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I have felt the same way get out of the US. Guess what that is exactly what MAGA wants. Don't give them what they want. We MUST win back control of the 21 states controlled by MAGA.

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Getting harder now that Republicans are getting better at gerrymandering everything. Take Ohio (already illegally gerrymandered) who is now trying to push an August ballot (even after they just voted to no longer hold them) to try to increase the votes it would take to amend the constitution all because they are afraid of the abortion issue that might possibly come up on the ballot in November. I only say “ might” because I predict that the Republicans will try to make as many names as needed to invalidate it so they can reject it from being placed on the ballot. They should also do something about guns but it’s funny how they say that blue states are crime ridden but are really quite when people get killed by guns in their own state. I don’t like the debt bill currently being offered either but I don’t like our country going into debt either. The only reason Republicans are so against it is because they want to try to blame the White House for defaulting. What ever happened to the days that the people we elected to office actually trying to work for us in a bipartisan way instead of trying to suck up to a man who doesn’t even understand or believe in half of what he is saying. You can apply that to a lot of the people currently try to run for the presidency too.

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Yes the Rep. are gerrymandering, but so are the Dems. The good news is that Independent out number both parties. 39% of all voters are Independent 32% are Dems and 23% are Rep. We have the numbers to boot them out of office in every state they control. We must work together to get the word out in every state. I am hoping that through substack, FB and Mastodon I can reach people in every state and ask them to reach out to the voters in their states to start a movement. I don't know what state you live in I am in NJ. Would you be willing to help with this effort?

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I am in Ohio and the only reason I cannot register as an independent is because the election board told me that if I register as an independent I can only vote on local issues in primary elections and not for candidates unless it is a presidential election. Fun fact: growing up in the 70’s I thought that I was a Republican but as I got older I became more of a democrat when I didn’t like the direction the republicans were going (and it has only gotten worse) but now I see myself as more of an independent. I want to leave a better world for future generations but I get frustrated that I can’t vote for who/what I want when I want to. I don’t do social media and this is the first time I have ever joined something to comment but Robert is usually reading/speaking my mind. I would help if I could. I just don’t want to see any of the republicans get back into office with the way they are currently thinking at this point and I am afraid that Kennedy now joining the race might split the ticket and cost the democrats to lose. Still looking for a good candidate who wants what is good for the U.S. and can leave a better world for the future generations as well as work in a bipartisan way. One can only dream.

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I am also an Independent, but only because most dem pols are not left enough for my likes.

Sadly, some of those 39% are Indie because the current RepugnaF**KS are actually not far extremist rightwingnut enough for THEM (as impossible as that might seem)! :(

Let us hope that they are a 'vast MINORITY' among said Independents, but my point is that not ALL of that 39% can be counted to be on OUR side. ;)

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