swore to deliver Ohio to Bush. His machines are the only voting machines installed in red states.

That year Spoonamoore proved Ohio was stolen via voting machines that resulted in mathematically impossible results. The Secretary of State was in on it.

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I believe you. But the dems are too fing weak to do anything, it’s why we’re here

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Agree Marlo, especially about Ohio in 2004. The state was called for Kerry, and then a few hours later, "Oopsie! All those votes actually went to Dubya. Our bad!" I read the Diebold [voting machine supplier] CEO's memo promising to deliver the state to Bush.

Same then as now, however: Kerry conceded immediately, and no talk of a recount was allowed.

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"The nation’s best hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines — but no time to fix them"


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“More than 30 voting machines are connected to the internet “

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They had to download the information. Those tremendous bullet ballots for Trump don’t make sense. A hand recount would tell the truth.

Why not? Trump did it and no one questioned it.

Elon Musk knows how to steal an election


Musk says it here: “I don’t trust a computer. They are too easy to hack. That’s why I want to go to all paper ballots.”

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Harris (and only Harris) can ask for a recount. I emailed her yesterday to do that.

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NOT TRUE. I laid out the concurrent jurisdition for election crimes yesterday. DOJ, every affected state AG has jurisdiction.

IMHO circumstatial evidence, in an affected STATE, can evoke a recount. Depends on state election law.

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That is true, but a state-by-state will not get it done in time. Only a recount request from Harris for 7 swing states is the way to go. If it is suspicious (bullet ballots) in NC, the it is in Maricopa Co AZ, NV, MI, WI, PA, and while not likely to change outcome, possibly also FL.

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No need to hack from the outside if you've already corrupted from the inside....

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Read the links posted. Republican operatives had access to the machines.

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Agree, 1000%, see my comments to this R Reich post. It seems to me one of three possibilities exist: 1- Dems reviewed Spoonamore's claims, and found them not solid enough to pursue; 2- They reviewed them, realized that they are true, but they are likely to lose in normal election challenging mechanisms for recount, having the clock run out, all while exposing their knowledge of this plot, enabling a MAGA repsonse; 3- They will continue to drill down on this, allow Dark MAGA carnage and chaos to descend on America and the world, betting that a 2026 election will happen, then spring the story with extensive details to expose this cabal and crime, and hope the American people vote out the GOP in House and Senate in 2026, then start impeachment proceedings against Trump, removing him. I am open to other suggestions.

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You may be open to suggestions, but MAGAverse is not. A 2026 midterm turnaround is a fantasy, because they have seized all the levers of power, except the people’s will to reclaim them, which can no longer be achieved through democratic means.

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The way to do it is to modify the voting machine software at the factory level. It's also possible to write it to delete the modified code after a set time. No internet needed.

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It doesn’t even take an expert to know that the election was hacked, but yes, Spoonamore and Buell have the receipts. Thanks for sharing this, Marlo. I've done what I can: emailed Harris and sent a small donation to her campaign.

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"Never forget: You can’t spell “felon” without Elon."


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A meme for our times and definitely T-shirt worthy.

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And you can’t spell “tRump” without Rump.

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Verry Funny. Maybe you can land a late night comedy routine.

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Trump's cabinet selections are intended to help the president through tough times. These individuals will give the advice of someone who is an expert in their related field. However, by picking people with questionable experience in anything, Trump is falling into Hitler's premise that he knew more than his generals. Oddly, I have a faint memory of Mr. Trump reiterating that same thought. There exists a parallel that runs through the paths taken by both leaders, one from our past and one from our present. To allow Trump to bully his way into his Presidency is a move we as a society will live to regret. We have rules that were put into place through which our Senate confirmation hearings will determine who among Trump's picks are qualified to swear an oath to this country, and mean it. As it is, Trump's gang of misfits reminds me of a canceled episode of the Bowery Boys. Everything about the man is a joke.

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A very cruel joke and no longer funny after the SCOTUS and the American electorate gave him all the power he has now.

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No President should be allowed to stack the Supreme Court. Talk about violating the balance of powers. If this has to be actually codified. It should. A president should be indictable. Too. NO pardoning criminals who have been his helpers in crime, either!

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Well said!💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

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The Supreme Court should be a panel of 2x to 3x the number of judges required. with a balance of nominees. Justices for individual cases would be drawn by lottery.

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It was never funny for a Nano second.

