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I can’t quite agree with your statement about the “media” letting him get away with his misogyny and racist bigotry, the White media still is.

It took Black journalists to say it to his face.

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This is what real journalism and an actual free press (not free market journalism) looks like. If the reporters of the main stream media did what those brave black women did yesterday Trump would be a zero in polling. The legacy media has sold their morality for clicks and views. This has lead Trumps bigotry and misogeny to spread to those who were NOT those things before him. Stop the spread by shaming him and his followers shut them down.

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Bill, I can’t agree that Trump’s followers weren’t bigots and misogynists already. They may not have been saying the quiet part out loud, but the seeds had to be there or people would have ignored him.

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Seeds ca die out, too, if we don’t nurture and help them grow. Bad journalism has helped him grow, and helped the seeds of bigotry grow. Some people may have held the seed of this anger and bigotry and might have been susceptible to decent information and argument to turn away from it.

We need more GOOD journalism. And by that, I don’t mean just saying what I’d prefer to be true — I mean quality, fact based information, and rational decent commentary and context and analysis, with respectful airing of differences of opinion.

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VERY true, Pat. I can’t “like” anything on my phone so ❤️ coming later.

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Jan - “like” I feel you on the “like” ability.

G G has some good suggestions to try to help. They did not work for me (I have a feeling that my system might be too old on my iPad) but they might work for you.

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You're probably correct, Anon. It used to work, now doesn't, but that could be an upgrade by Substack.

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Pat - “LIKE”

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Mmmm, the Substack clickable response says “Like” but shows ❤️

Oh, well, thaks, Anon

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Pat - “like” I think it was Jan who sent you the ❤️. However you gave me a good idea - since I can’t use the “like” button and typing it is my only recourse then I might start using “love” on the posts that I Really “like”. ;) :D

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Pat - I finally figured out where you see a ❤️. My apologies for my confusion.. I normally see the posts through my email but if I go to the activity button on substack I see the ❤️ from the posts that people hit the like button for. I am slow at learning all of the nuances of technology so again my apologies for not originally understanding.

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I have a coworker sitting right next to me who works in an integrated environment multicultrual environment. He has been conservative and espoused his views never being racist or misogonistic. Once MAGA and Elon came along I hear him quoting misoginistic and racist dog whistle from reposts of Elon and Trump. Not all racists were racist before. Trump, MAGA and Elon so normalize it that those who follow them espose the same garbage and then become racist. I say this to show how dangerous it is to let the MAGA rhetoric continue because it isnt just making bad people worse. Its making good people bad.

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And that is called fascism. Sow distrust and hatred. Step one.

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remember how 'normal' Germans spied on their neighbors-it can happen again-and here

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Justice Neil Gorsuch legitimized such spying with his opinion on the Texas "abortion vigilantes" law (a Mike Johnson creation). The next step would be to inquire why a woman has so few children; could she be aborting her pregnancies? Homosexuals and dissidents would be next in line for being spied upon. This goes far beyond privacy, as it pertains to health and freedom.

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Bill Reitz: Your coworker was racist before Trump. Trump just gave him and millions of others license to express their racism and misogyny openly.

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Yes, but such feelings were stirred by Fox News claims that "the elites" wanted to displace White males.

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Bill, imo your coworker WAS a racist. He just didn't feel empowered to let it rip.

I'm not sure MAGA rhetoric makes good people bad. It may show us how many people are bad (using your words and context, not saying anyone is all bad).

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You can turn anybody bad by and making them scared and angry. Don't think that you are different.

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The fact that I don’t think I’m different is precisely why I specified I was using Bill’s words and context, Victor.

I didn’t want to start a general discussion about how nobody is perfect, we all do bad things, etc. Enjoy your day.

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True and sad. Trump has tapped into feelings that lay dormant in the subconscious.

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I've read the same in the book "Prisoners of hate". Our base level of self preservation dating back to cavemen level societies can be manipulated by fear and hate into othering of a person or group. That person may or may not even be a participant in the story. The narcissist manipulator can and does invent a whole "evil story" about the person being "ousted" from the group of the "good guys" and thus becomes evil. Violence is then advocated and justified against that person or group. In cavemen days getting rid of a person from a grpup was life and death. Now hardly ever at all. Our primitive brains still think and react overly strongly to stimuli that matches that age old self preservation method. Which can lead to someone who did nothing wrong being ostrasized, attacked or killed. I still havent finished the book. As a malignant narcissist survivor and a person who has my own hangups it is REALLY hard for me to read without having triggers.

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Jan Churchwell: I totally agree. Trump, being President and leader of the fascists, gave racists and misogynists, white supremacist, Christian theocrats license to come out of the closet.

After years of having to stuff their beliefs and feelings, aching to use the word "nigrah", to put into practice their need to exert white male supremacy, Trump liberated them and now we know who they are, and why they need to take total control of the government., unfortunately they have a legion of camp following Quislings, who have ridden Trumps coat tails to economic and social advancement, like Tim Scott, Mark Robinson, token Thomas, Kanye, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Candace Owens.

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Since 2016, I have been binge-reading histories of Germany 1923-1933. Most NAZI's at the top knew exactly what they were doing. The few "true believers" at the top (Ernst Röhm, Gregor Strasser) were murdered by Hitler in "The Night of the Long Knivea" in 1934.

Trump appears to be throwing Vance under the bus in his comments about the Vice President yesterday. Vance should be watching his six these days.

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I did what you are doing when I was 15, read everything on the subject, including the holocaust in the public library (2954) what has been written since is rehash.

