This week may be a nadir for the Biden administration. After Krysten Sinema’s very public refusal to budge on the filibuster, voting rights legislation is stuck. Senate Democrats plan to go through the motions (due to a parliamentary maneuver, it will be the first time the Senate will actually debate voting rights) but the effort is doomed as long as the filibuster remains. Similarly, after Joe Manchin’s refusal to agree to Biden’s “Build Back Better” package, Biden’s social and climate measure is also stalled (last Friday was the first time since July that millions of American families with children didn’t receive a monthly child benefit; further payments are stymied).
Meanwhile, the Omicron variant continues to surge in most of the country, increasing public anxieties about the pandemic. Yet the Supreme Court rejected Biden’s vaccine-or-testing mandate for large employers. Inflation continues to accelerate due to supply bottlenecks — which are likely to worsen as China locks down to avoid Omicron — thereby eroding real (inflation-adjusted) wages.
To put it bluntly, Biden is in deep trouble. So is America.
How can Biden regain momentum? Here are ten steps he should take, starting this week:
Reach out to Murkowski, Collins, Romney, and any other possibly principled senate Republican, to gain support for any reasonable compromise on the filibuster (even a “talking filibuster” would be better than the current standoff).
Accompany this with a speech about how often the filibuster has been used to block popular legislation, especially over the last dozen years, why it’s fundamentally anti-democratic, and what it’s blocking now — voting rights and highly popular measures in “Build Back Better” (reducing prescription drug prices, universal pre-K, the addition of hearing and dental insurance to Medicare, subsidized childcare, the expanded child tax credit, paid leave, and measures to reduce climate change).
Urge Schumer to initiate separate votes on these popular measures. Let the public see how Republicans use the filibuster to stop them.
Urge Democrats to run next November against a Republican Party that refuses to get anything done for the working class.
Issue an executive order on drug pricing, such as requiring Medicare to obtain the lowest possible drug prices.
Issue an executive order to roll back Trump’s Medicaid work requirements and boost funding for groups helping people enroll in ACA plans.
Issue an executive order relieving former students of up to $10,000 of college loan debt owed the federal government.
As to Omicron, provide clear public health guidance around masking and testing. Explain when and where rapid tests and masks can be obtained free of charge.
Ask OSHA to immediately redraft its vaccine-or-testing mandate to focus on large employers with the highest incidence of COVID.
Meanwhile, remain upbeat but realistic. Remind the public of the economic successes so far — record job growth, new businesses forming at record rates, poverty below its pre-pandemic levels, the start of $1 trillion in infrastructure investments, the speed of your vaccination rollout, your stimulus package last spring that helped many who receive health insurance in individual marketplaces and offered enticements for states to expand Medicaid. Celebrate the recent victories of unionized workers and call for more and stronger unions. And reassure the public of your commitment to continue fighting for a democracy and an economy that works for everyone — against the resistance of the moneyed interests that have never done as well as they’re doing now.
What else do you think Biden and his administration should do now?
Holding a vote is not an empty gesture - I want it ON THE RECORD which Senators think it's okay to NOT support voter rights and voter protections.
Absolutely agree! Our 'public servants' should be accountable! One way or the other they will be fired if they don't do their jobs.
I agree with all of your suggestions, but I would add that Biden - and all the congressional democrats - need to engage the public much, much, much more, perhaps also with fireside chats, talking about the popular measures he is trying to pass and how they are being blocked, talking about the threat to democracy from state legislation destroying voting rights, talking about the past sacrifice of American activists to protect the vote - for example Biden could talk about your childhood friend who was murdered by the klan for trying to register voters in Mississippi. Biden needs to throw a bright light onto what is going on for the American people; the corporate press won't be able to ignore it because the speeches would be coming from the president. Then he needs to at least reach out to every Republican senator on the voting rights legislation and report back to the American people, especially the people from the senator's state, on how that effort went, whether the senator agreed to meet, and if they met, exactly what the senator's excuses were for refusing to support the voting rights bill. Who knows, maybe a few Republicans will actually see the light. Manchin and Sinema will not do this work for him - they have not reached out to anybody on the Republican side and neither of them cares, Romney admitted as much. Clearly the current approach has failed so it's past time to abandon it: Biden has to come out of hiding and really engage the people if he cares about democracy. But not just Biden, Harris and every member of Congress who supports the voting rights act needs to hit the air waves non-stop about the threat to democracy, and above all reach out to their Republican colleagues and try hard to persuade them. Today most congressional democrats simply vote, throw up their hands, and go home. We are at a crossroads in American history and politicians need to act like they actually care about it.
Agree. I don't know why Biden isn't doing more of this kind of "fireside chat" communication with the American people.
We are so in sync, you and I. This is in my latest communications about what to do: "Fireside Chats — Talking to the human family, uniting us and inspiring us." But that requires people who could do that. Like you. Maybe, Robert, have a contest. Tryouts for who can do this well. Anyone can try. I bet it could go viral: The Save the World Challenge...??? Do this with me?
I have a feeling, being 85 years old , that electing people with little stamina is a downfall of the United States, we need leaders who can meet stress of physical exposure to the public concerns on a face to face encounter, even the younger legistlaters shun this approach possible due to fear, or maybe it’s not demanded enough by the public
I agree. The Administration repeatedly fails from its inability to create and spread a compelling message. Even as they strive to do the very best for America and Americans - real help for real people - they falter in the message. The other side can spin landfill sludge and persuade way too many that it's gold. This Administration has gold to give, and can't even get that out, persuasively. Biden needs a better core team around him.
I’ve been feeling this way for a long time now.
AGREED! This current situation is COMPLETELY DIRE! COMMUNICATION is their GREATEST WEAPON! They have access to many media outlets, I don’t understand why it’s not happening with fervor.🤷🏽♀️
Right now, what the Democratic party needs most is a first class salesperson -- someone who will go on all the talk shows, news shows, and Sunday morning shows and explain to the American people what is in these bills that have been stalled in the senate, how they would benefit the average American, and what American citizens can do to help get them passed (ie, call your senator, write your senator, write letters to the editor of your local paper). It doesn't matter if you live in a blue, red or purple state, put pressure on your senator to get this legislation passed. Then this salesperson needs to brag about what has been accomplished since Biden took office, the general state of the American economy, and the bright future that we could have if we all pulled together. Explain the need for bipartisanship -- which means Republicans working with Democrats to find ways of compromising, as opposed to using the filibuster. Make it clear that Democrats are open to debate but that Republicans are using the filibuster to stymie even that. Democrats have never been good at taking control of the narrative -- it is past time they learned to do it.
Who might that salesperson be?
Let Transportation Sec'y, former candidate Mayor Pete, go on a huge national Infrastructure Tour, becoming everyone's favorite Local Mayor - a Santa Claus with a bag full of pothole, road & bridge improvements, recreation & sports complexes, high speed internet hook-ups, nutritious breakfasts, after-school daycares, and more!
... if only voters asked their legislators to allow it* to proceed. Make it so popular that any Senator (running in '22) or House Rep who doesn't get on board, might fear paying a price in November 2022.
(*or some version of a 50-vote Reconciliation package)
Remember: the Parliamentarian ruled the Dems could have 4 Reconciliation-eligible packages during Biden's first 2 years, but Manchin thinks he has the power to prevent this. Hammer every WV town with shovel- and hammer-ready projects, and JOBS, JOBS, JOBS that their Senator Grinch opposes
Linda's ideas echo my own. We need Biden to be present and to talk honestly and openly to the American people. The truth is always the right thing to say, never more than right now when there is so much deception and obfuscation, seemingly coming from one side but truthfully coming from many sides, most of them malevolent in intent. Some time back, long before the state primaries for the national election of 2020, I watched a video town-hall meeting with Bernie Sanders and an audience of prospective voters. At the meeting, a Trump supporter raised her hand and indicated that she was keenly opposed to anything the Democrats and particularly Bernie proposed; she threw out the label of "Socialist" at Bernie and declared that he was trying to take over the government and allow the government to enter our lives and make all the decisions regarding health care for us. When Bernie responded, he did not reproach or demean the woman or attack her in any way; he figured quite rightly that she had not read much of the health care debate and was totally unfamiliar with what he was proposing and fighting for. He calmly and respectfully outlined the past and present state of affairs with Obamacare (ACA) and what changes he proposed to make the situation better for average working people. That is: he acknowledged the views and opinions of the woman and then worked on explaining the pros and the cons (NB) of what he was proposing. After his response, the woman indicated that she intended to vote for Bernie Sanders as what he was proposing would better serve her needs and the needs of her family. What Bernie had done was make his views personal, not personal for him but personal for her. Bernie used the media to go to the people and that is precisely what Biden needs to do. Most people are exposed to a huge amount of opinion from media hosts, especially from right-wing hosts but also from the left. Most are not involved in politics on any level and a good many missed out on solid courses in history, government, civics, and ethics. They operate from self-interest alone, never realizing that that is precisely what the oligarchs running the country are doing. When ordinary people listen to Bernie, they see an elected official who is putting their concerns and interests at the top of his list and speaking plainly, cogently, and truthfully to them. What Biden needs to do is direct his attention and his comments to those who will benefit/suffer because of what he does. This should be sobering to think of but I don't believe BIden will get far by continuing to appease and coddle the right-wing into coming along when it is not in their own interests to do so. If BIden wants to emulate FDR (or Sanders, for that matter), he will have to take it to the people and count on their support. And his appeal will have to be as constant and urgent as the problems we are now facing.
