We aren't a true democracy. I do see and have always agreed that local votes really matter. I study them a lot before I vote. Our town can get really passionate about the school board, mayor, etc..
I saw a need for Kennedy in their article. It does matter to vote for a President. We just focus too much on the anti-voting and listen to what the mainstream carries. The media was hijacked long ago.
We aren't a true democracy. I do see and have always agreed that local votes really matter. I study them a lot before I vote. Our town can get really passionate about the school board, mayor, etc..
I saw a need for Kennedy in their article. It does matter to vote for a President. We just focus too much on the anti-voting and listen to what the mainstream carries. The media was hijacked long ago.
We aren't a true democracy. I do see and have always agreed that local votes really matter. I study them a lot before I vote. Our town can get really passionate about the school board, mayor, etc..
I saw a need for Kennedy in their article. It does matter to vote for a President. We just focus too much on the anti-voting and listen to what the mainstream carries. The media was hijacked long ago.
He's nuts.
Kennedy is not nuts. People just say the same thing over and over. I'll keep paying attention to his campaign.
Not on your ballot in France.
I have no idea what you mean.