The story of Ernst Rhom is instructive. He was the founder and leader of a million men, the Sturmabeitlung, Brown Shirts and his group fought the Communists in Berlin (he NAZI Anthem the Horst Wessel Lied) was written to marytrize, Horst Wessel killed in that war, Were it not for Rohm there would have been no Hitler, but the industrialist and financiers, feared him,is power because he was a real socialist and a critic of Hitler who wasn't, Rohm was pushing Hitler to the left,and that worried the industrialist liek Fritx Thyssen

The Sturmabeitlung were socialists, not communists,and they fought, bloodied and beat the Commies. Socialism is not communism, like our own media and billionaires would have us believe.

After assuming power, a fervent NAZI, a chicken farmer, named Himmler, convinced Hitler to create a body guard, the Protection Squad (Life Guarss) or Schutzstaffel (SS) and they were dressed in specially designed uniforms.

It was this SS that, on orders, murdered Rohm and the leaders of the SS in the "Night of the Long Knives".

They also murdered the niece that Hitler loved and with whom he was having sex.

In 1952, when leaving the Big Brothers on chesnut Street in Philadelphia, i passed by the smoldering embers of a book store that had caught on fire, rummaging i found a book, written in 1938, The Strrange Death of Adolph Hitler" The front piece was a photocopy of a document in German with the requisite official stamps verifying the authenticity, it recounts the murder of

Gel Ralbaul, and the murder of Hitle as he was deranged, and unstable. Mind you the book was printed in 1938, before the invasion of Poland.

I loaned the book to a neighbor, and they never returned it. I should have learned not to loan things, but didn't.

I finally found a copy on Abe Books, and bought it, but it is a reprint without the official NAZI document, but instead in English.

Out of curiosity, on learning that ears are like fingerprints,no two are the same.

I have download Pictures of Hitler as a Youth, his first years, his 1940 years and at the end. And I believe it, the ears are different, and I know that he had body doubles.

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Yes, German conservatives feared not only the Moscow-directed Communists but also all socialists. Trump and his backers are trying to scare our conservatives with "the New Marxism," "wokism" and the Evil Left. Kamala Harris has to address class grievances, but she must be careful.

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Thank you William for the "renewed" History lesson...I always thought Hitler had at least one body double myself...

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Could you explain your main idea again? Sorry to be dense. The book you found was printed in 1938 before Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 and "documented" Hitler's death with official stamps. Right? You think this claim is correct, right? You've compared the pictures in this book with pictures of Hitler earlier, and based on his ears, you think the claims in this book are accurate. Right? So you think that from 1938 going forward, a Hitler double was performing? If I were you, I'd be tracking down that neighbor!

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My guess is that Trump will be the one who will be dumped, and that we will be stuck with Vance and the Heritage Foundation for years to come.

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It IS Vance who is out on the campaign trail. The Dems have a bit of work to do!

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William - “like”

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In a dog-eat-dog world nobody is safe. Neither civilization nor capitalism is compatible with such a lack of morality.

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Cat slap have you covered your crap minding world sans Trumpism

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You are preaching to the converted Victor, Well not converted, there have been hundreds of attempts to eat this dog in my 85 years.

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Jan, you are right, but such misogyny and racism are contagious and spread even to people who are not actively either of them. Trump's unchecked comments and insults have encouraged people to join the misogyny and racism club since that is the way to get power in half of our states these days.

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Imo we're saying the same thing, Ruth. I said they weren't "saying the quiet part out loud," which imo is what you're saying with "not actively..." The seeds were there, and Trump's "style" gave them the courage to speak up or go active (take your choice).

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I think Trump wanted the news spotlight back on him. This gave JD a breather. I agree that it actually benefited Kamala.

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Trump is a baiter and a harasser, but he cannot avoid getting repetitious. Hopefully, he will become annoying even to his supporters. His ego-mania is making him boring and ridiculous.

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Jan, it is called implicit bias.

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How to get under Trumps skin a master class.

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When Trump said the Media is the enemy of the people he was correct. Because it was the media that made him a star, and it was the media's millions of free coverage that got him elected. Remember, I believe it was CNN, the camera's trrained on an empty podium for 20 minutes waiting for their organge Jesus to appear, and Les moonves of CBS telling his board of Directors that although Trump was bad for America he was greart for CBS and the Baord Chuckling.

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Don't forget Russian Election Interference, and Mark Burnett's 'Apprentice'... DJT is an Addict for attention... Too many People believe what they see on TV is true... OBW: I saw that his right Ear looked fine yesterday...

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William - “like” I think he is mad that the boo boo on his ear didn’t give him more coverage in the media than he thought He deserved. ;)

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Don't blame "the media" for what Fox News created. Rupert Murdoch gave Trump extra prominence, and the divisive script Trump has followed since 2016. In 2020 Trump added religion to the script. He succeeded beyond belief.

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you're right-to be a fair journalist like Rachel doesn't mean letting someone lie,it means expressing the impartial truth on behalf of we the people-we need more journalists like Rachel and more commenters like you

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Quite true, but I bet Rachel Scott will probably never get a chance to interview Trump, and that's too bad. He didn't answer any questions, instead trying the Gish Gallop that he served to Joe Biden, trying to talk over him, jumping from one non sequitur statement to another, to another, to another.

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Bravo! So well said!

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Perfect. I’m ordering one now!

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HB - “Like”

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MSM should take lessons from these professional, intelligent, brilliantly informed courageous ladies. They were not going to give him a pass and kept making sure he answered the questions. Are you listening Jake Tapper and others like him? As always, the coward ran away.

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NOT ALL OF THEM. Faulkner and Fox are constantly stoking the fear, anger, hate buttons of the cult!!!

Bottom line: DonOLD tRump cannot help himself with face-to-face with a Black woman. He showed who he IS!

Remember what Maya Angelou told us!!!

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When people tell you who they are, believe them. Dr. Angelou

One of my favorite quotes.