That's what I've been wondering, too. It needs to be someone who has time enough to get as much exposure as possible -- which pretty much eliminates both Biden and Harris. Either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders could do a bang up job, but I wonder if they are too controversial -- especially Bernie, much as I love him. It doesn't have to be someone in the current administration -- might be better if it weren't. But whoever it is needs to be well-informed, charismatic, and persuasive. Frankly, I can't think of anyone who could do a better job than Robert Reich.
Linda, It may turn out that Warren and Sanders are mainstream, that is, if the American voters turn to the progressive agenda wholeheartedly. We have spent a good 40 years with the "me and my own self-interests--first crowd," surely it might be worth our country's future and prosperity (for all) to give the "we and a better world (for all)" approach a spin. Appealing to wealthy individuals for their largesse and support of democracy will not work if they are primarily concerned with their own self-interest; we have to go to those who are not motivated by division and self-interest but by concern of everyone in our society;. BIden is supposed to be there but he cannot fully commit to the democratic ideal if he wants to defer to the folks who currently own the country and operate it for their benefit.
Oh, I agree that's what we need -- a wholehearted progressive agenda. But if we are to put pressure on senators from Republican states to support voter protection laws, then we need to bring their Republican constituents onboard. Polls have shown that these bills are popular across the political spectrum; that reality is not reflected in the senate. While Republican voters might respond to exhortations from say, Robert Reich, they might balk at supporting Bernie Sanders. Many mistakenly believe that Sanders is one thin line away from being a communist and dismiss him out of hand. As for Biden being the salesperson -- a fireside chat format might work, but Biden often comes across as rather flat and vague. He can give a great speech -- I've heard him do it -- but he doesn't always deliver. There's also a problem with audience -- those who tune in to Biden's speeches are generally in the choir. The salesperson needs to go where the audience is -- even if it is on Fox News -- and needs to be able to handle hostile questions.
Again, I would suggest Hillary Clinton!
What about Hillary Clinton?
Yeah, it can't be someone who the Republicans have already demonized. And yet it need to be someone who is at least a semi-public person. Please! Someone step up out of the shadows!
Good question. Unfortunately, neither the POTUS nor the Vice-POTUS is an inspiring speaker. Jen Psaki would kill it!
When the VP is not reading from a "canned script", and not being bound by DNC norms, and her real personality comes through, she can be just as persuasive as either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Once she gets fired up and off script, she's great at calling out the BS.
The message may be there but her awkward self-conscious tone and mannerisms detract from her credibility. An eloquent speaker like Stacey Abrams would knock the same message out of the ballpark.
I've seen the same things, particularly when she's reading something scripted. Maybe I could say she's a great conversationalist?
Katie Porter comes to mind!!
Give us some ideas and maybe we can promote them. I'm almost in tears every day when I read your post and Heather Cox Richardson's letter. I've given money, I've sent messages to my congress people which is an exercise in futility in TN, no need to keep posting on FB because only the same 6 people respond and they are already on my side. It's beyond frustrating. I joined the local Democratic party organization, but they don't seem to be doing much either.
Lynnda, I live in a community that is probably quite different from yours but I would say that you might want to approach your neighbors and organize a friendly get-together of some kind, an occasion in which you discuss possible solutions to the problems in your own community. I would imagine that you would want to include everyone as long as they were willing to accept divergent views and wanted to help, not throw any dialog off course by arguing, etc. This sounds humble enough, maybe ineffectual, but, if you and one other person agree or if you are able to encourage someone else to "check it out" you will have done a great deal. I constantly contact my Representative in Congress but she happens to have a lot of seniority and is current serving on the Select Committee for January 6th; she was previously involved in the impeachment hearings so, what with her other work, she is quite busy. I would say that she does respond but, as you understand, I am not on top of her priorities--just now. Keep seeking out you rep and other reps. I have on occasion written to another rep in another state (someone also on the 1/ 6 committee) and he has replied. The fact that you are writing means that you deserve a response and should get one. I would also consider meeting with the head of the Democratic Party in your area and trying to get him/her to attend a town-hall meeting or perhaps organizing one. You have to be persistent as (if you are fortunate) your reps will be working full-time on proposals and policies and ideas for the country. I would say the place to start is your own neighborhood...that's how my street and neighborhood managed to hold meetings and get-togethers for everyone---fun times in which we aired our grievances, voiced our support for our chosen candidate, and (perhaps most importantly) got to know (and respect) each other.
I would forget the bipartisan junk. Republicans have. They consistently make this clear by their actions.
That is what Americans need to understand.
The salesperson should be someone people can actually respect and they know this person speaks truth even when others don’t want to hear it. Someone like Lieutenant Alexander Vindman, or maybe the former Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.
It doesn’t have to be these people per se, but people like them.
I think this is a great idea! I'm with RR. Who would that salesperson or representative be?
Prof. Reich, Momentarily, I’m going to propose you add expanding the High Court to your list, using data that stuck with me from one of your earlier newsletters. However, I start with a quick survey of a handful of recent High Court decisions, partly to affirm Justice Correspondent Elie Mystal’s portrayal of Chief Justice John Roberts as an “enemy of voting rights and racial equality.” In 2013, Roberts authored Shelby County v Holder, which eviscerated Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. In 2020, Roberts authored Rucho v Common Cause, wherein it was decided that particular gerrymandering disputes presented a political question beyond the realm of the Court. In 2021, Roberts provided the crucial vote in Brnovich v Democratic National Committee, which arguably eviscerated Section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Presently, we’re in an election year facing the likely absence of any meaningful federal voter protection safeguards that, otherwise, would have superseded the guaranteed onslaught of GOP voter suppression and election subversion measures, creating, in my view, obstacles around which no amount of organizing can compete. Setting aside that the fool posting this comment, nonetheless, will persist, I am deeply troubled by a seeming dismantling of federal safeguards and don’t imagine that this methodical evisceration by Republicans and the Court (ie The Federalist Society) ends here.
Shifting to my recollections of your newsletter from a while ago, I believe you had established a promising precedent for expanding the Court. My understanding is that in 1789 five Justices and one Chief Justice were seated, each of whom presided over one of the six Federal Circuit Courts. Today, because there are thirteen Federal Circuit Courts, over which only nine Justices presided, I imagine the High Court accepts fewer cases.
Though my knowledge here is extremely limited, I suspect invoking precedent both to expand the High Court and possibly add judges to the Lower Court is far more persuasive than basing one’s argument on the need to balance the Court.
I would welcome hearing from anyone on this thread about this painfully neglected issue by Democrats.
I stand by my earlier comments recommending that the Supreme Court be expanded in size. But that requires an act of Congress -- which brings us right back to the filibuster, because there's no way Republican senators will vote to expand the size of the high court.
Professor, Of course you’re right to prioritize workable initiatives that hopefully will incentivize the base. Still, with respect to the first half of my comment, I do wonder whether you, too, believe that the battle for federal voter protections, troubling as it is, is but one piece of a more widespread effort to dismantle federal safeguards.
Well said! I totally agree.
The arc of justice is long --- here is a weather prediction ---
When you strive for justice,
when you stand with the poor,
when you speak out for the care of the earth,
and forces descend against you,
remember: they are fueled by ignorance,
by fear and self-serving. These are small engines.
The spirit that empowers the work of justice
is as given as your breathing,
and as deep as all of our breathing together.
It is the breath of the whole earth.
It is of the very fabric of the universe,
and is gentle, strong and infinite.
Weather Report
expect gusts of divine energy,
with periods of deep calm.
Watch for large structures
to come apart.
Hopes high through the day. With eventual hope ----
Your list of suggestions are excellent and all would help move the ball forward. I'm glad you mentioned executive orders. A writer here mentioned it last week and a day or two later the new governor of Virginia issued 11 of them right after being sworn in for his governorship. Had them already on his desk after his swearing in. He didn't waste a nanosecond. One of his orders repealed vaccine mandates for all state workers and mask mandates in schools, public work places. He then declared, "Virginia is open for business again!" Glenn Youngkin is an equities, mergers and acquisitions business man, a history of some of the riches companies in America. Executive orders and elections have consequences. I have this suggestion, STOP VOTING FOR RICH REPUBLICAN BUSINESSMEN.
Mostly agree. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell keep calling the voting rights bill "a Democrat power grab." I would like Biden and Senate Democrats to repeatedly demand that they explain precisely what provisions in the bill make it a Democratic power grab, and explain how all those state voter suppression bills aren't Republican power grabs, until they get answers. U.S. House and Senate Republicans' votes against election fairness and integrity, and against freedom to vote, should definitely be used against them as campaign issues in this year's elections.
Also point out that the filibuster in its current form stifles speech and debate, exacerbates division, and prevents Congress from working to serve the American people.
With regard to # 4 and 10, Democrats have done much to improve the lives of most Americans, while Republicans have done almost nothing. Yet, instead of touting their successes, effectively criticizing Republicans for failing to do their job, and making the argument that they can do more if more Democrats are elected, Democrats always seem to be on the defensive. Why is this?
I agree. President Biden should not be allowing either McCarthy's or McConnell's "trash talk" to go on without a response. It's not like "water off a duck's back", these comments stick. He needs to call them out just like you've said.