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And frightening

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Jan M--What joke.

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Cruel joke. Emphasis on the cruel.

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Jan--What joke?

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Donald : maybe just 'a joker.

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Like the Bowery Boys metaphor! The "dirty little secret" to Trump's devotees is, he's always been ignorant and incompetent. In the magnificent movie "Amadeus," there is the character I always think of as "The Daffy Duke." He is The Boss, and he is short of an oar, but knows enough to proclaim, when it seems expected: "There it is!" And the court fusses over what a genius he is. For a little while, there was a notorious artwork at the corner of Castro and Market in San Francisco, larger-than-life Emperor Trump with no clothes. "There it is!"

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Perfect analogy! One of my very favorite films of all time. "Too many notes! There are only so many notes the ear can hear, am I right? "Yes, Your Magisty. There are simply too many notes." "There it is! Just remove a few and it will be perfect."

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The great movies do stick to you with signature lines; sometimes moments. But you have the second one from Amadeus: "Too many notes!" IMO, the movie most chock-full of meaningful signature lines is "Milagro Beanfield War," but that's another story.

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Drama flakes. The appointments are meant to distract while the Republicans, corporations and the billiomaires rob us blind. Even if Trump was not corrupt, keeping the status quo is all that is needed to keep the rich getting richer until his term is up. Case in point, most recently there is rumblings of "election stolen" on Democrat substacks and some videos. This disinformation is to distract us from stopping Trump from expanding his power in government by chasing the SAME russian disinformstion that Trump used in 2020. Dont fall for it. Keep fighting the system ineffective ways and dont focus on the nonsense drama thrown in our faces constantly.

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THANK YOU BILL! This should be obvious. PICK YOUR/OUR BATTLES!

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So....if the election WAS stolen, just let it go??

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Explain to me how "some" fraud might change as of writing this 2.6 million popular votes. Thats 2,600,000 votes. When comparing 2020 to 2024. Trump got 2 million more votes than 2020 (he was more unpopular back then). Compare with Kamala getting 7,000,000 less votes than Biden did in 2020. Trying to explain away 7,000,000 votes via fraud is the same as saying that covid vaccines caused more deaths than the virus itself. Its not a plausible conspiracy theory based on the sheer volume of people involved in the elections Dem/Rep Election workers verifying the results in each state. The poor and middle class saw their wealth stagnate or drop during Bidens term with a (0.17%) increase in wealth over 4 years. Which means about 70,000,000 people lost wealth due to there income being outpaced by inflation and high costs of living. These people either didnt show up this election or voted for Trump as a smack to the face of the party in power.

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This is my "boiler plate" for the cabinet picks that Plopper is making: Absurdity is the point. Trump spent his entire life fighting the Federal and State Governments, the main regulatory agencies of what he does - construction - housing. He studied under the master of litigators who also fought any sort of government authority, Roy Cohn. And tRump learned the lessons of Cohn well. Delay as long as possible, constantly be on the attack, never admit defeat, always claim to win, never ever apologize or admit wrong. On a whim he decided to attempt to increase his "brand" so tRump ran for president and his message of "flork you!" to government has resonated with those who think only tangentially about government and their place in the circle. The constant enemy of the good (for the rest of us) is now in charge of that government which he has fought his entire career. Can one truly believe tRump will "...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"?

Those of us who revere the Constitution abhor the damage we see presciently as not on the horizon but just beyond the door. Money convinces and those with the most money win the argument even if it is detrimental to those who voted for it. Whether The United States will ever recover is truly an open question.😎

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I've always said he's the world's greatest con man. I hate that I'm right, but I also said the legal offenses against him would not affect him one iota. Don's a slippery mofo.

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big donors have always been rewarded but usually with an ambassadorship to Outer Mongolia or somewhere similar-prestigious,lucrative,but removed from the corridors of power-not so with these clowns-with few exceptions,these people aren't qualified for anything but lying

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Right now an ambassadorship to Outer Mongolia seems a good way to distance myself from rumpus.

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send me a postcard

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Me & my pet yak by my yurt. Come and visit !!

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sorry-i haven't acquired a taste for yak milk-there was a great segment on '60 minutes' a few years ago about a woman who went to Mongolia and learned falconry-check it out-maybe your falcon can deliver the postcard

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I saw that segment !! Falconry is amazing. Aside from the daily dismal news, thanx for a little run of good cheer, Brooks.