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Rusalka, Jake Tapper and the rest of them want to keep their jobs and get raises and eventually advances in their career, that requires them to toe the party line, listen and anticipate the editors and producers who monitor them via earbuds and tell them to change the subject, cut it short and what not to say, this is true on all electronic media,in print media they have editors who know what is permissible and what isn't.

Editors and Producers are select and hired, ultimately, by the CEO. The CEO is selected and hired by the board of Governors. The primary and operating directive of the Board of Governors, and it's chairman has the ultimate say, or guides the board,is to look after the interests and provide a positive rate of return for the investors.

The investors in a corporation, including he media, are other corporations and media. The Chairman of the Board of MSNBC, the actress Rashida Jones is President of MSNBC, but MSNBC is owned by NBCUniversal, and NBCUniversal is owned by Comcast, and the CEO, Chairman of the Board and major individual stockholder of Comcast https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_L._Roberts

The major institutional investors in Comcast, NBCUniversal,MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and the corporations that own them, as well as the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, the defense industry, forestry and paper are Vanguard, Black Rock, State Street.

These boards of directors have interlocking relationships with other boards. They are majority shareholders in other corporations as well as sitting on the boards of other corporations, some are professional members of boards,

Here is a list of the board members of the major cable and broadcast media.


CBS is owned by the Redstone family, which also owns HBO,Shari Redstone is the non executive chair of the board.

CNN is owned by Advance Publications and Advance publications is owned by the Newhouse family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Irving_Newhouse_Sr. The Chairman of the Board of CNN is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_L._Stephenson

Jake Tapper, all of the hosts, journalists of all media, print or electronic listen to their bosses, if they want to keep their jobs, that is why you don't see global warming mentioned in relationship to flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, heat domes, Arctic blasts mentioned in the news and weather reports.

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Wanting to keep your job is no excuse for not standing up and telling the truth.

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And that doesn't answer my question, as usual.

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Mr Farrar:

That's a lot to absorb! Thank you.

You have done us all a favor.

Now, the question is -- knowing how the world of journalism really works, where does the average citizen turn?

Are Daily KOS and Democracy Now! and al-Jazeera and The Guardian reliable alternatives? How about NPR and PBS?

And the next question -- What is the likelihood that any reliable alternatives will survive a second Trump presidency?

\Vince S

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My sources of information since Trump came to disgrace our country have been the UK Guardian and the FT since I lived there 25 years and still go back and forth. Last year I started subscribing to Substacks such as this one plus 5 others. Stopped subscription to NYT and Washington Post which I thought were reliable.

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I'm still subscribing to the online versions of the New York Times and Washington Post and L A Progressive, as well as The Guardian. I had to give up The Economist, unfortunately. It's just too expensive.

Speaking of The Guardian . . . Look for First Dog on the Moon - The Guardian - Australia. You will probably enjoy meeting Brenda, the climate activist civil disobedience penguin.



\Vince S

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The guardian is owned by an independent trust not by media moguls and in that sense is pretty independent.

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Vincent, I have my problems with Al Jazeera,NPR, PBS, CBS Daily Kos and Democracy Now, as the news that they seek tp publish, and the emphasis and content are biased via the ideology and bias of the left (and in NPR's case corporations especially as retards fossil fuels and global warming)

Amy Goodma and Juan Gonzalez )Dmocracy Now)are old line Marxist, as is Katrina vanden Heuvell and her Husband.,, Stephen Cohen of the nation.

I am not a Marxist because Marx was not a socialist, he wasa proto libertarian, and I know that Gold as a standard of value leads to a perpetual depression.

Religions are ideologies, and Marxism is a religious ideology,one has to swallow, believe and pledge fealty to the tenants of the faith, it is as ,much a cult as Trumpism or any religion.

It is the same with libertarianism and free marketism

One is expected to swallow eveyrthing as gospel. Democracy Now, whose staff is overwhelmingly Muslim, calls it genoicde and the left is hit on the knee with a rubber mallet and reflexes like Pavolov's dog.

Noam Chomsky,Christ Hedges, all of them, the same.

I don't acquire by opinions, beliefs I have none, I arrive at my opinions by the use of critical thinking

Trump calls the media the enemy of the people, the FBI the same, and the left reacts and either defends the media and FBI or stays silent, and thus assents to Trump.

But the media is the enemy of the People as is the FBI, the media has constantly attacked and scapegoated liberlas, ridiculed global warming and made Trump President.

The FBI instead of investigating and warning congress of the threat from the right, spent and spends its time investigating the left, antifa and BLM among others. It is a right wing conservative organization, as is DOJ, and the cabinets that are suppose to regulate corporations have been captured by those regulations and nothing has changed under Biden.

I am not on the side of the leftist media, and I don't believe the corporate media, I get hundreds of news letters in my inbox daily, I read or skim all,and I have filters, I filter out bullshit, bias and propaganda.

I don't let anyone do my thinking for me, I don't believe, I think. And I got be jerked around emotionally by my short and curlies (pubic hair).

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Mr Farrar:

I find your reply disappointing.

If it is an example of your critical thinking, please explain why there is little-to-no substance? No reference to any observable facts? All I see in it is labelling people according to their alleged adherence to various ideologies.

That does not, in my book, qualify as mature, critical argument.

Perhaps you would care to take a deep breath and try again.

\Vince S

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Hi there! I've saved your information for future reference. Thanks! I'm usually aware of the political bias of whatever I'm reading or listening to, so I take that into consideration when reading/listening, but sometimes it takes a bit of digging. Just recently, I discovered the Ground News app. It categorizes print articles by bias (left/center/right) and has a feature I really like called the Blind Spot, presenting articles to me I might not read because of my own built-in biases. I haven't dug deep to see if I agree with Ground's characterizations, but it's allowed me to see news from sites and newspapers I rarely run into. Thanks again, for your background. Cheers!

