You never disappoint ! Always find a recipe for moving forward positively for a better & brighter.future! Would like to believe Lady Liberty, tears flowing as her lamp seemed to be dimming, heard your eloquent plea not to give up the fight...suddenly brought her glowing light to full brilliance once more! She won't give up o…
You never disappoint ! Always find a recipe for moving forward positively for a better & brighter.future! Would like to believe Lady Liberty, tears flowing as her lamp seemed to be dimming, heard your eloquent plea not to give up the fight...suddenly brought her glowing light to full brilliance once more! She won't give up on us...those, who over the years have looked to America for a new life, greater.opportunities ...and freedom!
The fight must continue for those who came before and those yet to bless our beloved land !
Oh, Lynn, that beautiful lady has been a beacon of hope, light and love for so, so many years! I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man right upside the head with it! Don't worry, Lynn, her light will once again dazzle newcomers with her welcoming beam. We must NEVER give up, NEVER surrender and most importantly, we must NEVER go back! Onward for our children and future generations!
The image your rousing words brought to mind.this morning..." I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man upside his head with it" had me laughing with unrestrained glee ! Shortly thereafter a memory from long ago came to me...a new image appeared...Lady Liberty , her torch held high, blazing with promise & hope, opening her arms to my Welsh parents.
The " orange man" chooses to forget his own forebearers came from Germany. ...America is built on the shoulders of its immigrant population! How then have we devolved into fascism , a mecca for solely the uber rich among us.
I simply cannot depart from what was modeled for me by my dear parents...a loving, hard working family...a home filled with song & caring for our democratic principles , coupled with old world simplicity & traditions.
Our world is certainly no longer simple. Principals, rules of law are being pushed aside ...our very honor is in peril.
Your words ring in my ears, dear friend!
" Never give up ! Never surrender! Never go back!"
" Onward for our children ( grandchildren & great grandchildren in my case) and future generations!"
Let your impassioned words be our fervent battle cry!
WooHoo, Lynn! Let's show these younger pups how to get it done! I, too, had the most wonderful childhood thanks to my amazing parents! We laughed, argued and had each other's backs and it was glorious! If my parents were with me today, they would have my back and probably be more vocal about it than I am! C'mon, Lynn, let's give 'em hell! Never give up! Never surrender! Never go back!
The way they modeled life for us...not a raised voice...or course word to be heard.
My dear older sister, Elizabeth ( Bet to me...18 years between us) was heard to mutter a reserved " hell...damn ...stink..when she'd get her gizzard up!.). Went on to be first a teacher, then a Marine sergeant teaching Link flying during WWII.... then went on to join the State Departments Foreign Service...serving in Beirut ( where her life was spared when a bomb detonated on her building.. Khartoum.was next..she married there & when she became pregnant they wisely returned home after a difficult first pregnancy. My family taught me so much...just by the way they faced life.
You and I have been truly blessed in this world...overcome many forks in our pathways through life...bumps in the road to weather ( I believe you've more than had your fair share, my friend).. .we may step back a few steps to reconnect with the strengths deep inside... then determine to sally forth!. Full steam ahead!
I own...even relish my Welsh.immigrant blood! As we all must vow to continue this fight to preserve our constitution, our.laws for all , our very freedom to live as our forefathers ( and women! ) ..envisioned..
Feel deep inside yourself...know with an unassailable certainly that your family lives on in you! Feel warmed in times of stress...they live in you your wili
live on through your children. You...and they will never be alone.
Forgive my wordiness...can' t stop my thoughts from coming sometimes.
You never disappoint ! Always find a recipe for moving forward positively for a better & brighter.future! Would like to believe Lady Liberty, tears flowing as her lamp seemed to be dimming, heard your eloquent plea not to give up the fight...suddenly brought her glowing light to full brilliance once more! She won't give up on us...those, who over the years have looked to America for a new life, greater.opportunities ...and freedom!
The fight must continue for those who came before and those yet to bless our beloved land !
If not now...when?
Oh, Lynn, that beautiful lady has been a beacon of hope, light and love for so, so many years! I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man right upside the head with it! Don't worry, Lynn, her light will once again dazzle newcomers with her welcoming beam. We must NEVER give up, NEVER surrender and most importantly, we must NEVER go back! Onward for our children and future generations!
The image your rousing words brought to mind.this morning..." I want Lady Liberty to take her lamp and swat the orange man upside his head with it" had me laughing with unrestrained glee ! Shortly thereafter a memory from long ago came to me...a new image appeared...Lady Liberty , her torch held high, blazing with promise & hope, opening her arms to my Welsh parents.
The " orange man" chooses to forget his own forebearers came from Germany. ...America is built on the shoulders of its immigrant population! How then have we devolved into fascism , a mecca for solely the uber rich among us.
I simply cannot depart from what was modeled for me by my dear parents...a loving, hard working family...a home filled with song & caring for our democratic principles , coupled with old world simplicity & traditions.
Our world is certainly no longer simple. Principals, rules of law are being pushed aside ...our very honor is in peril.
Your words ring in my ears, dear friend!
" Never give up ! Never surrender! Never go back!"
" Onward for our children ( grandchildren & great grandchildren in my case) and future generations!"
Let your impassioned words be our fervent battle cry!
WooHoo, Lynn! Let's show these younger pups how to get it done! I, too, had the most wonderful childhood thanks to my amazing parents! We laughed, argued and had each other's backs and it was glorious! If my parents were with me today, they would have my back and probably be more vocal about it than I am! C'mon, Lynn, let's give 'em hell! Never give up! Never surrender! Never go back!
Our parents ARE STILL WITH US, Peggy.
The way they modeled life for us...not a raised voice...or course word to be heard.
My dear older sister, Elizabeth ( Bet to me...18 years between us) was heard to mutter a reserved " hell...damn ...stink..when she'd get her gizzard up!.). Went on to be first a teacher, then a Marine sergeant teaching Link flying during WWII.... then went on to join the State Departments Foreign Service...serving in Beirut ( where her life was spared when a bomb detonated on her building.. Khartoum.was next..she married there & when she became pregnant they wisely returned home after a difficult first pregnancy. My family taught me so much...just by the way they faced life.
You and I have been truly blessed in this world...overcome many forks in our pathways through life...bumps in the road to weather ( I believe you've more than had your fair share, my friend).. .we may step back a few steps to reconnect with the strengths deep inside... then determine to sally forth!. Full steam ahead!
I own...even relish my Welsh.immigrant blood! As we all must vow to continue this fight to preserve our constitution, our.laws for all , our very freedom to live as our forefathers ( and women! ) ..envisioned..
Feel deep inside yourself...know with an unassailable certainly that your family lives on in you! Feel warmed in times of stress...they live in you your wili
live on through your children. You...and they will never be alone.
Forgive my wordiness...can' t stop my thoughts from coming sometimes.
God Bless you, and your dear family.🤗
So beautifully said, Lynn, and thank you so much! God bless you and your family as well. Keep the faith, Lynn!