It seems in our Capitalistic society collateral damage is to be expected. If we don't put certain measures in place to control big business we are all subject to the pit falls found in our culture. Gun production is just a part of the problem but at present it holds the moist relevance because our people are dying on a daily basis from t…
It seems in our Capitalistic society collateral damage is to be expected. If we don't put certain measures in place to control big business we are all subject to the pit falls found in our culture. Gun production is just a part of the problem but at present it holds the moist relevance because our people are dying on a daily basis from the bullets fired from the weapons these companies produce. Republicans, for a number of reasons, will fight controls placed upon these companies because they'll site Second Amendments rights. When will they consider the innocent lives lost and the rights they never had a chance to enjoy. Ban all military style weapons, yesterday.
Nor will they bother to actually read the 2nd Amendment. In this day and age, we have a standing army, and a national guard! The purpose of the 2nd was that, at that time, there was no army or national guard. But, like Christianity in this country, it too, has been corrupted.
Anyone that has an inclining as to who Sky King was must have a good grip on the past. In the first episodes a Cessna T-50 rules the skies and later a Cessna 310B took over. The "Sky" guy sure got around.
If you are referring to the article I attached, in order to actually have been in a militia, had to muster, be sworn. Before that we had at common law the theory of posse comitatus, the high sheriff could deputize a citizen to enforce the law.
Hamilton laid it out in the Federalist papers. " It requires no skill in the science of war to discern that uniformity in the organization and discipline of the militia would be attended with the most beneficial effects, whenever they were called into service for the public defense. It would enable them to discharge the duties of the camp and of the field with mutual intelligence and concert an advantage of peculiar moment in the operations of an army; and it would fit them much sooner to acquire the degree of proficiency in military functions which would be essential to their usefulness. This desirable uniformity can only be accomplished by confiding the regulation of the militia to the direction of the national authority."
"In times of insurrection, or invasion, it would be natural and proper that the militia of a neighboring State should be marched into another, to resist a common enemy, or to guard the republic against the violence of faction or sedition. This was frequently the case, in respect to the first object, in the course of the late war; and this mutual succor is, indeed, a principal end of our political association. If the power of affording it be placed under the direction of the Union, there will be no danger of a supine and listless inattention to the dangers of a neighbor, till its near approach had superadded the incitements of self preservation to the too feeble impulses of duty and sympathy."
The "militia" referred to by Thomas Jefferson were slave patrols.
What about "well regulated?" Doesn't mean individuals have a right to own any weapon. Some people say that in 1791 meant "well trained."
Despite what you say, it was discussed by Hamilton in No 29 Federalist Papers. Was not included in the Constitution per se, added by Jefferson, who had been the governor of Virginia. Hamilton envisioned a national reserve.
To me the whole 2nd ammendment argument is BS. That was meant for single shot muzzle loaded rifles. Now we have semi/full auto assault rifles machine guns rocket launchers and atomic bombs. There is no argument about most of those higher damage items. I dont see why semi/full auto assualt rifles arent banned in the same way as rocket and grenade launchers. Thats not a 2nd amendment argument. Being able to kill a ton of people is not a right.
A gun doesn't care if it operates by the gas expelled from the previous round or if a finger pulls the trigger. The out come when pointing the weapon at another human being is death. Odd, Republicans are so against abortion why is it they find no objection to taking a life with a bullet.
I know I'll probably get flak for my stance on gun control. To those who might object. If your doctor says to you, "I have some bad news about your tests." The patient is then told he has cancer of the femur and the leg has to come off. The guy objects but the doctor reaffirms his earlier statement, you lose your leg or you lose your life. What does the guy do? Sometimes the pill that does us the most good is the hardest to swallow. Ban assault rifles.
