Musk spent an estimated $175 MILLION to help Trump get elected and prevent that "f" from officially being installed on his name. He was thumbing his nose at the Justice Department as he offered a "million dollars a day" raffle for people to sign his petition saying they agreed with the first two amendments to the constitution (er: signin…
Musk spent an estimated $175 MILLION to help Trump get elected and prevent that "f" from officially being installed on his name. He was thumbing his nose at the Justice Department as he offered a "million dollars a day" raffle for people to sign his petition saying they agreed with the first two amendments to the constitution (er: signing up to pledge their vote for Trump). That, plus all his other legal problems went "poof" when Trump got "elected." Like two peas in a pod.
The top CBT (anxiety depression) scientist found that our thinking flaws are limited to ten. It seems we evolved to exaggerate threats. We may react to our exaggeration of threats by exaggerating power, from thumb sucking to "hero worship."
This may have enhanced our survival by bonding with our caregivers.
We surpass optimal nutrient intake of sugar salt and fat: another exaggeration of power.
I totally agree. Why is the goverment subsidising and supporting oligarghs. This has been happening for a very long time and it's too late to regret. We've literally brought this upon yourselves. Instead of electing Senators and House Representatives that are looking after the interests of Constitutents and country, we've elected people that are pocketing tax payers money and fattening their weath so much so we're the only country on this planet with an excess of billionaires whilst the poor are getting poorer. The education system has failed and is still keeping the rural population and the lower and middle class illiterrate. They have zero ability to think for themselves and hence turn to false prophets for consolation. Bernie Sanders and his followers were the only ones genuinely interested in helping to bring equality to this over the top capitalistic monopoly but he was considered an extremists of course by the billionaires and millionaires running the country for their own selfish benefits. Maybe it's time to accept dictatorship and learn a lesson or two. Sadly it's the poor and especially lower middle class that are going to bare the grunt of misfortunes. Ironically they will just bite their tongues and live in contentment of their plight like the poor and rural folks in Russia accepting their fate as long as they can put food on their table because they don't know any better. They turn to religeon for consolation and believe they'll be saved by just praying. They can't help themselves for being ignorant and easily manipulated to the whims of oligarghs.
It is never a time to accept dictatorship. Doing so admits defeat!
Most Americans dutifully pay their federal taxes, yet it seems we are kept in the dark as to where and how these vast sums are applied. The tax code itself is so Byzantine that only IRS accountants truly understand how it works. While it would be unlawful to withhold our taxes, we deserve a full accounting in plain English, not legalese, that breaks down how our government justifies awarding such enormous sums of money to ‘government contractors’ a.k.a oligarchs.
They do it because those oligarchs then owe them and will give them big donations, which helps line their own pockets. It's all about money, of course.
So, if it is true, it's still likely the DNC and dem leadership will walk away with their tails between their legs instead of following up. Even if it's a conspiracy, I'm all for giving trump back more than he dished out.
Well Lorraine, I see you have moved from Martha's Vineyard to Mexico. Was that after the bus from Texas arrived? Or was that after the election? Many Democrats have promised to leave but few keep their promises. Habla Espanol? Could I assume you kept your Vineyard estate for summer vacations? As for Democrats being so nice, give me a break. Do you watch the View? Joy Reid? Maybe you prefer Ragpad or the ever vitriolic Robert Reich.
You lectured me (see below, in case you have forgotten) on being respectful, blah, blah ... Here you are, you are not even attempting to show a semblance of doing what you intensely "preachify." I suppose that that comes with your brand of ersatz "conservatism"? I will bet that you only watch Fucks Noose, NooseMax, and get your daily dose of idiocy and stupidity from YouTube, Instagram, and that Moron Muskrat's NiTwitter. Shame on you, man!
And like your comrade Ragpad you resort to the vulgar for attention. I'm glad to hear you moved to Mexico three years ago. I trust this means you no longer vote in the USA. With luck many other progressives will do the same.
And we members of the "garbage" tribe are soon to be in charge. I look forward to the next four years.
A shitpot, is that what you keep on your Ragpad? Your potty humor is better left at home. Be silent if you can't be respectful. You are probably one of those who only talks to those of like mind such as Robert Reich. Many on the left applaud Biden for refusing to speak to Putin. How dumb is that? And the same people decry Trump for talking to Putin, Xi, and Kim calling Trump a puppet and the like. Openness and respect is the only way diplomacy can work. Refusal to show these characteristics leads to forever war. Maybe that is what you want.
I respect your opinion, to which you are certainly entiled; and likewise, I am entitled to mine. Let us keep that way; shall we? However, as I have repeatedly said elsewhere, respect - and diplomacy, of course - is a two-way street. If the other guy does not respect, or is not "diplomlatic," or keeps pounding you, just because you are fighting back, then you are dealing with nothing more than a bully, which is exactly your Orange Jesus is.
