I chose all of the above. I think all of the choices listed motivate him to act. Yes, he wants revenge. Yes, he wants to push the boundaries of accepting fascism. Yes, he wants all of the formerly respectable GOP to bend to his will...or else. And yes, he wants all of us who voted for and support Kamala Harris to live in a state of despair and cognitive dissonance. I am still dealing with my emotions so I refuse to look at or watch any mainstream news. I do read independent sources, like my Substack newsletter. I am stubborn and resilient. I won't give in to any of that and will continue to voice my opposition to the new regime
Absolutely - this has to be a war on disinformation, on Fox News, on X, and anywhere else it is found. It also has to be a war on money in politics where Trump won because the owner of the one of the disinformation platforms poured money into his coffers. What did he buy?
He bought the biggest forum for influence in order to direct the conversation and public opinion. This is where Elon's genius shows. He may be an asshat, he may be the worst narcissist - aside from tRump - in the world, but he is a genius like the one he named his car after.
Ijust read that the Senate Democrats have consented to speedy (i.e. Rubber stamped) confirmations of Trumps nominations.
The reason being that the Republicans have threatened to go into recess, and will Trump will get disappointments anyway, but there will be hostility between Trump and the Senate democrats and the Senate Republicans and Democrats (laughs because here is already hostility). The Senate doesn't have to go into recess because there is the nuclear option, and now that the government is in total control of the Republicans they can rewrite the rules in the house and senate and kill the filibuster.
So all the Democrats are doing is buying time to protect themselves, a forlorn hope if ever there was one, because all they will be doing is smoothing the waters for smooth sailing of the journey to a theocratic, fascist dictatorship.
What do people do when they lose a war. They surrender, or they go underground and continue the fight.
Politicians are not known for moral courage. We've heard of Vichy France, welcome to Vichy America.
Musk is a genius. I read biographies of Jobs, Gates, Besos, Thiel as well as several about Musk. The others are smart, single-minded guys but with the possible exception of Jobs, their minds were not extraordinary. Musk is different. Of course that doesn't make him right even about stuff in his area of expertise, and it certianly doesn't make him a good person. His mind is odd and made for a fascinating read though.
He’s not allowed to be POTUS constitutionally so this is his best shot. Be the hand in the puppet!! He liked apartheid when he lived in South Africa and wants it here, supremist that he is. He is, in fact, a genius, but he will be discovered by Trump, eventually, and join Bannon as a ‘used-to-was’. And STILL filthy, sickenly rich and powerful.
to answer-more SpaceX flights,payloads, and maybe people to Mars-gov't fleets of Teslas?maybe revival of his abandoned programs,like HyperLoop and the Boring Co.-with gov't funding,of course-maybe a merger of Trump Media and X-maybe-gov't purchase of DogeCoin?and who knows what else
Karen - I also read that they are going to try to change the tax laws so that not for profit churches can start to put their dark money into the next elections. We think Citizens United is bad….
Yeas and no. There will always be disinformation. I agree with Dr. Reich, where the Dems really shot themselves in the foot was in not making a full-throated pitch to the average voter as FDR did, telling them what has already been done on the economy, while at the same time recognizing their pain.
Exactly. Also we need to get the information out there any way we can that as the final votes are tallied he did not have a mandate by popular vote. I do not have the exact numbers but someone out there does and we need to speak that loudly. No DJT that was not a landslide.
And decades of failure to teach young Americans about how our government works, how other systems like authoritarianism/fascism work, about ethics & logic, and about US & world history came in a close second.
The obscene amounts spent on attack ads and lies "won" the election. Our founders would be rolling in their graves to see this latest assault on our self rule.
I am more focused on what are to be the best solutions after our democracy gives way to chaos and economically we end up in yet another recession and possibly an economic and emotional depression.
We will need an economic system, such as Economic Democracy that will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to earn enough purchasing power to provide sufficient food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and education and prevent the ultra wealthy from sucking so much purchasing power out of the capitalist economic system. One reason Trump won is that Democrats as well as Republicans are slavishly stuck on the idea that somehow capitalism can be fixed. I think the lesson we will be learning in the months and years to come after this election is that our capitalist dominated democracy cannot be “fixed.” After so many centuries of capitalism it is time to implement a better political and economic system. The latest essay in the Crisis and Transition Substack explains this new path forward with refreshing clarity.
Well Marc, I disagree. There’s a way to fix it. As you’ve probably noticed, we no longer have a representative democracy. Republicans have partnered with corporations in a quid pro quo
agreement. Republicans vote for tax breaks &
tax loopholes that benefit corporations and in
return corporations make big campaign donations
to republicans. We need to make private campaign
donations illegal and allow only public money
for campaigning. Money for campaigns should be
a line item in the national budget. Campaign donations are the vehicle being used to corrupt
politicians. We also need strictly enforced rules
re insider trading and we should probably require
every senator and rep. to file a financial disclosure
His desciption of the problems of capitalism, at least as it has functioned in the US for 40 plus years, is dogma by now and is correct.
For recommendations on what progressive capitalism (or social democracy) would look like see Joseph Stiglitz book The Road To Freedom chap 13. Stiglitz supports greater decentralization of economic power but it is not the vision of local government solving most of our problems that Ronald Logan recommends mostly because solving many of the problems requires governance at national and international levels.
You are so right. I am also refusing to watch news or listen to my beloved NPR station; it is just too hard to hear about the chaos and vitriol. I read and read and read some more...and plan to resist.
Irishcoda - I also chose all of the above. The fact that they are trying to circumvent the background checks is also very telling. Stay stubborn and resilient because you are not alone.
I also voted other, but my reason is that it's a cold-blooded act of sabotage. He wants those departments completely dysfunctional in preparation for abolishing or subsuming them. I've also heard the word "privatize" used in connection with it.
You may fairly wonder why I've included links to pieces by British commentators. Keep in mind that overall, the British know and despise Nazis, while to this day they're none too sure about Germans, generally.
As a so-called blue state resident who, for years, largely has split her time digitally among the 7 battleground states, I, presumably along with millions of others, are returning to our respective home communities eager to help ensure that the things the Trump Administration wants to do federally do not conflict with an individual or a citizen’s rights within that state. Well aware that federal law, when in conflict with state law, predominates, in my view, our response must be “We will not consent.”
As a final point, I would express my gratitude to every Governor who emphatically has pledged not to deploy state law enforcement or the National Guard to carry out Trump’s deportation plan.
We need a juggernaut of opposition state and local officials, progressive and liberal organizations, and determined citizens to put a stop to the havoc that Trump is already creating. Merriam-Webster defines juggernaut as "a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path." Together can we form one?
We really needed a blue wave in this election an failed to create one. We say Trump is a treasonist insurrectionist rapist and they say eggs are too expensive . I feel like I'm living in bizarrro world.
Jeanine, Given that the states are our only guardrail, I don’t believe we have a choice but to act on your proposal. Thoughts about how to get started?
Maybe the resistance has begun. Just read this in Daily Kos: "Democratic governors are spearheading a new pro-democracy organization, “Governors Safeguarding Democracy,” to fight President-elect Donald Trump’s second administration." Now let's hope they all join and hang together.