Democrats are always playing defense because GOP and many pseudo-independent voters live in a right-wing media bubble, and never hear that Democrats have leadership, fielded an offensive team, or scored any goals. Sorry for the sports analogy, but voters love the successes of winning teams, and they don't see Democrats as winners. McConnell thinks he can win his Murkowski turf-battle vs #45 without giving Biden, Cheney or the House Jan.6 committee any support or credit.
I think your suggestions are excellent and will lead to expanded majorities in the midterms. For his first year in office, I think the Biden Administration has accomplished a lot and that in the next year we will get voter protections and BBB Legislation (much easier when Sinema is replaced by a real Democrat).
Agreed- a "real democrat" who can also win the general election. I am sick of Sinema being described as a "moderate democrat". She and Manchin are more aptly described as "head-scratchingly infuriating democrats", who are nonetheless better than all Republican senators at this point by my thinking.
It seems to me that President Biden should be listening to you instead of others around him. You make a good case against Democrats shooting themselves in the foot.
BBB should be used as a jobs-creation program that will become a gateway for creating a national public service program. By that I mean that every citizen will perform at least 2 years of public service either in federal or state programs that will focus on supporting/remediating the educational, environmental, agricultural, and/or public infrastructures of the country.
High School graduates should have the privilege of finding out how the country actually works in a hands-on sense before going on to college, assuming that is what they want. College grads should serve at least 3 years if they didn't serve before entering college. I was an Army Officer for 2 years following graduation: those years were eye-opening me and invaluable. I realized how very fortunate I was in many dimensions of life.
My mother's father was an indentured worker for 7 years and during that time, he learned English - spoken and written - saved money, and became an American citizen. What we MUST recognize is the fundamental role that Hispanic, Meso-, and South American workers perform in agriculture. These people must be included in the American economy.
The Federal government should legislate and oversee programs that provide education [parents and children], proper housing, medical, and nourishment for these essential workers. The horror stories of agricultural worker exploitation are too numerous to cite. Let's make them citizens instead of pariahs and simultaneously reinforce food security for the US.
GCC will create weather that is more unstable and less predictable in future, which has and will impact everyone. As a country, we must learn to work together, and a national service program would contribute to that end.
Yes! If we want a secure and securely democratic country for everyone, we must ensure that people living here receive decent housing and health care, fine education with a future in it and considerable attention to civics, government, and ethics, training for future employment, and an assurance that their efforts will be rewarded with a promising future for themselves and their children. As it now is, the corporate ceos, the owners of large concerns and corporate farms, the directors of educational and research institutions, the financial king-pins, determine everything and plan for the exploitation of all their workers. (Such workers are only now looking to unions to help level the playing field.) Divisions have intentionally been created along racial and economic lines, with the result that the ones at the top of every enterprise remain at the top and dependent on poorly compensated and socially disadvantaged to hang onto and increase their wealth. We need a federal government and a leader that will act in the interest of the underserved and those relegated to the bottom rungs in what should be an equalitarian society. And we need a leader not afraid to take bold measures to achieve bold and necessary ends.
Bravo; I strongly support everything you've said here.
Thanks, DMS. All the best ...
Frankly, I’m very suspicious of comments bashing Biden when we are in the crisis of our lifetime by the fascist turned Republican party! Biden rolled out massive vaccine program after the orange goof ball wasted time saying the pandemic was a hoax, confirmed at least 40 judges which is phenomenally and desperately needed to counteract the lock on lunatic judges, Reversed Trump executive orders, which were extensive, Rejoined the Paris agreement, after Trump damaged our reputation further by leaving it!, Revoked permits for Keystone XL pipeline, xpanded Medicaid, got us out of a 20 year war!, 1.9 trillion dollars went to the Rescue Plan, gave extra unemployment benefits, food stamps during major unemployment during this crisis, Allocated $1.2TRILLION infrastructure package for roads, bridges, ports etc, has THE MOST DIVERSE admin in US history, added more jobs to economy in one year than Orange lunatic fid in 4!!!
Trump: DID NOT bring back jobs from China as promised
Did NOT lower health care costs as promised
Gave $2 TRILLION in tax cuts to uber wealthy only!
Allowed coal miners to go back to polluting waterways.
For those whining that Biden isn’t doing enough, we all want more action. But if Biden bashing is something you feel a need to do right now, you are a fool or a troll.
Constructive criticism shouldn’t be considered bashing
I don’t see the constructive part of your criticism. Of course constructive criticism is fine, but I’m saying we have way bigger things to criticize and do something about. What are your solutions, other than saying we need to be more aggressive. Exactly by doing what?
Look at the facts
What is truly constructive that you offer? Specifically. We don't have time to waste.
You tell ‘em, Seeking!
I don't see it as Biden bashing at all. I sense most Americans are concerned he will be a one-term President, and they wish to be heard.
art ; with all due respect, the media is doing a thorough job of saying he will be defeated. We don't have time nor is it good strategy to join the chorus! All hands on deck! We are like a man with is hands tied behind his back, trying to fight a pack of bullies. Which side are you really on?
Just to be clear about the media- I didn't vote for the media.
art; You did vote for Biden. Please see my recent comment on your comment made 5 hours ago, above.
With all do respect? Which side am I really on, you asked... Puhleeeeeze
How long has Biden been in D.C.? 40 or so years?
art ; what does that have to do with my comment? He can't change the fact that he has been in D.C. 40 or so years. Nor can we. He is our President for now and the only one we have.
I understand that. I voted for him.
He knows how the system works is my point.
Exactly. And he knows how treacherous people can be, not only in other countries, but here in America. He has witnessed assassinations, and knows how messy Democracy can be.
Based on what? If you want to criticize, provide some answer#.
You sound like you wish to be argumentative. We basically agree. Let’s let it go at that. Biden responding to January 6th 14 months later is pathetic. His approach in my opinion was very weak
Ed Shook ; Biden's A.G. and Justice Department are doing their job. Because it is an investigation, he has not been at liberty to talk about it. They are making progress that could turn things around for the country.
Ed shook ; Biden is the only President we have at the moment, and possibly we won't get to vote another Democrat in again ever! If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!
I totally agree. We have to pray and hope for the best. I don’t believe he can save us without more support from the American people. They are the real problem
It is good to support him in every way we can, and support each other, when we can. We have a very messed up Democracy, trying to form a more perfect union. And it 'ain't easy'!
How is what I posted above criticism? Because people wish to be heard? I voted for Biden, fully understanding that he could be a one-term president. I'd term that acceptance, not criticism. A change was in order.
What I can't figure out is where Biden wants us to go.
I'm sure his Justice Department and A.G. are starting to move. As has been stated earlier, he is not all powerful, and must work with what he has.
The most powerful man in the world they say. Republicans are running the country. It’s not worth arguing because to me it’s rhetorical and obvious that he has not done anything that he should be doing in terms of dealing with fascism. When he was elected he should’ve been very assertive and informed the American people we are under attack and we must prepare for Civil War and save our democracy
I wonder what Civil War would look like?
Were you absent without leave during Trump's campaign, and administration?
Since tRump has never stopped campaigning things look pretty much have not changed as far as I can see. He is still a lying conniving cheat and hater of the American people in all their diversity, and a hater of true freedom and Democracy. War, whether 'civil' or not would look a lot worse, unless it is waged without blood.
What makes you think I don't understand that?
art ; asking me if I was 'absent without leave'.
Clearly, Merrick Garland has done his homework. There are people in jail awaiting trial.
Yes. It's encouraging. I hope it is the beginning of the end of at least some of the corruption, and the beginning of better things.
Thank you, Prof. Reich, for the lift. Your resilience is inspiring.
President Biden has built a great team. Turn the Cabinet loose. Get them speaking out from where they stand to stir the passion of the American people.
Biden's agenda isn't too ambitious; it's not ambitious enough. He needs to feed on the needs of the people and the planet, feed on the passion of his Cabinet and those in Congress whose fingers are on the pulse of the nation to build and communicate Rooseveltian vision, offering idea after idea after idea. Clearly sounded, the people around him, with him, will collectively leave voters with the thought "if only we could get true control of Congress, look what we can do."
We can still do much. This nadir we're in may yet be a solid launching pad.
I love that! "If only we could get true control of Congress, look what we can do." What I haven't seen from President Biden though is any ideas on how to or how we help him to get that done. His institutionalist leanings seem to keep him stuck in the past, and not looking forward, seeming to forget that many of these institutions along with the Constitution are still flawed, that they were originally put in were put in place to protect slavery, property and the wealthy.
For President Biden, maybe a change in mindset may be needed, particularly in getting his message out. For my purposes here, I am going to assume that the President has always been and is still fully committed to the progressive agenda that he laid out at the beginning of his administration (but sometimes what appears to be his passivity in responding to the ongoing obstruction to this agenda makes me wonder how strong that commitment really is). What I'm talking about, and it's been mentioned or alluded to in some of today's comments, is responding directly to those public statements and concerns given by the opposition. I'm particularly thinking about Senators Manchin and Sinema here, but it would also apply to others like Senator McConnell and Rep McCarthy. When, for example, Sinema says she won't support in any way changing the filibuster, because in her words “I will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country”, he should not let that stand, but needs to respond directly as to why it isn't true or just plain misleading. Basically, he needs to call her out! Don't let these things slide! Of course, I understand that Presidents don't do these sorts of things traditionally, or it's not proper etiquette, or it's beneath the President to respond or comment, but we're way past that in this country now. Joe seems too often mired in tradition and institutionalism. Now seems like the time a direct approach is needed. Call them all out and take the debate public. I think we're at that point now. These representatives certainly do not hesitate in calling the President out, or if at least not directly, his agenda and policies. Maybe call out those Fox News personalities too, maybe even invite them to the White House to share a sippy cup!
