Always! But I would like to know their basis for their opinion, rather than a declarative statement. That is all. No problem, at all. (I have been called a lot worse. ЁЯШБ.)
I do not know which post your referring to (unless you are referring to the "Huh?" comment in response to "F Reich" comment by someone), but that is okay; I can assure you that I try not to intentionally troll anyone, but it could be "miscontrued" as such. No problem! ЁЯЩП.
Ragpad ; you posted : "Frankly, Democrats frittered away all the capital (monetary and goodwill). They focused on the wrong things and pooh-poohed, antagonized, and marginalized many groups." I wondered which groups were "marginalized"? At this time Women are being marginalized by losing control over their own fertility, and/or being denied medical care if they are bleeding out or infected from having a miscarriage. That is a lot of our population ; of all races and creeds, may be more than half of the population being majorly marginalized in the cruelest ways. In fact ; Their laws ; made in ignorance and contempt of our Constitution, are actually killing women, 'right' now.
I absolutely, totally agree with you - 100%. You are preaching to the choir. Although I am a lifelong Independent, my wife and I did everything that we could possibly do - monetarily to the maximum extent ($6.600 to Biden/Harris/Walz - primary - general - and $3,300 to each candidate for several - and only - Democratic candidates across the country - not just PA, where I live) and canvassed door-to-door for Kamala Harris and Sen. Bob Casey and others in PA for about 45 days. Yet, those very voters voted for that Chump-Pansy. Why? My opinion is that they did not focus on refuting - more like pounding away at the lies that those Republicons were spewing like an uncapped gas-well. Look, you have to fight fire with fire, not just liniments. That is why I kept hammering (at the local PA Dem committee) to focus on that. Yet, they simply thought their positive spin on their "plan" would do the trick. Nope, sadly, it did not. This post is getting unwieldy; we can continue this, later, if you like. ЁЯШБ.
OMG I agree with you so intensely on this! Always determined to take the тАЬhigh roadтАЭ, (whatever that is!) and, in essence, failing the people that supported them. I did see a couple of negative ads, itтАЩs true, but nothing like the attack ads on Harris. And, yes, I *do* think we needed to go тАЬlowтАЭ, considering the stakes. тАЬGee, I gave my country up to fascists, but at least I fought clean,тАЭ is the New Democratic Party motto, IMHO.
Oh, man! Am I glad to see a kindred spirit.; I am heartened to see that a fellow Pennsylanian feels the same way that I do. (I live in Western PA, near Pittsburgh, in a suburb utterly dominated by Republicon numbskulls.) I am the kind of guy who starts of with great respect to everyone; but sadly, respect is a two-way street, and the other side - i. e., Republicons - does not seem to have even a semblance of that. I very strongly believe in "escalation" strategy. I do not take kindly to people who are swinging at me; I duck and counterpunch them so hard that they cannot even get back up to take a swing at me, again. I never start a fight, but I just finish it, for good.
People actually take my kindness for weakness, only to quickly learn that I mean business. This is exactly what I was imploring the PA Dems organization, with which I was working for the Democratic candidates, to do. I have also been asking PA Democrats - and Kamala Harris - to reach out the "unreachable" voters. They would not even do the door-to-door canvassing at the Republicon neighborhoods and homes. How can you expect to change their minds if they do not see/hear from you directly?
You cannot give up and move to a "liberal" state; you and I have to stay back and fight. Am I frustrated? Absolutely, yes, but I focus on what I can do next to "disable" that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's shenanigans - using his own playbook. (Unfortunately, I am not in anny position of power, or authority; I am just a voter - but a very mean and a "multitalented" one, if I may say so, myself.)
Will they circle their wagons and start shooting outside atthe bushwhackers, instead of being on a circular firing squad, shooting at each other - backstabbing and resort to incessant infighting? Will the Democrats ever learn, or will they stay "Dumbocrrats"? That is the question.
Ok ; there are reasons that I avoid some Democrat organizations. I am unenrolled in my state, and consider myself independent, although I mostly vote Democrat, because I never vote Republican, especially now.
