Trump never answers direct questions. It would be a very long and extremely boring montage because he responds the same way, in brain loop fascist style, over and over again, on continuous repeat. As Ecclesiastes says “nothing new under the sun”. Trump is an entirely disappointingly predictable petty puppet trained by dastardly puppeteers.
Trump never answers direct questions. It would be a very long and extremely boring montage because he responds the same way, in brain loop fascist style, over and over again, on continuous repeat. As Ecclesiastes says “nothing new under the sun”. Trump is an entirely disappointingly predictable petty puppet trained by dastardly puppeteers.
Trump never answers direct questions. It would be a very long and extremely boring montage because he responds the same way, in brain loop fascist style, over and over again, on continuous repeat. As Ecclesiastes says “nothing new under the sun”. Trump is an entirely disappointingly predictable petty puppet trained by dastardly puppeteers.
The Byrds did a better job singing Eccclesiastes than tRump ever could with any oration, and, undoubtedly any singing ever.