I largely agree with everything Dr Reich says here; except for the omission of the influence of Dark Money (led, mostly from what I can infer) by Charles Koch. Though the Koch brothers did not support Trump when he appeared, they still created the Tea Party, and so many other of the anarchistic, even white supremacist groups out there across the radical right landscape. Trump is hardly intelligent enough to manage anything like that, and is a simply a loose cannon, rolling around on the deck of the unwieldy battleship of a political party that Republicans have become…IMHO. Due to its very shadowy nature, the mainstream media never touches Dark Money, but I think it is the real elephant in the room that NEEDS to be discussed, if we are to be realistic about what has happened to US politics — and how to counteract it.
Yes, the Koch's and cronies formation and success of ALEC unopposed and ignored by the leadership of the Democratic Party did more to prepare a justifiably disgruntled population for "trumpism" than the "trumpster" himself
Also illegal foreign influences. Mueller report. Russians supported Trump. Ran psy-ops campaigns, made illegal contributions. Check out the relationship of Derepaska and McConnell.
Don't want to sound like a xenophobe but Saudis have been undermining our economy and support Republicans. Virtual control of our oil industry, major donors. Funded Murdoch's Fox disinformation network beginning in 1973.
Ah. Thanks for leading off, Dan. I'd worried I might sound paranoid if I mentioned overseas influences. Thanks to 20-40 years of neocon adventurism, quite a few people around the world hate and resent the United States. Because we blew up their homes, killed their families, wrecked their countries - not so much like GWB said "because they hate our freedoms."
The United States has an opportunity to reverse that trend simply by NOT blowing up peoples homes, etc. That may earn us a little grudging forgiveness if we are contrite.
But there are also people who HATE the United States and have always done so, and who have no chance of being dissuaded. In general, if we can leave them the hell alone and stay out of their playground, we won't get into any scuffles. So lets.
There are several organizations that institutionally fall into the irredeemable hatred class. Many of the secret security agencies in certain places do so, and nothing will assuage them unless the US is nuked into a glowing hole. We should ESPECIALLY leave those people alone - the security services in Iran, military security services in China, and "the big one" that has conspired against the US for nearly 100 years. The KGB, in its various forms and manifestations.
The MOIS (Iran) and KGB and others are set on a goal to oppose and destroy the United States. We are pretty safe as long as we don't f* with their countries and do a little bit of home security tidying.
But think with me. What happy moment they might have if they instill in the United States a ruthless and misguided movement that claims to "Make America Great Again," but by all actions, aims and inclinations, slashes America's throat in opposing the very elements that make us proud of our country?
I suspect that, since the KGB spent decades trying to strangle out the US - at first due to ideological opposition to capitalism, and then as when communist ideology died in the USSR to be replaced by big-shot-ism the KGB just continued trying to strangle America. We silly Westerners pretend that when the USSR evaporated, the KGB and Red Army went pfft! and they all went off and became average citizens. HAH! The KGB and Red Army barely felt the "Fall of the USSR." The nameplates changed on their desks, the flag looked different. The same mindset remained.
You can't do better against a country than recruiting its own citizens, using MICE (Money, Influence, Compromise and Ego.) Quick - if you wanted to recruit an American, who would be your ABSOLUTELY FIRST PICK? Someone who endlessly covets money and no amount is ever enough - who is transparently vain and strives to be a Man of Influence in every circle he wanders into - someone who could be easily tricked and trapped by some Ivana agent and manipulated to marry her, and continued to have questionable connections all his life - and ego, what more is to be said. Can we dare wonder if the MAGA movement is threatening to destroy America, because from the get-go that was its reason for existence? Now call me paranoid.
I don't think you are paranoid. I think you are right. I also think it was why Mitch McConnell ushered Trump to power. I believe McConnell is deeply involved with the Russian organized crime. Look up McConnell and Oleg Deripaska scandal. McConnell is the reason we are living in this dystopian America that we're living in now. He calls himself the "Grim Reaper" because the senate is where bills go to die. This country is one where Americans die too, from guns, underfunded and bad healthcare, now coming, back alley abortions, and on and on.
There was a well-established problem with recruiting Americans to act as agent for foreign powers. The KGB did a smash-up job recruiting based on ideology with the Cambridge Five. But Americans didn't seem to be easy to recruit unless they were already out-and-about Communists. The postwar Left, especially the union folks, made for slim pickings for ideological recruitment.
It's a particularly poignant issue that in the 60's, the blue-collar left didn't like the hippy-dippy-college radicals, many of whom were all sorts of different leftists - Trotskyists, Neocoms, Luxemburgists, Spartacusers - etc; the lunch-bucket crowd thought they were all paid off by the Soviets. After the dust had settled...they weren't. They were just a bunch of loudmouth thinking Americans proposing change like quitting SE Asia. Two sides of fairly loyal Americans throwing rocks at each other. Figures. But not prime KGB material.
It was only until the USSR changed its recruitment strategies from picking off the ideologues to picking off the greed-heads, that they hit the jackpot. In an unsourced and dubious quote, “Lenin wrote, ‘When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will vie with each other for the rope contract.'”
But when it came to finding some screw-thy-country boys, you just can't top a Republican. That's why they get all puffy about patriotism. Cover story, comrades.
Oh yes, that patriotism total bull____! Trump draping himself in the flag! Very interesting Steve. The GOP has been conspiring with Russians, intelligence and crime for decades. McConnell is amazingly well hidden to the American public. This is all so very frightening because this IS HAPPENING and people are utterly clueless to what is destroying their lives.
I agree with your concept but disagree with your terminology. Except for a very few hippy communes in the late 60's and 70's and they don't really count, there is not and never has been communist country on this planet, regardless of what they call themselves. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, are and have been authoritarian regimes. Like all authoritarian regimes they are the exact opposite of communism (and socialism for that matter) Like the trumpster they don't give a rat's ass about working folks. They have all had a small, autocratic, very wealthy group spouting out pure crap about equality while sitting in their dachas drinking vodka and smoking cigars. Nazi Germany called themselves the democratic socialist party. LOL, they were fascists, just another form of authoritarianism. If we aren't very careful that's where the current republicans hope to take us.
