As a retired teacher, I can understand the importance of allowing young people to give voice to their ideas and philosophies. What I cannot accept is that these so-called higher institutions for learning depend so much on donors and pander to their every whim. If a university or college is not allowed to run their school without donors t…
As a retired teacher, I can understand the importance of allowing young people to give voice to their ideas and philosophies. What I cannot accept is that these so-called higher institutions for learning depend so much on donors and pander to their every whim. If a university or college is not allowed to run their school without donors telling them what to do, those same universities and colleges begin to cave to these donors. Should these presidents condemn genocide of anyone? Yes, of course they should! Should the major donors have reacted so brashly? No, they should have voiced their disagreement and then allowed the presidents to do their jobs. The students at these universities and colleges are doing what they have a need to do. Give voice to their ideas, philosophies and opinions. It is up to the professors and staff to help guide these students, to teach them about the history of the Jewish people, Hamas, Palestine, the Middle East, the Holocaust, the World Wars and the cultures of all different groups of people. If students are screaming for genocide, those students need to be addressed. They need to understand what hate speech is and how far society can go before that type of speech is considered dangerous. I have always believed students need to express themselves, but I also feel it is teachers and parents that should question and guide students to understand the world around them.
The problem Peggy is that it is the very professors for whom you advocate that are brainwashing, yes brain washing the students. I have Masters and most of it was pure ideological bull, or corporate propaganda. The purpose of which was to produce a conditioned product who sought the masters approval. I graduated with Highest Honors, and with Honors for my Masters. And the only thing I value was my statistics teacher who had us read How to Lie with statistics.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity to study three foreign languages and their literature in HS. It taught me to be tolerant of other cultures; that we all bring something to the table.
You assume students who are of age 18 and more can't think for themselves when confronted with another person's like a teacher's opinion? Students are smart or they wouldn't be there. I did. I had a professor who wanted no females in science. I stayed in his class regardless.
Apples and oranges Judith. Sure there are legions of students who can think for themselves,
But when looking at the mess on campus today, when anti semites fall under the sway of so called leftist professors and Arab propagandists then, not so much anymore..
When Berkeley students threaten the university to cancel a speaker because he dare tell the truth about Islam, and calls the Abaya, Chador, Niqab, Burga bee keeper suits. It is apparent that they have gone off the rails.
The Motto in universities seems to be now, Free Speech for me, but not for thee.
Judith please don't personalize the impersonal, Which is what you did by injecting your self into the conversation.
This is America and students are over 18 yrs old. If they vote and go to war they are treated like you with an adult brain. It is rather arrogant to believe only "older you" have the right answers. Only you are right about their "bad" actions. How do you know what is going on at all universities? They don't want to use their tuition money to pay for certain speakers they have a right to protest.
Their speech is being silenced on Israeli Hamas War events. They are not anti-semitic protesting genocide and oppression of any people. I would have protested in Dayton, Ohio Clinton peace talks when Madeline Albright asked the students to go to war in Iraq for Israel. They yelled NO. Dying on foreign soil for another country...I think not.
Of course 911 happened and she got her wish. Strange eh? Now it is happening again with Iran, Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria....everyone (Muslims and Hamas) are out to kill them.
They should be RW Netanyahu...ya go kill em all? When they grow up they will kill us all bull. Kill all those mothers and children. Everyone even American students want us dead! That is good? I think the students are better than that.
Judith it is not arrogance but biology. The male brain is not fully developed until in their 20's.
Young folk, and I was young once, act on impulse and emotions, more so than arrogant old folk like me
I see red when I see people misuse and do violence to the word genocide. The constant misuse renders the world meaningless, like the boy who cried wolf.
The only genocide in the Mideast, is that of the intention of Muslims.
Preamble to HAMAS covenant. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
And the slogan "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea", that is a distinct call to genocide
And how about this one from sacred Islamic Text AND article 7 of the HAMAS covenant
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem). That is a word by word quote from sacred Islam text, the hadith of al Bukhari, sahih 1295 and 1296, book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari
I am as disgusted with the self indulgent, self righteous ignorant professors and students as I am with the Zionists and right wing religious right settlers.
Now tell me again about Genocide? Or is your mind closed.
BS. I've read some of those studies about brain development. No real numbers or graphs just general opinions. One just had photos of all the workers doing research at the university. No real results. I worked in NY State and NIH research and publications had to have facts not general thoughts to publish papers. They did social research on drugs and alcohol along with biochemical papers. Statistics and probability results.
GOP oligarchy seem to be anti young wanting to mind control even the heads of the university and professors.
They are very anti knowledge and science. Fascists do that. It is propaganda.
