With an array of 'excuses' for why Kamala didn't win,there really is none.We already knew about this poor excuse for a human,aka criminal maniac.We already went thru 'IT',and they handed this yutz the keys to our White House again.What exactly did they think he was going to do for them or anything?My grandmother used to say,'Use your head',they didn't!!!
With an array of 'excuses' for why Kamala didn't win,there really is none.We already knew about this poor excuse for a human,aka criminal maniac.We already went thru 'IT',and they handed this yutz the keys to our White House again.What exactly did they think he was going to do for them or anything?My grandmother used to say,'Use your head',they didn't!!!
With an array of 'excuses' for why Kamala didn't win,there really is none.We already knew about this poor excuse for a human,aka criminal maniac.We already went thru 'IT',and they handed this yutz the keys to our White House again.What exactly did they think he was going to do for them or anything?My grandmother used to say,'Use your head',they didn't!!!