Robert Reich
The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich
Cassidy Hutchinson's chilling testimony
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Cassidy Hutchinson's chilling testimony

Garland will have to prosecute Trump

After today’s explosive testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson — who served as chief assistant to Mark Meadows and was literally and figuratively in the middle of Trump’s White House — I don’t see how Attorney General Merrick Garland can avoid prosecuting Trump, as well as Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani.

If you didn’t hear or see her testimony, Hutchinson portrayed a plot, in which Trump was directly involved, to stop the counting of electoral ballots on January 6. Meadows, Giuliani, Mike Flynn, and Roger Stone were also directly involved. Trump knew rioters were coming to Washington with weapons, and knew they had weapons on January 6. He knew they were threatening the life of Mike Pence. He knew they were dangerous. He wanted to be on Capitol Hill when they stormed the Capitol. He could have stopped them at any point, but he chose not to.

It was the most chilling depiction yet of a president in charge of an attempted coup. Trump knew exactly what was happening and what he was doing. He knew he was acting in violation of his oath of office and inciting violence in order to stay in office. He repeatedly refused to listen to reason, or to change course.

More than any other hearing to date, the audience for today’s hearing was not just the American public but also the Attorney General. Time and again, Hutchinson gave testimony about serious federal crimes.

Hutchinson testified that (in rough chronological order):

1.  As early as December, a plan was emerging that was considered “potentially dangerous for our democracy” and with “dangerous repercussions,” John Ratcliffe, Trump’s director of national intelligence, told Hutchinson at the time.

2.  When Attorney General Barr said publicly that the Justice Department hadn’t found evidence of election fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election, Trump exploded – throwing lunch against the wall of the dining room off the Oval Office, breaking plates. When she attempted to help the valet clean up, the valet warned Hutchinson to stay clear of him.

3.  On the evening of January 2, Giuliani asked Hutchinson, “Cass, are you excited for the 6th? It’s going to be a great day. We’re going to the Capitol. Talk to the Chief about it.” When she spoke with Meadows, he said “there’s a lot going on Cass … things may get real, real bad on January 6.”

4.  On January 4, Trump’s national security advisor Robert O’Brien asked if he could speak with Meadows about potential violence on January 6. Tony Ornato, Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of all security, also had reports of potential violence on January 6.

5.  On January 5, Trump asked Meadows to speak with Roger Stone and Mike Flynn; Hutchinson believes they talked. Flynn had set up a “war room” at the Willard Hotel. Meadows wanted to join their meeting but Hutchinson advised against it. He dialed into the meeting instead.

6.  On the morning of January 6, Pat Cipollone, the White House counsel, asked Hutchinson to “please make sure we don’t go up to the Capitol, we’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable.” He was “concerned we were obstructing justice or obstructing the electoral count” and “look like we were inciting a riot.”

7.  Moments before his January 6 rally on the ellipse, Trump was angry because he wanted the area to be filled with his supporters and worried that camera shots would show it sparsely filled. When told that Secret Service wasn’t letting people with dangerous weapons through the metal detectors (magnetometers), Trump said: “I don’t fucking care they have weapons. Let my people in. They aren’t here to hurt me. Take the magnetometers away” and “they can march to the Capitol after the rally is over.”

8.  Later, when Trump was finishing his speech and rioters were on the way to the Capitol, Ornato asked Hutchinson to let Meadows know of the danger. But Meadows didn’t want to hear it. Sitting in a secure vehicle near the ellipse, Meadows repeatedly shut the door on her. Almost a half hour later, when she was finally able to tell him of the danger, he said “Alright, how much longer does the president have left in his speech?”

9.  When Trump was back in his limousine (“the beast”) after the rally, he wanted to go to the Capitol but the Secret Service wouldn’t let him. When chief Secret Service agent Bobby Engle refused, Trump tried to grab the steering wheel and then lunged at Engle.

10.  When the riot began, and they were back in the White House. Hutchinson heard Meadows tell Cipillone, “The President doesn’t want to do anything about it.” Moments later, when Cipillone and Meadows met with Trump, Hutchinson heard them talking about the “hang Mike Pence chants.” A few minutes later, when Cipillone told Meadows, “Mark we need to do something more, they’re literally calling for VP to be hung,” Meadows said, “you heard him, he doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong, and Mike deserves it.”

11.  As rioters stormed the Capitol, many people phoned Meadows, urging that Trump tell rioters to stop. He could easily have walked down to briefing room just steps from the Oval Office. But Trump did nothing until 4:17 pm when he released a video, telling the rioters “go home, we love you, you’re very special … go home in peace.”

12.  The next day, on January 7, many of his advisers wanted Trump to give remarks about national healing, but Trump resisted. Hutchinson said “he didn’t think he needed to do anything more” and “didn’t think the rioters had done anything wrong, that the person who did something wrong was Mike Pence.” Concerned that his cabinet might otherwise invoke the 25th amendment and relieve him of his duties, Trump ultimately delivered remarks, but still refused to use the words “this election is now over.”

13.  Both Giuliani and Meadows wanted presidential pardons.


A final note: Liz Cheney, vice-chair of the committee, noted that several potential witnesses had been warned not to testify or to testify in ways that would not implicate Trump. She reminded the public (and any potential witnesses) that this attempted interference was itself a federal crime.

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Discussion about this episode

A great summary. Ms Hutchinson was very convincing, relatively calm. I hope she has some protection. She may need it.

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MAY need it? I hope she has lots of protection, she does need it and there's no doubt.

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Yes it certainly was!

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Jun 28, 2022
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Yes she certainly does and she is very courageous!

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This young woman has ovaries of STEEL. I applaud her courage in coming forward and staying true to American values. She truly was "in the room where it happened." She gives me hope.

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Ovaries of steel - love it!!

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Vestibular bulbs! You can't see them, but they are female equivalent of testicles. they helped her to testify.

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Homologous to the bulb of the penis, erectile soft tissue!

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Ah! Hope! I remember when I used to have that! Despite what Emily Dickinson wrote about it being "that thing with feathers That sings and never ever stops", the black cat 🐈‍⬛️ that is Trump ate and swallowed it. He is a Houdini when it comes to escaping justice.

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So unfortunate, but hope live eternal and I’m hoping this will be the mail in his coffin!

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We've been hoping this since 2017. At every turn when you are sure he cannot go any lower, he still finds a way ... and still gets away with it.

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Yes! "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all".

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Does Emily's List know about this . ..

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Yes ; Emily Dickinson's list of poetry!

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So you know her . . the big frog and his admiring bog . . .(Drain the Sump!!)

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She does and hopefully this will put tRump in jail where he belongs and never run for anything ever again!!

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I watched the entire hearing, this afternoon. I found Cassidy Hutchinson’s chilling and frightening. The former president acted more like a dictator, than a president who had definitely lost an election. He condoned the insurrection it’s going after the Vice President. I could go on, but as someone who taught American History and Government, I found Trump’s actions deplorable as well as illegal.

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It’s unfortunate far too many people didn’t understand this throughout Trump’s Presidency. All of the signs were there. One just had to be paying attention.

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So true. Many also never realize, as Thomas Jefferson stated, democracy is fragile and an experiment that we must work to protect, defend, and support continually. It is stated in the Presidential oath of office. Trump ignored or should I say debased his oath.

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So very true.

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1. dog whistle to racist collective subconscious. 2. true believer syndrome. 3. Stockholm syndrome.

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Unfortunately we seem to have become a nation of unschooled, emotionally reactive tribalists. All that's required now is a spark to ignite an emotional blaze and the foolish leap up to imagined war and glory.

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Toxic immaturity.

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He had been acting like a dictator from the moment he entered the White House.

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Even before on The Apprentice!

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He is deplorable and sickening that he’s gotten away with a multitude of crimes and gets away with every evil lie and trickery.

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Agreed. Hopefully, there is now enough evidence for the Attorney General to bring forth an indictment. The hearing today was not hearsay, as the witness was presenting what she actually heard and saw.

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He wants to be just like is idol, Putin. He wants to have Putin's wealth and power... apparently by any means necessary :(

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Every time I hear somebody say that they would vote for Trump again even knowing what has happened is distressing. But the courage of those who told the truth amidst threats and loss gives hope.

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Trump acted just like a mafia don, like the criminal he is.

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Bingo. That’s his M.O.

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Robert, than k you for your great, concise summary of Hutchinson's testimony this morning! What a warrior she is! Would that more Republicans took notes from her playbook on ethics and reread the Constitution they swore to uphold! Now for Merrick Garland and the DOJ to be as brave and do their job to save our Democracy and country!!