Jeanine, Since I had missed this piece in Daily Kos, I very much appreciate you passing me the quote. While I had intended, in my reply, to suggest we set aside hope and recognize we can’t, nor should we, expect these governors, who are on the side of protecting Constitutional rights and freedoms, to carry the responsibility of protecting us unless we, too, get engaged in the struggle, I note from your other post that you already have mapped out an aggressive reform agenda at the local, county, state, and federal levels. Well done!
Thank you. We have to support out governors and other state officials who are protecting our democracy and let them know that we are right there with them. We need their leadership.
1) Contact our supportive state governors and legislators and insist that they form a strong nationwide alliance to counter Trump.
2) Push hard on any activist groups we support to get out of their silos and band together nationally as part of the juggernaut.
3) Contact our federal legislators and ask why there is either no prohibition against an insurrectionist being allowed to take office or, if there is, why they are not invoking it.
A certain Father had a family of Sons, who were forever quarreling among themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lead them to misfortune.
One day when the quarreling had been much more violent than usual and each of the Sons was moping in a surly manner, he asked one of them to bring him a bundle of sticks. Then handing the bundle to each of his Sons in turn he told them to try to break it. But although each one tried his best, none was able to do so.
The Father then untied the bundle and gave the sticks to his Sons to break one by one. This they did very easily.
"My Sons," said the Father, "do you not see how certain it is that if you agree with each other and help each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? But if you are divided among yourselves, you will be no stronger than a single stick in that bundle."
Yeah, I know, fasces and all that, but you can't reject a good lesson from Aesop just because some bad guys co-opted it, any more than you can blame Indian religions for appropriation of the swastika by Nazis.
Jeanine, While the fable mirrors the pressing need to try and unify an unprecedented polarized nation, it also brings to mind how effectively Trump stokes the very fissures that exacerbate grievance and hate.
Stoking grievance and hate is Trump's game, of course. Before we can reunite a polarized nation, we must do everything we legitimately can to stop the damage Trump is planning to do.
Side note: Barbara Jo, is Robert Reich's comment section rendering correctly for you from his Substack posting? I only get the HTML markup. I'm wondering if Substack has a problem, but their "chatbot" doesn't work correctly for me either, so I can't inform them.
Jeanine, I’m mighty glad we agree there still is a guardrail—the states. As for the side note, I had presumed the Substack comment section was operating appropriately until I received a reply from a reader who informed me that a segment of my last sentence had been cut off. I suppose we could email Reich and inform him of the problem.
I totally agree with you, Barbara Jo. We need to put our focus and energy into building our fortresses around Blue States, if we are fortunate enough to live in one. I am very blessed to have all my loved ones either here in Massachusetts, or in California. We own property in California, too - so if California should decide to become independent, we can go there. 😀 *only half serious about this, but who knows?
Not yet, Barbara, but I plan to be. I'm weighing different recommendations because I only have a little bit of money/time/energy to commit. So far, Indivisible is looking like the best option.
Rockport is a great place to be! I am in Waltham, because they offered me subsidized housing. My kids live in Newton, Woburn and Winchester. I haven't been to the coast since I quit driving, and I miss it horribly.
The Fall----No, I'm not referring to the season. However, like the leaves, those who follow Donald Trump, will fall. I can't think of a more apropos example to draw from than Rudy Giuliani. This figure was once called America's Mayor, after his efforts to bring New York back from the disaster of 9/11. His association with Donald Trump was like developing a relationship with Jim Jones, with the Kool-Aid yet to come. Trump uses his acquaintances and discards them in the same manner most people throw empty water bottles. The man has no compassion for others, even if your reproductive organs aren't visible upon inspection. A human disease that walks among us, would qualify as a decent definition. How any sane American can follow this man is a mystery to many including myself. It's like our people have developed a love for strolling through cow pastures barefooted, "Yuk." No matter how you look at this mess, it stinks.
With an array of 'excuses' for why Kamala didn't win,there really is none.We already knew about this poor excuse for a human,aka criminal maniac.We already went thru 'IT',and they handed this yutz the keys to our White House again.What exactly did they think he was going to do for them or anything?My grandmother used to say,'Use your head',they didn't!!!
Donald Trump thinks he has been given total authority to do whatever the hell he wants! The Republicans in Congress created this mess because they want the power to run the country to their liking. It’s definitely party over country!
Donald tRUMP HAS been given total authority, that he has not even had to relinquish while out of office. He must be stopped! before any more innocent persons get killed. Get rid of the election deniers who still have power in our government. Discard the corrupt enemies who pose as honorable justices. There is a seemingly permanent blight on our "self Governance". We have been bought and enslaved.
In a sane world, President Biden would have refused to visit with him at the white House as tfg refused to sign the document agreeing to the peaceful transfer of power. He would have invoked the Insurrection act to prevent what is unfolding now : the destruction of Democracy .
Keith - They could have stopped him by voting to impeach him. They even admitted that he was guilty after they let him get away with it. Spineless B*astards.
Good Coffee Klatch, yet incomplete. Our problem is deeper even than the huge wealth disparity you so accurately describe. We have a planet in a great deal of trouble. We are extracting resources at an unsustainable rate. We are poisoning ecosystems with manmade chemicals, from nitrogenous fertilizers and forever chemicals, to pesticides and herbicides with names that people cannot pronounce. We are cutting down the forests and adding plastics to oceans that are the source of life. The billionaires and oligarchs and autocrats of the planet are gathering resources to themselves, endangering the poor and wildlife, at a rate that exceeds anything in history. We do not have long before the planetary boundaries, already crossed, lead to a global ecological, as well as economic collapse, which will not recover using a Roosevelt like spending boom as recommended by Maynard Keynes. That solution is too small. It will require an entire economic restructuring based on ecological regeneration as the primary tool. Electing Trump and his acolytes makes this process more difficult as well as inevitable. You cannot ignore the ecological because humanity, which Trump imperils along with many other leaders, lives within ecosystems and is fully part of them. If insects and forests die, so do we, and we are killing them. Don't leave this out of the discussion, it is central to it.
Wayne, you have nailed it. We are focused on what is directly in front of us, but the bigger picture is, literally, the planet. I never imagined I'd live long enough to see it, but I'm in my 70's, in poor health, and pretty sure I'll not see 80, and yet I am seeing that the Apocalypse is well underway.
Thanks. I find my health and spirit improves with ruby-throated hummingbirds. They are both a joy to watch and to hear. Trumpet vines attract them well. Winter is rough because they leave, so I just have to be satisfied with pileated woodpeckers and juncos. There are still some left and if you plant things, they will come. That is the solution, plant lots of trees, shrubs, flowers and native grasses, then see what happens.
Under Trump the US will not meet its climate goals, and that will almost certainly spell climate doom, to be blunt if not specific. The next 4 years are not recoverable:i.e. there is no way we will be able to keep from exceeding our GHG emission goals at the end of T's term in office.
Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: i voted "make us so depressed that we give up" in your poll (it looks like i was the only vote for this, actually.) but i could have voted for any one of those choices and been correct.
i sincerely hope everyone is making sure your vaccinations are all up to date, and i certainly hope you all are buying respirators and are paying special attention to H5N1 bird flu, which is now beginning to infect humans -- with deadly results.
As of October 25, 2024, 464 people have died from avian influenza A(H5N1) out of 904 reported cases globally since January 1, 2003. This gives a case fatality rate (CFR) of 51%. SOURCE: WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION.
