Kerry, I couldn't vote yet in 1968, 3 years short, but I was for Humphrey. I knew where he really stood on the war and on the "Great Society." Vice Presidents didn't get much of a say back then and often had to hide their own positions on issues. I never understood anyone voting for Nixon because of his involvement with Joe McCarthy. I k…
Kerry, I couldn't vote yet in 1968, 3 years short, but I was for Humphrey. I knew where he really stood on the war and on the "Great Society." Vice Presidents didn't get much of a say back then and often had to hide their own positions on issues. I never understood anyone voting for Nixon because of his involvement with Joe McCarthy. I knew both my parents despised McCarthy and what he and his cronies had done to people who didn't deserve it. High school is in some ways the best time to hook people into what is going on in the country. My high school went for Humphrey by a lot. That is probably because we were a small city (we were called a borough) and wanted someone who had a connection with a city as Humphrey did. We didn't know what Nixon was connected with. I heard Humphrey and Nixon speak, in person and there was no comparison. Nixon had a lot of lines about how well we were doing in Vietnam and were close to victory and Humphrey talked about making life better for all Americans and gave suggestions. I did the 3rd party thing once and promised myself I would never do it again. I voted for John Anderson in 1980. I really liked Anderson, and I don't know if Anderson had bowed out if Carter would have won, but I felt that way. We got Reagan and so many of the problems we are dealing with now got wound up during his administration despite his popularity. People didn't realize what was happening to this nation because they were busy listening to their Grandpa Ronnie who said all the "right" things while he was stealing from them, and not even behind their/our backs. Third parties can be good to give ideas to the major parties, but they do more harm than good when actually running candidates. Now, how do we get the word out without it looking like an attack on the actual third party candidate?
Carol, I think I voted for Anderson because of the BS we were fed daily about "the hostages in Iran." It was presented as though it were Carter's fault. It was not. It is too bad we didn't know before the election that Reagan's team, probably Reagan too, had been working with the hostage-takers to release the hostages if Reagan won. They kept up the hostage crap heavily before the election. I don't know if that is the reason Reagan won, but I bought the nonsense and stopped supporting Carter. He may not have been the greatest president, but he would never have done as much harm as Reagan did to this nation.
Nixon did the same with Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh started negotiations with LBJ for peace, but Nixon secretly went behind his back and promised Ho a better deal if he held off making peace until after the election--then he ratcheted up the war once he got in,
Maureen, you are right and I understand Johnson knew about Nixon's betrayal but didn't want to make it public because the election was so close in time. Now, unless a person loves history, people care nothing for the fact that thousands of lives, American, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian, were lost due to Nixon's betrayal. It proves Republican betrayal of our nation and our Constitution is not a new thing. Well, actually it is older than that because I believe Joe McCarthy betrayed this nation too, but We the People permitted his abuse to go on for years and in public. What do we do about a political party that at its heart would betray its fellow citizens for power?
Maureen, I understand the Nixon plot was rather complicated but involved convincing the South Vietnamese leader and his wife not to attend the peace talks in addition to the other interested parties that Nixon would get them a better deal. He had no idea of what was going on in Vietnam; he just wanted to win and despite the Chicago anti-protester police action, Humphrey was catching up. Had the plot been exposed, Humphrey may well have won but Republicans would have cried "foul" because of the announcement coming so close to the election and the evidence being mostly top secret. Republicans had no trouble putting Comey out there in 2016 saying he had Hillary's emails, just a few days before the election. I am so sorry that the Republican party started downhill in the 1950s despite Eisenhower "trying" to stay above it all (although things might have been better had he taken a positive stand on something early in his tenure as president), and has continued the decline for the past 70 years. Their new mottos: win at all cost, care nothing for the law because you can get around it. How people keep voting for anyone the Republican Party puts up is beyond comprehension. Beyond their motto, as far as I can see, they stand for nothing and no one but themselves and their rich benefactors whom they are willing to do anything to please.
The Republicans always cry "foul" when their criminalities are revealed. I suspect Eisenhower was a good president because he wasn't a career Republican politician.
Carter worked to facilitate the hostages’ release until Reagan’s Inauguration Day, I learned recently. He met with some of them in the hospital where they were being checked out.
Carol, I read in several places that Carter stayed involved with the hostage situation until Reagan's inauguration, but I think the deal with Reagan was already in place. It is unclear if Carter knew anything about it. It is interesting that he greeted the hostages when they were released, on inauguration day, interesting coincidence? I doubt it.
