We gotta have enough resistance that they don't collapse Social Security, disability benefits et al... Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving. They don't have the capabilities to reason and think thru the consequences...
We gotta have enough resistance that they don't collapse Social Security, disability benefits et al... Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving. They don't have the capabilities to reason and think thru the consequences...
Yes, Ann Richards was the real tough Texas woman that one can have as a role model - for both men and women. She could be caustic, witty, and blunt. (Her daughter, Cecile Richards, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Joe Biden ... just yesterday?) Oh, yes, she beat the crap out of that Clayton guy for governorship. I grew up in and was working back then down in Austin, Texas, but moved and did not get to actually experience her stewardship in Texas. (Now I live in Western PA.)
Why, thank you! I hate that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's (AKA The Diaper Don; The Orange Jesus Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo) guts. (I used to call him "Chumpanzee," but changed it to "Chump-Pansy" to reflect the addition of that Pansy Fancy Eyeliner Vancy to the ticket). He jumps from one topic to another so quickly that even a chimpanzee could not possibly brachiate from one branch to another that fast, and he is a chump masquerading as a smart guy - and hence the name chumpanzee and then, Chump-Pansy. Why Bonobo? They are atually very smart and social; in fact, too social, if you ask me. (Look them up and you will find fun facts about them on how they "greet" each other.)
He is not even a human being; hell, he is not even an amoeba; he is just nothing - well, okay; he is piece of shit. What shocks me is that "seemingly normal" people fall for that "thing's" Orange Kool-Aid Vape/Miasma. Shocks the crap out of me. Are they actually that stupid?!
A lot of greatness to unpack here: Cecile well-deserves President Biden's P.M.ofF., & I heard it here from you first -- some welcomed great news. BTW, both my great-grandmothers were strong-willed daughters of TX, pioneering into AZ.
I looked up Bonobos, Thank You for that info. Hey Everyone -- look up Bonobos & thank Ragpad later !!
All good names for the democracy destroying pieces of crap !! As an Indie screenwriter & hence vocab-lover, I hand you a nice trophy for labeling that POS with "miasma," well-done !!
We gotta have enough resistance that they don't collapse Social Security, disability benefits et al... Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving. They don't have the capabilities to reason and think thru the consequences...
100% agreed. Hopefully, the voters who voted for that Chum-Pansy ticket will see ill-effects of their follies in 2025.
"Still I wonder what the hell do they think is going to happen when such constituents are homeless and starving."
They simply do NOT care. THey were all born with a silver foot in their mouth (lie Ann Richards said at the DNC convention in 1991?).
Ann Richards was amazing -- back when Texas had some decent moments.
I like your "Chum-Pansy," great name for the idiot.
Yes, Ann Richards was the real tough Texas woman that one can have as a role model - for both men and women. She could be caustic, witty, and blunt. (Her daughter, Cecile Richards, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Joe Biden ... just yesterday?) Oh, yes, she beat the crap out of that Clayton guy for governorship. I grew up in and was working back then down in Austin, Texas, but moved and did not get to actually experience her stewardship in Texas. (Now I live in Western PA.)
Why, thank you! I hate that Orange-a-tan Bonobo Two-bitcon Chump-Pansy's (AKA The Diaper Don; The Orange Jesus Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lardo) guts. (I used to call him "Chumpanzee," but changed it to "Chump-Pansy" to reflect the addition of that Pansy Fancy Eyeliner Vancy to the ticket). He jumps from one topic to another so quickly that even a chimpanzee could not possibly brachiate from one branch to another that fast, and he is a chump masquerading as a smart guy - and hence the name chumpanzee and then, Chump-Pansy. Why Bonobo? They are atually very smart and social; in fact, too social, if you ask me. (Look them up and you will find fun facts about them on how they "greet" each other.)
He is not even a human being; hell, he is not even an amoeba; he is just nothing - well, okay; he is piece of shit. What shocks me is that "seemingly normal" people fall for that "thing's" Orange Kool-Aid Vape/Miasma. Shocks the crap out of me. Are they actually that stupid?!
A lot of greatness to unpack here: Cecile well-deserves President Biden's P.M.ofF., & I heard it here from you first -- some welcomed great news. BTW, both my great-grandmothers were strong-willed daughters of TX, pioneering into AZ.
I looked up Bonobos, Thank You for that info. Hey Everyone -- look up Bonobos & thank Ragpad later !!
All good names for the democracy destroying pieces of crap !! As an Indie screenwriter & hence vocab-lover, I hand you a nice trophy for labeling that POS with "miasma," well-done !!
Aw, you are too kind! ЁЯЩП.