Then William, that is when it becomes necessary to weed out those professors who do not put the students and learning before their donor's wishes. If in a university, students are being brainwashed, then it stops being a university and becomes a sold-out propaganda machine. Our students go to university first to seek knowledge, but also …
Then William, that is when it becomes necessary to weed out those professors who do not put the students and learning before their donor's wishes. If in a university, students are being brainwashed, then it stops being a university and becomes a sold-out propaganda machine. Our students go to university first to seek knowledge, but also to examine different ideologies, debate opinions, and discover their path in life. It concerns me to hear that these students are being brainwashed! What is the propaganda they are being fed?
Then William, that is when it becomes necessary to weed out those professors who do not put the students and learning before their donor's wishes. If in a university, students are being brainwashed, then it stops being a university and becomes a sold-out propaganda machine. Our students go to university first to seek knowledge, but also to examine different ideologies, debate opinions, and discover their path in life. It concerns me to hear that these students are being brainwashed! What is the propaganda they are being fed?