Frankly, you are needlessly denigrating Robert Reich, for what I said. Rather than telling me to "Be silent if can't be respectful,"you should first try to follow your own advice. The old adage, "First, seek to understand, then to be understood" still applies - especially to people like who have a very contemptible "holier-than-thou" attitude, such as yourself. Ultimately, if you do not like what we are saying, then you can always leave this forum and go somewhere that is more suited to your disposition. How about that, sir?
Lastly, despite your being seemingly well-educated, it appears that you are drunk on that Orange Kool-Aid that that Chump-Pansy uncontrollably leaks in his diaper; or terribly hung over on that Orange miasma that he seems to spew everywhere he goes.
OK, you like Robert Reich and dislike Trump. I do respect that opinion. It is shared by some in my family. In responding to Robert Reich's opinion and that of his followers, I as a conservative want you all to know there are people outside your silo who don't agree with you. I intend to continue tilting at your windmills. Especially now that Trump has been re-elected and with a better understanding of where the problems lie in our Federal government. We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl, winner take all game; and an unelected Bureaucracy which is largely composed of Democrats thinking they have all the answers. With luck and persistence, Trump will be able to slow the tyranny of regulations and restore our Republic (democracy living only at the State and local level), and FEDERALISM. Just don't tell Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL.
Please, have at it, @Bill Pound. You, I am afraid, have a closed mind and very parochial thoughts. I agree with you on this:
"We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl ..."
and nothing else that you have said. Further, I am not sure that anyone "tell[s] Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL." I certainly did not and will not.
As regards your statements, "... better understanding of where the problems lie ..." and "Trump will be able to slow the tyranny ..." Well, the Orange Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo only has look in the mirror (while combing over his nonexeistent hair ad infinitum) and start addressing those problems; but he has abundantly clearly proved that he is so incompetent that he cannot even comprehend anything other how to pathologically lie, cheat, con, and defraud.
@Rick Sender, While I agree that Democrats flubbed the election, I must beg to differ with you on almost everything else. I am afraid that you have drunk too much of that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's Kool-Aid. And your news sources are very likely Fucks Noose, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The US economy is where it is because that Orange Jesus's absolute disaster of "mishandling" the pandemic - and do not forget that his callousness, idiocy, and stupidity resulted in almost 1 million American deaths.
Perhaps, for you, sir. Not for me. NEVER WAS; and NEVER WILL BE. You are just a MAGAlomaniac (or is it MAGAt?) masquerading as a centrist, playing "both-siderism," at every turn.
Well, I am done responding to your spurious "alternate" facts.
Biden inherited a hot mess from Trump in Covid and in a totally failed economy that added more to the national debt than any president before him. Biden not only delivered the vaccine in a way that Trump never could have, he also brought the economy in for a soft landing after Trump had destroyed it.
There were 4000 people a day dying from COVID when Biden took office. Figuring out how to get the vaccines to all parts of America was an incredible feat. I was 73 at the time and among the first eligible and got mine in mid February. Suggesting the same (or more) people died during Biden's "watch" is disengenuous (or plain ignorant). When Trump took office there weren't ANY people dying from it (of course, the pandemic didn't arrive until his final year) and when it was his responsibilty to lead (and inform Americans of the truth) he failed miserably. And, Oh by the way, Trump will once again inherit an economy which is the envy of the world. Will he figure out a way to destroy it once again? Stay tuned. (Remember Trump's net "job growth" was MINUS three and a half MILLION!)
One million died because many oif them were extremely confused my messages delivered by the previous administration under Trump. Many ignored the advice to vaccinate themselves and take the necesary precautions especially delivered by the Biden administration. Don't forget their was an Insurrection and almost half the population were ignoring the advice of the Biden administration because they were still living under the illusion of a Trump presidency. America suffered the most losses and deaths not Africa, not Asia and not Europe. Now Trump has picked an anti vaccine advocate to be in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. I'm sorry I believe in Science and Medicine and they have been responsible for eradicating many extremely dangerous viruses and diseases on this planet with vaccines and anti-biotics and other scientific innovations. Once a a dangerous unknown virus enters a country you can't erradictae it completely and it stays potent for a long time although it's intensity and severity might ebb eventhough it can replicate itself. The Biden administration did it's best to curtail the further spread by encouraging people to vaccinate but there were many who were defiant and ignored the CDC. Even the CDC were taken by surprise and was unable to react fast enough because Trump had shut down many of the departments that were responsible for tracking viruses and diseases leading to the oubreak spreading profusely. It takes time to study and analyse unknown viruses before proper advice and precautions can be given to the public. I fully respect the efforts Dr. Fauci contributed to the best of his ability despite the little known facts about the virus at the early stages of it's outbreak. His precautions and warnings were based on the limited knowledge of the unknown virus. He could later give more substantial advice when scientists had done more research on the virus. The public mostly illiterate on science and medicine were in arms to blame him unjustly. This is why people should get educated when the country has half poorly educated citizens it's a fight against illiteracy. This is why Europeans are far more knowledgeable than many Americans. The education system is continuing to fail and that will be to the detrimental of the country. Trump is now appointing fools to run the department of education who is not going to do any good for the country. You accuse this man for denying Trump to be his President, do you know how many denied that Biden was their President and you had no problems with it. I call that hypocrisy. Good luck if you believe the country will be succesful under a dictatorship and those fools that he has appointed. I guess you don't follow world politics. Already most countries in the world are turning to China for leadership role because they do not believe in the America one policy and Trump is alienating his allies by befriending dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un. The country was respected and feared by Putin and American adversaries under President Biden but not anymore. Kamala was right when she said Putin will have Trump for his lunch.
