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I don’t believe for a hot second that we are winning the fight against fascism. No one is speaking about love here. They wage war with democracy each and every time they spew their hatred, fear and lies…and a slow cook it is, been simmering in earnest since the Obama years, bubbling over into the crevices of America. If we continue to stupidly stand by with the occasional criticism that will only fuel their efforts towards the end of this wonderful experiment.

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Mary, I wish this simmering were only happening since the Obama years. Alas, it has been going on at least since Nixon and his cheating and lying to get either what he wanted or to escape prosecution, and he did. Ford refused to allow the indictment of Nixon to proceed and pardoned him. Reagan is seen by many as almost a saint, but broke the law when it suited him and his crew and pretended he "new nothing." Daddy Bush was pretty racist and started the "Willy Horton" brand of racist advertising in which Black criminals were said to be coming after "white" victims. Bush Jr., well, let's just say, his ignorance led to a lot of wrongs that set up a recession, massive property foreclosures, and the "Tea Party" (a bunch of ignorant white people whose hatred of taxes but love for what taxes pay for caused them to act out. Then when Obama was elected, it became OK for racism to shine. Trump just added a whole collection of people for the now prepped haters to hate. How Democrats won anything this election is a marvel and gives me hope.

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Yes I’m aware….but the cauldron really began to overtly bubble over with the intro of the birther bs by the Don(ald).

Btw, the tea partiers, those wacky precursors to the Christian nationalists, would never have gotten as far if the Dems had done their job.

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Since the Obama years? Anyone here old enough to remember George Lincoln Rockwell? Or the All-American Sen. Joseph McCarty and his buddy Dick Nixon? They have always been with us.

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Yeah yeah, Pepperidge farm remembers. But let us face facts, during the Obama campaign and administration there was overt, in your face disrespect and ridicule towards Mr, Obama and his family. We didn’t have the Internet in Joe McCarthy’s time, in Rockwell’s time or any other time in our country’s sullied past. Every citizen with malice and hate in their hearts easily got into the act once they found they could, fueled and embraced by racist barkers like Donald Trump and his birther rubbish, Joe Wilson’s admonishment during President Obama’s state of the union address…countless other slags too numerous to mention. These ingrates opened the door in earnest to what we see now.

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*McCarthy* d'oh!

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