You wrote "now beginning to infect humans -- with deadly results." I do not know how many would consider 2003 as "now."
According to the CDC, there have been just over 50 human infections of H5N1 in the US since the start of this year. All have recovered to this point. From my calculations, that's a CFR in the USA of 0%.
We have two issues, at least. Direct transmission from birds (probable situation in BC with very sick girl) and then transmission from cows to us and, unfortunately, many other mammals. ( Lots of opportunities for mutations.) But so far that one seems to produce mainly conjunctivitis in humans. All bear watching and need a very vigilant and healthy CDC.
Does a critically ill teen in Canada count? This reminds me of the start of COVID19 when I told my husband that people in NYC were getting terribly ill and dying. He chuckled and said, "Let me know when it arrives in Maine," as though a deadly virus being spread person-to-person would surely stay where it started.
"Does a critically ill teen in Canada count?" -- If they recover -- and let us hope they do -- then, NO.
I first learned of Covid-19 from American and South African video-bloggers who lived in China .. months before it got here. Only they didn't know what it was... they just reported people dropping dead from a strange respiratory condition.
According to the CDC, Histoplasmosis is caused by breathing in fungal spores from Histoplasma, a fungus that lives in soil. It can be spread via bird and bat droppings.
There is no human to human contagion. "Histoplasmosis does not spread between people or between people and pets (cats and dogs)."
The vast majority of cases clear up by themselves without treatment. If symptoms worsen, it CAN be very serious if left untreated.
It is more prevalent in the Midwest where chickens are raised and bird migration paths abound. It is in LOTS of lungs and lays a foundation for other things sometimes (pneumonia, H5N1, etc. even cancers)
If a sane person sat down and tried to figure out the intentions of Mr. Trump, the experience would resemble something only Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon could relate to. However, the topic would most assuredly attract the attention of William Shakespeare, only because the man loved ----"tragedies."
The one thing you can be sure of, he thinks it will benefit him, that's how insane he is. And he really is nuts. If anything his choice of nominees proves it.
If he wants to create chaos and failed government -- to assume even greater powers -- he is anything but nuts. A psychopath yes ... but many of those know what they are doing.
"..the experience would resemble something only Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon could relate to." I'm 76 years old and I had to google the reference. Had no idea what that film was about. Still can learn something new. In fact, I'd like to see it!
He is running it exactly as he planned! He said he was going to be a dictator on day one. He said it!! And he is doing it!! How can people be surprised?!!
Right. Deconstructor in chief. Grifting is his specialty. IMHO wants to steal the treaasury so he can compete to be the richest.
Vutlure economics is taught in business schools --- make money off their investments, even if it means boosting unemployment and driving a company into the ground.
I'm experiencing a weird inward horror-chuckle, the irony of tRump's ubiquitous "TRUMP WILL FIX IT" signs....or maybe it's just an oncoming heart attack?
There are still members of Congress whom he thinks are not sufficiently loyal to him. I think these nominees are a way for him to attain total control over every last one of members in the Republican conference. He demands complete loyalty. Those who disagree with his nominees will either knuckle under to his complete control by voting yes to confirm or expose their disloyalty to him by voting not to confirm. It's a sick sick loyalty test. Members are faced with the choice of walking away from the process with their self respect intact or becoming a target of hatred and revenge by Trump and the MAGA universe. It's the political version of walking the plank or saving yourself. So malevolent.
I am not convinced that giving Trump what he wants on these nominees is necessary for their short term survival, though they may think so. It makes it more problematic for their longer term survival if they do give in, though I doubt they think very far ahead and this won't be much of a factor in their calculations.
I'm hoping that affirming Gaetz as AG is a bridge too far. Surely there are some Senators who will find the moral fibre to act for country and decency. If they have been there for a many terms, they could decide to bite the bullet and vote no, retire in 4 years and save their self respect and ensure an honourable place in history.
I don't think Trump is mentally competent enough to be leading this appointment process. There are other evil doers pulling his strings.
My senators are Vance and Brown (soon to be replaced by Moreno). Maybe Vance will use the horror of these appointments to speed his ascension to the presidency.
Much worse, Peggy. I wish I had a link to what the plan is for The United States of America, Corporation®️ - in Texas. The map has no States. It's divided into county-sized business zones.
I like your premise. But Its Musk we should be concerned about. Musk wants to be the behind the scenes ruler for as long as he can find possible front men. He has the money and media to control public opinion for decades.
Remember when Trump mentioned a "secret" that he shared with Speaker Johnson? -- One that we would all find out in due time after the election. Ed Whelan of the National Review -- I believe -- has nailed it, so be ready.
It goes to Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution, which allows the president to make recess appointments when Congress is adjourned. The House will need adopt a joint resolution to adjourn both houses.
House rules expressly state that a concurrent resolution “may provide for the adjournment of … both Houses.”
The Senate either adopts the concurrent resolution, or it rejects it. If it rejects, Section 3 provides that “in Case of Disagreement between [the Houses], with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, [the president] may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper.”
Trump can then force the adjournment, make the appointments, and wait weeks or months to reconvene Congress.
Thank you, Heather and Robert, for this dramatic and appropriately emotional Klatch. This is the "calm before the storm". Yikes! I can't wait for tomorrow's Cartoon Caption contest! If I did not get a laugh now and then, I'd be crying way too much.
Professor Reich, one comment you made that stood out in today's Coffee Klatch really resonated with me. The DNC will not stop receiving money from the uber rich or change. Both parties receive massive amounts of money from the rich and then pander to them in order to keep receiving that money. That tells me all I need to know about who they really support. I believe and I may be the only one who feels this way, but when the orange man won, I felt that Democracy died. Just like when a loved one has passed, I went through the grieving process and I am still going through it. I do understand that this is a blitzkrieg designed to continue pounding the middle, working class and lower classes into submission and right now it does seem to be working. I feel powerless. All of the groups you mentioned need to come together because there is strength in numbers. When you have this group working on their agenda, that group working on their agenda and so on, they are disjointed even though they are working for the same goal. By coming together and presenting a more cohesive united front, more people would be apt to join and follow. Even though I chose that the orange man was trying to see how far his fascism would go, I also believe all of the other choices fit as well. I know from talking to friends that many have already become so depressed, they have given up. Like sheep, they will just be led wherever the orange man herds them. I really do not think he will need to smoke out GOP opponents because they will fall in line out of fear. He will wreak vengeance on every single department and program he can in order to do away with our system of self-governance in order to establish himself as supreme ruler and dictator. All of those choices were exactly what the orange man is trying and probably will succeed in doing. My grief has moved from sadness and misery to anger and determination. I believe there may be many like me that truly want to know what we can do to turn the tide and start rebuilding our country and our Democracy. The true pain of what the orange man will do has not hit very many yet even though most of us know it is coming. If we can unite all of the groups working to prevent the worst of the orange man's plans, I believe it would be possible in two years to begin taking our country back.
You are correct. My feeling is that there must be credible challenging parties before the Democratic and Republican Parties will ever substantively change. To create credible challengers we need to get rid of plurality voting, the Electoral College, gerrymandering, Citizens United, money as speech, etc. We need to implement ideas like proportional representation. These meta-issues are in many ways more important for the future of democracy than the policies or appointments of the incoming administration, or who becomes Chair of the Democratic Party.
