In 1968, I didn't want to vote for Humphrey, due to his support for the Vietnam War as LBJ's VP, and I couldn't imagine enough people would be stupid enough to vote for Nixon for him to win, so I voted for Dick Gregory and went to bed pleased with myself. I wasn't so pleased with myself when I woke up to find that Nixon had won. I became more and more disgusted with myself as I watched his criminal behavior as POTUS.

I realized then that the US has baked into its very structure a 2 party system and that, like it or not, the President would be either a Democrat or a Republican, so, even if I disliked both candidates, I'd better hold my nose and vote for the lesser evil--and that voting 3rd party would only make it likelier that the greater evil would win.

I did that when I voted for Biden, assuming he'd be another neoliberal like the Clintons and Obama: the lesser evil. In 2024, I intend to vote FOR Biden because he's been a much better President than I expected and is trying to bring the Democratic Party back to the party of the people it was from FDR to LBJ.

That doesn't mean that I think he's the best possible POTUS, but he's the best one who can possibly win--and I won't even have to hold my nose to vote for him.

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Biden is our best choice at this time in our country's history. He was not my first choice in the primary season in 2020, but he has done so much better than I would have expected, given all the fires he encountered when his administration started. He's a sane, decent person. He is not a crazy, stupid criminal.

Cornel West is mounting a vanity campaign. I respect Mr. West, but if he cares about the country, he will suspend his campaign. Joe Manchin is just looking to line his pockets and garner attention. If he were a Republican, he'd just be one of the crowd. People's little, tiny, and yes, petty reasons for their actions can have big consequences.

The tRump administration and the rise (again) of the far right bring into bold relief the fragility of our Constitution and our governing system. For Senate rules, allowing minority members to hold more sway is unconscionable, Tommy Tuberville and the filibuster being two examples. Don't even get me started on the corruption of the high court.

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What is broken in the Senate's procedures that gives one Senator, such as Tommy Tuberville, so much power?

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It's not the Senate that is broken, it's Tommy Tuberville that is broken! The Senate is faced with a long list of generals and admirals that require approval. Doing this with a "one-at-a-time" vote on each person would consume a huge amount of the Senate's valuable time. They get around this using the "unanimous consent" procedure. The list is put up for "unanimous consent". As long as no Senator objects, the whole list is approved. Since Tuberville objects and refuses to back down, they are stuck with "one-at-a-time" voting. Majority Leader Schumer doesn't

want this path. In the past, when a Senator would block a vote, it would be for short time as reason and compromise would prevail. Tuberville is an idiot who does not understand this!

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Yes, using a consent calendar, any member may extract. Then the extracted item is voted. But the vote is not stopped indefinitely. The Senate rules do not fulfill our goal of a democratic republic. One Senator must not have the power to thwart all others.

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Wish he would return to coaching football. Never hire a carpenter to do your brain surgery.

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Well, one thing, the SILENCE of the DEMOCRATS! Where the hell are they, where's Schumer, Jeffries ? Where's opposition by ANYONE OF ANY PARTY??!!!!

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Why would both the democrats and republicans together give enough power to one Senator to block how the military functions? Seems an absurd way to run Congress.

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I wrote to my MOC, Ami Bera asking why the Senate runs this way. Maybe he will find out and send me an explanation.

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The Senate rules are crafted to frustrate the majority which is why it requires the consent of 60 Senators before a bill can be voted on. Similarly, Tuberville is taking advantage of a rule that allows a single senator to object to a nomination even if all the others support it. It's worse here in Pennsylvania where a few committee chairs can prevent a bill from even being voted on in committee much less be voted on by all our representatives.

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Tubs has blocked the en masse approval of a block of promotions. Congress has the option of approving one candidate at a time. Why are they not doing that?

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I can speculate- the democrats want Tuberville to look bad,

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Keep in mind that Bunkerboy only has a mere 10% support in The United Shtaysh! [sic] In other words, registered insurrectionist Trumplicans make up only 25% of our voters and only 40% of THOSE TRUMPLICANS aren't sick of the morbidly obese loser.

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That said, they are THE loudest, most vicious voting bloc! We Americans CANNOT be compliant and MUST vote. 100% of us!!

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Those who vote in the primaries select the candidates for all of us.

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Absolutely fucking not. This election is a joke and I'm staying out of it.

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Cornel West is mounting a Vanity Campaign, and it exposes him for the selfish egotist that he has always been. Joe Manchin is probably feeling a little “vulnerable” as his “popularity descends into higher and higher double digits.

So here’s the deal. How do those of us in the Democratic Party who might have preferred a more “Progressive candidate” to Joe Biden, but who have also come to see/believe that he has done a spectacular job at the 1st Phase of restructuring our Economy? And who also believe that he’s positioned us to be ready to take on the “Last Steep Hill that needs to be climbed” before we get to where we need to be .... get the Party to the place at which we need to be for next round of elections?

That last n“Steep Hill” would be our Tax Codes - State & Federal - that treat some classes of assets substantially differently than they do others. And then those codes allow some pretty shady financial maneuvering that allows the Uber Wealthy to borrow against their stock portfolios, and never pay taxes on the appreciated value of stocks they might otherwise have needed to sell in order to generate their “operating expenses.”

The President has begun the process of restructuring our Economy into a real 8-cylinder Engine capable of generating enough income to those who are working at jobs for which they should be receiving a higher salary or hourly wage .... in excess of what they have at the moment. They are better off than they were 3 1/2 years ago, but not where they either need to be or deserve to be.

Where we need to go to take our Economy on to the next level will involve both “higher salaries/hourly wages” for working people, and a tax code that is restructured to reward “Work” at least as much - if not more - than wealth. We have economic experts who are also humanists - there’s one of the Very Best on whose platform we are communicating.

What we need is the POLITICAL WILL. But I do believe that President Biden will BEAT Donald Trump, or whomever the GOP is forced to run in his stead if and when Trump ends up disqualified under the 14th Amendment. (I am not certain that Trump will be disqualified, and he isn’t - it will have been a Political decision made to avoid a Civil War.

And so “May We Live in Exciting Times,” and may we navigate our way safely to where we need to go. I do believe that Joe Biden is the right man to “Finish the Job” he began, and I think he deserves the chance to do so. I also think the Political Tides are beginning to turn.

Some of my optimism is based on Weak Signals. For example, I was very interested in what appears to be a rather interesting shift in Kyrsten Sinema’s political posture that is probably a little more than just concern over an opponent in the Senatorial election. . I have no confidence in her Ethics, but I have a fair amount of confidence in her ability to “Sniff Out the Direction in Which the Political Winds are Blowing.” If I didn’t know better, I would ponder whether the Leopard had considered a good scrubbing to Change Her Spots?”

And I have a LOT of confidence in the Women’s vote, the “Black” Vote & the Youth Vote. I think that the combination of these 3 will be “Enough.”

But what I do know is that GenZ is solidly Progressive. Women in this country are PISSED OFF, and many of them aren’t voting for any Misogynist Republican “White Boys” any time real soon, and that Black are gong to Save Us in Spite of Ourselves.

And I”ll just end by saying how INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL I AM FOR ALLIES on this Journey. None of us would be able to hold on as hard as we have done .... without each other ... and a few Wise Guides such as Robert Reich.

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I had a typo that I would like to correct. "Black (women) are gong to Save Us in Spite of Ourselves. This is what I meant to say. And it’s not to disparage or underestimate Black men AT ALL, but rather to salute the role that Black women have played in our Nation’s history. And the role that I have watched them play more recently. Black women have hearts big enough to include all who need “saving,” and arms long enough to gather them up and keep them safe. My hat’s off to them ... and beyond what I’ve just corrected .... I don’t have words sufficient to express my gratitude and my respect/appreciation for the role they have played.

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I was typing too fast ... I meant to type the “Black Vote,” but you guys already knew that.

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Your fingers to god’s ears.

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In re: God’s Ears ... She gave us Fani Willis. How could you doubt that “She’s Listening?”

And while there isn’t actually a Biblical quote ... “God helps those who help themselves” ... our shared experience pretty much suggests that when human beings create a situation in which “just one more little push” would take things to where they need to go” ... the chances that we’ll get the outcome we want if we “do the work” are seriously increased.

We’re going through an interesting time. I’m in my early 70’s and I literally can’t remember a time when there was so much overt Evil, Racism, Misogyny, Xenophobia, Greed, Grift, Lying, .... ugliness piled on top of more ugliness .... and yet what shines through the cracks is a potential Future that is ours ... not just for asking ... but for the taking if we do the work.

We’re in the dying days of “White Male Misogyny & Privilege, and some really AMAZING White Men have signed on to be a important part of the burial. We have a growing solidarity between Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans & Progressive White Americans. It’s not that we’ve become “Color Blind,” but rather more “Color Inclusive” - i.e. open to seeing/acknowledging what others “not exactly like us” can bring to the table in the Fight of Our Lives.

Democracy really is “On the Line,” and we are just beginning to “Let Go” of our comforting illusions of Racial, Ethnic, Religious, etc. Superiority and get a glimmer of what the More Complex and So Much Richer Tapestry could/would look like ... if we just did the work of opening our minds & our hearts.

America has pretended to be something that it really wasn’t just yet ... for at least a century. And the gap between “what we would like to be true, what we see in ourselves versus what others might see in us, etc. may not actually be growing ... but it's increasingly visible. And at least some of us have taken our courage and our humility in hand, and agreed to look into the Mirror of What the United States of America IS ... versus what she Could Be.

Donald Trump is our collective ID, the amalgamation of all of our “Less Lovely” abilities, beliefs, history, present, etc. What we have to remember is that when we “Look into the Mirror that Donald Trump and the MAGA goons have held up for our consideration,” we are not just seeing the Poster Child & Family of our Racism, Xenophobia, Greed, Cruelty, & Projection ... we are also seeing our “Homework Assignment.” Every time we see a MAGA Deplorable, we should look for a whisper in ourselves of what we find revolting in them. And then dive deep, and tear out the roots of our Judgments.

It’s difficult and painful work. But some of us are doing it, and the more of us that do it ... the faster we’ll get to where we need to be. And it does get a littler easier as we progress. We find it a little easier to “see that which is not really us,” easier to acknowledge it, and more willing to “let it go.” We see those we call “Saints” ... those that appear to be “always kind,” “always patient,” “always forgiving,” and we believe them to be “Other Than We Are.” And functionally, I suppose that at least in the present & the immediate future - they are. But "Seeing & Acknowledging are the 1st steps in “Becoming.” The next step is “Acceptance,” and then “Commitment.” And nobody said that the work was going to be easy.

But we have Teachers to whom we can look for both guidance & inspiration. Robert Reich is one of these, and while he would probably be horrified to be identified as such ... that’s a measure of the degree to which he really is such a Teacher. And as I typed this last sentence, I started to chuckle ... because that rueful acknowledgement of imperfection and reality is the first step in Changing the World.

And I can’t think of many better places than this one in which to find “Fellow Travelers.” We’re going to need them because it’s going to get worse before it gets better. We have a rather large contingent of those who are determined to assume NONE of the responsibility for their beliefs & their behavior ... and while I don’t believe that they constitute the Majority in this country .... they certainly are some of the most visible.

So ... what do I actually believe that we might get accomplished in the relatively near term? I wouldn’t have said this 3 months ago, but I will now - a Code of Ethics for the Supreme Court.

John Roberts is not a stupid man. Full Stop. He KNOWS that the credibility & validity of his Court - which is REALLY IMPORTANT to him - has taken some potentially fatal hits. “Clarence Thomas is NOT SORRY for What He Did - Only that he Got Caught. And ditto for his Sugar Daddy/Daddies. lllegitimate Power must be waged “in the Dark” to be allowed to continue to function. Sunlight really is the Best Disinfectant. And Harlan Crowe et al were put On Notice that “We See You.,” and so now Clarence has been separated from his checkbook. That’s gotta HURT because Thomas had grown very accustomed to “Living the Good Life.” And John Roberts had become a little too complacent & insufficiently cautious in the grift he allowed to continue.

