Trump had help from minions in this crime spree. He is the mob boss not capable of doing anything for himself. The questions now are who helped him get those documents to Mar-a-Lago and who did Trump sell them to? I find it interesting that Jared Kushner got a $2B deal with the Saudis for which he was widely reported not to be qualified for or competent. The Trump crime wave continues.

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The FBI is examining fingerprints on the top secret documents. May/may not be more potential witnesses or defendants.

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Someone had to get the TS docs for him. Who aided and abetted?

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I asked that question yesterday. ol' Tweety notoriously wouldn't even bother reading >any< of his daily briefings. Are we to believe he read and identified all those documents himself? I want to know >who it really was< who read and identified those documents.

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Trump can only read at best, on a 3rd grade level. He'd never understand any of those documents.

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Unfortunately his handlers and fellow criminals such as Putin do.

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I believe he has lost the ability to read and write. Notice his signature does not have one single identifiable letter.

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He did state at one point that he hasn't changed since first grade.

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DZK, exactly! I don't think Trump even knows how to read.

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Apparently he had no trouble reading Adolf Hitler's speeches.

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Fay, I figure he probably paid someone to read them to him.

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unfortunately, none of these will matter if he gets away with it. It's horrifying that his approved candidates get voted. I am frightened. :-(

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He will sell out those who did it in a minute.

This is where the expression, "A New York minute" become quite appropriate.

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Most excellent point!

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Could this have been put in motion as an entrapment? If yes, it could have been done with or without Saudi direct awareness and participation.

Our Intel certainly knows the target family - they were all compromisable and the Saudis know this too.

No smoking guns, just a few facts:

Iran seeking nuclear, Israel has it, Saudi Arabia wants it.

Jared $2B Saudi investment in a fund that had littleno money before that.

Biden recent visit to MBS. MBS is literaly "a killer", Trump's favorite turn of phrase. He could have been a willing participant or set up himself as a two-fer to get him too.

We shall see.

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I totally agree with you who at highest level of gov allowed was involved in the crimes with everyone of these R involved. It deeper than just trump that a fact . Because fact of it is you couldn't get job McDonald's with trump background or he's children

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Aug 13, 2022Edited
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No lawyer has ever been able to control Trump. He believes he is the smartest guy in the room. Duh! Their only option is to deny him legal services.

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Nice but not legal in the USA

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Maybe instead of shooting people on 5th avenue he's opted to shoot his mouth off at the press - expecting the same outcome!

Face it! He's already managed to get some credulous local - to me - boy to get himself shot to death attempting to attack the FBI field office in Cincinnati with an AR-15 and a damn nail gun!

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Any top secret documents would have been legally in trump's possession. All Presidents are trusted with highly classified, highly secret, and top secret documents to keep her/him aware of what is occurring or might occur , both in the American Government and Internationally. The difference is. all previous Presidents have left those and any other document pertaining to the United States' Government in the White House or in Archives. To my knowledge the trumpster is the first thief in our history. I wish the media would explain this instead of implying they were the trumpster's documents to take if he wished.

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Sensitive Compartmentalized Information = eyes only documents:


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I think there's got to be a difference between current and past presidents. I'm also under the impression there are strict guidelines for handling and storing sensitive material.

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There are very strict rules Martin but Trump chose to ignore them.

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Yes, as is his practice

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You are correct!

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Aug 13, 2022
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They'd better take DNA swabs, too. It'd be a >really sloppy< spy to leave fingerprints. Worse, for all we know it was somebody's 4th secretary(s) tasked to read and provide a synopsis of a bunch of document numbers, then hand them over to a supervisor who would compare the findings with specific topics, then report the relevant document numbers to a supervisor who would pass them on to a secretary who would forward them to the person who would eventually hand them over to ol' Tweety. Of course, ol' Tweety - in turn - would delegate having those documents gathered and sequestered for further action, who would pass the task down every step on the food chain until they finally landed on different 4th secretaries tasked with gathering those documents and putting them in a box - after which, someone else would be called in to remove the boxes and put them somewhere. That's Kafka 101.

I like to compare my time in DC to that of the land surveyor in "The Castle" - a pointless exercise in pursuit of no specific objective.

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The good news: 130,000% of _rump's criminal friends are just as bad at crime as he is, thank God! There WILL be PLENTY of fingerprints where ever investigators look.

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Where did the 2 Billion $ go from Saudis to Jared Kushner? Anyone have an answer?

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Kushner got $1 billion. (Even after the advisors to the Saudi Royal Fund said he should get zero).

Mnuchin got $2 billion.

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Hadn't read about Mnuchin's share. That's astounding.

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My hunch is Kushner funneled some of the money into Compass Real Estate where his brother is in upper management and control. Would like to see a flow chart. Follow the money.

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Sooo many unanswered questions: Why did it take (more than) 18 MONTHS to recover these documents? What's missing (you know there's no way it's still all there)? Where are the missing docs / who did he sell them to (Saudis)? When did he abscond with these docs - throughout his occupation? I don't believe he took them all at once upon his eviction - had to be over time. Who aided and abetted? Who KNEW but said NOTHING? (Bolton, Pompeo, M. Haberman - all wrote books...hmmm.) Where ELSE does he have gov't docs? He was ALWAYS a national security threat, as far back as 1980, because of his crimes. This looks VERY bad for intelligence officials who were supposed to keep these docs protected.

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Because he “plays” the Judicial System. Delay, Deflect, Deny. Rinse and Repeat.

Lawsuits ARE his business plan.

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He's used to looking like an a--!

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I always said he was a puppet of Putin's.So,... We also have a China concern w/ that Chinese woman and who knows who else sneaking into Mar a Lago.(13 guards for that size property(and a tunnel),Viktor Orban was in Cal.recently(so Hungary must be his pal),could North Korea factor in,honestly at this point we just don't know.In these cases I say,"Greater is God"!

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Maybe the Saudis were promised the nuclear documents.

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He and his family were very nonchalant about Kasshoggi,God rest his poor soul.

