In the past few days, when commenting on the photo of a large group of Palestinian men stripped of their clothes, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Arieh King, said this: "They are not human beings and not human animals; they are subhuman and that is how they should be treated...bury them alive."
In the past few days, when commenting on the photo of a large group of Palestinian men stripped of their clothes, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Arieh King, said this: "They are not human beings and not human animals; they are subhuman and that is how they should be treated...bury them alive."
I find it interesting that more than one official in the right-wing government of Israel has, prior to October 7, referred to Hamas as an "asset."
In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."
Zionism is anti-Judaism. I encourage fellow Americans to try to understand this. Make no mistake, the leaders of the current Israel vastly prefer Trump over any Democrat. This is why they are so tight with the right-wing Christian Zionists here.
Mass killing as it is happening in Gaza today is anti-Judaism. I will add my voice to those who want to speak for and defend genuine Judaism, the Torah, the Prophets.
"Jewish religious leader reveals how he feels about Israeli aggression in Gaza" Link:
Thomas, the Jews of all nations who endorse Trump and Bibi are religious fanatics. They supported Trump because the religious Christian right (the ones who will celebrate the final destruction of the Jews come the Rapture) supports both Israel (for the time being) and Trump; and because they erroneously believe that Trump and his band of fascists would protect them. The majority of Israelis and Americans are not religious, much less religious fanatics. Both nations are secular democracies, and struggling desperately to keep it that way.
After the Terrorists from Gaza, slaughtered, up front and personal, 1,200, burned babies alive, raped women and you object them being called Animals Thomas?
And yes I too blame Bibi, for this. I also suspect that he too knew it was coming, but not the details. The man is a self aggrandizing traitor, a clone of Trump.
Please go back and read / understand the context. The Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem was referring to a photo of Palestinian men of Gaza stripped of their clothes. None of these men can be proven to have attacked on October 7, or if they were even Hamas. For the Deputy Mayor -- a public official -- to declare them "subhuman" reflects on something horrible in his person.
Thanks for exposing yourself TWICE in the same thread. When you have no truth to stand on, baseless insults are your only “defense.” True Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Zionists worship nothing but power.
Dr Who, the Muslims do not worship the same god as you. Allah is a contraction of al Lihah, the moon god, which Arabs worshiped in the jalihiliah (the time before Muhammad). They believe that Mary (Miriam) was impregnated by the angel Gabriel, who appeared before her as a very attractive and shiny man (hence seduction)
I do wish people would spare us of their proselytizing, There is no creator of the sky (heavens) and earth. they all evolved, slowly, over billions of years
And Zionists don't worship nothing but power, that is pure truth hatred, the crap that was printed by the Tsars secret police as Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.
Is this what happens to minds of people, exposed to public education.
Your stuff comes straight from Aryan Nations and it's ilk.
40 years ago or more, I corresponded with some stupid dolt, who murdered a Jewish professor by shooting him in the back of the head. I wanted to know what went on the mind of these idiots.
It was the same bullshit that you spout, that Zionists only want power.
Israeli "genocide" is an antisemitic tell. Some Palestinians are Hamas, Islamic Jihad and are war criminals. More than 2,000,000 Israeli Arabs, were attacked on October 7 and are "Palestinians" and stand with Israel. Some are Christians and others.
Let me further "expose" myself and answer your questions with another question: "What do decades of BRUTAL occupation do to the minds of the occupiers?"
Thomas, you seem not to remember that Israel is a tiny country and the number of Jews anywhere at any time is miniscule compared to the number of non-Jews, especially the sects dedicated to the murder of all Jews. The multi-nation sponsored creation of Israel was not an occupation. The violence that ensued was a result of terrorist activity designed to force the Jews to leave Israel. This continues to this day. Ask yourself what the terrorists will do with the land once the Jews leave. They have only one thing to offer: another Iran, or Syria, and so on. You would not want to live there.
I am well aware that the land size of the current Israel is about the same as the state of Massachusetts. Israel is one of the top 10 arms sellers in the world and has supplied weapons and know-how to many genocidal regimes such as Pinochet's Chile, Guatemala's (Mayan genocide), Rwanda, Sri Lanka and others.
This continues to this day.
I am extremely careful in my use of the word "Jew." It is a person -- regardless of race or ethnic background -- who accepts and practices the Torah, and it shows to the world in the way that they live. As a non-Jew, I have to concern myself with the seven Noahide laws -- and this I try to do with the help of HaShem.
In July 1947, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Chief Rabbi of the Jerusalem-based Edah HaChareidis, declared to the United Nations his "definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine". (Torah observant Jews had been living in what is Palestine for centuries. There were Jewish communities all over the Muslim world.)