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I like your comment about Garland being as brave as this young woman. All of us must be brave as an arrest will lead to major conflicts led by the Oath Keepers and the Poor (proud) "boys" all of whom have weapons. I fear the number of police that are in league with these guys. If they were as brave as Ms. Hutchinson, we'd all be in better shape.

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Amen to that!

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If only Mr. Reich used the words Ms. Cheney used : "witness tampering".

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Thanks for posting that link. Sent a message to the AG just now.

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Given the recent decisions by the six "Supremes" - 3 of whom were appointed by tRump - I wonder whether a conviction would be sustained? We don't live in a democracy anymore, and can't rely on our courts to render justice.

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That’s what is so scary and they are there for life, which is insane! All positions should have 4 year terms.

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The emails threatening potential witnesses is straight out of a Mafia playbook! These people are out and out organized criminals. Every single one of them should be charged with witness tampering and brought to trial.

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The wannabe Don . . .Cute kid you got there, be a shame if anything happened to her

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Saw the whole thing. So Trump heard that the mob was closing in to kill Mike Pence (and his family?) he was cool with that. Wouldn’t stop the mob. Pence deserved it. Just wait for the inevitable Pence butt-kiss that he’s not upset, he had four good years with Trump. What a doormat!

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Call Mother and the kids to the stand.

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Mr Mommy, you mean? With Not Hanged Gravitas? as he's told The Turtle, witches trying to kill their unborn might be Saved with Compulsory Conversion Therapy , ,

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Yes very true. He certainly did the right thing by not continuing the lies.

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Hearing this testimony today made me sick to my stomach and filled with anger. To think this deranged fascist was sitting in the Oval office for almost 4 years should frighten the hell out of everyone. Sadly, as horrified as todays testimony was, I wasn't at all surprised by his actions. We've watched and listened to the lies, the attacks against other politicians, the media, world leaders and political rivals. Now it's time for Garland to prosecute every one of them. If he doesn't we will be living in a lawless country where anything goes.

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I agree with all of that. I was almost sick to my stomach, but not shocked. I hope we can triumph over the evil he helped to grow and spread, and not just in our nation.

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Our June Surprise… wonder what July holds in store for us!

One of the comments in the (Washington) Post this afternoon was: The walls at Mar-a-Lago are definitely dripping ketchup today…

Garland will DEFINITELY have to prosecute the lot of them.


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What would have happened had DJT been driven to the Capitol and led his people in his quest to remain in power? The revolution was stopped by the overriding safety standards of the Secret Service and a single agent willing to enforce his oath, against the verbal and physical objections of DJT.

I think this single action saved our Republic more than any other, and that scares me.

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I want Scorsese to direct the film, with a tubby De Niro portraying the former guy. The scene where T-Rump tries to grab the wheel and then throttle the Secret Service agent should be Oscar gold. Too bad it really happened - and to us.

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Maybe Sean Penn instead? He was outstanding in Gaslit!

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I’ll bet somebody’s already jotting down notes for a script.

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It will feel good to see it in Oscar-winning performances; seeing it as drama will be to experience it as art and be less frightening.

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Agreed. If we see a horror film, we leave feeling safe that we're out in the sunlight. It's definitely drama, but nothing we want in our own real lives.

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Ms Hutchinson is a National hero!

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I would love to be a little spider on the walls of the Justice Department. They are close as we come to having referees for our Constitution and our democracy/republic.

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Outside of racketeering, sedition, and all the other charges that Trump is obviously guilty of, the first one that keeps popping up for me is Murder! He knew the crowd was violent, people DIED!! As Ms. Hutchinson pointed out, he didn't care that they were heavily armed. He only cared that they weren't "there for him"!! This sounds to me as though he knew those Capitol Police officers would sustain injuries and worse, which happened. That's Murder!! In addition to everything else he needs to be prosecuted for...

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That was my first thought as well. A tragic loss of life as a result of all their actions, particularly Trump.

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The people responsible for the acts of TREASON on January 6th should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And I don't just mean the rioters themselves. No one has more culpability than Donald Trump. If he and the pardon-seekers walk away from this, our democracy is doomed.

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As Carl Bernstein said afterwards on CNN, Trump acted like a Mad King throughout. It's time to lock up the "king" and from on he can be referred to as Inmate Trump.

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The Mad King and the Cheshire Cat. Where’s Alice when we need her?

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I'm losing track of all the smoking guns that emerged from today's testimony.

If the Department of Justice doesn't bring these evil clowns, starting with Clown #1, to justice, I'm moving to Paraguay.

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Trump is unhinged. Let Psychiatrists read his actions and they will enlighten you as to just how mentally ill he is. He deserves a straight jacket not a rerun. It’s sad how many persons he has infected. His scintillating personality is a act. Well perfected and his lies as well. Vermin. Disgrace. President of this great country ?

I think not.

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Hope Merrick (not Merritt) Garland will ketchup to what is going on and throw the bottle at Trump.

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Garland must prosecute. After today there is no choice. No one should use the excuse of "what a prosecution will do to our country." The poison has already spread through our system via Trump and his mafia. The only emetic is an indictment. Follow the law.

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Question is, will Garland actually prosecute? From the inaction I've seen, I'm inclined to think nothing will be done. I truly hope that will not be the case. So much incredible damage has been done.

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Maybe the committee called the hearing sooner than they expected because the DOJ wants the testimony.

What stood out for me was:

1. Trump new some of the rally goers were armed with lethal weapons and he sent them to the Capitol anyway

2. Trump knew those he sent to the Capitol were his followers and not Antifa or the FBI

3. There has been witness tampering, which itself is a crime, and demonstrates that at least some in Trump's orbit know that crimes were committed.

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Have to admit I'm stunned by the testimony this morning, and I can't help but think of all the president's men assuming she was just a handmaid. There are honorable exceptions, of course, but it was brilliant to let this young woman tell what she saw and heard. The contrast between her earlier tenative taped testimony and the witness she gave today were remarkable. But that was only in tone; she had the facts straight from the beginning.

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Thanks, Robert, for that nice summary of today's testimony. The testimony of today's witness gives a chilling picture of Trump's pathological narcissism, emotional instability, ruthlessness, and criminality. If he is not indicted, found guilty and punished, our nation and its democracy will be forever imperiled.

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Excellent summary of today's hearing! It was shocking to listen to the testimony. Ms. Hutchinson, at times radiated a sense of betrayal in her tone of voice, almost like a disbelief that people she had trusted would act so badly. It took courage to put her story out there for the world to hear. R.Sheets

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How come when something needs fixing, it’s up to women to fix it? If it’s covered with toddler food, the men can’t handle it!

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Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap be ready to receive a ton of shit.

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I love this!

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I agreed with everything you said until the last sentence.

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That’s a sexist remark. Let’s not take the garlands (I know that’s a pun on our AG, who I hope earns one) earned by men of courage throughout the ages.

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Yet afterwards the RNC tweeted with an 😂 and "Is that all you've got?"

Hard. To. Believe.

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Somebody should tweet back, "Just getting started, bless your heart."

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No way!!!

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I was sure I was watching John Dean in a dress. Very, very riveting. Instead of wondering where are we I wondered when are we?

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Chilling and disturbing Reich is right on once again.

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I've been saying this quite loudly since the deadly insurrection and coup attempt at the US Capitol.

IMHO, I think the CIA needs to reopen their 'Black Sites', all domestic terrorists- including those in power need to be arrested and immediately taken to the black sites to be further 'interrogated' the EXACT same way as the CIA 'interrogated' AlQaeda in their hunt for BinLaden.

Like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, 1/6 will go down in history as another infamous day in US History.

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No, no more torture. Revenge only begets more revenge. We have disgraced ourselves with the CIA’s crimes.

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Trump has he Republicans and the Radical Supreme Court are still subverting the will of people. They are turning this Country into something sinister. The coup is still in process

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People died as a result. Homicide charges need to be brought!

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After today’s testimony my conclusion is:

Merrick Garland your move!

There is every reason to indict Eastman, Meadows and Giuliani. That will ultimately lead to Trump.

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I totally agree. They should begin preparing cells in Leavenworth. Might have to add an additional wing.