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Both MBS & Putin are primary suspects on the receiving end.

I think Steven Miller is a leading candidate as Trump's accomplice. So are Flynn, Pompeo, Bannon, Rosenstein & several others.

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A cast of thousands

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What about the guy he installed for our country energy that has to have sounds prof office setup at white House under trump

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It seems "his" Secret Service, taxpayer paid, Agents may have helped both to load and unload those boxes of classified document and transport them from the White House to Mar-A-Lago. Hopefully a few heads may role when all of this is fully exposed.

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That's a brilliant possibility,that agency has to be sanitized,bottom to top!

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What scares me is the deal has already been made and delivered for the nuclear documents to the Saudis. With nuclear weapons they could rule the whole middle east including Israeli, which they would happily blow off the face of the earth.

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The only solice I can take is that Earth's supply of fossil fuels is EXCEPTIONALLY finite. Oil takes at least two-hundred thousand years to form, although no one knows for sure, while coal takes at least two-hundred MILLION.

"The Age of Fossil Fuels" is over, and Saudi Arabia will be paying dearly for their crimes very soon when they have no more oil to use as leverage.

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Doesn't matter. The climate will kill us off before the coal & oil run out. We survived as humans without oil for millennia. We CANNOT survive without food and water, or bear the heat and other merciless weather that is in our future. Nor will we survive a nuclear war -- the world is to interdependent for any chance of survival -- just look what Russia's invasion of one small country has done to the entire world! Or what one little microscopic bug in far-away China has done to every person on earth! We will ALL be paying for ALL our crimes, against the planet and against each other -- even the innocents -- all the children, all other life forms -- we ALL will be paying dearly. Do you think you will survive, Daniel?

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I don’t. I believe this is the sixth extinction. It saddens me that we are killing off so many creatures with us. Sadly I don’t feel sorry for our species.

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I do feel sad for our species as well as the truly innocent life forms that surround us. I believe most folks are honest, caring, and trustworthy, and care for other people and care for our Mother Earth. What I can't tolerate is that we allow those sick individuals who are antisocial, histrionic, criminal, to take over with all the money and power they can grab, things that no sane person would sacrifice everything else to achieve. But it IS the 6th extinction, and we are all human, in the end, that are responsible for it. My hope is that the next intelligent species ... well, no. It took us 4.5 BILLION years to reach the life we have on this planet now ... and the planet only has maybe 7.5 BILLION years left, before being engulfed by a red-giant sun. So MAYBE there is time for another similar development? Who the hell knows. . .

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"The nuclear cataclysm is over. The earth is covered with gray dust. In the vast silence no life exists, save for a little colony of algae hidden deep in a leaden cleft long inured to radiation. The algae perceive their isolation; they reflect upon the strivings of all life, so recently ended, and on the strenuous task of evolution to be begun anew. Out of their reflection could emerge a firm conclusion: 'Next time, no brains'."

Ian McHargg

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They have sun and can create power that way.

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God forbid,we don't know that for sure.

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Exactly everyone seems to be forgetting he's kids , Jared couldn't even pass background check half the people he installed in government why he was supposedly the president. Questions needs to be answered at every level of gov at highest level how did trump even pass to run to become president in first place? When he was under IRS investigation before he even won supposedly in 2016 . their lot of crimes going on in every department that needs to be answered held accountable for

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Major problem is our Constitution. There are only two requirements to run for President: you must be born in the United States of America and you must be at least 35 years of age. You see, in the late 18th, early 19th centuries, it just never occurred to the framers of the Constitution that a narcissistic, megalomaniac with criminal intent would even run for the Presidency, let alone be elected. Our Founding Fathers were all educated gentlemen, the trumpster was beyond their imagination

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Are we sure he had already sold his nuclear secrets?

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Could he make money selling out the United States? If yes, then he has already done so.

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That's the suspicion and fear a lot of us have. Why did the DOJ wait so long???

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Probably if everyone remember trump R installed bunch of people at the Justin department and military highest level like 2 weeks before he got out . Got rid of the people that was half a protecting the country from these criminals

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Highly likely

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You think they are in a safe place, perhaps six week under ?

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But Biden Jr got maybe a couple million. Isn't Jared worth 1,000 times as much??

After all, if he releases the proof that the Saudi's killed people think how much outrage there will be among Republicans, for revealing the truth!

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I truly hope he goes to jail but I am not sure. The violence possible by that needed action could be bad. Read the WAPO story on those who have died for trump. Living in an alternative universe makes them scary.

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A much worse outcome would be if Trump is not indicted and prosecuted.

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I hear you. But to not take action is to allow the cancer to grow further.

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Exactly. Sick and tired of allowing these sociopathic trumpist psychos to go unpunished for fear of things they've done and what they may do. They must answer for the crimes and violence they have committed and laws they have broken, or all the investigations and laws protecting our democracy are for nothing.

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Look how far we've come investigating and prosecuting the garbage from the Insurrection.

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But living in their alternative universe made our reality is even scarier. Do not be bullied by Trump. Every person who has left a violent domestic situation has experienced the paralyzing fear of holding the perpetrator accountable. At some point, the risk of retaliation feels less than the risk of staying with the abuser. Learn from survivors of abuse. Their individual stories have much to teach those of us traumatized by Trumpworld.

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That is absolutely superb!!!

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I wouldn't either overrate or underrate the possibility of violence following from prosecuting extremist crimes at the red shift end of America's political spectrum.

Here are two basic facts from my perspective of that extremist cadre. One, they're chicken shit in aggregate, in a phrase. They talk big, and mob unarmed lone members of any group they dislike if they can. But their uprisings are in the main The Whiskey Rebellion. By themselves, they have historically lacked any institutional capacity to aggregate an actual force structure. The Civil War resulted when the wealth class in the South provided that institutional and organizational structure, built out with hundreds of thousands of armed crackers, to put it in plain words. Any attempt by the 'lock and load' loonies to do anything at all by themselves is going to look more like the Michgan kidnappers than any functional coup.

