I guess I mean that he won't specifically target "us" (liberal, Asian spouse, Eurasian daughter, Buddhist husband, woman) as hegseth and ka$h are planning to do.
Yes, we all saw it here. Hundreds of thousands died, after being told not to wear masks or get the vaccine. Ivermectin, bleach injections, all kinds of misinformation, deliberately given by a man who went to Bethesda Naval hospital and got the cutting edge treatment , to walk away fine. tRUMP is evil. RFKjr. is his acolyte.
The part of his brain left after the worm's regular dinner visits doesn't care about you or me and will let you die and even actively make sure you don't survive without a second thought. Of course, he doesn't have enough brain left to have a second thought.
Paula, RFK, in addition to being mentally off, he believes his white privilege will project him into any job Baby Donny will hold out to him. I do wonder if even Republicans in the Senate want a fool with nothing but money and whiteness on his side to run our most significant medical research agency. After all, those guys get cancer, heart disease, COVID, and the other problems that people acquire or inherit, so they are going to want high-quality research and development of medical instruments, techniques, and drugs. I hope Dems will bring that up in any hearings Republicans might choose to have. It is a choice because despite what Baby Donnie thinks or pretends to think, he is not in charge of Congress unless Repubs let him be.
They all have a couple of things in common: 1. They all have their heads lodged solidly up trump's massive, orange butt and are willing to swallow anything he gives them and 2. They're crazy and immoral and have no idea what is illegal or unconstitutional and care about as much as trump about it. 3. They are all desperate to be in power of some sort that they will say yes to everything trump wants to do.
Don’t believe ANYTHING that Trump says, don’t listen to anthing he’s says, and mute the TV when he’s featured in the news, which is, of course, in every national news telecast. See him for what he is - a demon in disguise.
Every time there’s a ‘Breaking News’ announcement, I have a visceral reaction to it all and I think, “What did Trump break now?!”
Trump is like an abusive boyfriend or husband that never goes away, gaslights and gets away with everything. I loathe what our country has become because of that hideous man and his sycophants.
That's exactly what i do now, i don't listen to anything that sub-human freak says. I actually can't even stand the sight of that grotesque creature. I not only mute the TV, i immediately turn it off if he is on anything i am watching, including on my computer. I have never in my life hated and despised anyone worse than i do DJT. This election was bought and paid for, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Are you not speaking hate talk? No need to spread even more negativity. Remember that Hate + Hate does not equal Unity. Being firm in your values is important & fighting for Democracy is imperative. I hope we can make our voices heard without vitriol. Peace!
And Doctor Oz, who is heavily invested in United Healthcare and wants to covert Medicare to Medicare Advantage so the healthcare oligarchs can kill us through denial of services.
Also add Peter Navarro to the mix - he got out of jail just in time . His ideas on foreign trade might backfire/ but he will probably be confirmed as our trade representative.
Desi Lydic from The Daily Show had the best summation of trump’s picks. She said trump is selecting mascots. Think about it. In sports, the mascots jump around to rev up the crowd. They are not expected to know anything about the game or have any part in the game’s outcome. They are just supposed to be loyal to their team.
Here’s the thing with Tulsi, though. She was a huge supporter of Assad in Syria and now he’s gone. Putin (another one of her faves) has taken a big blow with the fall of Assad. He’s lost his access to the Mediterranean. Tulsi is in a bad spot because her buds are in trouble.
"Public servants like me will do everything we can to stop the fascist MAGA Project 2025 agenda"
Don't get too excited. Musk, Ramaswamy and DOGE are probably going to eliminate your job pushing papers from one desk to another while achieving nothing...
Trump's nominees lack the competence, ethics, background, and character to be effective cabinet leaders. His nominees are corrupt and unqualified, they are a disaster to our country and put our national security at risk; will do irrevocable harm to this country.
He is filling the government with loons, traitors, slackers, fools, blunderers and corrupt plutocrats.
It has nothing to do with actual qualifications at all. It’s like he’s picking staff for his old apprentice show, that really sucked for entertainment!!
Trump wants to make the government NO longer functional.
I will be wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" t-shirt the next four years 👇
Trump's end goal is to transform our entire government into an oligarchy working for HIM, not the American people. He gets there by hiring loyalists and sowing chaos, doubt, fear, and hate.
The pattern of destroying our national government was set by soft spoken Ronald Reagan when he ran big deficits (so much for fiscal responsibility) by attempting to bankrupt the federal government. Trump is following in Reagan’s foot steps.
Roger, you are so right about Raegan, but alas, so many Americans conveniently forgot about the messes Reagan left behind which never could fully be fixed because every time Democrats tried, Republicans stood in the way like stone walls against any kind of positive progress for the majority of the American people. The rich benefited though! Trump is just the next level of disgusting that Republicans planted, actually starting before Nixon with the anti-New Dealers, the scared anti-Communists with their Joey McCarthy, and on to their Southern Strategy which was meant to keep Black Americans in the place Nixon and his crew set out for them. Then there was the drug war which heavily condemned ?Black and Brown people but were not actually doing drugs any more than white Americans. And so it goes on. It is hard to see how we will get out of this insanity because Trump has surrounded himself with the most appalling examples of hate, anger, fearmongering and resentment covered with a thick blanket of misogyny, racism, hatred of immigrants, particularly those of color, and homo/transphobia. We the People will have to stand up to this in every way possible every single day that evil crew is in power and at every level. Then we have to see which oligarchs are working hardest to destroy this nation, then boycott their products, services, banks, etc. Finding out which of those corporations supported Trump and Kump and their statewide sycophants in the elections is important and can be found online. Let's take care of the American people and find ways to stop the worst of Trump and Kump's attrocities.