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Shared Intent

For my crowd, eff the

Mag Checks. Guns not aimed at the

Truly Chosen One #Hearings HiCues

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For any of those Trumpers who have bought into the entire panoply of lies, obfuscation, gas-light super lies and the rest of the garbage Trump has gleefully and jubilantly and proudly thrown in public and publicly for the past seven years, both before he took office and after, consider the remark he made in the Beast when he tried to commandeer and re-direct to the Capitol: "I don't care about the f.....weapons. My people are not going to hurt me!" That is in a nutshell the key to his entire presidency (actually his entire failed life). Trump has no plans to secure the well-being, safety, and security of anyone...he is utterly alone in the world, on every platform, before every crowd of eagerly cheering Trump believers. No one is really on his side, no one is listening to him, no one really cares about him; indeed he is utterly alone in the world as I've just said and he alone counts. You Trumpers somehow bought into the idea that he cared about you, that he would defend you and support you, that he would cure what has ailed you emotionally, psychologically, financially, and he never took a single step in your direction, to help you. All he cared about was himself, his safety, his future, his wealth, his throngs of people. You went to every single one of his rallies where he wailed out his grievances and successfully told you that you were being treated unfairly. He built his entire career on the lie that he cared but, in that car, on the way back to the WH, he told you in no uncertain terms that he did not care about your safety and well-being, he only cared that surrounded by you and your fellow dupes, he would be safe and not be hurt. That was always the only thing that mattered to him and the real shame is that you took what he said at face-value and believed every single lie he spewed. You bear some responsibility here as well as you have enabled him, you have supported his agenda (or lack of agenda), you have bought the package which was and still is always empty.

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It is immediately necessary for DOJ Garland to issue arrest warrants for all those involved included DT. To fail to act now is not acceptable. Hutchinson should be provided federal security 24/7 at once. Her life is now in danger.

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The effrontery, and insanity of a malignant narcissist was on full display today!

The past 4 years have broken a lot of peoples brains! If Garland could find courage to charge Trump, Giuliani, Flynn, Stone his band of miscreants, we could begin to heal!

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Today's events should leave absolutely NO doubt that the ex-president's intent was to incite an insurrection. If there were no more hearings after today, I think there is as much testimony and evidence to proceed with indictments and a trial. Our Attorney General is an astute Constitutional lawyer and knows that this was a blatant attempt to thwart the law of the land. The POTUS and all conspirators must be prosecuted and sent to prison if a fair trial necessitates this.

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Our AG needs to start putting some of that "astute-ness" to work and get on with it. Good god, what else does the DOJ need to do their job?

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More money from the Criminals they work for!

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This is not a shock or surprise to those of us who already knew Trump to be a malignant narcissist sociopath. Maybe these hearings will help overcome SOME of the rampant denial.

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“Cassidy Hutchinson's chilling testimony.

Garland will have to prosecute Trump.”


Inform the US Justice Department that the US requires, DEMANDS!, accountability.

Indict Donald Trump and his Lieutenants NOW!

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Like Trump, there are those in the MAGA/Q cult that agree with him... the rioters did nothing wrong, it was Pence that was wrong. Use of weapons (terrorism, like that used on African Americans by the clan and slave owners) is warranted and the end, they seek, justifies the means. Even, so called, "evangelicals"!!!

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Especially the "evangelicals."

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Taking up more bandwidth today to say that reading the comments is depressing. I'd guess that at least half the commenters believe Trump and his henchmen are going to literally get away with murder. We're already giving up, which means they've already won. Now is NOT the time to shrug and scream at Garland, now is the time to do all we can to GOTV. Forget the hard-core maggots; they won't be moved. I have a nest of them at the end of my block and I get the creeps just driving past the house. But let's at least TRY to get occasional voters to the polls so we can stop the insanity before we're a full-on fascist dictatorship. Let's at least TRY to talk to moderate Republicans (they exist) and undecideds. The cops are out of control (see the LAPD roughing up protestors) so it's up to us to do it ourselves, without expecting backup from the police. If the right can yell and scream and wave AR-15s around with impunity, I don't see why we can't at least work to use facts to save the Republic.

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I agree with you completely, Karla, and I agree that we should get off Garlands back and let him do his job.

One note, though: Trump and his henchmen have already gotten away with murder. They are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, given their political handling of the pandemic and other matters (e.g., immigration terrorism, SCOTUS packing and its fallout, anti-climate positions, etc.). He and many others should have been impeached or at least booted from office.

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Do you remember when Hillary said we were in the middle of a "vast right-wing conspiracy"? And how everyone mocked her and said she was nuts. Turns out she was correct all along. Look at what's happened since Reagan of cursed memory. Conservatives have oiled their way onto school boards throughout the country and subsequently destroyed the educational system, so we are raising kids who can take tests but can't think. They are sheep, getting only the dogma the right wants them to know, and they have no critical thinking skills to help them realize they're swallowing lies wholesale.

They have taken the courts, from the Supremes to the local level, leaving it impossible to get a fair verdict. People like that despicable little incel Rittenhouse literally get away with murder. So has Trump. So has everyone who knew what was happening with COVID and sided with him.

They have corrupted the police entirely. I'm an old white woman and I would never call a cop, ever. They have the levers of power now; all they're waiting for is the event to codify it and declare the rest of us irrelevant.


The problem I see is that the incessant Death of a Thousand Cuts we're now suffering is debilitating. Every time I read that TFG has held another of his rallies, and his ass-kissing sycophants have cheered some disgusting statement, I get furious, and more depressed, and more hopeless.

I think what we have to recognize is that the police thuggery, the corrupt courts, and an increasingly stupid electorate means we have no backup at all. In addition, Trump's rallies are continuous, but we have no such mechanism on our side. Plus, the media sucks Trump off continuously, slavishly listening to every stupid statement he makes, and endlessly covering right wing shenanigans while ignoring or downplaying progressive events and supporters.

Perhaps it's time for us to start scheduling Rallies for America, where we lay out our vision, and contrasting it with the Party of Death. Come into our tent where your rights are safe, your autonomy respected, and you're free NOT to worship. I'm not aware of any type of organizing on our side that would make such a series of rallies possible, but I don't know what else we can do. If we sit silent we're going to lose. But we don't have to be quiet, we can take John Lewis's advice and "Get in good trouble."

I almost wish they'd start shooting up local neighborhoods just to demonstrate their strength, because then I could shoot back. The flaw in my argument is that I don't own a gun, but I could certainly stick my tongue out at them, clutch my pearls, and write a stinging letter to the local paper.

No, seriously, we need to make as much noise as they are. How? Dr. Reich, you frequently add to my depression but you're also a smart, politically savvy person. How can we drown them out?

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I agree completely, Karla. As Neil deGrasse Tyson wisely said, "Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think." That's precisely why the Far Right wants to ban books and defund education.

And my one gripe with the movements to get police under control is that they should not simply target police, but all policing agencies. In early January 1970 when I was coming off a postdoc at City of Hope in Duarte and moving to San Diego to take a Research Associate position at the Salk Institute, I had an experience with Customs and Border Patrol that still haunts (and angers) me.

My postdoctoral mentor had teamed up with a Fellow (professor equivalent) at Salk and a chemistry professor at the University of Illinois (my old alma mater) and had imported a bunch of French wines. The wine came in at San Diego and was being stored at Salk. My wife and I had ordered several cases, and since we were moving down here with a round trip U-Haul van, it was logical for me to transport the Duarte bound wine when I returned the van.

So early one morning I loaded the van at Salk and started up I-5 toward Los Angeles. When I hit the checkpoint north of Oceanside, I stopped and when the BP agent asked what was in the truck, I answered, "imported wine on its way to Duarte." Well, he said, "Pull over and we'll inspect it."

I pulled over (it was probably around 9-10 AM by then) and opened the truck for him to see. That agent asked to see the import papers. Naturally, no one had thought to give me documentation, and I had no reason to think to ask for it. I asked the agent to let me call my mentor and he could explain and possibly FAX down a copy (no internet at that time). He said no telephone (cell 'phones didn't exist then, either) and referred me to Customs. Well, it as a Santa Ana day, very hot and dry, and it took a couple of hours for Customs to get there. I hadn't packed lunch or brought anything to read, so I just sat in the hot truck and stewed. And watched the BP harass a few other drivers (Hispanic, as I recall). Fortunately, there was a porta-potty.

Two Customs agents finally appeared. The older one went into the office to chat with the BP guy. The other one -- a kid fresh out of "training," who I decided had watched too much Herb Philbrick on TV (an FBI agent in a '50s-era series). He sat me down on someone's case of wine in the back of the truck and started firing intimidating questions at me over and over again. He was obviously enjoying the power. Eventually he decided I should open every case of wine in the truck (as I recall, there were probably 25-30 cases) to prove that the labels were correct. (Remember, they weren't my wine cases, either, which I tried to explain to him.) Fortunately, his boss returned after a few cases and told him that was enough.

After some more grilling -- and still refusing to let me call anyone (my wife or my mentor, whom I would have liked to let know that I had been delayed) -- they let me go, but they had to get in one final intimidation tactic: "OK, we can't find anything on you right now, but understand that we will keep investigating and we know how to find you if we can turn anything up."

From what I see these days on CBP -- treatment of asylum seekers and children -- I have every reason to believe that they have become even more power-crazed and cruel.