Two, individually they are heavily armed and some amongst them have cranked themselves up to go down mass murder style. This is where many of the mass shootings are coming from. It is my view that assassination attempts are a very serious threat from this crowd; that is targeted violence. There is a significant American history of assassination (not limited to the red end of the spectrum as perpetrators). Many red cranks are primed for this. I hope any progressive prominent in public life takes judicious precautions. The Oklahoma City bombing was the work of two crazed individuals from right smack in the middle of that crowd, and something(s) more in that vein are all too real a threat.

It doesn't help that until 6 Jan 2021, the American police structure took far too much of a benign enabler, boys will be boys, approach to white nationalist extremist violence. There were well above a dozen incidents of individuals purposely driving into BLM protestors threatening them with guns including actual shootings. Virtually no one was prosecuted in that. AR-15 boy in Wisconsin was personally escorted to exoneration by a biased judge. The only 'armed extremist' sought by the Feds in all that was a dude on the left who was extra-judicially executed. I think, however, that the power structure has woken up to the fact that THEY are targeted by the MAGAat mob. Officers beaten in the Capitol; uniformed security murdered in Oakland by Boogaloo crazy men; FBI office now 'tactically insulted' by an armed crazy determined to go out blazing; and Repubnicant extremists in Congress now absurdly screaming to defund the FBI when one of _their_ icons is investigated. I think I can state with some consequence that the main structures of law enforcement can, and will, make short work of violent nativist extremists in this country---IF they choose to do so.

There will be some assassinations and bombings over the next 15 years, which is bad, but it isn't likely to be more than that if the structures of state authority function. I find it distasteful to put it that way, but the greatest safeguard of the Constitutional structures of the country in this case are in fact the security structures loyal to it. And they are plainly loyal.

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Aug 13, 2022
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The probability that ANY state even seriously attempts to secede, let alone does so, is not even zero but a negative number.

There is, by the way, an extremely large military establishment in the USA, the entirety of whose officer corps and clearly the great majority of whose enlisted ranks are loyal to the Constitution. They would be mobilized in the event of any serious attempt to secede, and there is no state authority with remotely the organized establishment to resist military occupation. Sabotage? Chaotic and unprepared guerrilla action but current civilians?? Those might be actual potentials in such a scenario. They would have scant success and negative national support. And answer me this: how many states seceded during the Civil Rights era, when views even more deeply and violently held than those now were directly met and pushed aside by Federal authority?

Look, there is a significant stripe of individuals in the US who TALK a big, fat, game about all this. Show me the organized potential and we're talking about a different situation than exists. There have been cases where national level organizations disintegrated in ethnic tribal disputes. The former Yugoslavia is the current one of clearest comparability. Yet there, the ethnic divisions were far deeper, and the geographic divisions involved were much more absolute. Remember, there are large blue enclaves in every red state, and nontrivial red enclaves in many nominal blue states. Physical secession would be extremely difficult to achieve, on geography alone. Foreign allies for territorial slices attempting to secede come down to Russia and nobody, with Russia poorly placed to lend any substantive aid, while blue America is close to not only our nearest physical neighbors but to all states posed to lend consequential support.

I'll also add that the first attempt at 'virtual secession' in the US was the nullification crisis, where numbers of Southern legislatures said, as some very nearly are now, "We'll just invalidate Federal law in our jurisdictions." Andrew Jackson crushed that with a tiny military establishment at the time, and all Southern legislatures backed down at the time. That would be the most probable outcome of any current attempt by a state of the Union to secede. Now, after the nullification crisis, the Federal government remained paralyzed, allowing secessionists to build a stronger base. I don't think that situation would be permitted to occur.

Red America does not have the effective power to either secede or to defy a Federal government serious about enforcing its authority. It's that 'serious about enforcing its authority' part which has been absent over the last decade, in part because no one thought that the reds would be crazy enough to even try anything like that. I think the border we are crossing now is not that 'red losers will try to take their footballs and leave' but that the Federal government as an institution and the majority blue population of the country has crossed the line in the sand to a willful enforcement of its and their authority. Not more than a toe across to be sure, and with a 'surrender and claim victory' type like Joe Biden in the Chair real leadership is lacking. But the Federal government as an institution is not going to be caught napping on this.

Mass nonviolent resistance by Red staters to Federal authority would be much harder to deal with. But fortunately, or unfortunately deepening on how one sees it, red staters are much more likely to pop off some popguns like in the Malheur public lands seizure in Oregon or the Capitol clown show of 6 Jan, giving the Feds the justification to act. And they have the powers to act, long built up legally to crush any 'soshulist revalooshun.' I'm not naive. And I wish I wasn't discussing this at all. And in fact, I think red America will lose at the ballot box, have the law pulled out from under them, and be sued into submission, frankly. But if push comes to leave, red American wouldn't even get across the starting line if some fool pops off his pistol.

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Do you think for one moment that the Government does not know who the leaders of the troublemakers are. All you have to do is cut the head of the organization and the organization dies. Do you think for one second that those that want to secede would want to establish a democracy? In today's world environment we have powerful enemies that would love to see our country have a civil war. That would be the MOST INSANE thing to do. I know that we do have a number of politically insane American's living in our country. I would say anyone starting a violent revolt to overthrow the government is a traitor and should be dealt as such.

Just look around the world and see what happens when governments are violently overthrown. Fortunately, we have men and women in leadership positions within our military that know the danger our land would be in if we no longer had a United States of America. I know that any move to overthrow the government would be put down in a matter of hours, with minimal deaths. There would not be thousands and thousands of deaths. Wars are not pretty. I served during the Vietnam conflict. I was fortunate not to be sent there; of three of my family that were drafted one did serve in Vietnam. I lost many friends in Vietnam. I saw the carnage that is caused on the human body when shoot. I saw young American soldier's face and body disfigured by Napalm bombs. WAR IS NOT PRETTY. Americans should never even think about shooting another American for strictly political reasons. When people make a man, a god, they are in dire trouble. Many in our country have done exactly that.

