I thought Hillary was the centrist compromiser, and I voted for her in the primary. Enough other Democrats did likewise, and, as some have commented, establishment types tilted the choice for her. We know the results. She got plenty of votes but not enough to overcome the many angry people who refused to vote for her, so they voted in pr…
I thought Hillary was the centrist compromiser, and I voted for her in the primary. Enough other Democrats did likewise, and, as some have commented, establishment types tilted the choice for her. We know the results. She got plenty of votes but not enough to overcome the many angry people who refused to vote for her, so they voted in protest against her. I hope the 2016 election will have taught us a lesson. Do not put a gentlewoman in a fight against a bully. An example for 2022: I think the rugged John Fetterman of Pennsylvania may have the anger and bluntness necessary to win blue collar voters back from the Republican and independent folks who liked T.
I thought Hillary was the centrist compromiser, and I voted for her in the primary. Enough other Democrats did likewise, and, as some have commented, establishment types tilted the choice for her. We know the results. She got plenty of votes but not enough to overcome the many angry people who refused to vote for her, so they voted in protest against her. I hope the 2016 election will have taught us a lesson. Do not put a gentlewoman in a fight against a bully. An example for 2022: I think the rugged John Fetterman of Pennsylvania may have the anger and bluntness necessary to win blue collar voters back from the Republican and independent folks who liked T.