You've failed to understand my comment. i do not follow you tube. I believe only in evidence and facts based statistics the are provied and researched by independent and in this case scientific bodies.
The youtube video uses info from the CDC and from a Johns Hopkins University infectious disease specialist. Furthermore, the main point the video makes is logical. COVID has been killing people during Biden's entire presidency--almost four times as long as it had to kill people under Trump, since it began towards the end of his presidency. So of course it has killed more people under Biden.
Why don't you name some of those policies of Trump that you like? Did you like his infrastructure bill? How about his wonderful health insurance plan? Or maybe you liked the way he downplayed Covid and made people think there was nothing to worry about? Not to mention that young men will now think that the way to get ahead in this country is to cheat and lie and sleep with porn stars while your wife is still nursing?
"It was not until May 15, 2020, months after the start of the Phase 1 study and the original design of the vaccine by Moderna, that the Trump administration announced Operation Warp Speed." Trump was a later comer with his warped speed. In fact, a foreigner developed the Moderna vaccine by the name of Moderna’s French-born CEO Stéphane Bancel. Phase 1 of the development of the vaccine started months before Warp -minded speed.
The big problem with trump's claim on unemployment those rates had been falling for long before Trump took office. Their declines don't appear to have picked up speed during his appearance either. There's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate. Hence no credit for falling rates. He just happened to be sitting in the chair at the time eating a cheese burger.
There is another decade before Medicare is in trouble. If Trump cuts taxes on its payout, it will do NOTHING for those in the lower income bracket of SS income as the law already says they do not pay taxes. below $25,000 annual income. If they are above $25,000 and no higher than $34,000, only 50% is taxable. You can minimize that through deductions.
You have more fables than Aesop. I do not know what Robert does not throw you out or hide your comments.
I did google such. All I and others found was he occupied the chair in the Oval Office chowing down on Cheese burgers and staining the carpet. Maybe" you" should list them all out for us.
Obviously you have a problem with numbers. If you look it up, you will see that Covid started at the beginning of 2020. I think the first official case was in February. That leaves one year for Covid under Trump. A year when the rate of infections just grew and grew, while Trump recommended injecting bleach. So even if your numbers are correct, Biden brought deaths down to near zero over 4 years.
And you like Trump's policies? I suppose his brutality on the border is one. Do you realize that for the first 3 years of Trump, illegals crossing the border were low as in the Bush and Obama years. But in the last Trump year they started the steep upward climb. The continued to climb in the first Biden year, and when Biden offered a bipartisan bill to control it, Trump killed the bill.
Or maybe you like the China and other Tariffs? I can understand that a tariff tends to decrease the trade of Chinese goods entering the US, and hopefully stimulates production in the US. But, trade is a very complicated set of agreements. And dumb ass Trump had and has no clue. China responded by opening production in Mexico and Canada. China responded by reducing precious metals for US companies. The entire international trade has been upset.
At least we don't support a lying, cheating, unethical con man, narcissist who led an insurrection. You want to go back to having a king? Go for it ,Hoss, but know that we who still value democracy will oppose you every step of the way.
Trump had guardrails in his first administration. People like General Kelly and General Mattis prevented him from carrying out his unconstitutional urges. Those people won't be around for this coming administration. BTW, General Kelly said that Trump fits the definition of a fascist. Or did you already know that?
Kelly, it's not the mrna that worries me, but rather the microchips that attach to and interface with neurons in the brain. elon's neuralink is just another delivery system for this insidious onslaught on our free wills. additionally, they can customized to deliver chemicals that turn genes on and off. So for example, we have genes that control for appetite, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and political leanings. It's all well documented and part of the government's biowarfare program. Imagine turning the proud boys into effeminate cross dressing advocates for social safety nets, easy pathways to citizenship, ratification of the ERA, and heavy taxation of billionaires and corporations.
This illegal "lottery" could have been the key basis for the election hack, as noted in Stephen Spoonamore's "Duty to Warn." All Musk asked for was name and address, which would have been key in the hack scenario outlined by Spoonamore. See the links in my other comment here.
Various sources confirm that a smallish percentage of Harris' current fundraising is being directed toward a recount effort, with a much larger percentage going to the DNC.
For the love of all that’s holy, the DNC should be giving Harris every dime it has for a recount! No effort should be spared to uncover the hacks that have been warned about. Do the Dems not care what a Drumpf Presidency will do to them? Or are they simply content to go along and get what they can from the trough?