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So because of 1 stinkin,deranged maniac we're going thru all this(I forgot w' a bad attitude)Nice example (and the Rethugs) for our young people.I know there's more to it,but Orange man is the star of the show at the moment,I'm so sick of that face sometimes I tape a piece of paper towel on the screen!

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Aug 14, 2022
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The great bulk of the country a) didn't care about that one, and b) didn't want to know. And when Newt and Co. forced that issue under the public nose, the public went to the polls on it---and whacked the Republicans of the time good in the 1998 midterms for overreach and being generally odious, which ended Newt's political career, more or less. There is a good chance that something similar happens in the midterms in ten weeks' time, in my view. The electoral landscape is somewhat different, but I think a 'reaction of disgust' is likely over Dobbs, the Court's gross extremity and loathing for the Constitution, and general Repugnicant obstructionism at a scale never seen in living memory. If Democratic leadership was worth a damn rather than totally given to gamesmanship, this would be a tooth and nail election. I think the public is going to move on its own almost _despite_ tepid Democratic leadership on the issue. Few of us like the Democrats, either, but the issues are too important not to vote.

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Well the Rep private prisons are plenty big enough for all them that chooses to give up their rights freedom to 1 man I party over there country own freedom. Because not 1 of these corrupt R are going to do anything for these supporters that believing their lies but use them to keep their power above the laws they forced on the rest of us for profit

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We and all concerned are very aware of that,I just give these horrendous situations to God and plead that he give wisdom to all .We got Al Capone and John Gotti.

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The Teflon Don, Gotti, died in prison. I'd hope that Teflon Donnie Trump goes the same way. The Feds have to get serious on this one, and for that the Demos have to get serious rather than split hairs to see if they're half blue or half red. We're not there yet. We need a solid crew of fighters elected out of Blue America, and while we'll get a few more in a few weeks the current (mis)leadership of the Democratic Party has never met a fight they weren't prepared to shrink away from. What matters most is getting the Democratic Party leadership _out_ of the hands of the present horrible crew of Gerontocrat losers who have almost singlehandedly paralyzed the country for 30 years.

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Aug 13, 2022
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No it didn't start with Der Fuhrer, a title Trump would love to have. It started with the Powell memo. And as you have said this is just a culmination of that document. It was meant to deny the common people of any rights in a corporate run state. I think we need to start making 1984 mandatory reading in civics classes again. Or do we still teach civics anymore?

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Gov.DeStupid in Fla. spent 6 million on a 'Civics' course that I believe is mandatory now.(He also has alot of input in how and what's taught.He wants the students to be virtuous;he could use a hefty dose of that himself.He doesn't care about the homeless or the housing crisis.

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Of course not, I love your name DeStupid, it so describes him. The course he has sponsored should be renamed Uncivics

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These R are feeding the public what they want to hear but if you actually look at their policy they are taking people rights away.

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I totally agree no they don't teach kids nothing like they used to they want the generation of the poor people which 85 per of America now days not have education. Just their hand pick rich children born into the money just like the old days why think they are doing everything trying to force poor people into having children again no rights for women or other races to vote so just like it use to be. A lot of these young kids now don't understand what these R are trying to do. Got these people focused on drama not about how going to effect them if these Rep get away with it

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Not in all States

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You are exactly right. Republicans have used dirty tricks since the 60s. Read about Lee Atwater and the strategy to turn the solid South from solid Democrat to solid Republican. Lives and reputations were ruined in the process.

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Right. Dana Milbank has a book on the 25 years this has been building up and you could say it goes back to the 50’s and the John Birch Society. The republicans have a history, a long history, of violent outliers. The problem today is they are more mainstream.

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My opinion the other problem is the gov is in people business to much to the point in last 10 years or 13 they are managing the parents taking parents right away to raise their children. Doctor rights away how to best treat their patients without the interference of the Justin department being in people school records or doctors patients records. Why is that but that actually doing nothing about gun violence or drugs coming in on street they been making reality tv shows about drug houses street for years nothing done there. But let's lock doctor up mandate total power over them why drug still killing people Bec problem not coming from doctors patients it coming from street being allowed. Just like the guns they do everything they can to allow unlimited power to the people but each state has unlimited power to do whatever they make up. Bunch of bs manmade bs . From same exact people that what I noticed seems like. Got kid believing they don't have to respect have morals consequences for bad behavior. But Justin department gov can lock them up for life over bs when they disrespect them or do something stupid. That why some many poor children are locked up now days to fill their private state prison jails

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No it didn't start with trump it started with same exact R cons been there for decades stacking everything to their favor at expense of the rest of us. But that exactly why Rep ran trump Bec of he's willness to break all laws , run on a new supposedly outside when in fact he's been around all these R for decades sounds like him gullibe goes back in to 80 . The same exact Rep noing they was losing so allow trumpet to run on con the people to keep their power. Anyone paying attention should of seen that in 2016 . How everyone of them that still kissing don as for power will say whatever lie to public back trumpet lies they are all in it together should be held accountable for their crimes

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Aug 13, 2022
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Jack, of course he needs to be tried and found guilty, before hopefully being hauled to jail. That is self-evident. I’m quite certain that it is also clear for George Bond (above).

Contrary to some nutty folks out there who believe in attacking, shooting and even hanging folks they disagree with, most of us believe and insist on justice, lawful behavior, fairness and democratic ideals. It’s what a civilized, educated population does, in order to keep both freedom and a certain order, keep all members of society included and safe - except if individuals go rogue and become violent or nutty.

T**** certainly fits into the latter group, since he tried to hijack the country and attempted to take over - as wannabe dictators like to do.

He has proven all his life that he is an immoral character who’s crying for attention.

While there will always be unsavory characters living among us, I’m blaming as much all those who supported this Mr. Despicable in any way.

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Good question! When a suspect is deemed a threat to public or national security, it is common practice for them to be incarcerated while awaiting justice. Clearly Trump is such a threat.

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They are only jailed if they are poor, Jaime. Rich folks get to stay home and hire a ton of lawyers to keep appealing.