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Thanks OhioBabs's,.

I have my own problems with news aggregators, especially those that categorize news by ideology.

First problem is that the person or even algorithm is a person or constructed by a person with bias, and what they consider say conservative and liberal reflects their bias.

I will use me as an example. I consider myself progressive, I support DEI and CRT, Gay and Transrights movements, LGBT. Notice that I ommitted immigration.

I support immigration for people who can prove that they fled for their life, I don't support it for people who flee because they don't like their political system and/or are seeking financial improvement or a job.

Most of those come from a culture whichis responsible for their destitute situation, a patriarchal authoritairan and religious culture and they bring that crap with them like it is a precious treasure instead of the garbage that it is.

Venezuelan refugees were the countries middle class, who lived well while the peasants strived to survive, now that they don't have the upper hand and can exploit the people they flee to America with their soccer balls, dolls, toys, gold, silver and Jewelry, many of them parking their assets in international banks.

I am definitely for gay, lesbian and trans rights, with one exception. Pre operative transpeople, who have not undergone the requisite hormone therapy should not be able to compete in opposite sex sports.

Hormones is what really makes us, as malge and female, it is the sex hormone.

A trans woman who has been on estrogene therapy for five years, has lost muscle and bone mass, a transman who has been on testosterone therapy for ifve years has gained muscle and bone mass, plus facial and body hair and a deeper, up to baritone, voice

A post operative transwoman, has no penis or testiceles and and has a vagina, a post operative Transman has a penis and testicles, minus a vagina, ovary and womb.

Testicles produce testosterone, the masculine ad masculinizing hormone.

Ovaries produce estrogene the feminizing hormone.

Affirmative action in education has produced resentment and blowback, in fact a major push for Trumpism.

My son is a PhD, very much a liberal, but when he graduated he couldn't find a teaching position, because they are being given to minorities, despite him being highly qualified. He has now a department head in a college and teaches as well. But I had to put up with him bitching about affirmative action for years.

The solution, is to have applications without names, but numbers, and no mention of gender. It is known that certain names are ethnic, and some are predominatly racial, before the black affection for the slave religion of Islam, a name George Washington Carver was agive away, now it is Jamal, Aiyisha.

And even unconsciously a name prejudices an applicant.

I am not a Marxist. Marx was not a socialist, he was a proto libertarian.

There was no such thing as middle class in his day, so he called them bourgeousie, and the working middle and lower class he called Proletariat, and he had no bad wors or hostility for the ruling class, because it was they that financed him as The League of Just Men.

With those exceptions, a die hard ideological progressive would exile me.

The Right has the same situation, unless one is a die hard Christian, misogynistic Christian Nationalist, they aren't a Republican. Thus the very conservative Reaganite Never Trumpers of the Bulwark and Lincoln Project.

I have registered Democrat and Vote Democrat, because I have no choice, third party is throwing away my vote and a defacto vote for Republiicans. By voting third party I am helping Republicans win.

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Weather reports would be severely restricted under Project 2025. Climate change means chaos, and you can hide it only for so long.

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Weather reports will be severely restricted if Project 2025 comes about.

the old pat Robertson ploy, blame it on the gays. Then there will be a purging of the gay in America,like purging of the Jew in Germany, when they run out of gays, the next small minority will be targeted, There is no end of scapegoats, in a brown eyed world, the blue eye is the Jew.

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What I believe is true is that bigotry and misogeny does not "spread", you either are a bigot and/or practice misogeny, or you are not and do not. People may feel they can hide their warped beliefs and bring out the behaviours as needed.... But it doesn't "spread"

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Malignant narcissists cult leaders get their followers to do immoral and evil things. This doesnt mean that all the cult followers had evil in their hearts before hand. Do they do evil certainly yes! Did they start out evil?

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Perhaps they are only "pliable",,introduced to these behaviours and thoughts by parents,, I am not a psychologist.

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Having a narcssistic parent can lead someome to feeling comfortable within the same abusive narcissistic relationship that Trump engages in.

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I am not so sure. Much of racism is mindless and a reaction to the human need to belong. It would be very hard to leave your clan if you were deep MAGA or if you were a child, not to be inculcated with racism and misogyny. I remember my prof of social psychology turning a chair around in the last day of class eye and sitting on it. Looking at us eye to eye:

I understand the evidence that our need to belong was stronger than our will was not good news. But by knowing that , we can make decisions about who we marry or what organizations we join on the basis of their values, we can avoid absorbing those values. I was convinced.

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Do you remember the musical, "South Pacific"?

One of the most memorable Rogers & Hammerstein songs is "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught."

\Vince S

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Best song ever, Vince!

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I think so, too.

"South Pacific" was big in - when? - late 1950s, I think.

Hence, the song, "There is nothing like a dame," is a little sour in modern ears.

What do you think of the later protest songs? I'm thinking of Patti Smith's "People Have the Power!" Wouldn't that make a suitable anthem for the Harris for President campaign?

Patti Smith is still around!

\ Vince S

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In the days of the Cold War Moscow-directed Communists infiltrated organization to which young people belonged: sports clubs and teams, university faculties, student organizations. Our fascists are doing the same now.

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"somehow you lost me on "human need to belong "... ? You mean the racist feels this way? I see that Women and people of color are born into this world without any say of how we arrive. Women have no choice being the sex they are, people of colour are born black, brown Asian, and the way misogynist and racist thinking goes, we are "LESS THAN" . We'd all rather have a little say or else you keep your hands off our bodies and minds. A white male is no better than a black man or a white woman, but they believe we should sit down and shut up, and get working on their command.

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There are those who are principled, conscientious, incorruptible. There are others who are sadistic, unscrupulous, evil. And there are those who can be influenced either way.

