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Why are the insurrectionists not being kept from taking office--like Taylor-Greene? There was a law suit in Georgia against her running, but I never heard the outcome. Clearly she ran.

Amendment 14, Section 3 says insurrectionist--or those who violate their oaths to the Constitution--should not ever occupy state or federal offices.

If this is not enforced, mayhem will ensue. We might see Trump as Speaker of the House, as some as some Republicans have suggested.

Or, perhaps Taylor Greene?

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As long as the Dems continue to pussyfoot around the whacked out, abhorrently churlish behavior of the lunatic element I refer to as the alt-right, what can we expect? Oh, that’s right…another run by the Donald! Just imagine what that will look like. As they continue to ride roughshod over our landscape, building their special neo nazi brand of subterfuge and mass confusion, the masses will continue to be motivated by dark, cartoonish head games until their goal for autocratic rule is complete. So now Garland has to get tough with trump and anyone else found at the capital on Jan 6 (instead of voting them into office!). Another building block towards ending neofascism might be to quell a few of the sycophantic morons on fox, ending their hate speech (not freedom of speech, Murdoch…) coming from their airwaves. God knows if they win the house and senate they will impose much worse on the country. Fear, lies and autocratic rule will keep the serfs in their place. Why should we wait for that?

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I couldn’t have said this any better.

It’s way past time that we take our gloves off, and stop being meek and scared to fight back.

As one political leader said,

“When dealing with gangsters, we must do gangster things”

It’s time for us: “the peasants “ to storm the Bastille...


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Kate, I think it’s a question of showing up, frankly. Look at Fetterman. He went to red counties as well as blue and increased HIS margin of votes beyond Biden’s. We need to be “fired up, ready to be strategic”. I also saw this to a lesser degree with Tim Ryan. He engaged. He needed more money. The Rs gerrymandering has afforded them a machine throughout our state. We will keep fighting and engaging here, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

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I think it's more than that. If you listen to Fetterman, he had a "gloves off" approach yet wasn't rude--he just leveled with people. Other D candidates and office holders (especially) must do the same.

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David, remember that Fetterman nearly lost. He did speak directly to all kinds of people, had experience, and really cares about the people of PA, but the ads accusing him of releasing hardened criminals to terrorize the people, and innuendos of his inability due to his stroke convinced a whole lot of people to vote for Dr. Oz, a man with a dubious background, who was not even from PA and couldn't even mention Pennsylvania in any of his primary ads, and talked to very few people who were not pretty well off because he couldn't really connect with them. I don't know the answer, but I suspect We the People could work on solutions together to find ways to reach people who need the kinds of help the people they vote for won't provide for them.

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You're right Ruth, as usual:). Politics is so wound up in tribalism, fear, and ignorance much of the time, I feel like banging my head against the wall, and this is coming from an educator:(.

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Hey, David, fellow educator, I have considered banging my head against something but stop because I realize I am already suffering from the actions of those folks who swear oaths and hastily work to ignore them on their own behalf and not on behalf of the people they swore to serve. They are great at making excuses an blaming, but doing the right thing is just beyond so many of them.

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I do very much agree with you.

It is also crucial the prejudicial Electoral Vote be dismantled -formed ,after the Emancipation Proclamation from their

fear, anger and corruption.

We also - must of course- refuse to be bullied by the violent terrorists manning the polls for the sole purpose of promoting the “ Big Lie “, (defending their previous Dictator) which some of them truly believe, along with the ones that really don’t believe it or really don’t give a damn ( and many of them haven’t ever voted in any election) but just want to join in the “Reindeer Games” , and proof their right to flaunt their beloved guns, AND

prove they have more testosterone than the Liberal Democrats, and each other .

They’re rough, tough , and wear their diapers low…

This is yet another example that Genius, evil and corruption can often go hand in hand.

I will, though,,refuse to wear a blue star on my clothing for the purpose of my being identified as their idea a of “socialist” and needing be eliminated according to

their definition of a dangerous enemy.

Please forgive me for my long rant , but it does make all of this horror more real to me.👊

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Kate, I liked your long rant. Most people have no idea of what socialism or any other ism is and generally don't care much. They are told to expect that government classes will be boring, so treat them that way and learn as little as possible. They don't realize that any government who cares about the quality of life of all its citizens has an element of socialism. Republicans/conservatives depend on their followers' short attention spans, so throw out words like "socialism" with no explanation as though they are cursing. The people get swept up and never check out or even think about how the term is being used, and how they are being duped for the benefit of the Republican candidate. Education could be the cure but even that is being undermined by Republicans these days. They want to knock out the pillars that are holding up our democracy before they push it down. We the People need to stop their efforts.

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So did Beto, though, and he lost.

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Yes, I thought he ran a great campaign, but Texas appears hopeless.

