No President should be allowed to stack the Supreme Court. Talk about violating the balance of powers. If this has to be actually codified. It should. A president should be indictable. Too. NO pardoning criminals who have been his helpers in crime, either!
No President should be allowed to stack the Supreme Court. Talk about violating the balance of powers. If this has to be actually codified. It should. A president should be indictable. Too. NO pardoning criminals who have been his helpers in crime, either!
The Supreme Court should be a panel of 2x to 3x the number of judges required. with a balance of nominees. Justices for individual cases would be drawn by lottery.
No President should be allowed to stack the Supreme Court. Talk about violating the balance of powers. If this has to be actually codified. It should. A president should be indictable. Too. NO pardoning criminals who have been his helpers in crime, either!
Well said!💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
The Supreme Court should be a panel of 2x to 3x the number of judges required. with a balance of nominees. Justices for individual cases would be drawn by lottery.