I could not agree with you more. That is why I have been a lifelong Independent; and I have NOT voted for ANY Republicon since 2000. I have always voted Democrat since then. NO Republicon - ABSOLUTELY NOT NOW.
I think that Harris/Walz supported the Common Good, from workers to women to LGBTQIA to immigrants, and those in harm's way in war zones. from teachers to medical providers specializing in Ob /gyn care, to librarians and poll workers, and beyond.
Yes, absolutely! I donтАЩt think anyone could argue that point. But they didnтАЩt do a good enough job combatting Trump. I live in PA and am so disappointed with the efforts, here! Of course, IтАЩm also disgusted with my fellow Pennsylvanians, so much so that I canтАЩt wait to move to a more liberal state.
Oh, man! Am I glad to see a kindred spirit.; I am heartened to see that a fellow Pennsylanian feels the same way that I do. (I live in Western PA, near Pittsburgh, in a suburb utterly dominated by Republicon numbskulls.) I am the kind of guy who starts of with great respect to everyone; but sadly, respect is a two-way street, and the other side - i. e., Republicons - does not seem to have even a semblance of that. I very strongly believe in "escalation" strategy. I do not take kindly to people who are swinging at me; I duck and counterpunch them so hard that they cannot even get back up to take a swing at me, again. I never start a fight, but I just finish it, for good.
People actually take my kindness for weakness, only to quickly learn that I mean business. This is exactly what I was imploring the PA Dems organization, with which I was working for the Democratic candidates, to do. I have also been asking PA Democrats - and Kamala Harris - to reach out the "unreachable" voters. They would not even do the door-to-door canvassing at the Republicon neighborhoods and homes. How can you expect to change their minds if they do not see/hear from you directly?
You cannot give up and move to a "liberal" state; you and I have to stay back and fight. Am I frustrated? Absolutely, yes, but I focus on what I can do next to "disable" that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's shenanigans - using his own playbook. (Unfortunately, I am not in anny position of power, or authority; I am just a voter - but a very mean and a "multitalented" one, if I may say so, myself.)
Will they circle their wagons and start shooting outside atthe bushwhackers, instead of being on a circular firing squad, shooting at each other - backstabbing and resort to incessant infighting? Will the Democrats ever learn, or will they stay "Dumbocrrats"? That is the question.
Ragpad ; What did you post when clarifying "Many Groups"? It can be a challenge to find posts at times. especially when I am getting ready to get my right eye cataract surgery done this morning.
Thanks for your clarification. I submit the idea of putting self in other person's shoes. Surely there has never been a more "rock and hard place" situation than the set-in-stone American commitment to Israel and the American value against genocide. My own imagination humbly boggles. Biden seems to have attempted a "hail mary" rescue dock for Gaza that didn't work. Certainly, Harris made it clear that Trump's Muslim ban was part of what she was running against. Meanwhile, Trump is crystal clear he hates muslims, arabs, black men, et al.
Reply (1)
2 hrs ago
I agree with 99% of what yo have said, but we, as Americans, should unequivocally stand for doing the right thing. The right thing, in this specific instance, is to help eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah, but absolutely not help indiscrimninate killing of Palestinian civilians, especially children. We certainly should not continue to aid and abet the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians - and now, Lebanese civilians. Nut-and-yahoo and his ilk are acting, with total impunity, like Jewish Nazis. There no other way to describe what they are doing. We stood up for Jewish people and lost many of our fellow citizens - to prevent the continuation of the unconscionable Holocaust. I say this as a guy who does not have a "dog in the fight," for I am not a Christian, nor a Muslim, nor a Jew. (I was born and raised a Hindu, but have been an atheist for the last 40 years.)
You can't possibly think the Texas abortion ban is in the hands of the voters?! The ink was barely dry on the SCOTUS decision when the TX legislature (and others) passed their 6 wk bans with imaginary exceptions, and then started watching rape victims birthing tangible evidence of their exploitation; incesters' early pubescent prey finding themselves hidden from the world, scorned by their mothers, disfigured by the sins of their fathers, having to tell people the new baby in the family is their little "brother;" women miscarrying and being made to carry fetuses with no heartbeats until the fetus rots within their uteruses and make the women die of sepsis, because no judge felt that any of them reached the of exception the law allowed.