And while I don’t believe for a single moment that Roberts plans for his Court have changed in the slightest - a Return to a Time when White Men Ran the World because they were the Superior Life Form - I do believe that “getting Badly Busted” has put a crimp in his Timeline?

And so Hugs, Fellow Travelers. None of us could “Do the Work” without one another. I’m grateful for everyone that reads Dr. Reich’s posts & comments. You give me Hope. And I try to remember that “the Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn.” We’re there now, and we’re going to prevail. And I say that not just become “We’re Right,” but because we are more intelligent, more numerous, more diverse - i.e. we bring an amazing set of experiences, intelligence & creativity to the solutions to big problems. And we’re doing the work & fighting the fight for the right reasons & the right beneficiaries - the Birds, the Bees, the Animals, the Trees, the Water, the Sky & Each Other. And WE WILL WIN.

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And I think I see just a Glimmer of a Possibility that we might FINALLY be willing to learn from our Native American Teachers from whom we have been so consistently unwilling to learn. They have so much to teach us about how to “Live More Lightly” upon the only “Home” we’ve yet been given. But Standing Rock and subsequent “solidarities” appear to me as though at least our “Young Ones” see the Wisdom in their “Old Ones,” and are willing to learn.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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What? As compared to what the world would look like under the fat orange Putin puppet???

I believe the world is, indeed, a better place since Biden took office. What do YOU think it might look like if Trump actually had won in 2020???You think it might be a better place. I don't think you'd have much company in that camp, bud.

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Do you remember when tRump started the tariff wars with China? Do you remember how Thrumpf coddled the Russians during their occupation of the Donbas and Crimea? Do you not recall the Russian election meddling on behalf of TFG (The Former Guy)? I think Biden has shown a steady measured response to the Putin-tater, yanking the rug out from under the dangerous moves he made into Ukraine.

We can't have potentates going around invading their neighbors without repercussion.

Biden also show good foreign policy in other areas, getting many frendly countries to join in a block to counter the degradation of democracy, and moving us and the world toward a stricter reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Republican policy is pretty flimsy if it even exists at all. When you hear them talk, it's in generalities that make no sense, mixed with vituperation directed at "liberals" but without really saying how liberals have got it wrong. The party of the big corporations seems to have nothing to say on behalf of the working people. It's hard to imagine them getting anyone into public office by only attracting votes from the top 1%, so they accuse "others" of all kinds of things that are supposed to make us believe their party will bring us all closer to Jesus.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Found the Russian troll!

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I care about people and ideals. I care about democracy and justice. If you care about money, or our lack of it, then the solution is to roll back the tax cuts Rs gave their buddies. We could also put a small tax on stock trades, often made by computers, thousands an hour. We have a revenue problem.

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Fear loses. Please deposit all complaints and criticisms in the round file where they will be immediately dealt with. Thank you.

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Biden is the best choice? Aside from the fact that Biden has been worse on many issues, he is clearly not cognitively fit for office. He’s obviously suffering from Dementia. He will not make it to the end of a second term, another SIX years, when he’ll be 88. He’ll be lucky to make to to election night. So a vote for Biden is realistically a vote for the unelected and unaccountable officials who really run the country at present, and ultimately a vote for Kamala Harris! That would be a disaster.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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I think Cornel West is smart enough to know he can't win (or place, or show), that means he's a spoiler and I am disgusted with him right now. And RFK Jr. is a lunatic who I wish would just shut the bleep up.

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have you ever listened to him or do you just read the "interpretations" given to you by the bought and paid for media. he is no lunatic but the people who make such accusations sure as hell are!

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Sep 7, 2023
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Sorry to inform you but RFK Jr is in fact a lunatic. I have a graduate degree in science and medicine. What RFK Jr spouts is pure nonsense. Believe him at your peril. And to the detriment of our country.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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I wanted Bernie, I worked for his campaign. CW and RFK are spoilers because they are not running as Democrats, they will not be debating. They are spoilers. The US electorate is not very discerning and if your vote is going to RFK Jr., well I wish you wouldn't, you will be throwing away your vote and making it more possible for trump, or whichever evil R they put up to be elected.

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Wow! You really missed the point. Scary.

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I agree with you and will vote for Joe, even though I have some reservations about him. But it worries me that so much depends on Biden. What if something happens to him before the 2024 election? Death, scandal, physical or mental illness? Who is the Democratic Party backup candidate? I think we MUST put maximum effort on getting Trump off the 2024 ballot, either through the 14th Amendment or criminal conviction and jail (or him fleeing to another country).

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Kamala Harris is grossly underappreciated. It's not just her skin color. Wall Street fears her, and Dems don't want to fan those fears. As California's attorney general she took on the banks and won big during the Enron scandal.

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Thank You. I didn’t know this. And that’s probably largely because she’s been a “Good Vice President,” i.e. working in the back ground and not competing with the President for “visibility.”

Consider doing a write-up on exactly how she “took on the banks” during the Enron scandal - I’d love to read that?

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If anybody has any thoughts, insights, and/or “Ah Hahs on “Humanizing” Kamala - I’d love to hear them? She’s obviously “wicked smart,” but she sometimes (often?) comes across as “What’s She’s Been,” i.e. a Prosecutor & ‘All about Just the Facts.’” We all know that powerful women are a “problem” for “insecure men,” and powerful, highly educated & competent Black women .... even more so. And while “those of us who hang out here” are less likely to be put off by a women who is incredibly intelligent, capable, & powerful ... my guess is that she leaves a disproportionate number of White Men with “Hands Dropped?” And yes, these probably wouldn’t have voted for her anyways, but short of plastering the airwaves with photos of “Kamala” holding babies or puppies - any thoughts on how to get past the 2-dimensional to a 3-dimensional view of her as the fully human woman we most likely know her to be?

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In my view Biden has worked to suppress the visibility of other Democrats that he thinks might be competitors in the '24 primaries. He has hollowed out Democratic political leadership to just include Joe Biden. Inferiority complex?

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So you blame him for doing what he can to win?

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I guess I'm not a big fan of this Vice Lombardi quote: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” That's the GOP mentality. Biden has the primaries locked up, so there is plenty of time to for him to build inclusiveness and diversity leadership in the Party. One of my "brains and clarity" favorites is Pete Buttigieg, "ideology for the working person" Warren and Sanders. (Please, that's just me.)

The Party is loaded with smart attractive leaders that could help Biden and the Party in '24. "Anyone but Trump" may turn out to be a long shot with just Biden singing acapella, he's no Franky.

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So you're saying you would be different. Yeah, me too. Everyone does things their own way. Criticizing Biden for doing it his way is a little crazy, if you realize everyone is different and that there is no perfect way to do things. Let Biden be Biden, OK?

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Changing the tradition of New Hampshire is huge. Think about why that happened.

I know people have slowly been waking up, but the breaking news should now wake up a lot more.

5th circuit panel found they violated 1st amendment. This is huge! They have 10 days to have the Supreme court review the case.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time now. If anyone supports this administration after this, I don't know what to say. Everyone told people they were crazy. There is a reason that we have freedom of information. It isn't crazy.

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Except that ANY Republican in the White House will be bad for the country. Look at Kevin McCarthy trying to hold it together by “working with” ie kowtowing to the ridiculous Un Freedom caucus. Republicans are too beholden to the christofascist MAGA far, far, far right. There is not a single one of those R’s standing on the debate platform that I would be comfortable handing the White House to.

Dems need to play hardball with these spoilers.

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Sep 9, 2023
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We have a winner takes all system. Maybe we don't like that but it is our reality. There is no way Cornell West or RFK Jr. will become president. We must get behind the Dems because the alternative is absolutely terrible.

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Go ahead, let/help Trump win, and see what happens. Just sayin'.

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Sep 11, 2023
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I have to ask, given US history, why is Joe Biden "so repulsive" and compared to whom?

Many in our country think Pres. Biden is a socialist, yes that's ridiculous but they do. Bernie was our best shot and unfortunately that didn't happen but it did cause some change. And Bernie has given full-throated support for Pres. B. Cornell West doesn't stand a prayer of getting elected. It's a big country and whoever runs must appeal to a lot of people with different ideas. Whether we like it or not.

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Yes, but Trump has not been nominated yet. There are many months to go and many events to take place before the R's put him up there.

Democrats should not waste effort opposing him at this point, and instead work to blolster their best candidates and promote their great policies. The R's have none.

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Any one of those Rs that are running are terrible. I don't want any of them.

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Kennedy all the way. It surprises me to not see support for him. The article was just another anti Trump rhetoric. But his point seems to be very clear. No one appears to be in support of Biden.

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No one? Talk about hyperbole.

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Yes. I don't really see a great support for him. I see a lot of hate for Trump or Republicans in general.

I'm very much enjoying the news on the 5th circuit decision. Been waiting for quite some time now. Of course, it isn't widespread news. Trump always dominates the headlines. Anyways, looking forward to the Supreme court reviewing the 1a violation. But will The White House really be held accountable?

I can't even fathom how an article is written that we need Biden at all costs, yet doesn't really say anything good about our admin. See where I am getting my opinion from?

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But then who would the Democratic candidate face? They're all monsters, but some are less obviously so than Trump.

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Sep 10, 2023Edited
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I couldn't agree more! Can't wait to see what the Supreme court says on this censorship case. The White House doesn't have much longer for them to review it. It is a shame that the DOJ is corrupt though.

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Sep 12, 2023
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Yes. I had to read it from USA Today. WSJ won't let me read unless I create an account. Weird because I have read articles from them. I am so thankful this finally came! I didn't even find out until this morning. The mass media doesn't seem to be making it headlines. Go figure.

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Then why did he appear at a nazi, anti-vax event?

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Were you told to think that? My goodness. A nazi, anti-vax event. What crap do you read?

Do your favorite outlets cover news on the censorship case? Or do they enjoy censoring America. Can't wait to see what the Supreme court says. But of course, the DOJ is corrupt, and The White House won't be held accountable.

Kennedy does not support nazis. And he is not an antivaxxer. You've been duped. Thanks to the censorship that totalitarians support. Your thinking has been done for you. Vaccine safety testing and unnecessarily pushing to vaccinate kids equates to antivax to mindless fools.

Ask yourself why stuff was censored. Really think about it.

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Sep 12, 2023
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Sadly, he's fallen in with too many conspiracy theories. Had he stayed with the environment, I'd have been more inclined towards him.

Maybe he should run as a Republican. he has drawn an unusual amount of support from Republicans, who have very positive views of the Democratic presidential hopeful. According to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll, 55 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Kennedy, compared to only 28 percent of Democrats. Although Kennedy does resemble a more conventional Democrat on some issues like the environment, he vocally breaks from the consensus within his party on key issues like US support for Ukraine, in addition to his anti-vaccine statements. On these issues, his views resemble those of MAGA Republicans far more than mainstream Democrats.

The main funder of a pro-Kennedy super PAC is Timothy Mellon, a conservative billionaire who has been a strong supporter of Donald Trump. The New Republic recently reported that the Kennedy campaign has an elected GOP state representative on payroll in New Hampshire. Anna Chapman, a longtime Republican operative who has worked on a number of GOP campaigns, describes herself on social media as the South Carolina state coordinator for the Kennedy campaign. Chapman did not respond to a request for comment, nor did a spokesperson for the Kennedy campaign.

Further, at least one veteran Republican operative with high-level experience on multiple presidential campaigns received feelers about interest in working on the Kennedy campaign.

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Is there a reason why a super PAC should not fund a campaign? Super Pacs never should have been allowed. Hillary got the most in super Pac money and still lost.

You think Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist because you were told to think that. The whole 'misinformation' is just not so.

I'm really enjoying the 5th circuit decision that the White House did in fact violate our first amendment. But of course, we are all crazy and far right nuts, right?

I don't think you have listened to Kennedy at all.

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A super PAC funded by Timothy Mellon, a conservative billionaire who has been a strong supporter of Donald Trump.

Now, why do you think a Trump supporter wants Kennedy to run?