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or dog-killer

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Trump like Musk suffers from hubris. The opposite of humility which is necessary for wisdom.

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... Trump's gang of misfits reminds me of a ...

I am afraid that you are being too kind, @Donald Hodgins. Actually, they are not misfits, but are marauders and murderers.

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Donald - huh? we don't do oaths anymore. half the congress (house and senate), 6 supreme court judges, even Biden (for not throwing dumpster in jail) don't adhere to or apparently believe in them. quaint comes to mind.

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An unfunny joke.

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A hideous joke. Like TRUMP 'S buddy, Elon Musk: just look at him : He IS the Joker!

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Never thought of him that way, but you're spot on, Laurie.

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Nov 21
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Everything you said, Robert Reich. I have a family member who is MAGA and a client, who both shared with me a post that supposedly shows that Harris/Walz spent way more money in the election than Donald tRUMP did. No mention of Musk's largesse, or the other billionaires' support. There are the Russian troll farms, and significant Media support, as well. Also, the stacked for trump "Supreme Court" keeping him from any accountability for more crimes than anyone has ever gotten away with in The United States Government. Not the least of which, in addition to killing women by denying emergency health care, is the selling of our country to the fascists of the world.

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I think about how the Justice department did not want to seem political in its prosecutions. "DOJ warns Elon musk that his $1 million lottery may be illegal". My friend once a security guard said he had the power to yell "Stop" or he will yell "Stop" again. That is american justice in the face of Fascism.

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Garland could have arrested Trump and held him without bail twice. Anytime after January 20, 2021 for insurrection. And once it was clear that he had lied about the Top Secret Documents THEFT.

Allowing a traitor to run for high office was nuts on steroids. Trump could have been serving long sentences for the crimes we all saw on TV.

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Funny how Garland did nothing. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone plays their part. One day it will all be known.

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Garland= an Orrin Hatch repugnant pick by Obama in the true democratic naive, self inflicted brutality of the 20 th century dead notion of bipartisanship.

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Law and order for thee none for me.

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Garland is useless. Totally.

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Judicial Watch, a rightwing GOP group, asked me by email to support the Hegseth nomination .

The byline under the Judicial Watch logo is "Because nobody is above the law."

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Are you still laughing?? I know I would be.

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Oh the irony! It burns!

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It is pathetic.

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Shall we send them to Mars, the space Manosphere?

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Great idea. Make it a one way ticket.

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That was certainly my unequivocal intent (but neglected to say it ... thanks for reminding me).

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You are welcome. It might happen anyway. Without some radical kind of propulsion, it may happen anyway. Using chemical rockets will take a lot of energy. It's unlikely that they would be able to take enough for a return trip.

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I am not even sure that any rocket could lift off with ONE of the these two asses, with their gargantuan egos, on board - much less BOTH of them. We need to significantly improve pulsed-plasma propulsion, or the like. 🤔.

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Funny how the Supreme Court didn't add to their immunity decision, " Unless of course the president is anyone other than a Republican". Everything is rigged by Leonard Leo and his evil cohorts. The head of the snake and it will grow a new one if you throw enough money at it.

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Did the post you saw include totals from the dark money, non-profit PACs? I believe those PACs spent more than the Trump campaign, and we will never know who contributed how much, thanks to the Supemes. A lot of the "Trump campaign" money went to his bank account

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Or to his lawyers. Perhaps his giving them government posts is in lieu of payment?

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Keith Frohreich ; Does Dark money keep totals for anyone to see? I'm sure that tRUMP's bank account or special stash offshore someplace received a significant amount of "campaign cash." You can believe what you want, because there will not be much that has been honestly documented, except in some of the non profits.

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Exactly right! 100% of media, save a small fraction of independent media, is OWNED AND WAAAH'D BY THE ALT RIGHT TRAITORS! (Remember well: The "January 6th Insurrection" occured BEFORE President Biden ended W Bush's asinine wars in The Middle East. Therefore, Bunkerboy committed HIGH TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. A crime punishable by DEATH in a sane world.)

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Based on the latest FEC numbers, it is a fact that Harris/Walz spent at least twice what that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-botcon Chump-Pansy spent. Frankly, Democrats frittered away all the capital (monetary and goodwill). They focused on the wrong things and pooh-poohed, antagonized, and marginalized many groups.

