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Dr Who, the Muslims do not worship the same god as you. Allah is a contraction of al Lihah, the moon god, which Arabs worshiped in the jalihiliah (the time before Muhammad). They believe that Mary (Miriam) was impregnated by the angel Gabriel, who appeared before her as a very attractive and shiny man (hence seduction)

I do wish people would spare us of their proselytizing, There is no creator of the sky (heavens) and earth. they all evolved, slowly, over billions of years

And Zionists don't worship nothing but power, that is pure truth hatred, the crap that was printed by the Tsars secret police as Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion.

Is this what happens to minds of people, exposed to public education.

Your stuff comes straight from Aryan Nations and it's ilk.

40 years ago or more, I corresponded with some stupid dolt, who murdered a Jewish professor by shooting him in the back of the head. I wanted to know what went on the mind of these idiots.

It was the same bullshit that you spout, that Zionists only want power.

Congrats on being a tool and a fool.

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Thanks. Your ignorance is remarkable. Good luck worshipping whatever deity you hold true.

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