Professor Reich: i am utterly totally confused as to why this is even an issue. as you say, trump incited a coup attempt to overthrow the US government and is ineligible to ever hold public or military office as a result. AS WE ALL WITNESSED LIVE ON TV/STREAMING. so please, tell me, WHY ARE WE ALLOWING TRUMP'S CHARADE TO GO FORWARD? WHY ARE WE TEMPTING FATE? do our public officials not take this situation seriously? do our authorities not understand the constitution?

NOTE: edited to correct a typo.

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Excellent summary of events as we all recall. The language of the 14th. Amendment is clear. Let’s go for it! No time like the present. Agonizing over court calendars and conflicting rallies is beyond absurd. Makes sense only to TFG. Thank you, Professor! ❤️🇺🇸🕊️

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Not to distract, but this applies to members of Congress as well. Their oath is worded as follows: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

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For those who still support trump, all I can think is that they also want to overthrow the U.S. government. Are their role models for ideal governments Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Nazi Germany, not to mention the USSR and Putin’s version. Who in their right mind wants to live under such governments?

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Trump must not be allowed to run for office in any state.

He is a Traitor, plain and simple.

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I want to know which self appointed American Oligarchs have chosen to pour millions into Trump and other arch conservatives and what do they expect to gain by doing so? What deal has Trump made with them to make Trump so confident he is above the law? I agree that he should not be allowed to run for president, but why does the GOP still allow him to run? There has GOT to be a reason they’re investing so much in Trump. His bully and bluster isn’t that great! Follow the money. I hope Jack Smith convicts Trump for Jan 6, but I feel it won’t stop him.

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It's clear that Trump incited the insurrection and should not be on the ballot. I DO NOT understand how the Trump supporting Republicans in office are allowed to remain in office. If they agree with Trump in any manner, they agree with his insurrection. They also took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

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I completely agree. BUT I think we need a vast groundswell of citizens strongly supporting this position. We need to make it so clear that millions of us will not stand for Trump running for office again that voices for the other side will be drowned out. I've been mystified that this argument hasn't been advanced forcefully by the Democratic Party, though they seem just too weak to fight hard for anything important. Professor Reich, please step up and LEAD THIS EFFORT. It's clear the Dems won't do it. I think MILLIONS of us will follow.

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Here is my question to Republican Members of Congress

Is this really how you want your children and grandchildren to remember you? As one of Trump’s flying monkeys. One who took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. How do you sleep at night knowing that this guy will destroy our democracy if he is given a second chance? Is that what you want for your children and their children?

Personally I would be ashamed to be anywhere near Donald Trump!

Thank God not all Republicans are cowards. There are a few that continue to call out Trump for the loser he is. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Miles Taylor, Cassidy Hutchinson, Pam Hemphill, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen, Stephanie Grisham, Alexander Vindman, Marie Yovanovitch, to name a few.

It’s time for all true Republicans to rid yourselves of this tyrannical monster!

Wouldn’t be nice to get back to a normal way of life where we actually care about one another?

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Emotionally, intellectually and from a fairness point, I totally agree and would sincerely hope for that outcome. I do see one difference between Trump and the case cited here, though: A conviction in a court of law. That's what has happened in New Mexico but has not yet happened for the orange grifter. I know everybody saw what happened, but just saying so does not make it so — at least in the eyes of he orange one's desciples. In their minds, Jan. 6 was a tourist group visit to a sightseeing destination. I don't have high hopes of ever reconnecting those people with reality, but it raises the question of how to proceed if we don't share the same facts?

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So WHY isn't dRUMPf in Jail? HOW is this allowed to go as far as it has? He was heard--on the phone trying to coerce Rafsinger (sp?) into "finding 11,000 votes!!! He was seen on TV by MILLIONS of people inciting a riot!!!

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The reason why Trump wants to be President is he has a deep desire to finish what he started. "And the walls came tumbling down."

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The simple fact that Trump has promised to pardon convicted insurrectionists makes him ineligible to run. Why can’t this be brought up every day by every congressman Republican or Democrat, every newscaster, every citizen? It does not need to be proven in a court of law, surely!

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Who will enforce the Constitution? In this case? It’s great that we have that safeguard, but why hasn’t it been invoked? A Republican Congress. That stops everything.

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Clear thinking at last! Thank you, Professor!

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Duh! Why is this still an issue? Because fascism is based on lies. Fascist can’t even recognize reality any longer because it would cause their nervous system to crash and burn.

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