Well, I donated to Harris five times and with the current outreach, I replied and said I would double the sum of all five if and only if she demanded a recount. I need more than a rumor at this point.
Musk's "lottery", which required applicants to submit their street address, but no contact information (like email or phone) may be complicit in election fraud, as the name and street address is what is required to fake-vote.
I agree Dem's messaging was/is terrible. People needed facts presented loudly and repeatedly. Presidents do not control inflation -- Big Ag and Big Business set the price, which for groceries is still 40%, higher than any other sector. And there should have been big signs on all the Intrastructure improvements, which have created jobs: "Joe did this!" Repubs esp. in Indiana are taking credit.
Trump and Musk both yearn to be autocrats and control us "little people." The creator of Project 2025 has been nominated for OMB Director. Read it closely, and check out JD's mentor, Curtis Yarvin.
Elon is a savvy businessman though I question his motives. Trump is not. He had Daddy's money yet bankrupted 3 casinos by stiffing his creditors and contractors.
You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.
A quibble, Anne: inflation numbers don't include food or fuel costs. That's why the claim can be made that inflation is low, even when prices are rising at the grocery store and the gas pump (and fortunately, gas prices are no longer rising in most areas). That's why there was a broad disconnect when the Dems applauded Biden’s inflation numbers.
Also, those who say the economy is great aren't taking into account that food prices skyrocketed over the last couple years and will never come down. That is, even if food and other prices don't go up another dime, they're still cripplingly high, while the average working person's wages have less buying power than they did 40 years ago, and many people haven't seen an increase in years. It's lived experience vs. what the Dems are saying. The Dems have to address that discrepancy if they expect to win elections.
Denise, the economy is much more than inflation. Unemployment has been very low under Biden. Wages are up. Job creation has been good. The GDP has been very good. Trade relations are good. The number of new manufacturing startups is very high. The stock market keeps hitting new highs and people have done well with their IRA's and 401k's. What did Trump do that makes you think he'd be better than Biden for the economy.? And please don't use the Covid excuse for Trump's miserable numbers, because Biden had to deal with that as well. In fact, the inflation that you bemoan has been a direct result of Covid and it affected every country in the world. Biden had nothing to do with that.
Exactly. These are the stories that the Media failed to cover for 4 years. Inflation when up under Trumps first two years- up from the 1.6% miracle that Obama achieved. Never heard a word about it.
The Pandemic blew the world economy up and Biden protected the US from the worst of it and started to rebuild manufacturing and the working class. The Media never covered the Pandemic Economic Recovery story- just repeated over and over the "inflation" story.
CNN gave no explanation- which left FOX with the opening to claiming that the moment the IRA was passed- the price of everything went up. Of all the thousands of hours of "expert" interviews on CNN no one talked about how that was baloney and the real cause for the price of eggs. To think that any Dem candidate could counter years of programing in a 3 month campaign is unrealistic.
Well put, Beck. Isn't it ironic that corporate media was responsible for both Trump victories and yet he calls them the enemy of the people? (Well, I guess that does make them the enemy of the people come to think of it.)
It was a choice between two dispicable candidates and parties - and they impact the world. Unfortunately, only Americans get to vote in these elections.
Musk spent an estimated $175 MILLION to help Trump get elected and prevent that "f" from officially being installed on his name. He was thumbing his nose at the Justice Department as he offered a "million dollars a day" raffle for people to sign his petition saying they agreed with the first two amendments to the constitution (er: signing up to pledge their vote for Trump). That, plus all his other legal problems went "poof" when Trump got "elected." Like two peas in a pod.
"Like two peas in a pod."
Are they more like two pieces of shit in a shitpot? 🤔.
Why did we give Elon too much power?
The top CBT (anxiety depression) scientist found that our thinking flaws are limited to ten. It seems we evolved to exaggerate threats. We may react to our exaggeration of threats by exaggerating power, from thumb sucking to "hero worship."
This may have enhanced our survival by bonding with our caregivers.
We surpass optimal nutrient intake of sugar salt and fat: another exaggeration of power.
Here is a famous therapy session for bad habits:
I totally agree. Why is the goverment subsidising and supporting oligarghs. This has been happening for a very long time and it's too late to regret. We've literally brought this upon yourselves. Instead of electing Senators and House Representatives that are looking after the interests of Constitutents and country, we've elected people that are pocketing tax payers money and fattening their weath so much so we're the only country on this planet with an excess of billionaires whilst the poor are getting poorer. The education system has failed and is still keeping the rural population and the lower and middle class illiterrate. They have zero ability to think for themselves and hence turn to false prophets for consolation. Bernie Sanders and his followers were the only ones genuinely interested in helping to bring equality to this over the top capitalistic monopoly but he was considered an extremists of course by the billionaires and millionaires running the country for their own selfish benefits. Maybe it's time to accept dictatorship and learn a lesson or two. Sadly it's the poor and especially lower middle class that are going to bare the grunt of misfortunes. Ironically they will just bite their tongues and live in contentment of their plight like the poor and rural folks in Russia accepting their fate as long as they can put food on their table because they don't know any better. They turn to religeon for consolation and believe they'll be saved by just praying. They can't help themselves for being ignorant and easily manipulated to the whims of oligarghs.