Chomsky couldn't have said it better. You share his logic: Israel sells arms to genocidal regimes. Israel is a genocidal regime. Obfuscation, circumvention, evasion, immoral equivalence, lies. There is no inclusive definition of the word "Jew". That's why anyone can fit the description for the purposes of scapegoating, depending on who does the scapegoating. It mattered not to the Third Reich whether a "Jew" was an atheist or a Christian convert. You might also check the Protocols of the Most Learned Elders of Zion for additonal information. Whatever you do, it is not dependent on "HaShem" (another of your mis-defined concepts dating back to antiquity and continuing to this day). Yes, we all know about the religious Jews who objected to the founding of the modern state of Israel (and now seek to replace its democracy with theocracy). Such zealots are on the same level as Evangelicals who can't wait for the Rapture so that the "Jews" will be destroyed for good. Keep playing Chomsky if you like. It doesn't work with me.
Allow me point out your biggest misconception: "and now seek to replace its democracy with theocracy." Nothing could be farther from the truth, at least not for the True Torah adherents from the Satmar community. They want nothing to do with nationalism and government, and would be very happy with an Israel run by secular Palestinians.
I am very aware of orthodox religious zealots who have no problem with the idolatry known as nationalist Zionism.
There's a great podcast done by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro -- "Committing High Reason." As you say, "It mattered not to the Third Reich whether a "Jew" was an atheist or a Christian convert. " And Zionist Israel, as Rabbi Shapiro points out, uses the same definition of a Jew as the Third Reich's.
Rabbi Teitelbaum said that Zionism was a severe heresy and a rebellion against God, and that its pursuit brought about the Holocaust as a divine punishment and that the continued existence of Israel was a major sin in itself, and would unavoidably lead to further retribution, as well as to the delaying of redemption [excerpt from Wikipedia]. We needn't parse through Rabbi Shapiro's eight Jewish ideologies (it might as well be 800) to realize that Israel was wisely founded as a secular democratic state. May it fulfill its objective without Jihad.
You were not exposing yourself, but your question was based on assumptions.
Israel are not occupiers of their own land. Are you an occupier, by your logic you are, and a brutal occupier at that. Just ask the real Americans, the ones who live on reservations, just ask the American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS) they are not here of their own volition, They are here because their ancestors were considered draft animals.
In the past few days, when commenting on the photo of a large group of Palestinian men stripped of their clothes, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Arieh King, said this: "They are not human beings and not human animals; they are subhuman and that is how they should be treated...bury them alive."
I find it interesting that more than one official in the right-wing government of Israel has, prior to October 7, referred to Hamas as an "asset."
In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."
Zionism is anti-Judaism. I encourage fellow Americans to try to understand this. Make no mistake, the leaders of the current Israel vastly prefer Trump over any Democrat. This is why they are so tight with the right-wing Christian Zionists here.
Mass killing as it is happening in Gaza today is anti-Judaism. I will add my voice to those who want to speak for and defend genuine Judaism, the Torah, the Prophets.
"Jewish religious leader reveals how he feels about Israeli aggression in Gaza" Link:
Thomas, the Jews of all nations who endorse Trump and Bibi are religious fanatics. They supported Trump because the religious Christian right (the ones who will celebrate the final destruction of the Jews come the Rapture) supports both Israel (for the time being) and Trump; and because they erroneously believe that Trump and his band of fascists would protect them. The majority of Israelis and Americans are not religious, much less religious fanatics. Both nations are secular democracies, and struggling desperately to keep it that way.
After the Terrorists from Gaza, slaughtered, up front and personal, 1,200, burned babies alive, raped women and you object them being called Animals Thomas?
And yes I too blame Bibi, for this. I also suspect that he too knew it was coming, but not the details. The man is a self aggrandizing traitor, a clone of Trump.
Please go back and read / understand the context. The Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem was referring to a photo of Palestinian men of Gaza stripped of their clothes. None of these men can be proven to have attacked on October 7, or if they were even Hamas. For the Deputy Mayor -- a public official -- to declare them "subhuman" reflects on something horrible in his person.
You've exposed your persona many times. Not the government. 2 + 2 does not equal 22.
Thanks for exposing yourself TWICE in the same thread. When you have no truth to stand on, baseless insults are your only “defense.” True Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Zionists worship nothing but power.
Dr Who, the Muslims do not worship the same god as you. Allah is a contraction of al Lihah, the moon god, which Arabs worshiped in the jalihiliah (the time before Muhammad). They believe that Mary (Miriam) was impregnated by the angel Gabriel, who appeared before her as a very attractive and shiny man (hence seduction)
I do wish people would spare us of their proselytizing, There is no creator of the sky (heavens) and earth. they all evolved, slowly, over billions of years
And Zionists don't worship nothing but power, that is pure truth hatred, the crap that was printed by the Tsars secret police as Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.