Steve O’Cally - All you have to do to think that AT LEAST ONE other nation has their mitts on our American throats is to read "The Mueller Report." I bought a hard, redacted copy shorty after it released.
Had it been as public as the current bombshell January 6th Insurrection hearings are now, I fully believe IT would have sunk _rump just as bad.
They will never forget what the Japanese did to them. I spent nearly 4 years teaching at universities in China, always within easy access of Nanjing.
I am an historian with a strong interest in historical museums, but I never did make it to the museum in Nanjing that focuses on "The Rape of Nanjing". This was primarily because absolutely none of my colleagues at either of the universities that I taught at in China had any interest in visiting what is generally referred to in guide books as the bloodiest museum in the world, and I did not really want to go alone. I assumed I would eventually find someone who wanted to go with me, but I never did.
@Beadgurl. A Russian troll masquerading as a woman. How ridiculous! But Biden's problem is that he is not left enough! Too much of a traditionalist. We needed him, perhaps, to establish a sense of normalcy after the traitor was finally run out of office, but the progressives, liberals, centrists and true democrats need to look for a new "look" in 2024.
Well, I've never been to Russia and it sounds like you don't believe a woman can make a direct, concise comment since you're implying I'm a man. Thanks. Biden is a demented fool who has accomplished nothing in his 40+ years of milking the political establishment. Hence the desperate need for term limits. I'm not sure what you think your heroes on the far left will accomplish because Uncle Joe has done a fine job of throwing America into chaos and making the US an even bigger laughing stock in international politics. But even the donkey party realizes he's the only trick in town thanks the new record-setting embarrassment that is Willie's Side Piece. I'll never forget her explanation of the invasion of Ukraine. Just magical. The problem with far left progressives is rational people capable of independent thought cannot take them seriously. Aoc is a fine example of a complete moron with too much power and not enough intelligence to use it effectively. Surely you realize that left-wing agendas like socialism, communism, and naziism will only make you slaves to a state. History proved that. Why do you think refugees from Venezuela, Cuba and China emigrating to the US are voting conservative? They've lived under leftist totalitarian regimes. I'll take my lessons from history and from folks who've lived it first hand. No far left totalitarian government for me thank you! Enjoy your day and thanks for the dialog!
Daniel Solomon - I do not think it is "racist" to pin many of America's current problems on the corrupt, hateful regime in Saudi Arabia. WHY do you think obsolete fossil fuels are STILL considered " viable" by most?
@Daniel H. Actually fossil fuels are built into the physical infrastructure of the modern economy. It will take many years to refresh billions and billions of dollars of facilities, equipment, distribution networks. Painful, but we must do it to save the world from destruction.
Because they are not obsolete and are certainly more viable and cheaper than your green solutions...which, BTW, rely on electricity to support them...wind farms, electric cars, all rely on some support from the grid. And no one talks about viable disposal programs for all those windmill blades that will never decompose, the tesla batteries that are beyond toxic. Even solar has its limitations. I've seen large solar farms...not attractive and take up arable land. Im all about conservation, reducing the pollution caused from massive trash dumping but I never hear a competent, well thought out solution from the left on how we mitigate the trash and pollution from so-called "green" solutions. And btw, i have a solar array, practice water conservation by relying on a rainwater collection system and recycle like mad.
@BeadGurl. Masquerading as a woman - shame on you. But you are quick to put up shaky critiques of the liberal/progressive response to climate change, but offer NOTHING credible that you can say the right is doing to change the trend line away from increasing damage to the planet. No, you Saudi-defending, oligarch-defending, Putin-defending trolls are just trying to undermine the effective and on-going educational efforts of those who are truly concerned about and working to mitigate climate change. The fact that it is a difficult problem is not equivalent to those actively opposing all efforts.
I do everything you're doing as well (solar, heat pump, collecting rainwater, next step is a graywater system). And I still think nuclear is going to be our default option, despite it's very obvious defects (waste disposal.) I used to be staunchly anti-nuclear, but have changed my mind in the last 15 years. It's going to be an interim solution until fusion's perfected (likely in 50 years.) But to keep on using carbon based fuels when it is OBVIOUSLY going to kill us, and rejecting nuclear due to problems down the road, is analogous to saying "I've got cancer (carbon fuels) but am unwilling to lose my hair to chemotherapy (nuclear)."
Agree on the ccp aspect. McConnell is no friend to the people of this country. The rest, well, your dem buddies are in just as culpable, if not more so, in bringing down this country. And if you're still buying into the Russian hoax thing, enough evidence has been made public to completely demolish that fairy tale.
That is BS. No hoax. There is no Democratic equivalent.
The obstruction of justice counts in Mueller remain viable. Mueller and Barr were both Republicans. Mueller found that the Russians aided Trump. Said he could not find that Trump colluded. A jury, not the prosecutor is supposed to make that determination. Manafort and 32 Russians were prosecuted and have been adjudicated as guilty.
Newer evidence implies that Trump indeed colluded with Putin on many levels. The phony evidence proffered by Giuliani in the first impeachment came from Russia. The episode with the Taliban reinforces my argument. He didn't need to negotiate with the Taliban to get out of Afghanistan. At that time, they were allied with Russia. He tried to undermine NATO, destabilize the Ukraine, etc.
@BeadGurl. You trolls and bots are masquerading as women now! LOL. This false equivalency and defense of Putin are both a dead give away. Even the worst of Faux watchers don't think the Russia thing is a hoax - not anymore anyway - because the evidence is exactly the opposite of what you wrote. See Mr. Solomon's pointed reply.
Trump met with the Tea Party in 2013 to discuss running for president. The Kochs may be under the radar but their fingerprints are all over our loss of democracy.
The Koch's and all their minions in the tea party and ALEC despise democracy or any form of government other than pure authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is the only form of government that can fulfill their thirst for power and wealth. As I said before what they really want is to return to medieval feudalism, but with all the modern conveniences.
Rick. I agree with you. There is dark money on BOTH sides. Koch and Soros plus throw in Zuckerbucks, Gates and Bezos. Wait until we start hearing from Elon Musk in the future. Sadly money talks and bullshit walks.