Kerry, I couldn't vote yet in 1968, 3 years short, but I was for Humphrey. I knew where he really stood on the war and on the "Great Society." Vice Presidents didn't get much of a say back then and often had to hide their own positions on issues. I never understood anyone voting for Nixon because of his involvement with Joe McCarthy. I knew both my parents despised McCarthy and what he and his cronies had done to people who didn't deserve it. High school is in some ways the best time to hook people into what is going on in the country. My high school went for Humphrey by a lot. That is probably because we were a small city (we were called a borough) and wanted someone who had a connection with a city as Humphrey did. We didn't know what Nixon was connected with. I heard Humphrey and Nixon speak, in person and there was no comparison. Nixon had a lot of lines about how well we were doing in Vietnam and were close to victory and Humphrey talked about making life better for all Americans and gave suggestions. I did the 3rd party thing once and promised myself I would never do it again. I voted for John Anderson in 1980. I really liked Anderson, and I don't know if Anderson had bowed out if Carter would have won, but I felt that way. We got Reagan and so many of the problems we are dealing with now got wound up during his administration despite his popularity. People didn't realize what was happening to this nation because they were busy listening to their Grandpa Ronnie who said all the "right" things while he was stealing from them, and not even behind their/our backs. Third parties can be good to give ideas to the major parties, but they do more harm than good when actually running candidates. Now, how do we get the word out without it looking like an attack on the actual third party candidate?
I also regret my vote for John Anderson. I can’t remember why I did.
Carol, I think I voted for Anderson because of the BS we were fed daily about "the hostages in Iran." It was presented as though it were Carter's fault. It was not. It is too bad we didn't know before the election that Reagan's team, probably Reagan too, had been working with the hostage-takers to release the hostages if Reagan won. They kept up the hostage crap heavily before the election. I don't know if that is the reason Reagan won, but I bought the nonsense and stopped supporting Carter. He may not have been the greatest president, but he would never have done as much harm as Reagan did to this nation.
Nixon did the same with Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh started negotiations with LBJ for peace, but Nixon secretly went behind his back and promised Ho a better deal if he held off making peace until after the election--then he ratcheted up the war once he got in,
Maureen, you are right and I understand Johnson knew about Nixon's betrayal but didn't want to make it public because the election was so close in time. Now, unless a person loves history, people care nothing for the fact that thousands of lives, American, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian, were lost due to Nixon's betrayal. It proves Republican betrayal of our nation and our Constitution is not a new thing. Well, actually it is older than that because I believe Joe McCarthy betrayed this nation too, but We the People permitted his abuse to go on for years and in public. What do we do about a political party that at its heart would betray its fellow citizens for power?
I didn't know that Johnson knew about it. Too bad he didn't make it public.
I agree about McCarthy, too.
Maureen, I understand the Nixon plot was rather complicated but involved convincing the South Vietnamese leader and his wife not to attend the peace talks in addition to the other interested parties that Nixon would get them a better deal. He had no idea of what was going on in Vietnam; he just wanted to win and despite the Chicago anti-protester police action, Humphrey was catching up. Had the plot been exposed, Humphrey may well have won but Republicans would have cried "foul" because of the announcement coming so close to the election and the evidence being mostly top secret. Republicans had no trouble putting Comey out there in 2016 saying he had Hillary's emails, just a few days before the election. I am so sorry that the Republican party started downhill in the 1950s despite Eisenhower "trying" to stay above it all (although things might have been better had he taken a positive stand on something early in his tenure as president), and has continued the decline for the past 70 years. Their new mottos: win at all cost, care nothing for the law because you can get around it. How people keep voting for anyone the Republican Party puts up is beyond comprehension. Beyond their motto, as far as I can see, they stand for nothing and no one but themselves and their rich benefactors whom they are willing to do anything to please.
Thanks for the additional information.
The Republicans always cry "foul" when their criminalities are revealed. I suspect Eisenhower was a good president because he wasn't a career Republican politician.
Carter worked to facilitate the hostages’ release until Reagan’s Inauguration Day, I learned recently. He met with some of them in the hospital where they were being checked out.
Carol, I read in several places that Carter stayed involved with the hostage situation until Reagan's inauguration, but I think the deal with Reagan was already in place. It is unclear if Carter knew anything about it. It is interesting that he greeted the hostages when they were released, on inauguration day, interesting coincidence? I doubt it.