If we remember the 2016 Republican primary, there were at least a dozen viable candidates vying for the nomination under party chair Reince Priebus. Numerous moderate Republicans split their constituency and consequently Trump won the nomination. If there had been, say, approval voting instead of plurality voting, Trump would have been defeated in that primary.
You never disappoint ! Always find a recipe for moving forward positively for a better & brighter.future! Would like to believe Lady Liberty, tears flowing as her lamp seemed to be dimming, heard your eloquent plea not to give up the fight...suddenly brought her glowing light to full brilliance once more! She won't give up on us...those, who over the years have looked to America for a new life, greater.opportunities ...and freedom!
The fight must continue for those who came before and those yet to bless our beloved land !
Oh, Lynn, that beautiful lady has been a beacon of hope, light and love for so, so many years! I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man right upside the head with it! Don't worry, Lynn, her light will once again dazzle newcomers with her welcoming beam. We must NEVER give up, NEVER surrender and most importantly, we must NEVER go back! Onward for our children and future generations!
The image your rousing words brought to mind.this morning..." I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man upside his head with it" had me laughing with unrestrained glee ! Shortly thereafter a memory from long ago came to me...a new image appeared...Lady Liberty , her torch held high, blazing with promise & hope, opening her arms to my Welsh parents.
The " orange man" chooses to forget his own forebearers came from Germany. ...America is built on the shoulders of its immigrant population! How then have we devolved into fascism , a mecca for solely the uber rich among us.
I simply cannot depart from what was modeled for me by my dear parents...a loving, hard working family...a home filled with song & caring for our democratic principles , coupled with old world simplicity & traditions.
Our world is certainly no longer simple. Principals, rules of law are being pushed aside ...our very honor is in peril.
Your words ring in my ears, dear friend!
" Never give up ! Never surrender! Never go back!"
" Onward for our children ( grandchildren & great grandchildren in my case) and future generations!"
Let your impassioned words be our fervent battle cry!
WooHoo, Lynn! Let's show these younger pups how to get it done! I, too, had the most wonderful childhood thanks to my amazing parents! We laughed, argued and had each other's backs and it was glorious! If my parents were with me today, they would have my back and probably be more vocal about it than I am! C'mon, Lynn, let's give 'em hell! Never give up! Never surrender! Never go back!
The way they modeled life for us...not a raised voice...or course word to be heard.
My dear older sister, Elizabeth ( Bet to me...18 years between us) was heard to mutter a reserved " hell...damn ...stink..when she'd get her gizzard up!.). Went on to be first a teacher, then a Marine sergeant teaching Link flying during WWII.... then went on to join the State Departments Foreign Service...serving in Beirut ( where her life was spared when a bomb detonated on her building.. Khartoum.was next..she married there & when she became pregnant they wisely returned home after a difficult first pregnancy. My family taught me so much...just by the way they faced life.
You and I have been truly blessed in this world...overcome many forks in our pathways through life...bumps in the road to weather ( I believe you've more than had your fair share, my friend).. .we may step back a few steps to reconnect with the strengths deep inside... then determine to sally forth!. Full steam ahead!
I own...even relish my Welsh.immigrant blood! As we all must vow to continue this fight to preserve our constitution, our.laws for all , our very freedom to live as our forefathers ( and women! ) ..envisioned..
Feel deep inside yourself...know with an unassailable certainly that your family lives on in you! Feel warmed in times of stress...they live in you still...as your wili
live on through your children. You...and they will never be alone.
Forgive my wordiness...can' t stop my thoughts from coming sometimes.
I think it's right to grieve or be heartbroken at the loss of a different future (at least for the time being). Giving up is also ok in that sense, but for that's give up what we tried and start anew, just like you say :)
I said "Other," because I believe that in his childish, mentally ill, fried-brain condition, he is just trying to get a rise out of everyone. SO worthy of a president-elect, don't you think? I think this is his sick, sick way of getting everyone's attention, for what purpose it is going to serve him, I do not know. He has nothing better to do, apparently! He is just pushing the boundaries of those in office to see how far he can go. It would serve the SUPER ASSHOLE RIGHT IF EVERYONE JUST UP AND DITCHED HIM. As for me, I await a mercy killing . . . HIS mercy killing so that the rest of us can get some peace in our lives once more.
Klare, this is a great time for everyone to boycott MSM and get our news from 1440 and the various substacks we know to be true and honest. If he does not succeed in getting our attention, if we ignore him, it just might cause the massive heart attack/stroke you are wishing for!
I chose all of the above. I think all of the choices listed motivate him to act. Yes, he wants revenge. Yes, he wants to push the boundaries of accepting fascism. Yes, he wants all of the formerly respectable GOP to bend to his will...or else. And yes, he wants all of us who voted for and support Kamala Harris to live in a state of despair and cognitive dissonance. I am still dealing with my emotions so I refuse to look at or watch any mainstream news. I do read independent sources, like my Substack newsletter. I am stubborn and resilient. I won't give in to any of that and will continue to voice my opposition to the new regime
Trump didn’t win, disinformation won.
Absolutely - this has to be a war on disinformation, on Fox News, on X, and anywhere else it is found. It also has to be a war on money in politics where Trump won because the owner of the one of the disinformation platforms poured money into his coffers. What did he buy?
what did he buy-good question
He bought the biggest forum for influence in order to direct the conversation and public opinion. This is where Elon's genius shows. He may be an asshat, he may be the worst narcissist - aside from tRump - in the world, but he is a genius like the one he named his car after.
i won't give him genius,he's been full of selfish nasty ideas.
I would say that he's made some very smart investments that allowed him to profit from the work and inventiveness of geniuses.
yep-unfortunately,brains make it easier to rationalize the irrational
Ijust read that the Senate Democrats have consented to speedy (i.e. Rubber stamped) confirmations of Trumps nominations.
The reason being that the Republicans have threatened to go into recess, and will Trump will get disappointments anyway, but there will be hostility between Trump and the Senate democrats and the Senate Republicans and Democrats (laughs because here is already hostility). The Senate doesn't have to go into recess because there is the nuclear option, and now that the government is in total control of the Republicans they can rewrite the rules in the house and senate and kill the filibuster.
So all the Democrats are doing is buying time to protect themselves, a forlorn hope if ever there was one, because all they will be doing is smoothing the waters for smooth sailing of the journey to a theocratic, fascist dictatorship.
What do people do when they lose a war. They surrender, or they go underground and continue the fight.
Politicians are not known for moral courage. We've heard of Vichy France, welcome to Vichy America.
Musk is a genius. I read biographies of Jobs, Gates, Besos, Thiel as well as several about Musk. The others are smart, single-minded guys but with the possible exception of Jobs, their minds were not extraordinary. Musk is different. Of course that doesn't make him right even about stuff in his area of expertise, and it certianly doesn't make him a good person. His mind is odd and made for a fascinating read though.
He's an evil person. Not least of which he's the second worst person in American public life.
As I understand it, Musk didn't invent or name the car, though I could be wrong.
More like a masters in manipulation. Elon is no genius or his cars would not melt and his rockets explode.
Trumps Truth Social stock DJT I believe has surpassed X in valuation already. Trump is actually a real billionaire now!