Yes all Military style weapons, ie semi auto (post full auto) assault rifles need to be FFL license only and not purchaseable by the general population. Laws were changed to stop the proliferation of Tommy Guns. The same should be done for their more powerful cousins. (Semi auto is only a few parts away from full auto, the argument that a semi auto assualt rifle is so much different from a full auto one is semantics to those kids lying dead in the hallway).
A gun doesn't care if it operates by the gas expelled from the previous round or if a finger pulls the trigger. The out come when pointing the weapon at another human being is death. Odd, Republicans are so against abortion why is it they find no objection to taking a life with a bullet.
Gun reform! How about starting with any individual that attempts to purchase more than one gun in a 6 month period? If there was a restriction in place people might buy guns that have a purpose, hunting, self-defense, or sports shooting like trap and skeet where clay pigeons are shot not people. Target shooting is a great sport, I taught all of my kids the ins and outs of safe gun handling. I have two rules that I live by when dealing with firearms. #1-there is no such thing as an unloaded gun. You treat every weapon as if it was loaded and ready to fire. #2-When presented with a firearm you personally inspect the weapon to make sure the chamber is empty and all magazines are set aside. This rule would have saved the set of "Rust" a terrible ending. Never give an unloaded gun the chance to take a life. When someone tries to purchase multiple weapons in a short period of time red flags should go up and questions should be asked. Tom Cruise would say we live in a "Danger Zone" and how we deal with the realities of that situation will determine whether or not we as a society make it through this time. We need gun control and background checks.
i thought "collateral damage" was ritual sacrifice? y'know, to keep the gods of war happy. or the gods of profit, or whatever. sacrifice is an age old expression of fear of the unknown. so they must be sacrificing children because they fear an unknown reality where equality, justice, diversity, equal rights under the law, etc. prevail, 'cause , y'know people of color and antifa.
Paul--When you see a child playing with matches, what do you do? You take away the problem. Make it illegal to take an assault rifle to a gun range. Make it illegal to have an assault rifle in public. You can own one but you can't use the thing, anywhere.
It seems in our Capitalistic society collateral damage is to be expected. If we don't put certain measures in place to control big business we are all subject to the pit falls found in our culture. Gun production is just a part of the problem but at present it holds the moist relevance because our people are dying on a daily basis from the bullets fired from the weapons these companies produce. Republicans, for a number of reasons, will fight controls placed upon these companies because they'll site Second Amendments rights. When will they consider the innocent lives lost and the rights they never had a chance to enjoy. Ban all military style weapons, yesterday.
Nor will they bother to actually read the 2nd Amendment. In this day and age, we have a standing army, and a national guard! The purpose of the 2nd was that, at that time, there was no army or national guard. But, like Christianity in this country, it too, has been corrupted.
Daniel-- Now, it is our intent to educate our people to your level of understanding. How do we do that?
Anyone that has an inclining as to who Sky King was must have a good grip on the past. In the first episodes a Cessna T-50 rules the skies and later a Cessna 310B took over. The "Sky" guy sure got around.
If you are referring to the article I attached, in order to actually have been in a militia, had to muster, be sworn. Before that we had at common law the theory of posse comitatus, the high sheriff could deputize a citizen to enforce the law.
Hamilton laid it out in the Federalist papers. " It requires no skill in the science of war to discern that uniformity in the organization and discipline of the militia would be attended with the most beneficial effects, whenever they were called into service for the public defense. It would enable them to discharge the duties of the camp and of the field with mutual intelligence and concert an advantage of peculiar moment in the operations of an army; and it would fit them much sooner to acquire the degree of proficiency in military functions which would be essential to their usefulness. This desirable uniformity can only be accomplished by confiding the regulation of the militia to the direction of the national authority."
"In times of insurrection, or invasion, it would be natural and proper that the militia of a neighboring State should be marched into another, to resist a common enemy, or to guard the republic against the violence of faction or sedition. This was frequently the case, in respect to the first object, in the course of the late war; and this mutual succor is, indeed, a principal end of our political association. If the power of affording it be placed under the direction of the Union, there will be no danger of a supine and listless inattention to the dangers of a neighbor, till its near approach had superadded the incitements of self preservation to the too feeble impulses of duty and sympathy."
