I am applying for Canadian citizenship, i have took the citizenship test and i passed it easily. I really like Canada, but the logistics of moving there kind of scare me. Oh well, i will deal with it especially if TUMP or DeSatan wins next year and either one of them is elected dictator of the USA. The hate in the United States and even …
I am applying for Canadian citizenship, i have took the citizenship test and i passed it easily. I really like Canada, but the logistics of moving there kind of scare me. Oh well, i will deal with it especially if TUMP or DeSatan wins next year and either one of them is elected dictator of the USA. The hate in the United States and even in the neighborhood i live in has became unbearable to say the least.
Is there a good one? In the field of potential candidates it is really tough to find anyone with the qualifications worthy of even running for the office of the President. The Republicans who have thrown their hats in the ring are oblivious to the problems our people are facing, all they can address are political issues that have gone unsolved for decades. Biden and McCarthy are going to get pummeled from both sides over their solution to the debt problem. There is absolutely no consensus from either side on anything. This is turning into a new rendition of the "Tower of Babel" except this time they all speak the same language. There are just too many petty groups that can't come to any agreement on the correct path to follow, leaving our government wallowing in its own political mud. What is really disturbing is seen in the Republican's concerted effort to make the Biden administration fail in every effort they put forth that would be good for the country. The economy, abortion, crime, education, and inflation should be at the forefront of both party's agendas but these issues are being given back stage significance because of the Republican's endeavor to harm over what should be their desire to find answers to our problems.
I find a sense of inherent danger in the upcoming election cycle. No matter what we do the MAGA crowd isn't going away, for these people are devout Trump supporters. What concerns me relates to the degree of savagery this group exhibited toward Donald Trump and their desire to protect this man's image at all costs. All the violent acts that have shown signs of being politically motivated originated from within this group. If you doubt this, ask Nancy's husband. There is a real potential for violence directed toward anyone that poses a threat to Trump. I don't want physical harm to befall anyone, even if they are Republicans. Looking at the MAGA's devout allegiance they give to this man, in my mind there is no limit to the extent they would go to protect him, including acts of violence. They are a very unstable group of armed individuals. Who would anger them more an advisory that they have been battling for years or a traitor, new to the fight? As Democrats, the far-right extremists have been a cause for concern for some time and we have learned to deal with them as the situations have called for it. Bring in a whole new line of individuals that attack Trump from all sides showing absolutely no verbal mercy, what new levels of anger will develop within this group of supporters that will view assaults on their leader as something to violently oppose? A traitor is far worse than an advisory, what extreme levels of retribution will they seek? I don't wish for anyone to be harmed in a confrontation that should only use words to wound, not weapons, thank you Cher. I really feel there exists an actual level of danger to those running against Trump, perpetrated from within the Republican party itself. These people are unstable nightmares who view our world as not being theirs.
They want the government to fail so that they can install a Leader--someone like Putin or Orban. For them every election is stolen if it does not yield the desired result.
Sandra--You are wise as well as worldly, that is exactly the way Hitler handled his opposition, it sort of does away with the need to hold elections while they walked upon broken glass. I wonder if that was what Annie Lennox was referring to.
Sandra--Hitler came from a time when the weapons of death determined who won an election and the loser was buried 6 feet under the feet of the winner. Try that philosophy here see what happens. Even Trump isn't that stupid.
Wow, i thought i knew a lot about Hitler's evil ways, but i honestly didn't know that Hitler took over with just 29% of the population. Thanks so much for educating me so very much, i do appreciate it. There is so much i have learned from the very intelligent and good people on this site. I thought i knew a good bit about these things, but i really don't know that much.
NOT that I am relishing the thought, but sometimes it is necessary to become a Maccabee Warrior, like the brave souls who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance, or that band of brothers in the movie, "Defiance". ;)
I have felt the same way get out of the US. Guess what that is exactly what MAGA wants. Don't give them what they want. We MUST win back control of the 21 states controlled by MAGA.