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Ragpad : if one ignores the huge amount of dark money and support from the Richest man in the world. The data may look like Harris/Walz spent more. That is a lot of overlooking. A $billion spent in the blue wall "swing " states alone. In fact, the swing states uniformly went for tRump because of the attack ad buys loaded with lies and defamation of their opponents. Add the sexism and racism and the only 3 month campaign duration, and that contributed to the "trifecta" 'win'. The Supreme Court has become a very large cash cow when the cases they decide favor the Obscenely Wealthy. Remember the Citizens United decision? Unlimited corporate money in elections. The average citizen is restricted to mere $3,000 to $6,000 donations, if I read it right. Of course, for most working voters, that is a lot of money to donate.

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Agreed; your assessment may very well be very accurate, after we get all the FEC numbers. I have been a lifelong Independednt (but not voted for ANY Republican since 2000) got so many ads disguised as from third-party candidates, labeling brain-wormed RFK, Jr. a liberal Democcrat, and utter lies about Kamala Harris/Tim Walz - all no thanks to that Moron Muskrat's money. (I live in Western PA.) We should denaturalize that illegal alien and send him back to apartheid-hating ghettos in South Africa to get a taste of newfangled "white apartheid."

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Laurie--The money spent accounts for nothing, other than it wasn't wasted. It was spent in an effort to save our country from a mad man.

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Donald ; the money spent by Harris/Walz was spent in an effort to save our country, for sure. MAGAs would like to somehow indict Harris/WAlz because they were able to raise some serious money. This is a criticism I hear from the extreme "right" often. I have had "conservatives" say that Bernie Sanders is extremely wealthy because he has a nice home, like it is some kind of crime, but I have never heard the same critics put a Republican down for having several homes and a Yacht, or even billions.

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That's what I have been trying to figure out, Laurie... They're already wealthy, what more could they possibly require to be more comfy ? For all that wealth, they have bottomless Depravity. A sickness of never being satisfied.

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The Russian troll farms, the Fox "news", Newsmax, right wing radio and even "Mainstream" and internet media contribute a lot of attention to tRUMP tRUMP and more tRUMP coverage, exxing out the coverage given to Harris/ Walz. Another influence is the purging of voters from rolls, and the "spoiled" Ballots that are discarded. Even now, many ballots in some states are discarded if the date isn't on the outside envelope, or some other tiny technicality.

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Good point, Laurie. The FEC doesn't count the billions in free publicity given to drumpf by the media

in the last 8+ years.

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With respect: what groups?

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Muslim, Arabs, black men, et al.

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Thanks for your clarification. I submit the idea of putting self in other person's shoes. Surely there has never been a more "rock and hard place" situation than the set-in-stone American commitment to Israel and the American value against genocide. My own imagination humbly boggles. Biden seems to have attempted a "hail mary" rescue dock for Gaza that didn't work. Certainly, Harris made it clear that Trump's Muslim ban was part of what she was running against. Meanwhile, Trump is crystal clear he hates muslims, arabs, black men, et al.

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I agree with 99% of what you have said, but we, as Americans, should unequivocally stand for doing the right thing. The right thing, in this specific instance, is to help eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah, but absolutely not help indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians, especially children. We certainly should not continue to aid and abet the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians - and now, Lebanese civilians. Nut-and-yahoo and his ilk are acting, with total impunity, like Jewish Nazis. There no other way to describe what they are doing. We stood up for Jewish people and lost many of our fellow citizens - to prevent the continuation of the unconscionable Holocaust. I say this as a guy who does not have a "dog in the fight," for I am not a Christian, nor a Muslim, nor a Jew. (I was born and raised a Hindu, but have been an atheist for the last 40 years.)

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@Ragpad. The military forces of Hamas and Hezbollah walk among the Palestinians as fathers, brothers and sons. I should include women who are at least collaborators and sometimes combatants. You will note in the news that when it is reported that Israel blew up an apartment building and killed "civilians" it is often reported that one or the other high level operative of Hamas was killed in the attack. Here is a moral conundrum to try to unpack - who is more guilty of killing civilians, the active terrorists who purposefully hide in the midst of civilians, or the IDC who gather intelligence until they learn which group of collaborators is hiding the terrorists before they strike (collaborators designated civilians by Western media)?