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Did anyone see that brilliant strip mall atty. on Fox news (I only saw a brief clip),don;t watch them.She couldn't answer the questions and to me couldn't litigate her way out of a paper bag.Govt. prosecutors like Glen Kirchner used to be could have chewed her up easy.Maybe he paid her w/ coupons.

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Apparently, but that's not the way it should be.

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Well of course he needs to be indicted and put on trial. Nobody’s saying otherwise.

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You are right as he needs a trial to be convicted. Trump would try to do it without a trial, thus lock her up, but technically that is impossible- unless this Supreme Court says it is possible.

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I believe one difference is the amount of information we're getting recently about activity that would clearly be criminal if it actually took place.

You're right, though, that human nature seems to cry out for justice and that's true for almost everyone. When you're disgusted by someone who seems incredibly manipulative, selfish and arrogant you tend to relish the thought of them being out of public sight. These admittedly are true for both, and any, "sides". There certainly are similarities in the cases of Hillary and Donald. I don't think they're identical but there are similarities.

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Aug 13, 2022
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So far this son of a bitch is like the "TEFLON DON". Nothings seems to stick. At this point we can only hope that this danger to our democracy finally pays for all of his lies, and shame that he has brought to America,. The so-called Republican Party is no longer the party we know. Most of them are a bunch of fascists, attempting to take away women's rights and voting rights. They must be stopped.

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The Republican Party has morphed into the Trump cult.

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Adding The Trump Insurrections Cult

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a bunch of trash that should be ashamed of what they did and are doing to our beloved nation

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Harriett & Todd: You're a priori assumption is that the GOP once was "the party 'we' knew". Unless I'm misinterpreting what I recall of Jane Meyer's Dark Money book, after the 1980 election, Libertarian VP candidate Koch saw he'd never get his tax cuts unless Dark Money stealthily took over the GOP via taking over all the statehouses that control gerrymandering. So, since the 1980s, the GOP intentionally has not been what its leaders wanted 'us' [the public] to think it was. Gingrich "purified" the GOP by ridding it of anyone daring to dissent from its House or Senate leadership [POW McCain was the lone "maverick"]. McConnell was working on SCOTUS for decades. But, neither Maverick McCain nor Mormon Romney [a LDS-member, rather than the GOP base's classic Jesus-follower] could deliver what Dark Money wanted by beating a black candidate. Obama Birther TheRump finally delivered the SCOTUS that Dark Money wanted by warmly welcoming the racists, and asking the KKK to remove their hoods, and become Proud Boys who proudly strut in public with their AR-15s.

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Gerrymandering should be nationally outlawed,it's an obvious greedy attempt to work elections in their favor!

McConnell is SCUM,a dictator of a fashion

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I was just thinking the same recently about the parallel between Trump and Teflon-Don. Ironic how similar they both act and get/got away with stuff. However, in the end the Gov’t got their man Gotti and he went to prison where he later died. I wonder if Trump will ever face that reality…

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I am a realist and don't believe in HOPE. With all the hard work the Insurrection Committee headed by one of the most savvy and intelligent women (party politics aside), the raid on Mar-a-logo this man can finally be taken down...

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Getting closer!

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It's on the way,he's mega toxic to the planet,or country and our folks.

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I want him to rot in the dungeon forever! Let's not forget how many poor souls ( and their families suffered) passed away from Covid because of his cavalier attitude.He will definitely answer to the Almighty for all this.

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The Narcissist's Prayer

That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

And if it is, that’s not my fault.

And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.”

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Wonderful! I’d like to share this. Who can I credit?

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Open source. Just search it.

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So true.

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Sounds like a lil donnie speech verbatim ! !

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Any of the items you listed are possible at this point. However, don't underestimate Trump's uncanny capacity for distraction which his base is unable to resist. The MAGA bunch are constantly distracted by the next shiny object he throws before them. We have the perfect example of Trump's evil wizardry on his base in the poor deluded idiot who thought he was going to start the civil war that these people seem to be fixated on. The man who decided to attack bulletproof glass with a staple gun. What an innovative thinker! After all, if bullets won't penetrate the glass why not try a staple? Staples are very sharp, aren't they? But alas, as the poor soul discovered they're also mere fractions of the mass of any bullet, and in this example size matters a lot!

In reality, none of us can guess where this will lead, but this week has been a great one in that it reveals that all the teeth gnashing was unnecessary because Merrick Garland was quietly and methodically investigating and formulating a plan to deal with Trump. We have now seen the first step in this plan. Attorney General Garland is a chess master who is playing against a wily opponent, but one that is barely able to understand the game of checkers. Can AG Garland knit together a fabric that will forever snare Trump within the web of his own lies? My money says yes, but the biggest question in my mind from the beginning of the Trump nightmare is this; can we ever find and empanel 12 truly objective and unbiased jurors?

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"...can we find...12 truly objective and unbiased jurors?" Yes, but Trump's defense attorney's would object and no judge will be able to seat them without SCOTUS over-turning a 'guilty' verdict.

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SCOTUS will be stockers and greeters in Walmart when all is said and done.

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The initial trial will be held in Washington DC. Unless his lawyers manage somehow to get a change of venue to Florida. If the trial is held in DC, there should be no trouble seating 12 qualified jurors.

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I wondered about the jurors myself. You either hate tRump or worship him, depending on your soul.

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That was excellent and my reply is 'may God give him and all concerned WISDOM!!!

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I hope the game, or its rules, don't get changed. That's the rub.

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You forgot the option I feel he will take. Defection. He will get on a private jet and leave his acolytes scratching their heads.

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No need to defect. His hand-picked SCOTUS will insulate him from ever being held accountable.

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But I just read that all the SCOTUS HE brought in will be dismissed, CNN or one other of the right information sites.

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I saw someone suggesting that should be done in a tweet (something I have been suggesting since the beginning of Trump's administration), but nothing like that from any official source. I really hope that comes to pass & soon.

I think Obama should get one of the picks since his choice was stolen from him. Hillary should get another pick since her victory over Trump was stolen from her due to a fraudulent election in which Russia actively interfered on Trump's behalf. Biden should get the 3rd pick, because the confirmation was unduly & recklessly rushed & rammed through.

