To me the whole 2nd ammendment argument is BS. That was meant for single shot muzzle loaded rifles. Now we have semi/full auto assault rifles machine guns rocket launchers and atomic bombs. There is no argument about most of those higher damage items. I dont see why semi/full auto assualt rifles arent banned in the same way as rocket and…
To me the whole 2nd ammendment argument is BS. That was meant for single shot muzzle loaded rifles. Now we have semi/full auto assault rifles machine guns rocket launchers and atomic bombs. There is no argument about most of those higher damage items. I dont see why semi/full auto assualt rifles arent banned in the same way as rocket and grenade launchers. Thats not a 2nd amendment argument. Being able to kill a ton of people is not a right.
To me the whole 2nd ammendment argument is BS. That was meant for single shot muzzle loaded rifles. Now we have semi/full auto assault rifles machine guns rocket launchers and atomic bombs. There is no argument about most of those higher damage items. I dont see why semi/full auto assualt rifles arent banned in the same way as rocket and grenade launchers. Thats not a 2nd amendment argument. Being able to kill a ton of people is not a right.