sorry-i haven't acquired a taste for yak milk-there was a great segment on '60 minutes' a few years ago about a woman who went to Mongolia and learned falconry-check it out-maybe your falcon can deliver the postcard
The HHS secretary nominee is big into Falconry. Perhaps he will have them flying into the courtyard at HHS or maybe FDA in Rockville, or even CDC in Atlanta.
Me & my pet yak by my yurt. Come and visit !!
sorry-i haven't acquired a taste for yak milk-there was a great segment on '60 minutes' a few years ago about a woman who went to Mongolia and learned falconry-check it out-maybe your falcon can deliver the postcard
I saw that segment !! Falconry is amazing. Aside from the daily dismal news, thanx for a little run of good cheer, Brooks.
the original-there was a repeat-was 6 yrs ago-can you believe it?
The HHS secretary nominee is big into Falconry. Perhaps he will have them flying into the courtyard at HHS or maybe FDA in Rockville, or even CDC in Atlanta.
Fun Fact
you've lightened and illuminated my day too-thanks
Credit to Professor Reich for this site so us like-minded ilk can gather & share some bright moments amid the Yikes stuff.
life is not always a bowl of cherries,nor is it always a vale of tears
And that is the secret how we shall prevail.
They can't break our spirits.
ever see 'Galaxy Quest'?great parody,great movie-'never surrender"
That's hysterical -- I have it in VHS. You also made me think of SpaceBalls !!
never saw 'spaceballs'-enlighten me
It's a Mel Brooks spoof of Star Wars
I LOVE Galaxy Quest! I've watched it at least 20 times! Alan Rickman is priceless. I will miss him forever.
great cast-tim allen,sigourney weaver,Rickman,the aliens-20 times?