The "militia" referred to by Thomas Jefferson were slave patrols.
What about "well regulated?" Doesn't mean individuals have a right to own any weapon. Some people say that in 1791 meant "well trained."
Despite what you say, it was discussed by Hamilton in No 29 Federalist Papers. Was not included in the Constitution per se, added by Jefferson, who had been the governor of Virginia. Hamilton envisioned a national reserve.,of%20colonial%20and%20State%20laws.
To me the whole 2nd ammendment argument is BS. That was meant for single shot muzzle loaded rifles. Now we have semi/full auto assault rifles machine guns rocket launchers and atomic bombs. There is no argument about most of those higher damage items. I dont see why semi/full auto assualt rifles arent banned in the same way as rocket and grenade launchers. Thats not a 2nd amendment argument. Being able to kill a ton of people is not a right.
Donald Hodgins
Writes Donald’s Substack
just now
A gun doesn't care if it operates by the gas expelled from the previous round or if a finger pulls the trigger. The out come when pointing the weapon at another human being is death. Odd, Republicans are so against abortion why is it they find no objection to taking a life with a bullet.
I know I'll probably get flak for my stance on gun control. To those who might object. If your doctor says to you, "I have some bad news about your tests." The patient is then told he has cancer of the femur and the leg has to come off. The guy objects but the doctor reaffirms his earlier statement, you lose your leg or you lose your life. What does the guy do? Sometimes the pill that does us the most good is the hardest to swallow. Ban assault rifles.
Yes all Military style weapons, ie semi auto (post full auto) assault rifles need to be FFL license only and not purchaseable by the general population. Laws were changed to stop the proliferation of Tommy Guns. The same should be done for their more powerful cousins. (Semi auto is only a few parts away from full auto, the argument that a semi auto assualt rifle is so much different from a full auto one is semantics to those kids lying dead in the hallway).
A gun doesn't care if it operates by the gas expelled from the previous round or if a finger pulls the trigger. The out come when pointing the weapon at another human being is death. Odd, Republicans are so against abortion why is it they find no objection to taking a life with a bullet.
Donald Hodgins <>
3:58 PM (2 minutes ago)
Gun reform! How about starting with any individual that attempts to purchase more than one gun in a 6 month period? If there was a restriction in place people might buy guns that have a purpose, hunting, self-defense, or sports shooting like trap and skeet where clay pigeons are shot not people. Target shooting is a great sport, I taught all of my kids the ins and outs of safe gun handling. I have two rules that I live by when dealing with firearms. #1-there is no such thing as an unloaded gun. You treat every weapon as if it was loaded and ready to fire. #2-When presented with a firearm you personally inspect the weapon to make sure the chamber is empty and all magazines are set aside. This rule would have saved the set of "Rust" a terrible ending. Never give an unloaded gun the chance to take a life. When someone tries to purchase multiple weapons in a short period of time red flags should go up and questions should be asked. Tom Cruise would say we live in a "Danger Zone" and how we deal with the realities of that situation will determine whether or not we as a society make it through this time. We need gun control and background checks.
i thought "collateral damage" was ritual sacrifice? y'know, to keep the gods of war happy. or the gods of profit, or whatever. sacrifice is an age old expression of fear of the unknown. so they must be sacrificing children because they fear an unknown reality where equality, justice, diversity, equal rights under the law, etc. prevail, 'cause , y'know people of color and antifa.
Paul--When you see a child playing with matches, what do you do? You take away the problem. Make it illegal to take an assault rifle to a gun range. Make it illegal to have an assault rifle in public. You can own one but you can't use the thing, anywhere.
or make the sale of ammunition illegal or tax it at least to the inverse degree that corporations don't pay their fair share.
Donald: Including the ones in the hands of the police.