You feel they are beyond you? Maybe they should study how some people even at advanced age act like children educated or not. Spoiled brats. Others wise. Professors and students seeking knowledge and conflict discussion is a good thing. Violence is not. They write papers and inform the rest of our society.
Successful societies had great libraries and learned persons to help them. Ignorance is not a good thing for the world. The burning of the advanced libraries of Egypt was a great loss to the world. The Roman Empire put the world back 400 yrs destroying knowledge, culture and others religions. The barbarians hungry and desperate came over the mountains and burned Rome to the ground.
You know what genocide is when it happens to your people. Not when it happens to your "perceived enemies". I am on the side of peace and justice for all. The Israeli people in the streets protesting Rwers are who I agree with.
Then William, that is when it becomes necessary to weed out those professors who do not put the students and learning before their donor's wishes. If in a university, students are being brainwashed, then it stops being a university and becomes a sold-out propaganda machine. Our students go to university first to seek knowledge, but also to examine different ideologies, debate opinions, and discover their path in life. It concerns me to hear that these students are being brainwashed! What is the propaganda they are being fed?
Teachers who allow themselves to be manipulated or coerced or ‘directed’ to teach a certain topic a certain way, have no business teaching. Therein lies the problem. Everyone is bought and paid for in order to control the narrative. Peggy is absolutely correct. It’s not brainwashing unless it doesn’t agree with “my” narrative. Wow.
Sometimes it’s a matter of survival. If they don’t follow the dictates of the donors or state government, they’re out of a job. Think of the many classes that explore multiculturalism and DE&I which can no longer be taught in places like TX and FL.
My son is a tenured professor, and has been teaching for over 20 years, he loves it, but he teaches what he learned, in other words how he was nurtured, and that has lead his line of inquiry
As did I in my 37 years. But I also learned, changed, adapted and would share with my students this evolution. That’s what I always loved about education...the evolution of thought when new facts arrived through dialogue or debate.
Ask Bill Maher, with whom I have many, many issues, what happened to his speaking engagement at Berkeley, because he referred to the abaya, the chador, the niqab and Burqa as bee keeper suits, sure pissed off the Saudi's and Emirates who are huge donors to chosen universities, who in return fill students heads with pro Arab and anti Jew propaganda.
As a retired teacher, I can understand the importance of allowing young people to give voice to their ideas and philosophies. What I cannot accept is that these so-called higher institutions for learning depend so much on donors and pander to their every whim. If a university or college is not allowed to run their school without donors telling them what to do, those same universities and colleges begin to cave to these donors. Should these presidents condemn genocide of anyone? Yes, of course they should! Should the major donors have reacted so brashly? No, they should have voiced their disagreement and then allowed the presidents to do their jobs. The students at these universities and colleges are doing what they have a need to do. Give voice to their ideas, philosophies and opinions. It is up to the professors and staff to help guide these students, to teach them about the history of the Jewish people, Hamas, Palestine, the Middle East, the Holocaust, the World Wars and the cultures of all different groups of people. If students are screaming for genocide, those students need to be addressed. They need to understand what hate speech is and how far society can go before that type of speech is considered dangerous. I have always believed students need to express themselves, but I also feel it is teachers and parents that should question and guide students to understand the world around them.
The problem Peggy is that it is the very professors for whom you advocate that are brainwashing, yes brain washing the students. I have Masters and most of it was pure ideological bull, or corporate propaganda. The purpose of which was to produce a conditioned product who sought the masters approval. I graduated with Highest Honors, and with Honors for my Masters. And the only thing I value was my statistics teacher who had us read How to Lie with statistics.
The most important course I had in high school was touch typing.
I hate typing. Never good at it. My twin was a whiz. She became a secretary. I worked in research labs.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity to study three foreign languages and their literature in HS. It taught me to be tolerant of other cultures; that we all bring something to the table.
You assume students who are of age 18 and more can't think for themselves when confronted with another person's like a teacher's opinion? Students are smart or they wouldn't be there. I did. I had a professor who wanted no females in science. I stayed in his class regardless.
Apples and oranges Judith. Sure there are legions of students who can think for themselves,
But when looking at the mess on campus today, when anti semites fall under the sway of so called leftist professors and Arab propagandists then, not so much anymore..
When Berkeley students threaten the university to cancel a speaker because he dare tell the truth about Islam, and calls the Abaya, Chador, Niqab, Burga bee keeper suits. It is apparent that they have gone off the rails.
The Motto in universities seems to be now, Free Speech for me, but not for thee.
Judith please don't personalize the impersonal, Which is what you did by injecting your self into the conversation.