Comparing Soros to the Kochs and other right-wingers is a false equivalence. Generally, his money has helped Democrats survive in spite of the DNC. If you heard otherwise, it might have been from Fox.
No, actually it isn't. If you still think the dems are pro-america, you are wrong. There are globalists on either side of center who want to see the US crumble. If you can't look at the left and right objectively you'll miss what is actually happening. It would be more productive if everyone looked at facts and left ideology behind. I love how you guys vilify Fox but you think cnn and pmsnbc are legitimate news sources. I cant take any alphabet talk show as a news source anymore. Its laughable.
Fox is controlled by a family that was funded originally by Saudi money. Ownership has left the US. Even their reporters admit they don't report the news due to management policy.
At present they have exposure to billions in defamation lawsuits. More to come.
I'm well aware of who runs fox. Al waleed bin talal had a 7-8% stake. When he bought in, terrorism coverage went down the toilet. A fox producer was busted on camera saying they are center left and push the neo con agenda for ratings. I trust them no more or less than I do the far left Democrat propaganda machines of cnn and pmsnbc. If I want a really good belly laugh, I pass through joy reid or one of the other unhinged commentators there. Don lemon meltdowns are always fun to watch.
There is no comparison on CNN or MSNBC to apologists for the Proud Boys, Boogloo Boys, Oathkeepers and other allies of yours who would EXTERMINATE me if they could. Tucker live from Budapest. Propaganda from white supremacists.
U must be a Russian or Chinese disinformation agent. U and Orange Turd Reich Christofascist TRAITOR Seditionist Insurrectionist Felon Conman Grifter LOSER Corrupt Neo-Nazi Megalomaniacal Sexist Misogynist Narcissist Nihilistic Sociopathic Psychophantic TRUMP.
Yes, yes, the take over of Republican party by Teaparty, “Let’s make some noise.” Noise without substance, level of invested interest of a gnat. Cheap and shiny, butterflies trajectory, to circle looking for sweet stuff without a mission but plenty-resources for gull’s brawl over anything, contrarian interests (partly sense of no stake plus enthusiasm for entertainment at expense of anybody). Tabloid-party members, made-up stuff to unseat perceived know-it-alls, box-office hit style outrage (formulaic conflict and outrage), just good fun while fictional world of simplistic solutions has “educated” large cohort of people to trust no one, gunslinger mentality represented in video games and celebrity power. “That’s outrageous” messaging, tale (garbage writers) wagging the dog.
Molly Ivan's book "Bushwhacked" was an eye-opener. Corporations rewarding politicians for removing environmental restrictions during the Bush 2 administration. Now, the "think tanks" under the cover of education funnel untraceable amounts of dollars to campaigns. The Heritage Foundation. Dark money, indeed.
Koch didn’t start the Tea Party and it was the Tea “Parties”, a group of loosely affiliated break away thinkers including Ralph Nader. If it was co-opted by the Republicans it was also destroyed by the same.
Correct, but tRUMP is like an umbrella Dark Money can take advantage of. Sorta like ‘hiding in plain sight’. When his campaign took off I likened him to a pimple coming to a big nasty head. It was/is a symptom of a a huge deep infection coming to a head!
Funny, it just hit me while reading this thread that the term "Dark Money" has a strong resemblance to the physicists' "Dark Energy." A mysterious force that mucks up everyone's calculations ...
Do not forget the useless billionaire's political arm: Moscowmitch. His SOLE reason for existance is to destroy America and ALL rights so said useless billionaires can extract every single penny they can from Americans, _rumplican and American divide be damned.
@BeadGurl. Pelosi's House is a productive engine of constructive legislation. Most of it dies in the Senate. Your efforts at creating equivalency won't fly, and I won't let your crap go unanswered (even though everyone on here already knows you are a machine/bot/propagandist).
Dear ts1213, I realize you are probably a trumpster and are trying to defend your choice. So, I would suggest you learn the language. Dark Money by definition is untraceable. It therefore is assumed to come from one of two sources, an American criminal association or a foreign country. It is illegal (and unconstitutional) for any candidate or political organization to accept even one cent from a foreign government. Accepting money from a criminal source, while not illegal would put any candidate in jeopardy as soon as it was revealed (trust me, if traced to say the mafia it would be headlined across the media) While you may personally disapprove of Mr. Soros, the fact that you know he is the donor, precludes the money being "Dark". Unfortunately the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United, which most of us leaning left abhor, has allowed obscenely wealthy persons and corporations from donating as much money as they want to buy favors from politicians and political parties. While the Republican party and its politicians have reaped most of these benefits, it would not surprise me to learn of some Democrats accepting such donations too. As I recall some politician in the 2016 campaign was found to have accepted money from China and sheepishly had to return it.
Hey, leave the name calling for the schoolyard. How can people ever hope to have an intelligent dialog if the fine people of our country regress to scoffing, ridicule and any other form of infantile behavior. We need to get beyond this....please!
@ts1213. Soros, and other contributors provide their money via organizations that they are transparently associated with. "Dark Money" is provided anonymously via organizations that are designed to hide the source of the funds. That said, I am not in any way attempting to justify the use of money in politics - that is the very central problem with our so-called democracy.
Yep. We need Bernie, and I think the powers that be have always been afraid of him. If he’d won, however, they’d have tried to devour him. He’s so good! We can still get behind him.
Bernie will be 80 years old soon. I am 72 and I am not the man I used to be, and in five years I won't be the man I am now. Bernie needs a love child to carry on the fight.
I see a lot of comments against Russian influence, the hell we'd pay if China took over. How can you support a man who admires Russian communism and wants to turn America into a marxist socialist country? That makes no sense at all.
@BeadGurl. There is no politician in the United States that fits your description! You twist Bernie's real beliefs (democratic socialist, unionist, American).
I like to think of myself as a cool wise person. But the 2016 campaigns and elections taught me that sometimes the wise must use fire to fight fire. As Ukraine wisely went to war instead of appealing to the United Nations, our Democrats should wisely have nominated the passionate, common-touch Bernie to go ruggedly against the coarse, vulgar Trump.
