You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.
@Anne Sutherland MD,
I agree with everything that you said, but for this: "Elon is a savvy businessman ..." This is what I said in one of my earlier posts:
You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.
Yes, on the funding
What do you mean by being specific about "funding"?