I do not think Biden is "committed" to a progressive agenda. If Bernie & AOL could have sold it to America, then he would've supported it. Sen. Murray & Rep. Jayamal wouldn't even accept Manchin's support for a weak Build Back Better.
It's way beyond time for Biden to declare that he felt he was elected to seek bipartisanship, he tried well-beyond what most of his party wanted & was spurned, and it's time to act.
...Anything short of that makes him just another President from PA with the initials J.B., sitting in the White House while a large portion of the electorate want a Civil War over the issue of Abo##tion. Then it was ##=LI, now it's ##=R
I do believe that BIden has asserted that he plans to model his presidency on that of FDR who decided that the purpose of government was to serve the public and use the resources of the government to improve the lives of everyday working people. That is: FDR was a progressive in a time of crisis and he decided to focus on the needs of citizens instead of the whims of the wealthy. It is my understanding that Biden expressed a desire to emulate FDR who was perhaps the most progressive president we have had. (FDR was a man of immense wealth who was influenced by his Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins (first woman Cabinet Secretary) and by his wife Eleanor Roosevelt who was connected to the same wealthy family. The Roosevelts were both unlikely progressives but they both saw the situation for what it was and dealt with it head-on. It is also true that FDR downplayed his own infirmity and ill-health for the media but not when it came to dealing personally with polio victims at the camp he established for them.) What people need to understand now is that the wealthy will thrive no matter what happens to working-class individuals. During his very first debate with Hillary Clinton in 2016, Trump boasted that he had always finagled his way out of paying what he owed in taxes, that is, he confessed to a crime (tax evasion) before a tv audience. If things had been right with the world, the Republicans would have risen out of their stupor, the public would have decried the prospect of electing a self-confessed criminal, and that would have been the last we all heard of Trump except for news from the courtroom. Instead, we got to see what happens when things really run amok and no one stops the running. The American working class will once again foot the bill.
Biden's Inaugural Address theme was a national call for Unity
I do not expect that Biden will succeed in that goal if he is trying to unite people as polarized as we are turning out to be. He can keep trying to tie staunch conservatives to just as staunch liberals and he will fail. If, however, he decides to address the needs of the middle and lower-income people and to stress adherence to rule of law and justice for all plus honesty (the whole and unvarnished truth communicated directly to the public), he may come ahead a bit. Trying to appease the unwavering on the other side of the divide will not work. Trying to unite people that the former president aimed to divide (and conquer) might bring us further on. I do not have much hope left and I do not know what will happen in the future but I also think that trying to work with people who will have none of that will not bring us forward.
Of course he won't succeed in uniting anyone, even if he gets provoked into a war over Ukraine or Taiwan (which I hope doesn't happen). I was just trying to say he seems more on the record for seeking bipartisanship than for leading boldly, like FDR. Now, unless he does something drastically different, he's too weak and toxic for anyone (Murkowski, Collins, Romney or even anyone retiring) to want to help him. In fact, the weaker he seems domestically, the more likely Putin & Xi will test him. (Elsewhere, I posted he should get Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan to teach him to be a pack leader)
Thank you Mr. Tedford. I think many of us expect the president to step up to the plate and try to hit the ball. I did not have such expectations but I had hoped that the gravity of our situation might inspire Biden to more than faint words of protest. But from the start, I feared that Biden would try to "get along" with the opposition as that seems to be what he has done in the past and to this point. If he persists in this direction, he will fail to achieve any of his objectives and he will imply that it doesn't really matter to him if he accomplishes his (our?) goals. There are, however, people counting on him to make a difference in their lives, to break the chain of lies and speak the truth to power (aren't we supposed to be the power?). If he continues to try to appease or reconcile with the opposition, the opposition will carry the day, he will escape any negative feedback, and the American voters will pick up another tab. Is that what he wants? Failure to lead paid for by the long-suffering American public? We lament the fact that the former president refused to accept responsibility for his actions (or neglect) and his decisions. Are we going to go through that again with another leader more concerned with his own position and power than with doing what he promised to do?
I completely endorse this approach. I only have one caveat. Look at the front page of the Bezos owned Washington Post. Look at the photo of MLKs descendants marching in Washington for voting rights. There should have been a million people there. Every reform requires a mass movement in order to happen. That is what we are lacking and need now to support Robert’s leadership proposal.
On the same front page is another article. That article focuses on how the Biden agenda was too ambitious. You should just accept the billionaires taking over, your grandchildren should accept global warming and it is really too ambitious to change the status quo. It’s right there in black and white. I call it how to accept the slide into fascism.
But don’t be fooled by that approach. The centrists will be replaced in the Fall by right wing Republicans in the elections. The progressives will pick off a few more Republocrats and the Party will be where is was after 1968 and 1972—waiting for a new generation of politicians. Unfortunately time is running out on the American century. Global warming doesn’t care who is in office.
I agree
Did you see Elizabeth Warren on Colbert last night? Now that’s the kind of rationale and fire and fury the democrats need to show America…that there ARE ways to accomplish the goals
for majority of Americans, now squelched by the minority of fake Republican! There are ways to get things done; but I fear most Democrats - in government and in general - are failing to rise to the seriousness of the occasion: the life or death of our democracy. With the obstruction and demise of voting rights, what is America but a sham for wealthy whites fearful of who the citizens of our marvelous country really are! SHAME on Republicans for showing no integrity and still enmeshed in the Civil War, SHAME on Democrats for fighting a forest fire with a garden hose, SHAME on so many of us who aren’t infuriated enough to get
actively involved…as we sit glued to our cell phones as the world burns…
And I agree: Biden looks weak because he does not implement Presidential Orders as you stated. Time to step up and be aggressive, not watch us go down…
Sue ; I feel your fury and frustration! Our Democracy is tied in knots after years of incremental changes made by the wealthy and unethical. From the filibuster to the Senate rules to the stacked 'Supreme Court' to the present attempt by the Republican party,(controlled by a twice impeached and 'investigated' charlatan, directing an attempt to make himself King of the Universe, complete with his own intergalactic 'Death Star')!
I agree. He could also still hold rallies with unions in Virginia and Arizona to publicly shame Manchin and Sinema, and twist their arms a lot harder. He should have done that a long time ago.
He’s too weak. Republicans will reinstate trump after they steal midterms. Aggressive people need to be stopped and voting them out ain’t happening in the real world
Very practical and reasonable approach to trimming the broad range of progressive policy initiatives into bite-sized, digestible pieces. Especially love the idea to force Republicans into explaining (vocally filibustering) their specific opposition to unique popular policies. Force them into actual governance rather than obstinacy.
Biden has been much too slow in waking up to the need to get rid of , or at least to alter the filibuster to get meaningful voting rights legislation through. I agree with all points in your plan. I would add to #4; primary Manchin and Sinema and other DINOs. I would add to #10; try to strengthen alliances with two unions in West Virginia that represent coal workers and have come out in favor of Build Back Better.
Good list of recommendations.
The dems have not been forceful enough pointing out the party of "no". This is making voters blame them for nothing getting done, even though it is squarely on the "R"s.
I agree with the need to:
"Urge Schumer to initiate separate votes on these popular measures. Let the public see how Republicans use the filibuster to stop them."
People are a little slow, but forcing individual Republicans to go on record against popular items is a winner.
I also agree that we need some real salespeople.
Very good ideas for the President and democrats to follow. More needs to be done by liberals to point out positive things that are happening and point out where conservatives vote against their constituents.
John R Thomas ; I agree Democrats and the President who has a 'bully pulpit' can point out progress, and the fact that new business start ups have increased.
A historian's view:
1. given Romney et al inability to notice the actual text of the Constitution and esp. the Elections Clause, they are unreachable
2. the white supremicist, fundamentally racist and anti-democratic origins of the filibuster cannot be forgotten. Those who see as somehow nonpartisan, etc., are profoundly ignorant as well as self-contradictory and illogical
3. Schumer plans to separate votes, he has announced
4. With the current unSupreme Ct., executive order on drug-pricing will be overturned 6-3 in favor of Big Phama; ibid. on Medicaid work requirements; college debt forgiveness.
How I remember my own indebtedness of several thousand dollars in 1970, repayment deferred until completion of Ph.D. Then small monthly payments...
5. CDC desperately needs a grad seminar in "following science" and "formulating policy" openly and honestly! See my letters on this to Washington Post two week ago and in May in NYTimes.
6. 4 free unreliable at home rapid tests is an insult to the American people, as is the morass of buying tests oneself, if you can find any, and then applying to ins. co., if you have one, for partial reimbursement is an insult as well. So too is notion of a very few unwashable N95 makes. All of this is muddled, and confusing to so many
7. Struggle to keep going but don't exaggerate economic trends, based on limited and incomplete data and over a very short term.
8. Demand that the Dem Party find a voice and take at least high school debaters' level communication lessons
9.Dems MUST pay attention to and speak to the wishes of the Public, and forget about "ratings" of Biden and the irresponsible media's ignorant declarations of Biden's "failure" after less than one year of a four year term
I agree with pretty much everything you say here, Harvey. Gosh, so depressing though. I wonder how we got here and how to get out.