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Worse than dog poop,that sounds gross,but my contempt for that group increased immensely

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Aug 13, 2022
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With all due respect,Mahalia Jackson could sing,she'd brighten our day!

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On second thought, defection would be the best thing for our country. His 'base' would see what an ass he is and we wouldn't have to continue to pay for his Secret Service Protection. That's a "win-win."

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So, Trump flies off to Russia, or some other country without extradition. Waits until the Republicans retake the government and then makes his grand return to assume the leadership position.

Uh uh! Can’t let that happen.

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I can only hope that tRump would fly to Russia. He owe's Putin so much he'll never be able to return regardless who's in office here. Russian's take a 'failure to pay your debt' very seriously. He'd be 'toast.'

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That ain't happening,EVER!

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Aug 13, 2022
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I've heard that proposal being batted around for a year or so. It seemed plausible then, but I wonder about now. But if the GOP can still win the majority of seats after all that's happened, I suppose that could still take place.

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We won't let it,it's our democracy!

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Aug 13, 2022
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It wasn't a raid ,several agencies were doing their job

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The problem is the 2 sides see it radically differently. Our side looks at this as the DOJ finally going after Trump after a lifetime of his always getting away with everything, & the hopeful prospect that finally justice is coming, which is inspirational to our side

Their side, which reflexively takes Trump's side, becomes enraged & more willing to commit violence on his behalf. This will happen at some point regardless, because if no accountability comes to Trump & his co-conspirators, they will feel at liberty to take over the government by whatever means, while our side will feel so helpless & defeated that many give up & don't bother to vote. At least now that he has a real prospect of facing justice, our side has a fighting chance & is more inspired to vote & fight.

There is a smaller number in the middle (one wonders how there can be any by now, but there is) that our side needs to convince to vote with us, & solid evidence of such serious crimes as espionage or treason would convince most of them.

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Why are some so sure they will,we probably will be pleasantly surprised.

I don't care what 'history says'

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I believe more folks out there already see that,they are just caught up in fear and frenzy.Like george Conway mentioned"he walks them so far over the horizon they can't find their way back"

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I’ve been thinking the same thing. Trump needs to surrender his passport.

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Possibly that was in the "locked file"

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UAE. Has major investments there.

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I wonder who'll give that plane clearance,he can't hide from God!

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The DIRTBAG needs to be headed for prison, and America needs to STOP FOOLING AROUND WITH HIM

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To the dungeon

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I heard that Donald Trump just passed his recent Cognitive Assessment again , Person , Woman , Man , Camera , TV , Espionage , Prison 😉

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Aug 13, 2022
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Thanks 😊 We better all hold on tight to our sense of humour 🇨🇦

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AMEN,we all need some hand clappin here,anyone got a tambourine?

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Please don’t limit your music introduction to just one song! I just loved the two entries I heard today. Please always vary the choices that were sent in. Your listeners love hearing the talented diversity that’s out there…it’s so much more Democratic and inclusive!❤️

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Doesn’t Trump know how to make copies or scan or photograph with his phone?

The secrets are out. Retrieving the originals is like putting the horse back in the barn after it ate the petunias.

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Having kept the original copies deprives the government of those originals. That's important for "eyes only" documents. It also permits them to be perused and scanned or photographed by other actors.

Convenient that he should declassify the top secret documents he made off with.

I've heard mentioned already that ol' Tweety will simply plead "moron" and it will be believed. It is his perfect cover.

He's damaged national security, right down to the level of public health security, and even down to the democracy security itself, making him arguably a more effective enemy agent than Philby, who trashed MI-whatever it was in Great Britain - and who was previously considered the most effective enemy agent in history. Dr Reich is right. The Rosenberg aren't even on the same playing field.

As a further though, ol' Tweety didn't really need to recruit a network. He simply reinforced what the Tweety-tossers already believe, and the Republi-wankers can't possibly believe they've been sucked-in and coopted by a spectacularly successful enemy agent. If they did, they'd all be working their 2nd Amendment rights on their own skulls. That leads me to believe the Republi-wankers will be attempting to fight like their >very lives< depend on it.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of it all is that ol' Tweety didn't really need to coopt the Republican Party. He simply employed a simple management principle: "Ride the horse the direction it's going." Although, I keep wondering if he was helped along with some very salacious "компромат" involving his most vocal supporters - or others who are simply keeping their yaps shut. I'm thinkin' maybe that "What happens in Vegas" didn't stay in Vegas. After all, he was a casino/hotel mogul, the >perfect< hunting - and backhanders - ground.

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Given the long history of this criminal what took the federal government so long to go after these documents. They handled him with kid gloves, negotiated, subpoenaed him, good grief. The know how dangerous he is, what took so long? The Rosenberg case is an example of how minor league it is to Trump's illegality and treasonous behavior. A point on that to show the long influence of Roy Cohn, his behavior is the template for EVERYTHING Trump does. It was Roy Cohn, a good friend of the judge in the Rosenberg case who pushed and argued hard for execution. I have always been horrified that the US government could have been so utterly cruel, they had young sons, it's an outrage. Even at this moment as I watch the GOP tie itself in knots defending this sick, despicable man, deep down I fear that the ruling class elite will make sure nothing happens to him EVEN IF IT IS FOUND HE PASSED HIGH LEVEL DOCUMENTS TO OTHER COUNTRIES. Yeah, even that, there appears to be no bottom for the GOP.

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I too was shocked by the conviction and subsequent execution of the Rosenbergs.

It’s like after one atom bomb we had to drop another immediately . Injustice.

I think alot of injustices have been done to this Country and Trump joins the list of how not to have consequences. My feelings are prosecut him and use the National Guard to counter any violence which MAGA wants. We can’t let go of the law or we have nothing but a rogue Nation manipulated by the RightWing media and threats from deranged persons.

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Exactly what I thought

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You are so right. If we abandon the law, we are no longer a representative democracy, we are a fascist dictatorship. Is that really what the majority of Americans want?