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Sure they're supporting RFK Jr. - he's a spoiler.

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I'd like to add that if you paid attention to his works and his campaign you would know that the environment is a part of that. Not sure why you state "Had he stayed with the environment". I mean, he makes speeches that include the false stuff Democrats claim about helping the environment. You must have read one of his books about the climate crisis.

His campaign...priorities;

Honest government, reconciliation (heal the divide), environment, revitalization (the economy), peace, civil liberties, humanitarian crisis (the border).

Seems to me like he has America's priorities straight. Will American's listen? I don't see vaccinations as his platform. And, I still have never seen proof that he is anti-vax. I also don't see any conspiracies in his platform. I just see junk articles and media say that stuff. Try listening to his FULL interview on NewsNation. It is a few months old, but incredibly good. Might put some fears at ease. I thought that so called Democrats made fun of Republicans for being scared over nothing. I am definitely seeing that script flip big time.

And I don't understand concern over parties uniting or why it is some type of gotcha moment. I am thankful that Kennedy can bring people together over commonalities. The only thing I see standing in the way of leftists are false fears. I see nothing about his campaign that they disapprove of. A concern one should have over New Hampshire is the Democrats changing the tradition. We ALL now why that happened. Who cares about a GOP state rep on payroll in New Hampshire for Kennedy.

If you have any statements that are anti vax, please paste them here and I will find the truth for you.

As for Ukraine, I think people are really blinded by what is going on.

And I am not sure what Veteran you are talking about. The one I know of, is not a Republican. And he is volunteering.

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I said " veteran Republican operative," not "veteran.." "Veteran" as an adjective means "experienced through long service or practice; having served for a long period"--it need have nothing to do with military service.

Why is Kennedy getting lots of donations from conservative Republicans?

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Sep 12, 2023Edited
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I take it you're in favor of people's dying of Covid.

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Sep 10, 2023Edited
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I love when Kennedy says, when I was trying to get Mercury out of the fish, no one called me anti-fish. People are really missing out on this man. I just love Kennedy!

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Apparently, we have different viewpoints.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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If you think Biden is prosecuting Trump, you forgot some civics lessons. The courts are a different branch of government in this country. Sure, Trump tried to influence what goes on in the courts, and his tRumplicans may think this is how it works. But we haven't descended into that kind of banana fascist system (yet).

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Sep 10, 2023Edited
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trump has committed crimes-period. He did that before running for president, he did that while being president and he most certainly did that after he LOST the 2020 election. He must be held accountable---finally.

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Sep 11, 2023Edited
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1968 was truly the year that proved your point. Years passed before I forgave my sweet aunt, who died this year at the age of 99, for the same mistake you made. I was 14, and I sure as hell was not excited about “serving my country” as a Vietnam “conflict” draftee.

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I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope you escaped Vietnam; if you didn't, I apologize, as I apologize to all those who suffered because I and people like me did not vote for Humphrey.

I was young and naive; though I realized that the US Constitution had structured the electoral process so that a third-party candidate could not win, because no one I knew would have voted for Nixon, I made the foolish assumption that he could not get enough votes to win. It also never occurred to me that George Wallace would pull votes that might otherwise have gone to Humphrey.

Vietnam was not the only evil consequence of Nixon's being elected. He set the Republican Party on the road to what it has become: a racist, authoritarian party whose only goal is to win, no matter how. Had Nixon lost, I doubt we would have to worry about Trump today.

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Yes, I escaped, as an accident of birth. The meat grinder didn’t require my body when it was ready for the abbatoir. Thousands were not so fortunate. History will be merciless to those misguided fools who empower a second Trump reign.

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History may be "merciless" on the misguided but it will be pure Hell on those who have to live through another Trump presidency.

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Climate destabilization is plenty enough reason to get rid of just about every R in politics today.

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There may not even BE a 'history' to be recorded, or be 'merciless' to those who helped install him into power by ANY means, if the SHITler gets a lifetime regime. :(

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I'm glad you escaped; I just wish everyone had.

In 1961 or 62, I found out about the American military "advisors"in Vietnam, and gave a speech against American military involvement there in my high school speech class (in conservative Ft. Wayne, Indiana). I was hooted down, and one student followed me after class to ask me if I really meant the things I'd said or was I just trying to get a rise out of people. I think this was the first time any of them ever heard of Vietnam. I've often wondered how many of them ended up there.

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Sep 11, 2023
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Do you mean "there"? If so, as the sentence before says, Vietnam.

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Were you like me and born on a lucky day for the first draft lottery?

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draft lottery?? How did that work?? I never asked as it was difficult for my Dad. He passed last year...after effects from Vietnam (Agent Orange). He signed up - wasn't drafted. I still didn't want to upset him and bring it up.

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Kerry, maybe that's the approach we should take, that history will not be kind to those who supported a criminal Trump by voting for a third-party candidate.

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People who support trump are into alternative facts, alternative history. I don't think that approach will work on third party voters either, they are low information voters.

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Though it seems that some of us think we "escaped Vietnam." If we have a conscience, none of us "escaped." There is a powerhouse of an exhibit at the New Museum in New York on the Bowery https://www.newmuseum.org/exhibitions/view/tuan-andrew-nguyen-radiant-remembrance "Radiant Remembrance." Closing Sunday, September 17th. NYT review: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/10/arts/design/tuan-andrew-nguyen-new-museum-vietnam.html The horrors that we committed live on and on and on amongst the people of Vietnam.

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Donna, I know we would have done so much less damage and destruction as well as loss of life in Vietnam and its neighboring countries had Nixon not been elected president. I still don't know what people saw in him. I get the "love" of George Wallace because huge numbers of white Americans had been getting racism through their mother's milk, but Nixon had nothing whatsoever to offer anyone and he proved it. He did get forced into approving the EPA and clean air and water acts, but not much else that was positive or that could not have been done better by Humphrey.

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It is seldom mentioned that in addition to Watergate Nixon enabled genocide in Asia and Latin America.

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You can say the same for many presidents.

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Seldom mentioned in the United States. Nixon said during his campaign in 1968 that he had a "secret plan" to end the War in Vietnam, just what our war-weary nation wanted to hear. Then, after he was elected, he said that to end the war "would result in a blood bath." So he went ahead to enable the continuing pointless slaughter. When the French fought and lost their colonial hold in Vietnam, America should have learned a lesson, but under presidents of both parties, America failed to do so. Hubris. Pride goeth before a fall. So much suffering for what, exactly?

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And among many in the US. You can't inflict horrors on others without damaging yourself.

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The decision to fight in Vietnam goes back to the Eisenhower administration, and perhaps earlier. Ho Chi Minh tried to ask Truman for help to defeat the colonial French. LBJ could have ended our involvement in Vietnam.

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I visited Vietnam about 20 years ago. The story our guide told us was they asked the USA for help which was refused so they turned to the Chinese. I met a few of the men who were soldiers during that time and they were young boys when they had to go to war. Our guide never recovered from his father death who was working with the USA had to be "reeducated" and died during that time. One x air force man with our group heard these stories and said we were fighting on the wrong side. Alot of good American lives lost during that time because of politics.

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A lot of lives lost, period. And Vietnam really escalated America's drug problem. Returning vets told stories about the permissiveness of their leaders w/re to drugs. Likely it was about the only way some soldiers could mentally survive.

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That was my experience and view too. Many of the vets came home with drug addiction and introduced it to my hometown. There were others that suffered with alcohol dependence. Some to drown out the rejection they received coming home, others to quiet the fears that fucked with their heads.

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And fear of Communism. They wanted to repeat what the US had accomplished on the Korean peninsula.

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Yes, agree with you. Lost a high school friend to Vietnam. We went to the wall and it was very touching to see his name but also hurt that such a vibrant person had to be remembered that way.

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Penny, interesting comment. Thanks. We endured bad judgment of our presidents. The CIA may have been involved too. Read the Devil's Chess Board by David Talbot about the CIA during the 1950s. We continue to allow a minority of voters of each political party to select our presidential candidates. We need open primaries for our Presidential candidates.

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Open or closed primaries, not enough of our citizens vote at all. Compared to other democracies our voter turnout is pitifully low. There's lots of blame to go around. I would like civics taught from early elementary school on up, stressing the importance of a participatory democracy. I know that very few people ever email or call their Reps. Any of us who understand the stakes must try to get out the vote and for Dems, who are our only hope.

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Actually, it goes back to Truman

May 1, 1950 — After the capture of Hainan Island from Chinese Nationalist forces by the Chinese People's Liberation Army, President Truman approves $10 million in military assistance for anti-communist efforts in Indochina. The Defense Attaché Office was established in Saigon in May 1950, a formal recognition of Viet Nam (vice French Indochina). This was the beginning of formal U.S. military personnel assignments in Viet Nam. U.S. Naval, Army and Air Force personnel established their respective attaches at this time.

September 1950 — Truman sends the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) Indochina to Vietnam to assist the French. The President claimed they were not sent as combat troops, but to supervise the use of $10 million worth of U.S. military equipment to support the French in their effort to fight the Viet Minh forces.

Following the outbreak of the Korean War, Truman announces "acceleration in the furnishing of military assistance to the forces of France and the Associated States in Indochina...". and sends 123 non-combat troops to help with supplies to fight against the communist Viet Minh.

1951 — Truman authorizes $150 million in French support.

1953 — By November, French commander in Indochina, General Navarre, asked U.S. General McArthur to loan twelve Fairchild C-119 aircraft, to be flown by French crews, to facilitate Operation Castor at Dien Bien Phu.

1954 — In January, Navarre's Deputy asked for additional transport aircraft. Negotiations ended on March 3 with 24 CIA pilots (CAT) to operate 12 U.S. Air Force C-119s, flying undercover using French insignia, but maintained by the USAF.

Though, officially, November 1, 1955 — President Eisenhower deploys the Military Assistance Advisory Group to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. This marks the official beginning of American involvement in the war as recognized by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

LBJ was all for the3 war. He's the one who got JFK to send 400 United States Army Special Forces personnel to South Vietnam to train South Vietnamese soldiers in 1961.

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Thanks. Very informative. New information for me. JFK wanted to allow countries to have the right of self-determination according to his 1960 inaugural speech. Maybe he would have stopped the war had he lived. Brown and Root, key financial supporters of LBJ, made a lot of money in Vietnam building military bases at cost plus 10%. Brown and Root is now part of a larger company whose CEO was Dick Cheney before he because VP.

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I've read that JFK was inclining towards stopping the war before he was assassinated.

I didn't know about Brown & Root or their association with Cheney; thank you.

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Kerry, I couldn't vote yet in 1968, 3 years short, but I was for Humphrey. I knew where he really stood on the war and on the "Great Society." Vice Presidents didn't get much of a say back then and often had to hide their own positions on issues. I never understood anyone voting for Nixon because of his involvement with Joe McCarthy. I knew both my parents despised McCarthy and what he and his cronies had done to people who didn't deserve it. High school is in some ways the best time to hook people into what is going on in the country. My high school went for Humphrey by a lot. That is probably because we were a small city (we were called a borough) and wanted someone who had a connection with a city as Humphrey did. We didn't know what Nixon was connected with. I heard Humphrey and Nixon speak, in person and there was no comparison. Nixon had a lot of lines about how well we were doing in Vietnam and were close to victory and Humphrey talked about making life better for all Americans and gave suggestions. I did the 3rd party thing once and promised myself I would never do it again. I voted for John Anderson in 1980. I really liked Anderson, and I don't know if Anderson had bowed out if Carter would have won, but I felt that way. We got Reagan and so many of the problems we are dealing with now got wound up during his administration despite his popularity. People didn't realize what was happening to this nation because they were busy listening to their Grandpa Ronnie who said all the "right" things while he was stealing from them, and not even behind their/our backs. Third parties can be good to give ideas to the major parties, but they do more harm than good when actually running candidates. Now, how do we get the word out without it looking like an attack on the actual third party candidate?

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I also regret my vote for John Anderson. I can’t remember why I did.

