Kate, I think it’s a question of showing up, frankly. Look at Fetterman. He went to red counties as well as blue and increased HIS margin of votes beyond Biden’s. We need to be “fired up, ready to be strategic”. I also saw this to a lesser degree with Tim Ryan. He engaged. He needed more money. The Rs gerrymandering has afforded them a m…
Kate, I think it’s a question of showing up, frankly. Look at Fetterman. He went to red counties as well as blue and increased HIS margin of votes beyond Biden’s. We need to be “fired up, ready to be strategic”. I also saw this to a lesser degree with Tim Ryan. He engaged. He needed more money. The Rs gerrymandering has afforded them a machine throughout our state. We will keep fighting and engaging here, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
I think it's more than that. If you listen to Fetterman, he had a "gloves off" approach yet wasn't rude--he just leveled with people. Other D candidates and office holders (especially) must do the same.
David, remember that Fetterman nearly lost. He did speak directly to all kinds of people, had experience, and really cares about the people of PA, but the ads accusing him of releasing hardened criminals to terrorize the people, and innuendos of his inability due to his stroke convinced a whole lot of people to vote for Dr. Oz, a man with a dubious background, who was not even from PA and couldn't even mention Pennsylvania in any of his primary ads, and talked to very few people who were not pretty well off because he couldn't really connect with them. I don't know the answer, but I suspect We the People could work on solutions together to find ways to reach people who need the kinds of help the people they vote for won't provide for them.
You're right Ruth, as usual:). Politics is so wound up in tribalism, fear, and ignorance much of the time, I feel like banging my head against the wall, and this is coming from an educator:(.
Hey, David, fellow educator, I have considered banging my head against something but stop because I realize I am already suffering from the actions of those folks who swear oaths and hastily work to ignore them on their own behalf and not on behalf of the people they swore to serve. They are great at making excuses an blaming, but doing the right thing is just beyond so many of them.
It is also crucial the prejudicial Electoral Vote be dismantled -formed ,after the Emancipation Proclamation from their
fear, anger and corruption.
We also - must of course- refuse to be bullied by the violent terrorists manning the polls for the sole purpose of promoting the “ Big Lie “, (defending their previous Dictator) which some of them truly believe, along with the ones that really don’t believe it or really don’t give a damn ( and many of them haven’t ever voted in any election) but just want to join in the “Reindeer Games” , and proof their right to flaunt their beloved guns, AND
prove they have more testosterone than the Liberal Democrats, and each other .
They’re rough, tough , and wear their diapers low…
This is yet another example that Genius, evil and corruption can often go hand in hand.
I will, though,,refuse to wear a blue star on my clothing for the purpose of my being identified as their idea a of “socialist” and needing be eliminated according to
their definition of a dangerous enemy.
Please forgive me for my long rant , but it does make all of this horror more real to me.👊
Kate, I liked your long rant. Most people have no idea of what socialism or any other ism is and generally don't care much. They are told to expect that government classes will be boring, so treat them that way and learn as little as possible. They don't realize that any government who cares about the quality of life of all its citizens has an element of socialism. Republicans/conservatives depend on their followers' short attention spans, so throw out words like "socialism" with no explanation as though they are cursing. The people get swept up and never check out or even think about how the term is being used, and how they are being duped for the benefit of the Republican candidate. Education could be the cure but even that is being undermined by Republicans these days. They want to knock out the pillars that are holding up our democracy before they push it down. We the People need to stop their efforts.
I think Texas is closer than the race indicated. But Abbott is perceived by many here as a "sensible guy" who changed tactics to please the MAGA crowd. On the other hand, D's are so used to getting beaten and Beto previously lost against Cruz, so I think many stayed home. Expectations were too low. Beto would be SUCH a great leader!!! I'm crying:(.
Kate, I think it’s a question of showing up, frankly. Look at Fetterman. He went to red counties as well as blue and increased HIS margin of votes beyond Biden’s. We need to be “fired up, ready to be strategic”. I also saw this to a lesser degree with Tim Ryan. He engaged. He needed more money. The Rs gerrymandering has afforded them a machine throughout our state. We will keep fighting and engaging here, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
I think it's more than that. If you listen to Fetterman, he had a "gloves off" approach yet wasn't rude--he just leveled with people. Other D candidates and office holders (especially) must do the same.
David, remember that Fetterman nearly lost. He did speak directly to all kinds of people, had experience, and really cares about the people of PA, but the ads accusing him of releasing hardened criminals to terrorize the people, and innuendos of his inability due to his stroke convinced a whole lot of people to vote for Dr. Oz, a man with a dubious background, who was not even from PA and couldn't even mention Pennsylvania in any of his primary ads, and talked to very few people who were not pretty well off because he couldn't really connect with them. I don't know the answer, but I suspect We the People could work on solutions together to find ways to reach people who need the kinds of help the people they vote for won't provide for them.
You're right Ruth, as usual:). Politics is so wound up in tribalism, fear, and ignorance much of the time, I feel like banging my head against the wall, and this is coming from an educator:(.
Hey, David, fellow educator, I have considered banging my head against something but stop because I realize I am already suffering from the actions of those folks who swear oaths and hastily work to ignore them on their own behalf and not on behalf of the people they swore to serve. They are great at making excuses an blaming, but doing the right thing is just beyond so many of them.
I do very much agree with you.
It is also crucial the prejudicial Electoral Vote be dismantled -formed ,after the Emancipation Proclamation from their
fear, anger and corruption.
We also - must of course- refuse to be bullied by the violent terrorists manning the polls for the sole purpose of promoting the “ Big Lie “, (defending their previous Dictator) which some of them truly believe, along with the ones that really don’t believe it or really don’t give a damn ( and many of them haven’t ever voted in any election) but just want to join in the “Reindeer Games” , and proof their right to flaunt their beloved guns, AND
prove they have more testosterone than the Liberal Democrats, and each other .
They’re rough, tough , and wear their diapers low…
This is yet another example that Genius, evil and corruption can often go hand in hand.
I will, though,,refuse to wear a blue star on my clothing for the purpose of my being identified as their idea a of “socialist” and needing be eliminated according to
their definition of a dangerous enemy.
Please forgive me for my long rant , but it does make all of this horror more real to me.👊
Kate, I liked your long rant. Most people have no idea of what socialism or any other ism is and generally don't care much. They are told to expect that government classes will be boring, so treat them that way and learn as little as possible. They don't realize that any government who cares about the quality of life of all its citizens has an element of socialism. Republicans/conservatives depend on their followers' short attention spans, so throw out words like "socialism" with no explanation as though they are cursing. The people get swept up and never check out or even think about how the term is being used, and how they are being duped for the benefit of the Republican candidate. Education could be the cure but even that is being undermined by Republicans these days. They want to knock out the pillars that are holding up our democracy before they push it down. We the People need to stop their efforts.
So did Beto, though, and he lost.
Yes, I thought he ran a great campaign, but Texas appears hopeless.
I think Texas is closer than the race indicated. But Abbott is perceived by many here as a "sensible guy" who changed tactics to please the MAGA crowd. On the other hand, D's are so used to getting beaten and Beto previously lost against Cruz, so I think many stayed home. Expectations were too low. Beto would be SUCH a great leader!!! I'm crying:(.