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Jaime - “like” If it weren’t for my Grandma being able to teach her 8 children empathy and compassion despite being married to a racist, homophobic, bigoted a**hole my mother and all of her brothers might have turned out very differently. They could have been completely different if they learned from their father versus what they learned from their mother right under the same roof.

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Even the incorruptible can be manipulated by actions affecting their loved ones.

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What spreads is fear, anger, resentment, suspicion. This is how you exploit prejudice.

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❤️Reich❤️:"Cornered by his naked bigotry, Trump shifted ...And the media allowed him to get away with it. No longer. "

RETORT... immediate fact checking❤️... but for the first time?

TORT... suing someone for damages...⚖️🤕

RETORT(a 2nd meaning)... suing someone for damages...over and over again(e.g. Trump kept defaming, E Jean Carroll kept re suing)⚖️🤕⚖️🤕⚖️🤕⚖️🤕

RETORT... but "brainwashed" Americans don't know the word:

TORT (youtu.be/psebm9RJDvU?t=901 )🤔🤔🤔

RETORT by "RETORTing" ...In 2015 my retort(response) to Trump's offer to pay legal fees for violence (MAGA beating up anti MAGA)... was to stage fights resulting in suing Trump for those legal fees. Hollywood is filled with unemployed actors, including unemployed stunt men. My screenplay hired 3 actors:

1. The stunt man🤕 gets beat up by

2. Our confederate... a "violent" MAGA... who is sued by the stunt man and "pays" the stunt man damages... suing Trump for those legal fees... that are defined by...

3. Our confederate... an "ambulance driver" that charges EXORBITANT FEES to "treat" the stunt man🤕


WaPo:"democracy dies in darkness"

Me:"democracy dies with brainwashing"



"...journalists had just really not done a good job of covering and that they had fallen for lots of public relations [BS]that they should know better about ..."


Karl Rove's successful brainwashing of America🙊🙉🙈: Tobacco is healthy. 🤯Democracy(torts)is icky. 🤯Geo W Bush will be a governor and president FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT FOR CHENEY'S OIL CO.🤯; the Iraq War peak popularity=70%🤯


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Whut? You lost me after the second definition of "retort."

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It’s not the news media’s job to interfere in elections by showing insanely compromised ethics and crossing a bright red line. It’s clear one side knows he’s a liar and the other side thinks it’s funny that you’re so passionate about stopping Project 2025. If you squint and mute the video, Trump and Vance look

rational (whether you agree with their anarchy-fueled aspirations or not). It’s another layer of the deception they’ve fast getting better at.

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ABC is definitely mainstream media.

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There's a familiar quote that goes with our turn to drama news, driven by "clicks and views" and a pro-Republican advertisers. . .

On journalism: "If someone says it's raining, and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out the f-cking window and find out which is true."

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It took WOMEN! Black women.

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I hear what your saying and mot to excuse the media what they have done in the past and present is unecuseable but look to their owners I believe that is where a lot of suppression is coming from.

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I love your last sentence

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Bill - “LIKE” Well said!

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Very good

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And they definitely laid it all out perfectly and with her introductory statement, she didn’t stop to take a breath. It was more than inspiring!

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She knew exactly what was about to come back at her. It was both brilliant and remarkably courageous.

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Joy Reid said that the other two did very little to challenge him. Good for Ms. Scott!

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The Fox contributor tried to mollify him and de-escalate the situation. That was when Trump claimed he couldn't hear her questions so refused to answer. It was a hot mess, all around. Trump's racism is clear, but the media have baked it into his coverage. Sad!!

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Good catch I wonder what that "cant hear you" nonesense was about.

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One of them was a Fox News reporter.

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She should have known how he was likely to respond, but had she prepared a followup question to reinforce or elaborate on her original question or rebut his claims? If she did, it wasn't shown on any video clip I saw. If she didn't, then it appears to many viewers, who respond more to performance than substance, that the great performer Trump had won the exchange. Subsequent exchanges made Trump look incoherent & ridiculous, however.

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Robert - “like”

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Classic Roy Cohn how he lashed out when confronted with the truth.

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Yes- immediately Trump thinks the black woman is a subservient that works at one of his competitors hotels and tries to belittle her - you’re so rude … not even a hello how are you ?- then challenges her position- who do you work for ? Like he could get her fired

That’s despicable … Trumps despicable - he showed us who he is a racist 🐷 pig

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It happened fast at the start but the first interviewer stood up and shook T's hand and said something to him that was inaudible... to me anyway. I would guess she was polite and said something like "welcome" or "thanks for coming". So his attack on her for being rude and not saying hello is bogus. As everything else that come out of his mouth. Thanks to the Black Journalist Association for inviting him on their show and for helping to point out, once again, what a vile monster he is. Great job Ms. Scott ! ! ! !

Go Kamala. Donate and vote Blue. Cheers... GH

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Thanks for saying what you saw. The clip I saw began with Ms. Scott asking a question. I had no reference to where it was in the interview. I thought the question was fine, but he was vile. She remained calm in appearance and didn't lose her composure. Awful display from him.

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As in asking Rachel Scott to define what DEI was. She was a master at responding without allowing him to make it about her!

She was brilliant and persisted with incredible skill not to lose her mojo. I loved every moment of his inability to shut her up!

I have seen no other reporter or interviewer not back down after insulting them. BRAVA, MS.SCOTT! She persisted !!!!!!

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Trump demanded that she define what she meant by DEI, and old trick to evade a question. She told him what the term stands for, and he was not pleased. One term Trump and his supporters use all the time is "woke," and we always must demand that they define the term. This is especially important since the director of the Heritage Foundations refers to the "woke" as enemies of America.

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Jazz - “like”

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That was the orange stain's mentor after all!

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If you have a chance listen to Rachel Maddow’s Ultra Season 2. It will show you Roy Cohn’s teacher.

