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It's up to the DNC to draw the Green Party into the Biden vote.

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No, it up to the conscious reality that thee are only two options, democracy or Fascism.

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But the "Democratic" Party are against democracy, because they support FPTP. So, fuck them.

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Since your "tit" is not in the wringer why are you commenting? Ans you hate US.

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'Uncle Pootie' must have upped their FSB troll farm pay from just a few worthless rubles to MANY worthless rubles.

I guess that's enough for the St. Petersburg troll bots to bang their collective heads against the wall on here?!?

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He doesn't deny he hates the US.

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David G Hinkes, you made out loud! Thanks!

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Whether I like it or not, the USA is the leader of the free world. So it affects me.

It will be better for the USA and the world if the USA adopts democratic voting systems. (The same could be said of other countries that use FPTP, like UK, India, or Canada.)

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Go fuck yourself. How's for a choice?

People are sick of this shit. Your "democracy or fascism" is bullshit and anyone with half a brain knows this kind of non-choice is EXACTLY how you end up with disaster.

No. I reject it. Trump can eat shit. Biden can eat shit. This whole madness can take a hike and I'm telling everyone who will listen to stay out of it.

And besides, what are you gonna do about it?

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Do you fucks even read your own shit? How on earth is there only ONE correct choice in an election and everything else is basically Hitler reincarnated?

Please slam your head into a brick wall until it becomes capable of independent thought. Jesus Christ.

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Perfectly said.

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Jennifer Bleasedale Stokes : A non citizen who cannot even vote,, advocating for the blind DNC to lead the blind Green Party I call the Green Party blind, because they can put tfg back in power, if they are on the ballot and drawing non tRumpers votes!

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Just like they did in '16 to help put the effing SHITler into power the first time. ;)

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We remember how in 2020, Biden moved to the left a bit to accommodate BernieтАЩs positions. Result: that huge omnibus bill that Manchin and Sinema stopped (unfortunately). But at least Biden and Pelosi managed to get us the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Was able to pass infrastructure, CHIPS, "The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share. For the first time, Medicare is able to negotiate the price of certain high-cost drugs, a monthтАЩs supply of insulin for seniors is capped at $35, Medicare beneficiaries pay $0 out of pocket for recommended adult vaccines, and seniorsтАЩ out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy will be capped at $2,000 a year. And thanks to the PresidentтАЩs actions, including a historic release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, gas prices are down more than $1.60 from their summer 2022 peak."

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Yes, and these benefits to all Americans have been largely ignored by corporate media.

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I was once a member of the Green party and they are almost impossible to reason with. They never want to compromise. They preferred trump to Hillary so it was not a problem for them if they helped trump. After the election, Hillary was on a book tour and their top priority was to demonstrate at her appearances. I protested and said they should go after trump but they were adamant. I left the party.

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I was in a large roomful of Greens back then, and not a one of them would have supported TFG. Evidently, there are different factions of the party.

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Where I was, they would have. They hated Hillary. Would they have supported Hillary? Did they support Hillary or vote for Jill which effectively helped trump.

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They voted for Jill, of course, because she was their candidate. And no, that didn't equate to helping TFG.

If the Dems wanted to defeat TFG, they should have run Bernie, not corporate shill Hillary. The DNC would rather lose with a Wall Street pick than win with someone who'd help the working class.

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MAYBE, but you still cannot convince me that this probably (STILL!) majority ANTI-SEMITIC country would have put a Jew into power.

I will believe that ONLY when I see it.

Especially with almost HALF of the land supporting a fascist, "Mein Kampf" reading (and getting pointers from), POS despot. ;)

BTW; I like Bernie, and almost all that he says and stands for.

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We'll have to agree to disagree, David. Bernie was doing very well in the primaries until Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped in.

I don't think it's half the country who supports a fascist. Maybe 25-30%. Not even close to all Republicans support TFG, and Republicans are the smallest faction. Most Independents tend to skew Dem.

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Who was the head of the Green Party then? I can't remember.

