I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).
But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centri…
I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).
But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centrist AT BEST, let alone ever a minuscule bit center-left in their worldviews, so I have to disagree with voting for a leftist candidate when they have ZERO chance whatsoever of even getting 3% of the total vote, let alone ANY Electoral College votes.
It is NOT worth the chance to me, and that they would be pulling those votes away from Biden/any other Dem, and installing SCUMp into unrestrained power, FOR LIFE.
I LITERALLY would not be able to live/survive with that consequence (for MANY reasons)!
Could this change in this land with an empowered, younger, more enlightened, and also more diverse/pluralistic demographic here, hopefully ABSOLUTELY, but I fear NOT in the amount of time I have left on this planet. :(
The bigger question is; IF said progressive Dems/caucusing with Dems Indies did "offer them a place in their party", would the hard core Greens accept it??
I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).
But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centrist AT BEST, let alone ever a minuscule bit center-left in their worldviews, so I have to disagree with voting for a leftist candidate when they have ZERO chance whatsoever of even getting 3% of the total vote, let alone ANY Electoral College votes.
It is NOT worth the chance to me, and that they would be pulling those votes away from Biden/any other Dem, and installing SCUMp into unrestrained power, FOR LIFE.
I LITERALLY would not be able to live/survive with that consequence (for MANY reasons)!
Could this change in this land with an empowered, younger, more enlightened, and also more diverse/pluralistic demographic here, hopefully ABSOLUTELY, but I fear NOT in the amount of time I have left on this planet. :(
I have a question>
IF one voted for the Greens in the Primary's (if one can) and say they did very well. Then can the D's offer them a place in their party?
Not sure you could be more left than me. Ha.
The bigger question is; IF said progressive Dems/caucusing with Dems Indies did "offer them a place in their party", would the hard core Greens accept it??
Good question. Probably not Biden!