They directed their fire against Bernie by cheating all the way up to Hillary's nomination, remember? (https://clintonfoundationtimeline.com/july-8-2016-hillary-cheated/) In 2020, Obama called each primary candidate so that they would all endorse Biden. Establishment Democrats and the DNC have shown time and again that the progressive wing of the party is their political arch-enemy, not the neo-fascist Republican party.
they ALL dropped out the night before super tuesday ! biden lied about bernie and bernie called him out on it . then biden went back into his bunker, refusing to face bernie in the final debate. i dint vote for biden - i voted against trump . we all watched as bernie was overflowing his venues and biden couldnt fill a VFW hall .
George M. That is what Trump did regarding Obama. Trump was fighting fire with fire. Republicans have never really fought back until Trump. We go too far left. We go too far right. We need to focus on compromise and staying in the center. Why there are so many Independent voters now.
I thought Hillary was the centrist compromiser, and I voted for her in the primary. Enough other Democrats did likewise, and, as some have commented, establishment types tilted the choice for her. We know the results. She got plenty of votes but not enough to overcome the many angry people who refused to vote for her, so they voted in protest against her. I hope the 2016 election will have taught us a lesson. Do not put a gentlewoman in a fight against a bully. An example for 2022: I think the rugged John Fetterman of Pennsylvania may have the anger and bluntness necessary to win blue collar voters back from the Republican and independent folks who liked T.
Both parties lost me, never to get me back. We need a 3rd party where common sense and focus on American sovereignty and economic superiority are the drivers. And term limits for crying out loud. That would eliminate the graft, lobbying and back-door dealing that permeates the swamp.
@BeadGurl. You are a troll. You were never an American, and you were never in an American party. Hell, you are so messed up you are not even a member of the communist party (only because the oligarchic narcissistic Putin does not require that anymore).
Oh dear. There goes the name calling again. Back to the playground with you. If you can't accept an honest comment that has no agenda whatsoever, it speaks volumes about your lack of logic and acceptance. And this is why the far left has a reputation for being illogical and unhinged. Enjoy your day, sir.
YOU my friend is what is wrong with America. It may be a "stupid analysis" to you but my opinion. We are lucky to live in the USA where we are free to share our opinions.
after Trump was elected it came to light that Hillary had essentially bought the DNC. It was then explained to the naïve democratic populace that, not being a public entity, there was no requirement to be impartial, fair, honest, etc. So how does one go back to being naïve?
Meanwhile, Republican true believers keep on believing no matter what.
@Earl. Careful sir. You might want to look for a source for your false assertion that "Hillary had essentially bought the DNC." No such thing ever happened.
I think we have gone from “it absolutely didn’t happen” to “ well I am OK with it and you should be too”. Presenting a rather perfect microcosm of what is wrong with this country. Dishonest people suck, no matter who they are.
i'm always astounded that any rational thinking literate human anywhere in USA would vote for trump for anything at all. as a former NYCer, i was utterly horrified by his criminal shenanigans, his intimidation, hatefulness, racism and misogyny. even before i relocated to NYC from the opposite coast, i was only too well aware of his lack of character, so proximity is no excuse. so believing that trump would do anything other than steal the taxpayers' funds and abuse everyone around him is insane.
GrrlScientist, have u ever seen videos of Jordan Klepper’s interviews of rally goers @ DT rallies?? They are hilarious but also very revealing about the gullibility & genuine ignorance of Blue collar folks & young people! Find them on YouTube & get enlightened about the kind of people DT attracted—angry white Supremacists & fascists who believed their jobs were co-opted by immigrants & People of color rather than admit to themselves they were left behind bec they had no special training or education to help them keep up with technology!! Very sad stupid people but they were committed to his rallies & making a little money selling merchandise!! Jordan is a member of Trevor Noah’s show. Check them out!
@Shirley. I get what you are saying, and share some of your perspective. But I hope you'll listen to Dr. Reich (and Bernie and AOC, and others) - it is not the fault of individuals that they are left out of the economy! It is the operation of global capitalism combined with corporate greed and the role of money in our politics that ends up beating down workers, sending jobs overseas, and over-compensating CEOs and investors.
Yes Ben, I realize the truth of our situation. I was merely paraphrasing comments that were said by DT’s favorite poorly educated folks to Jordan Klepper. They were all about grievances & spouted them to anybody who would listen! The women interviewed were especially crazy sounding but gushed about loving Donald! Give me a break!! These interviews were sadly hilarious & should give anybody pause to be very worried about potential violence worse than we saw @ the Capitol!! I could definitely believe another insurrection from those crazy supporters happening any day forward!
I largely agree with everything Dr Reich says here; except for the omission of the influence of Dark Money (led, mostly from what I can infer) by Charles Koch. Though the Koch brothers did not support Trump when he appeared, they still created the Tea Party, and so many other of the anarchistic, even white supremacist groups out there across the radical right landscape. Trump is hardly intelligent enough to manage anything like that, and is a simply a loose cannon, rolling around on the deck of the unwieldy battleship of a political party that Republicans have become…IMHO. Due to its very shadowy nature, the mainstream media never touches Dark Money, but I think it is the real elephant in the room that NEEDS to be discussed, if we are to be realistic about what has happened to US politics — and how to counteract it.
Yes, the Koch's and cronies formation and success of ALEC unopposed and ignored by the leadership of the Democratic Party did more to prepare a justifiably disgruntled population for "trumpism" than the "trumpster" himself
Also illegal foreign influences. Mueller report. Russians supported Trump. Ran psy-ops campaigns, made illegal contributions. Check out the relationship of Derepaska and McConnell.
Don't want to sound like a xenophobe but Saudis have been undermining our economy and support Republicans. Virtual control of our oil industry, major donors. Funded Murdoch's Fox disinformation network beginning in 1973.
Also, Chinese influences. Check out the relationship between Elaine Chao's family as contractors with the Department of Transportation. When I worked for DOL, the Chinese military hacked into my security clearance. I was one of millions. Justice Department did nothing https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-breach-federal-governments-personnel-office/2015/06/04/889c0e52-0af7-11e5-95fd-d580f1c5d44e_story.html
@Daniel. You are a well informed individual! Thank you for putting some facts on the table!