The Reagan years was the beginning of the end....he was successful due to his superior 'communication' skills & Grandfatherly shtick that fooled everyone...including spineless Democrats that went along with is scam called trickle down economics, dissolution of fairness Doctrine, destruction of unions, and ignoring AIDS epidemic. Remember St. Ronny said.....'Government IS the problem.'
Reagan took a sledge hammer to democracy, and everyone just LOVED him -- I mean, he was SO handsome! (yuck) 1. Citizens United was started (My Dad said, all those decades ago, after he read about it, "Well, there goes our democracy.") 2. Destruction of the FCC Fairness Doctrine. A truly terrible person, dressed in sheep's clothing + a country who falls for B-rated movie and TV "celebrities".
Your Dad certainly got that right. Just took a while for Citizens United to bloom and, by then, everyone had forgotten where it came from and how toxic it was. A corporation is not a person. According to Yuval Noah Harari in "Sapiens", corporations are a "legal fiction". They are not real in the physical touchable sense. They are a myth that everyone believes. Much to our detriment.
Sandra, and, if corporations really were persons, they could be held accountable as a unit for bad behavior, they are not. I like that idea that corporations are a fiction which means the people should have more control of them and force them to follow basic standards of conduct, good treatment of workers, and unions should be present representing workers in every corporation. That would be a start, then, there's paying their fair share of taxes, paying CEOs and other high-level personnel reasonable salaries. Then, no individual should be able to own a corporation as Musk, another toddler-man does. Ah well, I can dream, can't I?
"Sapiens" is an eye-opening book. Much of what we believe is "fictive", as in a useful myth that allows people to behave as if what the myth purports can actually be touched or seen or heard. Money is a great example of that. I shop for groceries at Publix. They exchange physical goods for an electronic entry on my credit card. My bank agrees, electronically, that I have not exceeded the arbitrary "credit" limit on my card. At some point Publix will ask my bank for electronic funds to be transfered from my credit card account to their bank account. At some future point, my credit card company will ask me to move funds from my checking account to to them to cover the cost of my groceries. None of that series of events consists of actual physical items that I can see or touch except for the groceries. We all agree to this because we all agree to believe the myth of banks and money.
Think about how you might have gotten groceries 5000 years ago. Most likely you would bargain and then trade one physical item for another. I may want potatoes, so I bargain to trade my oranges for your potatoes. See how cumbersome that is? Shopping would entail a whole day of bargaining and trading. If you ran out of oranges or no one wanted oranges right then, you might end up eating your own oranges for multiple meals. Money back then was physical, mostly coinage minted by the state of metal that had a value, mostly copper, silver, or gold. There were also "anti-clipping" laws that made it a crime to "clip" a piece off a coin. I'm guessing that if you clipped enough off of enough of the same denomination of a coin, you could maybe make your own. Counterfeiting the hard way. Back then, everything was pretty much physical for physical. There were "notes" of promises to pay, usually with some percentage interest. A little less cumbersom but you most likely had to have some kind of surety and be known to the person who traded money for that note.
Bottom line, as the myth of money became more accepted globally, commerce became increasingly easier. Until we got to today where my groceries become mine via a little plastic card that has no value in and of intself.
Long post and I apologize for that. Think about all the myths you now believe. Money, of course, democracy, fascism, God, Jesus, the Talmud, the Koran, all the religions, mortgages, health insurance, pensions, the rule of law, and on and on and on. Trump built a myth of his business acumen. Some believed that myth. Others did not. Human beings are eminently suited to believing myths, good or bad, and they tend to hold on to those myths as if their very life depended on it. In answer to your question, kdsherpa, I think people do believe myths. The difficulty comes when some of us believe one myth and some believe another. In the end, they are all not real.
kdsherpa ; Reagan ended up with Alzheimer's ; The ultimate puppet. Of course, his physical and mental disability was never disclosed to the voters. It was too valuable to his handlers.
Laurie, and I suspect that is the reason the media went full blast on Biden's supposed inabilities due to age while totally or nearly totally ignoring Trump's actual inabilities due to age and dementia. Heck, Trump can hardly put 2 sentences together and the lies got more and more wild as did his hoped-for truths. Republicans are really good at protecting liars, cheats, sufferers from alzheimers and dementia because they want people they can manipulate and "blackmail" when necessary or just desired. I have heard no one in media questioning if our Baby Donnie is wearing a "wire" with his handlers feeding him what to say. Trump accused Kamala Harris of doing that and she wasn't or rather didn't have to. It seems Trump does, so, inquiring minds want to know. We already know that whatever Trump and Kump accuse others of doing that is negative (OK what they accuse Dems of is all negative), they themselves are actually doing and usually at a higher level than the accusations. Truly disgusting!
Kdsherpa, it seems people do fall often and hard for their TV personalities or internet influencers, particularly if they are somewhat attractive or like Baby Donnie, they have a big mouth that can spew hatred a lie a minute. I keep wondering what evolutionary advantage that was. And, it seems only to apply to men. Women, if attractive are seen as incompetents or sluts depending on the mood of the viewer. Some female TV personalities have made it into politics, but not nearly at the levels of white men and the ones who have are generally not worthy of the honor. Ugh!
When Reagan first entered office, the U.S. was the world's largest creditor nation. By the time Reagan left office, the U.S. was the world's largest debtor nation.