Old School fire side chats to the American people directly from POTUS46 on tv, social media. Let the American people know what and who is blocking voting rights legislation. He needs to be direct and bold like he was in Georgia. He needs to speak directly to the American people and lay it on the line. He needs to address the issues of infrastructure and family supplements what will go away and let people know exactly why this is happening. He needs to let the American people see the fire in his eyes and he needs to reassure them of his ability to stand in the face of these storms and find a way to get things done!!
Biden needs to do what Harry Truman did before the 1948 election. Call out the Republicans for what they are; not just "do nothings", but obstructionists who would move America back, erasing decades of social progress, if they get control.
GOP voters WANT their elected officials to obstruct every aspect of the Democratic platform, and "calling them out" will make their voters support them more, and brag about Biden is powerless, and his agenda being dead
Your thoughts are well-considered and completely true! Don't you have the ear of the President? You certainly should!
I believe there is some agreement that what we want to see is more of a BIden approach to the actual people attempting to live in this country. I have heard that Biden glanced at a portrait of FDR hanging in the White House and vowed to emulate FDR's progressive agenda to dealing with the Depression. That sounds like a great idea from a progressive Bernie Sanders liberal such as myself but FDR also went directly and constantly to the people; he used the idea of 'Fireside Chats' optimally, to explain clearly and truthfully what the challenges were and how he proposed to deal with them. Then, he dependent on the voters to follow through, contact their reps, and demand change or at least effort. He involved the people in the process and asked for their help. Biden will need to do the same. We are not as involved (or we may be with the pandemic topping it off) but we are faced with the same dilemma...we need to help in cleaning up the previous train wreck administration so we can get the train back on the tracks. In short: we need to hear from the president, learn what we need to know, and then respond and demand change from those reps we elected to see it through.
Lanae Isaacson ; good ideas. I can't help but compare the world of FDR with the world we have today, with the Internet and Rupert Murdoch's media. 'Fireside Chats' are a good idea. In the world of Covid it is difficult for a politician to get that kind of rapport. This forum helps. I know that our reps like to get feedback from constituents.
"Reach out to . . . any other possibly principled senate Republican, . . . " Sorry Robert, but that made me spit my coffee. If the Republicans were principled, they wouldn't march in lock step to McConnell's tune. Romney and Murkowski look after themselves. Collins is a joke that no one finds funny. The GOP has no policies or principles, no honor, and no members with courage, aside from the two on the J6 committee - I wish more did have backbones. The fact that they stand to the side as others in their ranks conduct genocide on their own base just makes it more imperative that the GOP disappears into history, making room for a different (deTrumpified) party.
Full press on the first 4 points. Take every opportunity (and then make more opportunities) to make it blazingly clear how destructive the Republican bloc is on so many things that directly impact individuals: child tax credit, infrastructure, etc. have had real positive impact on so many Americans, regardless of party affiliation. Make it crystal clear and undeniable that none of those real benefits were supported by any Republicans, even though they claim responsibility.
Force vote after vote on bills that are supported by vast majorities of Americans and publish the roll calls everywhere. Publicize widely every vote against every proposal.
Pressure and persuade those few Republican Senators who know the destruction that they are complicit in to dig deep and vote for the good of all.
Thanks for providing another thought provoking article with ten good suggestions for Biden Administration.
Here’s another suggestion for them and that is to explore other feasible options to encourage Covid vaccinations and discourage the tendency of 24% of population to remain unvaccinated. Canada has mandated Covid vaccination for travel by plane or train. This needs to be promulgated in USA too to provide an incentive to get vaccinated and protect passengers.
Covid has to be contained for economy to open safely and remain stable. Even though Republican led states drag their feet on vaccinations and masks, Republicans blame the Biden Administration for failing to contain Covid and the resulting inflation.
According to the article below,” The Treasury Department wrote in a letter Friday those policies are “ineligible uses” of the federal money—which was awarded to help states “mitigate” pandemic-related costs—because they “undermine efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19.””
More of the above needs to be done. Thoughts?
Good list and great question - what else should Biden do? Well, the administration can't do it all alone! We need the Democrats in Congress AND regular folks to get more involved. First, Dems in Congress need to get on board with positive messaging about what has already been accomplished. Our politicians are way too focused on what they didn't get done. I feel they should not even mention that other than to point out that Republicans opposed everything! They need to use all their political capital, air time, and persuasive powers to say what has been done and to list out clearly what will get done in the next Congressional session after the midterms. Again, STOP listing out the obstacles! START listing out the objectives. No more negativism from our leadership!
Second, regular folks need to be as active as possible, contribute to your favorite candidates and by all means be active in getting out the vote and voting. Those two things will help.
Most cogent path forward that I have heard. And who knows, maybe there actually will be principled Republican votes. I think he has to try, and, there’s nothing to lose. It’s too complicated as BBB. Make each program clear in individual subject matter bills, then a vote brings clarity to our people. Great job, Robert.
All great ideas and recommendations. Thank you Robert for your insights. President Biden is a career politician. He should have team members advising him and know how to work within "the system". Unfortunately America citizens only see and hear what they see and hear. It depends if they are listening to you, Anderson Cooper, Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson. It depends what they read on line. Do you read the comments on Twitter? Today what is trending is "Biden Worst President EVER". President Biden is not a great speaker. MLK and Obama could ignite crowds. So can Trump. We are living in a different world today with social media and U-Tube. How we communicate matters. You would think Washington DC public relations team would know that by now. Citizens in America see gas prices too high, inflation running rampant, stores out of supplies, plus family and friends in the hospital sick or dying from a virus that is still out of control. It is hard to spin the truth. As President Obama stated, voting matters and he said, "The U.S. still underwrites a lot of the world order that we know. Even our adversaries expect us to behave responsibly on the international stage". Time our politicians behave responsibly and work on our voting laws before 2024. The federal government is so big it is stuck in mud.
Restore tax rate for the wealthiest 2-5% of Americans to 80-90%
Cut interest rates for college student loans by 50%
Get rid of the filibuster
Term limits for Senators and Congressmen
I wondered where the Koch folks have been...
I see Koch as the genesis of this situation. Going back to the 1950's. I suggest reading: Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean
The good news is this: The more distance between a clear assessment of reality and a clear, bold vision, or visions...the more energy will be generated on that path from reality to vision. Remember the energy during your administration as head of Labor. Bold vision: "Bridge to the 21st Century", connecting the world to information, remaking the world in the image of the Whole Earth Catalog, Millennium Edition. And the energy was converted into brand new jobs and categories of jobs. Same will happen once we unleash the visioneers. When youth today listen to progressive music of the 60s and 70s, they call it music of the future, and music of heaven, angel music, etc. We need that kind of boldness again. We have regressed far enough.
I have one question. I’m hoping it’s not a DUMB QUESTION. I pray someone can answer it. When Trump was president, he did several executive orders. While I understand that this isn’t always the appropriate way to handle things, why can’t Biden use this method now? Yes, CREATING LAWS is the better way, I understand that too; But in a situation like this, why can’t an executive order be useful.
Do ALL of the above, plus, hire Robert Reich as direct adviser and chief of communications.
and so the conservative(?) republicans on SCOTUS are fighting with Justice Sotomayor about wearing is sickening that such repugnant crapola is literally everywhere now. more to the point it shows the division in this country knows no boundaries. nothing is sacred, it all has become a part of Divisiveness USA
I agree w/what Mr. Reich said. One of Mr. Biden's failures has been the unwillingness to use the"bully pulpit" from the beginning to promote each piece of the puzzle he was trying to put together. Not just once but at least weekly. tell the public, illustrate to them what the changes would accomplish. call out the naysayers. but he failed to do so, much to the countries loss
All of these crises are ultimately driven by the need of some to amass ever-increasing wealth and power. Wealth buys power, power begets more wealth. There is likely no short-term fix for this one, but alongside all else, we need to follow the lead of Sanders and Warren and begin to reign in the egregious accumulations of wealth. Money ought to be viewed as a public utility, a tool, supplied by the federal government to conduct the nation's business. It should not be seen as a hoard of private booty intended to shore up the egos of a few insecure men.
Very interesting perspective!