Is this what happens to minds of people, exposed to public education.
Your stuff comes straight from Aryan Nations and it's ilk.
40 years ago or more, I corresponded with some stupid dolt, who murdered a Jewish professor by shooting him in the back of the head. I wanted to know what went on the mind of these idiots.
It was the same bullshit that you spout, that Zionists only want power.
Congrats on being a tool and a fool.
Thanks. Your ignorance is remarkable. Good luck worshipping whatever deity you hold true.
Israeli "genocide" is an antisemitic tell. Some Palestinians are Hamas, Islamic Jihad and are war criminals. More than 2,000,000 Israeli Arabs, were attacked on October 7 and are "Palestinians" and stand with Israel. Some are Christians and others.
How do your people come up with this bs? And HOW DO YOU BELIEVE IT?! Boggles the mind...please stop digging your own grave.
Let me further "expose" myself and answer your questions with another question: "What do decades of BRUTAL occupation do to the minds of the occupiers?"
Thomas, you seem not to remember that Israel is a tiny country and the number of Jews anywhere at any time is miniscule compared to the number of non-Jews, especially the sects dedicated to the murder of all Jews. The multi-nation sponsored creation of Israel was not an occupation. The violence that ensued was a result of terrorist activity designed to force the Jews to leave Israel. This continues to this day. Ask yourself what the terrorists will do with the land once the Jews leave. They have only one thing to offer: another Iran, or Syria, and so on. You would not want to live there.
Only Israel gets billions in aid from America and Europe.
I am well aware that the land size of the current Israel is about the same as the state of Massachusetts. Israel is one of the top 10 arms sellers in the world and has supplied weapons and know-how to many genocidal regimes such as Pinochet's Chile, Guatemala's (Mayan genocide), Rwanda, Sri Lanka and others.
This continues to this day.
I am extremely careful in my use of the word "Jew." It is a person -- regardless of race or ethnic background -- who accepts and practices the Torah, and it shows to the world in the way that they live. As a non-Jew, I have to concern myself with the seven Noahide laws -- and this I try to do with the help of HaShem.
In July 1947, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Chief Rabbi of the Jerusalem-based Edah HaChareidis, declared to the United Nations his "definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine". (Torah observant Jews had been living in what is Palestine for centuries. There were Jewish communities all over the Muslim world.)
Chomsky couldn't have said it better. You share his logic: Israel sells arms to genocidal regimes. Israel is a genocidal regime. Obfuscation, circumvention, evasion, immoral equivalence, lies. There is no inclusive definition of the word "Jew". That's why anyone can fit the description for the purposes of scapegoating, depending on who does the scapegoating. It mattered not to the Third Reich whether a "Jew" was an atheist or a Christian convert. You might also check the Protocols of the Most Learned Elders of Zion for additonal information. Whatever you do, it is not dependent on "HaShem" (another of your mis-defined concepts dating back to antiquity and continuing to this day). Yes, we all know about the religious Jews who objected to the founding of the modern state of Israel (and now seek to replace its democracy with theocracy). Such zealots are on the same level as Evangelicals who can't wait for the Rapture so that the "Jews" will be destroyed for good. Keep playing Chomsky if you like. It doesn't work with me.
Allow me point out your biggest misconception: "and now seek to replace its democracy with theocracy." Nothing could be farther from the truth, at least not for the True Torah adherents from the Satmar community. They want nothing to do with nationalism and government, and would be very happy with an Israel run by secular Palestinians.
I am very aware of orthodox religious zealots who have no problem with the idolatry known as nationalist Zionism.
There's a great podcast done by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro -- "Committing High Reason." As you say, "It mattered not to the Third Reich whether a "Jew" was an atheist or a Christian convert. " And Zionist Israel, as Rabbi Shapiro points out, uses the same definition of a Jew as the Third Reich's.
Rabbi Teitelbaum said that Zionism was a severe heresy and a rebellion against God, and that its pursuit brought about the Holocaust as a divine punishment and that the continued existence of Israel was a major sin in itself, and would unavoidably lead to further retribution, as well as to the delaying of redemption [excerpt from Wikipedia]. We needn't parse through Rabbi Shapiro's eight Jewish ideologies (it might as well be 800) to realize that Israel was wisely founded as a secular democratic state. May it fulfill its objective without Jihad.
You were not exposing yourself, but your question was based on assumptions.
Israel are not occupiers of their own land. Are you an occupier, by your logic you are, and a brutal occupier at that. Just ask the real Americans, the ones who live on reservations, just ask the American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS) they are not here of their own volition, They are here because their ancestors were considered draft animals.
What was evil in the 17th to 19th centuries -- I would argue -- is even more evil in the 21st.
Check it out. Hamas and its allies murdered almost everyone. Most Israeli Arabs support a two state solution.