I feel that most of his nominatios are domestic terrorists in waiting. Ready for a civil war/insurrection. Never thought our country would be put in this position. Those of you who have GOP reps/senators MUST contact them and tell them to vote NO on Hegseth!
I am calling all of the senators and reminding them that they swore an oath to protect the constitution and that it is their duty to be the checks and balances against his unfit nominees.
Mary Ann - I have written many times in this substack that the republican party is a terrorist organization. It advocates resolving political differences through violence. It is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women, children, minorities, any "other" of the current moment. It is a terrorist organization that openly flouts the rule of law and the constitution. The repugnant party is a terrorist organization that advocates and is actively working for a racist, fascist theocracy. Any one of the above would be disqualifying for leadership in this country for a vast number of americans of yesteryear. today, not so much.
There is a solution. It isn't as palatable to some as the above reality. That is, Biden has been given absolute carte blanche to carry out his duties with no criminal repercussions by the 6 corrupt supremes. Therefore, in accordance with his oath of office, he is required to put an end to this treason. To do that, he directs the law enforcement agencies of this choice to arrest and imprison, for life, with no legal recourse, all the participants in this on-going coup d'etat. That would include the corrupt 6, congresspersons involved, dumpster and his family, bannon, flynn, barr, leo leonard, all his lawyers, those in his previous cabinet who aided or abetted. this list is long. so be it. I'm only suggesting life -dumpster advocates execution.
If Biden doesn't do his duty, he is complicit, and will be directly responsible for this terrorist organization usurping power. What a legacy that would be.
Biden does not have carte blanch - the SC decides what is or isn’t an official act - do you think they’d support Biden against Rs. That was for tr only - I wish people mad about Biden not doing anything would understand that .
Neita and Denise - You are misunderstanding what the court did. I have read and listened to numerous analyses, and the ruling pertains to the presidency, not just dumpster.
I like how you think! I've been saying that Biden needs to be aggressive and stop these people. He really has nothing to lose, since as the sitting president, he's exempt from prosecution via the supreme court's ruling. If I were he, I wouldn't give a darn about what anyone would think of me in order to keep such dangerous people from accomplishing their goals. Trump is threatening to have the justice department go after so many and no one really bats an eye. Biden should do it first! Arrest them all and let them sit while 'justice' moves slowly. Very slowly!
He clearly wants to undermine all our institutions by putting in these incompetent and highly prejudiced nominees. It is like watching a slow train wreck with very little power to stop it. Our strong institutions enables our economy to be the strongest in the world, which unfortunately enabled people like Musk and Thiel to become dangerous oligarchs. The Dems should have been more proactive in fairly spreading the wealth in our country, and enforcing anti trust laws,but the process was started by the Biden administration and would have been continued by Kamala. Trump will now extend the tax cuts for the mega wealthy that would expire had Trump lost. My fear is that the goal of Trump and his wealthy supporters is to undermine our strong economy, and weaken the dollar and replace it with bitcoin currencies. Economists are in agreement that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, and should not be supported by the U.S. dollar. Another financial catastrophe that did not have to happen.
Exactly! If the House gets unhappy with Mike Johnson, none of those who are qualified and willing to work across the aisle will step up. All of the far out Maga group want the limelight. If I remember right, it took 15 votes to get Johnson. How many votes will it take for the next guy/gal? The GOP House is a do nothing but complain group of hypocrites. I hope the mid-terms will give the Dems the majority so something will get done.
The midterm elections will be the purview of the states. I’m not 100% positive, but I don’t believe that the federal government has any role to play in what are local elections.
Sincerely, I think you are absolutely on the right track. Back in July, he told a group of evangelical Christians "Vote for me this year, and you won’t have to vote ever again". Trump and his cohorts plans to never again have to run in anything resembling a fair election.
Trump doesn’t even realize that he doesn’t have an original thought. He’s just the puppet for his uber wealthy puppeteers. The Society of Narcissistic Sociopaths.
Erik, I believe Trump and Kump have deliberately scraped up the thickest scum they could find and have suggested them for our highest government positions. The Kump know well what kinds of fools those guys are even if Trump doesn't remember or care, but they want to see if they can actually bring down our nation so their billionaire friends can rule while giving Baby Donnie whatever that toddler-man's mind can dream up while they rape the nation and rob us all into poverty. Why anyone is permitting this and how anyone decided it was a good idea to vote for that is beyond comprehension. It seems people just love men who are into lying, cheating, foreign interference in our elections more than they care about this nation. It seems misogyny and racism are far more powerful than reason and the promise of a better life as things were improving so much under Biden. They love lying to themselves that things were better 4 years ago in a pandemic that Trump magnified through his ignorance. What a mess and Hegseth is just a symptom of it. He is mentally off and needs to be rejected, but the subservience Prof. Reich spoke of last week is alive and well and they just can't say "no" to their toddler-man. And positive caring courage is not abundant among Republicans, if present at all.
I think you're right, Ruth. Look what Assad did to Syria! And at how long it took for him to be overthrown! With domestic terrorists running the country, how long before the US looks like bombed-out Syria or Gaza?
When you combine narcissism with drugs realize that all lies are possible and crazy "bahaviour" is actuslly normal behaviour for people with these types of mental disorders.
Bill, imo you have a good point. Trump takes a lot of meds that aren't bad separately, but imo there aren't many studies about drug interactions or effects of long-time usage. I know prolonged aspirin use can affect your hearing (but I think that's full-dose, not low-dose used to control the risk of a heart attack). Statins can be dangerous, and overuse of antibiotics can cause them to be less effective.