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Carol, I think I voted for Anderson because of the BS we were fed daily about "the hostages in Iran." It was presented as though it were Carter's fault. It was not. It is too bad we didn't know before the election that Reagan's team, probably Reagan too, had been working with the hostage-takers to release the hostages if Reagan won. They kept up the hostage crap heavily before the election. I don't know if that is the reason Reagan won, but I bought the nonsense and stopped supporting Carter. He may not have been the greatest president, but he would never have done as much harm as Reagan did to this nation.

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Nixon did the same with Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh started negotiations with LBJ for peace, but Nixon secretly went behind his back and promised Ho a better deal if he held off making peace until after the election--then he ratcheted up the war once he got in,

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Maureen, you are right and I understand Johnson knew about Nixon's betrayal but didn't want to make it public because the election was so close in time. Now, unless a person loves history, people care nothing for the fact that thousands of lives, American, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian, were lost due to Nixon's betrayal. It proves Republican betrayal of our nation and our Constitution is not a new thing. Well, actually it is older than that because I believe Joe McCarthy betrayed this nation too, but We the People permitted his abuse to go on for years and in public. What do we do about a political party that at its heart would betray its fellow citizens for power?

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Carter worked to facilitate the hostages’ release until Reagan’s Inauguration Day, I learned recently. He met with some of them in the hospital where they were being checked out.

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Carol, I read in several places that Carter stayed involved with the hostage situation until Reagan's inauguration, but I think the deal with Reagan was already in place. It is unclear if Carter knew anything about it. It is interesting that he greeted the hostages when they were released, on inauguration day, interesting coincidence? I doubt it.

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Yes, I remember that Humphrey called the Vietnam war “America’s greatest adventure.” An obvious mischaracterization that branded Humphrey in my mind as a shameless huckster.

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Humphrey was ready to throw in the towel in 1968. He had a pretty distinguished Senate career before being neutered by LBJ.

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Thank you. Reminds me of when I voted for John Anderson in 1980. I've never forgiven myself.

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I was furious at myself as well. BIG mistake.

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The poli sci professor at my fiercely progressive Catholic women's college spoke to the seniors saying, "You must NOT vote for Eldridge Cleaver! He may represent your views, you may think Humphrey is too conservative, but a vote for Cleaver is a vote for Nixon." I think she changed some minds.

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Good fo9r her.

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My feelings exactly! Although he has not done as much as FDR, he is honestly VERY close to being that successful. I am proud to have voted FOR him this time.

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I voted for the Peace and Freedom party in 1968 and do not regret my choice today. Trump is a danger to America, but Biden, with his neo-con State Dept is a danger to humanity. He is leading us steadily and surely to WW3

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Trump has already told us he plans to be a dictator. The next time around, he wouldn't appoint anyone who disobeyed him or tried to reason with him. The Heritage Foundation is readying 25,000 people to replace the civil service with trump sycophants and you aren't concerned about it.

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His idol is Putin! 14th Amendment please! Should never be allowed near White House again!

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No, he is being Franklin Roosevelt for Winston Churchill, doing everything he can to hold back the war without actually getting directly involved. It was called "Lend/Lease". FDR had the same thing said about him—that he was leading us to war. He was doing whatever he could to keep it in Europe, and not let it come to North America. In those days, location was primary. These days? Putin wants location; he wants to own the breadbasket. Someday we may be having similar arguments over the fate of Iowa.

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You Paul are going to get SHIT for saying this BUT I agree with you.

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I think the Insurrectionest was much closer to the button than Biden!👹👹🍼🍼

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Steve Schmidt had a link recently to a report and interview of a nuclear bomb equipped submarine crew. No way do we want bunker boy getting closer to that button ☢️.

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I'm with you.

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Sep 7, 2023
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What do you mean?

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We support democracy by supporting Ukraine. We fight fascism by confronting Putin.

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Please read the history of NATO expansion after the fall of Soviet Union and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Ukraine is not a democracy. This is about bringing down Putin and gaining access to resources.

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Have you been listening to Jeffrey Sachs or similar people? What does Ukraine being or not being a democracy have to do with Putin invading it? Putin targets civilians and infrastructure to “denazify” Ukraine, he says. Ukrainians who do not want to be Russians are “nazis” in his view.

By the way, why would the Baltic states, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, etc., formerly under Soviet control—and now Sweden and Finland, think it wise to join NATO? Is “bringing down” Putin the same as preventing his further aggression?

Try Yale historian Timothy Snyder for accurate information about Ukraine’s history from its earliest tribes to the present.

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And we post things like this because we're morons.

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UKRAINE....read the History before making wild assumptions. The Maidan coup.

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Putin regarded it as a coup, as the large numbers of demonstrators were protesting Yanukovich’s actions leaning toward Russia. He had to flee to Russia to live in exile. Revolution of Dignity in Ukrainian eyes. Coup in Putin’s eyes.

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You deserve to be in this conversation too, Paul.

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I realize there are also pacifists on this platform. Not everybody supports NATO but I'm just glad I don't live in Europe right now because that would be scary to have Russia on your doorstep.

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Why are you rooting for the nukes, you dumb fuck?

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Sep 8, 2023Edited
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Welcome to the internet. People are welcome to reply to whatever they want to.

So, again, why do you want everyone to die? Because you’re basically sucking death’s cock at this stage.

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Sep 8, 2023
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I don't think this is how the forefathers intended for Democracy to work. It shouldn't have to be a burden. And if we're consistently given a burden, we should rethink the process:


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Do humans evolve or what?

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If the increasing presence of fanatical christo--fascists are any indication, I would say we are regressing. I saw appalling posts on a Maui thread somewhere about how the fire was God's punishment for their insufficient "Christian" population, while another claimed Jesus knew why Maui was burned, just read your Bible: the "moneychangers" are after the land. So now Jesus is an arson investigator.

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I agree, we are regressing. Some humans evolve, but as human numbers increase (world pop. has increased by 4 since I was born) those regressing become harder to influence and overcome, because there are so many of them. Also, we have many more ways to spread emotional and misinformation, which catches on faster than the study of facts and critical thinking.

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Human overpopulation is wrecking everything.

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An alternative way of seeing this global rise of intolerance and hate is that the previously hidden shadowy souls that have always shared our fragile earth are becoming more visible.

How we individually choose to engage with this rising darkness will define us and the Age we are living through.

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It is ever thus.

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@Daniel Solomon. No. Scientifically the conditions for evolution don't pertain. Also, as far as I know, there is no workable theory of "cultural evolution" other than the exploitation of various technologies and natural resources. So, no, humans don't evolve...

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"Original intent" is a bs way to avoid discussing legislative intent and changed circumstances. The Constitution replicates art. In fact the first thing we did after it became effective was amend it. Evolution.

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@Daniel. Ok, I was being overly-technical about evolution. In terms of "original intent" there are two things I bet you would agree on. 1. The "intention" of some wealthy from the era 1775-1890 is hardly a good guide for a modern, multicultural polity (even if you could figure out what that intent might have been, and given the robust debates, whose intention, and so on). 2. These "originalists" are just using that cover story to mask their overt, reactionary, anti-popular perspectives. Just an excuse to reject enhanced democracy and equality before the law.

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Actually most were freemasons, Deists, who supported fundamental fairness -- even Jefferson. In 1819, Jefferson founded the University of Virginia – a public university designed to advance human knowledge, educate leaders and cultivate an informed citizenry.

Jefferson called slavery a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” but continued to hold human beings as property his entire adult life. Jefferson freed two slaves while he lived, and five others were freed after his death, including two of his children from his relationship with Sally Hemmings.

The desegregation of the University of Virginia began in 1950, when Gregory Swanson sued to gain entrance into the University's Law School.

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@ Daniel. Viktor Frankl: Today every impulse for action is generated by the knowledge that there is no form of progress on which we can trustingly rely. If today we cannot sit idly by, it is precisely because each and every one of us determines what and how far something “progresses.” In this, we are aware that inner progress is only actually possible for each individual, while mass progress at most consists of technical progress, which only impresses us because we live in a technical age.

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In biologic terms, all was lost when "free will" evolved into our genome. The chance to be a happy grazer was gone,

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@Sherm. It's funny though because Dennett, Hitchens and Harris claim we don't have free will!! This is such an interesting group when you learn to have fun jerking the trolls around....

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We have frontal lobes and can make adjustments that aid in survival. Also all have an amygdala.

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And evolution happens every day.

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Back to Ape Age!🤔😥😆

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yeah, but at a very slow timescale. i know you're being facetious, but when i look at the decline of simple skills like driving, i ask myself the same question. oh, remember punctuated equilibrium evolutionary theory by Stephen J Gould?

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I have poetic license.

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Hey Maureen. I hear ya but I'm still gonna hold my nose. Guess it's just become a habit.

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I voted for Nader in 2000. Only regret it a little. Locally I was expecting the guy who replaced Issa in my district when it went blue to be a neolib too. So far he has been better than expected. Mike Levin. Maybe the democrats are starting to listen to the people again.

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I think some of them are starting to listen.

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I believe Bernie would have beaten 1135809 in 2016. He did the right thing by not running as an independant. The democrats did the wrong thing by ganging up on him.

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I appreciate your “confession “ Maureen. It took guts. My confession and regret is that instead of voting to give Jimmy Carter a second term, I voted for third party John Anderson because even as a 30 year old know it all who made a mistake about President Carter, I was right about the shallowness and meanness of Reagan and what was becoming of the Republican Party. I am now convinced the Mr. Carter is not just a good person, he was also a good and effective president. No flash just substance.

And by the way i have come to appreciate Ringo Starr in a similar way.

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If my "confession" keeps anyone else from making the same mistake of voting for a third-party candidate and thus helping the worst candidate into office, it's worth not only telling but repeating over and over. Nixon was vile and evil;. I don't even have the vocabulary to express how much worse Trump is (& I'm a retired English professor).

I agree with you about Carter (& Starr).

You were right about Reagan, too. He was another major step in the devolution of the GQP leading to Trump.

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"I realized then that the US has baked into its very structure a 2 party system and that, like it or not, the President would be either a Democrat or a Republican, so, even if I disliked both candidates, I'd better hold my nose and vote for the lesser evil(...)"

Yes; how Ironic that these days, contrary to the slogan, Cthulhu actually *WOULD* be the lesser evil given that he would merely eat us while the Nazi Fascist Republicans want to *enslave and/or erase/kill* us.


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At least our suffering would be over fast.

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As a longtime, now retired Republican attorney of the Classic Liberal variety, I agree completely with your post, and expect to be voting for Biden next year. Like you, I might prefer another candidate, but even indirectly supporting a former president who by comparison has made Nixon look like a saint is appalling!

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So much whining in 2016. “I don’t like Hillary.” “Oh those emails”.

And wishful thinking. “Roe v Wade is settled law.”

And now look where we are.

Those who did not vote blue in 2016 own the hell realm we are currently living in.

And I will never forgive Nader for 2000.

There are only 2 possible winners of the 2024 presidential election: the Democratic nominee and the Republican nominee. Period. End of story.

Vote accordingly.

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Nor should forget 2000: Al Gore vs George Bush. "Purists" snubbed Gore, despite his qualifications, because he had been "tainted" by Clinton. We got Bush instead.

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I first supported Gene McCarthy, then Bobby Kennedy but did vote for Humphrey. I respected his past record. He was a civil rights and union leader. He got sucked in with Johnson.

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I agree with you about Humphrey. Apparently it came out later that Humphrey was opposed to the war and would have ended it but, as LBJ's VP, couldn't say so. I respected his background in both Civil Rights and unionism, but the war was the breaking point for me (I was very active in the anti-war movement). I wish it hadn't been.

I wasn't sure about Gene McCarthy's ability to win, but, once I decided I could trust Bobby Kennedy (I was at first dubious because he hadn't objected to the war when he was his brother's AG), I was all for him. I'm sure he could have won, and the US would be a better place today if he had.

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System needs changing to the popular vote elects the President and also allow for a run off vote between the two people who top the ballot if no one get 50%. This would give third parties a place in elections that is not a spoiler.