One sure thing Biden can do is to stop pussy footing around legislators that are determined to destroy him, is he not aware that the country and the chance of democratic re- election hinge on him taking a firm position and standing by it. Now is the time to get tough, demand a few things from congress, both sides. Do you think president Lincoln had an easy push? If it’s worth fighting for, it’s worth exposing yourself
We have some built-in structural and anti-democratic deficiencies, traditions, and procedures in our present system of governance: The Electoral College, the non-democratic Senate that allows rural states with small populations to determine where we are going legislatively; the filibuster and redistricting according to partisanship (gerry-mandering); the exclusion of people living in Washington DC and in Puerto Rico from statehood and appropriate representation in federal government; the practice of appointing justices to the Supreme Court who reflect partisan interests and the view of specific parties and individuals; the Citizens United decision that allowed corporations and their resources to set the stage and finance campaigns and policies; the decision that we as individuals do not have control over our own bodies, etc.; the obviously racist tilt of elected officials who play to racists and those supporting wild conspiracies; the uncontrolled turn of the media from impartial news to personal opinion. Some of these systems, policies, and practices exist beyond the provisions of the Constitution and are solely based on decisions and practices of those with wealth and power and most concerned with maintaining their grip on the rest of us and creating dissension and division within the nation. All serve to make the country less democratic and less reflective of the will of the people. Biden inherited this situation (mess), just as every president before him inherited the status quo and the challenges of that status quo. But Biden also inherited the increasingly progressive take on politics and government by a growing number of citizens. I foresaw that Biden would play to conciliation and trying to get along rather than assert (demand) a more forward-looking agenda of using government to help people. I am sure he has the concerns of the working-class at heart but his primary interest is in appealing to the spirit and willingness to cooperate of his political adversaries. He doesn't seem to accept the proposition that those who have long-standing views on maintaining the status quo and those who are purchased by the corporations running the country will resist any changes whatsoever. I am sorry that Biden is proving my apprehensions to be justified but he might try standing up for his policies and confronting those in government who have chosen personal gain and power over the welfare of the citizens. I admire his efforts to avoid the blame-game and putting the blame where it so clearly belongs (with the former administration) but his speech on January 6th revealed that he does have some fire and righteous indignation that needs to be used. We did not arrive where we are with the Biden administration; no, we arrived after four years of chaos, corruption, and confusion. Biden needs to remind us of that fact and put the blame where it so clearly belongs. If he has chosen FDR as his model, he needs to follow FDR's lead in taking this directly to the people, in calling on them to support his agenda (by appealing to their representatives). It's not enough that he has taken a stand in a speech on January 6th, he needs to take a stand and use the media at every opportunity to involve the people and encourage them to stand up for the progressive values and the changes he has put forth. In a word: he's too meek when what he needs is a willingness to defend the values and programs he champions for us all.
Let's see. Dems are trying their darnedest to pass legislation to benefit greatly the disenfranchised. A unanimous 50 Republications with the help of two DINOS are blocking that effort. And, the Republicans are going to become the majority in both chambers (?) Is it the messaging or lack thereof? Liz Warren is out and about talking good stuff. Love that woman!
Be realistic. Most Democrats will vote Democrat. Young people, independents, African Americans will either sit it out or not be allowed to vote. That doesn’t work in 2022. That gives you a Republican Congress. You need a better strategy than yeh team!
Biden should enlist, in particular, the aid of Bernie or Alexandria or both!
I think the Biden administration needs to hire a clever advertising agency that will produce attention getting ads touting all their accomplishments in contrast to the obstructionist Republicans.
A million times yes!
This one of the best well thought out action plans I have seen from a Democrat in a long time. One additional observation is: Why haven't the 2 very vocal supporters of Bipartanship getting Republicans on board? Yes I am talking Manchin & Sinema. Shame them as the hypocrites they are.
What surprises and disappoints me the most is the lack of assertive actions when Biden was first elected. I’m not a negative person but we are in really big trouble. Sorry Robert but Biden has no mojo. It’s not anyones fault but American citizens. It’s really amazing and sad Americans are supporting valueless greedy hater’s. The fascist republicans are in complete control of our country and we have lost everything you mentioned. Admitting our weakness and mistakes are the only way back. Weakness is no different than aggression as they both are abusive and destructive to our democracy. I hope you’re right and we can turn things around. Thank you for your optimism
I agree with everything you suggest. Biden has to show that the's the champion for all Americans. This "platform" should produce that result.
All good ideas for steps that Biden should take. I think all votes should be recorded so that voters know how representatives voted on each item for future reference. Accountability is important.
Brilliant suggestions as usual, ones almost that babies as well as Democratic leadership should be able to understand and want to implement. Additional suggestion: Hire Robert Reich as chief marketer for the Democratic Party. Also, we need the right social psychologists to help us figure out how to get enough voters and hopefully a few more Republican leaders to realize not only that Trump is an egocentric, deranged, self serving master manipulating pathological liar and that it is not in their best interests to perpetuate his and the current Republican party's legacies especially their multiple assaults on democracy.
While I think Joe Biden is good man, how does someone who has been in government for as long as he has not know these things? It makes me question his abilities as leader of the free world. On the flip side, I have come to appreciate, albeit reluctantly, he was likely the ONLY Democrat who could realistically beat orange guy in 2020.
The day he took office he should’ve encouraged Americans to be prepared for a Civil War because we are being challenged by fascism
Jimmy Carter was also a great human. Him and Biden belonged in church not a position that requires powerful leadership
In politics, as in entertainment and sports, there's no real substitute for charisma.
I love many of your suggestions and hope at least a few come to pass. I would love to see improvements in Biden's handling of the Russia situation. As an American living in a Baltic State, I'm getting less and less comfortable by the day, both the with actual situation and with the lack of effective leadership from Biden, Germany, etc.
To continue hearing that Biden is working to block NS2 Sanctions (even if it's because he wants Germany to do the right thing on it's own?) and knowing the disaster that will mean for so many Eastern Europeans is so discouraging. I think he might be underestimating the number of Americans that will be impacted by the conflict and what seeing American citizens impacted by war in Europe will look like for his administration (not to mention the nightmare it will be for all Ukrainian citizens and any other countries that end up being involved).
We need hard limits (like a maximum of $0.00 donated by Russian Oligarchs!) on Russian money coming into American politician pockets - Democrat or Republican. This feels like another area with widespread support from the American people and no support from American politicians.
Remind the country that in the US, physicians are free,with informed consent, to prescribe any medication they believe will help their patients - and order Customs to stop confiscating shipments of ivermectin from India. Discuss with Dr Fauci why he takes vitamin D, as he has said, to “strengthen his immune system,” and ask him publicly to describe the evidence that the higher your blood levels of vitamin D, the lower the probability of severe COVID-19 symptoms or death. See Then declare that proof of recovery from COVID or a negative COVID test will be accepted as a vaccine passport for indoor entertainment, dining and all workplaces.
Sort of off subject, but I last night I watched Frontline on PBS and learned what ALex Jones is all about. It was both enlightening and frightening. He had a great friend in Donald Trump, and vice versa. More influential in the 2016 than I realized. Horrible stories about Hillary Clinton, which she perhaps never countered, but hurt her chances severely. Jones has millions of followers and I am afraid of what will happen, both in the next two elections and to our democracy. We need to get the Fairness Doctrine back, which Reagan demolished.
If President Biden actually had across-the-aisle friends and colleagues in the Senate then he should be able to sit down with them one-on-one as he did in the past and get their support for saving Democracy.
His "friends and colleagues" cannot possibly be as simple-minded and ignorant of the consequences of sacrificing Democracy on the alter of the filibuster and partisanship that they cannot see those consequences -- and quite clearly. Can they possibly lack the character to stop this? Where is their love for America. It must be more than that little American flag they all wear in their lapel.
If they will not support eliminating the filibuster, then President Biden has no friends or colleagues in the Senate -- and I think that he should say that.
Those faux friends have abandoned and sacrificed one of their own and our Democracy -- and they are sacrificing "We The People" as well.
Gosh, I do so wish Biden had brought you into his Administration. I think he suffers from not having a strong team around him.
Biden should support and push for an expanded and improved Medicare for All!
I thought I had submitted this at 1pm today but don’t see it. Sorry if it is a repeat. Seems like a lot of us are into idea of “fireside chats” and directly addressing the people…
1. Grateful for your suggesting public pressure on republicans like Romney and Murkowski. We should’ve give up on them
2.Biden needs to do more “fireside chats” with Americans repeating truths regarding his successes and philosophy and the crisis for Democracy. We are in crisis!
3. Republicans are no longer Republicans in a way that would be recognized 10 years ago yet they have seized the narrative and rarely address Democrats other than to label them as radical Leftist, Communist,Bolshevik,etc. We need to counter with more accurate descriptions of who the current GOP has become, i.e. autocratic, anti-democracy radicals and fascist for those condoning violence. The current leadership no longer deserve to be called Republican
4. Related to this is the fact that he GOP has long better understood the power of language to be able to address emotions as well as the mind. The Democratic Party should seek the assistance of the best willing linguistic experts to reach the heart and integrity of the citizenry.
5. Unfortunately many Americans have been poisoned about the word “socialism”. Rather than being a form of concern for the”common good” it is maligned as a robber of freedom and our way of life. I know You know this well but I think there needs to be a massive effort by Democrats to educate the public on current beloved examples of socialism in our system such as Medicare , Social Security, Fire Departments, etc. All were fought initially and Heck! even Kaiser Permanente was originally called a Communist plot. As well people need to consider the consequences of unfettered Capitalism and the loss of freedom and the increase in anxiety for the many that that entails. Folks in developed countries who govern with more of an eye on the common good literally live longer and report higher quality of life satisfaction and are now ironically better able to achieve the “American” dream of having their children out-prosper them. This reality and kind of information needs to get out to the average citizen. This can be done in multiple ways, via special programing ,episodes in Frontline, fire side chats and the like. As well, topics in the news can be considered in light of who is ultimately the likely beneficiary-the oligarchy or the common good.
6. Another dreadful irony is that the Right claims to be the defenders of “freedom” yet seem to yearn for dictatorship. The last administration honored and coddled dictators while alienating our pro-democracy long term and proven allies. Now Fox News is bending over backwards to honor Orban, the head of Hungary, who has dramatically reduced his people’s freedom. The Democrats must insure that this irony is not lost on our citizenry and what it could mean for America should we give the Right more power.
Lots of the above can and should be done. But far more importantly, now that the Democrats have managed to subvert the filibuster in order to debate voting rights, the senate should use rule 19 to bypass the filibuster allowing a simple majority vote to pass voting rights legislation.