Before someone accuses me of being anti-Palestinian, I am not. But anyone can see that non-State actors exploit the civilians on the ground to cover their war-making. And anyone can see that Iran's money is behind the violent terrorists because making war on Israel is a well-paying job that those miserable, oppressed, poverty-stricken recruits can't match in productive commerce. Israel, under Bibi's leadership has made a regrettable, immoral choice. Since the terrorists disrespect their own people to the extent that they put them in harms way by hiding among them, then Israel puts them in harms way by going after the terrorists wherever they hide...

As I said, regrettable, immoral but pragmatic.

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Mmerose ; He hates Women of all races, too.

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Ragpad--Two elements lost the election. One being the poor economy that was pushed into its slump with an abondance of help from the production side of the equation, which Biden had absolutely had no control over. Yet many found pleasure in applying blame in the wrong direction. The second, 14,000,000 votes that found their way into Biden's camp vanished when Kamala needed them the most. We have no one to blame for having Trump as this country's President but ourselves. Trump won nothing; the election was given to the man via our own stupidity. Live and learn--maybe.

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We gotta have enough resistance that they don't collapse Social Security, disability benefits et al... Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving. They don't have the capabilities to reason and think thru the consequences...

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100% agreed. Hopefully, the voters who voted for that Chum-Pansy ticket will see ill-effects of their follies in 2025.

"Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving."

They simply do NOT care. THey were all born with a silver foot in their mouth (lie Ann Richards said at the DNC convention in 1991?).

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Ann Richards was amazing -- back when Texas had some decent moments.

I like your "Chum-Pansy," great name for the idiot.

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Yes, Ann Richards was the real tough Texas woman that one can have as a role model - for both men and women. She could be caustic, witty, and blunt. (Her daughter, Cecile Richards, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Joe Biden ... just yesterday?) Oh, yes, she beat the crap out of that Clayton guy for governorship. I grew up in and was working back then down in Austin, Texas, but moved and did not get to actually experience her stewardship in Texas. (Now I live in Western PA.)

Why, thank you! I hate that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's (AKA The Diaper Don; The Orange Jesus Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo) guts. (I used to call him "Chumpanzee," but changed it to "Chump-Pansy" to reflect the addition of that Pansy Fancy Eyeliner Vancy to the ticket). He jumps from one topic to another so quickly that even a chimpanzee could not possibly brachiate from one branch to another that fast, and he is a chump masquerading as a smart guy - and hence the name chumpanzee and then, Chump-Pansy. Why Bonobo? They are atually very smart and social; in fact, too social, if you ask me. (Look them up and you will find fun facts about them on how they "greet" each other.)

He is not even a human being; hell, he is not even an amoeba; he is just nothing - well, okay; he is piece of shit. What shocks me is that "seemingly normal" people fall for that "thing's" Orange Kool-Aid Vape/Miasma. Shocks the crap out of me. Are they actually that stupid?!

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Wholeheartedly (100%) agreed; but why do people (uninformed voters) blame Biden for all the ills that Chump singlehandedly caused - mostly through his abhorrent mismanagement of the pandemic responnse - and he kept adding fuel to that mismanagemnt fire by spreading baseless rumors, innuendos, and doing countless other shenanigans? That is what really puzzles me. Apparently, it was Gen X (or Gen Z) and Latino voters that shifted to that Chump. Sadly, we ALL have to pay the price for their stupidity.

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Mass misinformation targeting voters. That's a large part of it.

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I'd say it's worse than misinformation, steve. It's DIS-information; i.e., deliberate lies.

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Yes, indeed!

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Sorry , I responded to the wrong post; mea culpa.

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Professor Reich: not only is elon musk a sexual creep and illegal alien, but he is a liar, a charlatan and a thief. he did NOT INNOVATE ANYTHING, he merely bought these companies and stole the credit from the REAL inventors and designers for inventing/innovating/designing them.

for example:

-- musk bought paypal, kicked everyone off of the board, wrote a bunch of unusable code, took credit for everyone else’s work, and sold the company for 100 million dollars

-- tesla motors was founded as an electric carmaker by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in 2003. musk bought tesla and was so horrible at running it that his partners and former owners quit. he then ran it into the ground. Despite his horrible leadership, tesla, through a number of lucky coincidences, got very big and very bad. for example, tesla cars boast the highest number of fatal crashes of any car brand in the US. also, teslas actually emit more carbon than ICE vehicles, so they are not environmentally friendly, NOT IN THE LEAST

-- musk BOUGHT SpaceX after investing in it. space x rockets are wildly unreliable, as anyone with eyes in their head can see

-- musk personally forces all employees of tesla and space x to work for him and won’t let them unionize

-- starbase is actually an oil refinery

-- he blatantly refuses to end world hunger

-- and now, musk has announced the tesla foldable home. long beefore musk stuck his greedy nose into the market for pre-fab, affordable, foldable homes, they've have been around for more than a decade and in fact, are sold on amazon.

oh, and don't even get me started on musk's shitification of twitter ... !