Getting harder now that Republicans are getting better at gerrymandering everything. Take Ohio (already illegally gerrymandered) who is now trying to push an August ballot (even after they just voted to no longer hold them) to try to increase the votes it would take to amend the constitution all because they are afraid of the abortion issue that might possibly come up on the ballot in November. I only say “ might” because I predict that the Republicans will try to make as many names as needed to invalidate it so they can reject it from being placed on the ballot. They should also do something about guns but it’s funny how they say that blue states are crime ridden but are really quite when people get killed by guns in their own state. I don’t like the debt bill currently being offered either but I don’t like our country going into debt either. The only reason Republicans are so against it is because they want to try to blame the White House for defaulting. What ever happened to the days that the people we elected to office actually trying to work for us in a bipartisan way instead of trying to suck up to a man who doesn’t even understand or believe in half of what he is saying. You can apply that to a lot of the people currently try to run for the presidency too.
Yes the Rep. are gerrymandering, but so are the Dems. The good news is that Independent out number both parties. 39% of all voters are Independent 32% are Dems and 23% are Rep. We have the numbers to boot them out of office in every state they control. We must work together to get the word out in every state. I am hoping that through substack, FB and Mastodon I can reach people in every state and ask them to reach out to the voters in their states to start a movement. I don't know what state you live in I am in NJ. Would you be willing to help with this effort?
I am in Ohio and the only reason I cannot register as an independent is because the election board told me that if I register as an independent I can only vote on local issues in primary elections and not for candidates unless it is a presidential election. Fun fact: growing up in the 70’s I thought that I was a Republican but as I got older I became more of a democrat when I didn’t like the direction the republicans were going (and it has only gotten worse) but now I see myself as more of an independent. I want to leave a better world for future generations but I get frustrated that I can’t vote for who/what I want when I want to. I don’t do social media and this is the first time I have ever joined something to comment but Robert is usually reading/speaking my mind. I would help if I could. I just don’t want to see any of the republicans get back into office with the way they are currently thinking at this point and I am afraid that Kennedy now joining the race might split the ticket and cost the democrats to lose. Still looking for a good candidate who wants what is good for the U.S. and can leave a better world for the future generations as well as work in a bipartisan way. One can only dream.
I am also an Independent, but only because most dem pols are not left enough for my likes.
Sadly, some of those 39% are Indie because the current RepugnaF**KS are actually not far extremist rightwingnut enough for THEM (as impossible as that might seem)! :(
Let us hope that they are a 'vast MINORITY' among said Independents, but my point is that not ALL of that 39% can be counted to be on OUR side. ;)
Welcome. You will survive the logistics no doubt. Be prepared that Canadians also have political battles, partly inspired by the American ones since American issues and culture are so close to us.
On top of which; IF this land goes totally outright FASCIST, what is to stop the despot in power from going after those of us who have fled north trying to escape said 4th REICHism??
Did mere borderlines stop Hitler from going after and obliterating the 'others' he loathed so ferociously?
Elon’s rocket was as successful as his truck windows. The fact Twitter is now worth ⅓ what it was when he bought it, IS PROOF THAT BILLIONAIRES cannot be permitted. It is obviously not being operated with realistic commercial objectives.
My father is American and I thank God every day that he decided to settle here. I look around my family and the sickness we have and think none of us would own our houses. Cancer and heart treatement for free,, free prescriptions or cheap. Nor does an insurance company decide your treatment. If you ever need advice contact me. Chris O'Brien landorfwaldo@gmail.com. I had the opportunity to get American citizen ship and do not regret not applying.
I used to love this country, and what it stood for. I don't anymore. The treatment for my disease cost $15 THOUSAND a month. I don't know where you are receiving free cancer treatment, but the only reason my mother received excellent medical treatment for her cancer was because she was a veteran. My grandparents settled here, and my parents worked to get an education. Two of my three children received college degrees, but thee student l9an debt we now have is astronomical. My disease is terminal, and my husband and I have decided to forgo funeral expenses to be cremated and put into trees. We should be harnessing solar power on every home, but the cost for solar panels, again, is astronomical. Electric and gas companies are fueling killing the environment over saving it. And, don't even get me started on lobbyists. My parents served honorably in the USN, and my brother just retired from the USA. My niece still serves. Am I proud of them?? Absolutely. Do I believe in this country? Not anymore.
I live in Canada. As in most developed countries on the planet we have health care for all citizens. My mother and sister in law all passed from cancer receiving excellent treatment. I have had heart surgery and never paid a nickel. There is only one country that will force you into personal banruptcy for becoming ill. Republicans in the US want to cut medicaid and any health care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG-3JtRfm5M&ab_channel=TheMajorityReportw%2FSamSeder
I just CANNOT blindly support, be 'community with', and feel compatriotism with people who want nothing more vehemently in their lives than abject, outright, genocidal fascism in this land, and will do everything in their power, and expend all of their energy, to make that a reality. :(
When I hear those "USA! USA! USA!" chants at SCUMp SHITler's NAZI BUND MEETINGS, they might as well be "SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL" arm throwing chants.