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But in reality, any vote against Biden is a vote for Fascism .Here is the real world it's either/or not multiple choice.

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Your rhetoric is ridiculous and overblown. American "democracy" survived Trump's 1st term and it would survive a second.

(I put "democracy" in quotes because USA is not, not has ever been a democracy. This is mostly due to the crap FPTP voting system, of which I say more here: https://pontifex.substack.com/p/fptp-is-a-shitty-crappy-no-good-voting )

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Pootie and the (his) NAZIS just never give up on here, do they?!?

I guess it's because that fascist POS DESPOT has as much riding (completing his INVASION, and authoritarian takeover of Ukraine, and then other eastern European lands) on his boyfriend SCUMp getting into power for life, as the SHITler himself does (staying out of Federal Prison).

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If you think I am pro-Putin why do you think that on my blog I have multiple times called for him to be assassinated? E.g. https://pontifex.substack.com/p/if-hitler-had-been-assassinated and https://pontifex.substack.com/p/the-skripal-poisoning-a-case-study

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So, are you pro-Wagner, before Uncle Pootie had them taken out??

They are (were) almost as bad as effing NAZIS, and at least equally as brutal and sadistic as Vlad The Impaler.

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I just joined thinking I wouldn't see the same rhetoric as I did with MSN. I was wrong.

The article sure proves the TDS. We don't have fascism here in America. We have a bunch of anti-constitution, totalitarians, MIC, pro corrupt corps, crony capitalists, thugs. No one was truly ever pro Biden during his VP or now.

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IF you went to his substack page maybe you would see Pontifex is not a Troll.

I certainly agree with MOST things he says.

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I don't believe It was me calling him a troll. I watch his substack. Very important.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes :: By your own admission, not only are you not a resident of the USA, but are not a citizen. Nor a voter!

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SO what? Am I not allowed to make comments?

The amount of Americans in the international press who make comments are not from one country!

Back off Laurie.

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Grow up. Trolling comments to comment the word troll. We all have different views; we all are entitled to share them and there are no set of rules that someone from another country can't comment on American politics either.

The famous "By your own admission," the whole, 'gotcha' is just a way of saying really nothing at all. You missed what they actually said. The person is not a troll. You are continuing to fixate on negativity rather than the fact that someone said you were wrong.

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Where "troll" apparently means "person making a rational argument that I disagree with but can't refute", LOL.

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Trump has already told us that he plans to be a dictator. The Heritage Foundation has 25,000 people ready to displace civil service with people loyal to trump. Daniel's rhetoric is not overblown.

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> Trump has already told us that he plans to be a dictator.

Citation needed. Where does he specifically say that?

> Daniel's rhetoric is not overblown.

Yawn. People said the same thing in 2016. And many of those people didn't believe it then; if they had they would have converged on Bernie Sanders who according to polling was much better placed than Hillary Clinton to beat Donald Trump.

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And you have this:

President Trump made a “surprise” appearance on the White House lawn on Friday morning for a free-wheeling Fox & Friends interview. Among all the topics the president addressed, the least surprising was his fondness for North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, or rather, the devotion the people trapped in his gulag nation are forced to show him. While telling Fox & Friends nodding head Steve Doocy about the progress he thinks he made with Kim regarding denuclearization, he unexpectedly pivoted into one of the most honest admissions he’s ever made in public. “He’s the head of a country, and I mean, he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anyone different,” Trump said. “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

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He never says anything explicitly. He implies it.

In a Sunday evening post on his Truth Social disinformation social media platform, Trump was even more explicit with his threats of violence and harm, threatening that he would treat Biden and the other "enemies" like they do in "banana republics":

The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it's our turn. They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. So cheap and dirty, but that's where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!

"Which would you rather be, a dumb person or a dictator?" Trump said Thursday night at the Heritage Foundation's annual leadership conference in Florida at the Ritz-Carlton resort on Amelia Island.

"Perhaps a dictator would be better," he continued. "I don't want to be a dumb person."

He's pretty clear about it.

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Wow! Threats are not free speech! Who wants a dictator. "Careful of what you wish for,"because if you get it, you will be unable to change it, unless you kill the dictator and their supporters

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Just like a slick Mafia 'Don' this effing low life scum POS infers and IMPLIES what he means, and almost speaks in code as to what he wants his blood oath loyal brownshirt/blackshirt <-(aka; Proud Toddlers) FASCISTS to do for him, and what HE plans to do once back in power FOR LIFE.

This evil SHITler wants nothing more than to turn this land into one of his "shithole country" banana republics as long as HE is totally in charge, and has everyone under his (jack)boot heels sniveling and shaking in fear as to what he, and his effing Waffen SS/Gestapo will do to them if they dare even look at him funny (just like his beloved pals Pootie and Lil' Kimmie).

Sorry, but to me ANYONE even thinking about supporting this effing psychotically narcissistic, megalomaniacal, fascsit DESPOT at this point is truly a cruel, sadistic, inhumane NAZI at heart.

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Survive another 4 years of 45!!! Nuts to that! No way in h@!! I am going to watch him destroy this country completely which you seem able to do.

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Technically we are a hybrid of a democracy and a republic.

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If WE REALLY want to see DEMOCRACY prevail and if we're really want to stop supporting this two party system, here's an interesting perspective:


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EAT YOUR GUN? Get medicated.

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That's rude.

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IMHO he's friggin' nuts,

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We aren't a true democracy. I do see and have always agreed that local votes really matter. I study them a lot before I vote. Our town can get really passionate about the school board, mayor, etc..

I saw a need for Kennedy in their article. It does matter to vote for a President. We just focus too much on the anti-voting and listen to what the mainstream carries. The media was hijacked long ago.

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He's nuts.

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Kennedy is not nuts. People just say the same thing over and over. I'll keep paying attention to his campaign.

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Not on your ballot in France.

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That is ridiculous. Biden isn't capable of being president as it stands right now. Imagine his mental capacity in January 2025. So, I vote for Kennedy, and I am a fascist? There is no thriving fascism here in America. I can see there are a growing number of Totalitarians though.

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Biden has been the most effective president since LBJ despite BS allegations like you are making.

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I don't think I am making any claims besides the obvious. Biden's ability to continue his presidency. A half a century in politics. Time to step down and enjoy his family and the rest of his life. But the most important thing I was addressing was, I am apparently a Fascist if I support anyone, but Biden. That is absolute nuts. Doesn't sound like a free country when you tell someone they have no choice. Maybe you missed that comment above?

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Ranked-choice voting would eliminate the need for a run-off, less costly & done the first time.

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No Labels has ballot access is in FL. Am I missing something ?

Qualifying periods have passed so Joe Manchin can’t run on No Labels. Some other incognito candidate(s) ?


A person seeking nomination as a candidate of a political party to be a member of that political party for the 365 days BEFORE the beginning of the applicable qualifying period.

A person seeking to qualify for office as a candidate with no party affiliation to not be a member of any political party for the 365 days BEFORE the beginning of the applicable qualifying period.

Therefore, the last day for such person to make the applicable change is April 23, 2023, for the first qualifying period, and June 11, 2023, for the second qualifying period, in order for the person to meet the 365-day requirement.

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Max, I am wondering if such a plan would be possible when the white states already have so much power electing the president now. We'd never get sufficient states for a constitutional amendment. There is a plan to get states to agree to send their electors to whichever candidate won the popular vote. If we could get states to contribute 65 more votes, it could happen and nullify the electoral college, one of the stupidest parts of our Constitution if not the stupidest. If we got the 270, maybe we could get a runoff system which could enable a 3rd party to have some real impact.

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France is on its fifth republic while US still on first! These sort of things only change after a crisis, but that's the way things are heading :(

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I like Cornel West. He is a brilliant and erudite man. However, I simply don't buy his argument that he would not be siphoning votes from Biden because the people who voted for the Green Party in 2016 would not have voted for HRC in the first place. While this may or may not have been true, the margins are razor thin, as you say, and this is no time to play games. Does he honestly expect to win?

As for going down to the South and trying to reason with the diehard incorrigible MAGA crowd, is he kidding? How well did that work out for Don Shirley?

We don't need this. We will have enough problems dealing with that legacy idiot Kennedy.

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Of Cornel can't win the presidency. Unless he's actually trying to give Republicans a win.

What an evil legacy that would be!

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It's up to the DNC to draw the Green Party into the Biden vote.

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No, it up to the conscious reality that thee are only two options, democracy or Fascism.

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But the "Democratic" Party are against democracy, because they support FPTP. So, fuck them.

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Since your "tit" is not in the wringer why are you commenting? Ans you hate US.

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'Uncle Pootie' must have upped their FSB troll farm pay from just a few worthless rubles to MANY worthless rubles.

I guess that's enough for the St. Petersburg troll bots to bang their collective heads against the wall on here?!?

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Whether I like it or not, the USA is the leader of the free world. So it affects me.

It will be better for the USA and the world if the USA adopts democratic voting systems. (The same could be said of other countries that use FPTP, like UK, India, or Canada.)

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Go fuck yourself. How's for a choice?

People are sick of this shit. Your "democracy or fascism" is bullshit and anyone with half a brain knows this kind of non-choice is EXACTLY how you end up with disaster.

No. I reject it. Trump can eat shit. Biden can eat shit. This whole madness can take a hike and I'm telling everyone who will listen to stay out of it.

And besides, what are you gonna do about it?

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Do you fucks even read your own shit? How on earth is there only ONE correct choice in an election and everything else is basically Hitler reincarnated?

Please slam your head into a brick wall until it becomes capable of independent thought. Jesus Christ.

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Perfectly said.

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Jennifer Bleasedale Stokes : A non citizen who cannot even vote,, advocating for the blind DNC to lead the blind Green Party I call the Green Party blind, because they can put tfg back in power, if they are on the ballot and drawing non tRumpers votes!

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Just like they did in '16 to help put the effing SHITler into power the first time. ;)

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We remember how in 2020, Biden moved to the left a bit to accommodate Bernie’s positions. Result: that huge omnibus bill that Manchin and Sinema stopped (unfortunately). But at least Biden and Pelosi managed to get us the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Was able to pass infrastructure, CHIPS, "The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share. For the first time, Medicare is able to negotiate the price of certain high-cost drugs, a month’s supply of insulin for seniors is capped at $35, Medicare beneficiaries pay $0 out of pocket for recommended adult vaccines, and seniors’ out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy will be capped at $2,000 a year. And thanks to the President’s actions, including a historic release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, gas prices are down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak."

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Yes, and these benefits to all Americans have been largely ignored by corporate media.

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I was once a member of the Green party and they are almost impossible to reason with. They never want to compromise. They preferred trump to Hillary so it was not a problem for them if they helped trump. After the election, Hillary was on a book tour and their top priority was to demonstrate at her appearances. I protested and said they should go after trump but they were adamant. I left the party.

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I was in a large roomful of Greens back then, and not a one of them would have supported TFG. Evidently, there are different factions of the party.

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Where I was, they would have. They hated Hillary. Would they have supported Hillary? Did they support Hillary or vote for Jill which effectively helped trump.

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They voted for Jill, of course, because she was their candidate. And no, that didn't equate to helping TFG.

If the Dems wanted to defeat TFG, they should have run Bernie, not corporate shill Hillary. The DNC would rather lose with a Wall Street pick than win with someone who'd help the working class.

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Who was the head of the Green Party then? I can't remember.

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Jill Stein, who attended a meeting in Moscow in 2015 with Putin and Michael Flynn, Trump's guy.

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Jill Stein was their candidate for president. I liked her but voted for Hillary.

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Yes I remember now.

Thank you.

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And what if they don't do it?

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Maureen : Jennifer Bleasedale Stokes is a troll. In another post on this thread, I asked her if she is an American who can vote. She Replied "no". 'Nuff said!

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Laurie Blair, thank you! I wondered that question.

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Call me what you like ....is this the way to behave?

Ganging up like bully's.

I have been interested in US Politics for years.

Does this mean other country's make some points?