This is America and students are over 18 yrs old. If they vote and go to war they are treated like you with an adult brain. It is rather arrogant to believe only "older you" have the right answers. Only you are right about their "bad" actions. How do you know what is going on at all universities? They don't want to use their tuition money to pay for certain speakers they have a right to protest.
Their speech is being silenced on Israeli Hamas War events. They are not anti-semitic protesting genocide and oppression of any people. I would have protested in Dayton, Ohio Clinton peace talks when Madeline Albright asked the students to go to war in Iraq for Israel. They yelled NO. Dying on foreign soil for another country...I think not.
Of course 911 happened and she got her wish. Strange eh? Now it is happening again with Iran, Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria....everyone (Muslims and Hamas) are out to kill them.
They should be RW Netanyahu...ya go kill em all? When they grow up they will kill us all bull. Kill all those mothers and children. Everyone even American students want us dead! That is good? I think the students are better than that.
Judith it is not arrogance but biology. The male brain is not fully developed until in their 20's.
Young folk, and I was young once, act on impulse and emotions, more so than arrogant old folk like me
I see red when I see people misuse and do violence to the word genocide. The constant misuse renders the world meaningless, like the boy who cried wolf.
The only genocide in the Mideast, is that of the intention of Muslims.
Preamble to HAMAS covenant. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
And the slogan "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea", that is a distinct call to genocide
And how about this one from sacred Islamic Text AND article 7 of the HAMAS covenant
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem). That is a word by word quote from sacred Islam text, the hadith of al Bukhari, sahih 1295 and 1296, book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari
I am as disgusted with the self indulgent, self righteous ignorant professors and students as I am with the Zionists and right wing religious right settlers.
Now tell me again about Genocide? Or is your mind closed.
BS. I've read some of those studies about brain development. No real numbers or graphs just general opinions. One just had photos of all the workers doing research at the university. No real results. I worked in NY State and NIH research and publications had to have facts not general thoughts to publish papers. They did social research on drugs and alcohol along with biochemical papers. Statistics and probability results.
GOP oligarchy seem to be anti young wanting to mind control even the heads of the university and professors.
They are very anti knowledge and science. Fascists do that. It is propaganda.
You feel they are beyond you? Maybe they should study how some people even at advanced age act like children educated or not. Spoiled brats. Others wise. Professors and students seeking knowledge and conflict discussion is a good thing. Violence is not. They write papers and inform the rest of our society.
Successful societies had great libraries and learned persons to help them. Ignorance is not a good thing for the world. The burning of the advanced libraries of Egypt was a great loss to the world. The Roman Empire put the world back 400 yrs destroying knowledge, culture and others religions. The barbarians hungry and desperate came over the mountains and burned Rome to the ground.
You know what genocide is when it happens to your people. Not when it happens to your "perceived enemies". I am on the side of peace and justice for all. The Israeli people in the streets protesting Rwers are who I agree with.
Your opinion and you are entitled to it
I am sorry that I triggered you.
Not happening with my public university teachers. Master courses either.
Then William, that is when it becomes necessary to weed out those professors who do not put the students and learning before their donor's wishes. If in a university, students are being brainwashed, then it stops being a university and becomes a sold-out propaganda machine. Our students go to university first to seek knowledge, but also to examine different ideologies, debate opinions, and discover their path in life. It concerns me to hear that these students are being brainwashed! What is the propaganda they are being fed?
Teachers who allow themselves to be manipulated or coerced or ‘directed’ to teach a certain topic a certain way, have no business teaching. Therein lies the problem. Everyone is bought and paid for in order to control the narrative. Peggy is absolutely correct. It’s not brainwashing unless it doesn’t agree with “my” narrative. Wow.
Sometimes it’s a matter of survival. If they don’t follow the dictates of the donors or state government, they’re out of a job. Think of the many classes that explore multiculturalism and DE&I which can no longer be taught in places like TX and FL.
My son is a tenured professor, and has been teaching for over 20 years, he loves it, but he teaches what he learned, in other words how he was nurtured, and that has lead his line of inquiry
As did I in my 37 years. But I also learned, changed, adapted and would share with my students this evolution. That’s what I always loved about education...the evolution of thought when new facts arrived through dialogue or debate.
Provided dialogue or debate is allowed.
Ask Bill Maher, with whom I have many, many issues, what happened to his speaking engagement at Berkeley, because he referred to the abaya, the chador, the niqab and Burqa as bee keeper suits, sure pissed off the Saudi's and Emirates who are huge donors to chosen universities, who in return fill students heads with pro Arab and anti Jew propaganda.
Now schools have become a political football in this game of power.
They put themselves there Steve, starved for money they depend upon it, and one of their biggest donors are the Saudi's.