It is never a time to accept dictatorship. Doing so admits defeat!
Most Americans dutifully pay their federal taxes, yet it seems we are kept in the dark as to where and how these vast sums are applied. The tax code itself is so Byzantine that only IRS accountants truly understand how it works. While it would be unlawful to withhold our taxes, we deserve a full accounting in plain English, not legalese, that breaks down how our government justifies awarding such enormous sums of money to ‘government contractors’ a.k.a oligarchs.
Yes, Ilene! Well said!
Click bait.
Tell us who "they" are and their products and we will stop buying them. If you can't, then your statement is just bunch of fake news. GH
I agree except for the dictatorship part, Katy. Once we accept it, we're done. Period.
They do it because those oligarchs then owe them and will give them big donations, which helps line their own pockets. It's all about money, of course.
We are discussing the most egregious atrocity in the history of the United States with our election most likely hacked!
ACT! 🙋♀️
So, if it is true, it's still likely the DNC and dem leadership will walk away with their tails between their legs instead of following up. Even if it's a conspiracy, I'm all for giving trump back more than he dished out.
Except musk may have slightly more brain power than trump.
He might have a slight edge in brain power but he is only looking after his own interests not yours, mine or the country's.
ego has a way of diminishing brain power.
Well said !
Not sure about that.
Nope; not a chance!
Ragpad--Is that what you consider constructive dialog?
Your point is well-taken, but I am not sure that anything "constructive" works with that Orange Jesus Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo; does it?
Oh shut up. Democrats have to stop being so nice, it’s why we lose
Well Lorraine, I see you have moved from Martha's Vineyard to Mexico. Was that after the bus from Texas arrived? Or was that after the election? Many Democrats have promised to leave but few keep their promises. Habla Espanol? Could I assume you kept your Vineyard estate for summer vacations? As for Democrats being so nice, give me a break. Do you watch the View? Joy Reid? Maybe you prefer Ragpad or the ever vitriolic Robert Reich.
@Bill Pound,
You lectured me (see below, in case you have forgotten) on being respectful, blah, blah ... Here you are, you are not even attempting to show a semblance of doing what you intensely "preachify." I suppose that that comes with your brand of ersatz "conservatism"? I will bet that you only watch Fucks Noose, NooseMax, and get your daily dose of idiocy and stupidity from YouTube, Instagram, and that Moron Muskrat's NiTwitter. Shame on you, man!
Ragpad, He sounds like a stalker dude obsessed with Lorraine, creepy!
Oh fuck you. Ive lived in Mexico for three years. They’re fabulous kind people not like you you piece of garbage
And like your comrade Ragpad you resort to the vulgar for attention. I'm glad to hear you moved to Mexico three years ago. I trust this means you no longer vote in the USA. With luck many other progressives will do the same.
And we members of the "garbage" tribe are soon to be in charge. I look forward to the next four years.
2 turds in a pot...
Exactly, my friend! Massive ones, too, at it!
A shitpot, is that what you keep on your Ragpad? Your potty humor is better left at home. Be silent if you can't be respectful. You are probably one of those who only talks to those of like mind such as Robert Reich. Many on the left applaud Biden for refusing to speak to Putin. How dumb is that? And the same people decry Trump for talking to Putin, Xi, and Kim calling Trump a puppet and the like. Openness and respect is the only way diplomacy can work. Refusal to show these characteristics leads to forever war. Maybe that is what you want.
@Bill Pound,
I respect your opinion, to which you are certainly entiled; and likewise, I am entitled to mine. Let us keep that way; shall we? However, as I have repeatedly said elsewhere, respect - and diplomacy, of course - is a two-way street. If the other guy does not respect, or is not "diplomlatic," or keeps pounding you, just because you are fighting back, then you are dealing with nothing more than a bully, which is exactly your Orange Jesus is.
Frankly, you are needlessly denigrating Robert Reich, for what I said. Rather than telling me to "Be silent if can't be respectful,"you should first try to follow your own advice. The old adage, "First, seek to understand, then to be understood" still applies - especially to people like who have a very contemptible "holier-than-thou" attitude, such as yourself. Ultimately, if you do not like what we are saying, then you can always leave this forum and go somewhere that is more suited to your disposition. How about that, sir?
Lastly, despite your being seemingly well-educated, it appears that you are drunk on that Orange Kool-Aid that that Chump-Pansy uncontrollably leaks in his diaper; or terribly hung over on that Orange miasma that he seems to spew everywhere he goes.
Thank you, sir, for your pearls of wisdom.
