Paul--When you see a child playing with matches, what do you do? You take away the problem. Make it illegal to take an assault rifle to a gun range. Make it illegal to have an assault rifle in public. You can own one but you can't use the thing, anywhere.
Paul--When you see a child playing with matches, what do you do? You take away the problem. Make it illegal to take an assault rifle to a gun range. Make it illegal to have an assault rifle in public. You can own one but you can't use the thing, anywhere.
Paul--When you see a child playing with matches, what do you do? You take away the problem. Make it illegal to take an assault rifle to a gun range. Make it illegal to have an assault rifle in public. You can own one but you can't use the thing, anywhere.
or make the sale of ammunition illegal or tax it at least to the inverse degree that corporations don't pay their fair share.