It was Carl Sagan who said, "If we continue to accumulate only power and not wisdom, we will surely destroy ourselves." This is where the Republicans are trying to take us.

Yes, it is critical that we awaken the lemmings and extract the ostriches' heads.

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Why isn't Trump under arrest right now?

And WHO has Trump endorsed for the midterm election? They all are questionable characters !!!

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As I listened to this stoic twenty-five-year-old witness testify, I wondered. I wondered how a young, attractive, intelligent person would be affected by this experience going forward. How would it color her ability to trust in humanity going forward.? I suppose many will just say "welcome to the real world." And that's our problem. That is our real world. And we send a wounded young woman back out into the same world she is leaving and wonder why America is in the shape it is in. Cassidy Hutchinson is desperately looking for justice to restore her faith in an ideal. Many may not know it, but they too are desperate for justice. I'm talking about Republicans who have disappointed themselves and allowed themselves to be drug along in this

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While I agree that Trump should be prosecuted, the polls are showing that this makes little difference to the MAGA group who feel we are just out to “get Trump” and believe with all their hearts that January 6 was a display of patriotism. In the mean time, the Supreme Court carries out the MAGA group wishes. So, prosecuting Trump while satisfying, will not stop what has been put into play.

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It may make little difference to those already so deep into the lie they are lost. But today's testimony, plus the Roe v. Wade debacle, can make a real difference to the mid-terms. I don't understand why people continue to write off Democrats, when rallies all over the country ended up with thousands of people yelling 'VOTE THEM OUT'!! I've also seen numerous stories of Republicans who are now saying they will never vote Republicans again. I say we get our folks to the polls and stop rolling over and playing dead before the fight has even started.

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Not a single Republican leaning voter in the country cares about this stuff. It won’t effect their vote anymore than Russia Gate.

Same is true of independent voters.

Trump got 10M more votes in 2020 than. 2016.

If the Dens could manufacture as much excitement around universal health care and $15 min wage and breaking up monopolies like the banks as they get around this story they would win the primaries easily, but their corporate donations would decline.

I guess we see the Dems real priority in getting the base all riled up on this vs issues that win elections

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John and Abigail Adams are turning in their graves! They personally gave so much to our young country -- and they dreamed such dreams! Damn the Trumpers!

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Thanks Professor Reich for your observations and summary on today's hearing. I'm patiently waiting for justice to be served. But I can't shake the feeling that these pricks and their unholy offspring are going to skate.

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Why won't Garland move on this is he bought and paid for too? We are hanging by a thread! What if he waits till after midterms!

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Yes, Robert Reich, as you state, Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony is chilling. I, too, with many, many others, was riveted by her courage. Here is evidence that COURAGE is not limited to political party, age or gender. And yes, evidence of the crimes committed by TFG and his “friends.” Now onward to the JUSTICE, prosecution and absolute consequences, criminal charges, and penalties promised to CRIMINALS who break the laws and violate Our Constitution. And the presidential oath.

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Sadly, Garland has not yet given us any reason to believe that he cannot find a way to sidestep this.

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Robert, there were more smoking guns in this testimony than in any one of the Clint Eastwood westerns.


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Today’s testimony is an example of, why possibly Garland is allowing the committee to do its work, as Garland’s work is the next stage. The law seems to necessarily work slowly, the human ability for feckless behavior is itself a hurdle for defining and following the law.

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Before today's explosive testimony, there was a news story that the Select Committee quickly scheduled her testimony because they feared for Cassidy Hutchinson's life.

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None of this was particularly surprising, and Merrick Garland is not going to prosecute Trump. The "emergency" session appears to be designed to distract from the Democratic Party's abject failure in protecting us from anything, from the health insurance conglomerates to Trumpism to theocracy. And while this was riveting political theatre it will add up to zero. Even if Trump is prosecuted, that gets us nothing back that has been taken from us by Republicans and Democrats alike over the past 50 years in the name of greed and power.

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Ain't that the truth!

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I pray to God Trump pays criminally for all that he has done, And his enabler’s in the Congress and the republican party. I knew the day I watched him on January 6 that he not only planned not only in sighted the violence but planned it.

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Sorry, should say not only incited violence, but planned on it to illegally take the office if President. He knew their was no fraud, he is and was the fraudulent party lying to his supporters repeatedly, not just before the election, but after and still to this day. He needs to pay bc it was criminal and to prevent it from ever happening again, he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Him and everyone in congress who supported the big Lie.

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Ketchup on the wall

valet clean up. Up there with

Adolph's rug chewing . . ..

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I just think we need to quit providing SS protection and let the Russian's handle him. Now THEY know how to deliver 'justice!'

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If the people holding positions of trust and authority in this country don't take the insurrection deadly seriously we are finished.

Something of this magnitude would never be allowed to go unanswered by any group of people who understand what was attempted and the absolute necessity of bringing those involved to justice. Ultimately we need Trump called to account, for what he represents as well as for what he did and did not do.

This isn't play. This is deadly serious and needs to be dealt with.

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Keep saying this. Spread the word and don't let it be drowned out or be


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Thanks for the encouragement. I somehow tend to find myself speaking up when something strikes me as wrong. I appreciate your comment.

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You're welcome.

Keep the faith.

He's going to mis-step and sink his own canoe.

His ego will get him--sooner or later.

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Wouldn't this be close to treasonous behavior by Trump. If the death penalty had not been abolished I think execution would be apt punishment for Trump and his co-conspirators. If they get off with a slap on the wrist what will this mean for similar cases in the future if another man-baby gets elected and wants to pull a 'Trump' when they can't have their way?

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Execution would be too good for them. I waffle between the Republicans' favorite prison, Gitmo, and sets of stocks at the Smithsonian with spiked paddleballs hanging there for passers-by to try and see how loud they can scream. (Naked butts, of course.)

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Please...the image....the blood......on second thought........................

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While it seems that there is far more than probable cause, to make arrests, I suspect that there are several more pieces to this. As suggested, Mark Meadow seemed to know that things were going to get bad on January 6. Was the War Room literally a war room? Some of the people we know were in that room were openly advocating for a violent overthrow. Were the Proud Boys and other militias coordinating with Trump and his people? Hopefully, the Jan6 Committee already knows.

Why did it take so long to end the insurrection? Would it take that long to put down a riot anywhere else in the country? I think it's likely that Trump and his people were hoping that Pence and congressmen would be killed and Trump would then be able to declare martial law. Trump and his people just had to give the insurrectionists enough time to do their job and try to hold back law enforcement as long as they could. I don't think Trump was "doing nothing" during the violence, I think he was intentionally buying time for the insurrectionists on the front line.

Then there is the Green Bay Sweep. Is this a parallel effort or part of the bigger plot?

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Point # 1 Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Irregardless of what trump may have believed, or stated that he believed, he had advisors, lawyers, including the Attorney General of the United States, who told him in n no uncertain terms, that there was not enough evidence to overturn the election: He Lost

( It wasn't even close)

Thus, he knew, and he clearly showed intent to obstruct congress and overturn the election.

Point # 2 I see no dangerous precedent for indicting, and presumably convicting and jailing trump. Embarrassing? yes. But the DOJ goes after politicians and candidates all the time. Andrew Gillum was just indicted in Florida, for instance. Participation in political or electoral activity should not be a cloak of immunity form prosecution. Just try to game that scenario out logically.

Point # 3 yep, the nation is bitterly divided, but nothing the DOJ does regarding this can change that. No man is above the law, and trump must be held to account for his actions regarding January 6th, and his efforts to overturn the election. Period

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Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony will go down in history. And to think a young woman like her has the courage to stand up for the country we all love so dearly - while grown men twice her age hide to protect their tenuous hold on power. Ms. Hutchinson's testimony dashed any doubt (yes, it was out there) on the fact that our nation placed a barbaric thug in the Oval Office in 2016. The Trump presidency was the nadir in the story of our nation - this beautiful experiment in self-government.

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Trump stars in "My Fair Laddie" and sings Get me to the Capitol on Time. I'm going to start an insurrection. Bang Bang the guns are going to chime. Get me my Beast, prepare me a feast but get to the Capitol on Time.

My fans will all be there to greet me. All except my cowardly VP. While I sup, they'll string him up but get me to the Capitol on time.

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Giving an order to retreat would not have relieved Trump’s criminal guilt.

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If Garland doesn’t prosecute, our democracy is truly lost.

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I thank God for this woman and everyone else who really are Patriot Americans. I pray that they all stay safe.

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I agree w Robert Reed. He’s a dangerous criminal. What does that say about the GOP? This isn’t Democracy. It’s a takeover.

