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Is there a good one? In the field of potential candidates it is really tough to find anyone with the qualifications worthy of even running for the office of the President. The Republicans who have thrown their hats in the ring are oblivious to the problems our people are facing, all they can address are political issues that have gone unsolved for decades. Biden and McCarthy are going to get pummeled from both sides over their solution to the debt problem. There is absolutely no consensus from either side on anything. This is turning into a new rendition of the "Tower of Babel" except this time they all speak the same language. There are just too many petty groups that can't come to any agreement on the correct path to follow, leaving our government wallowing in its own political mud. What is really disturbing is seen in the Republican's concerted effort to make the Biden administration fail in every effort they put forth that would be good for the country. The economy, abortion, crime, education, and inflation should be at the forefront of both party's agendas but these issues are being given back stage significance because of the Republican's endeavor to harm over what should be their desire to find answers to our problems.

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I'll vote for a yellow dog before any Republican for any office.

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Daniel--I agree to an extent, I don't find it necessary to apply color to the narrative.

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A concern-

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

12:15 PM (0 minutes ago)

I find a sense of inherent danger in the upcoming election cycle. No matter what we do the MAGA crowd isn't going away, for these people are devout Trump supporters. What concerns me relates to the degree of savagery this group exhibited toward Donald Trump and their desire to protect this man's image at all costs. All the violent acts that have shown signs of being politically motivated originated from within this group. If you doubt this, ask Nancy's husband. There is a real potential for violence directed toward anyone that poses a threat to Trump. I don't want physical harm to befall anyone, even if they are Republicans. Looking at the MAGA's devout allegiance they give to this man, in my mind there is no limit to the extent they would go to protect him, including acts of violence. They are a very unstable group of armed individuals. Who would anger them more an advisory that they have been battling for years or a traitor, new to the fight? As Democrats, the far-right extremists have been a cause for concern for some time and we have learned to deal with them as the situations have called for it. Bring in a whole new line of individuals that attack Trump from all sides showing absolutely no verbal mercy, what new levels of anger will develop within this group of supporters that will view assaults on their leader as something to violently oppose? A traitor is far worse than an advisory, what extreme levels of retribution will they seek? I don't wish for anyone to be harmed in a confrontation that should only use words to wound, not weapons, thank you Cher. I really feel there exists an actual level of danger to those running against Trump, perpetrated from within the Republican party itself. These people are unstable nightmares who view our world as not being theirs.

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They want the government to fail so that they can install a Leader--someone like Putin or Orban. For them every election is stolen if it does not yield the desired result.

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Victor--That's a given but they're in the minority, where they belong.

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Hitler came to power with 29 percent support.

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Sandra--Hitler came to power with the help of 29% of the population and a bunch of long knives.

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"...bunch of long knives" aka AK47s or AR-15s

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tanya--Back then those weapons didn't exist, Hitler rose to power after murdering his opposition with long knives.

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Actually, they called it "The Night of the Long Knives" but most of the victims were shot with handguns.

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Sandra--You are wise as well as worldly, that is exactly the way Hitler handled his opposition, it sort of does away with the need to hold elections while they walked upon broken glass. I wonder if that was what Annie Lennox was referring to.

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Donald, thank you. Can you tell more about Annie Lennox, or give me a brief description that will help me understand your remark better.? or just send me a link? Thank you. —sb

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Sandra--She sang the song "Walking on broken Glass." Look it up on YouTube, great memories. As for the link thing, I have no clue how to do that. In my youth I wore shirts that needed cuff-links, and right now I feel like the missing-link. I feel like the ending of the song "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine." Now that I'm old and ready to go---

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Sandra --His society gave way to murder our's never will.

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Are you sure? We are among the most murderous societies in the world!

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Jaime--Sure of what?

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Sandra--Hitler came from a time when the weapons of death determined who won an election and the loser was buried 6 feet under the feet of the winner. Try that philosophy here see what happens. Even Trump isn't that stupid.

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Wow, i thought i knew a lot about Hitler's evil ways, but i honestly didn't know that Hitler took over with just 29% of the population. Thanks so much for educating me so very much, i do appreciate it. There is so much i have learned from the very intelligent and good people on this site. I thought i knew a good bit about these things, but i really don't know that much.

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John--We all start out knowing absolutely nothing it's what we do with that void that defines who we are.

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It is really tough to find anyone with the qualifications worthy of even BEING ABLE TO THINK.

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Sue--That was quick, the ink on that one is probably still wet.

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