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I am glad that you listed some of "disreputable" achievements. (I have been shouting those from the rooftops, but people are easy to bamboozle and want to be suckered, man.) You should write a biography on that Moron Muskrat - I am sure that it will sell like hotcakes.

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Thank you for your listing of muskrats doings…it is very helpful!

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Although it appears Musk is a horrible human, he contributed to the success of his companies. He was and is a part of changing and improving designs. He works along side employees, the same horrible hours. But that doesn’t mean he has other humans or America’s best interests. Read his biography.

He’s been a student of history. His goals might not be so obvious. Or they could be.. he might need removal of regulations. His primary goal is getting to Mars.

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As the United States taxpayer, I think he has plenty of money to take himself tomorrow he doesn’t need mine

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Pollution liability. Going to Mars is another pie in the sky. It's a total waste of money. Trump wants to fund Mars too? Where's Dave Chappele's 2016 impersonation?

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Let's not insult that species of rodents that are musk rats!

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They’re delightful creatures and not known for bouncing around on a Trump stage displaying their fat bellies.

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'Eff-lon' also insults a species of Lorikeet in my country (Australia) Kirsten that is called the Musk Lorikeet, while in its case - in a rework of Baudelaire's verdict of Chopin's music - let it now ever be "a bird of bright plumage fluttering over the horrors of the (Trump) abyss"!

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I love a lorikeet Marcus. The Rainbow Lorikeet Is ubiquitous in my neighbourhood (Essendon, Victoria). We saw a King Parrot in Olinda last year; pretty exciting. Also a Wedge-tailed eagle at The Prom.

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Salve 'Oz confrere' KRIS-ten, while apologies for my previous typo after having 'KIRST' you! We have Rainbows (and Cockies!) outside our window further to us being next to Sydney's Domain, while they occasionally fly down to the outdoor tables in nearby cafes looking for treats. It's nice to know - in recalling lines in one of Ginny Woolf's early novels - that wild animals go about their communal lives totally unaware and immuned to "the great affairs of men" (her emphasis), while we now need to become even more responsible for them (and all other life forms) given the climate change that's gonna occur under Trump and 'Rat'!

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But tRUMP likes the rich white ones. Who happen to be immigrants, while being criminal.

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They both are repulsive. What's funny is they will expire just like the rest of us when the time comes. Unfortunately they want to burn it all down before that time comes. It's their final fu.

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But they tunnel into everything and undermine civilization.

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More like a nasty little sewer rat.

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True; my apologies to the muskrat species.

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But but Elon he....Yeah **** him.

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Maybe, Muskrat is just another immigrant, poisoning the blood of America🤔

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The other problem with Torres' analysis is that progressives didn't drive Musk into Pumpkin Hitler's corner; he went there himself. As a proponent of both space exploration and electric vehicles, I was willing to cut Musk a lot of slack, even after some pretty reprehensible moves (like calling that British diver a "pedo" or defying Covid restrictions). But when he began openly siding with the white supremacist, right-wing conspiracist crowd, I gave up on him entirely. What I'd really like is for him to be forced to give up control of Space X and Tesla (let the people doing the real work run the companies), but that's obviously very unlikely under this administration, unless he has some kind of falling out with his current chum (fingers crossed on that one).

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The Musk problem can be solved by a line in one of Arnie's movies. Resign or be prosecuted, he says to a bent cop. In this case leave or face jail.

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Always follow your gut feeling. (FYI, gut feeling is nothing more than pattern recognition.) You can get a pretty good sense of a guy within a couple of instances.

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Musk was getting antisemitic vibes so Ben Shapiro took him to Israel to tour the 10/7 sites and learn what’s actually going on — contemporarily and historically. Musk then became proIsrael and aligned with Trump.

