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I think Americans should begin to use the strategy often used by the French: national strikes. We know that the majority of Americans support certain things (bans on assault weapons, background checks, etc.; reproductive rights; voting rights; health care reform, etc.) but their wishes are ignored and overriden by, primarily, Republicans who do NOT represent us, often not literally and almost always not figuratively.

If American citizens organized national strikes - i.e. work stoppages - to DEMAND genuine representation, things might change since clearly nothing is going to change under the status quo. When assault weapons are used to murder children in schools and nothing is done by our "representatives" - not about guns and not about the mentally ill - and this goes on for YEARS, we must use different strategies. When an elected member to the United States Congress from Georgia actually chases and harasses a young man who, as a high school student in Florida, survived a horrific school shooting and she was so proud of her bullying him that she arranged for it to be on film so she could parade her ugly cruelty in the name of gun-worship to her fans and HE is "the enemy" in her eyes, we have to use different strategies. When the majority of Americans support very basic, common sense changes to gun laws, to reproductive rights laws, to voting rights laws and our wishes and support are ignored, we must use different strategies. When the primary instigator and chief seditionist and his mob are still free and roaming the country and the media with their un-American/anti-American traitorous lies and fraud, we must demand that the rule of law actually be honored by our law enforcement and judicial systems!

When elections don't seem to yield honest representation, and we repeatedly see too many of those who are getting and being elected using their elected position as a path to self-enrichment with corruption and fraud as an m.o., then we must use other strategies to force them to REPRESENT us!

National strikes, bringing everything to a screeching halt, might get their attention and our demands might result in change. When these bullying cowards find life made difficult and inconvenient for themselves, maybe they will stop with the "thoughts and prayers" and actually MAKE THINGS BETTER, SAFER, SANER for all of us and most especially for little kids simply going to school!

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Annie Cross, I love the idea of a national protest. You're absolutely correct about the effects of a national strike to save our rights: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".

But how do we go about it? We know there are enough like minds in this group of "Reich substack lovers" myself included, that are truly appalled by what has transpired since the assault weapons ban had expired.

Who among us can get it going? ? ?

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Start with Gym Jordan. “Democrats are going to turn this tragic event into a political thing.”

So said GOP Rep. Jim Jordan when he canceled a hearing to de-regulate “pistol straps,” devices that enhance the killing efficiency of pistols. The hearing was scheduled for Monday—the day that the latest mass shooting claimed the lives of seven people in Tennessee. As is almost universally true, the killer used assault weapons to kill their victims. The cowardly Jim Jordan did not want Democrats to use the hearing to highlight that Republicans care more about blood money from lobbyists than they care about the lives of schoolchildren.

From Robert Hubbell.

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It is difficult for me to even "think" of him as I find him one of the most contemptible, repulsive ones among his entire cohort of contemptible, repulsive psychopaths. He has repeatedly shown himself to be nothing but a loud bully and like all bullies is an utter coward, a fearful little, little man without any evidence of morality or conscience. That entire club of insane power-mongers who hold sway over all our lives with their vile, sadistic, craven and profoundly deranged personalities must be brought up short by a populace that is finally reaching the breaking point of tolerance for the monstrous power America has given to very disturbed psychopaths - those who buy guns and kill people as well as those who sit in their elevated seats in Congress and bully those in seats placed lower than the bullies' so the bullies can badger and yell and interrupt and do all but pummel witnesses, all for lunatic games and agendas; the bullies tacitly cheer their fellow psychopaths in the streets, schools, churches of America, carrying their big war-guns around, pretending to be real men, "patriotic" women. They are neither. They are profoundly deranged, dangerous, cowardly lunatics - and America has given them power. They have power to endorse the killing of America's children, of America's citizens, and they continue to use that power to continue the killing. Has America really lost all touch with any sense of morality, decency, SANITY?!

Trump stands in Waco, Texas and tells - again - endless outright lies, lies about EVERYTHING - and that crowd cheers and laughs and buys his merchandise and sends him money - and he, and they, continue to destroy OUR country.