I remember a malignant narcissist who had used opiats and then supposedly stopped. He was a good liar and a cult leader of his following. Of which I was one. The ease and consistency of his gaslighting I have only seen in drug users (current or post). When someone who is a narcissist learns the lying methods and shamelessness of the drug addict they are easily able to manipulate people to do act against their own interests and instead act in the interests of the narcissist.
Just watch every video out there! Trump is totally demented and has no clue what he's talking about. All he does is say the same garbage lies over and over. He's been spouting stupidity and lies for 4 years. Just before the election a reporter asked him about his healthcare plan, and he said he 'had an idea.' If he really cared about the people and knew he would run again, why didn't he take those four years and come up with what he always says is a genius plan? He has nothing! He's crazy and dangerous!
This is not a "the end justifies the means" nation, William. Yes, progressives want a lot of those things but how we get there matters a whole hell of a lot.
Sandra, you are not an end justifies the means person, but you can't speak for the nation. The nation is a concept, composed of 350 million people, all with different values, agendas, beliefs, opinions.
Yet I deign to mention that progressive moral superiority is the cause of our ruin and downfall. Progressives take nerf bats to sword fights., and look what that has wrought. The last real election ever.
You are right, William. I don't speak for the other 349,999,999 people in the nation. I drew that conclusion from the uproar that Trump's first attempt at controlling the border by separating children from parents and the so-called "Muslim ban". Both of those were things that many people wanted but drew the line at the method used to accomplish that. Based on that, I also concluded, right or wrong, that an anti-vaxxer would not be acceptable regardless of how many other "progressive" ideas he supported. Which, I suggest, was exactly the point of the article you posted. BTW, I would also suggest, that moral superiority has less to do with the cause of our ruin than the lack of any kind of moral anything in the Trump campaign.
That so called uproar Sandra came from a very, very small percentage of the population, a minority of a minority, but when one lives in an echo chamber a whisper sounds like a roar.
As regards moral superiority, It matters not a whit who correct and moral one's position is as opposed to the opposition. What wins the day is force, if not physical force then emotional force.
The moralistic left has been bringing a nerf bat to a knife fight.
Assuage yourself with your morality, as you are been carted off for confinement or disposal.
We know that Trump and MAGAts are immoral, but so what, they now have their hands on the control throttle and steering wheel. Does it matter that we have been moral, when the freight train is barreling into a brick wall.
Maybe for religious believers who believe that there will be an after life accounting, as Allah or Yahweh, holds them to account for their actions.
Me, I live in the here and now, and want to see the sun rise tomorrow, and not from behind barbed wire.
But it is too late, the immoral now have their hands on the throttle and levers of power., because the opposition has been oh so moral.
Hey, William, we are both throwing rhetoric around as if it actually meant something. I have no action items in my rhetoric and I don't see any in yours. Are you suggesting that we man the barricades and throw rocks? I'm willing to do that but for an 82-year-old little old lady, those rocks better be pebble-sized.
There aren't incompetent to be in the White House so it's true. I can't play. This, it is going to came back in office. That it earned the first time. They've ever been in how bad you can't realize the start. Mic dropped on appointment dropped. No, with a high unemployment rate, right? And you always have no idea what you just did. He's gonna BS and I do believe he's a anti Christ down deep in my heart. Am I soul
Trump attended the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in France. A video of him shows him seated as usual, like he's on the toilet. He was very restless and had an angry look on his face. He defintely didn't want to be there. Perhaps the devil he sold his soul to was unhappy with him being in such a wonderous house of worship. Trump is the anti-Christ as far as I'm concerned!
Read the Bible and it will tell you the Anti-Christ will rise out of THE CHURCH!
I been trying to tell people, “If you are looking for God or Jesus you won’t find him in any CHURCH!” I was told that from a childhood friend who died and was resuscitated and brought back to life! She was 11 years old and she told all about her near death experience. I had another friend whose father had a massive heart attack and died for 20 minutes and was brought back and his father said the same thing, “You won’t find God or Jesus in ANY CHURCH!”
Mary Ann - what an abdication of norms and responsiblilty that neither biden nor harris was there to represent and support an ally. what a farce the dems have become. let's see if they can give us a decent DNC chairman.
I am so angry at the Dems and journalists who are always badmouthing Biden, especially with his recent choice to pardon Hunter. Every Dem and GOP would do the same thing if it were their child who had a nut case going after them. The GOP stands by drunks, sexual assaulters, liars, felons, and the Dems never are loyal. They jump to 'correct' the so-called wrong to say they're the good guys. Dems don't have to approve, but for gawd sakes, stay silent and don't give the GOP further ammunition to bad mouth the Dems. Dems really do cut off their nose to save their face. It's got to stop! Everyone I think would make a great DNC chair is in office. Am not that up on who works behind the scenes. Perhaps the lawyer who has filed all of the law suits to uphold the Constitution. Marc Elias. ???
As far as the next Chair of the DNC is concerned, when push comes to shove, if the powers that be in the party leadership don't lke a candidate he or she will be gone. They must toe the corporate line or else, cut off at the knees, so to speak.
How did we get to this? I know is was there until Trump normalized it by his support of the Proud Boys and others. For a book written like this you had to be on the far far fringe and now to be nominated as Sec Def is an affront to all military personnel
It should be an affront to all Americans. As a 32 year veteran of the U. S. Army I am stunned we are here. With all the inappropriate nominees for leadership in our government, not the least of which is the one elected to "lead" the nation. God help us.
