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"He is the President of the United States"

Perhaps, for you, sir. Not for me. NEVER WAS; and NEVER WILL BE. You are just a MAGAlomaniac (or is it MAGAt?) masquerading as a centrist, playing "both-siderism," at every turn.

Well, I am done responding to your spurious "alternate" facts.


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Technically, @Ragpad is right. Trump won't be the President until January 20th.

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Yes, indeed; that is also very true (although I did not consider that)!

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Biden inherited a hot mess from Trump in Covid and in a totally failed economy that added more to the national debt than any president before him. Biden not only delivered the vaccine in a way that Trump never could have, he also brought the economy in for a soft landing after Trump had destroyed it.

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This! 👆🏼 true and right on point.

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There were 4000 people a day dying from COVID when Biden took office. Figuring out how to get the vaccines to all parts of America was an incredible feat. I was 73 at the time and among the first eligible and got mine in mid February. Suggesting the same (or more) people died during Biden's "watch" is disengenuous (or plain ignorant). When Trump took office there weren't ANY people dying from it (of course, the pandemic didn't arrive until his final year) and when it was his responsibilty to lead (and inform Americans of the truth) he failed miserably. And, Oh by the way, Trump will once again inherit an economy which is the envy of the world. Will he figure out a way to destroy it once again? Stay tuned. (Remember Trump's net "job growth" was MINUS three and a half MILLION!)

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One million died because many oif them were extremely confused my messages delivered by the previous administration under Trump. Many ignored the advice to vaccinate themselves and take the necesary precautions especially delivered by the Biden administration. Don't forget their was an Insurrection and almost half the population were ignoring the advice of the Biden administration because they were still living under the illusion of a Trump presidency. America suffered the most losses and deaths not Africa, not Asia and not Europe. Now Trump has picked an anti vaccine advocate to be in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. I'm sorry I believe in Science and Medicine and they have been responsible for eradicating many extremely dangerous viruses and diseases on this planet with vaccines and anti-biotics and other scientific innovations. Once a a dangerous unknown virus enters a country you can't erradictae it completely and it stays potent for a long time although it's intensity and severity might ebb eventhough it can replicate itself. The Biden administration did it's best to curtail the further spread by encouraging people to vaccinate but there were many who were defiant and ignored the CDC. Even the CDC were taken by surprise and was unable to react fast enough because Trump had shut down many of the departments that were responsible for tracking viruses and diseases leading to the oubreak spreading profusely. It takes time to study and analyse unknown viruses before proper advice and precautions can be given to the public. I fully respect the efforts Dr. Fauci contributed to the best of his ability despite the little known facts about the virus at the early stages of it's outbreak. His precautions and warnings were based on the limited knowledge of the unknown virus. He could later give more substantial advice when scientists had done more research on the virus. The public mostly illiterate on science and medicine were in arms to blame him unjustly. This is why people should get educated when the country has half poorly educated citizens it's a fight against illiteracy. This is why Europeans are far more knowledgeable than many Americans. The education system is continuing to fail and that will be to the detrimental of the country. Trump is now appointing fools to run the department of education who is not going to do any good for the country. You accuse this man for denying Trump to be his President, do you know how many denied that Biden was their President and you had no problems with it. I call that hypocrisy. Good luck if you believe the country will be succesful under a dictatorship and those fools that he has appointed. I guess you don't follow world politics. Already most countries in the world are turning to China for leadership role because they do not believe in the America one policy and Trump is alienating his allies by befriending dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un. The country was respected and feared by Putin and American adversaries under President Biden but not anymore. Kamala was right when she said Putin will have Trump for his lunch.

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It appears Rich the Sender went into hiding with his false tales.

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Sender failed to put the data into context. Biden was president a lot longer than covid was around during the Trump admin.


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You've failed to understand my comment. i do not follow you tube. I believe only in evidence and facts based statistics the are provied and researched by independent and in this case scientific bodies.

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The youtube video uses info from the CDC and from a Johns Hopkins University infectious disease specialist. Furthermore, the main point the video makes is logical. COVID has been killing people during Biden's entire presidency--almost four times as long as it had to kill people under Trump, since it began towards the end of his presidency. So of course it has killed more people under Biden.

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Rick, you are beyond help. Is it the money?

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Covid weakens the immune system and then people catch other diseases.

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Trump got himself vaccinate and advised others to do the same.Does that diminish him in your mind?

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Every child needs help, and you probably did get lots of it. What do we do with children born to single parents? in dysfunctional, ignorant households? Can you acquire analytical tools if you don't go to school, or your school doesn't teach them?

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When your claims are put into context, you're wrong, Rick Sender.


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