Single digit numbers might be giving too much credit to those who put that NAZI harpy Magda T Goebbels (and all of her 4th REICH demanding fellow PUTSCHers) into power.
I tried. I marched, I signed petitions, I wrote to my senators, donated to worthy candidates that were not even in my district, educated my children about what rights they deserve, donated to causes I believe in, all for books to be banned and removed from libraries, for right wing nuts to continue to murder innocent people, for women's rights, voting rights, and LGBTQI rights to go down the toilet. I have had enough. I am tired, and I am sick (literally), and, more than anything else, I am fed up. Elected officials, taking donations from supporters, who, once elected, DECIDE TO SWITCH PARTIES? They are changing the rules as they go along. The SJC? What a joke. "I will respect the precedents previously set..." ACB. The crime family of the Thomas's, who are plain grifters, and Ginny?? She's a criminal who hasn't been prosecuted. Brett "I like beer" Kavanagh assaulted her, and we all know it. I am beyond disgusted that people who we SHOULD hold to higher standards have set the bar so low it's on the ground. And, Kevin McCarthy?THE SPEAKER SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GROVEL TO GET THE VOTES TO HOLD THE POSITION. I am a pissed off almost sixty year old woman who has tried to do good throughout my life, and just wish our elected officials would do the same. Instead, it's a race to the bottom.
I admire your energy and activism, and I understand your frustration. I am sure you've already had an impact. You must be patient and persist. Much of what you do is education, and it takes time to bear fruit. You could now focus on a specific issue, such as maternal health and its impact on the child.. How about Medicare for child-bearing and the infant child? It would have a great, positive impact on the nation. The country's future is in womb of the mother-to-be. Best wishes!
What!!! I am in the medical field and treatment is as good as where you live in this country and what insurance you have. I have brother who is crippled from a back injury because insurance put off approving the surgery for way too long. And another member who lost his leg up to his hip because Kaiser kept refusing to investigate! Our medical system is going down hill fast and so the insurance companies.
Insurance is the "middle man" you don't need between you, and your doctor, that you pay money to for no reason. Between medical expenses, and frivolous lawsuits - Medical expenses would go way down without them.
I am currently in a shocking bright blue area, and even HERE, the fascists are attempting to take over school boards in order to push their rightwingnut agenda on everyone else's kids, thereby hoping to turn even this left progressive area into NAZI Germany, eventually. :(
I may be a Democrat. But I see no reason to teach little kids about sex. They need to LEARN and learn FAST. The rest of the world is passing us up in education.
My mother taught me ALL about sex and my body when I was five years old. She wrote books on the subject, actual books, that were published by MacMillan. By the time I was fifteen, I was shocked at how little my peers were informed, yet shunned girls who got pregnant in high school. As a mental health practitioner AND a probation officer who specialized in sexual offenders, predators are out there, and children should be educated not only about sex, but also the rights they have to protect their bodies.
I am Canada born but now a naturalized American. I will tell you that I have relatives in Canada who like Trump and support the conservative Christian home school, anti choice. The whole shebang. So it is really an echo of what goes on here. They are in rural Alberta and support big oil.
I am applying for Canadian citizenship, i have took the citizenship test and i passed it easily. I really like Canada, but the logistics of moving there kind of scare me. Oh well, i will deal with it especially if TUMP or DeSatan wins next year and either one of them is elected dictator of the USA. The hate in the United States and even in the neighborhood i live in has became unbearable to say the least.
I an't goin' nowhere. Stand and fight against this BS.
If you need to say it, repeat the 23rd Psalm now.
Is there a good one? In the field of potential candidates it is really tough to find anyone with the qualifications worthy of even running for the office of the President. The Republicans who have thrown their hats in the ring are oblivious to the problems our people are facing, all they can address are political issues that have gone unsolved for decades. Biden and McCarthy are going to get pummeled from both sides over their solution to the debt problem. There is absolutely no consensus from either side on anything. This is turning into a new rendition of the "Tower of Babel" except this time they all speak the same language. There are just too many petty groups that can't come to any agreement on the correct path to follow, leaving our government wallowing in its own political mud. What is really disturbing is seen in the Republican's concerted effort to make the Biden administration fail in every effort they put forth that would be good for the country. The economy, abortion, crime, education, and inflation should be at the forefront of both party's agendas but these issues are being given back stage significance because of the Republican's endeavor to harm over what should be their desire to find answers to our problems.