Excuse me, I am quite happy with where I live - I'm in Massachusetts - a state that respects and cares for its residents. A state that is in the top #5 in the country for education, healthcare, security, marriage longevity, and air and water protections, and we vote BLUE. I have been pregnant 5 times, 4 came to successful fruition. The other was a miscarriage at nearly 5 months (19 weeks). You do not have a vagina, so you have no idea of the the pain of that, but let me give you an idea. Imagine putting your balls in a vise and then having someone kick you in the stomach while they shove a rod up your ass, and you're getting close to what it feels like.
For the law to say a doctor can go to jail for helping you when you are in that kind of pain, and without the help, your body will be poisoned by the dying / dead fetus in you and you will die, is criminal.
I wasn't being overly dramatic, you just don't want to hear the realities of what happens. Here are some facts, and these are only from what is reported:
- 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under 18 experience sexual abuse or assault;
- 82% of all victims under 18 are female;
- Females ages 16-19 are 4X more likely than the general population to be
victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault;
- Among cases of child sexual abuse reported to law enforcement, 34% are
family members, 59% are acquaintances, only 7% are strangers;
- The effects of child sexual abuse can be long-lasting. As they get older, victims are:
- About 4X more likely to develop symptoms of drug abuse
- About 4X more likely to experience PTSD as adults
- About 3X more likely to experience a major depressive episode.
I never said it was simple, but that is why those difficult decisions should be made one by one by medical professionals and not by blanket fiats by judges or legislators with no knowledge of science or anatomy.
Women don't just decide at 8 months that they don't want a baby and a doctor doesn't just say, "okay, let's abort!"
Have you ever seen a baby born with Anencephaly (born missing large parts of their brain)? They are usually still born or survive only a few hours. You may think carrying that to term and birthing it dead or watching it die soon after is no big deal, but I can assure you, if a woman has that knowledge, she should be able to choose if she wants to put herself, her partner, her family and friends through that. Pregnancy is purely a medical issue and has nothing to do with law. Abortion was always a political issue. The evangelical leadership used it in the 70's and 80's to get a foothold in politics, and boy did they - they've taken over a party that used to respect the environment, stayed out of people's business, books and bedrooms, and wanted to live in a pay-as-you-go budget, and changed it into a pollute, baby, pollute environment, living the live version of 1984, and a 'who cares if our great-great grandchildren are in debt to China and Saudi Arabia (or whoever else is buying our debt, because we can't afford to buy anymore of it through the IOUs in our retirement accounts like social security that they've raided), I got a $300 check with trump's name on it.'
Where do you get your "facts?" I like facts sourced, thank you.
I can tell you as a woman who has taken friends to abortion clinics (3x) they were date rapes. This is how it goes: They did not report the rapes. These were guys they went to school with; he played on the football team or was in the school band with her; they went out on a couple of dates and when she said no he kept going. She feels like she didn't fight hard enough; she doesn't want to ruin his life; and she doesn't want to screw up her own, so it doesn't get reported. Do you know how many young men would have criminal records or be in prison for rape if date raped women reported every one? And if they're a young, white college guy, they would probably not get too much anyway, remember Brock Turner? So why would a young woman bother to report it?
Black women may be aborting more because they know the struggle they live. After nearly 160 years of being "free" and after another 60 years of having the law REQUIRE they be treated equally, they still experience overt and covert redlining in property purchases, lower salary offers for positions (about 1/2 of what a white man makes), greater chances of being killed for DWB - driving while black; maybe with all that against you, you can't afford to bring another mouth into the world.
Me? Okay, why am I a troll? I am sorry that you feel that way.
Ragpad--Opinions presented honestly and for the right reason are always welcome, regardless of their nature.
Always! But I would like to know their basis for their opinion, rather than a declarative statement. That is all. No problem, at all. (I have been called a lot worse. ЁЯШБ.)
I'm sorry I feel that way, too. It was something you posted.
I do not know which post your referring to (unless you are referring to the "Huh?" comment in response to "F Reich" comment by someone), but that is okay; I can assure you that I try not to intentionally troll anyone, but it could be "miscontrued" as such. No problem! ЁЯЩП.