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I think Texas is closer than the race indicated. But Abbott is perceived by many here as a "sensible guy" who changed tactics to please the MAGA crowd. On the other hand, D's are so used to getting beaten and Beto previously lost against Cruz, so I think many stayed home. Expectations were too low. Beto would be SUCH a great leader!!! I'm crying:(.

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Justice is in the service of money, paid to politicians, that's why. Constitution itself is violated when a sitting president "cannot be indicted" - why? Then courts all of a sudden have to cede their authority to a Senate, i.e. a political body, i.e. to money again. Not charging because a case is hard to win shiuld be treted as a dereliction of duty and charged as such, including Garland and Biden. That's why democracy loses. Because no one as a duty to fght for it, that itself must be enforced. Will the Jan 6 commitee pass their resuts to JD now? Fascism in the government dkes not need decisive victories. This slow creep to lawlessness in states is enough. Let's not pretend we are winning. Let's not pretend that a fight against lies is winnable by love. These neo-fascist literally create hatred and rage, not just channel it, by lying to those who are selfish, stupid and willing to hate.

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I don’t believe for a hot second that we are winning the fight against fascism. No one is speaking about love here. They wage war with democracy each and every time they spew their hatred, fear and lies…and a slow cook it is, been simmering in earnest since the Obama years, bubbling over into the crevices of America. If we continue to stupidly stand by with the occasional criticism that will only fuel their efforts towards the end of this wonderful experiment.

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Mary, I wish this simmering were only happening since the Obama years. Alas, it has been going on at least since Nixon and his cheating and lying to get either what he wanted or to escape prosecution, and he did. Ford refused to allow the indictment of Nixon to proceed and pardoned him. Reagan is seen by many as almost a saint, but broke the law when it suited him and his crew and pretended he "new nothing." Daddy Bush was pretty racist and started the "Willy Horton" brand of racist advertising in which Black criminals were said to be coming after "white" victims. Bush Jr., well, let's just say, his ignorance led to a lot of wrongs that set up a recession, massive property foreclosures, and the "Tea Party" (a bunch of ignorant white people whose hatred of taxes but love for what taxes pay for caused them to act out. Then when Obama was elected, it became OK for racism to shine. Trump just added a whole collection of people for the now prepped haters to hate. How Democrats won anything this election is a marvel and gives me hope.

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Yes I’m aware….but the cauldron really began to overtly bubble over with the intro of the birther bs by the Don(ald).

Btw, the tea partiers, those wacky precursors to the Christian nationalists, would never have gotten as far if the Dems had done their job.

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Since the Obama years? Anyone here old enough to remember George Lincoln Rockwell? Or the All-American Sen. Joseph McCarty and his buddy Dick Nixon? They have always been with us.

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Yeah yeah, Pepperidge farm remembers. But let us face facts, during the Obama campaign and administration there was overt, in your face disrespect and ridicule towards Mr, Obama and his family. We didn’t have the Internet in Joe McCarthy’s time, in Rockwell’s time or any other time in our country’s sullied past. Every citizen with malice and hate in their hearts easily got into the act once they found they could, fueled and embraced by racist barkers like Donald Trump and his birther rubbish, Joe Wilson’s admonishment during President Obama’s state of the union address…countless other slags too numerous to mention. These ingrates opened the door in earnest to what we see now.

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*McCarthy* d'oh!

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Fox itself should be shut down as a subversive organization. Murdoch has done so much damage to our country.

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Murdoch was welcomed to America and fast tracked for citizenship by Reagan.

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Mary, it does make me wonder why so many people want to be serfs. That role was never a popular one, but a whole lot of people were forced into working to survive for the benefit of the rich and powerful. How is that a positive for anyone but the very rich, yet that is the promise of Republicans who are using middle-class and working-class white people to make them serfs?

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When the wealthy use their minions to confound, confuse, manipulate and make it seem as though they really care and want to help, offering them a better way of life, that’s how it happens. The rich have something the weary, beaten down working class want and are promised over and over. It’s the old carrot on a stick routine.

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I like how you put that, Ruth, & I've noticed it, too. I am pretty sure the majority of them have no idea that those they support will lead them to serfdom. And we're a lot closer to that reality than most people realize.

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The truth hurts, but it will set so many people free ; if only they can know it!

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Ruth Sheets : goes to show that ignorance may not be bliss: once the reality of 'serfdom' hits. Ignorance hurts. A lot.

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My cats say that when they "pussyfoot," they are HUNTING, not running away. Are the Dems hunting, or have they just stepped in their own shicken chit?

Why won't the Dem "leadership" (I use the term loosely) show some backbone and call out the Repooplickins for their open fascism? There is no such thing as "semi-fascism."