Inappropriate....the nominees are being placed to deliberately DESTROY the agency they will head. The inexperience and behaviour of them is not the point. Even if D nominates someone less offensive/palatable, their goal will be the same. Total & complete annihilation of the agency. When we see Russian cargo planes landing at Andrews AFB you will know they've succeeded
George, far fringe indeed, and absolutely must be stopped! The most obvious reason for trump to select Hegseth for Sec Def is that t. sees him as the ideal instrument to destroy his 'enemy within': completely loyal, rabid with hatred for all 'leftists' and the 'others', and willing to go to any length to serve t's will. Not a mystery why t. is so set on him. We'll see which, if any GOP senators will vote as a vertebrate.
Right you are, George. Hegseth is a bimbo. He is part of the Trump Show. His partying, drinking, and womanizing costs a lot of money. He gets it fro his Faux News appearances, which require demonizing the Dems. A "d" he should keep in mind, as long as he has one, is delirium tremens.
If you think Trump's agenda won't affect you personally just because you voted for him, you are crazy! He doesn't care about you or anyone else who isn't super rich or have the power he needs to harness. With his tarrif plan, you'll be paying more for groceries, since the U.S. can't raise enough crops or have enough egg farms etc. to supply our large nation. The countries who supply us with our food now will increase their prices, which we'll pay for with higher prices and taxes. Texas leadership will walk right over you to get what they want. They're already killing women with their ridiculous laws. Hope you don't have a wife, daughter or other female relative of child bearing age, because you could lose them if they can't get the healthcare they need. So sad you voted without thinking about the consequences of your choice!
Expect a stock market crash in February 2025, and to pay more for eggs, bacon, avocados, cars, gasoline, heating oil, etc. And forget about the Federal government paying its obligations, grants and contracts, unless you are an oligarch in with The Felon Guy. Now you get to Find Out what it’s like to live through a Great Depression, because it’s about to start…
DonOLD is the one who needs professional help, along with his crazy minions. Besides as the saying goes, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
When did Trump build the wall? When did Mexico pay for it?
Funny fact - Biden had more of the wall erected than Trump. Trump delivered zero in his last administration except tax cuts for the rich and some pathetic, demonstrably incompetent judges.
unfortunately you have given up on the world of facts, which is why you are exclusively wrong - the consequences of you being an idiot. Is your stupidity the gift of genetics or was there an accident?
I always try to find at least one good thing about a person…. Yet to see anything that says this man can be trusted…. Especially with our military. Why? Because he’s a vet? More like he’d be easy for Chump to manipulate. Think. I don’t need to say it out loud.
As I have said in my own post on this subject, Pete Hegseth is the ideal target for Honeytraps. All over the world they now are doing their homework on him.
Yep, a man who gets super drunk and sleeps with every woman he can will be manipulated to tell secrets and be blackmailed. Anyone who thinks Pete can just stop drinking because he says so, is crazy! Ask anyone who is addicted to booze how 'easy' it is to stop!
It's amazing to me that these fascists who support Netanyahu (they call it "Israel") but they mean the Likud Party) are at the same time virulently antisemitic. After all, how do you reconcile turning the US into a "Christian" country without oppressing Jews and other religious minorities?
“Christian” what in any way, shape or form is that heathen ask called, except, self-proclaimed “use a small c please! c- hristian” ? The Jesus in the Bible would Never, ever, recognize Himself, in that Hot mess, of a ? What ever of a mass of addictions, and never grew up, pathetic, creature.
Nothing remotely ,”c-hristian” about that idiot. Except self-labeling. a drunkerd, addicted,to just about everything. Patheic, messed up child in an adult body, so mixed up,he needs to be committed and even that probably won’t help.People have to know they need it. If they don’t, nobody can help them. He’ll end up in a gutter some day.
And for someone who went to Harvard Mr. Hegsheth’s quotes above show poor writing and a lack of understanding of American history and the Constitution. Shockingly bad.
Will Senate Republicans do their duty? What, is that a rhetorical question? If they do, it'd be the first time in many, many years that they did (save for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger and a _very_ small handful of others, so small that I can't think of any other names offhand.
Republicans are concerned only with their political future, and right now securing that requires locking their lips onto the orange criminal's fat ass, no matter what. A few of the somewhat less cowardly may put up some mild, performative, Susan Collins-esque "concerns," but rest assured that Rs' interest in fulfilling their oath of office is about 99th on their list of Ten Important Things To Do Right Now.
Hegseth's promise to stop drinking if made SecDef: the sure sign of an alcoholic who has not yet hit bottom. This I know from ample experience. Anyone who listens to Hegseth's "pledge" without bursting out into derisive laughter and then immediately calling a substance abuse counselor is either willfully denying reality or a naive fool.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense, would boot this guy. Given his sexual and drinking proclivities, he’d be a candidate for a fabricated tryst by a foreign power. Definitely a national security threat. Normal senators would see the same potential. I am not holding my breath.
Hegseth wasn't even a member of any of the 4 major branches of the military. He was a mid-level officer in the National Guard. He was a ground pounder! His history of alcohol abuse and the fact he won't release a woman from an NDA so she can tell the country why she was paid hush money after a sexual confrontation between her and Mr. Hegseth is suspicious at best. The guy is just another in a long line of Trump stooges who is unqualified to hold any position in our government.
As long as one side villainizes the other in terms of national politics, we are destined to lose whatever high ground we have. This is my issue with the party who won the election. Mr. Hegseth confuses zealotry with leadership
For Trump, this is all a power and control game. He knows that Hegseth is un qualified, but he will will show the Senate that he is in total control by demanding confirmation.
The man is mentally unstable and shouldbe left no where near our military. Our defense should be given to someone who is a military veteran not an unstable zealot.