He’s not allowed to be POTUS constitutionally so this is his best shot. Be the hand in the puppet!! He liked apartheid when he lived in South Africa and wants it here, supremist that he is. He is, in fact, a genius, but he will be discovered by Trump, eventually, and join Bannon as a ‘used-to-was’. And STILL filthy, sickenly rich and powerful.
there was talk @20 yrs ago of changing that so Schwarzenegger and Granholm could run-aren't we glad that didn't happen
to answer-more SpaceX flights,payloads, and maybe people to Mars-gov't fleets of Teslas?maybe revival of his abandoned programs,like HyperLoop and the Boring Co.-with gov't funding,of course-maybe a merger of Trump Media and X-maybe-gov't purchase of DogeCoin?and who knows what else
He bought the crypto/gangstafication of the world. As long as it flatters his vanity, he says “So What?!”
Karen - I also read that they are going to try to change the tax laws so that not for profit churches can start to put their dark money into the next elections. We think Citizens United is bad….
...Yeah right, while good luck with that!
Yeas and no. There will always be disinformation. I agree with Dr. Reich, where the Dems really shot themselves in the foot was in not making a full-throated pitch to the average voter as FDR did, telling them what has already been done on the economy, while at the same time recognizing their pain.
As for all that transgender stuff and giving amnesty to illegals, Trump could not have had a better opposition.
Exactly. Also we need to get the information out there any way we can that as the final votes are tallied he did not have a mandate by popular vote. I do not have the exact numbers but someone out there does and we need to speak that loudly. No DJT that was not a landslide.
From Russia via Elon Musk.
And decades of failure to teach young Americans about how our government works, how other systems like authoritarianism/fascism work, about ethics & logic, and about US & world history came in a close second.
Mike - Bingo!
Paid political ads help fill the coffers of radio, TV and other media. See above.
The obscene amounts spent on attack ads and lies "won" the election. Our founders would be rolling in their graves to see this latest assault on our self rule.
I am more focused on what are to be the best solutions after our democracy gives way to chaos and economically we end up in yet another recession and possibly an economic and emotional depression.
We will need an economic system, such as Economic Democracy that will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to earn enough purchasing power to provide sufficient food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and education and prevent the ultra wealthy from sucking so much purchasing power out of the capitalist economic system. One reason Trump won is that Democrats as well as Republicans are slavishly stuck on the idea that somehow capitalism can be fixed. I think the lesson we will be learning in the months and years to come after this election is that our capitalist dominated democracy cannot be “fixed.” After so many centuries of capitalism it is time to implement a better political and economic system. The latest essay in the Crisis and Transition Substack explains this new path forward with refreshing clarity.
Here is the link to the Crisis And Transition Substack essay “What Has Become of the Land of Opportunity"
Thanks for providing the link
Land of opportunity. Dems leave urban centers, move to selected red states, acquire senate seats and take over.
I subscribed, and I highly recommend.
Well Marc, I disagree. There’s a way to fix it. As you’ve probably noticed, we no longer have a representative democracy. Republicans have partnered with corporations in a quid pro quo
agreement. Republicans vote for tax breaks &
tax loopholes that benefit corporations and in
return corporations make big campaign donations
to republicans. We need to make private campaign
donations illegal and allow only public money
for campaigning. Money for campaigns should be
a line item in the national budget. Campaign donations are the vehicle being used to corrupt
politicians. We also need strictly enforced rules
re insider trading and we should probably require
every senator and rep. to file a financial disclosure
before they can be seated in Congress.
His desciption of the problems of capitalism, at least as it has functioned in the US for 40 plus years, is dogma by now and is correct.
For recommendations on what progressive capitalism (or social democracy) would look like see Joseph Stiglitz book The Road To Freedom chap 13. Stiglitz supports greater decentralization of economic power but it is not the vision of local government solving most of our problems that Ronald Logan recommends mostly because solving many of the problems requires governance at national and international levels.
100% agree, Irishcoda!
I also voted 'All of the above". They're going full-blown anarchy. Burn it to the ground, take no prisoners.
You are so right. I am also refusing to watch news or listen to my beloved NPR station; it is just too hard to hear about the chaos and vitriol. I read and read and read some more...and plan to resist.
Agree. Cannot watch even the local news. I read, listen to music, & watch Brit Box mysteries.
Irishcoda - I also chose all of the above. The fact that they are trying to circumvent the background checks is also very telling. Stay stubborn and resilient because you are not alone.
I also voted other, but my reason is that it's a cold-blooded act of sabotage. He wants those departments completely dysfunctional in preparation for abolishing or subsuming them. I've also heard the word "privatize" used in connection with it.
Consider this, as well:
You may fairly wonder why I've included links to pieces by British commentators. Keep in mind that overall, the British know and despise Nazis, while to this day they're none too sure about Germans, generally.
Just as an off-topic personal POV, I >totally< agree with this guy, particularly with regard to Harris: https://youtu.be/J2on-TartkI?si=DR9CThn0VdlaIFIF
Thank you for providing those links, I will check into them
Not even a regime,just a dirty clown car.
Substack has over 4 million followers now.
As a so-called blue state resident who, for years, largely has split her time digitally among the 7 battleground states, I, presumably along with millions of others, are returning to our respective home communities eager to help ensure that the things the Trump Administration wants to do federally do not conflict with an individual or a citizen’s rights within that state. Well aware that federal law, when in conflict with state law, predominates, in my view, our response must be “We will not consent.”
As a final point, I would express my gratitude to every Governor who emphatically has pledged not to deploy state law enforcement or the National Guard to carry out Trump’s deportation plan.
We need a juggernaut of opposition state and local officials, progressive and liberal organizations, and determined citizens to put a stop to the havoc that Trump is already creating. Merriam-Webster defines juggernaut as "a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path." Together can we form one?
We really needed a blue wave in this election an failed to create one. We say Trump is a treasonist insurrectionist rapist and they say eggs are too expensive . I feel like I'm living in bizarrro world.
The cost of eggs were more important than a woman’s life. How narrow & stupid is that?
Here's a sliver of hope for ya.
Kamala needs to hear from many of us.
Jeanine, Given that the states are our only guardrail, I don’t believe we have a choice but to act on your proposal. Thoughts about how to get started?
Maybe the resistance has begun. Just read this in Daily Kos: "Democratic governors are spearheading a new pro-democracy organization, “Governors Safeguarding Democracy,” to fight President-elect Donald Trump’s second administration." Now let's hope they all join and hang together.
Jeanine, Since I had missed this piece in Daily Kos, I very much appreciate you passing me the quote. While I had intended, in my reply, to suggest we set aside hope and recognize we can’t, nor should we, expect these governors, who are on the side of protecting Constitutional rights and freedoms, to carry the responsibility of protecting us unless we, too, get engaged in the struggle, I note from your other post that you already have mapped out an aggressive reform agenda at the local, county, state, and federal levels. Well done!
Thank you. We have to support out governors and other state officials who are protecting our democracy and let them know that we are right there with them. We need their leadership.
For starters:
1) Contact our supportive state governors and legislators and insist that they form a strong nationwide alliance to counter Trump.
2) Push hard on any activist groups we support to get out of their silos and band together nationally as part of the juggernaut.
3) Contact our federal legislators and ask why there is either no prohibition against an insurrectionist being allowed to take office or, if there is, why they are not invoking it.