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Mary, look on the bright side. DeSantis will be the Republican nominee for 2024. Trump will never go away, and could yet play the part of useful idiot, by Naderizing DeSantis.

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Michael Hutchinson : I looked up Naderizing just for kicks and got anodizing, tenderizing and a few more, but no Naderizing. Fascinating that someone actually had a term for what happened to Ralph Nader when he attempted to get on stage at a Boston rally to campaign and was 'disinvited' off the stage. He met the requirements for number of signatures to qualify as a candidate.. I always wondered what that was all about. He did not have 'star power' or the gift of gab; but his "Unsafe at any speed" was cool.

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Yeah, always look on the bright side of life, dee doo, dee doo dee doo dee doo….

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Useful idiot? Why not? He’s halfway there now.

If not Naderize, than maybe Newter him🙀

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Halfway you say?

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100% idiot, 0% useful.

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The outcome of that lawsuit was the judge's ruling that she would remain on the ballot. I watched that hearing on C-SPAN (national treasure for political coverage and book discussions and under duress because of its being supported by cable TV companies but now the decline in cable TV use) in which Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly said, "I don't remember..." as a default response to almost any question. It was shameful, yet typical. I don't recall the exact context now, but I do remember at the time wondering why the plaintiffs didn't bring up the time when she staged an episode of cruel bullying for cameras on the sidewalk in front of the Capitol: she literally chased the young fellow who had survived the Parkland school shooting, yelling at him, bullying and mocking him. The judge in the hearing listened, did not seem at all serious and seemed to be grandstanding himself, and after a short period of time - a week maybe - ruled in Greene's favor. It was held in Georgia.

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I watched part of it. You're right. The lawyer sucked.

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Unbelievably disgusting!

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Like button did not work. I remember!

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Annie Cross : I wonder why the judge's ' reasoning' has not been explained for going against decency and the 14th amendment. Or is it a rationalization using some technicality? I'm sick of this! WHY do these judges GET AWAY WITH THIS??!!!

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Exactly! Why are these laws not being enforced? She's not the only one, either. Boebert, Briggs, Gosar, Gaetz, Brooks, even McCarthy should've all been expelled by now.

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Jaime Ramirez ; They have been legitimized!!! There should be a massive class action lawsuit against the judges who allow this travesty against the very rule of law this country is experiencing.

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Not the judges. Nobody prosecuted these cases. Blame the Pelosi controlled House. Could have held hearings. Blame the justice department.

If they could have obtained standing there was an argument that those who sought a pardon from Trump should have been disqualified. Same goes for any who were active in the Green Bay sweep and the fake elector scheme.

Too late now.

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Daniel Solomon : It's never too late! I will not forget (they keep doing this so it's impossible to forget), and I know I'm not the only one not forgetting. And I know I'm not the only one who is angry and sick and tired of it! We, the real people should demand that our leaders, lawmakers and judges stop pretending to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. The Emperors have no clothes! They do not merit the respect they demand and earn what they are handsomely paid. I'm tired of paying. I am tired of seeing my children paying and paying and paying!!!!!!

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Amen to that !

The moral compass of our country has/is changing, but there are millions of us working endlessly to push the pendulum of the universe back to center .

Many of us believe that what we put out to the universe comes back to us, and there are now millions of us putting our messages out for the purpose of achieving the highest good for our Democracy, and Humankind.

For many of you that may sound contrite, and naïve, but I’ve chosen to work hard to achieve that goal, no matter what it takes to get that pendulum back to center.

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And let’s not forget Hawley.

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Paula B ; Ugh ! If only we could!

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You never know, Laurie.

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Don’t forget my congresscritter, Andy Gaspasser Harris in MD-01, head of the Viktor Orban Fan Club.

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There were a whole bunch of them. I just mentioned a small proportion.

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Greg DeCowsky : what ever happened to a requirement that a candidate be loyal to our country and patriotic ; upholding the flag and all it stands for? Is that only for high school marching bands?

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LOL. Better ask the Extreme Court and Cheap Just-Us Roberts.

My HS marching band was hired to play a Nixon rally in 1968. That did not go well for Nixon. We horn players put peace signs on the bells of our horns with masking tape while the entire drum line played a rousing cadence for chants of “Peace now!”

After that they made us stick to football games.

BtW that was the year I almost got suspended for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

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That was the year of the violent Democrat convention in Chicago, I think. Intense times.

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Democratic Convention, not "Democrat". And violence was instigated by mayor Daly and the police.

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I knew that. Daly was a corrupt tyrant.

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Yes Daly had a 'machine'. Terrible!

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There was never any such requirement--how would you enforce it? And traditionally that sort of language has been used by the right wing.