Ah. Thanks for leading off, Dan. I'd worried I might sound paranoid if I mentioned overseas influences. Thanks to 20-40 years of neocon adventurism, quite a few people around the world hate and resent the United States. Because we blew up their homes, killed their families, wrecked their countries - not so much like GWB said "because they hate our freedoms."
The United States has an opportunity to reverse that trend simply by NOT blowing up peoples homes, etc. That may earn us a little grudging forgiveness if we are contrite.
But there are also people who HATE the United States and have always done so, and who have no chance of being dissuaded. In general, if we can leave them the hell alone and stay out of their playground, we won't get into any scuffles. So lets.
There are several organizations that institutionally fall into the irredeemable hatred class. Many of the secret security agencies in certain places do so, and nothing will assuage them unless the US is nuked into a glowing hole. We should ESPECIALLY leave those people alone - the security services in Iran, military security services in China, and "the big one" that has conspired against the US for nearly 100 years. The KGB, in its various forms and manifestations.
The MOIS (Iran) and KGB and others are set on a goal to oppose and destroy the United States. We are pretty safe as long as we don't f* with their countries and do a little bit of home security tidying.
But think with me. What happy moment they might have if they instill in the United States a ruthless and misguided movement that claims to "Make America Great Again," but by all actions, aims and inclinations, slashes America's throat in opposing the very elements that make us proud of our country?
I suspect that, since the KGB spent decades trying to strangle out the US - at first due to ideological opposition to capitalism, and then as when communist ideology died in the USSR to be replaced by big-shot-ism the KGB just continued trying to strangle America. We silly Westerners pretend that when the USSR evaporated, the KGB and Red Army went pfft! and they all went off and became average citizens. HAH! The KGB and Red Army barely felt the "Fall of the USSR." The nameplates changed on their desks, the flag looked different. The same mindset remained.
You can't do better against a country than recruiting its own citizens, using MICE (Money, Influence, Compromise and Ego.) Quick - if you wanted to recruit an American, who would be your ABSOLUTELY FIRST PICK? Someone who endlessly covets money and no amount is ever enough - who is transparently vain and strives to be a Man of Influence in every circle he wanders into - someone who could be easily tricked and trapped by some Ivana agent and manipulated to marry her, and continued to have questionable connections all his life - and ego, what more is to be said. Can we dare wonder if the MAGA movement is threatening to destroy America, because from the get-go that was its reason for existence? Now call me paranoid.
I don't think you are paranoid. I think you are right. I also think it was why Mitch McConnell ushered Trump to power. I believe McConnell is deeply involved with the Russian organized crime. Look up McConnell and Oleg Deripaska scandal. McConnell is the reason we are living in this dystopian America that we're living in now. He calls himself the "Grim Reaper" because the senate is where bills go to die. This country is one where Americans die too, from guns, underfunded and bad healthcare, now coming, back alley abortions, and on and on.
There was a well-established problem with recruiting Americans to act as agent for foreign powers. The KGB did a smash-up job recruiting based on ideology with the Cambridge Five. But Americans didn't seem to be easy to recruit unless they were already out-and-about Communists. The postwar Left, especially the union folks, made for slim pickings for ideological recruitment.
It's a particularly poignant issue that in the 60's, the blue-collar left didn't like the hippy-dippy-college radicals, many of whom were all sorts of different leftists - Trotskyists, Neocoms, Luxemburgists, Spartacusers - etc; the lunch-bucket crowd thought they were all paid off by the Soviets. After the dust had settled...they weren't. They were just a bunch of loudmouth thinking Americans proposing change like quitting SE Asia. Two sides of fairly loyal Americans throwing rocks at each other. Figures. But not prime KGB material.
It was only until the USSR changed its recruitment strategies from picking off the ideologues to picking off the greed-heads, that they hit the jackpot. In an unsourced and dubious quote, “Lenin wrote, ‘When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will vie with each other for the rope contract.'”
But when it came to finding some screw-thy-country boys, you just can't top a Republican. That's why they get all puffy about patriotism. Cover story, comrades.
Oh yes, that patriotism total bull____! Trump draping himself in the flag! Very interesting Steve. The GOP has been conspiring with Russians, intelligence and crime for decades. McConnell is amazingly well hidden to the American public. This is all so very frightening because this IS HAPPENING and people are utterly clueless to what is destroying their lives.
I agree with your concept but disagree with your terminology. Except for a very few hippy communes in the late 60's and 70's and they don't really count, there is not and never has been communist country on this planet, regardless of what they call themselves. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, are and have been authoritarian regimes. Like all authoritarian regimes they are the exact opposite of communism (and socialism for that matter) Like the trumpster they don't give a rat's ass about working folks. They have all had a small, autocratic, very wealthy group spouting out pure crap about equality while sitting in their dachas drinking vodka and smoking cigars. Nazi Germany called themselves the democratic socialist party. LOL, they were fascists, just another form of authoritarianism. If we aren't very careful that's where the current republicans hope to take us.
Steve O’Cally - All you have to do to think that AT LEAST ONE other nation has their mitts on our American throats is to read "The Mueller Report." I bought a hard, redacted copy shorty after it released.
Had it been as public as the current bombshell January 6th Insurrection hearings are now, I fully believe IT would have sunk _rump just as bad.
If the Chinese ever get their foot on our necks we will suffer. They remember the 19th century when the West invaded and dominated them.
Their history shows that they are patient and seemingly never forget who has messed with them throughout their history.
They will never forget what the Japanese did to them. I spent nearly 4 years teaching at universities in China, always within easy access of Nanjing.
I am an historian with a strong interest in historical museums, but I never did make it to the museum in Nanjing that focuses on "The Rape of Nanjing". This was primarily because absolutely none of my colleagues at either of the universities that I taught at in China had any interest in visiting what is generally referred to in guide books as the bloodiest museum in the world, and I did not really want to go alone. I assumed I would eventually find someone who wanted to go with me, but I never did.
Then stop supporting far left ccp supporting morons like biden.
Ur suffering from Orange Turd Reich Christofascist Trump Derangement Syndrome.