OK, you like Robert Reich and dislike Trump. I do respect that opinion. It is shared by some in my family. In responding to Robert Reich's opinion and that of his followers, I as a conservative want you all to know there are people outside your silo who don't agree with you. I intend to continue tilting at your windmills. Especially now that Trump has been re-elected and with a better understanding of where the problems lie in our Federal government. We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl, winner take all game; and an unelected Bureaucracy which is largely composed of Democrats thinking they have all the answers. With luck and persistence, Trump will be able to slow the tyranny of regulations and restore our Republic (democracy living only at the State and local level), and FEDERALISM. Just don't tell Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL.
Please, have at it, @Bill Pound. You, I am afraid, have a closed mind and very parochial thoughts. I agree with you on this:
"We have a virtually useless gridlocked Congress with both sides viewing their responsibility as a Superbowl ..."
and nothing else that you have said. Further, I am not sure that anyone "tell[s] Americans they can't move from CA, IL, and NY to TX, TN, and FL." I certainly did not and will not.
As regards your statements, "... better understanding of where the problems lie ..." and "Trump will be able to slow the tyranny ..." Well, the Orange Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo only has look in the mirror (while combing over his nonexeistent hair ad infinitum) and start addressing those problems; but he has abundantly clearly proved that he is so incompetent that he cannot even comprehend anything other how to pathologically lie, cheat, con, and defraud.
Thank you very much.
Maybe you want to go down that road, hopefully more of us don’t. Thanks for your comments, comrade, let’s everyone know where you stand.
@Rick Sender, While I agree that Democrats flubbed the election, I must beg to differ with you on almost everything else. I am afraid that you have drunk too much of that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's Kool-Aid. And your news sources are very likely Fucks Noose, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The US economy is where it is because that Orange Jesus's absolute disaster of "mishandling" the pandemic - and do not forget that his callousness, idiocy, and stupidity resulted in almost 1 million American deaths.
"He is the President of the United States"
Perhaps, for you, sir. Not for me. NEVER WAS; and NEVER WILL BE. You are just a MAGAlomaniac (or is it MAGAt?) masquerading as a centrist, playing "both-siderism," at every turn.
Well, I am done responding to your spurious "alternate" facts.
Technically, @Ragpad is right. Trump won't be the President until January 20th.
Yes, indeed; that is also very true (although I did not consider that)!
Biden inherited a hot mess from Trump in Covid and in a totally failed economy that added more to the national debt than any president before him. Biden not only delivered the vaccine in a way that Trump never could have, he also brought the economy in for a soft landing after Trump had destroyed it.
This! 👆🏼 true and right on point.
There were 4000 people a day dying from COVID when Biden took office. Figuring out how to get the vaccines to all parts of America was an incredible feat. I was 73 at the time and among the first eligible and got mine in mid February. Suggesting the same (or more) people died during Biden's "watch" is disengenuous (or plain ignorant). When Trump took office there weren't ANY people dying from it (of course, the pandemic didn't arrive until his final year) and when it was his responsibilty to lead (and inform Americans of the truth) he failed miserably. And, Oh by the way, Trump will once again inherit an economy which is the envy of the world. Will he figure out a way to destroy it once again? Stay tuned. (Remember Trump's net "job growth" was MINUS three and a half MILLION!)
One million died because many oif them were extremely confused my messages delivered by the previous administration under Trump. Many ignored the advice to vaccinate themselves and take the necesary precautions especially delivered by the Biden administration. Don't forget their was an Insurrection and almost half the population were ignoring the advice of the Biden administration because they were still living under the illusion of a Trump presidency. America suffered the most losses and deaths not Africa, not Asia and not Europe. Now Trump has picked an anti vaccine advocate to be in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. I'm sorry I believe in Science and Medicine and they have been responsible for eradicating many extremely dangerous viruses and diseases on this planet with vaccines and anti-biotics and other scientific innovations. Once a a dangerous unknown virus enters a country you can't erradictae it completely and it stays potent for a long time although it's intensity and severity might ebb eventhough it can replicate itself. The Biden administration did it's best to curtail the further spread by encouraging people to vaccinate but there were many who were defiant and ignored the CDC. Even the CDC were taken by surprise and was unable to react fast enough because Trump had shut down many of the departments that were responsible for tracking viruses and diseases leading to the oubreak spreading profusely. It takes time to study and analyse unknown viruses before proper advice and precautions can be given to the public. I fully respect the efforts Dr. Fauci contributed to the best of his ability despite the little known facts about the virus at the early stages of it's outbreak. His precautions and warnings were based on the limited knowledge of the unknown virus. He could later give more substantial advice when scientists had done more research on the virus. The public mostly illiterate on science and medicine were in arms to blame him unjustly. This is why people should get educated when the country has half poorly educated citizens it's a fight against illiteracy. This is why Europeans are far more knowledgeable than many Americans. The education system is continuing to fail and that will be to the detrimental of the country. Trump is now appointing fools to run the department of education who is not going to do any good for the country. You accuse this man for denying Trump to be his President, do you know how many denied that Biden was their President and you had no problems with it. I call that hypocrisy. Good luck if you believe the country will be succesful under a dictatorship and those fools that he has appointed. I guess you don't follow world politics. Already most countries in the world are turning to China for leadership role because they do not believe in the America one policy and Trump is alienating his allies by befriending dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un. The country was respected and feared by Putin and American adversaries under President Biden but not anymore. Kamala was right when she said Putin will have Trump for his lunch.