A lesson from Aesop:
The Bundle of Sticks
A certain Father had a family of Sons, who were forever quarreling among themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lead them to misfortune.
One day when the quarreling had been much more violent than usual and each of the Sons was moping in a surly manner, he asked one of them to bring him a bundle of sticks. Then handing the bundle to each of his Sons in turn he told them to try to break it. But although each one tried his best, none was able to do so.
The Father then untied the bundle and gave the sticks to his Sons to break one by one. This they did very easily.
"My Sons," said the Father, "do you not see how certain it is that if you agree with each other and help each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? But if you are divided among yourselves, you will be no stronger than a single stick in that bundle."
In unity is strength.
Yeah, I know, fasces and all that, but you can't reject a good lesson from Aesop just because some bad guys co-opted it, any more than you can blame Indian religions for appropriation of the swastika by Nazis.
Jeanine, While the fable mirrors the pressing need to try and unify an unprecedented polarized nation, it also brings to mind how effectively Trump stokes the very fissures that exacerbate grievance and hate.
Stoking grievance and hate is Trump's game, of course. Before we can reunite a polarized nation, we must do everything we legitimately can to stop the damage Trump is planning to do.
Side note: Barbara Jo, is Robert Reich's comment section rendering correctly for you from his Substack posting? I only get the HTML markup. I'm wondering if Substack has a problem, but their "chatbot" doesn't work correctly for me either, so I can't inform them.
Jeanine, I’m mighty glad we agree there still is a guardrail—the states. As for the side note, I had presumed the Substack comment section was operating appropriately until I received a reply from a reader who informed me that a segment of my last sentence had been cut off. I suppose we could email Reich and inform him of the problem.
It will likely happen in force if/when Trump follows through on immigration or other things that really are too much to stomach.
Or will we continue to flail while Trump works his devious will?
Which is what seems to be happening. Curses.
I'm afraid so.
I totally agree with you, Barbara Jo. We need to put our focus and energy into building our fortresses around Blue States, if we are fortunate enough to live in one. I am very blessed to have all my loved ones either here in Massachusetts, or in California. We own property in California, too - so if California should decide to become independent, we can go there. 😀 *only half serious about this, but who knows?
Paula, I, too, live in MA—Rockport to be precise. I either plan to start or to join an Indivisible group. Are you associated with this organization?
Not yet, Barbara, but I plan to be. I'm weighing different recommendations because I only have a little bit of money/time/energy to commit. So far, Indivisible is looking like the best option.
Paula, In the event you wish to learn about SwingLeft’s 2025-2026 strategy, the group is hosting a Zoom on November 19th at 8pm ET.
Rockport is a great place to be! I am in Waltham, because they offered me subsidized housing. My kids live in Newton, Woburn and Winchester. I haven't been to the coast since I quit driving, and I miss it horribly.
Paula, We’re practically neighbors and easily could reach out to one another if either of us ever feels the urge.
Well said, Barbara Jo!
Thank you, Peggy.
He is following a dictator rule - place people dummer, weaker and subservient to you.
Appease putin with appointments who are compromised and can be manipulated .
More likely Putin will clandestinely martyr Trump and Vance the Terrible will Russify America.
I'd be surprised if Trump lasts more than 6 months.
but then what???
Vance and the Heritage Foundation will run us out of business.
I think that's likely, but it's not Trumps plan.
It the booby prize that comes with the election win.
The Fall----No, I'm not referring to the season. However, like the leaves, those who follow Donald Trump, will fall. I can't think of a more apropos example to draw from than Rudy Giuliani. This figure was once called America's Mayor, after his efforts to bring New York back from the disaster of 9/11. His association with Donald Trump was like developing a relationship with Jim Jones, with the Kool-Aid yet to come. Trump uses his acquaintances and discards them in the same manner most people throw empty water bottles. The man has no compassion for others, even if your reproductive organs aren't visible upon inspection. A human disease that walks among us, would qualify as a decent definition. How any sane American can follow this man is a mystery to many including myself. It's like our people have developed a love for strolling through cow pastures barefooted, "Yuk." No matter how you look at this mess, it stinks.
With an array of 'excuses' for why Kamala didn't win,there really is none.We already knew about this poor excuse for a human,aka criminal maniac.We already went thru 'IT',and they handed this yutz the keys to our White House again.What exactly did they think he was going to do for them or anything?My grandmother used to say,'Use your head',they didn't!!!
Donald Trump thinks he has been given total authority to do whatever the hell he wants! The Republicans in Congress created this mess because they want the power to run the country to their liking. It’s definitely party over country!
Donald tRUMP HAS been given total authority, that he has not even had to relinquish while out of office. He must be stopped! before any more innocent persons get killed. Get rid of the election deniers who still have power in our government. Discard the corrupt enemies who pose as honorable justices. There is a seemingly permanent blight on our "self Governance". We have been bought and enslaved.
" He must be stopped!... Get rid of the election deniers....Discard the corrupt enemies..." How?
In a sane world, President Biden would have refused to visit with him at the white House as tfg refused to sign the document agreeing to the peaceful transfer of power. He would have invoked the Insurrection act to prevent what is unfolding now : the destruction of Democracy .
Keith - They could have stopped him by voting to impeach him. They even admitted that he was guilty after they let him get away with it. Spineless B*astards.
Good Coffee Klatch, yet incomplete. Our problem is deeper even than the huge wealth disparity you so accurately describe. We have a planet in a great deal of trouble. We are extracting resources at an unsustainable rate. We are poisoning ecosystems with manmade chemicals, from nitrogenous fertilizers and forever chemicals, to pesticides and herbicides with names that people cannot pronounce. We are cutting down the forests and adding plastics to oceans that are the source of life. The billionaires and oligarchs and autocrats of the planet are gathering resources to themselves, endangering the poor and wildlife, at a rate that exceeds anything in history. We do not have long before the planetary boundaries, already crossed, lead to a global ecological, as well as economic collapse, which will not recover using a Roosevelt like spending boom as recommended by Maynard Keynes. That solution is too small. It will require an entire economic restructuring based on ecological regeneration as the primary tool. Electing Trump and his acolytes makes this process more difficult as well as inevitable. You cannot ignore the ecological because humanity, which Trump imperils along with many other leaders, lives within ecosystems and is fully part of them. If insects and forests die, so do we, and we are killing them. Don't leave this out of the discussion, it is central to it.
Wayne, you have nailed it. We are focused on what is directly in front of us, but the bigger picture is, literally, the planet. I never imagined I'd live long enough to see it, but I'm in my 70's, in poor health, and pretty sure I'll not see 80, and yet I am seeing that the Apocalypse is well underway.
Thanks. I find my health and spirit improves with ruby-throated hummingbirds. They are both a joy to watch and to hear. Trumpet vines attract them well. Winter is rough because they leave, so I just have to be satisfied with pileated woodpeckers and juncos. There are still some left and if you plant things, they will come. That is the solution, plant lots of trees, shrubs, flowers and native grasses, then see what happens.
support the Nature Conservancy and other groups which work to preserve the ecosystems
Under Trump the US will not meet its climate goals, and that will almost certainly spell climate doom, to be blunt if not specific. The next 4 years are not recoverable:i.e. there is no way we will be able to keep from exceeding our GHG emission goals at the end of T's term in office.