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I can see if you look at the surface events you could perceive West as motivated to give the win to Republicans. Of course, you'd have to know absolutely zero about his entire life, but certainly on the surface you could see that way. And lots and lots of people see only the surface and buy into the surface view. The ones who don't look at roots. Don't penetrate. Don't explore. Who accept what the NYT reports at face value, for example. Or what CNN or MSNBc reports. The ones who don't ask themselves what are the roots of all the violence today, of climate catastrophe, of houselessness, of hunger, of poverty, of debt, of addictions, of the number 1 public health concern today which is the rising suicide rate. We have just two parties. We have a capitalist economic system. We have an executive, life-long Supreme Court, and a two house legislative branch. These are the structures. And the aforementioned are its products. So how come things are such a terrible awful mess?

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What is most terrifying is the number of people who support the Era of Trump

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do17 : scary, but still a minority.

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I think it's fairly clear that the Greens got played in 2016 - esp in a handful of swingy states where Jill Stein's margin of siphoning corresponded with a Trump win.

We are naive if we blame Stein, Green Party leadership, or any specific individual for that. The GOP will amplify any and every third party candidate they think can siphon votes from Biden. If not the Greens, then the Socialists. If not the Socialists, then the Anarchists. The entire purpose of creating anonymous new groups (like No Labels) is because people like the Greens, realizing they will get played, can counter that through some careful organizing and some awareness of exactly who is amplifying what on which platforms and how.

They were useful idiots in 2016. So were most Americans. But they're not idiots. Neither are most Americans.

I don't know what Cornel West is going to do. But I'm pretty sure he's aware of the risks and no fool. If his role in the race is to bring attention to environmental and racial injustices - and if eyeballs actually focus there instead on Trump's latest tweet - he can play a constructive role in the months to come. How many votes will he siphon from Biden? How many will he bring back and prevent from getting diverted if a person with less integrity should take on the mantle of a big enough political party to spoil, but not to win?

It's a calculated risk. But our country depends on enough people of good faith taking such chances - and I absolutely refuse to believe he would willingly permit himself to be anybody's useful idiot.

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I also like what Mr. West is saying, and bringing attention to as well.

But, again, with the IMMEDIATE life and death/existential stakes at hand based on HIS (and the Green's) 'calculations', I could never ever actually cast that vote for them.

Tin foil hat maybe, but I even wonder IF the Greens actually want SCUMp to get in in order to trigger an all-out (BLOODY) revolution and finally change the whole "NOT a democracy, corporatist, fascist capitalist, 2 party/'forced choice', corrupt SCOTUS, and everything else, Citizens United dark monied, evil" system into their preferred multi-party/ranked choice, whatever system??

NOT very well 'thought out' though (IF the above is the 'plan'), since the fascsit, authoritarian DEMANDING, despot worshiping other side has (almost) ALL of the gunz, and most of the military and National Guard on their side. :(

Bloodbath does not even begin to describe the scenario. :( :( :(

Hence I will be voting for what would allow me and 'others' to at least continue to exist, albeit yes, FAR FAR FAR from the perfection, or utopia which others demand immediately, or proclaim to be "NOT a democracy". (CORRECT on that last one with the POS Electoral College still the law of the land, and the scummy, corrupt SCOTUS given lifelong, unfettered power over U.S., and the fascist oligarch/corporate dark money flowing like wine at a Bacchanalia fest.)

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Think we are in broad agreement. I expect the GOP plans a vast injection of funds into any and every viable spoiler campaign. Getting some of that money into Cornel West's hands will at least keep it out of the hands of someone unscrupulous.

As for the Greens...well, I do know several Socialists and Anarchists who welcomed a Trump presidency, reasoning that America would be weakened by such an outcome. Defeatist cynicism... But I don't see much evidence of that among the Greens.

Unlike the Working Families Party, Peace n Freedom, the right wing 3rd parties like the Libertarians, American Independents and others get funding straight from GOP mega donors, and often seem more like astro-turf GOP operations and think tank marketing bureaus. The right-wing groups know how to operate so they don't threaten other GOP candidates or spoil campaigns - but the Dems just don't have sufficient resources to pay off their own loose coalition members. The ideal outcome is compromise - "OK, Bernie, you may not be a Democrat but you've been a loyal ally - what Senate Committee do you want to chair?"

If the Greens manage to get a single seat in Congress, then that's more than they had...and the Dems really should take them seriously, since Nader pulled 2.5% of the vote in 2000 and Stein 1.2% of the vote in 2016 - enough to create a GOP presidency. I don't see them picking up a seat, mind you, but perhaps a Dem might shift to "independent/Green" and would need the rest of the party not to impose discipline and send him/her out to the wilderness (where Bernie Sanders spent most of his senate career - proudly renaming post offices but not so close to the key decisions in thr Senate like he is now).

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Some of us are tired of a structure that is clearly revealing its impossibility to do enduringly right by people. We have had decades of the same forced choice BS. Minor changes on the surface fool us into believing that for a time, things are better. Six to eight years of "better." Yes. Women and Blacks can vote now. We can vote and pretend to ourselves that we have a democracy when we do not. We can get frightened by the Proud Boys and the Kings of Florida and Texas. And think voting makes a difference. It does for a relatively short while. But as the rising suicide rate among our people becomes the number one public health concern, rising houselessness, rising dis-connection and un-relatedness expressed in addictions and violence, the for-profit carceral state, taxing education (educational debt) - how can we avoid looking at the structures at the root of these profound social ills? Structures such as capitalism - profit over people? Imperialism - the USA runs (over) the world? Senate - grossly un-representative? Two party - forced choice yes-no unrepresentativeness.

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My comment is to sddress only one point that you bring up, Michael, the one about Greens not voting for HRC. West may be correct about that. I usually vote Green, and I did so in 2016. I would never have voted for HRC. Or for TFG, for the record.

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I also like Cornel West - enough to assume he knows the stakes and the structure. He knows that the GOP will strive to use him to siphon votes from Biden. He knows that everyone will assume he is nothing but a spoiler.

But he's not stupid. If he doesn't step in and do something, someone else will appropriate the Greens and use them as a spoiler - whether he puts his hat in the ring or not. The Greens themselves know that - and they're not stupid.

I cannot say what the effect of their calculations and risks will be - it could threaten the future of the nation - but I refuse to assume they are stupid and will willingly serve Trump yet again. More likely, they can contain some of the damage that No Labels or other possible "Kanye West" fronts could do to a handful of Black voters in key locations.

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I can see you haven't listened to Kennedy. There is nothing about him that says idiot. His points are proven over and over with these types of comments.

I guess we'll just continue on the path of anti-Trumpers voting for a real idiot like Biden. People continue to give up and give in over and over.

I suggest actually listening to Kennedy. MSM will eventually make your head explode with the bought and paid for nonsense.

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You're making a number of assumptions about me. As a matter of fact, I actually have read what Kennedy has said about vaccines. More importantly, I have read the original clinical studies on the mRNA vaccines as a prophylactic treatment for Covid-19.

As a scientist, I can tell you that what Kennedy is saying is BS.

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My assumption wasn't wrong. He is running for president. Vaccines are not his platform, and no candidate should be running their campaign over Covid. I am talking about his campaign.

Reading articles all over google, if that is what you meant, are really full of bull. I attempted that too, just to see how contradicting the media can be. I don't mind one bit for advocating for vaccines safety testing. I don't mind questioning everything when it comes to information. We do have freedom of information.

I find Kennedy refreshing, full of knowledge and integrity. I like that he will not bash Biden or Trump's character, but rather will talk policy. I think he is disciplined and respectful. I will not be basing my support off of Covid, abortion, or identity politics. Any inflammatory subjects that they seem to love to get votes. And so far, his campaign looks great. It just isn't reaching enough people. Seems to be the case as usual with the media though.

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Never in my life did I ever think that there would be so much turmoil in a race for the White House..it has gotten to be sickening..In my opinion for what it's worth, Biden has done exactly what he set out to do....jobs are up, unemployment is down, things are being repaired and fixed across the country..sure he's not perfect...but what on God's green earth did Trump do that was for the good of the country? Give the rich a major tax cut (which the Republicans voted in again and this time make permanent), made us look stupid in the eyes of the world, threatened the country with a shutdown unless he got his way ( Republicans doing that again) screamed the election was stolen from him (being a former poll worker that's all but impossible..far to many checks and balances) tried to overthrow the government and democracy that we've all had our entire lives..and that just mentions a few things that Trump did..now we have to deal with additional persons running basically to give Trump the election.... Trump followers are all BRIANWASHED and sucked into his fascist cult..ift hat disgusting SOB of a man gets back into the oval office..we can all remember the "good old days" just as the people who we're put to death in "NAZI GERMANY" because HITLER was going to save them....

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Kelley Campbell: Let's push to get /keep him off the ballot. He has already won if the Constitution is not followed. Under it, he is Disqualified, period!

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Omg! I want to throw up when I read some of these whiny responses. We f——-g don’t have any other choices no matter what you want! Read. Educate yourself about our system and understand if you don’t vote for Biden we lose our democracy. Done! It’s as simple as that so use your brain.

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Betty, we need an open forum where people can discuss their differing views without calling each other ‘whiney” or accusing people of not using their brain. Besides, we are already losing our democracy so we need to encourage each other to think and express creatively and honestly.

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You obviously have never tried to reason with MAGAs or Greens. Neither are open to other views. I do get tired of hearing people say, all we have to do is talk to the other side. They won't talk.

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You don't have a Democracy. The US needs a HUGE change and Biden is not going to do that.

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Jennifer, you are correct. The United State's version of Democracy is in the process of of being deeply undermined by the interests of the ultra wealthy who benefit from an authoritarian ultra-conservative President. Just look at the plum they received from the last tax act. Electing Biden is a stopgap measure sorely needed to give the progressive brains and voices some more time to come up with an improved system. Personally I believe in a new system such as "Economic Democracy.” Until then, we need four more years to accomplish the hard work.

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Can you define your idea of Economic Democracy?

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Do you really believe Biden can/will do this?

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No, Biden is not the one to do this, he is a centrist Democrat not a person to put forward a revolutionary change. He is simply a temporary bulwark against the machinations of the MAGA republicans who would destroy what is left of our Democracy..

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Mark Nevas : I disagree: President Biden is courageously following the rule of law and the Constitution; serving the public with infrastructure improvements , supporting workers by encouraging unions, and he recently called out the DOJ and Republican MAGAs that attacking duly elected judges, prosecutors and even threatening jurors is a crime. It takes courage to speak truth to those who work for fascist billionaires! He is already the 'change' we want. I would hope that the young ones who come in could show the kind of courage and integrity that Joe Biden has shown us during this epic crisis!

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Laurie, I agree with all the positive things you say about Biden, and I want him in for the next four years. However, the the ultra-conservatives, and billionaires are hard at work disassembling American democracy from the bottom up even if they cannot get the top slot this time. It is up to us and the younger and more diverse progressives to create and install a better form of democracy. Biden, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump are all older white men. (I am in that cohort also.) We need a system that fully represents our diverse population racially, ethnically, sexually and age wise. I think a system called “Economic Democracy” can point the way.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes : What do you care!?

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I have many friends in the US. I lived there for 22yrs. When GWB got in we left. Could see which way things were going but no-one took notice. This is why you are in a mess now.

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Let you tell it, because you have so much 'skin in the game', don't you? Who are you working for?

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Do you REALLY believe that anything good can happen when SCUMp is back in power, FOR LIFE this time?!?!

Like it or not, THAT is the result of draining votes away from the one YOU despise even more than the SHITler.

You can speak for an eternity trying to convince them, and you will never ever get the more moderate, to even slightly conservative Dems to vote for your (what THEY consider a) "radical leftist commie" candidate, let alone the racist, fascist, white supremacist other side of the country!

This is the critical current reality, whether you, the Greens, the batshit insane Kennedy supporters, or any of the other idealist, immediate utopia demanding parties or candidates desire.

At least Biden, even with all of his immense 'flaws', and even outright weakness on purist leftist issues has done at least something to help, and MAYBE could even be pushed further left once back in office, even if not to anywhere even close to what you (I will take for granted that you ARE a leftist??) and other devout leftists demand, immediately.