@Beadgurl. A Russian troll masquerading as a woman. How ridiculous! But Biden's problem is that he is not left enough! Too much of a traditionalist. We needed him, perhaps, to establish a sense of normalcy after the traitor was finally run out of office, but the progressives, liberals, centrists and true democrats need to look for a new "look" in 2024.
Well, I've never been to Russia and it sounds like you don't believe a woman can make a direct, concise comment since you're implying I'm a man. Thanks. Biden is a demented fool who has accomplished nothing in his 40+ years of milking the political establishment. Hence the desperate need for term limits. I'm not sure what you think your heroes on the far left will accomplish because Uncle Joe has done a fine job of throwing America into chaos and making the US an even bigger laughing stock in international politics. But even the donkey party realizes he's the only trick in town thanks the new record-setting embarrassment that is Willie's Side Piece. I'll never forget her explanation of the invasion of Ukraine. Just magical. The problem with far left progressives is rational people capable of independent thought cannot take them seriously. Aoc is a fine example of a complete moron with too much power and not enough intelligence to use it effectively. Surely you realize that left-wing agendas like socialism, communism, and naziism will only make you slaves to a state. History proved that. Why do you think refugees from Venezuela, Cuba and China emigrating to the US are voting conservative? They've lived under leftist totalitarian regimes. I'll take my lessons from history and from folks who've lived it first hand. No far left totalitarian government for me thank you! Enjoy your day and thanks for the dialog!
bye-bye, trollgirl.
And, to a slightly lesser extent, the 17th and 18th centuries.
Daniel Solomon - I do not think it is "racist" to pin many of America's current problems on the corrupt, hateful regime in Saudi Arabia. WHY do you think obsolete fossil fuels are STILL considered " viable" by most?
@Daniel H. Actually fossil fuels are built into the physical infrastructure of the modern economy. It will take many years to refresh billions and billions of dollars of facilities, equipment, distribution networks. Painful, but we must do it to save the world from destruction.
I sure hope you plan on donating your vast wealth to tear down buildings and rebuild like AOC thinks will happen and find a fuel source as efficient.
Because they are not obsolete and are certainly more viable and cheaper than your green solutions...which, BTW, rely on electricity to support them...wind farms, electric cars, all rely on some support from the grid. And no one talks about viable disposal programs for all those windmill blades that will never decompose, the tesla batteries that are beyond toxic. Even solar has its limitations. I've seen large solar farms...not attractive and take up arable land. Im all about conservation, reducing the pollution caused from massive trash dumping but I never hear a competent, well thought out solution from the left on how we mitigate the trash and pollution from so-called "green" solutions. And btw, i have a solar array, practice water conservation by relying on a rainwater collection system and recycle like mad.
@BeadGurl. Masquerading as a woman - shame on you. But you are quick to put up shaky critiques of the liberal/progressive response to climate change, but offer NOTHING credible that you can say the right is doing to change the trend line away from increasing damage to the planet. No, you Saudi-defending, oligarch-defending, Putin-defending trolls are just trying to undermine the effective and on-going educational efforts of those who are truly concerned about and working to mitigate climate change. The fact that it is a difficult problem is not equivalent to those actively opposing all efforts.
I do everything you're doing as well (solar, heat pump, collecting rainwater, next step is a graywater system). And I still think nuclear is going to be our default option, despite it's very obvious defects (waste disposal.) I used to be staunchly anti-nuclear, but have changed my mind in the last 15 years. It's going to be an interim solution until fusion's perfected (likely in 50 years.) But to keep on using carbon based fuels when it is OBVIOUSLY going to kill us, and rejecting nuclear due to problems down the road, is analogous to saying "I've got cancer (carbon fuels) but am unwilling to lose my hair to chemotherapy (nuclear)."
Daniel, YES, thank you for this.
Agree on the ccp aspect. McConnell is no friend to the people of this country. The rest, well, your dem buddies are in just as culpable, if not more so, in bringing down this country. And if you're still buying into the Russian hoax thing, enough evidence has been made public to completely demolish that fairy tale.
That is BS. No hoax. There is no Democratic equivalent.
The obstruction of justice counts in Mueller remain viable. Mueller and Barr were both Republicans. Mueller found that the Russians aided Trump. Said he could not find that Trump colluded. A jury, not the prosecutor is supposed to make that determination. Manafort and 32 Russians were prosecuted and have been adjudicated as guilty.
Newer evidence implies that Trump indeed colluded with Putin on many levels. The phony evidence proffered by Giuliani in the first impeachment came from Russia. The episode with the Taliban reinforces my argument. He didn't need to negotiate with the Taliban to get out of Afghanistan. At that time, they were allied with Russia. He tried to undermine NATO, destabilize the Ukraine, etc.
The proof of Hillary's involvement in that is not something to ignore....
Turned out to be BS.
@BeadGurl. You trolls and bots are masquerading as women now! LOL. This false equivalency and defense of Putin are both a dead give away. Even the worst of Faux watchers don't think the Russia thing is a hoax - not anymore anyway - because the evidence is exactly the opposite of what you wrote. See Mr. Solomon's pointed reply.
Yeah, I saw it.
Aw, c’mon. Putin calls him “AGENT ORANGE.” (Except Agent Orange actually went to Vietnam.))”
Good one!
@Steve. ;-D
SUPRISE HEARING: (Not a reply, Ms Reid.)
Where to "attend" the >surprise< 1/6 hearing: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-jan-6-committee-hearings-day-6
Thank you. I watched it on CNN. Very revealing.
End Citizens United!
That and the dissolution of the obsolete-since-the-1860s electoral college may be all we need to END the also obsolete _rumplican party.
This corrupt ruling by the Conservative Fascist RepugliKKKan SCOTUS began our slide into Oligarchal Fascism.
Trump met with the Tea Party in 2013 to discuss running for president. The Kochs may be under the radar but their fingerprints are all over our loss of democracy.
The Koch's and all their minions in the tea party and ALEC despise democracy or any form of government other than pure authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is the only form of government that can fulfill their thirst for power and wealth. As I said before what they really want is to return to medieval feudalism, but with all the modern conveniences.
