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What if Biden doesn't win and we all could have voted for the Green party?

I am sorry Robert but I won't be told who to vote for.

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The situation is actually very simple. First of all, barring something unexpected happening, Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Not everyone may be totally happy with him (though as others have pointed out, he has actually done a pretty good job), but unless he changes his mind on running, the nomination is his for the asking. Second, either Biden or the Republican nominee will win the 2024 election. There is zero chance that Cornell West, Larry Hogan, Joe Manchin, or any other candidate that was not nominated by one of the two major parties will win. And we all know who is most likely to be the Republican nominee (though any of them would be an absolute disaster). Since the winner will be either Biden or the Republican, either you vote for Biden or you are okay with all the consequences that will result if the Republican wins, including, most likely, fatal damage to the democratic system and to humanity's chances of avoiding the worst consequences of climate change. If those things don't concern you, then go ahead and vote for someone other than Biden. But if they don't concern you, I have to wonder whether you've actually understood anything Dr. Reich has been saying here.

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The Democratic Party is taking a huge risk with Biden/Harris. I am not ok with that. The election will be decided by voter turnout. Looking at the polls it looks like Biden/Harris are uninspiring. I fear the worst will come true. Please do not blame the voters.

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Biden has been a good president so far, and while I can think of a few people I'd prefer, none of them have a better chance of winning, and in any case a fight over the Democratic nomination would only help the Republicans. If the latter win the election, there will no doubt be plenty of blame to go around, and the Democratic party will surely deserve some of it if they've run a poor campaign, as will the media for their continued failure to report on Biden's successes and the fascist tilt of the Republicans. But I certainly will blame the voters. If on the one hand you have a decent, competent president who has some real accomplishments under his belt and on the other hand you have a corrupt, authoritarian, narcissistic bigot who was the worst president in US history and tried to overturn a democratic election, any voter who doesn't vote for the former is definitely to blame if the latter wins.

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You have to tell us who wouldn't we be taking a huge risk with.

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There should be an open primary which would bring the best candidate to be nominated. I have some people in mind who would be great candidates but the vetting process is very important to me. BidenтАЩs approval ratings are way too low to give any assurance that he could win.

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There should be, but there won't be, anymore than there was in 1968 when the DNC decided it was Humphrey's turn whether he was popular or not--so people like me thought there "should be" more choice and voted 3rd party--thus ensuring that Nixon got in.

Trump got in the last time because the DNC decided it was Hillary's turn, despite her unpopularity, and did everything they could to tilt the primaries in her favor.

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And then sit around patting ourselves on the back in the concentration camp? Are you willing to risk that?

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That is, those of us that the NAZI pieces of shit in charge under their SHITler did not immediately shove into their gas chambers, or in front of their execution squads. ;) :( :(

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Who's telling anybody how to vote?

Surely Robert is entitled to express his opinion?

Or...are you against all forms of campaigning?

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I am against corporate funding of campaigns, and both major parties have no problem with corporate money.

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Of course he is but he does seem to be suggesting everyone should vote for Biden?

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You missed "truth or consequences." For many of us, we got "consequences" after the 2016 election, when some Bernie supporters in key states like MI WI PA supported Trump and when every Green vote was a vote against HRC.

We got 3 aberrant members of SCOTUS who have reverted due process and equal protection to 19th Century precepts. And now we've got insurrection.

As a practical matter, if you are against us, you are with Trump. Just like the illegals he hired to work on his job sites. Just like the graduates of Trump U. Just like the donors to Trump Family Charity. Just like the believers in the Big Lie.

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@Daniel. If there are any well-meaning commenters on here pushing away from support for Biden, they seriously fail to understand the American 2-party system and the electoral college. You know this stuff, of course. But some of our commenters on here just don't seem to get it.

Voting for a 3rd party is much worse than a wasted vote (although it is wasted). Voting for a 3rd party is just taking votes away from the 2 major parties. In an election like this one, even with large numbers of former Trump voters planning not to make that mistake again, voting for a 3rd party increases that chance that something weird will happen that gets Trump back in. We can't take that chance...

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In US politics, everything is based on compromise. There's also strategy

This is the civil war revisited. I was hoping Garland could do something, bring insurrectionists to account, but not happening, so all we have is politics. I'm sure some folks are locked into fantasy. Others are here to undermine the Democratic Party.

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IF you voted for Jill in '16, no matter HOW; progressive, liberal, leftist, PRO-women, etc. you consider yourself, you LOST ALL RIGHTS to complain about, and bemoan the obliteration of Roe v. Wade as far as I am concerned.

Should have thought long and hard about/parsed that one out BEFORE you cast that 'protest' ballot against the "evil corporatist, not purist leftist" candidate you despised more than the fascist opposition. ;)

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What if you don't vote against Nazis and let them take over forever?

America is stupiding itself out of existence, mostly out of hubris. Grand.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes, I thought you said that you USED to live in the United States. If you don't live here now, how do you propose to vote for anyone in our U.S. elections?

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People do need to be told that a vote for a third-party is a vote for that fascist son of a bitch orange shit stain.

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Best to not get into the mud with poor choice of words. Say your best, not their worst.

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How would you describe #45?

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First of all, YOU cannot vote here.

Second, WHO TF exactly is this "all" you speak of?

Are you truly that delusional that you believe the current makeup of this land is hard core, all-out/all-in LEFTIST (including 'all' of those who consider themselves/self-label as Dems)?!?!

Like it or not (and I do not like it EITHER!), the reality is there is a majority in this country who will NEVER EVER vote for a purist, extreme left candidate for POTUS, even the left of center, set upon by the racist lily-white supremacists, POC here.

James Clyburn and his constituency/advocacy proved this when he/they delivered the Dem candidacy, and then the presidency, (along with Stacy Abrams & Company's voluminous help of course!) to Biden last go round. ;)

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes: Since you vote in France, in French elections, you are FOS!

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Well thanks Solomon. So kind.

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Jennifer, we welcome your comments. There's no way the Green party would ever compromise enough to run on a major ticket but I like your thoughts.

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Thanks William. I am always for change and I loathe the thought of Trump winning. However, how will the US ever change?

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If you can't take the heat, get out of the debate. You can't handle the truth.

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