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Dr. Reich,

I will share this on social media and through emails to friends. It's a great synopsis of the major points heard today. Miss Hutchinson's testimony should make it possible to get first-hand statements from those she identified.

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Trump was unquestionably the worst President since the mid 1800's. Then, to top it off, he attempted a coup to maintain the presidency. This is inexcusable and shows him to be completely lacking in the characteristics needed to be a successful president; clearly, the citizens of our country realized this, which is why he was not re-elected. In summary, good riddance!!!

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Has Garland gone on record about why he is not prosecuting Trump? Does he believe that former presidents are indeed above the law? OK, I get how sitting presidents are subject only to impeachment and removal and these are political processes. But former presidents? Do they get a lifetime "Get out of Jail Free" card?

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Really. Congress /the government has never fully believed any woman, have they?

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tRump ; An Oppressive Tyrant! Hard to imagine working in the same building with him! Imagine the valet who had to warn Cassidy Hutchinson to stay away from him! How could he stand it?

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Thank you Bob...this is an excellent summary! It is still beyond me that DJT, with all that has been revealed, that AG Garland has not put him in handcuffs! What does it take to charge him with TREASON??? He tried to overthrow the U.S. government!!!

Benedict Arnold gave up West Point to the Brits & was for ever after considered a "traitor"! As far as I am concerned, DJT's actions on January 6, 2021 are the same as Arnold's and as traitorous. He needs to bed tried as a traitor!!!

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Cassidy is a great American, putting country above self. Thank you for your service.

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No magnetometers needed, because 'they will not harm me". Pretty incriminating, along with more incriminating stuff! This should be enough evidence to show intent!

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Prof Reich, your summary was spot on! I would like to submit my note that I sent to DOJ this Afternoon! If everyone on here used the provided link & sent their heartfelt comments, maybe we will great through to them how the population feels & desires accountability soon before the Nov elections!

Following todays enlightening testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, it seems you should have sufficient evidence to begin a Grand Jury trial of Former Pres TRump & his Congressional enablers plus his cronies! We nearly lost our Democracy & people need to be held accountable! It’s long past time since TRump is currently holding rallies to help unqualified potential criminals gain office this year & he plans to continue this behavior if he is allowed to campaign for office in 2024! He is a clear & present danger to this country, our Democracy, & all law enforcement personnel!! Please do your jobs!

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If they don't clear this up soon, i fear there may be assassinations in the near future. There are plenty of armed, left wing radicals in America too, but they mostly have college educations.

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If there is any power left in the world it will be the people who bring peace not violence.

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This Brave Woman Gave the most important and Chilling Account of how Trump

Knew what he was doing as you said and anyone like Mark Meadows

As the Bat Giuliani ! They didn’t care who got hurt or killed Just that they reeked havoc! Trump

Must go directly to Prison! As do those who won’t Testify if needed if they find they are not telling Truth!

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I think you misquoted here. I’m quite sure that Trump cannot pronounce magnetometer 😀 “I don’t fucking care they have weapons. Let my people in. They aren’t here to hurt me. Take the magnetometers away”

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Yes, women usually end up having to fix things that men break. That's because that was the only role permitted to women throughout much of history.

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Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap be ready to receive a ton of shit.

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Again, sexist. No time to be unfair to men.

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Men can Handle a sexist comment!!

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They should not have to. They have feelings, too. Women who attack them can have no complaint.

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That implies. there are no battered women in this country. Sorry. Not so. Lady Liberty stands silent at the edge of the sea.

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Ain’t that for sure true!!!

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That’s sexist.

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Garland, you cannot ignore this.

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Come on AG Garland, indict Orange Hair!

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What’s most important about her testimony is that we’re getting ever closer, even INSIDE, the oval office and the “Godfather”.

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Hand off the wheel, Sir

(that's secret service wussies

Deep State style for you!!!) #the clavicle lunge

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What was Trump on ??? He wouldn't act like that before Putin ???

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If Trump is not prosecuted, when will he EVER be held accountable? The message will be ‘all is fair in love of $ and war against Democracy! He has ABUSED his trust & tainted the dignity of the highest office in the land & of the world!

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I hope Cassidy has trustworthy family, friends and/or other humans that she can rely on. I can’t imagine the threats she is getting. We can’t let her drift into the background, we cannot forget this.

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Cassidy Hutchinson was magnificent, brave and a true patriot. Thank you Daniel Solomon for guiding our anger with your legal expertise and candor. I am hoping Merrick Garland is as capable as his reputation is among democrats.

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I would like to see Garland prosecute Trump. Trump is crooked like tricky Dick was. Trump is worse than Nixon was.

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The Republican Party has proven that it is not about the Constitution of its Forefathers, has little to no regard for the Oath of Office taken, or Codes of Federal Regulations. The Democrat Party has proven that there is a partnership with the Republican Party in that nothing is truly challenged, and little to no FIGHT! Both parties intermingle, intermarry, have business relationships, and their children are friends. Just as 'race' is a misnomer, so is the 'conflict' between them. Something catastrophic will have to take place before either party will take their respective heads out of their asses. Children murdered in schools is not enough, and the collapse of Roe v. Wade in minute in comparison. America is a dream deferred.

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I began a comment and my computer crashed, so some half-finished random reply of mine may show up somewhere in the stack. I only wanted to note that Barack Obama, who is a very smart man, nominated Garland to the SC. He must have had good reason to do so, which means MG must also have good reason for not issuing indictments yet.

I imagine he, his family, and everyone who is known to be a friend has been threatened with death numerous times at this point. I can't imagine he's stalling because of that (though I hope he has protection), but probably to make sure every detail is nailed down so that the prosecution of the traitors will end up with convictions and imprisonment rather than a fine and slap on the wrist.

I also believe that as more evidence comes out the circle of perpetrators is widening, which means he has more material to review and prepare before he moves.

I have to believe this or I'll go insane. Literally. I often shoot my mouth off because I'm so desperately angry I'm in a perpetual rage. I'm considering therapy at this point before I destroy myself by turning my anger inward.

Does anyone know much about Garland, and what kind of man he is at the core? Does anyone have any real reason, other than frustration, to believe he will refuse to act? Stay safe.

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I haven’t heard the testimony, but Reich’s brief summary is chilling. I think all along it’s been clear Trump and his allies should have been prosecuted, and I think many others agree with me.

I do want Trump behind bars!

Thanks, Robert, for your summary.

By the way, I love your cartoons. I think you deserve recognition as an artist and deserve special awards for them.

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While shocking, none of this is surprising.

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Thank you, Robert The president needs to be convicted of inciting an insurrection, encouraging harm to his own vice president, and several other crimes as well. He cannot be allowedd to get away with this attack on our democracy, or he will continue his lies and treachery as long as he lives, as well as enabling others of his ilk to try the same nefarious tactics. It is a shame that he was ever elected in the first place. Carol Larsen

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Thank you, Professor Reich, for your clarity. I especially appreciate your conclusions. I find it overwhelming, so your clear and thorough presentation is enormously helpful to me in thinking it through. You have been my go-to expert since November of '16 when your quick, daily Youtube videos sorted it all out. Those handwritten signs that your colleagues held up made me laugh, something I desperately needed at that time. I hope you are right that AG Garland has to prosecute, and that this horrendous nightmare is finally ending and will be resolved meaningfully.

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All presidents need to checked for mental capsaity.

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Cassidy for President!

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The Infamy Experience

Operator, next

question . .How he ended the

There Will Be Blood call . . #Prezzy Lieberry Attraction . ..

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Thank you, Robert. This helped a lot.

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Secret service has refuted her claims about trump assaulting agents! Bullshit! Throwing food at the wall in the whitehouse? Gimme a break! Unhinged!

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Okay, Mr. Garland, we're ready for you now.

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Excellent ty

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I concur with Daniel Solomon's analysis. However, let us remember the roadblock ahead - SCOTUS.

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Accountability, it’s what’s for dinner! (Hopefully)

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#9 His ride was not the beast. It was SS suv... or so I've read.

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Yes bec tRump preferred the ride in the Suburban & it was easier to maneuver in short tight roadways. It was possible for DT TO reach OVER the seat to grab the wheel in this car but not the Beast!

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Today's testimony was literally stunning. I feel grateful that Cassidy Hutchinson was in place during the transitional period, and that she has given such a thorough testimony. I imagine this will pick up the tempo quite a bit for criminal prosecutions to proceed.

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I say ditto to everything Robert Reed just commented!

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The republicans suck.

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We need more democratic bills passed amd no republicans on board.

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On the giun bill that was bipartisan Mitch McConnell bragged that only background checks, but no ban of weapons. It was a big joke.

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The Toddler throwing his lunch against the wall along with his tantrum!