It appears Rich the Sender went into hiding with his false tales.
Sender failed to put the data into context. Biden was president a lot longer than covid was around during the Trump admin.
You've failed to understand my comment. i do not follow you tube. I believe only in evidence and facts based statistics the are provied and researched by independent and in this case scientific bodies.
The youtube video uses info from the CDC and from a Johns Hopkins University infectious disease specialist. Furthermore, the main point the video makes is logical. COVID has been killing people during Biden's entire presidency--almost four times as long as it had to kill people under Trump, since it began towards the end of his presidency. So of course it has killed more people under Biden.
Rick, you are beyond help. Is it the money?
Covid weakens the immune system and then people catch other diseases.
Trump got himself vaccinate and advised others to do the same.Does that diminish him in your mind?
When your claims are put into context, you're wrong, Rick Sender.
Why don't you name some of those policies of Trump that you like? Did you like his infrastructure bill? How about his wonderful health insurance plan? Or maybe you liked the way he downplayed Covid and made people think there was nothing to worry about? Not to mention that young men will now think that the way to get ahead in this country is to cheat and lie and sleep with porn stars while your wife is still nursing?
"It was not until May 15, 2020, months after the start of the Phase 1 study and the original design of the vaccine by Moderna, that the Trump administration announced Operation Warp Speed." Trump was a later comer with his warped speed. In fact, a foreigner developed the Moderna vaccine by the name of Moderna’s French-born CEO Stéphane Bancel. Phase 1 of the development of the vaccine started months before Warp -minded speed.
The big problem with trump's claim on unemployment those rates had been falling for long before Trump took office. Their declines don't appear to have picked up speed during his appearance either. There's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate. Hence no credit for falling rates. He just happened to be sitting in the chair at the time eating a cheese burger.
There is another decade before Medicare is in trouble. If Trump cuts taxes on its payout, it will do NOTHING for those in the lower income bracket of SS income as the law already says they do not pay taxes. below $25,000 annual income. If they are above $25,000 and no higher than $34,000, only 50% is taxable. You can minimize that through deductions.
You have more fables than Aesop. I do not know what Robert does not throw you out or hide your comments.
I did google such. All I and others found was he occupied the chair in the Oval Office chowing down on Cheese burgers and staining the carpet. Maybe" you" should list them all out for us.
Obviously you have a problem with numbers. If you look it up, you will see that Covid started at the beginning of 2020. I think the first official case was in February. That leaves one year for Covid under Trump. A year when the rate of infections just grew and grew, while Trump recommended injecting bleach. So even if your numbers are correct, Biden brought deaths down to near zero over 4 years.
And you like Trump's policies? I suppose his brutality on the border is one. Do you realize that for the first 3 years of Trump, illegals crossing the border were low as in the Bush and Obama years. But in the last Trump year they started the steep upward climb. The continued to climb in the first Biden year, and when Biden offered a bipartisan bill to control it, Trump killed the bill.
Or maybe you like the China and other Tariffs? I can understand that a tariff tends to decrease the trade of Chinese goods entering the US, and hopefully stimulates production in the US. But, trade is a very complicated set of agreements. And dumb ass Trump had and has no clue. China responded by opening production in Mexico and Canada. China responded by reducing precious metals for US companies. The entire international trade has been upset.
Don't feed the troll with nonfacts. No discussion, just the facts sir.
At least we don't support a lying, cheating, unethical con man, narcissist who led an insurrection. You want to go back to having a king? Go for it ,Hoss, but know that we who still value democracy will oppose you every step of the way.
Trump had guardrails in his first administration. People like General Kelly and General Mattis prevented him from carrying out his unconstitutional urges. Those people won't be around for this coming administration. BTW, General Kelly said that Trump fits the definition of a fascist. Or did you already know that?
Beware. This may be a phishing expedition. Don't click on the link.
Come now! (I am trying to be polite!)
Kelly, it's not the mrna that worries me, but rather the microchips that attach to and interface with neurons in the brain. elon's neuralink is just another delivery system for this insidious onslaught on our free wills. additionally, they can customized to deliver chemicals that turn genes on and off. So for example, we have genes that control for appetite, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and political leanings. It's all well documented and part of the government's biowarfare program. Imagine turning the proud boys into effeminate cross dressing advocates for social safety nets, easy pathways to citizenship, ratification of the ERA, and heavy taxation of billionaires and corporations.
Do you work for this website?
*sigh* Yeah. Sure. Go eat your dirt.
This illegal "lottery" could have been the key basis for the election hack, as noted in Stephen Spoonamore's "Duty to Warn." All Musk asked for was name and address, which would have been key in the hack scenario outlined by Spoonamore. See the links in my other comment here.