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Nov 10, 2022
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"As of this morning, the Democrat, Adam Frisch, had won by something like 65 votes. That automatically triggered a curing of ballots with mistakes"

This is badly confused. Frisch was at one point ahead by 64 votes, but only 93% of the votes had been counted. And even if the election had been over at that point, it would have triggered an automatic recount but not automatic curing--that takes effort by the candidates and so Frisch was asking for funds to do it. Now, Boebert is ahead by 1122 votes with 99% of the votes count--that's more than the .5% that triggers an automatic recount. She has almost certainly won the election and kept her seat. (Barf.)

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Nov 12, 2022
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"We don’t know for sure if she has won the election. "

As I said on Nov 12, "She has *almost certainly* won the election".

"Anything can happen this week"

No, only a limited number of things can happen.

"This is up-to-date information from Adam Frisch himself that I received last night."

Frisch conceded and asked people not to send money for a curing or a recount, and to instead spend it on their own needs. He's a mensch.

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Nov 25, 2022Edited
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You're a jerk.

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Looks promising; but what a nailbiter!

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Nov 10, 2022Edited
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Bummer! It would be great if a recount found an error in his favor after all. Stranger things have happened.

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Nov 10, 2022
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I believe you!

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I agree, Terry Barber. How the election deniers can run for office mystifies me. Perhaps they have already won when such traitors can be considered legitimate candidates who could actually make an oath to uphold the Constitution and follow the rule of law. Crazy times!

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I’m gonna go out on a limb here, but I believe that many of the politicians running for office are not really election deniers, but rather, they’re using that “big lie” as their platform to keep the voters drinking their proverbial Kool Aid , thus filling the heads of their voters with chopped brown paper.

Yes, I do of course, agree that there are many, many election denying politicians who really do believe, and feel it is their duty, and an honor to continue defending their true leader- Adolph Trump.

We all know how all that worked out for Hitler, so we must -in anyway possible-eliminate these dangerously insane politicians who are either in fear of, or blindly enamored by trump and his wingmen/wingwomen.

Keeping in mind all of the horrific destruction inflicted on the world by Germany in WW11, I am truly concerned-no terrified-about how much destruction, and collateral damage we will be subjected to before the ending of this horrific regime which is killing our Freedom, and the morale in our country.

Everything, and Everyone has an expiration date., so I’m going count on that coming soon.

I believe it’s very true that Pain Is The Best Motivator For Change, and we are working endlessly to eliminate our pain.

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yes, excellent observation. Why haven't these folk already been booted? why isn't Trump in jail?

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Terry, I agree with your call to stop the insurrectionists from holding office. How can we get our Justice department to move on this. It is, after all, in the Constitution. Those in power seem to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they will follow and which they will either ignore or warp to their own purposes. This statement is very clear unlike many of the other statements in the document. Maybe it's because it is an amendment and therefore can be ignored like the 15, 19th, and 27th (the voting rights amendments). There should be NO voter suppression anywhere because the Constitutional amendments forbid it, but we see how well that argument works even for our Supreme Court which is really bad in its warping of our Constitution.

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In her lawsuit, she was unrecognizably muted and "couldn't recall" anything she was asked to verify. The judge approved of her right to run.

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Exactly what I demand of my DOJ. Take a tip out from the Judge in Texas who stood up for the Law of the land and for all the citizens who adhere to these laws.

Trump will not be allowed to seek office. He broke the law in many ways. Get clear about that and demand as citizens of the United States that we do not allow crooks or gangsters to seek office. That would be slapping our own face! We are much better than that!

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Oh Jean, I so hope you are right about Trump not running again because of all his crimes. However, now, we have DeSantis, the man who would be god preparing to run. The pathetic people of Florida voted him back into office by a landslide. He is despicable but rich, white, "straight," probably, male, and pseudo-Christian and that seems to be all one needs to be president in Republican eyes. He lacks integrity, empathy, compassion, respect for others, understanding of anything but his need for power and money, and will use anyone he can to get what he wants, a better-looking, better-spoken, more disgusting version of Trump. We all knew Republicans were looking and they seem to have found the right guy. Oh yes, he also lies through his teeth with no worry that lying is one of the things in the Ten Commandments one is not supposed to do. Oh I guess he is OK ignoring them just as he does our Constitution and human rights.

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DeSantis kidnapped people and sent them across state lines. He also lies like a professional liar. He too should be blocked from running for any office- federal or state.

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Yesterday I contacted Randy Rainbow through his website and urged him to add a new character, the famous drag queen Rhonda Sanctimonious. When you contact him you also have to specify the song you want: I chose "Ballad of the Green Berets"... not sure why.

IMO Randy is a powerful force for good and was instrumental (and vocal) in saving us from tRump 2.0. Tell him you want to see Rhonda on YouTube.

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Thank you Donna. Was going to send the same info. Great job!!🥰

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