Kennedy scares me just as much….. that man is freaking crazy ass loon. No joke. You just don’t pull stunts like he has. Sicko.
RFK Jr, Tulsi, and Hegseth are the worst Trump bootlickers. Public servants like me will do everything we can to stop the fascist MAGA Project 2025 agenda. We will protect our sacred Democracy, just like we did during the orange menace's first term: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction
Ka$h!! Don't leave him out!! He's absolutely TERRIFYING!!! Much worse than RFK, tho he's a ghastly choice, too.
They’re all horrible so there’s no point in splitting hairs about who is worse
Well, I don't think RFK will DELIBERATELY kill me and my family. hegseth and ka$h? Not so sure.
He could kill all of us by abandoning vaccines and pandemic preparedness.
I guess I mean that he won't specifically target "us" (liberal, Asian spouse, Eurasian daughter, Buddhist husband, woman) as hegseth and ka$h are planning to do.
Yes, we all saw it here. Hundreds of thousands died, after being told not to wear masks or get the vaccine. Ivermectin, bleach injections, all kinds of misinformation, deliberately given by a man who went to Bethesda Naval hospital and got the cutting edge treatment , to walk away fine. tRUMP is evil. RFKjr. is his acolyte.
Ah! but Ebola spreads so fast it could get them, too.
The part of his brain left after the worm's regular dinner visits doesn't care about you or me and will let you die and even actively make sure you don't survive without a second thought. Of course, he doesn't have enough brain left to have a second thought.
Paula, RFK, in addition to being mentally off, he believes his white privilege will project him into any job Baby Donny will hold out to him. I do wonder if even Republicans in the Senate want a fool with nothing but money and whiteness on his side to run our most significant medical research agency. After all, those guys get cancer, heart disease, COVID, and the other problems that people acquire or inherit, so they are going to want high-quality research and development of medical instruments, techniques, and drugs. I hope Dems will bring that up in any hearings Republicans might choose to have. It is a choice because despite what Baby Donnie thinks or pretends to think, he is not in charge of Congress unless Repubs let him be.
RFK is tRUMP's mini me. He would do as he was told.
Indeed he is.
Tulsi was left out of the pack! Whew! Trump has nominated a hell of a bunch?
Does Trump have any great problem-free friends or just bad connections who have a lot of money?
I'd LOL, except that's the truth. Criminals and sociopaths hang out with other criminals and sociopaths.
They all have a couple of things in common: 1. They all have their heads lodged solidly up trump's massive, orange butt and are willing to swallow anything he gives them and 2. They're crazy and immoral and have no idea what is illegal or unconstitutional and care about as much as trump about it. 3. They are all desperate to be in power of some sort that they will say yes to everything trump wants to do.
Don’t believe ANYTHING that Trump says, don’t listen to anthing he’s says, and mute the TV when he’s featured in the news, which is, of course, in every national news telecast. See him for what he is - a demon in disguise.
Every time there’s a ‘Breaking News’ announcement, I have a visceral reaction to it all and I think, “What did Trump break now?!”
Trump is like an abusive boyfriend or husband that never goes away, gaslights and gets away with everything. I loathe what our country has become because of that hideous man and his sycophants.
That's exactly what i do now, i don't listen to anything that sub-human freak says. I actually can't even stand the sight of that grotesque creature. I not only mute the TV, i immediately turn it off if he is on anything i am watching, including on my computer. I have never in my life hated and despised anyone worse than i do DJT. This election was bought and paid for, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Good advice.
Convicted felon n rapist! Belongs behind bars!
He's hardly a "demon in disguise"! His hideous voice gives him away!
Oh, I think they very well know what's illegal and unconstitutional, paula. They get their kicks from committing such acts.
Are you not speaking hate talk? No need to spread even more negativity. Remember that Hate + Hate does not equal Unity. Being firm in your values is important & fighting for Democracy is imperative. I hope we can make our voices heard without vitriol. Peace!
Hegseth, RFK, gabbard, Patel n oz are absolutely unfit.
Thank you for your service. I appreciate your loyalty- sincerely hoping your job survives the purges coming
This takes me to a vegetarian site. Thoughts?
It's a bot that needs to be banned.
I reported it. Will you, too? (Maybe numbers will draw more attention.)
I thought it was a mistake. I didn't open it. I'm okay with vegetarians as long as they don't insist I be one too. What was the "amazing" part?
That is bot talk to get you to click on it. report it so it can get banned.
The Quack Pack.
I'm stealing this. Apologies in advance.
Add Noem to the mix...
And Doctor Oz, who is heavily invested in United Healthcare and wants to covert Medicare to Medicare Advantage so the healthcare oligarchs can kill us through denial of services.
Ralph Nader calls it: "Medicare Disadvantage."
He is correct, again. Unsafe at any speed.
Also add Peter Navarro to the mix - he got out of jail just in time . His ideas on foreign trade might backfire/ but he will probably be confirmed as our trade representative.
And frankly, I imagine T will appoint the reincarnation of Jessie James to be the Comptroller of the Currency.
Desi Lydic from The Daily Show had the best summation of trump’s picks. She said trump is selecting mascots. Think about it. In sports, the mascots jump around to rev up the crowd. They are not expected to know anything about the game or have any part in the game’s outcome. They are just supposed to be loyal to their team.
Here’s the thing with Tulsi, though. She was a huge supporter of Assad in Syria and now he’s gone. Putin (another one of her faves) has taken a big blow with the fall of Assad. He’s lost his access to the Mediterranean. Tulsi is in a bad spot because her buds are in trouble.