I ask you, WHAT TF do we (AND YOU in Europe, and THE WORLD) have if votes are drained away from Biden and SCUMp gets back into power?!?

Even a very bloody revolution might not be able to overthrow him and his effing NAZI MAGAt army at that point. :(

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What are : "purist leftish issues?"

David do calm down or you will have a heart attack.

I understand completely the issue in the US: Dems V Trump

What you are ignoring is the way Dems speak to people who maybe 'sitting on the fence.'

You do not deride them or make them look like 'pariahs' you engage them in conversation? I am one of those people who really dislike Dems. who force their opinions on others. Nor do I like the way I am 'hounded' by elitist Dems because I am not American. This election is going to be horrible not just for you Americans but for the rest of the world.

I really think this is why the Dems are not doing well.

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If not Biden, then the huge change will be to welcome fascism from Fat Donnie and his oligarchs.

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NO. Green Party could join Biden.

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Jennifer Bleasedale Stokes: we get a Huge change with tfg, but not the one we would really want. By the way, are you an American who can vote? Just curious, because you have an awful lot to say for a person who does not live here.

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NO I am not but lived there for 22yrs. Not many in the US cared about politics then and didn't vote.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes: and you personally knew what everyone in the U.S. thought about politics? Even those who fought in Viet Nam? Women who to this day are trying to pass the ERA!? Black and Brown, Asian and Immigrants as well? How would you determine that? How could you possibly know that much?

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Just interested in US politics Laurie.........is that a sin in your book?

I probably know a lot more than you do because while you were out shopping and having fun and not voting I was listening and learning,,

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Excuse me. We on this forum are quite well-read and "educated". Get off your effin high horse. This is a democracy -- our system -- and we understand the compromises we've got to make. We made them when we voted for Biden the first time. STFU already with the lesson on what's at stake. And get a vomit bag or two while you're at it because your gastrosensitivity will probably go into overdrive as 2024 rolls around. Good luck.

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You're literally screaming for a one party state and don't even realize it.

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Yes Boris (how's the weather in St. Petersburg, BTW?) when the other party eliminated by the "one party" is abjectly FASCIST, I will vote FOREVER for the NOT fascists (imperfections/warts and ALL!) and AGAINST the effing EVIL, white supremacist, POS NAZI fascists.

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I'm not in St. Pete. Further south, near the glades. Weather is great today! Sunny and warm, as always.

In any case, at least you're honest about destroying the country to save it!

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Professor Reich has hit the nail on the head once again. The ultra-right-wing strategists and mega-donor capitalists know that there is more than one way to skin a cat. In this case the cat is the growing potential for a Biden victory. That is why we cannot be too complacent or just hopeful that Biden will win. While Democrats and Never-Trumpers are dreaming and hoping for a Biden win, those that would benefit from a Trump victory, namely the ultra-rich and the mega-corporations, have been carefully planning and executing back-up strategies to sandbag a Biden win. A viable third-party candidate with a well-funded organization is one way to derail a Democratic victory. It is a sign that they see the very real possibility of a Trump loss without some strategies to Undermine Biden’s support. They saw that it was the existence of Ralph Nader that handed the presidency to George W. Bush in a close election over Democratic candidate Al Gore. So, on one hand we should put primary efforts and focus on a Biden victory, we should also take heed that this third-party effort is likely only one of other planned strategies to insure a Republican win.

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You folks would fit better in a one party state like China. Jesus.

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I completely agree with Robert Reich. The stakes are too high, and the differences between the two candidates are stark. Joe Biden is a Centrist, but Donald Trump is a Fascist. Joe Biden has been the most progressive president we've had in some time, and "Bidenomics," which squarely opposes trickle down economics with an economic policy of using the government to restore our infrastructure, support job-creation in the US and build the middle class, has been successful and promises greater success if we can stay the course He recently took on the drug companies to significantly lower the cost of healthcare. He has taken significant steps in addressing climate change. If we can deliver a more progressive Congress to him, I believe he will accomplish a great deal more in another four years, rebuilding our country's confidence in government to provide solutions to problems, thereby taking the steam out of arguments to the contrary made by the radical right. Hopefully this will set the stage for administrations that are even more progressive in the future. A second Trump presidency would reverse this progress as well as endanger our democracy and democracies around the world. Please do more than vote for Joe Biden. Please work to elect progressive Senators and U.S. Representatives to Congress. It is up to us.

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Thanks Pamela Strong, I appreciate people who think and understand our current situation. Biden’s changes to the economy take time to see the full benefit. A constant barrage of sniping from within and downright lies from the opposition certainly do not help. After 40 years of Republican economic policy it is amazing to me that folks will argue that unregulated capitalism and tax cuts for the wealthiest among us has any relationship to fairness. Do folks really believe that the way to stimulate the economy is to give the wealthy a pile of money? Being fair should not be this difficult. Give Joe a super majority and watch America thrive again. I didn’t say he was perfect.

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Nice party political broadcast you've got there.

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Nasty PRO-FASCIST political platform you've got there.

Another gold star (worth more than the rubles he pays you with, correct?) from Uncle Pootie for you.

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Are you fucking retarded?

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What if the Democratic Party decided to put their support behind a younger, qualified candidate? What if they worked with Joe Biden to find a replacement? The people are tired of having a candidate shoved down their throats. I supported Joe Biden. I've been pleasantly surprised by what he has done. But he IS done. He is too old. Why not support Whitmer or Sherrod Brown? Those are great candidates. And Cornell West's platform is so much more appropriate for the world right now. Why not communicate with him to run as a Democratic candidate? You have some sway. Instead of getting us to give up our hopes, why not work behind the scene to influence the Democratic party and those who offer an alternative?

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It's been a long, long time since American voters had any choice other than to vote for the better of the 2 major party candidates being shoved down their throat--certainly not in my lifetime (I'm 77 & first voted in 1968). As long as big money controls American politics, that won't change.

Vote for Biden, or you'll regret it far more than I regretted voting for a 3rd party candidate in 1968. THAT let Nixon and his "Southern strategy" and criminality and Vietnam War win and start the long anti-democratic trajectory of the Republican Party that has led to Trump.

If you don't vote for Biden, you'll help Trump finish that trajectory and turn the country into an impoverished fascist dictatorship.

You can't always get what you want, / But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find /

You get what you need

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I like Biden and his policies, Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, Military burn pit victims policy to name a few. He is sincere and cracks me up with his off the cuff remarks that get recorded when he thinks he's off the mike. Maybe it's my Irish Catholic heritage, but Biden's integrity and sincerity beats the orange fascist shit stain any day. Four more years of Biden then let the next Dems step up. God for bid if Biden pass away why the F are people so freaked out by Kamala Harris. Can we say "Down with racism and misogyny."

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So how do you plan to get the DNC to dump Biden and put someone else on the ballot?

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Amala : This is not the time to look for a replacement. President Biden is doing a much better job than tfg. Trying to find a replacement now will give us tfg again, no doubt.

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This is absolutely the time the Democrat party should be looking for the best candidate available. Primary season hasn't even started yet.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Republican talking points. Our roads are getting fixed, and our bridges.

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Right now, we need Joe Biden because he is best qualified and we're on the brink of losing democracy. Joe Biden is the last serious man. Replacing him at this moment might bring down the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Biden is one of the few people remaining in our government who have had the wisdom and experience to get this ship past that looming glacier threatening America right now. Biden has had to be LBJ, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, and soon, but I don't hope for this, Abraham Lincoln. I think he's up for it. We war babies are a very healthy bunch, and will live longer and remain more vital than our parents.

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THIS 'war baby' (actually 10 years postwar) is actually in fairly decent condition (probably much better than most of those wannabe Waffen SS, 'meal team six' asswipes who stormed the Capitol building, and certainly NOT as drunk!).

I am training to get stronger yet, both for just surviving my latter years without falls and injuries/loss of all mobility, but also just in case I have to physically fight these NAZIS who demand despotic fascism here, in a revolt against them and their SHITler, after all of these third party spoiler candidate pushers get their way/wishes. :(

I should not have to worry about this at almost 70, but here we are.

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One more thing—response to what you've written above: At first I just breezed over it because of my basic argument—below—and then re-read it that you're trying to remain able to fight as long as possible, like your basic Ukrainian foot soldier. They are all ages, some in their 70s, and they're fighting like 40-somethings. Everybody who can fight, must fight. It's interesting that you have this concern. Are you located in Europe somewhere, or Iowa, perhaps? Below is my more labored, general musing.

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Nope, I reside in one of the more bright blue (supposedly) areas of the U.S.

(Moved from Pennsyltucky where I felt VERY uncomfortable amongst all of those SCUMp loving NAZIS.)

But that will not matter one bit if the fascists take over nationally, as they will obliterate any/all states' rights (even though they have always demanded such in the past, themselves when it came to enforcing their racism/misogyny/etc., abject hypocrites that they are!), and we 'others' and sane citizens will have to fight them, every and any way we can. :(

Their chosen SHITler (and his 4th REICH, Waffen SS-like minions/goons) will have the final say in EVERYTHING concerning our lives, up to and including our right to remain alive if they deem us an 'enemy'.

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David, you're a Boomer. You have to be born between 1939 and 1945 to be a member of this small, elite, hardworking, serious group of creative people that nobody ever heard of: Bob Dylan John Kerry, Mick Jagger, Paul, John, not Ringo, Donovan, Joan, Joanie and Judy, Simon and Garfunkel, The Kinks, Carole King, Oh, my gosh, I can't rattle off all of it. We're called, "The Silent Generation" I call us "War Babies." (Together we created a dramatic new, long-lasting American culture.) And as luck would have it, that book name is already written by a history professor in Texas. (His name escapes me, but google "War Babies") And, I'm sorry to say, that in my later years I've become a bit disillusioned by the Boomers. I'm "Old School." That's the main difference between the two groups. We were somehow better grounded than our younger cousins. Not to put you off. Your group knows how to have more fun than ours, and you are great comediennes. That's one of the Great Fine Arts, as far as I'm concerned. You can't get any better than Al Franken. Ahh! Stereotypes. If you've read this far, you're about to quit because of that kind of thinking. Nothing is true for everyone.

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What if Biden doesn't win and we all could have voted for the Green party?

I am sorry Robert but I won't be told who to vote for.

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The situation is actually very simple. First of all, barring something unexpected happening, Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Not everyone may be totally happy with him (though as others have pointed out, he has actually done a pretty good job), but unless he changes his mind on running, the nomination is his for the asking. Second, either Biden or the Republican nominee will win the 2024 election. There is zero chance that Cornell West, Larry Hogan, Joe Manchin, or any other candidate that was not nominated by one of the two major parties will win. And we all know who is most likely to be the Republican nominee (though any of them would be an absolute disaster). Since the winner will be either Biden or the Republican, either you vote for Biden or you are okay with all the consequences that will result if the Republican wins, including, most likely, fatal damage to the democratic system and to humanity's chances of avoiding the worst consequences of climate change. If those things don't concern you, then go ahead and vote for someone other than Biden. But if they don't concern you, I have to wonder whether you've actually understood anything Dr. Reich has been saying here.

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The Democratic Party is taking a huge risk with Biden/Harris. I am not ok with that. The election will be decided by voter turnout. Looking at the polls it looks like Biden/Harris are uninspiring. I fear the worst will come true. Please do not blame the voters.

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Biden has been a good president so far, and while I can think of a few people I'd prefer, none of them have a better chance of winning, and in any case a fight over the Democratic nomination would only help the Republicans. If the latter win the election, there will no doubt be plenty of blame to go around, and the Democratic party will surely deserve some of it if they've run a poor campaign, as will the media for their continued failure to report on Biden's successes and the fascist tilt of the Republicans. But I certainly will blame the voters. If on the one hand you have a decent, competent president who has some real accomplishments under his belt and on the other hand you have a corrupt, authoritarian, narcissistic bigot who was the worst president in US history and tried to overturn a democratic election, any voter who doesn't vote for the former is definitely to blame if the latter wins.