Rick. I agree with you. There is dark money on BOTH sides. Koch and Soros plus throw in Zuckerbucks, Gates and Bezos. Wait until we start hearing from Elon Musk in the future. Sadly money talks and bullshit walks.
Comparing Soros to the Kochs and other right-wingers is a false equivalence. Generally, his money has helped Democrats survive in spite of the DNC. If you heard otherwise, it might have been from Fox.
Cecelia repeatedly repeats Fox disinformation.
No, actually it isn't. If you still think the dems are pro-america, you are wrong. There are globalists on either side of center who want to see the US crumble. If you can't look at the left and right objectively you'll miss what is actually happening. It would be more productive if everyone looked at facts and left ideology behind. I love how you guys vilify Fox but you think cnn and pmsnbc are legitimate news sources. I cant take any alphabet talk show as a news source anymore. Its laughable.
Fox is controlled by a family that was funded originally by Saudi money. Ownership has left the US. Even their reporters admit they don't report the news due to management policy.
At present they have exposure to billions in defamation lawsuits. More to come.
I'm well aware of who runs fox. Al waleed bin talal had a 7-8% stake. When he bought in, terrorism coverage went down the toilet. A fox producer was busted on camera saying they are center left and push the neo con agenda for ratings. I trust them no more or less than I do the far left Democrat propaganda machines of cnn and pmsnbc. If I want a really good belly laugh, I pass through joy reid or one of the other unhinged commentators there. Don lemon meltdowns are always fun to watch.
If you think they are the "left" you're nuts.
There is no comparison on CNN or MSNBC to apologists for the Proud Boys, Boogloo Boys, Oathkeepers and other allies of yours who would EXTERMINATE me if they could. Tucker live from Budapest. Propaganda from white supremacists.
What does “Give gift” mean, next to your Reply button?
U must be a Russian or Chinese disinformation agent. U and Orange Turd Reich Christofascist TRAITOR Seditionist Insurrectionist Felon Conman Grifter LOSER Corrupt Neo-Nazi Megalomaniacal Sexist Misogynist Narcissist Nihilistic Sociopathic Psychophantic TRUMP.
Yes, yes, the take over of Republican party by Teaparty, “Let’s make some noise.” Noise without substance, level of invested interest of a gnat. Cheap and shiny, butterflies trajectory, to circle looking for sweet stuff without a mission but plenty-resources for gull’s brawl over anything, contrarian interests (partly sense of no stake plus enthusiasm for entertainment at expense of anybody). Tabloid-party members, made-up stuff to unseat perceived know-it-alls, box-office hit style outrage (formulaic conflict and outrage), just good fun while fictional world of simplistic solutions has “educated” large cohort of people to trust no one, gunslinger mentality represented in video games and celebrity power. “That’s outrageous” messaging, tale (garbage writers) wagging the dog.
Agree. Campaign reform is issue #1.
Molly Ivan's book "Bushwhacked" was an eye-opener. Corporations rewarding politicians for removing environmental restrictions during the Bush 2 administration. Now, the "think tanks" under the cover of education funnel untraceable amounts of dollars to campaigns. The Heritage Foundation. Dark money, indeed.
@Rick. Thank you!
Koch didn’t start the Tea Party and it was the Tea “Parties”, a group of loosely affiliated break away thinkers including Ralph Nader. If it was co-opted by the Republicans it was also destroyed by the same.
Dark Money is the Coalition for National Policy. People who have the money, the influence the plan to form America into their way of thinking.
Correct, but tRUMP is like an umbrella Dark Money can take advantage of. Sorta like ‘hiding in plain sight’. When his campaign took off I likened him to a pimple coming to a big nasty head. It was/is a symptom of a a huge deep infection coming to a head!
Funny, it just hit me while reading this thread that the term "Dark Money" has a strong resemblance to the physicists' "Dark Energy." A mysterious force that mucks up everyone's calculations ...
If I may be a bit trite, money corrupts. As long as it takes big bucks to run for office the sources of the money will want to be protected. Dah!
Money Corrupts Power. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.
Do not forget the useless billionaire's political arm: Moscowmitch. His SOLE reason for existance is to destroy America and ALL rights so said useless billionaires can extract every single penny they can from Americans, _rumplican and American divide be damned.
And you don't think Biden, Soros, Pelosi etc aren't in on that too? Oh dear.
@BeadGurl. Pelosi's House is a productive engine of constructive legislation. Most of it dies in the Senate. Your efforts at creating equivalency won't fly, and I won't let your crap go unanswered (even though everyone on here already knows you are a machine/bot/propagandist).
Dear ts1213, I realize you are probably a trumpster and are trying to defend your choice. So, I would suggest you learn the language. Dark Money by definition is untraceable. It therefore is assumed to come from one of two sources, an American criminal association or a foreign country. It is illegal (and unconstitutional) for any candidate or political organization to accept even one cent from a foreign government. Accepting money from a criminal source, while not illegal would put any candidate in jeopardy as soon as it was revealed (trust me, if traced to say the mafia it would be headlined across the media) While you may personally disapprove of Mr. Soros, the fact that you know he is the donor, precludes the money being "Dark". Unfortunately the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United, which most of us leaning left abhor, has allowed obscenely wealthy persons and corporations from donating as much money as they want to buy favors from politicians and political parties. While the Republican party and its politicians have reaped most of these benefits, it would not surprise me to learn of some Democrats accepting such donations too. As I recall some politician in the 2016 campaign was found to have accepted money from China and sheepishly had to return it.
Hey, leave the name calling for the schoolyard. How can people ever hope to have an intelligent dialog if the fine people of our country regress to scoffing, ridicule and any other form of infantile behavior. We need to get beyond this....please!
@BeadGurl. You are not providing intelligent dialog, just repeating well-worn and well-rebutted tropes.
@ts1213. Soros, and other contributors provide their money via organizations that they are transparently associated with. "Dark Money" is provided anonymously via organizations that are designed to hide the source of the funds. That said, I am not in any way attempting to justify the use of money in politics - that is the very central problem with our so-called democracy.
I will never forgive the DNC for the way they buried Bernie alive. Hillary was so wrong. And now we are paying for it.