Everyone is thinking too small. It’s the moving the deck chairs syndrome. What holds everything in the horrible place everything is in is this world of haves and have nots that’s splitting further apart all the time. Deal with this fundamental issue, getting food and shelter and education and health care to everyone in the civilized world, and you will be dealing at the level of causality. If you get everyone out of survival we all can put our minds to making this a better world. Let Biden take that on and he could go down in history as what even could be the salvation of humanity.
Biden is due to deliver his first State of the Union address to the joint session of Congress and the American people. Why not use this address to call out the GOP for its obstruction of bills that would benefit ordinary Americans where it counts the most? All if the topics you noted in this post could be addressed with one speech that is broadcast in Prime Time to the entire country.
It's also long overdue for the Democratic leaders in the Senate to play hardball. Yes, that means Chuck Schumer needs to grow a pair, tell Mitch McConnell to get on board or get off, kill the filibuster and get it done.
Biden is fighting an uphill battle, but there's only so much the President can do without support from EVERYONE in his party, as well as the more moderate (i.e. sane) Republicans.
The SOU is a good bully pulpit, but doesn't happen until March 1. My sense is he needs to show momentum sooner than that.
Support an Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.
What else?
Ask the DNC to have "presidential candidate requirements" that "certify" a candidate to be "safe for consumption".
Such rules as full financial disclosure, including release of tax returns; voidance of NDAs as these relate to ethics and morality; submission of detailed divestment plans that can automatically be triggered should their candidate be elected.
And challenge the RNC to do the same through a national media campaign in an election year.
Had the RNC done this in 2016, there would not be Candidate Trump!
Hope you sent a copy of this to Biden.
All good suggestions, this is an existential moment for democracy.
“Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man?”
― Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
great ideas. since the gop uses the fillibuster to block things that benefit the non-1% , biden can at least do these to get something done in the mean time. 'Issue an executive order on drug pricing, such as requiring Medicare to obtain the lowest possible drug prices.
Issue an executive order to roll back Trump’s Medicaid work requirements and boost funding for groups helping people enroll in ACA plans.
Issue an executive order relieving former students of up to $10,000 of college loan debt owed the federal government.'
I agree with most all of this, and especially the issue of holding votes. I am sure that many in this community will disagree with what I am about to add, but I do appreciate the respectful and productive tone of this community. On the legislative front, I would get my head out of fantasy land and take the ground that could be taken to gain progress - 1) voting rights - get something done - if the only thing you can get done is the electoral college changes that Romney is talking about to Avoid Repeating the debacle of republican behavior in 2020, do that - and then keep pushing more more. 2) on BBB, request that Manchin and Sinema draft whatever they can support but also indicate that it must include significant progress on climate change. I strongly feel that the Democrats need to focus on legislative progress on issues that matter to younger people - voting rights, climate change, student debt, etc - and stop trying to expand benefits for older people - like Medicare expansion - and I'm 65 years old.
Is there any way you can get this to the Biden Administration?
Excellent views by Mr. Graff.
I think it would help the democratic party, and the country if both the Pres and the VP declared they were not running in 2024, and allow time for the party to congeal around younger people, who are better communicators. I admire both Warren and Sanders more than Biden, but voted for Biden against Trump. Biden's nomination of what'ser name was weakness, not strength. She doesn't hold a candle to Obama, never will. Pete is really promising for the US; cut him a lane.
I wish I could write al the various senators but my typing is so limited that I just can't do it
Please continue your online office hours program (the first one just concluded). I am also interested in the possibility of attending your Wealth & Poverty course sessions once a week and hope you begin streaming those sessions. At times, I do not agree with your views at all (and I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter). Facts are, despite being an erstwhile academic (who faithfully paid my dues to Academe) I have experience in The Real World and know first-hand that the Ivory Tower is as isolated from the Real World as the headquarters/ceo's office of a place like, well, like Macy*s. I'm fairly sure that you have never been threatened by a manager or underpaid or injured by your employer and left alone to pick up the pieces so you could survive. (The funny thing is that such things also happen in Academe but with a bit more gloss and polish.) The Real World is another world and it would behoove us all to visit it so we would know what challenges and obstacles our fellow citizens face. Learning goes both ways, I think, and it is possible that the lives of your students (and members of this site) can teach you things you should know.
Clearly, reasonable people can (and will) disagree on the best way to recover the effectiveness of the Biden presidency. So much of what's preceded this comment makes a lot of sense, and it would be useful to provide a digest to the Biden administration for their information and consideration. Add a chart of how many responses supported each element of this recovery program and you have an indication of how well Biden's base can be mobilized for each component part. Send the report to the legislators, and you've given them an indication of how to sell it to their constituents. In other words, this could be used as an exercise in information based grass roots politics.
Mayor Pete, Stacey Abrams and anyone else that can be recruited should make a team effort along with the administration and corporate media. My vision is a short list of dems positive actions and conservative negative moves that is talked and posted front page and updated daily. A clear statement that a casual observer cannot ignore.
I had a thought this morning: in this day of easy electronic communication there should be an extremely easy, regular, quick, standardized way of reporting our opinions and wishes to our state and federal representatives. I know we can call or write to our representatives, fill out message forms on their websites, but even this seems to take too much effort & time for busy people. Couldn't there be some weekly or at least monthly email sent out by the government to all citizens (and accessible at public library computers) where one can just click where one stands on various current issues??! Instead of nebulous polling?
He needs to get more focus on reforming the Electoral College Act and in the efforts to interfere with the proper counting of votes. There seems to be at least some bi-partisan support for this and there are many who say these are greater risks than efforts to suppress voting.
Thank you President Biden for your tireless efforts to improve the lives of everyday Americans. You have been steering your ship without the benefit of a paddle, because you have two recalcitrant Senators that want to preserve the republican agenda. Your SC has become politicized and are not interested in preserving the right to vote. In 2013, Roberts authored Shelby County v Holder, which eviscerated Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. I remember Obama responding to this disastrous decision and judges shaking their heads. No more preclearance. In an earlier post that I have since deleted, I said your banner headline should be "I alone can fix it ."That was poorly worded. It should read "I alone have fixed it." Here are your credits. 1. Rolled out a vaccine program in record time. 2. Confirmed 40 judges in record time. 3. Rejoined the Paris Peace accord. 4. Got rid of tRump's egregious executive orders. 5. Passed the rescue plan and the infrastructure plan in your first year in office. What's there not to like? It's the republican disinformation machine that needs to be brought to task. The 1/6 committee is doing a masterful job of telling the story. Let's hope it does blow the lid off tRump's evil empire, as Raskin has suggested. All of this takes time, which Biden has little of. Dissatisfied voters have threatened to stay home in the next election. Will they be better off under a republican administration? Biden should appoint Psaki or someone with her skills to be his voice. His cabinet seems to be AWOL. Where are his enablers? Perhaps, as some on this thread have suggested, Fireside chats might be in order. Biden is empathetic and people relate to him. Might be another way for him to get his accomplishments out. I think democrats need to show their appreciation instead of their condemnation.
Feature Americans who have plans to expand or start new businesses, move somewhere to be closer to aging parents or to a better neighborhood for the children, go back and finish their B.A. degree, finally pay off that student loan, have a second child -- but need the Build Back Better bill to pass to do so. Show how American energy and ingenuity and patriotism could soar and make our nation stronger -if we just passed this bill.
Manchin and Sinema are despicable, selling out to the coal barons and whoever Sinema is being bought by.
Thank you, Robert Reich.
Hope you sent this to BIDEN!!
Reading through my own comments and the comments of many of the others on the site, I am struck by how many of us want Biden to speak out and up for the changes and social improvements we so desperately need. I have referred back to FDR's 'Fireside Chats' as an example of a president who faced a similar crisis and turned to the people to involve them in what was happening. Others have noted the same need for a president willing to speak the truth, challenge those who have prioritized their own wealth (to the exclusion of everything else), and supported the casual lies and promises of those in power. The media we now have can conceivably be a force for good, a means of promoting harmony and unity, not just a tool for those acting in their own interests. Biden needs to use the media to tell the people what is going on and what is needed, to expose those with more sinister agendas, and to restore our faith in our own government. He is going to have to be more proactive and willing to address the nation and, basically, tell it like it is. We can deal with that (the truth), we cannot deal with those who choose to weave an elaborate fiction in order to serve their own ends.
Superb suggestions.
Everything you detailed is right on! I realize it is easier to sit and analyze the problems from our comfortable chairs, but it is much harder to implement the required changes. Some of the conversations we should have with the few sane Republican representatives are crucial, but some you list are likely impossible to have a positive outcome. I think it is all good, but it would be better if you help us understand where to pinpoint our efforts. Also, what can I as an individual do to help better our government relations?
Mitch McConnell used the filibuster like he owned it before President. Obama. Who owes Joe Manchin paying him under the table. He is even screwing the people in W.Va. Does he think he can run for president. If the Republicans win we will be living under dictatorship. The January 6th. team needs to investigate the phone call Trump got and right away our troops were moving off our base in Ukraine and Russians troops were moving in. Trump and Putin were in bed together and Trump was selling the U.S. to Russia.
I think that Biden's people should somehow focus on Russia, pointing out how his government is taking strong stances and not capitulating to Putin, as Trump did.
The issue he needs to hammer down is let the American people know who their enemy is: two Democratic Senators who have been blocking Biden's agenda. Both Manchin and Sinema need to be exposed for what they are: DINOs.
