Thanks, many of us agree. Unfortunately still to many in US would not attend and many would be fearing repercussions if they protested and a camera caught them in the right place doing the right thing and mass or social media published the images, sad really we cannot be like the French on protests when the situation warrants it and protect them by law for doing it
Thanks, many of us agree. Unfortunately still to many in US would not attend and many would be fearing repercussions if they protested and a camera caught them in the right place doing the right thing and mass or social media published the images, sad really we cannot be like the French on protests when the situation warrants it and protect them by law for doing it
Unfortunately, I think there is truth in your assessment, but that very fact is itself an example of what has happened to our country. There are countries whose populations face REAL danger when they take to the streets to protest - think back to not so long ago when the streets of Hong Kong were filled night after night/day after day with protesters out trying to preserve their vestiges of a free nation; the dangers to them, their lives, their freedom,, their families was/is real and they did it anyway. Russians protesting Russia's invasion and war crimes in Ukraine - facing real dangers. The former Soviet state of Georgia - protesters facing real dangers. What is going on in Israel now where a Trump-like corrupt oligarchic-dictator trying to take over the country's judiciary (Trump-like and horrifically German Reich-like in an unimaginable irony!) is met with huge crowds protesting day after day. And France in what likely seems to Americans an absurd objection of raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 but where citizens are protesting the way that decision was made - an edict perceived as dictatorial, and furious protesters took to the streets because they refuse to be treated like helpless pawns!
What do we stand for, we Americans? What do we believe and believe in? Better and more TV? More drugs? More pornography? A faster return to the Dark Ages? An intensifying decline to corrupt, decaying, contaminated conditions?
What do we stand for? What do we believe in? Why are we not electing people who represent what we stand for and believe in rather than electing those who use the power we LOAN to them in a democratic contract of trust that they will do the right things, only to see them do things that are harmful and destructive.
We are giving our power, our wealth and treasure, our environment, our children and elders, our schools, our hopes and plans over to the control of psychopaths. Why?
Thanks, many of us agree. Unfortunately still to many in US would not attend and many would be fearing repercussions if they protested and a camera caught them in the right place doing the right thing and mass or social media published the images, sad really we cannot be like the French on protests when the situation warrants it and protect them by law for doing it
Unfortunately, I think there is truth in your assessment, but that very fact is itself an example of what has happened to our country. There are countries whose populations face REAL danger when they take to the streets to protest - think back to not so long ago when the streets of Hong Kong were filled night after night/day after day with protesters out trying to preserve their vestiges of a free nation; the dangers to them, their lives, their freedom,, their families was/is real and they did it anyway. Russians protesting Russia's invasion and war crimes in Ukraine - facing real dangers. The former Soviet state of Georgia - protesters facing real dangers. What is going on in Israel now where a Trump-like corrupt oligarchic-dictator trying to take over the country's judiciary (Trump-like and horrifically German Reich-like in an unimaginable irony!) is met with huge crowds protesting day after day. And France in what likely seems to Americans an absurd objection of raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 but where citizens are protesting the way that decision was made - an edict perceived as dictatorial, and furious protesters took to the streets because they refuse to be treated like helpless pawns!
What do we stand for, we Americans? What do we believe and believe in? Better and more TV? More drugs? More pornography? A faster return to the Dark Ages? An intensifying decline to corrupt, decaying, contaminated conditions?
What do we stand for? What do we believe in? Why are we not electing people who represent what we stand for and believe in rather than electing those who use the power we LOAN to them in a democratic contract of trust that they will do the right things, only to see them do things that are harmful and destructive.
We are giving our power, our wealth and treasure, our environment, our children and elders, our schools, our hopes and plans over to the control of psychopaths. Why?