If there were a "crowd-fund" for the Ohio State student-athletes who were victims of sexual assaults and abuse and who have asserted that Gym Jordan knew all about it and did nothing - coward and bully that he is - who would be willing to accuse him of complicity or whatever other legal charge might pertain, I would support it in a heartbeat. To get the likes of Gym Jordan, Rand Paul, Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, Paul Goshar, Louis Gohmert, fake folksy/good old boys the Kennedys from Louisiana and the Deep South by way of the Ivy League and Oxford, Josh (fists-up, run-run-run) Hawley, Kevin- "I'd Do Anything for That Woman" (the Jewish laser Q-Anon Queen Green) McCarthy..... and that too long list out of casting for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" except they're real,, not fiction, and they hold power and "we" pay them to exercise their lunatic power over us all and they are destroying OUR country!

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Andy Harris! Don't forget Andy Harris, who worships the neoStalinist Orban and never responds to constituents' mail if you haven't given him $.


Send all the treacherous SOBs to Guantanamo with the rest of the enemy combatants.

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My effort is to keep raising the issue everywhere I can, whether in public forums or general conversations. Maybe if enough "like minds" take up the idea, it can develop wings and take off. It is something that obviously needs widespread collective effort and support. I am absolutely opposed to violent actions and worry that any collective action would generate violence - because, well, America - but if enough non-violent but profoundly angry and disgusted real Americans (those who still believe in democracy, the rule of law, accountability, honest government, for example) join forces and take to the streets all across America, "they" might at long last stop their insane goose-stepping to the abyss that is the end of this beautiful experiment of government and its people. Who else can stop them and why are we not doing it? It boggles the mind what "they" keep getting away with - "they" being those who are elected to represent US, the American citizens!

What kind of entity allows, even encourages, the slaughter of CHILDREN in school?! What kind of human beings ignore the cries for rational, simple, sane restrictions of even some weapons, not even ALL weapons, just some weapons. Those gun-worshippers don't take their war-guns out to shoot deer or squirrels; they are taking them out to shoot CHILDREN and people in church or in a grocery store!!

America is electing psychopaths and allowing them to make psychopathic decisions that govern and control our lives, our VERY lives and the lives of those we love and care about - old, young, all races and religions, ALL of us in the control of amoral psychopaths! How long are we going to tolerate it?!

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I speak subject to correction, but I think the French have a national pension/retirement system, so the government has the ability to fuck with their pensions and retirement laws all at once. Plus the French seem to have more powerful and militant unions and are thus more readily able to take organized collective action.

One Big Union? Now there's an idea....

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

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Thanks, many of us agree. Unfortunately still to many in US would not attend and many would be fearing repercussions if they protested and a camera caught them in the right place doing the right thing and mass or social media published the images, sad really we cannot be like the French on protests when the situation warrants it and protect them by law for doing it

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Unfortunately, I think there is truth in your assessment, but that very fact is itself an example of what has happened to our country. There are countries whose populations face REAL danger when they take to the streets to protest - think back to not so long ago when the streets of Hong Kong were filled night after night/day after day with protesters out trying to preserve their vestiges of a free nation; the dangers to them, their lives, their freedom,, their families was/is real and they did it anyway. Russians protesting Russia's invasion and war crimes in Ukraine - facing real dangers. The former Soviet state of Georgia - protesters facing real dangers. What is going on in Israel now where a Trump-like corrupt oligarchic-dictator trying to take over the country's judiciary (Trump-like and horrifically German Reich-like in an unimaginable irony!) is met with huge crowds protesting day after day. And France in what likely seems to Americans an absurd objection of raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 but where citizens are protesting the way that decision was made - an edict perceived as dictatorial, and furious protesters took to the streets because they refuse to be treated like helpless pawns!

What do we stand for, we Americans? What do we believe and believe in? Better and more TV? More drugs? More pornography? A faster return to the Dark Ages? An intensifying decline to corrupt, decaying, contaminated conditions?

What do we stand for? What do we believe in? Why are we not electing people who represent what we stand for and believe in rather than electing those who use the power we LOAN to them in a democratic contract of trust that they will do the right things, only to see them do things that are harmful and destructive.

We are giving our power, our wealth and treasure, our environment, our children and elders, our schools, our hopes and plans over to the control of psychopaths. Why?

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