If we ALL ACTED and called the WhiteHouse maybe they would do a hand recount in the swing states or at least Mi, WI, AZ, & NC.
Call the White House!
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
As noted by Spoonamore, the ONLY party that can request a recount is Harris. As he noted in his update, if she does not, this will bring shame to her and our system, assuming his analysis is correct.
Various sources confirm that a smallish percentage of Harris' current fundraising is being directed toward a recount effort, with a much larger percentage going to the DNC.
For the love of all that’s holy, the DNC should be giving Harris every dime it has for a recount! No effort should be spared to uncover the hacks that have been warned about. Do the Dems not care what a Drumpf Presidency will do to them? Or are they simply content to go along and get what they can from the trough?
Well, I donated to Harris five times and with the current outreach, I replied and said I would double the sum of all five if and only if she demanded a recount. I need more than a rumor at this point.
I've done the same, and urged folks on social media to follow suit.
Musk's "lottery", which required applicants to submit their street address, but no contact information (like email or phone) may be complicit in election fraud, as the name and street address is what is required to fake-vote.
Musk undermined our Democracy.
I’ve also heard Pam Bondi’s sister (also a lawyer) is working on a case for Elon… Pam being AG shouldn’t have anything to do with this, right???
I notified (email):
Emailing many journalists hoping to get this in the news
I agree Dem's messaging was/is terrible. People needed facts presented loudly and repeatedly. Presidents do not control inflation -- Big Ag and Big Business set the price, which for groceries is still 40%, higher than any other sector. And there should have been big signs on all the Intrastructure improvements, which have created jobs: "Joe did this!" Repubs esp. in Indiana are taking credit.
Trump and Musk both yearn to be autocrats and control us "little people." The creator of Project 2025 has been nominated for OMB Director. Read it closely, and check out JD's mentor, Curtis Yarvin.
Elon is a savvy businessman though I question his motives. Trump is not. He had Daddy's money yet bankrupted 3 casinos by stiffing his creditors and contractors.
Boycott Delta!!
@Anne Sutherland MD,
I agree with everything that you said, but for this: "Elon is a savvy businessman ..." This is what I said in one of my earlier posts:
You have hit the nail on its head. That Moron Muskrat knows nothing; he is just a consummate idiot - or a "prize idiot," as my dad would say. Anyone "in the know" knows that that guy is a just a fast-talking bullshitter and a liar - very likely a severely mentally-challenged nincompoop and numbskull- just like that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy. (I am one of the guys who actually work in and knows what is going on in those fields that he is supposedly a pioneer.) All the success that he has had are only though government subsidies and carbon-credits from other manufacturers and by poaching such entities as NASA and other aerspace manufacturers. But this will not last, for he is a terrible manager and a horrible businessman.
Yes, on the funding
What do you mean by being specific about "funding"?
A quibble, Anne: inflation numbers don't include food or fuel costs. That's why the claim can be made that inflation is low, even when prices are rising at the grocery store and the gas pump (and fortunately, gas prices are no longer rising in most areas). That's why there was a broad disconnect when the Dems applauded Biden’s inflation numbers.
Also, those who say the economy is great aren't taking into account that food prices skyrocketed over the last couple years and will never come down. That is, even if food and other prices don't go up another dime, they're still cripplingly high, while the average working person's wages have less buying power than they did 40 years ago, and many people haven't seen an increase in years. It's lived experience vs. what the Dems are saying. The Dems have to address that discrepancy if they expect to win elections.
Denise, the economy is much more than inflation. Unemployment has been very low under Biden. Wages are up. Job creation has been good. The GDP has been very good. Trade relations are good. The number of new manufacturing startups is very high. The stock market keeps hitting new highs and people have done well with their IRA's and 401k's. What did Trump do that makes you think he'd be better than Biden for the economy.? And please don't use the Covid excuse for Trump's miserable numbers, because Biden had to deal with that as well. In fact, the inflation that you bemoan has been a direct result of Covid and it affected every country in the world. Biden had nothing to do with that.
Exactly. These are the stories that the Media failed to cover for 4 years. Inflation when up under Trumps first two years- up from the 1.6% miracle that Obama achieved. Never heard a word about it.
The Pandemic blew the world economy up and Biden protected the US from the worst of it and started to rebuild manufacturing and the working class. The Media never covered the Pandemic Economic Recovery story- just repeated over and over the "inflation" story.
CNN gave no explanation- which left FOX with the opening to claiming that the moment the IRA was passed- the price of everything went up. Of all the thousands of hours of "expert" interviews on CNN no one talked about how that was baloney and the real cause for the price of eggs. To think that any Dem candidate could counter years of programing in a 3 month campaign is unrealistic.
Well put, Beck. Isn't it ironic that corporate media was responsible for both Trump victories and yet he calls them the enemy of the people? (Well, I guess that does make them the enemy of the people come to think of it.)
It was a choice between two dispicable candidates and parties - and they impact the world. Unfortunately, only Americans get to vote in these elections.