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I would like to write a letter of thanks and support to Cassidy Hutchinson. Can you please provide a link? Tyvm

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I agree.with you Professor Reich.. All these people are crooks, including the Supreme Court. We need to find a way tp form a class action lawsuit against the Supreme. Court and Congress too. Bipartisanship bills have been a big joke.

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Only problem is, there's video evidence that Trump was not in the Beast, but in a SUV. This is what happens when you have a one-sided hearing.

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Say It Ain't . . .

It's off to the War

Room, Mark said .. Disloyal? her

building sense of dread? #an honest heart

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Wonderful clarity. I found it alarming! Wonderful timing get to chariot out Garland!!

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Is this “FURREAL?*

*Beyond surreal!

(My neologism.)

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Very useful summation

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Thank you for the recap.

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Very compelling by a courageous patriotic young woman. The ball is in Garland’s court!

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Collapse works, frankly.

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Take it as a battle cry. Battered women rise up!

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Minor point, there were SUV’s for Trump on Jan 6th. He wasn’t traveling in the Beast. I recently saw pics of the SUV lineup. Also, someone showed a 4 photo array of blurry pictures, which appear to show him leaning forward, trying to grab at the steering wheel. Don’t think that would be possible in the Beast, due to configuration.

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Right you are!

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For one i hate Trump, two, you all speak very uneducated when it comes to rule of law, in all fairness. If this committee is seeking truth they would allow due process and cross examination, who ever committed crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest. Dem or pub, left or right it's just how the rule of law works. You can't convict someone based on personal hatred towards someone.

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Here's why Jan 6th committee is fucked! Powerhouse Democrat criminal constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz disintegrates Jan 6th committee with knowledge of rule of law. If this committee is seeking truth they would allow due process and cross examination, just how the rule of law works!.

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Here's why Jan 6th committee is fucked! Powerhouse Democrat criminal constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz disintegrates Jan 6th committee with knowledge of rule of law.

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At least one person in Traitor Trump trashed White House speaks the truth.

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If you believe “her” you’re a fool. This is Balsey Ford, “Juicy” Smollet and Amber Heard on crack. You will regret this.

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I've said from the start that the game plan for this resurrection has Roger Stone's fingerprints all over it. It was the Brooks Brothers Riot on steroids.

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Trump knew the Vice President was in damger and did nothing to protect Pence at all.

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They all should be arrested.

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President Biden said he supports the SSI restoration act and social security reform.

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Congress keeps on playing games with the people on SSI and Social Security 21 bills. Congress to start helping the needy like President Biden said to do.

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I agree. Trump needs to be prosecuted. As the prior President, it's pretty difficult to plead ignorance. Insanity (Article 25) maybe, but ignorance? That's BS in the highest order.

Quoting from,

"Many may be familiar with the term “plausible deniability”, or the phrase “turning a blind eye”, but a lesser known and more nuanced term under the law is known as willful blindness.

Also referred to as willful ignorance, this is described as a situation in which a person will intentionally shield themselves from acknowledging information that might make them liable in a civil or criminal case, even denying these facts to themselves.

This is slightly different from the notion of plausible deniability, which refers to the ability of a person to distance themselves from criminal acts by insinuating others are responsible and denying any involvement, with little or no evidence to prove otherwise. This typical occurs in situations of chain of command or organizational hierarchy to help protect the highest ranking individual.

When it comes to willful blindness, the law maintains that a person can be found guilty of a crime where they reasonably should have been aware of the criminal nature at hand."

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As early as January 2, Trump's inner circle -- including Mark Meadows, his Chief of Staff -- were concerned about the potential for violence at Trump's rally on the 6th. So, why did Trump not personally order a substantial National Guard presence at the rally or ensure that the Capitol and D.C police were there in significant numbers? Are we supposed to believe that Meadows didn't share his concerns with the President? Or did Trump simply not want to build that particular wall?

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A minor correction: Trump was not riding in "The Beast" after the rally when he was taken back to the White House. Instead he was in a Suburban similar to the vehicle used by our current VP. This would have made it easier for him to reach across to the driver and potentially try to grab the wheel. In The Beast, this would not have been possible.

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Mr. Trump had no experience that qualified him for the presidency; he should not have been elected. He was a terrible president, then attempted to steal a re-election.

Let's hope that a large portion of the American people read this and think about it before the next election, so that we can elect Presidents who are qualified for the job!

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They are not even as qualified as a bus driver is when applying for a job! (No offense to bus drivers!) So who wants an old guy who doesn't even know where he is or a complete sociopath to have control of a nuclear arsenal!? There needs to be a psychological evaluation done and stuck to!

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One of my greatest fears when Baby Tweety had the nuclear code was that some yo-yo would comment to him that a Nuclear Winter would instantly cure Global Warming. With BT's obsession with the Nobel Prize he would have instantly pulled the trigger expecting a trip to Stockholm.

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Well I think that there was some noise on some cable news channel that claimed the Secret Service Agents were prepared to de-bunk Cassidy Hutchinson's claims about the incident that happened where the man child reached over front seat to grab steering wheel and then attempt to choke the other Secret Service Agent. Claiming all of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is hear say. Guess the opposition won't give it a rest.. here we go again.. giddy up.

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Minimally, Retired General Officer Flynn should be recalled to active duty to be Court-Martialled under the Uniformed Courts for Military Justice (UCMJ). General Officers, retired or active, are considered strategic assets. Meaning, their integrity and character and most of all, their Oaths of Office must remain in tact in order to be available for recall to active duty. Flynn, in this case has breached his Oath of Office. Retired General Officers Quoting an article in "Just Security" by Yevgeny Vindman & Dan Maurer (June 11, 2021, "As a general officer in the retired reserve, he has an obligation to continue fulfilling this oath of office, if nothing else. This is especially true given his continued entitlement to enjoyment of the rank of lieutenant general and to wear the uniform in retiree status." So..., LOCK HIM UP! He is a pathetic example of a General Officer retired or not.

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Not only could Trump have stopped the rioters at any point, not only did he choose not to, but he also encouraged them AND he tried to lead them. What, then, would he do at the capital? Declare himself emperor, ala Napolean?

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This corruption is so wide spread. Now the secret service wants to testify that what Hutchison said is not true. I am worried that the secret service is in on it as well. Thank you Robert Reich for always telling the truth, you have done so much for our democracy.

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No one should be above the law. Prosecute them all.

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Good job!!

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I guess IQ really is related to height!

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Great summary. You might to double check about which vehicle Trump used after his speech at the Ellipse. MSMBC did an indepth showing he used the suburban instead of the beast. Hang em high.

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I wish she had had the courage or patriotism to testify last year during the criminal-in-chief’s impeachment.

Perhaps the threats to her safety were more convincing than those to the republic.

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Trump and every thug working on his behalf has to be prosecuted. There’s no way around it. We’ve heard some damning testimony in the previous days but what we heard today is the most damning yet. We have just about all we need. Gerald Ford’s excuse that putting Richard Nixon on trial wouldn’t have been good for the country was so lame. Pardoning Nixon helped lay the groundwork for what we're seeing now. That should never happen again. The only positive thing that came from that pardon is Ford paid the price for it. It’s bad enough that after a year and a half, Trump and his minions haven’t been imprisoned. When the hearings are over, Merrick Garland must proceed. Justice must prevail this time. If not, our democracy is finished!

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Isn't it ironic that the two bravest. patriotic people in all this turn out to be women, yet it is women whose rights have been trampled on this past week?

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I only fear that Mr. Garland might not have what it takes to indict the criminal N°45.

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If it's possible that something more vacuously awful than Vietnam & Afghanistan/Iraq has finally been found, why do want to zoom in on it?

Not arguing that justice shouldn't be served... but it's a royal distraction from wholesale rollback of constitutional rights, obstruction, & what little positive message can be mustered about Build(ing) Back Better! (The more attention that is paid to the same, the more compartmentalized the whole thing becomes - such that the people who allowed for a general compromise of standards in creating candidate Trump get away with having benefited from a President Trump & even from appearing to oppose his return - despite their voting for him & his surrogates at the first opportunity! It is - assuredly - nothing more than an elephant, whether pink or white.)

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Merrick Garland has sat on his hands long enough.

It's amazing how much "due process" white people get.

Had it been Barrack Obama, He would have been arrested that very day, tried and convicted by now, and in prison.

If it had been the Black Panthers and not the Proud Boys,, the National Guard would have been called out in full force to put them down.

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I've been reading, watching and learning from your excellent works for many years, mostly through the NYTimes and YouTube. I joined your site a few days ago to check it out and ended up coming here tonight for your concise analysis and synopsis of the day's events since I wasn't able to listen to the hearings today. Thank you and Mahalo from Hawaii.