RFK Jr & Tulsi are one thing… with regards Hegseth … (meeting makers make it ?)
"Public servants like me will do everything we can to stop the fascist MAGA Project 2025 agenda"
Don't get too excited. Musk, Ramaswamy and DOGE are probably going to eliminate your job pushing papers from one desk to another while achieving nothing...
Obviously, you don't understand that we the people have no patience with your obstruction.
You should post your name so it will be easier to contact you and coordinate.
Trump's nominees lack the competence, ethics, background, and character to be effective cabinet leaders. His nominees are corrupt and unqualified, they are a disaster to our country and put our national security at risk; will do irrevocable harm to this country.
He is filling the government with loons, traitors, slackers, fools, blunderers and corrupt plutocrats.
It has nothing to do with actual qualifications at all. It’s like he’s picking staff for his old apprentice show, that really sucked for entertainment!!
Trump wants to make the government NO longer functional.
I will be wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" t-shirt the next four years 👇
Trump's end goal is to transform our entire government into an oligarchy working for HIM, not the American people. He gets there by hiring loyalists and sowing chaos, doubt, fear, and hate.
The pattern of destroying our national government was set by soft spoken Ronald Reagan when he ran big deficits (so much for fiscal responsibility) by attempting to bankrupt the federal government. Trump is following in Reagan’s foot steps.
Roger, you are so right about Raegan, but alas, so many Americans conveniently forgot about the messes Reagan left behind which never could fully be fixed because every time Democrats tried, Republicans stood in the way like stone walls against any kind of positive progress for the majority of the American people. The rich benefited though! Trump is just the next level of disgusting that Republicans planted, actually starting before Nixon with the anti-New Dealers, the scared anti-Communists with their Joey McCarthy, and on to their Southern Strategy which was meant to keep Black Americans in the place Nixon and his crew set out for them. Then there was the drug war which heavily condemned ?Black and Brown people but were not actually doing drugs any more than white Americans. And so it goes on. It is hard to see how we will get out of this insanity because Trump has surrounded himself with the most appalling examples of hate, anger, fearmongering and resentment covered with a thick blanket of misogyny, racism, hatred of immigrants, particularly those of color, and homo/transphobia. We the People will have to stand up to this in every way possible every single day that evil crew is in power and at every level. Then we have to see which oligarchs are working hardest to destroy this nation, then boycott their products, services, banks, etc. Finding out which of those corporations supported Trump and Kump and their statewide sycophants in the elections is important and can be found online. Let's take care of the American people and find ways to stop the worst of Trump and Kump's attrocities.
Yes, And there is always someone who has no clue, praising the old racist bastard.
The Reagan years was the beginning of the end....he was successful due to his superior 'communication' skills & Grandfatherly shtick that fooled everyone...including spineless Democrats that went along with is scam called trickle down economics, dissolution of fairness Doctrine, destruction of unions, and ignoring AIDS epidemic. Remember St. Ronny said.....'Government IS the problem.'
Well....it didn’t fool everyone. But way too many people fell for it.
Reagan took a sledge hammer to democracy, and everyone just LOVED him -- I mean, he was SO handsome! (yuck) 1. Citizens United was started (My Dad said, all those decades ago, after he read about it, "Well, there goes our democracy.") 2. Destruction of the FCC Fairness Doctrine. A truly terrible person, dressed in sheep's clothing + a country who falls for B-rated movie and TV "celebrities".
Your Dad certainly got that right. Just took a while for Citizens United to bloom and, by then, everyone had forgotten where it came from and how toxic it was. A corporation is not a person. According to Yuval Noah Harari in "Sapiens", corporations are a "legal fiction". They are not real in the physical touchable sense. They are a myth that everyone believes. Much to our detriment.
Sandra, and, if corporations really were persons, they could be held accountable as a unit for bad behavior, they are not. I like that idea that corporations are a fiction which means the people should have more control of them and force them to follow basic standards of conduct, good treatment of workers, and unions should be present representing workers in every corporation. That would be a start, then, there's paying their fair share of taxes, paying CEOs and other high-level personnel reasonable salaries. Then, no individual should be able to own a corporation as Musk, another toddler-man does. Ah well, I can dream, can't I?
Ruth, dreams are ephemeral. Try "imagine" instead. Imagination can give way to inovation and action.
Do you think that people believe that? Or are they just not paying attention/ don't "get it". Curious to know what you think.
"Sapiens" is an eye-opening book. Much of what we believe is "fictive", as in a useful myth that allows people to behave as if what the myth purports can actually be touched or seen or heard. Money is a great example of that. I shop for groceries at Publix. They exchange physical goods for an electronic entry on my credit card. My bank agrees, electronically, that I have not exceeded the arbitrary "credit" limit on my card. At some point Publix will ask my bank for electronic funds to be transfered from my credit card account to their bank account. At some future point, my credit card company will ask me to move funds from my checking account to to them to cover the cost of my groceries. None of that series of events consists of actual physical items that I can see or touch except for the groceries. We all agree to this because we all agree to believe the myth of banks and money.
Think about how you might have gotten groceries 5000 years ago. Most likely you would bargain and then trade one physical item for another. I may want potatoes, so I bargain to trade my oranges for your potatoes. See how cumbersome that is? Shopping would entail a whole day of bargaining and trading. If you ran out of oranges or no one wanted oranges right then, you might end up eating your own oranges for multiple meals. Money back then was physical, mostly coinage minted by the state of metal that had a value, mostly copper, silver, or gold. There were also "anti-clipping" laws that made it a crime to "clip" a piece off a coin. I'm guessing that if you clipped enough off of enough of the same denomination of a coin, you could maybe make your own. Counterfeiting the hard way. Back then, everything was pretty much physical for physical. There were "notes" of promises to pay, usually with some percentage interest. A little less cumbersom but you most likely had to have some kind of surety and be known to the person who traded money for that note.
