I speak subject to correction, but I think the French have a national pension/retirement system, so the government has the ability to fuck with their pensions and retirement laws all at once. Plus the French seem to have more powerful and militant unions and are thus more readily able to take organized collective action. One Big Union? Now there's an idea.... Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
I speak subject to correction, but I think the French have a national pension/retirement system, so the government has the ability to fuck with their pensions and retirement laws all at once. Plus the French seem to have more powerful and militant unions and are thus more readily able to take organized collective action.
I speak subject to correction, but I think the French have a national pension/retirement system, so the government has the ability to fuck with their pensions and retirement laws all at once. Plus the French seem to have more powerful and militant unions and are thus more readily able to take organized collective action.
One Big Union? Now there's an idea....
Liberté, égalité, fraternité!