Exactly right! 100% of media, save a small fraction of independent media, is OWNED AND WAAAH'D BY THE ALT RIGHT TRAITORS! (Remember well: The "January 6th Insurrection" occured BEFORE President Biden ended W Bush's asinine wars in The Middle East. Therefore, Bunkerboy committed HIGH TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. A crime punishable by DEATH in a sane world.)
Exactly right! 100% of media, save a small fraction of independent media, is OWNED AND WAAAH'D BY THE ALT RIGHT TRAITORS! (Remember well: The "January 6th Insurrection" occured BEFORE President Biden ended W Bush's asinine wars in The Middle East. Therefore, Bunkerboy committed HIGH TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. A crime punishable by DEATH in a sane world.)
Exactly right! 100% of media, save a small fraction of independent media, is OWNED AND WAAAH'D BY THE ALT RIGHT TRAITORS! (Remember well: The "January 6th Insurrection" occured BEFORE President Biden ended W Bush's asinine wars in The Middle East. Therefore, Bunkerboy committed HIGH TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. A crime punishable by DEATH in a sane world.)