Vincent Schumacher ; Is there anything much left of constitutional values now? Our Congress is held by a slim 'majority' by Traitors who have disqualified themselves according to the ignored and seemingly discarded 14th amendment section 3 disqualification clause. The illegally stacked Supreme Court has committed the most heinous crime i…
Vincent Schumacher ; Is there anything much left of constitutional values now? Our Congress is held by a slim 'majority' by Traitors who have disqualified themselves according to the ignored and seemingly discarded 14th amendment section 3 disqualification clause. The illegally stacked Supreme Court has committed the most heinous crime in the history of the court with their immunity decision. They themselves are disqualified to serve on the bench. No ; There is nothing left of Constitutional values.
I do not entirely disagree with you. I was just this afternoon thinking about the State Department's Naturalization test question, "How many justices serve on the Supreme Court of the United States?' It is arguable that the correct answer is "three." The other six are not serving . . . at least not the United States and its Constitution. They are nothing more than Republican shills in black robes.
Still, one has to at least pretend to have some hope. Are you willing to go along with the charade long enough to find out if we can salvage the idea of a nation under law served by its elected officials?
For what it's worth, I note that Rep Matt Gaetz in February, together with a couple dozen of his confederates, went to the trouble of introducing House Resolution 1001. It reads,
"Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that former President Donald J. Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
Mr Gaetz's resolution was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, Hon. Jim Jordan, Chairman.
No action has been taken on it since it was introduced.
Vincent schumacher ; "Still, one has to at least pretend to have some hope. Are you willing to go along with the charade long enough to find out if we can salvage the idea of a nation under law served by its elected officials?" I always have hope ; but the other side is not pretending or playing charades.
Vincent Schumacher ; Is there anything much left of constitutional values now? Our Congress is held by a slim 'majority' by Traitors who have disqualified themselves according to the ignored and seemingly discarded 14th amendment section 3 disqualification clause. The illegally stacked Supreme Court has committed the most heinous crime in the history of the court with their immunity decision. They themselves are disqualified to serve on the bench. No ; There is nothing left of Constitutional values.
I do not entirely disagree with you. I was just this afternoon thinking about the State Department's Naturalization test question, "How many justices serve on the Supreme Court of the United States?' It is arguable that the correct answer is "three." The other six are not serving . . . at least not the United States and its Constitution. They are nothing more than Republican shills in black robes.
Still, one has to at least pretend to have some hope. Are you willing to go along with the charade long enough to find out if we can salvage the idea of a nation under law served by its elected officials?
For what it's worth, I note that Rep Matt Gaetz in February, together with a couple dozen of his confederates, went to the trouble of introducing House Resolution 1001. It reads,
"Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that former President Donald J. Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
Mr Gaetz's resolution was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, Hon. Jim Jordan, Chairman.
No action has been taken on it since it was introduced.
What does that lack of action suggest?
\Vince S
Vincent schumacher ; "Still, one has to at least pretend to have some hope. Are you willing to go along with the charade long enough to find out if we can salvage the idea of a nation under law served by its elected officials?" I always have hope ; but the other side is not pretending or playing charades.
I must share with you my favorite source of solace and painful commentary on reality. It comes in the form of a dear Tasmanian dog and his friends.
Here is the latest.
\Vince S