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I love seeing Trump burn down.

Keep in mind though. He said he wasn't going to win based on the election, he doesn't need votes.

The idea is to disrupt the election so that it goes to the state houses where Republicans have an advantage. It's why he told his followers not to worry about voting but to go to the polls and watch. He wants disruptions at the polls. Then he will immediately implement Project 2025 and it's all over.

He is also telling them they don't need votes b/c in some of the swing states those 70 maga officials are not going to certify the election results if Trump loses. Trump then plans on filing lawsuits, making their way ultimately to the supreme court and he expects the Corrupt supreme court to rule in his favor. This playbook will not end well.

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MikeyB - I agree, and this is why I keep posting this:

In order to restore the possibility of a return to democracy and the rule of law, Biden is obligated by his oath of office, which states that he must defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to arrest and hold incommunicado ALL the insurrectionists. This would include drumpf and his family, members of the inner cabinet, lawyers involved, congresspersons involved, the 6 corrupt justices, barr, bannon, dejoy(why is an insurrectionist who tried to subvert vote by mail still in charge of the post office????) all the republican attorneys general who tried through filings to support the subversion of the vote, and all the corrupt attorneys who represented drumpf. Of course there are more, but the immensity boggles the mind. Is guantanamo large enough? This action would be in accord with the supremes' ruling covering official acts, and in light of the serious ongoing attempt at a coup d'etat by drumpf and his minions, is completely and legally warranted.

Indeed, were biden not to do this would put him in collusion with the terrorist organization known as the republican party.

Remember we are talking about a terrorist organization who openly collude with corporations to flout the law, who promote violence as a means of resolving political differences, who promote patriarchy, misogyny, bigotry, white national christianism, violence against women and children, racism, classism, and fascism. It needs to be stopped, and relying on the ballot will not work when this terrorist organization is actively working to prevent/subvert a free and fair election.

I urge you to support and promote this solution to prevent the utter destruction of our democracy.

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I'm good with all that, but what I've been hoping for is Biden or Harris to declare all Koch rothers' supported institutions like the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society and the CATO Institute, as enemies of the United States and must forfeit all assets and disband.

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Yes, as well as Murdoch enterprises like Fox, & we could also go with institutions owned by Musk, Mercer, Thiel, etc. as well as the NRA &, especially, the GOP. Oh & all the fossil fuel companies & others engaged in disinformational propaganda about their products they knew full well could generate existential climate disruption, & use all their assets to mitigate & adapt to climate chaos & environmental destruction. That's what should happen in a just world & needs to happen to correct course, but these corrupt individuals & institutions have gotten so big & powerful, I don't see it happening anytime soon, if ever.

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I agree completely but also think it’s unlikely to happen. So what can we do beyond voting blue, writing to voters, making calls, etc? I’d like to believe that Biden knows what’s coming and has a plan in place to subvert this.

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From this distance it looks like Biden doesn’t want to believe it, so he doesn’t. Increasingly looking like voting is a weak defense, but his faith in democratic institutions, holding on to the assumption they aren’t compromised, keeps him from acting. That could change in November but could that be late?

A lot can happen before then.

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I just hope Biden doesn't "honorable" us out of an election. I hope he understands at gut level that drumpf will arrrest him if drumpf wins. drumpf has stated this on more than once. believe him.

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I agree & have been advocating the same. The problem is that both the DOJ, headed by an associate of the Federalist Society, & the FBI, headed by another Trump administration holdover, have been negligent about investigating & prosecuting these seditionists, letting precious time go by. Will former prosecutor Kamala Harris, who should've been appointed Attorney General, see that justice is done? I certainly hope so, but she has to assume the presidency in order to get it done since there's no sign Biden or his AG will.

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Jaime Ramirez ; If there was a plan I don't think it would be announced on National TV.

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Trump compared himself to Lincoln (!!!), but, ironically, his megalomania and irresponsibility will give Biden a chance of being our new Lincoln. I am sure he will not hesitate.

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Mr Cesmat:

Egad! I find that I actually agree with you!

Your question, "Is Guantanamo large enough?" is going to stick with me.

EXCEPT . . . Once having taken that road, how does one get off it? Will there be any constitutional values left to defend?

\Vince S

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Vincent Schumacher ; Is there anything much left of constitutional values now? Our Congress is held by a slim 'majority' by Traitors who have disqualified themselves according to the ignored and seemingly discarded 14th amendment section 3 disqualification clause. The illegally stacked Supreme Court has committed the most heinous crime in the history of the court with their immunity decision. They themselves are disqualified to serve on the bench. No ; There is nothing left of Constitutional values.

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I do not entirely disagree with you. I was just this afternoon thinking about the State Department's Naturalization test question, "How many justices serve on the Supreme Court of the United States?' It is arguable that the correct answer is "three." The other six are not serving . . . at least not the United States and its Constitution. They are nothing more than Republican shills in black robes.

Still, one has to at least pretend to have some hope. Are you willing to go along with the charade long enough to find out if we can salvage the idea of a nation under law served by its elected officials?

For what it's worth, I note that Rep Matt Gaetz in February, together with a couple dozen of his confederates, went to the trouble of introducing House Resolution 1001. It reads,

"Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that former President Donald J. Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Mr Gaetz's resolution was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, Hon. Jim Jordan, Chairman.

No action has been taken on it since it was introduced.

What does that lack of action suggest?

\Vince S

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I must share with you my favorite source of solace and painful commentary on reality. It comes in the form of a dear Tasmanian dog and his friends.

Here is the latest.


\Vince S

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Vince - Biden's proposal of a constitutional amendment to reverse the decision is a good start. However, if the 6 corrupt supremes were off the court, then it would be moot point as new justices could reverse that decision. It's tough having an honorable man as president; I just worry that he'll "honor" us out of democracy. Trump has stated that he'll go after Biden if he's elected. Believe him.