Ragpad ; you posted : "Frankly, Democrats frittered away all the capital (monetary and goodwill). They focused on the wrong things and pooh-poohed, antagonized, and marginalized many groups." I wondered which groups were "marginalized"? At this time Women are being marginalized by losing control over their own fertility, and/or being denied medical care if they are bleeding out or infected from having a miscarriage. That is a lot of our population ; of all races and creeds, may be more than half of the population being majorly marginalized in the cruelest ways. In fact ; Their laws ; made in ignorance and contempt of our Constitution, are actually killing women, 'right' now.
I absolutely, totally agree with you - 100%. You are preaching to the choir. Although I am a lifelong Independent, my wife and I did everything that we could possibly do - monetarily to the maximum extent ($6.600 to Biden/Harris/Walz - primary - general - and $3,300 to each candidate for several - and only - Democratic candidates across the country - not just PA, where I live) and canvassed door-to-door for Kamala Harris and Sen. Bob Casey and others in PA for about 45 days. Yet, those very voters voted for that Chump-Pansy. Why? My opinion is that they did not focus on refuting - more like pounding away at the lies that those Republicons were spewing like an uncapped gas-well. Look, you have to fight fire with fire, not just liniments. That is why I kept hammering (at the local PA Dem committee) to focus on that. Yet, they simply thought their positive spin on their "plan" would do the trick. Nope, sadly, it did not. This post is getting unwieldy; we can continue this, later, if you like. ЁЯШБ.
OMG I agree with you so intensely on this! Always determined to take the тАЬhigh roadтАЭ, (whatever that is!) and, in essence, failing the people that supported them. I did see a couple of negative ads, itтАЩs true, but nothing like the attack ads on Harris. And, yes, I *do* think we needed to go тАЬlowтАЭ, considering the stakes. тАЬGee, I gave my country up to fascists, but at least I fought clean,тАЭ is the New Democratic Party motto, IMHO.
Sorry, I wrote this as a reply to your comment, but posted undera different post by you, below.ЁЯджтАНтЩВя╕П.
Oh, man! Am I glad to see a kindred spirit.; I am heartened to see that a fellow Pennsylanian feels the same way that I do. (I live in Western PA, near Pittsburgh, in a suburb utterly dominated by Republicon numbskulls.) I am the kind of guy who starts of with great respect to everyone; but sadly, respect is a two-way street, and the other side - i. e., Republicons - does not seem to have even a semblance of that. I very strongly believe in "escalation" strategy. I do not take kindly to people who are swinging at me; I duck and counterpunch them so hard that they cannot even get back up to take a swing at me, again. I never start a fight, but I just finish it, for good.
People actually take my kindness for weakness, only to quickly learn that I mean business. This is exactly what I was imploring the PA Dems organization, with which I was working for the Democratic candidates, to do. I have also been asking PA Democrats - and Kamala Harris - to reach out the "unreachable" voters. They would not even do the door-to-door canvassing at the Republicon neighborhoods and homes. How can you expect to change their minds if they do not see/hear from you directly?
You cannot give up and move to a "liberal" state; you and I have to stay back and fight. Am I frustrated? Absolutely, yes, but I focus on what I can do next to "disable" that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's shenanigans - using his own playbook. (Unfortunately, I am not in anny position of power, or authority; I am just a voter - but a very mean and a "multitalented" one, if I may say so, myself.)
Will they circle their wagons and start shooting outside atthe bushwhackers, instead of being on a circular firing squad, shooting at each other - backstabbing and resort to incessant infighting? Will the Democrats ever learn, or will they stay "Dumbocrrats"? That is the question.
Ok ; there are reasons that I avoid some Democrat organizations. I am unenrolled in my state, and consider myself independent, although I mostly vote Democrat, because I never vote Republican, especially now.
I could not agree with you more. That is why I have been a lifelong Independent; and I have NOT voted for ANY Republicon since 2000. I have always voted Democrat since then. NO Republicon - ABSOLUTELY NOT NOW.
Um... I am not sure that I follow you and I do not want to "assume" anything that you may not have meant. Could you please elaborate?