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100% you are right. The right wing has wanted any excuse to resort to violence. Live by the rule of law and use whatever legitimate methods necessary to protect the public.

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I appreciate your position. However, as I have in previous discussion, while including good, informative links, advocated patience. My information indicates Garland is a very careful, meticulous guy - and he's not interested in bringing charges that have little chance of sticking. I would find it very satisfying for the outcome to be that the guy the Republi-wankers >screwed< off the SCOTUS should become the very agency that destroys them. But that's just me. I'm still advocating patience. This is far from over.

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I totally agree! Garland isn't going to make a mistake with Trump, I'm sure he's armed with loads of evidence and can legally outgun anything Trump can pull. And it has not been lost on me what the GOP did to Garland. I always thought it was poetic justice....looks like way more than I thought.

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AG Garland made big mouth Mc Carthy look like an ass very elegantly!

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Poetic is right. One of us with poetic skills should write a poem about it. I'm partial to filthy limericks, m'self! LOL! ];-)>

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Can't argue that. :)

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Let's put fear aside ,who ever thought we'd come this far? Yes,he should have been cuffed and stuffed already.

A whole bunch of them will be having their shorts in a knot sooner than they think!

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His father + Cohn = Misery for us.

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Totally. Incredibly, look at the long, long dishonest, hateful reach of Roy Cohn through Donald Trump. A whole new generation of Americans are feeling the societal destruction of sick-minded, psychopathic, mentally deranged men. HIS FATHER TOO, GREAT POINT!

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Speaking of using exercising their 2nd Amendment rights on their own skulls, it >may< have just begun: https://www.dcnewsnow.com/news/local-news/washington-dc/man-dies-after-ramming-car-into-us-capitol-barricade-shooting-himself/

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UPDATE: Sensitive Compartmentalized Information = eyes only documents:


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I wonder what the procedure is for declassifying,does he just put his nasty paw print on a paper because he wants to,does he need a reliable witness,or how does this go,maybe if he's lucky he;ll be served a bowl of borscht.

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See the update link I just posted here.

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I agreed with that yesterday -- the unlikelihood that he hadn't already sold the info contained in the docs. Naiveté, it seems, continues to be a large part of the reason he remains the "Teflon Don," as said. The other large part, as frequently mentioned, may be his purchase of so many in power, with money or blackmail. If the usual Fates prevail, he'll skate, maybe become #47, while the poor and non-white continue to be arrested or killed for stealing bread. Peasants persecuted, a dictator calling the shots, his rich pals buying new yachts -- democracy or AmeriKKKa: the Third World, brought to you by manufacturers of guns and coat hangars. Will the rag-tag heroes prevail? Will it win a Tony?

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I'm just as cynical as you are about this country of ours. How can one not be at this juncture?

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I don't think it's cynical. I think it's maybe realism at least some sense of humor to avoid going nuts. The things is, not to give up. I'm sure the head bad guys try for apathy and disabling fear by keeping the country in constant chaos. If each "sane" person does something helpful, it might amount to enough.

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Seems like it ,but ain't gonna happen.I just wonder if he employs private investigators to find the 'dirt' on his adversaries or anyone he might want to keep in check.They're a dime a dozen/

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Such a good point! By now, surely he has sold something to someone and made a ton of money doing so, right?

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One would >certainly< suspect.

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And the cow jumped over the moon.

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The Electoral College put us through the Trump nightmares and put our democracy in peril. Without the Electoral College, we would have had Al Gore and progress on climate change instead of G. W. Bush and the Iraq War. Why can't we elect presidents with the popular vote? Are we going to allow the Constitution to wreck the country? That was not the idea!!

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After 233 years we need a new Constitutional Convention to revise and update the Constitution of the 18th century. I love and respect our Constitution and do not wish to 'throw out the baby with the bath water' but a lot of things written between 1787 and 1789, including the electoral college a Senate based on 2 per State regardless of population need to be changed. An amendment to repeal the Electoral College under the current Constitution is a non-starter as it requires a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress AND ratification by 3/4 of the States. Good Luck with that.

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Unlike Bob and Heather, I plead guilty to the charge of being a cynic. I don't think it matters whether Trump goes to jail or not. Either way, his base will be riled up. As I have written here before, I think the idea of "America" has already been lost because there is no Center to our body politic; you're either "for" or "against" whatever issue is on the table. In addition, we have lost the willingness and the ability to negotiate in good faith and compromise in order to solve our problems; it's either "my way or no way." We are now headed for a clash of our legal system and our political system. If and when Trump is charged with a crime, his base will explode. If and when he is tried and convicted, the explosion will only grow larger. If and when he runs for president and loses, we will have a civil war. Will our law enforcement agencies fight to quell the uprising, or will they succumb to fighting among themselves? If and when Trump runs for president and wins, will those of us not in his base accept the result, or will we arm ourselves and engage is rebellion? Or will we sit quietly and watch the administration of justice become arbitrary and capricious and see our elections become sham operations?

I don't have the answers. What do you think?

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One thing that I think is that the various institutions—FBI, National Guard, etc.—are already coming up with scenarios and contingency plans. How effective they would be I don’t know but at least we have warning. I’ve asked some of my friends if they are thinking of leaving the country and they all say no (except for the ones who live in Mexico part-time.) They all feel that they have too much keeping them here. I don’t want to leave but I will if I have to. And yet I worry about what will happen to them and you guys and the rest of the good people in the country. I wonder if the country will soon look like Nazi Germany or whether it will fragment or what. I don’t have the answers but I do know that it’s a big country and I find it difficult to imagine how this band of thugs could dominate it. Which is inconclusive, I know, but might spur further discussion.