Yep. We need Bernie, and I think the powers that be have always been afraid of him. If he’d won, however, they’d have tried to devour him. He’s so good! We can still get behind him.
Bernie will be 80 years old soon. I am 72 and I am not the man I used to be, and in five years I won't be the man I am now. Bernie needs a love child to carry on the fight.
@John. May it be so...
You got it Ben!
I see a lot of comments against Russian influence, the hell we'd pay if China took over. How can you support a man who admires Russian communism and wants to turn America into a marxist socialist country? That makes no sense at all.
@BeadGurl. There is no politician in the United States that fits your description! You twist Bernie's real beliefs (democratic socialist, unionist, American).
I like to think of myself as a cool wise person. But the 2016 campaigns and elections taught me that sometimes the wise must use fire to fight fire. As Ukraine wisely went to war instead of appealing to the United Nations, our Democrats should wisely have nominated the passionate, common-touch Bernie to go ruggedly against the coarse, vulgar Trump.
They directed their fire against Bernie by cheating all the way up to Hillary's nomination, remember? (https://clintonfoundationtimeline.com/july-8-2016-hillary-cheated/) In 2020, Obama called each primary candidate so that they would all endorse Biden. Establishment Democrats and the DNC have shown time and again that the progressive wing of the party is their political arch-enemy, not the neo-fascist Republican party.
they ALL dropped out the night before super tuesday ! biden lied about bernie and bernie called him out on it . then biden went back into his bunker, refusing to face bernie in the final debate. i dint vote for biden - i voted against trump . we all watched as bernie was overflowing his venues and biden couldnt fill a VFW hall .
George M. That is what Trump did regarding Obama. Trump was fighting fire with fire. Republicans have never really fought back until Trump. We go too far left. We go too far right. We need to focus on compromise and staying in the center. Why there are so many Independent voters now.
I thought Hillary was the centrist compromiser, and I voted for her in the primary. Enough other Democrats did likewise, and, as some have commented, establishment types tilted the choice for her. We know the results. She got plenty of votes but not enough to overcome the many angry people who refused to vote for her, so they voted in protest against her. I hope the 2016 election will have taught us a lesson. Do not put a gentlewoman in a fight against a bully. An example for 2022: I think the rugged John Fetterman of Pennsylvania may have the anger and bluntness necessary to win blue collar voters back from the Republican and independent folks who liked T.
Both parties lost me, never to get me back. We need a 3rd party where common sense and focus on American sovereignty and economic superiority are the drivers. And term limits for crying out loud. That would eliminate the graft, lobbying and back-door dealing that permeates the swamp.
@BeadGurl. You are a troll. You were never an American, and you were never in an American party. Hell, you are so messed up you are not even a member of the communist party (only because the oligarchic narcissistic Putin does not require that anymore).
Oh dear. There goes the name calling again. Back to the playground with you. If you can't accept an honest comment that has no agenda whatsoever, it speaks volumes about your lack of logic and acceptance. And this is why the far left has a reputation for being illogical and unhinged. Enjoy your day, sir.
BeadGurl. Very well stated. I totally agree with you.
When HRC and her cronies buried Bernie alive they buried their party too. Republicans seized on their good fortune.
@Cecelia. Stupid analysis and not what happened. Your stuff is just an effort to distract from every traitorous act old bone spur did.
YOU my friend is what is wrong with America. It may be a "stupid analysis" to you but my opinion. We are lucky to live in the USA where we are free to share our opinions.
Not when it's disinformation.
after Trump was elected it came to light that Hillary had essentially bought the DNC. It was then explained to the naïve democratic populace that, not being a public entity, there was no requirement to be impartial, fair, honest, etc. So how does one go back to being naïve?
Meanwhile, Republican true believers keep on believing no matter what.
@Earl. Careful sir. You might want to look for a source for your false assertion that "Hillary had essentially bought the DNC." No such thing ever happened.
Benjamin, if you hate bad intel, we are on the same team. Check out Donna Brazile’s “Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takover of the DNC. “
@Earl. Every front runner is the leader of their party.
I think we have gone from “it absolutely didn’t happen” to “ well I am OK with it and you should be too”. Presenting a rather perfect microcosm of what is wrong with this country. Dishonest people suck, no matter who they are.
I concur with tour statement re the dnc and Saunders. they also left secretary of state alone and out on the line to dry.
i'm always astounded that any rational thinking literate human anywhere in USA would vote for trump for anything at all. as a former NYCer, i was utterly horrified by his criminal shenanigans, his intimidation, hatefulness, racism and misogyny. even before i relocated to NYC from the opposite coast, i was only too well aware of his lack of character, so proximity is no excuse. so believing that trump would do anything other than steal the taxpayers' funds and abuse everyone around him is insane.
GrrlScientist, have u ever seen videos of Jordan Klepper’s interviews of rally goers @ DT rallies?? They are hilarious but also very revealing about the gullibility & genuine ignorance of Blue collar folks & young people! Find them on YouTube & get enlightened about the kind of people DT attracted—angry white Supremacists & fascists who believed their jobs were co-opted by immigrants & People of color rather than admit to themselves they were left behind bec they had no special training or education to help them keep up with technology!! Very sad stupid people but they were committed to his rallies & making a little money selling merchandise!! Jordan is a member of Trevor Noah’s show. Check them out!
@Shirley. I get what you are saying, and share some of your perspective. But I hope you'll listen to Dr. Reich (and Bernie and AOC, and others) - it is not the fault of individuals that they are left out of the economy! It is the operation of global capitalism combined with corporate greed and the role of money in our politics that ends up beating down workers, sending jobs overseas, and over-compensating CEOs and investors.
Yes Ben, I realize the truth of our situation. I was merely paraphrasing comments that were said by DT’s favorite poorly educated folks to Jordan Klepper. They were all about grievances & spouted them to anybody who would listen! The women interviewed were especially crazy sounding but gushed about loving Donald! Give me a break!! These interviews were sadly hilarious & should give anybody pause to be very worried about potential violence worse than we saw @ the Capitol!! I could definitely believe another insurrection from those crazy supporters happening any day forward!