Very true.
Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: i voted "make us so depressed that we give up" in your poll (it looks like i was the only vote for this, actually.) but i could have voted for any one of those choices and been correct.
i sincerely hope everyone is making sure your vaccinations are all up to date, and i certainly hope you all are buying respirators and are paying special attention to H5N1 bird flu, which is now beginning to infect humans -- with deadly results.
"... H5N1 bird flu, which is now beginning to infect humans -- with deadly results."
How many Americans have died this year due to H5N1? Please provide a source.
As of October 25, 2024, 464 people have died from avian influenza A(H5N1) out of 904 reported cases globally since January 1, 2003. This gives a case fatality rate (CFR) of 51%. SOURCE: WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION.
You wrote "now beginning to infect humans -- with deadly results." I do not know how many would consider 2003 as "now."
According to the CDC, there have been just over 50 human infections of H5N1 in the US since the start of this year. All have recovered to this point. From my calculations, that's a CFR in the USA of 0%.
We have two issues, at least. Direct transmission from birds (probable situation in BC with very sick girl) and then transmission from cows to us and, unfortunately, many other mammals. ( Lots of opportunities for mutations.) But so far that one seems to produce mainly conjunctivitis in humans. All bear watching and need a very vigilant and healthy CDC.
Does a critically ill teen in Canada count? This reminds me of the start of COVID19 when I told my husband that people in NYC were getting terribly ill and dying. He chuckled and said, "Let me know when it arrives in Maine," as though a deadly virus being spread person-to-person would surely stay where it started.
"Does a critically ill teen in Canada count?" -- If they recover -- and let us hope they do -- then, NO.
I first learned of Covid-19 from American and South African video-bloggers who lived in China .. months before it got here. Only they didn't know what it was... they just reported people dropping dead from a strange respiratory condition.
Let’s not forget histoplasmosis! Also from birds. Also deadly. Also highly contagious. Also omnipresent!
According to the CDC, Histoplasmosis is caused by breathing in fungal spores from Histoplasma, a fungus that lives in soil. It can be spread via bird and bat droppings.
There is no human to human contagion. "Histoplasmosis does not spread between people or between people and pets (cats and dogs)."
The vast majority of cases clear up by themselves without treatment. If symptoms worsen, it CAN be very serious if left untreated.
"Omnipresent" ... LOL!!!
It is more prevalent in the Midwest where chickens are raised and bird migration paths abound. It is in LOTS of lungs and lays a foundation for other things sometimes (pneumonia, H5N1, etc. even cancers)
If a sane person sat down and tried to figure out the intentions of Mr. Trump, the experience would resemble something only Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon could relate to. However, the topic would most assuredly attract the attention of William Shakespeare, only because the man loved ----"tragedies."
The one thing you can be sure of, he thinks it will benefit him, that's how insane he is. And he really is nuts. If anything his choice of nominees proves it.
If he wants to create chaos and failed government -- to assume even greater powers -- he is anything but nuts. A psychopath yes ... but many of those know what they are doing.
In all fairness, to many of us psychopath = nuts
From Will S, Richard III comes to mind. "NOW is the Winter of our discontent." And ending with: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
"..the experience would resemble something only Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon could relate to." I'm 76 years old and I had to google the reference. Had no idea what that film was about. Still can learn something new. In fact, I'd like to see it!
It’s a wonderful movie. You are going to enjoy it.
My "To Do" list just seems to grow & grow. But I'm going to push this to the top.
If you enjoy movies, you might like A Face in the Crowd. As they say in the theatre, it has legs!
Thanks. I'd never heard of it. What a list of "old timers" who went on to great fame. Now if I could only find more hours in the day. Cheers!
Maybe its because he only knows so little about how to run anything.
He is running it exactly as he planned! He said he was going to be a dictator on day one. He said it!! And he is doing it!! How can people be surprised?!!
Dictator on Day One. That’s it. There is no Day Two because it will be a brand new calendar! “In the year of our Lord and Master” never turn the page.
Right. Deconstructor in chief. Grifting is his specialty. IMHO wants to steal the treaasury so he can compete to be the richest.
Vutlure economics is taught in business schools --- make money off their investments, even if it means boosting unemployment and driving a company into the ground.
I'm experiencing a weird inward horror-chuckle, the irony of tRump's ubiquitous "TRUMP WILL FIX IT" signs....or maybe it's just an oncoming heart attack?
There are still members of Congress whom he thinks are not sufficiently loyal to him. I think these nominees are a way for him to attain total control over every last one of members in the Republican conference. He demands complete loyalty. Those who disagree with his nominees will either knuckle under to his complete control by voting yes to confirm or expose their disloyalty to him by voting not to confirm. It's a sick sick loyalty test. Members are faced with the choice of walking away from the process with their self respect intact or becoming a target of hatred and revenge by Trump and the MAGA universe. It's the political version of walking the plank or saving yourself. So malevolent.
I am not convinced that giving Trump what he wants on these nominees is necessary for their short term survival, though they may think so. It makes it more problematic for their longer term survival if they do give in, though I doubt they think very far ahead and this won't be much of a factor in their calculations.
I'm hoping that affirming Gaetz as AG is a bridge too far. Surely there are some Senators who will find the moral fibre to act for country and decency. If they have been there for a many terms, they could decide to bite the bullet and vote no, retire in 4 years and save their self respect and ensure an honourable place in history.
I don't think Trump is mentally competent enough to be leading this appointment process. There are other evil doers pulling his strings.
My senators are Vance and Brown (soon to be replaced by Moreno). Maybe Vance will use the horror of these appointments to speed his ascension to the presidency.
Kathy, I cannot help but wonder whether Vance would be even worse?
Vance is the puppet of Silicon Valley's Peter Thiel. An authoritarian who has stated he doesn't believe in democracy. If our media were doing its job everyone would know this. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/oct/03/jd-vance-anti-democracy-movement-leader
He will be Thiel's puppet, better than Trump but still not good.
Much worse, Peggy. I wish I had a link to what the plan is for The United States of America, Corporation®️ - in Texas. The map has no States. It's divided into county-sized business zones.
I like your premise. But Its Musk we should be concerned about. Musk wants to be the behind the scenes ruler for as long as he can find possible front men. He has the money and media to control public opinion for decades.
How about the analogy of ‘The Wizard of Oz’…
Seems to me we’re seeing it in the flesh.
The little man behind the curtain…
Could be. We just don't know.
Remember when Trump mentioned a "secret" that he shared with Speaker Johnson? -- One that we would all find out in due time after the election. Ed Whelan of the National Review -- I believe -- has nailed it, so be ready.
It goes to Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution, which allows the president to make recess appointments when Congress is adjourned. The House will need adopt a joint resolution to adjourn both houses.
House rules expressly state that a concurrent resolution “may provide for the adjournment of … both Houses.”
The Senate either adopts the concurrent resolution, or it rejects it. If it rejects, Section 3 provides that “in Case of Disagreement between [the Houses], with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, [the president] may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper.”
Trump can then force the adjournment, make the appointments, and wait weeks or months to reconvene Congress.
The secret between Trump and Johnson.
He's not "smoking out" his opponents. He has found a way to sidestep and outflank them.