I'll vote for a yellow dog before any Republican for any office.
Daniel--I agree to an extent, I don't find it necessary to apply color to the narrative.
A concern-
Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>
12:15 PM (0 minutes ago)
I find a sense of inherent danger in the upcoming election cycle. No matter what we do the MAGA crowd isn't going away, for these people are devout Trump supporters. What concerns me relates to the degree of savagery this group exhibited toward Donald Trump and their desire to protect this man's image at all costs. All the violent acts that have shown signs of being politically motivated originated from within this group. If you doubt this, ask Nancy's husband. There is a real potential for violence directed toward anyone that poses a threat to Trump. I don't want physical harm to befall anyone, even if they are Republicans. Looking at the MAGA's devout allegiance they give to this man, in my mind there is no limit to the extent they would go to protect him, including acts of violence. They are a very unstable group of armed individuals. Who would anger them more an advisory that they have been battling for years or a traitor, new to the fight? As Democrats, the far-right extremists have been a cause for concern for some time and we have learned to deal with them as the situations have called for it. Bring in a whole new line of individuals that attack Trump from all sides showing absolutely no verbal mercy, what new levels of anger will develop within this group of supporters that will view assaults on their leader as something to violently oppose? A traitor is far worse than an advisory, what extreme levels of retribution will they seek? I don't wish for anyone to be harmed in a confrontation that should only use words to wound, not weapons, thank you Cher. I really feel there exists an actual level of danger to those running against Trump, perpetrated from within the Republican party itself. These people are unstable nightmares who view our world as not being theirs.
They want the government to fail so that they can install a Leader--someone like Putin or Orban. For them every election is stolen if it does not yield the desired result.
Victor--That's a given but they're in the minority, where they belong.
Hitler came to power with 29 percent support.
Sandra--Hitler came to power with the help of 29% of the population and a bunch of long knives.
"...bunch of long knives" aka AK47s or AR-15s
tanya--Back then those weapons didn't exist, Hitler rose to power after murdering his opposition with long knives.
Actually, they called it "The Night of the Long Knives" but most of the victims were shot with handguns.
Sandra--You are wise as well as worldly, that is exactly the way Hitler handled his opposition, it sort of does away with the need to hold elections while they walked upon broken glass. I wonder if that was what Annie Lennox was referring to.
Sandra --His society gave way to murder our's never will.
Are you sure? We are among the most murderous societies in the world!
Jaime--Sure of what?
Sandra--Hitler came from a time when the weapons of death determined who won an election and the loser was buried 6 feet under the feet of the winner. Try that philosophy here see what happens. Even Trump isn't that stupid.
Wow, i thought i knew a lot about Hitler's evil ways, but i honestly didn't know that Hitler took over with just 29% of the population. Thanks so much for educating me so very much, i do appreciate it. There is so much i have learned from the very intelligent and good people on this site. I thought i knew a good bit about these things, but i really don't know that much.
John--We all start out knowing absolutely nothing it's what we do with that void that defines who we are.
It is really tough to find anyone with the qualifications worthy of even BEING ABLE TO THINK.
Sue--That was quick, the ink on that one is probably still wet.
NOT that I am relishing the thought, but sometimes it is necessary to become a Maccabee Warrior, like the brave souls who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance, or that band of brothers in the movie, "Defiance". ;)
I have felt the same way get out of the US. Guess what that is exactly what MAGA wants. Don't give them what they want. We MUST win back control of the 21 states controlled by MAGA.
Getting harder now that Republicans are getting better at gerrymandering everything. Take Ohio (already illegally gerrymandered) who is now trying to push an August ballot (even after they just voted to no longer hold them) to try to increase the votes it would take to amend the constitution all because they are afraid of the abortion issue that might possibly come up on the ballot in November. I only say “ might” because I predict that the Republicans will try to make as many names as needed to invalidate it so they can reject it from being placed on the ballot. They should also do something about guns but it’s funny how they say that blue states are crime ridden but are really quite when people get killed by guns in their own state. I don’t like the debt bill currently being offered either but I don’t like our country going into debt either. The only reason Republicans are so against it is because they want to try to blame the White House for defaulting. What ever happened to the days that the people we elected to office actually trying to work for us in a bipartisan way instead of trying to suck up to a man who doesn’t even understand or believe in half of what he is saying. You can apply that to a lot of the people currently try to run for the presidency too.