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Jill Stein, who attended a meeting in Moscow in 2015 with Putin and Michael Flynn, Trump's guy.

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Jill Stein was their candidate for president. I liked her but voted for Hillary.

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Yes I remember now.

Thank you.

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And what if they don't do it?

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Maureen : Jennifer Bleasedale Stokes is a troll. In another post on this thread, I asked her if she is an American who can vote. She Replied "no". 'Nuff said!

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Laurie Blair, thank you! I wondered that question.

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Call me what you like ....is this the way to behave?

Ganging up like bully's.

I have been interested in US Politics for years.

Does this mean other country's make some points?

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OF COURSE you are fully entitled to your 'opinions', but then we are also entitled to OURS in response.

If THAT is "ganging up like bullies" to you, too bad.

I suggest that you worry more about the insidious creeping fascism taking root in YOUR adopted land, and elsewhere in Europe, as mush as you are concerned about our politics here.

(JUST a suggestion, NOT a "bully" demand. ;) :) )

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Hello David.

"Too bad." You say. Musch (Much)

The difference in Europe is:

Good education.

Universal Healthcare

It is possible that Le Pen could make a big showing in France in the next elections.

I don't like Macron. He is moving further right BUT we have a multiple party system here which you don't have.

For years Americans have sat on their backsides: buying/not voting/and thinking they were the BEST in the world.

I have more faith in the French Political system.....we know what Civil War is like!

I hope you are able to see what I am saying.

I had a good time in the US for 22yrs but I was living in a left wing Canyon outside of Los Angeles. When GWB got in we left.

One of the problems with the US is lack of Education/world history and naivety.

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I agree with you on the education system point (just look at this Prager U absolute BS being pushed in the most NAZI red states currently!), and yes that 'taken for granted' "exceptionalism and superiority" by the white supremacist apologist (for all of the sins/atrocities committed by their forebears against native peoples/POC) nationalists in this land is sickening at times.

(Like when I hear that effing USA! USA! USA! chant at international sports events, it reminds me of the same exact thing being heard at SCUMp's NAZI BUND meetings. [puke])

But ironically, your (justifiably) much vaunted multi-party system is exactly what might allow a Vichy POS like LePen to get into power, just like (S)Hitler 1.0 did in 1930s Germany with less than a third of the total vote. :(

It is great that you know "what Civil War is like", but THIS country will never survive another one of those.

BTW; I DO like France's and Europe's sports (Pro cycling, World Rally Championships. etc.) much more over the 'Muricun ones, but would be upset and disgusted to see that country/whole continent turn hard REICHwing fascist, like Hungary has.

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Hi David.

We are worried about Le Pen obviously but she has tried many times and failed. We will see. Even if Le Pen gets in it will not be hard right. She relies heavily on the anti-immigrant stance which is stupid like in the US. Immigrants will keep coming (weather and natural disasters) our birthrate is dropping and we need workers.

My husband is always glued to the Tour de France and Football! Not me so much.

Best wishes.

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I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).

But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centrist AT BEST, let alone ever a minuscule bit center-left in their worldviews, so I have to disagree with voting for a leftist candidate when they have ZERO chance whatsoever of even getting 3% of the total vote, let alone ANY Electoral College votes.

It is NOT worth the chance to me, and that they would be pulling those votes away from Biden/any other Dem, and installing SCUMp into unrestrained power, FOR LIFE.

I LITERALLY would not be able to live/survive with that consequence (for MANY reasons)!

Could this change in this land with an empowered, younger, more enlightened, and also more diverse/pluralistic demographic here, hopefully ABSOLUTELY, but I fear NOT in the amount of time I have left on this planet. :(

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I have a question>

IF one voted for the Greens in the Primary's (if one can) and say they did very well. Then can the D's offer them a place in their party?

Not sure you could be more left than me. Ha.

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Jennifer Bleasdale Stokes, I think you have misdirected your comment my way.

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I am so sorry. These messages do get mixed up.

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