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Mr Cesmat:

In the dreary real world we actually inhabit, President Biden’s proposed amendment plus $4.95 will buy you a cup of coffee.

Beverly Falls, commenting here, has the only viable solution. And her solution will require you and me and many others forsaking our cellphones and laptops.

We need to get out of our own houses and apartments and join the footsoldiers out knocking on doors.

\Vince S

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Say it loud!

They have planned it all out.

Time for the 80 million eligible citizens who don't vote to



Once the RIGHT to VOTE has been secured,

THEN they can vote however they want.

BUT if they don't vote THIS NOVEMBER 5th,

MAGA & The Heritage Foundation and the insurrectionists on the Supreme Court are determined to end the U.S. Constitution

and government "of, by and for THE PEOPLE"!

They intend to RULE, NOT Represent.

They will take "all" Rights and Freedoms away!

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"Register & Vote this November! It might be your last chance to vote ever again!"

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sadly i agree. Biden needs to do something about the corruption of scotus NOW!

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True, and so frightening!

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I knew he had to have something planned up his sleeve and now it’s finally coming out.

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Terrifyingly true. Every legal rebuke becomes an infuriating stall that becomes a costly vicious cycle. Until the Supreme Court gets sorted out, President Biden should make expanding the court and oversight immediate top priorities with executive orders for all options that could put any wrench in their plans. Beat them at their own game.

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Cynthia - “Like”

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As president he tried to starve "shithole" Black neighborhoods.

"Immigrants stealing black jobs," He is the poster boy for illegal sanctions for using illegal immigrant workers on his jobsites. At Mar a Lago, other properties uses temporary white Balkan visa workers to displace Americans,, Black, white or brown

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Yes, if immigrants are, as Trump says, taking "black jobs," then it is because American employers are hiring them. I wish the reporter had asked Trump, if what he says is true, then what he would do to stop American employers from hiring undocumented immigrants instead of Americans.

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As a Republican restaurant owner explained to me that service was slow because the feds came in and “took all of our Mexicans”. How dare they!

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They vote Republican because once they defund the federal government they hope that they will be able to do whatever they want.

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Ironically, it is Trump supporters who need most cheap labor. And it is "ladies with babies" who are hiring illegals as babysitters.

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What's a "Black job"?

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Trump's terminology. Your guess is as good as mine. The interpretation has been that he meant menial, low wage jobs. However, many people have pointed out that Black jobs include president of the United States, vice president of the United States, secretary of state, governor, U.S. senator, etc.

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That is a historical reference to deep south slavery days. I e. house (n word) was a coveted job rather than field work.

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Betsy - “like” I wondered that myself.

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Close the boarder.

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@Reason together. You obviously don't know that the border is effectively closed -- lowest numbers since Obama. You also can't spell.

The person responsible for breaking the border deal that would add funding for ICE, border guards, etc is the bloated orange antichrist Donald J. Trump.

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@Reason ffs, are you serious?! The border IS closed! It would have been more secure had drumpf not blocked the bill. No party has ever said they wanted a completely open border either, so save it before you say it.

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@Reason is just another Trump troll. As we get closer to the election, these trolls, Putin Trolls and RFK trolls will be showing up in increasing numbers.

Some are AI bots, some get paid by the posts, some are members of the orange cult. They will disappear after the election or after Jan 20th (the swearing in).

There purpose is to disrupt, detract and spread propaganda.

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Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about voting for Kamala.

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@Reason. Trump troll. You fools are logging on to Robert's pages in increasing numbers as we get closer to November 5th, I expect you to disappear after the election or at least Jan 20th.

You all spout bullshit .

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“border.” Regardless, you would stop all immigration, legal or otherwise?

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Trump paid $1.375M to settle case over UNDOCUMENTED Polish workers he hired to demolish the Bonwit Teller building where Trump Tower now stands. "In 1980, under pressure to begin construction on what would become his signature project, Donald Trump employed a crew of 200 undocumented Polish workers who worked in 12-hour shifts, without gloves, hard hats or masks, to demolish the Bonwit Teller building on New York's Fifth Avenue, where the 58-story, golden-hued Trump Tower now stands.

The workers were paid as little as $4 (£3) an hour for their dangerous labour, less than half the union wage, if they got paid at all." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-undocumented-polish-workers-tower-paid-settlement-millions-bonwit-teller-building-new-york-a8080336.html

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Donald Trump is a murderer. Perhaps he should be sentenced to work in an asbestos mine…without gloves, mask, or any other protective gear.

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That's the Insurrectionest way! Won't let immigrants in unless it's for his own personal use! 4 dollars an hour! Insane! You can't make this stuff up 💙💙💙💙👺👺👺👺

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omg what a pos!

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Daniel - “like”

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I wouldn't call it the "white media." The Press Corp is diverse. In fairness, to date nobody had courage or opportunity to list his statements that have piled up. I wish someone would ask him why he keeps saying the 2020 election was stolen. Maybe it's for the best so Harris can bring it up in the debate.

The MSM has let him get away with a lot more than this because, for one, the networks don't won't to lose access to him. The way he went after Katy Turr in 2016 was deplorable because it made the crowd hostile towards her.

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That is indeed a structural flaw of the so called "free Press". To keep reporting, they have to keep access, and to keep access, well, they can't be too offensive.

Mr. Trump offends everyone, but he [very] is easily offended.

And it is indeed a Roy Cohn ploy that when cornered, you attack: you don't attempt to answer the question.

Remember the saying : "The best defense is a good offense" ?

He is a master at offending, but he has nothing else in his bag of tricks.

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Cecile, I think the opposite is true, to get access they have to be friendly, supportive and not be offensive.