Yes the Rep. are gerrymandering, but so are the Dems. The good news is that Independent out number both parties. 39% of all voters are Independent 32% are Dems and 23% are Rep. We have the numbers to boot them out of office in every state they control. We must work together to get the word out in every state. I am hoping that through substack, FB and Mastodon I can reach people in every state and ask them to reach out to the voters in their states to start a movement. I don't know what state you live in I am in NJ. Would you be willing to help with this effort?
I am in Ohio and the only reason I cannot register as an independent is because the election board told me that if I register as an independent I can only vote on local issues in primary elections and not for candidates unless it is a presidential election. Fun fact: growing up in the 70’s I thought that I was a Republican but as I got older I became more of a democrat when I didn’t like the direction the republicans were going (and it has only gotten worse) but now I see myself as more of an independent. I want to leave a better world for future generations but I get frustrated that I can’t vote for who/what I want when I want to. I don’t do social media and this is the first time I have ever joined something to comment but Robert is usually reading/speaking my mind. I would help if I could. I just don’t want to see any of the republicans get back into office with the way they are currently thinking at this point and I am afraid that Kennedy now joining the race might split the ticket and cost the democrats to lose. Still looking for a good candidate who wants what is good for the U.S. and can leave a better world for the future generations as well as work in a bipartisan way. One can only dream.
I am also an Independent, but only because most dem pols are not left enough for my likes.
Sadly, some of those 39% are Indie because the current RepugnaF**KS are actually not far extremist rightwingnut enough for THEM (as impossible as that might seem)! :(
Let us hope that they are a 'vast MINORITY' among said Independents, but my point is that not ALL of that 39% can be counted to be on OUR side. ;)
Welcome. You will survive the logistics no doubt. Be prepared that Canadians also have political battles, partly inspired by the American ones since American issues and culture are so close to us.
On top of which; IF this land goes totally outright FASCIST, what is to stop the despot in power from going after those of us who have fled north trying to escape said 4th REICHism??
Did mere borderlines stop Hitler from going after and obliterating the 'others' he loathed so ferociously?
Stay and fight! Start by fighting for women's rights, which go way beyond reproductive rights.
I just renewed my Canadian passport after 30 years. I’m also a US citizen. It’s my Plan B.
But there is no Planet B.
Not yet. They’re working on it.
Elon’s rocket was as successful as his truck windows. The fact Twitter is now worth ⅓ what it was when he bought it, IS PROOF THAT BILLIONAIRES cannot be permitted. It is obviously not being operated with realistic commercial objectives.
My father is American and I thank God every day that he decided to settle here. I look around my family and the sickness we have and think none of us would own our houses. Cancer and heart treatement for free,, free prescriptions or cheap. Nor does an insurance company decide your treatment. If you ever need advice contact me. Chris O'Brien landorfwaldo@gmail.com. I had the opportunity to get American citizen ship and do not regret not applying.
I used to love this country, and what it stood for. I don't anymore. The treatment for my disease cost $15 THOUSAND a month. I don't know where you are receiving free cancer treatment, but the only reason my mother received excellent medical treatment for her cancer was because she was a veteran. My grandparents settled here, and my parents worked to get an education. Two of my three children received college degrees, but thee student l9an debt we now have is astronomical. My disease is terminal, and my husband and I have decided to forgo funeral expenses to be cremated and put into trees. We should be harnessing solar power on every home, but the cost for solar panels, again, is astronomical. Electric and gas companies are fueling killing the environment over saving it. And, don't even get me started on lobbyists. My parents served honorably in the USN, and my brother just retired from the USA. My niece still serves. Am I proud of them?? Absolutely. Do I believe in this country? Not anymore.
I live in Canada. As in most developed countries on the planet we have health care for all citizens. My mother and sister in law all passed from cancer receiving excellent treatment. I have had heart surgery and never paid a nickel. There is only one country that will force you into personal banruptcy for becoming ill. Republicans in the US want to cut medicaid and any health care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG-3JtRfm5M&ab_channel=TheMajorityReportw%2FSamSeder
The GUP's have been wanting to get rid of Medicare the second is was approved. And have not quit ever since. They only want the rich to have money.