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Could this have happened in the good ole US of A? When I was a young man graduating from high school in 1966, and someone from the future had told me that these events were going to take place in response to the election of 2020, I would never, ever have been able to even imagine anything like the Jan. 6 coup attempt could ever occur in this country. I would have laughed in future man's face. Yet, here we are staring the events right in the face, and having an impossibly difficult time in getting anything done about it, and fearing that the rebels might just escape justice. God help us!

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Good summary! One clarification... from what I've read, the "Beast" they're talking about is actually a large black SUV, not a limousine. This distinction has become important regarding the allegation that Trump attacked the driver with his hands. A limousine has a glass partition separating the driver from the passengers behind him, so supposedly Trump wouldn't have physically been able to grab the steering wheel or try choking the driver, which is an argument some are using to discredit Hutchinson's testimony, but most likely that wouldn't be a problem in the SUV.

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Insightful and thorough account (in the written version). All it leaves out is the consequence if Merrick Garland does not proceed with indictments of Trump and his top lieutenants: a green light to all future Presidents who want to retain power indefinitely and who will do anything to do so. (The pardon of Richard Nixon in 1973-74 can be considered a blinking yellow-light for such; he at least had to pay the penalty of resigning in disgrace but actually escaped the workings of the legal process.)

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Liz Cheney has proven to be a true patriot.

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Excellent summation! The president seemed to loose control. Imagine working for Trump — no thank you.

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On post-hearing talk shows this evening a few talking heads expressed surprise that Trump hadn't pardoned Meadows or Giuliani. Mary Trump went so far as to say that those who expected to be pardoned were finally learning what he really is.

I'm not at all surprised, though. They both failed to rescue him. They were losers.

On a different topic, I've had the longshot hope that there could soon be more Republican seats up for grabs if the DOJ is successful in indicting a bunch of them for participating in Trump's crimes or perhaps in witness tampering. I'd say that after today's hearing that possibility just got a little bit brighter.

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This is the crossroads, make-or-break moment for the country as we've known it. Garland -- step up and do what is necessary!

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Chilling but not surprising.

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Merrick Garland may not be able to avoid indicting some of the major players in the Jan6th insurrection, and justice may very well be served, and of course that is very important. But I wonder, as many of us did after the two impeachment trials, if the hearings or Justice Dept followup will have any other significant effect and - let's face it - what we really want is 'Enry 'Iggins' 'ead.

I have written before that - although I hope that I'm wrong - these Jan6th hearings will not move the needle in November as far as your high-school diplomates are concerned. My conservative friend, the one who notes that he has consistently fared better under GOP presidents than under Dems, and who I think of as pretty representative of his demographic, described today's hearing in the same words many conservatives used to describe the two impeachments - "nothing but a show" or the equivalent - and singled out Adam Schiff [D-CA] as being biased against Trump, asking why the select committee couldn't let "someone else" have a shot. He dismissed Hutchinson's testimony about statements made by other White House staff members as "hearsay" -- which is technically correct -- and therefore not believable.

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I was disgusted!

Career girl too lowly to

need an N D A # or pardon

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I don’t understand why tRump, his cabinet and EVERYONE named in the plot on Jan. 6th have not been arrested. How much more evidence needs to come to light???? Before we (The American public and the world) see these traitors behind bars.

Some action needs to be taken by the responsible members of the Senate and Congress, by our AG, and by the DoJ to prove to the world that the American people will not stand for this lawlessness. The rest of the world is wondering why it should do business with the United States.

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C'm on, Macho Guy

She's a witch who joined the hunt! Her new lawyer's a rhymes with punt .

Groomer type who got to her . . Rad pay offs accruer ..

Bad news phony? That's it? Wussy bunk # the donald oweds

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Self Control

I'm The Effing Prez!

The good men who held in the

Laff deserve medals #on duty

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Has anyone heard from Mike Pence?

Does he know what almost happened? Does he recognize that he was almost murdered at the behest of his President? What the f*** is going on with him?. Does he not recognize the Difference between Right and Wrong? Does he have any Conscience at all? Does he think he can ever have any Credibility ever again?

Maybe he WAS murdered and we don't know it yet.

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Nearly all of her testimony is hearsay, and the Secret Service/grab the wheel episode has already been debunked. If that was fantasy, what else is, at best,, balderdash and blarney?

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Oh yes, I handn't heard that reading before about what hapens when you give women something. I could add one, give a woman suffering and somehow she'll make a life.

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Hang them all and extend the net to the house to those who gave tours the day before. I have a military classmate who is a republican house member who backed trump. He voided both his military oath as well as his house one. He is culpable.

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What is up is Garland also bought and paid for??? What is wrong with. the democrats Biden is scaring me!!! I am a long time democrat who is appalled at Garland and Biden and the whole party!

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Although it appears Trump must certainly be charged, I won't believe it until it happens. And then what? Will the Teflon Nazi finally be convicted? I doubt it. I've reached the point where I don't want to hope for justice because I'm always disappointed. After what has happened so far since Trump's undeserved election, his repeated triumphs over truth and the law, my faith in the system is dead. I'm holding a wake for Democracy. The funeral will take place very soon.

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Hold the flowers and the list of sorrowful hymns. We haven’t seen anything yet.

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Now that Trump is firmly in the crosshairs, he needs to be dealt with.

WILD IDEA. Any trial or fraud conviction won't put off Trump’s followers, where we will stay divided even if we get our pounds of flesh, but how about an intervention? Get him to show up on some fabrication and get the Republicans testifying against him to sit in a circle with him and read him chapter and verse. For what the country needs, offer him total immunity from all prosecutions to admit he lost and whatever he’d say about that – omg, a Trumpian mea culpa would be something to behold. But he is speaking for the good of the country, to unite us. He might love being that kinky hero.

Yes? How to deliver this idea to anyone who would be able to run with it?

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I am afraid you will be very disappointed. I know a Trumpanzy and even when told Trump got the vaccine she still believes they were killing people and there was no virus! These people are diseased. They don't believe in science, facts cause them to start spewing shit! The real scary thing is there are so many of them!

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CC, I also know some of these freaks personally! They are DT’s poorly educated but steadfast angry, grievance touting supporters! He’s their kind of Pres bec DT speaks their street language & doesn’t make them look stupid. But of course they are & they will do ANYTHING for him, he’s a reality star hero to these idiots who believed every lie he told about what he was going to do to Make America Great Again!!! Nobody in their right mind would believe the crap he said about Covid or what treatments would help, but U can believe THEY DID, sucked it right up then some went off to the hospital to die from Covid, the harmless Kung flu from China! DT’s rallies are still being attended by these degenerate Americans, White Supremacists & Neo Nazis. They are a clear & present danger to this country & I believe that word should be sent out to all the cities not to approve Trump rallies for any political reason any longer as he continues to try to help get potential criminal SEC OF States & Govenors elected that will be in charge of counting votes & running state elections! That’s his latest gig so his people would be in office when the ’24 election happens who would be willing to commit fraud & overturn elections! That’s the clear & present danger we face.

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You are absolutely dead on! I read another post here which the person mentioned having a Veteran who was involved in this incident and I have to say that I am also a Vet. My reaction to this when Trump started attempting to put the military onto peaceful (legally it doesn't matter the Guard yes but military!?) protestors! This is a violation of of the very oath I took and is part of the constitution! I felt like (and still do) that at that point and now he is a clear and present danger to the country and the military and all Veterans have an obligation to secure the country against him and his like!

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My husband is also a 22 year career retired USAF Vet. He finds it appalling that so many in the military were DT voters & unbelievable that many are right wing Repub supporters!

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You need to listen to Mary Trump, Donald’s niece, describe how tRump is a sociopath & psychopathic liar, has been one all his life! Nobody would ever get him to do something like U describe. It’s a dumb idea IMHO. Prosecution is what our country needs to be able to root out the decay that’s happened in the GOP bec there’s many Rethugs in Congress that don’t deserve to hold office after the things they have done & should be impeached in masse unless they don’t win re-election but must be given a sign to hang around their necks that says I cannot be elected to any office henceforth bec Amendment 14 says so & applies to all who commit, albeit or enable in any way to commit treason! Many of these seditionists will not be re-elected this year if all the hard work to insure this follows through! I certainly remain hopeful!!

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Shirley, you need to get a different hat on for this, where it's the good of the whole that it deals with. It's counter to the way we think in the US, but an example of the good of the whole taking precedence is Norway's prison system where they have a recidivism rate of 20% and ours is 75%. Prison over there is comfortable and the idea is rehabilitation with punishment just being locked up away from family. There's more and it's fascinating. I did a blog post about it:

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You sound exactly like Marianne Williamson, I think is her name, the one who was also running in 2016 against DT. She was always talking about feel good things that rarely work with hard core criminals who can also be white collar criminals! Your idea is useless bec NOBODY & I mean nobody would ever get a narcissist, ego maniac to do something like that! It’s not in his DNA.