Too much thinking for Trump, but Musk would see this and use it. Trump is a pawn.
They're playing 3-D chess, and we are thinking checkers.
Thank you, Heather and Robert, for this dramatic and appropriately emotional Klatch. This is the "calm before the storm". Yikes! I can't wait for tomorrow's Cartoon Caption contest! If I did not get a laugh now and then, I'd be crying way too much.
Professor Reich, one comment you made that stood out in today's Coffee Klatch really resonated with me. The DNC will not stop receiving money from the uber rich or change. Both parties receive massive amounts of money from the rich and then pander to them in order to keep receiving that money. That tells me all I need to know about who they really support. I believe and I may be the only one who feels this way, but when the orange man won, I felt that Democracy died. Just like when a loved one has passed, I went through the grieving process and I am still going through it. I do understand that this is a blitzkrieg designed to continue pounding the middle, working class and lower classes into submission and right now it does seem to be working. I feel powerless. All of the groups you mentioned need to come together because there is strength in numbers. When you have this group working on their agenda, that group working on their agenda and so on, they are disjointed even though they are working for the same goal. By coming together and presenting a more cohesive united front, more people would be apt to join and follow. Even though I chose that the orange man was trying to see how far his fascism would go, I also believe all of the other choices fit as well. I know from talking to friends that many have already become so depressed, they have given up. Like sheep, they will just be led wherever the orange man herds them. I really do not think he will need to smoke out GOP opponents because they will fall in line out of fear. He will wreak vengeance on every single department and program he can in order to do away with our system of self-governance in order to establish himself as supreme ruler and dictator. All of those choices were exactly what the orange man is trying and probably will succeed in doing. My grief has moved from sadness and misery to anger and determination. I believe there may be many like me that truly want to know what we can do to turn the tide and start rebuilding our country and our Democracy. The true pain of what the orange man will do has not hit very many yet even though most of us know it is coming. If we can unite all of the groups working to prevent the worst of the orange man's plans, I believe it would be possible in two years to begin taking our country back.
You are correct. My feeling is that there must be credible challenging parties before the Democratic and Republican Parties will ever substantively change. To create credible challengers we need to get rid of plurality voting, the Electoral College, gerrymandering, Citizens United, money as speech, etc. We need to implement ideas like proportional representation. These meta-issues are in many ways more important for the future of democracy than the policies or appointments of the incoming administration, or who becomes Chair of the Democratic Party.
So the rise of Superpacs and their money helped create the beachead for Trump to eventually take over the Repub Party.
If we remember the 2016 Republican primary, there were at least a dozen viable candidates vying for the nomination under party chair Reince Priebus. Numerous moderate Republicans split their constituency and consequently Trump won the nomination. If there had been, say, approval voting instead of plurality voting, Trump would have been defeated in that primary.
Absolutely spot on, Jeff! I agree with you!
You never disappoint ! Always find a recipe for moving forward positively for a better & brighter.future! Would like to believe Lady Liberty, tears flowing as her lamp seemed to be dimming, heard your eloquent plea not to give up the fight...suddenly brought her glowing light to full brilliance once more! She won't give up on us...those, who over the years have looked to America for a new life, greater.opportunities ...and freedom!
The fight must continue for those who came before and those yet to bless our beloved land !
If not now...when?
Oh, Lynn, that beautiful lady has been a beacon of hope, light and love for so, so many years! I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man right upside the head with it! Don't worry, Lynn, her light will once again dazzle newcomers with her welcoming beam. We must NEVER give up, NEVER surrender and most importantly, we must NEVER go back! Onward for our children and future generations!
The image your rousing words brought to mind.this morning..." I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man upside his head with it" had me laughing with unrestrained glee ! Shortly thereafter a memory from long ago came to me...a new image appeared...Lady Liberty , her torch held high, blazing with promise & hope, opening her arms to my Welsh parents.
The " orange man" chooses to forget his own forebearers came from Germany. ...America is built on the shoulders of its immigrant population! How then have we devolved into fascism , a mecca for solely the uber rich among us.
I simply cannot depart from what was modeled for me by my dear parents...a loving, hard working family...a home filled with song & caring for our democratic principles , coupled with old world simplicity & traditions.
Our world is certainly no longer simple. Principals, rules of law are being pushed aside ...our very honor is in peril.
Your words ring in my ears, dear friend!
" Never give up ! Never surrender! Never go back!"
" Onward for our children ( grandchildren & great grandchildren in my case) and future generations!"
Let your impassioned words be our fervent battle cry!
WooHoo, Lynn! Let's show these younger pups how to get it done! I, too, had the most wonderful childhood thanks to my amazing parents! We laughed, argued and had each other's backs and it was glorious! If my parents were with me today, they would have my back and probably be more vocal about it than I am! C'mon, Lynn, let's give 'em hell! Never give up! Never surrender! Never go back!
Our parents ARE STILL WITH US, Peggy.
The way they modeled life for us...not a raised voice...or course word to be heard.
My dear older sister, Elizabeth ( Bet to me...18 years between us) was heard to mutter a reserved " hell...damn ...stink..when she'd get her gizzard up!.). Went on to be first a teacher, then a Marine sergeant teaching Link flying during WWII.... then went on to join the State Departments Foreign Service...serving in Beirut ( where her life was spared when a bomb detonated on her building.. Khartoum.was next..she married there & when she became pregnant they wisely returned home after a difficult first pregnancy. My family taught me so much...just by the way they faced life.
You and I have been truly blessed in this world...overcome many forks in our pathways through life...bumps in the road to weather ( I believe you've more than had your fair share, my friend).. .we may step back a few steps to reconnect with the strengths deep inside... then determine to sally forth!. Full steam ahead!
I own...even relish my Welsh.immigrant blood! As we all must vow to continue this fight to preserve our constitution, our.laws for all , our very freedom to live as our forefathers ( and women! ) ..envisioned..
Feel deep inside yourself...know with an unassailable certainly that your family lives on in you! Feel warmed in times of stress...they live in you still...as your wili
live on through your children. You...and they will never be alone.
Forgive my wordiness...can' t stop my thoughts from coming sometimes.
God Bless you, Peggy...you and your dear family.🤗
So beautifully said, Lynn, and thank you so much! God bless you and your family as well. Keep the faith, Lynn!
I think it's right to grieve or be heartbroken at the loss of a different future (at least for the time being). Giving up is also ok in that sense, but for that's give up what we tried and start anew, just like you say :)
I said "Other," because I believe that in his childish, mentally ill, fried-brain condition, he is just trying to get a rise out of everyone. SO worthy of a president-elect, don't you think? I think this is his sick, sick way of getting everyone's attention, for what purpose it is going to serve him, I do not know. He has nothing better to do, apparently! He is just pushing the boundaries of those in office to see how far he can go. It would serve the SUPER ASSHOLE RIGHT IF EVERYONE JUST UP AND DITCHED HIM. As for me, I await a mercy killing . . . HIS mercy killing so that the rest of us can get some peace in our lives once more.
Klare, this is a great time for everyone to boycott MSM and get our news from 1440 and the various substacks we know to be true and honest. If he does not succeed in getting our attention, if we ignore him, it just might cause the massive heart attack/stroke you are wishing for!
Bluesky is also good. People are flocking there from Twitter like rats from a sinking ship. https://bsky.app/