We are worried about Le Pen obviously but she has tried many times and failed. We will see. Even if Le Pen gets in it will not be hard right. She relies heavily on the anti-immigrant stance which is stupid like in the US. Immigrants will keep coming (weather and natural disasters) our birthrate is dropping and we need workers.
We are worried about Le Pen obviously but she has tried many times and failed. We will see. Even if Le Pen gets in it will not be hard right. She relies heavily on the anti-immigrant stance which is stupid like in the US. Immigrants will keep coming (weather and natural disasters) our birthrate is dropping and we need workers.
My husband is always glued to the Tour de France and Football! Not me so much.
I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).
But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centrist AT BEST, let alone ever a minuscule bit center-left in their worldviews, so I have to disagree with voting for a leftist candidate when they have ZERO chance whatsoever of even getting 3% of the total vote, let alone ANY Electoral College votes.
It is NOT worth the chance to me, and that they would be pulling those votes away from Biden/any other Dem, and installing SCUMp into unrestrained power, FOR LIFE.
I LITERALLY would not be able to live/survive with that consequence (for MANY reasons)!
Could this change in this land with an empowered, younger, more enlightened, and also more diverse/pluralistic demographic here, hopefully ABSOLUTELY, but I fear NOT in the amount of time I have left on this planet. :(
The bigger question is; IF said progressive Dems/caucusing with Dems Indies did "offer them a place in their party", would the hard core Greens accept it??
Hi David.
We are worried about Le Pen obviously but she has tried many times and failed. We will see. Even if Le Pen gets in it will not be hard right. She relies heavily on the anti-immigrant stance which is stupid like in the US. Immigrants will keep coming (weather and natural disasters) our birthrate is dropping and we need workers.
My husband is always glued to the Tour de France and Football! Not me so much.
Best wishes.
I might even be to the left of you, so basically we DO agree, and I wish that this land offered even the outside possibility of electing a far left POTUS (or at the very least one slightly left of FDR).
But I am more a realist than a dreamer on this issue, and I have seen (personally observed) how the vast majority in this land are centrist AT BEST, let alone ever a minuscule bit center-left in their worldviews, so I have to disagree with voting for a leftist candidate when they have ZERO chance whatsoever of even getting 3% of the total vote, let alone ANY Electoral College votes.
It is NOT worth the chance to me, and that they would be pulling those votes away from Biden/any other Dem, and installing SCUMp into unrestrained power, FOR LIFE.
I LITERALLY would not be able to live/survive with that consequence (for MANY reasons)!
Could this change in this land with an empowered, younger, more enlightened, and also more diverse/pluralistic demographic here, hopefully ABSOLUTELY, but I fear NOT in the amount of time I have left on this planet. :(
I have a question>
IF one voted for the Greens in the Primary's (if one can) and say they did very well. Then can the D's offer them a place in their party?
Not sure you could be more left than me. Ha.
The bigger question is; IF said progressive Dems/caucusing with Dems Indies did "offer them a place in their party", would the hard core Greens accept it??
Good question. Probably not Biden!