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You have to tell us who wouldn't we be taking a huge risk with.

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There should be an open primary which would bring the best candidate to be nominated. I have some people in mind who would be great candidates but the vetting process is very important to me. Biden’s approval ratings are way too low to give any assurance that he could win.

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There should be, but there won't be, anymore than there was in 1968 when the DNC decided it was Humphrey's turn whether he was popular or not--so people like me thought there "should be" more choice and voted 3rd party--thus ensuring that Nixon got in.

Trump got in the last time because the DNC decided it was Hillary's turn, despite her unpopularity, and did everything they could to tilt the primaries in her favor.

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And then sit around patting ourselves on the back in the concentration camp? Are you willing to risk that?

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That is, those of us that the NAZI pieces of shit in charge under their SHITler did not immediately shove into their gas chambers, or in front of their execution squads. ;) :( :(

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Who's telling anybody how to vote?

Surely Robert is entitled to express his opinion?

Or...are you against all forms of campaigning?

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I am against corporate funding of campaigns, and both major parties have no problem with corporate money.

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Of course he is but he does seem to be suggesting everyone should vote for Biden?

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You missed "truth or consequences." For many of us, we got "consequences" after the 2016 election, when some Bernie supporters in key states like MI WI PA supported Trump and when every Green vote was a vote against HRC.

We got 3 aberrant members of SCOTUS who have reverted due process and equal protection to 19th Century precepts. And now we've got insurrection.

As a practical matter, if you are against us, you are with Trump. Just like the illegals he hired to work on his job sites. Just like the graduates of Trump U. Just like the donors to Trump Family Charity. Just like the believers in the Big Lie.

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@Daniel. If there are any well-meaning commenters on here pushing away from support for Biden, they seriously fail to understand the American 2-party system and the electoral college. You know this stuff, of course. But some of our commenters on here just don't seem to get it.

Voting for a 3rd party is much worse than a wasted vote (although it is wasted). Voting for a 3rd party is just taking votes away from the 2 major parties. In an election like this one, even with large numbers of former Trump voters planning not to make that mistake again, voting for a 3rd party increases that chance that something weird will happen that gets Trump back in. We can't take that chance...

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In US politics, everything is based on compromise. There's also strategy

This is the civil war revisited. I was hoping Garland could do something, bring insurrectionists to account, but not happening, so all we have is politics. I'm sure some folks are locked into fantasy. Others are here to undermine the Democratic Party.

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IF you voted for Jill in '16, no matter HOW; progressive, liberal, leftist, PRO-women, etc. you consider yourself, you LOST ALL RIGHTS to complain about, and bemoan the obliteration of Roe v. Wade as far as I am concerned.

Should have thought long and hard about/parsed that one out BEFORE you cast that 'protest' ballot against the "evil corporatist, not purist leftist" candidate you despised more than the fascist opposition. ;)

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What if you don't vote against Nazis and let them take over forever?

America is stupiding itself out of existence, mostly out of hubris. Grand.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes, I thought you said that you USED to live in the United States. If you don't live here now, how do you propose to vote for anyone in our U.S. elections?

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People do need to be told that a vote for a third-party is a vote for that fascist son of a bitch orange shit stain.

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Best to not get into the mud with poor choice of words. Say your best, not their worst.

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How would you describe #45?

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First of all, YOU cannot vote here.

Second, WHO TF exactly is this "all" you speak of?

Are you truly that delusional that you believe the current makeup of this land is hard core, all-out/all-in LEFTIST (including 'all' of those who consider themselves/self-label as Dems)?!?!

Like it or not (and I do not like it EITHER!), the reality is there is a majority in this country who will NEVER EVER vote for a purist, extreme left candidate for POTUS, even the left of center, set upon by the racist lily-white supremacists, POC here.

James Clyburn and his constituency/advocacy proved this when he/they delivered the Dem candidacy, and then the presidency, (along with Stacy Abrams & Company's voluminous help of course!) to Biden last go round. ;)

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes: Since you vote in France, in French elections, you are FOS!

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Well thanks Solomon. So kind.

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Jennifer, we welcome your comments. There's no way the Green party would ever compromise enough to run on a major ticket but I like your thoughts.

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Thanks William. I am always for change and I loathe the thought of Trump winning. However, how will the US ever change?

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If you can't take the heat, get out of the debate. You can't handle the truth.

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Amala: In your dreams. But dreams do come true. 😉

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I agree with Mr. Reich. Trump is too much of a danger to consider voting for a third party.

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The fear of spoilers is justified. Especially since the small ALEC dominated States already intend to give Trump the vote regardless of how the constituents vote.

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If Biden and the Democrats want the Green Party members to support them., they should declare that they are going to support the Green Party policies of higher wages, free Medicare for all, affordable housing, affordable high quality childcare, the Green New Deal, equal pay for women, etc, instead of continuing with their policies of only helping Wall Street, Big Business and the Oligarch Billionaires, that fund Biden and the Democrats, just like they also fund Trump and the Republicans. Biden has no support from any Grassroots Organization, like "Fight for $15" and the Environmental Groups, etc. Both the Democrats and Republicans are financed by Wall Street, Big Business and the Billionaire Oligarchs and they both only support their Big Donors. Only the Green Party works to help the Middle Class, the Working Class and the Poor and Disadvantaged. If Biden wants the Green Party's support let him commit in specific detail to adopt their progressive policies.

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Biden has received support from grassroots organizations (for instance, members of Indivisible recently voted overwhelmingly to endorse him for 2024) and he has taken substantial steps to promote unions, reduce the power of Big Pharma, and otherwise promote the interests of ordinary people. Has he done enough? No, of course not. But unless something unexpected happens, the 2024 election will be a rematch of 2020. There is absolutely no chance than anyone other than the Democratic or Republican nominee will win. Given how awful the Republican nominees are and how explicitly leading Republicans have laid out their plans for gutting not only the democratic system but also all efforts to fight climate change, anyone who supports the things the Green Party says it stands for has no option but to vote for Biden. He may not do everything they want, but if he doesn't win, those progressive policies not only won't be enacted, the Republicans will make it virtually impossible for them to *ever* be enacted. And they will set the fight against climate change so far back that humanity will lose any chance of preventing catastrophic warming. A vote for anyone other than Biden, or a refusal to vote at all, is a vote to allow all that to happen.

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Sounds great. But when the "number cruncher" strategists do the calculations concerning expected donations and votes according to that strategy, they will decide whether or not to seek Green Party support. The needs and wants of the people aren't the primary concern.

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Yeah but that's how Biden got the Bernie Progressives. It's all smoke and mirrors.

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Messy democracy depends on a nations ability to choose the least worst option. Your formula above represents a laundry list that will do for the Democrats what support for Jeremy Corbyn did for the Labour Party at the last election in the UK.

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Actually, Corbyn did quite well for Labour until the antisemitism scandal.

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Other than the assassination, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

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After hearing and reading about the Wisconsin Supreme Court debacle, I am seriously worried about what else the far right may be doing to sway everything in its favor. These things were not done overnight.

I agree with what many Americans have wanted for a very long time. The Electoral college must be abolished. This country is already being overtaken by the Corporations and those of wealth. Is there hope for change? Will the far right continue to ignore rules, laws and fairness? Have they already put in place the agenda in other places the way they have in Wisconsin? I have been concerned for many years, but I am much more concerned than ever. Thank you for always teaching your readers & listeners about how we all need to vote in EVERY election and what will happen if we don’t.

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Abolish the Electoral College and you abolish less populated states say about who the next president will be and, not coincidentally, abolish the need to fund, build anything, or support any state that isn’t one of the top ten most populated states.

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Not true at all. Electing the president by national popular vote would mean that every person's vote is equally valuable and worth fighting for. Candidates would be motivated to court votes everywhere. It's people who should elect the president, not states.

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Sir Robert, you are yelling my yell! We need organized groups with signs pushing this fact anywhere and everywhere ---- on billboards, on street corners, on social media, at social clubs/events, and outside the polls, etc. etc. etc. anywhere we think up.

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A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Putin!

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Brent Lambi, and for all the Dictatorships around the world.

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What's it like, turning off your brain?

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Who elected you the cranial gatekeeper? Pathetic

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There’s no election. It’s demonstrated on merit, which is ridiculously clear from your post above.

“A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin?” Seriously? Might as well scream REMEMBER THE MAINE.

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Absolutely not. Fuck this election. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. And fuck you.

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Same pablum, different election year. The fact is, the Democratic Party has never embraced democracy either as evidenced by their antagonism towards independents and third-partys. If they wanted to convince voters to support Joe Biden and a democrat-controlled Congress, they would push for and enact Ranked Choice Voting, multimember congressional districts -- reforms that would do away with the “spoiler effect” and spur political competition, reforms that would make democracy a real thing in the United States. Vote shaming increases divisions, do better.

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> If they wanted to convince voters to support Joe Biden and a democrat-controlled Congress, they would push for and enact Ranked Choice Voting, multimember congressional districts -- reforms that would do away with the “spoiler effect” and spur political competition, reforms that would make democracy a real thing in the United States.

Yes, exactly. You get it.

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Ranked choice = no clear winner that the majority voted for. It’s just another semi-disguised attack on our elections.

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On the contrary, FPTP = no winner that the majority voted for.

Under IRV aka RCV, the losingest candidate is eliminated until one candidate has >50% of the votes, hence the name "instant run-off".

If you genuinely don't understand this I suggest you read electo wiki, https://electowiki.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting

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Jan, this is my concern. Muddied waters make it harder to see. But I am open to arguments for it. Haven't made up my mind.

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Democracy or Fascism?

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Daniel Solomon, thanks! My comment was regarding ranked choice voting , not Democracy or Fascism. Thanks for pointing it out. My response sounds quite funny without the context.

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FPTP isn't democratic. Either you don't understand this, in which case educate yourself. Or you do, in which case you are part of the problem not the solution.

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We face civil war and you butt in with BS.

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Perhaps you should ask why Biden had such a slim lead in the states you mentioned and come up with a remedy. This would bode better than just instilling the age old tactic, used by both major parties, fear of the other side winning. What if this “no labels” party takes away votes from the twice impeached former guy? We really need more choices, and not be limited to two corporate parties.

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Oh, and according to the 14th Amendment, the twice impeached former guy is not eligible to be on the ballot!

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Sep 11, 2023Edited
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This is not revenge. It is adherence to the US Constituion.

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Of course, we really need more choices, but that would require MASSIVE electoral reform. Do you think either of the 2 corporate parties will back that?

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Which is a good reason to vote for Cornel West and the Greens.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes, actually it is the exact reason to vote for Biden in this moment. Although I understand your anger, with 2 parties, you will cut off your nose to spite your face. Democracy will be dead and there will be 1 party rule indefinitely. Then what? Third party won't be an option in a Dictatorship.

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If you want Trump to win, why not just vote for him?

Cornel West and the Greens CANNOT win, so they cannot inaugurate any electoral reform. All they can do is pull votes from Biden and thus guaranteed that Trump wins.

If you want electoral reform, join one of the groups working for it in your state--e.g., like Oregon's ranked choice voting or persuading your state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC).

Beyond that, national electoral reform in the US will require a amendment to the Constitution, which is quite difficult to pull off.

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She CANNOT join one of those groups in the states, nor even VOTE in this land since she is no longer a citizen of this country!

Somehow, she believes that a win for SCUMp will not even effect her at all, whatsoever over there in France, or anywhere at large in Europe, (this is even assuming that she really is a leftist/progressive as she claims to be, but I have my doubts).

She could not be more wrong on that one since there will be a newfound unity among all of the fascist despots of the world if the SHITler gets back into power , for LIFE, basically a current day AXIS of EVIL force (a REAL one, with the power to destroy everything, and not the phony BS lil' shrubbie was warning of so vehemently).

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I agree with your assessment. Biden is not really my pick but I will not vote for a Republican and I will not vote third party and split the vote. We can not afford to have Trump or his ilk in the White House.

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