Whom do you mean by "her"? Kamala Harris? Sorry for still being confused. My apologies.
Oh, do you mean Rep. Jasmine Cockett? (I am not sure that I know who said that.)
Okay; thank you for clarifying. What is that you disagree with in this comment?
I think that Harris/Walz supported the Common Good, from workers to women to LGBTQIA to immigrants, and those in harm's way in war zones. from teachers to medical providers specializing in Ob /gyn care, to librarians and poll workers, and beyond.
Yes, absolutely! I donтАЩt think anyone could argue that point. But they didnтАЩt do a good enough job combatting Trump. I live in PA and am so disappointed with the efforts, here! Of course, IтАЩm also disgusted with my fellow Pennsylvanians, so much so that I canтАЩt wait to move to a more liberal state.
Oh, man! Am I glad to see a kindred spirit.; I am heartened to see that a fellow Pennsylanian feels the same way that I do. (I live in Western PA, near Pittsburgh, in a suburb utterly dominated by Republicon numbskulls.) I am the kind of guy who starts of with great respect to everyone; but sadly, respect is a two-way street, and the other side - i. e., Republicons - does not seem to have even a semblance of that. I very strongly believe in "escalation" strategy. I do not take kindly to people who are swinging at me; I duck and counterpunch them so hard that they cannot even get back up to take a swing at me, again. I never start a fight, but I just finish it, for good.
People actually take my kindness for weakness, only to quickly learn that I mean business. This is exactly what I was imploring the PA Dems organization, with which I was working for the Democratic candidates, to do. I have also been asking PA Democrats - and Kamala Harris - to reach out the "unreachable" voters. They would not even do the door-to-door canvassing at the Republicon neighborhoods and homes. How can you expect to change their minds if they do not see/hear from you directly?
You cannot give up and move to a "liberal" state; you and I have to stay back and fight. Am I frustrated? Absolutely, yes, but I focus on what I can do next to "disable" that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's shenanigans - using his own playbook. (Unfortunately, I am not in anny position of power, or authority; I am just a voter - but a very mean and a "multitalented" one, if I may say so, myself.)
Will they circle their wagons and start shooting outside atthe bushwhackers, instead of being on a circular firing squad, shooting at each other - backstabbing and resort to incessant infighting? Will the Democrats ever learn, or will they stay "Dumbocrrats"? That is the question.
FYI, I responded to another poster asking me to clarify which groups I meant by the "many groups."
Ragpad ; What did you post when clarifying "Many Groups"? It can be a challenge to find posts at times. especially when I am getting ready to get my right eye cataract surgery done this morning.
Good luck to you; I will find it and reply to you.
This is the thread that I was refrring to:
3 hrs ago
With respect: what groups?
Like (2)
Reply (1)
3 hrs ago
Muslim, Arabs, black men, et al.
Reply (1)
2 hrs ago
Thanks for your clarification. I submit the idea of putting self in other person's shoes. Surely there has never been a more "rock and hard place" situation than the set-in-stone American commitment to Israel and the American value against genocide. My own imagination humbly boggles. Biden seems to have attempted a "hail mary" rescue dock for Gaza that didn't work. Certainly, Harris made it clear that Trump's Muslim ban was part of what she was running against. Meanwhile, Trump is crystal clear he hates muslims, arabs, black men, et al.
Reply (1)
2 hrs ago
I agree with 99% of what yo have said, but we, as Americans, should unequivocally stand for doing the right thing. The right thing, in this specific instance, is to help eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah, but absolutely not help indiscrimninate killing of Palestinian civilians, especially children. We certainly should not continue to aid and abet the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians - and now, Lebanese civilians. Nut-and-yahoo and his ilk are acting, with total impunity, like Jewish Nazis. There no other way to describe what they are doing. We stood up for Jewish people and lost many of our fellow citizens - to prevent the continuation of the unconscionable Holocaust. I say this as a guy who does not have a "dog in the fight," for I am not a Christian, nor a Muslim, nor a Jew. (I was born and raised a Hindu, but have been an atheist for the last 40 years.)