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If he's listening to Ben Shapiro on anything, no wonder his thinking is screwed up -- though it's more likely he's listening to a wide variety of wackos. And a lot of right-wingers in the US claim to be "pro-Israel" (because they wholeheartedly support the right-wing Netanyahu government, no matter how many awful things it does) and yet are still anti-Jewish (pushing tropes relating to globalism and Jewish control, etc.). The incoming IMPOTUS is one of these.

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https://azure.org.il/article.php?id=520&page=all. Not sure if that was linked to in this substack or another. But fairly illuminating regarding alleged “awful things.” It is a strange moment in history where Jews often find themselves aligned with white supremacists over the more clear and present danger of radical Islam.

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An interesting discussion. I find Avnery's arguments considerably more convincing. Also I notice that while Kasher frequently accuses Avnery of putting words in his mouth, he does the same thing to Avnery in multiple places, for example by absurdly accusing him of identifying with terrorists, or by saying that "according to Avnery, an investigation based solely on the testimonies of Palestinians in Gaza, and not on testimonies of soldiers and commanders, is unquestionably reliable", something which Avnery never said. Obviously, a thorough investigation would involve testimony from both sides. Regardless, at this point, there is more than enough evidence that Israeli forces have committed serious atrocities, far more than can be excused by "necessity" (e.g., extreme brutality towards prisoners, or double-tap attacks on people responding to emergencies). Both Hamas and the Israeli leadership have committed war crimes and should be held accountable.

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It would seem to me that any of the existing “guard rails“ around capitalism that have not already been badly damaged are now simply going to be removed. I believe that the excessive “cost cutting” to be brought on by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy in the coming years will end up digging the grave for American’s belief in capitalism as the best economic system going into the future.

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@Marc. Your worry is a real one. Adam Smith warned that an un-regulated business would become a monopoly, not because of capitalism itself, but because of the greed and conniving of the (in his time) men who run companies. Prophetic...

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We did not “push” Musk into the arms of Trump. His own failure to appreciate diversity and his failed personal relationships did. Like most far right fanatics, their own failures and insecurities are blamed on the world. For Musk, it’s worse - no one will tell him that he needs to grow up and that parenting requires effort, compromise and sacrifice. Easier to just blame an imaginary “mind virus” and then seek to change the world accordingly. All to avoid admitting he was wrong and needs to mature.

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This is corruption on par with Putin and his oligarchs. So much damage wrought before he even takes office.

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Explains why Russia is in meltdown interest rates 12% failing companies. Putin is threatening us with nukes, because he knows he will be taken to a cellar and have a bullet put in his head if he doesn't win.

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Musk explains how it's easy to steal an election. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV58O0USCaY

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Nov 23
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If you'd break it down, it would be more palatble.

I agree. But damn I want me one of them guitars!

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Recently, a reader from this or a different Substack, referencing public intellectual Sarah Kendzior, portrayed the conflation of factors that produced the 2024 election outcome as the culmination of a longstanding global effort not just to tear down democratic governments but also to crash the American economy so that the extremely rich and powerful, similar to corporate raiders, can break America up and sell off its parts. If accurate, what strategies exist for the determined millions planning the resistance?

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Good question. I believe that IS the plan.

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Very good points. One more to add is the fact that Elon is receiving all these govt contracts, but then colluding with Putin. With Starlink, he pulled it when the Ukrainians were about to use it during a critical offensive. If I had to guess, because Putin told him to deactivate it. Now we find out that Russians have gotten hold of Starlink to use on the battlefield. Why weren't his govt contracts removed once he publicly colluded with Putin? Before Musk bought the election for Trump, perhaps it may have happened,. Now that he's planning on being the shadow president, I guess that it will be swept under the carpet. I have been a Dem for nearly 50 years, but I must say that I am disheartened by the lack of action on the part of Dems. Why wasn't Garland fired when it was clear he wasn't doing