Your suggestions are well taken. Here are a few more from Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post.
I think if he stays the course it will slowly turn around for him. Remember 10 months is a lifetime in politics.
11.) Have Joe host a "Divide the wealth pie" contest on global TV; show the American public what average joe thinks the divide is versus reality--let the shock of the Olympic ski jump slopes, on steroids of our true wealth distribution, show the masses with their own eyes how they have been duped into believing a gross fairy tale of balance and fairness.
Totally agree - one small thought - finally get rid of DeJoy now! and pursue his crimes.
1. Grateful for your suggesting public pressure on republicans like Romney and Murkowski. We should’ve give up on them
2.Biden needs to do more “fireside chats” with Americans repeating truths regarding his successes and philosophy and the crisis for Democracy. We are in crisis!
3.Republicans are no longer Republicans in a way that would be recognized 10 years ago yet they have seized the narrative and rarely address Democrats other than to label them as radical Leftist, Communist,Bolshevik,etc. We need to counter with more accurate descriptions of who the current GOP has become, i.e. autocratic, anti-democracy radicals and fascist for those condoning violence. The current leadership no longer deserve to be called Republican
4. The GOP has long better understood the power of language to be able to address emotions as well as the mind. The Democratic Party should seek the assistance of the best willing linguistic experts to reach the heart and integrity of the citizenry.
5. Unfortunately many Americans have been poisoned about the word “socialism”. Rather than being a form of concern for the”common good” it is maligned as a robber of freedom and our way of life. I know You know this well but I think there needs to be a massive effort by Democrats to educate the public on current beloved examples of socialism in our system such as Medicare , Social Security, Fire Departments, etc. All were fought initially and Heck! even Kaiser Permanente was originally called a Communist plot. As well people need to consider the consequences of unfettered Capitalism and the loss of freedom and the increase in anxiety for the many that that entails. Folks in developed countries who govern with more of an eye on the common good literally live longer and report higher quality of life satisfaction and are now ironically better able to achieve the “American” dream of having their children out-prosper them. This reality and kind of information needs to get out to the average citizen. This can be done in multiple ways, via special programing ,episodes in Frontline, fire side chats and the like. As well, topics in the news can be considered in light of who is ultimately the likely beneficiary-the oligarchy or the common good.
6. Another dreadful irony is that the Right claims to be the defenders of “freedom” yet seem to yearn for dictatorship. The last administration honored and coddled dictators while alienating our pro-democracy long term and proven allies. Now Fox News is bending over backwards to honor Orban, the head of Hungary, who has dramatically reduced his people’s freedom. The Democrats must insure that this irony is not lost on our citizenry and what it could mean for America should we give the Right more power.
Media seems to have ceased stressing VACCINATION/ booster. That's far more important than texting! Until the percentages are higher, world-wide, another variant will arise and thousands more deaths. Put the emphasis THERE!
The Senatorial Log Jam must be broken! How long we have been waiting for perfectly sensible improvements, all areas of society. . . .
I like all your suggestions, but would love to see Biden do a "fireside chat," as others have suggested, with a Ross Perot-style flip chart to explain the importance of infrastructure. This important part of his overall plan is being ignored because Republican diversionary tactics always make us take our eyes off the ball.
He could explain the economic and social impacts of what he'd done and wants to do. He should focus on how a green economy will improve public health and improve life for all. He should explain how the work done in each community will grow well-paying jobs and built better communities.
This would help bring home the benefits that his achieved and promised plans are benefiting the American people. Explain that no Republicans have voted for these ideas. Stick it to them.
Get the former Presidents to be more visible and more direct at exposing the depth of deception and danger being spread by spineless senators, congresspersons, and a seditious former president.
President Carter’s piece today is a good place to start.
I have also been struck by the scores of direct quotes on various news and social media sites from current republicans, currently against voting rights, who have unequivocally supported the right to vote time and time again. Quote them; picture them; call them out; embarrass them if that is possible.
Really? 👍
My thoughts: use the failure to pass the voting and social infrastructure bill as ammunition to galvanize the nov 2022 voter base to come out in mass so as to deliver him the majority he needs to pass these popular measures. If the silent majority wants these bills, they need to come out and help him get it by giving him the majority he needs. Use the voting record of congressmen to make it clear who to vote or not to vote for to get the job done. Its time for the president and his party to show leadership and go on the offensive and be more aggressive and assertive for the next election. Blow the precedence of the party in power losing power at mid-term out of the water! Meanwhile do the best you can with the slim majority and time he has to lead and provide the best he can given the opposition and none-democrats.
Listing to Biden's pretend upset with Republican support of the filibuster on MLK Day, I am reminded how much Democrats rely on Republicans to take the blame for the anti-democratic slide into authoritarianism that both Democrats and Republicans want as they both suck up money from the corporate trough.
Emotion, Excitement, Messaging. Biden et. al., have done a poor job of telling America what has been accomplished and what has been blocked and obstructed by the GOP. they are able to energize their voting block with no apparent effort and we are left looking at their dust - vocalize what they have done to America via not so hidden subversion.
Has the Biden administration met with the 16 senators that approved the 2006 renewal of the voting rights act? The administration should be more vocal on their attempts to engage the Republicans on issues and the lack of results. Do a much better job of highlighting the Republicans lack of any platform to move the country forward. Republicans have been very good at using labels to attack Democrats and those that support Democrats. Again, the democrats need to counter these words and phrases-elites, socialists, etc. Most important is that Democrats should be accurate in what they say.
I like all your recommendations. You are playing chess while the punditry/ tin cup waving PACs are playing pin the tail on the donkey.
...sadly, instead his advisors suggest showing strength via nuclear subs
I'd still prefer removing Sinema from all her committee assignments
Speaking of nuclear here is a very good Tom Dispatch article about the reseeding of the cold war with more, newer, and better nuclear arms. Same old enemies, Russia and China, but with Iran as an add-on (no nukes, but who cares). Biden seem very much in support of a new cold war, and the paraphernalia that goes along with it.
Thanks for the link, sherm. One silver-ish lining to the MAD Mutually Assured Destruction era was that Science won-out over Science-Deniers, as school-children freaked out while practicing their nuclear fall-out drills, and their families had to adapt. Maybe we need to scare some Science back to the forefront, with our foes' new supersonic missiles, and domestic booster mandates for fall-out shelters that cannot handle social distancing?? And, let the Dems emphasize that #45 unilaterally dismantled our spy planes over his patron Saint Vlad
...As Rapture-seeking zealots look forward to Armegeddon, perhaps this can finally wean Wall St and the tax-cut loving GOPs from allying with Evangelicals??
I disagree with any willy nilly student debt relief; however the millions of students that have worked the required time in public service, but have then have been criminally denied the debt relief they were promised, need to be re-processed and granted their relief. And the agency employees that immorally denied the student debt relief need federal jail time.
Excellent list. I hope the White House sees and follows it.
Before hiring a PR firm, as some suggest, I think Biden should consult psychologists who specialize in 1st-dimension (white collar) psychopaths. I think Dr. Robert Hare's "Without Conscience" (especially the chapter aboute white collar criminals) should be required reading for anyone opposing corporate and political corruption. Without that insight, Democrats, I think, continue to act in naive, insufficiently effective ways regarding their opponents, allowing democracy and justice to be attacked without effective defense.
The filibuster must remain; are the democrats so oblivious that they don't recognize that they will need the filibuster to stop Fascist legislation after 2022.
Biden will veto GOP legislation in 2022-23. And, the GOP will remove the filibuster should they sweep in 2024, and fail to get 60 Senate seats, just like they created the judicial exception to it before, when it suited their aims
Urge the people to continue to put pressure on their legislators about the issues that are important to them through emails, phone calls, outdoor marches… Get vocal, let our voices be heard! Remind people of the return to normal, the honesty and integrity of the Democratic Party, the willingness to persevere and strive for a better, more equal society, the values and platform of the party. Contrast it with the party of No, the party that has no platform, no values.
From your lips to Biden's ears.
I couldn't agree more if I had a dump truck.
Put all the conspirators in jail—immediately.
This article is both scary and hopeful. I agree with Barbara Jo that I would like to see the Supreme Court expanded. I don’t think we can push forward much without that. Also, try to set term limits for the Supreme Court. Lifetime appointment obviously has not been effective at keeping them safe from extreme bias, so get rid of it.
Take any steps to get money out of our politics. We’ve talked about not letting stock trades happen while in office. I know that part of the voting Rights Bill is to make election day a holiday. I think it is a great idea to break up the list and put these items in the bill out to vote individually. Then advertize who votes against each section.
We need to see action soon on indictments. I know this is a very dangerous situation. I believe Garland said they’ll go after lower level crimes first because they must break up the lower level support system for Trump…those who will kill. But time is ticking and putting Democratic voters on edge.
I hope Mr. Reich's "Ten steps" message reaches the President, Chuck Schumer, and VP Harris.
The speech he gave in Georgia was a game changer for me. It was the worst I have ever heard coming from the mouth of a President. I don’t know what possessed him but it was awful and contrary to all he claims to stand for. He crossed and then destroyed a bridge which will be near impossible to rebuild.
True, Biden has to deal with some of the bad actors that were appointed by the former guy. He must follow the rule of law. He is not a dictator. It would be nice if the twice impeached loser's appointees could be shown the door.