You can't possibly think the Texas abortion ban is in the hands of the voters?! The ink was barely dry on the SCOTUS decision when the TX legislature (and others) passed their 6 wk bans with imaginary exceptions, and then started watching rape victims birthing tangible evidence of their exploitation; incesters' early pubescent prey finding themselves hidden from the world, scorned by their mothers, disfigured by the sins of their fathers, having to tell people the new baby in the family is their little "brother;" women miscarrying and being made to carry fetuses with no heartbeats until the fetus rots within their uteruses and make the women die of sepsis, because no judge felt that any of them reached the of exception the law allowed.
Excuse me, I am quite happy with where I live - I'm in Massachusetts - a state that respects and cares for its residents. A state that is in the top #5 in the country for education, healthcare, security, marriage longevity, and air and water protections, and we vote BLUE. I have been pregnant 5 times, 4 came to successful fruition. The other was a miscarriage at nearly 5 months (19 weeks). You do not have a vagina, so you have no idea of the the pain of that, but let me give you an idea. Imagine putting your balls in a vise and then having someone kick you in the stomach while they shove a rod up your ass, and you're getting close to what it feels like.
For the law to say a doctor can go to jail for helping you when you are in that kind of pain, and without the help, your body will be poisoned by the dying / dead fetus in you and you will die, is criminal.
I wasn't being overly dramatic, you just don't want to hear the realities of what happens. Here are some facts, and these are only from what is reported:
- 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under 18 experience sexual abuse or assault;
- 82% of all victims under 18 are female;
- Females ages 16-19 are 4X more likely than the general population to be
victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault;
- Among cases of child sexual abuse reported to law enforcement, 34% are
family members, 59% are acquaintances, only 7% are strangers;
- The effects of child sexual abuse can be long-lasting. As they get older, victims are:
- About 4X more likely to develop symptoms of drug abuse
- About 4X more likely to experience PTSD as adults
- About 3X more likely to experience a major depressive episode.
I never said it was simple, but that is why those difficult decisions should be made one by one by medical professionals and not by blanket fiats by judges or legislators with no knowledge of science or anatomy.
Women don't just decide at 8 months that they don't want a baby and a doctor doesn't just say, "okay, let's abort!"
Have you ever seen a baby born with Anencephaly (born missing large parts of their brain)? They are usually still born or survive only a few hours. You may think carrying that to term and birthing it dead or watching it die soon after is no big deal, but I can assure you, if a woman has that knowledge, she should be able to choose if she wants to put herself, her partner, her family and friends through that. Pregnancy is purely a medical issue and has nothing to do with law. Abortion was always a political issue. The evangelical leadership used it in the 70's and 80's to get a foothold in politics, and boy did they - they've taken over a party that used to respect the environment, stayed out of people's business, books and bedrooms, and wanted to live in a pay-as-you-go budget, and changed it into a pollute, baby, pollute environment, living the live version of 1984, and a 'who cares if our great-great grandchildren are in debt to China and Saudi Arabia (or whoever else is buying our debt, because we can't afford to buy anymore of it through the IOUs in our retirement accounts like social security that they've raided), I got a $300 check with trump's name on it.'
statistics source:
Where do you get your "facts?" I like facts sourced, thank you.
I can tell you as a woman who has taken friends to abortion clinics (3x) they were date rapes. This is how it goes: They did not report the rapes. These were guys they went to school with; he played on the football team or was in the school band with her; they went out on a couple of dates and when she said no he kept going. She feels like she didn't fight hard enough; she doesn't want to ruin his life; and she doesn't want to screw up her own, so it doesn't get reported. Do you know how many young men would have criminal records or be in prison for rape if date raped women reported every one? And if they're a young, white college guy, they would probably not get too much anyway, remember Brock Turner? So why would a young woman bother to report it?
Black women may be aborting more because they know the struggle they live. After nearly 160 years of being "free" and after another 60 years of having the law REQUIRE they be treated equally, they still experience overt and covert redlining in property purchases, lower salary offers for positions (about 1/2 of what a white man makes), greater chances of being killed for DWB - driving while black; maybe with all that against you, you can't afford to bring another mouth into the world.
I gotta go - I'm out.