any investigations? Why haven't any Congress members been charged for the insurrection? Why weren't Secret Service agents fired once their cell phone data was cleaned? It seems that everyone gets second chances except for us, the voters. Which brings me to a very important question. Why on earth aren't the Dems doing an audit of swing state votes where the results are statistically suspicious? This is our best chance to circumvent this whole autocratic takeover. We know Trump is a cheater--he was the one telling us he didn't need our votes this election--so maybe his handlers told him they had a sophisticated way to win while avoiding automatic recounts? Musk tells us that hacking "is very easy," and there are reports from minions that he had the results of the election 4 hours before it was announced because he had an app that could count votes. We have Russian bomb threats targeting Democratic Counties and we just sweep that under the rug, too? Computer scientists and security experts write Duty to Warn letters and they're blown off by people that I have long admired on Twitter. Some Dems are floating the idea that senior Dems are working "behind the scenes" on an audit requests, but after Mueller failed, Garland failed, and Wray failed (btw, the last two have ties to the Federalist Society, and aside from claiming not to know there would be an insurrection on January 6th, Wray is the one who swept away 4,500 complaints against Kavanaugh by forwarding them to the White House without any investigation). And what about DeJoy? There are numerous reports about mail-in ballots not uploading and ballots going to the wrong counties. I have little hope that Harris/senior Dems are planning to do anything about a recount because they're afraid we'd sound like "deranged MAGA" conspiracy theorists. I don't care if we do. I do not want to see our democracy destroyed by fascists because Dems were too scared to hold people accountable. Someone on Twitter/X noted that Dems bring an eraser to a knife fight. Unfortunately, that is true. Perhaps you can tell I'm frustrated, but I think I have a lot of reasons to be that way. The "rule of law," which we claim to honor, is a laugh. The big fish get away; perhaps the rich are just too big to fail. I have voted for Harris since she was in the DA's office in SF. We would be lucky to have her as president and Walz as VP. Maybe Dems should do the recounts that voters DESERVE so that we can believe in election integrity again. Harris said that she would fight for us. Do it now. I believe the first state deadline to request an audit is North Carolina, which is this Friday. Thank you for bearing with me as I rant.

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ESY, because white collar crime with no accountability, decades long, including our Congress, has led us to this nasty, punishing, killing submission to HELL.

'They did not come to help the women, made back into chattel..'.. and then they came for YOU!

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Merrick Garland is not associated with the Federalist Society.

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Merrick Garland was a moderator for the Federalist Society before he was selected for AG by Biden. The Federalist Society lists him as a "contributor." A person listed as a contributor is someone who has spoken or participated in Federalist Society events, publications, and/or presentations. So, yes, Garland has ties to the Federalist Society. (Chris Wray is a member of the Federalist Society.)

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It is crystal clear that Trump intends to gut American Society. He didn’t make a secret of it in his election rhetoric. He is eviscerating the regulatory system which protects us from rapacious capitalism. He denies science that keeps us healthy by putting a brain wormed charlatan in charge of our health. He adores the foreign leader with a manifest hatred for the United States. He claimed he would protect American Women after his own convictions for sexual assault and compounds his contempt by putting a sexual predator in charge of the Justice system. He has deluded millions of Americans that their material lives will improve when it is obvious that the only ones who will benefit are a handful of people who already have too much money. The contradictions between reality and fantasy are escalating as they never have before in our politics. That’s what the guy in the Kremlin anticipates. All that remains to be seen is how he accomplished the greatest political deception in modern history.

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I could make a small fortune selling rumpus voodoo dolls and we all stick the pins at the appointed time.

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I'll be your first customer.

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I think we will also need a bonfire to dance around.

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You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.

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Oh I so hope you're right. These 2 specimens deserve each other, locked away for a VERY long time along with their henchmen. Wake up America...HOW did you even allow this grotesque thing to happen?

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Frankly, I was hoping that that Chump_pansy would not be elected and that would begin the downfall of MOron Muskrat. But it appears that it wil have to wait four more years, at the very least - if Democrats grow some balls and spine, by then. Let us see. 🤞, but holding my breath.

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Till death do them part.

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Preferably, both? 🤔.

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Who was in charge while all these contracts were given to Musk? Plus all these credits to buyers of his cars?

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Well, good question. I think (my knee-jerk response, without actually checking) is: It stared with George W. Bush and has continued and increased ever since. (BUt I do not know the "correct" answer to your question, offhand.)

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I never liked Musk. He takes all the credit for the persons who work for him and their ideas generation. I have never heard him publicly give credit to his loyal employees. I think it is dangerous for NASA to rely so heavily on Space X. There are other companies vying for contracts that are equally innovative. Is there a conflict of interest if Musk has an official role in government while his company has government contracts? Lastly, Trump and Musk are two seeds from the same pod with their misogynistic behaviour. I have no respect for either, because they lack integrity.

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