They only want the RICH to be breathing!!! ;)
All of things you want is opposed by the Republican Party
Congratulations Nilan. You have put the description of them in a nut shell.
Same here.
I just CANNOT blindly support, be 'community with', and feel compatriotism with people who want nothing more vehemently in their lives than abject, outright, genocidal fascism in this land, and will do everything in their power, and expend all of their energy, to make that a reality. :(
When I hear those "USA! USA! USA!" chants at SCUMp SHITler's NAZI BUND MEETINGS, they might as well be "SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL" arm throwing chants.
Well, they are, uh.. Not quite high on the I.Q. scale.
Single digit numbers might be giving too much credit to those who put that NAZI harpy Magda T Goebbels (and all of her 4th REICH demanding fellow PUTSCHers) into power.
I am very sorry, but be assured that many of us are doing our best to make this country live up to its promises.
I tried. I marched, I signed petitions, I wrote to my senators, donated to worthy candidates that were not even in my district, educated my children about what rights they deserve, donated to causes I believe in, all for books to be banned and removed from libraries, for right wing nuts to continue to murder innocent people, for women's rights, voting rights, and LGBTQI rights to go down the toilet. I have had enough. I am tired, and I am sick (literally), and, more than anything else, I am fed up. Elected officials, taking donations from supporters, who, once elected, DECIDE TO SWITCH PARTIES? They are changing the rules as they go along. The SJC? What a joke. "I will respect the precedents previously set..." ACB. The crime family of the Thomas's, who are plain grifters, and Ginny?? She's a criminal who hasn't been prosecuted. Brett "I like beer" Kavanagh assaulted her, and we all know it. I am beyond disgusted that people who we SHOULD hold to higher standards have set the bar so low it's on the ground. And, Kevin McCarthy?THE SPEAKER SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GROVEL TO GET THE VOTES TO HOLD THE POSITION. I am a pissed off almost sixty year old woman who has tried to do good throughout my life, and just wish our elected officials would do the same. Instead, it's a race to the bottom.
I admire your energy and activism, and I understand your frustration. I am sure you've already had an impact. You must be patient and persist. Much of what you do is education, and it takes time to bear fruit. You could now focus on a specific issue, such as maternal health and its impact on the child.. How about Medicare for child-bearing and the infant child? It would have a great, positive impact on the nation. The country's future is in womb of the mother-to-be. Best wishes!
Which country are you talking about?
The first half is Canada. The bottom half is the US is duplicated here. - - - There is only one country that will force you into personal banruptcy for becoming ill. Republicans in the US want to cut medicaid and any health care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG-3JtRfm5M&ab_channel=TheMajorityReportw%2FSamSeder
Canada, Nilan says
Was anyone else confused by this??? Smells like some sort of a scam.
What!!! I am in the medical field and treatment is as good as where you live in this country and what insurance you have. I have brother who is crippled from a back injury because insurance put off approving the surgery for way too long. And another member who lost his leg up to his hip because Kaiser kept refusing to investigate! Our medical system is going down hill fast and so the insurance companies.
Insurance is the "middle man" you don't need between you, and your doctor, that you pay money to for no reason. Between medical expenses, and frivolous lawsuits - Medical expenses would go way down without them.
What country is “here” to you? This blog originated in the US and concerns US politics so “here” normally means here in the US.
People don't always write correctly.
I am currently in a shocking bright blue area, and even HERE, the fascists are attempting to take over school boards in order to push their rightwingnut agenda on everyone else's kids, thereby hoping to turn even this left progressive area into NAZI Germany, eventually. :(
I may be a Democrat. But I see no reason to teach little kids about sex. They need to LEARN and learn FAST. The rest of the world is passing us up in education.
My mother taught me ALL about sex and my body when I was five years old. She wrote books on the subject, actual books, that were published by MacMillan. By the time I was fifteen, I was shocked at how little my peers were informed, yet shunned girls who got pregnant in high school. As a mental health practitioner AND a probation officer who specialized in sexual offenders, predators are out there, and children should be educated not only about sex, but also the rights they have to protect their bodies.
Good luck. I looked into that when trump was the prez. They only want you if you’re wealthy, young and have a skill they need.
I am Canada born but now a naturalized American. I will tell you that I have relatives in Canada who like Trump and support the conservative Christian home school, anti choice. The whole shebang. So it is really an echo of what goes on here. They are in rural Alberta and support big oil.