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Paula, I was thinking about the National Guard, too. It consists of an Army National Guard and an Air National Guard, and each State's contingent reports to the governor of that State. But it is also part of the Department of Defense, and I believe (fact checkers, where are you?) that while on duty each member is an employee of the federal government and takes orders from (gulp) the president. It sounds bonkers from an organizational standpoint, and I wonder what would happen if, say, Governor Newsom in California called out the Guard to quell a bunch of Trump's thugs after, say, Trump wins the election and calls on them to terrorize his opponents, who, after all, have been "so mean" to him. I can envision a civil war among the members of the Guard, mirroring the war going on in the streets. This is the stuff of nightmares!

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Roger, these are excellent questions. I am absolutely sure the powers that be are strategizing and have eyes on the inside of all of this. After January 6th they have to. That’s what war rooms are for. Not that I believe everything will go smoothly if it comes to that but at least they will have some plans. If not heaven help us. Thank goodness the police chief of Uvalde won’t be involved.

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Hi Roger, I think you are equating the political arena with all America, We do have a great dilemma, the refusal of politicians to negotiate in good faith, indicates the need for a viable third party, but we are so immersed in the two party system that 3rd parties go nowhere. There is no practical way to separate the entire country so that like-minded thinkers can be together. I personally think our best solution is to abandon all current political parties and form 4 new parties named for their true beliefs, the Liberal Progressives, the Fiscal Conservatives. the Single Issue Party, and what I think of as the Nut Cases, who would have to have a more salable name. Most of the people on this Forum would fit the Liberal Progressives. The Fiscal Conservatives would be more like the John McCain's, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger types. The Single Issue Party could them approach the previously named parties to negotiate their issue into whichever party seemed more agreeable. The Nut Cases would simply give an outlet for the dissatisfied less knowledgeable, groups like the fascists, racists, religious bigots, trumpsters, oath keepers, proud boys, militias.

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Love Peter Lambert's song!!

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Trump will run for re-election in 2024; Trump will lose the election but will become President; there will not be a civil war but probably lots of gratuitous violence in order that Republicans can vent their hatred for the rest of us and experiment with totalitarian tactics they intend to employ in a future not limited to 4 years. The Good Guys (ie us) will offer little resistance.

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This is my fear. We are headed toward totalitarianism. Libertarians & Industrialists Koch and their Allies are the ideology and money supporting and using Trump (through many conservative foundations) so we don’t see the real POWER of who is behind the curtain. (read Dr Reich substack The Worst Memo) Follow the money. By installing Secretaries Of State who believe the Big Lie they will have the power to Overturn Elections and they will. The are devoted to Winning at any cost. We must come out in mass numbers that cannot be disputed.

Vote Blue 22

Check your registration & voting place.

Bring all your friends & family.

Bring young voters.

Vote Down Ballot.

“Yes We Can”

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The wild card -- that nobody seems to mention -- is our US military. Highly dedicated and diverse, they are doing a lot to keep Christian nationalist radicalism out of their ranks. (And a plug for the awesome work being done by Mikey Weinstein and his team at the MRFF (Military Religious Freedom Foundation).

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I read an article this am about Gen Austin rooting out extremism in the military, even as far as 'liking' extremist rhetoric!

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The regular military has a long tradition (and it might be enshrined in the Constitution) of not getting involved in domestic civil disorder. If Trump (or Biden for that matter) called on General Milley to send troops to quell an uprising, that tradition would be sorely tested.

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By law, the United States Military, all branches, can only operate in America to quell an invasion by a foreign government, they are forbidden to act in America otherwise. The members of the military of the US are supposed to follow the directions of their superior officers. If any President tried such a knuckle headed thing as to call up the regular military forces to attack, or even defend, on a President's order, the Chief of Staff would be Constitutionally required to disobey such an order.

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The article I read, wish I could find it to repost, talked about how many 1/6 participants were military. Although many were retired from active duty, a lot were reservists. The 1st amendment still applies to them but when they start embracing white supremacy ideals and hyping, liking, and spreading rhetoric of inflammatory speech regarding refusal to obey Biden, as well as Black superiors, it becomes a problem. As military, they are to obey the Constitution.

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This is already happening in Florida. DeSantis has illegally removed elected Hillsborough county AG, replaced him with Lopez. In the first week, she has rescinded the laws against Biking while Black, reinstated the death penalty, and so much more. It's complained about, but what is actually being done to counter it? This will b true for our country I'm afraid if Trump and cronies, as well as DeSantis followers, are not given more than a slap on the hand and told not to do it anymore. This SCOTUS won't even slap their hands. I don't want to see a civil war, but i think arrests should start w Tucker for inciting.

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Lisa, thank you for sharing this. Please amplify this information anywhere you can. We need Clear Communicators to speak up and speak out.

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Unfortunately, that is a likely scenario. We must do what we can to prevent it from happening that way.

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Not this good guy. I will not live in Hitler 2.0 future. A future of Big Brother.

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I sincerely hope you are wrong, but your observation presents us with the nightmares of a return to the 1940's.

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Action is required in creation, mental, emotional and physical.

Acknowledge what has happened regarding this topic and what is happening now.

Now decide what you want.

Focus on what is wanted.

Vote Blue 22

Vote Down ballot

I want 3 more progressive Senators.

I want 5 more progressive House members.

I want young people included.

I want seniors included.

I want massive turn out.

Btw Germanys “frog” boiled mostly in the 1930s.

We are now in a somewhat similar situation.

We are creators, so healthy positive change is possible.

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I'm one of those "glass is always full" people. Just not always sure what the glass is full of!

The right thing, thusly, the boring thing, will happen. The gavel will fall on the head of trump, and he will suffer at least some consequences. Hopefully, a whole lot of consequences.

His big and nasty, gun-wielding, and mean, base, will cry foul for a week or two, but act fowl when it comes to real-life battle against a big system that can win world wars. They will stay home and complain.

I would like to see many more instigators and underlings get the treatment, too. And of course, 'Fox Spews', as well. Just little spurts of drama here and there, maybe an 'Oscar Slap' or two, but basically boring all around.

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Thank you for the good laugh for your third paragraph, Great use of foul/fowl (:-)

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Reverse Victim and Offender

CLASSIC Psychopathology


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lil donnie draft dodger/bone spur boy's M.O. to a tee ! !

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