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I think my Hat is on squarely where it should be!! What has the prison system got to do with anything I was talking about anyway. I think u misunderstand the subject & tRump is not worth the time & energy to be rehabilitated! Lock him up & lose the key so his mouth won’t infect the brains of any more power hungry low lifes or poorly educated idiots!!

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It's way late to make a response but it bothers me to leave this alone because you didn't get that I was making a point that this violent society we live in could learn from. The idea for Trump and Norway is the good of society compared to getting individuals punished. We are satisficed with harshness, but 78% of our prisoners return to prison after their release. In Norway, it's 20%. Their focus is on rehabilitation and that makes their society work so much better than ours. So, too, if Trump released all his supporters by copping to what liar he is, l'd et him off the hooks he's on to be prosecuted adn lose everything. I can let him go if the trade-off is a united America. Make sense?

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NO!! Dems have been known as bleeding hearts & soft patsies for way too long!! It’s over after the way Rethugs have nearly destroyed our Democracy in 2020, destroyed our economy in 2008, & supported TFG’s Big Lie to their dying breath, there’s no leniency in my heart or in the majority of people I’ve talked to or articles I’ve read about how to deal with a psychopathic liar that has grifted tax dollars from our Country & committed so many felonies!! Accountability for everyone involved from WH staff to Congressional Repubs must be prosecuted!! That might be a first step toward bringing this country together to fight common issues!! Besides, DT has evaded paying the piper for all his criminal actions in tax & insurance fraud!! He’s going to jail just like any other fraudster!!!

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Would you rather have him in jail and civil war here or him free and the rest of the county united?

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Guantanamo has plenty of room

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Close Guantanamo.

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There is no way they will do a damned thing to Trump. Criminals protect criminals.

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And by the way we should all be ready for the day it all goes to the fascist nut jobs cause we are all in their little black book and are the first to be labelled "Domestic Terrorist"!

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Jun 28, 2022
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How did she stay!!! She told us today under oath, because he accomplished so many good things!!! I am glad she finally came forward, but she is not my idea of a hero.

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Jun 28, 2022
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Frank is full of red shit.

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Hardly. Lookup what “hearsay” means.

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That's Hearsay... Ask Johnny Depp

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Jun 28, 2022
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Wouldn't this be close to treasonous behavior by Trump. If the death penalty had not been abolished I think execution would be apt punishment for Trump and his co-conspirators. If they get off with a slap on the wrist what will this mean for similar cases in the future if another man-baby gets elected and wants to pull a 'Trump' when they can't have their way?

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The NEXT man-baby may SUCCEED!

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........given the propaganda structure of the nation in this modern era.....

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Wouldn't this be close to treasonous behavior by Trump. If the death penalty had not been abolished I think execution would be apt punishment for Trump and his co-conspirators. If they get off with a slap on the wrist what will this mean for similar cases in the future if another man-baby gets elected and wants to pull a 'Trump' when they can't have their way?

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The precedent will have been made & will be used forever

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Jun 28, 2022
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So...the way it should work is that grand juries subpoena all of the reluctant material witnesses. Hutchinson has only one perspective. The others in the White House should all be questioned...and that includes Trump, who would probably take the Fifth. Hutchinson's testimony will be challenged, on cross examination and by contradicting witness testimony.

The AG should rely on a referral of a "true bill" from a grand jury to render indictments and not leap to an indictment.,called%20a%20%22no%20bill.%22.

Besides the White House, a major operation was apparently run at the Willard Hotel. None of those participants have executive privilege. Also there is the state grand jury in Georgia, and potentially grand juries in the seven states where the big lie led to fake electors and state conspiracies to obstruct justice.

Based on what I saw today, grand jury subpoenas and FBI investigations should include Engel, Ornato, Cipillone and Meadows. They may take the Fifth, or otherwise undermine Hutchinson's testimony. Navarro has already been subpoenaed, and everyone involved in the Green Bay sweep should be identified and subpoenaed.

What I saw today was the appearance of a crime syndicate. Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count.

Engel, Ornato, and Cipillone and others may ask for immunity for their testimony.

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Would be a hoot if Garland is spinning a mega-RICO against the Trump crime family. Rudy was famous as a prosecutor of the Mafia. The families will be laughing if he goes up Rio Rico.

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For one i hate Trump, two, you speak very uneducated when it comes to rule of law, in all fairness. If this committee is seeking truth they would allow due process and cross examination, who ever committed crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest. Dem or pub, left or right it's just how the rule of law works. You can't convict someone based on personal hatred towards someone.

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Adam, your observation deserves great praise and contemplation. I wish to endorse the spirit, and point out how we differ in one little particular at the end.

First, in ALL circumstances, when a citizen is held up to adverse scrutiny by government - and nothing produces more intense scrutiny than a hearing of a Congressional committee - it is a vastly unequal exercise of power by the Government. Whenever such a situation occurs, no matter what, it is immensely important that the Government, by intent or accident, does not infringe upon the rights of the citizen, no matter what. Period, full stop, paragraph mark.

Congress has vast powers to inquire about particulars, to determine if the laws of the country are appropriately constructed, and to construct new law if the situation is improperly handled by existing Federal law. This power was notoriously abused in the Army - McCarthy hearings, which were used as "witch hunts" to dig around in American citizens' private business. That was an abuse of Congressional power.

Since the Committee is directed towards improvement of the law in the future, and not the disciplining of citizens and events in the present, the Committee must act only to this aim. Even if the Committee discovers improper action by a citizen, it must proceed in a respectful manner, always aware of the disparity of power in the situation of Committee investigations.

The reason that this piece discusses the action of the DOJ against an individual, now, in THAT situation an individual is placed at risk of being harmed by the government's actions. In that case, due process and cross examination, which are instruments of judicial investigation and proof belong in the proceeding.

This insurrection called to mind the so-called "Boston Massacre" in 1770. There had been turmoil and sedition against British authority in Massachusetts, and the lawful military of the Crown were very skittish at the time. A mob of hundreds had gathered in immediate contact with a nine-member detachment of the Crown's troops, and began hurling rocks at them. The situation was rather like the confrontation of the Capitol police by the insurrectionists on the Mall.

Although no order was given, several of the detachment fired into the crowd. "The gunfire instantly killed three people and wounded eight others, two of whom later died of their wounds."

"The crowd eventually dispersed after Acting Governor Thomas Hutchinson promised an inquiry, but they re-formed the next day, prompting the withdrawal of the troops to Castle Island. Eight soldiers, one officer, and four civilians were arrested and charged with murder, and they were defended by future U.S. President John Adams. Six of the soldiers were acquitted; the other two were convicted of manslaughter and given reduced sentences. The two found guilty of manslaughter were sentenced to branding on their hand." [Wikipedia]

True to human nature, this event was amplified and distorted into a matter of British military firing into a crowd of unarmed civilians. Perhaps John Adams was sanguine enough a lawyer to realized that an attack by a vastly larger mob on a detachment of military posed a complex issue.

An armed collection of persons in a mob threatening immediate harmful intent - is it a citizens' collection, or as the Geneva Convention allegedly calls francs-tireurs - an irregular military formations acting as an enemy? Since the Revolutionary War patriots were not all that far from the stone-bearing citizenry, innocence weakens when the weapon is grasped.

On the Redcoat side, it was mutually crystal-clear and evident that muskets or no, the Redcoats were in a jam, and understandably panicked. A mob throwing rocks at soldiers can reasonably be thought to understand that things might get worse.

The point here is that the British troops had their day in court, thank goodness for justice over passion. They were treated fairly. Everyone deserves the opportunities of due process and fair trial. John Adams thought so.

So your point is excellently made, although mine was directed towards Garland and legal action - and Rudy would have his day in court. Witness tampering and intimidation is an element of racketeering and a corrupt organization in American law. Rudy should well know, and he's dumb as a rock if he did it.

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Daniel Solomon - THANK YOU! You truly have the wisdom of ancient Solomon, fellow Daniel!

We need a GRAND JURY so ALL the traitors, including _rump, Gaetz, Green, Boebert, Hawley and ALL the rest see justice for trying to OVERTHROW OUR DEMOCRACY! That is the only way for justice to be done, as it is too big a job for individuals.

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The expert speaks again!

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Agree, he is seedy and evil and has destroyed Democracy and America and is encouraging Dictators in other countries to follow suit!

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He/they are following the lead of dictators in other countries.

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