One example, One of Rachel Maddows first guests on MSNBC was Rand Paul, and she ripped him a new one with her questions, after that she almost was fired, because they could not get a Republican guest on her or other MSNBC shows and she reformatted her show, to an hour long pedantic bloviation of one subject.

She is good, her subject is topical and her exposition is progressive, but it takes her 15 or more minutes to get to the point, and then she spends the rest of the show expounding on the point.

She could have covered the subject in a few minutes.

I like her, but the whole point of this rant is to say that a TV talk show or the media won't get access to politicians unless they are friendly and supportive, that is why reporters holler out at press conferences or when a politician is walking down the halls of congress or the President getting off Marine One.

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Yes. Totally agree. Rachel is too slow to get to the “meat of the matter.”

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Totally agree with your assessment of Rachel Maddow. I can’t watch her. Get to the point please. She talks way too much.

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He's a master at lying, too, so he usually follows up his attack with a series of lies.

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And the MSM are owned by corporations and they love the tax cuts!

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And the deregulation.

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I feared for Katy’s life at that time.

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Although, I remember watching trump walking out when a blonde white woman who was interviewing him asked the apparently wrong question. He kind of "trained" them to avoid upsetting him. It would be truly Great if we could see a montage of those times when he refused to answer, and walked out of an interview or debate.

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Laurie - “like”

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Trump never answers direct questions. It would be a very long and extremely boring montage because he responds the same way, in brain loop fascist style, over and over again, on continuous repeat. As Ecclesiastes says “nothing new under the sun”. Trump is an entirely disappointingly predictable petty puppet trained by dastardly puppeteers.

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The Byrds did a better job singing Eccclesiastes than tRump ever could with any oration, and, undoubtedly any singing ever.

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The exception for the most part to the MSM is MSNBC especially Nicolle, Rachel, Joy Reid and Lawrence ODonnell

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I believe that Trump called Black DAs rabid, not rabbits.

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If you know "the dozens," the effective response is to laugh in his face.

"Yo mama" should make him explode out of sheer rage and jealousy, and we'll be rid of him.

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Gosh, that would be worth the watch!

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It would be truly Great!

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Daniel: I wonder if he would even know what that means?

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Gale, but it is the white journalists who still have the majority of the coverage and they are acting as though Trump is somehow normal and should be treated just like any other candidate. That is simply insane. It is great Black journalists are to some extent calling Trump out on his lies and insults, but still they are not being heard as much as they should be.

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The owners : the bosses of the pundits, have most likely warned them not to 'disrespect' the Donald. He tried to shame the Black interviewer at the Black Jounalist event by suggesting that she was "rude" for not exchanging pleasantries.

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Gale - “LIKE” Very much agree! Rachel Scott became my new hero. I think that if she didn’t predicate her question with the facts first she might not have had a chance to call him out because of how he likes to talk over people. He was also mad because the people had technical difficulties and started 35 minutes late but he is okay with being late to his own rallies and letting people stand in the sweltering heat while waiting for him. I dislike his voice but I have always preferred that he talk because of situations like this. Can’t believe all the crap that he talked about Biden’s handlers but he needed his own to get him off the stage. How can people still back the current Republican Party with all of the hate that they spew?

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Yes mam it did and it was a beautiful thing to behold!

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and what was up with that water bottle thing?! strange!

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We shouldn’t kid ourselves about the MSM. News anchors are there to promote a message given to them by the back room producers just as with print. They are told what to say. They investigate squat. There is an orchestrated story line.

I first noticed it in sports. When the favorite is losing they often don’t know how to act. Funny. All prepped and nowhere to go with it. Later, I realized that MSM is the same.

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a teachable moment I hope

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Thank you! I am SO tired of the 'sliding by', done by white media.

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Gale, you are certainly correct, but more is to be said in the way of historical TRUTH!:

The current FCC is PURE shit. lies, deception and guilty to making CRONY CAPITALIST CANCEROUS METASTASIS deadly in dumbing-down almost half our American Citizens.

AS JFK's appointed Chairman of the FCC in 1961 said, Commercial TV is a VAST WASTE- LAND.




I understand the complexity into getting into hidden economic-scams, but I'll try:

NEGATIVE EXTERNALITY COSTS [NEC] are an easy but devious way of LOOTING VAST WEALTH for Dirty CAPITALIST CORPORATIONS ---- they simply dump crap, OIL, chemicals, etc. on all of US, but these thieving costs, can not only be dumped on all of us, but in many very dirty scams the hidden REAL NET COST can easily be not only more than the CORPORATIONS MAKE IN FAUX/FUCKING PROFITS, but there is no LIMIT ON EARTH (all the way up to the GLOBAL & VERY 'GROSS VOLUME OF DAMAGES''

Whereas POSITIVE EXTERNALITY PROFITS' [PEP] on the other hand build-up and improve our world to positively fund, grow, educate and stabilize OUR WHOLE GLOBAL SHARED & POSITIVE SOCIETY.

THIS is what I think of, and we all should think of, as GROWING OUR PLANET "AT THE MIDDLE"

The absolutely fabulous 2021 FILM "Don't Look UP", which was IMHO a MULTI-metaphorical MOVIE --- clearly shows that the BILLIONAIRE BASTARDS will never be able to get their lying and cheating 'sorry ass3s' out of OUR entire SOLAR SYSTEM ---- although the weirdest NUTS, THIEVES, CON-ARTISTS and SCARED TO DEATH NUTS are clearly aware!!!

These BILLIONAIRE BASTARDS are so stupid in chasing MONEY & POWER that they have FUCKED THEMSELVES !!!

My favorite and most popular double-sided, ad-hoc, focus-group tested DEMONSTRATION /PROTEST Signs simply say:





(and on the other side)






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