Bottom line, as the myth of money became more accepted globally, commerce became increasingly easier. Until we got to today where my groceries become mine via a little plastic card that has no value in and of intself.
Long post and I apologize for that. Think about all the myths you now believe. Money, of course, democracy, fascism, God, Jesus, the Talmud, the Koran, all the religions, mortgages, health insurance, pensions, the rule of law, and on and on and on. Trump built a myth of his business acumen. Some believed that myth. Others did not. Human beings are eminently suited to believing myths, good or bad, and they tend to hold on to those myths as if their very life depended on it. In answer to your question, kdsherpa, I think people do believe myths. The difficulty comes when some of us believe one myth and some believe another. In the end, they are all not real.
kdsherpa ; Reagan ended up with Alzheimer's ; The ultimate puppet. Of course, his physical and mental disability was never disclosed to the voters. It was too valuable to his handlers.
Laurie, and I suspect that is the reason the media went full blast on Biden's supposed inabilities due to age while totally or nearly totally ignoring Trump's actual inabilities due to age and dementia. Heck, Trump can hardly put 2 sentences together and the lies got more and more wild as did his hoped-for truths. Republicans are really good at protecting liars, cheats, sufferers from alzheimers and dementia because they want people they can manipulate and "blackmail" when necessary or just desired. I have heard no one in media questioning if our Baby Donnie is wearing a "wire" with his handlers feeding him what to say. Trump accused Kamala Harris of doing that and she wasn't or rather didn't have to. It seems Trump does, so, inquiring minds want to know. We already know that whatever Trump and Kump accuse others of doing that is negative (OK what they accuse Dems of is all negative), they themselves are actually doing and usually at a higher level than the accusations. Truly disgusting!
Kdsherpa, it seems people do fall often and hard for their TV personalities or internet influencers, particularly if they are somewhat attractive or like Baby Donnie, they have a big mouth that can spew hatred a lie a minute. I keep wondering what evolutionary advantage that was. And, it seems only to apply to men. Women, if attractive are seen as incompetents or sluts depending on the mood of the viewer. Some female TV personalities have made it into politics, but not nearly at the levels of white men and the ones who have are generally not worthy of the honor. Ugh!
When Reagan first entered office, the U.S. was the world's largest creditor nation. By the time Reagan left office, the U.S. was the world's largest debtor nation.
I feel that most of his nominatios are domestic terrorists in waiting. Ready for a civil war/insurrection. Never thought our country would be put in this position. Those of you who have GOP reps/senators MUST contact them and tell them to vote NO on Hegseth!
I am calling all of the senators and reminding them that they swore an oath to protect the constitution and that it is their duty to be the checks and balances against his unfit nominees.
Mary Ann - I have written many times in this substack that the republican party is a terrorist organization. It advocates resolving political differences through violence. It is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women, children, minorities, any "other" of the current moment. It is a terrorist organization that openly flouts the rule of law and the constitution. The repugnant party is a terrorist organization that advocates and is actively working for a racist, fascist theocracy. Any one of the above would be disqualifying for leadership in this country for a vast number of americans of yesteryear. today, not so much.
There is a solution. It isn't as palatable to some as the above reality. That is, Biden has been given absolute carte blanche to carry out his duties with no criminal repercussions by the 6 corrupt supremes. Therefore, in accordance with his oath of office, he is required to put an end to this treason. To do that, he directs the law enforcement agencies of this choice to arrest and imprison, for life, with no legal recourse, all the participants in this on-going coup d'etat. That would include the corrupt 6, congresspersons involved, dumpster and his family, bannon, flynn, barr, leo leonard, all his lawyers, those in his previous cabinet who aided or abetted. this list is long. so be it. I'm only suggesting life -dumpster advocates execution.
If Biden doesn't do his duty, he is complicit, and will be directly responsible for this terrorist organization usurping power. What a legacy that would be.
Biden does not have carte blanch - the SC decides what is or isn’t an official act - do you think they’d support Biden against Rs. That was for tr only - I wish people mad about Biden not doing anything would understand that .
Exactly, Neita. The assertion that SCOTUS gave Biden immunity is simply inaccurate.
Their ruling concerned Drumpf, regarding the specific charges he faced. They wouldn't accord Biden immunity in advance for whatever he might do.
Neita and Denise - You are misunderstanding what the court did. I have read and listened to numerous analyses, and the ruling pertains to the presidency, not just dumpster.
I like how you think! I've been saying that Biden needs to be aggressive and stop these people. He really has nothing to lose, since as the sitting president, he's exempt from prosecution via the supreme court's ruling. If I were he, I wouldn't give a darn about what anyone would think of me in order to keep such dangerous people from accomplishing their goals. Trump is threatening to have the justice department go after so many and no one really bats an eye. Biden should do it first! Arrest them all and let them sit while 'justice' moves slowly. Very slowly!
I already have!
He clearly wants to undermine all our institutions by putting in these incompetent and highly prejudiced nominees. It is like watching a slow train wreck with very little power to stop it. Our strong institutions enables our economy to be the strongest in the world, which unfortunately enabled people like Musk and Thiel to become dangerous oligarchs. The Dems should have been more proactive in fairly spreading the wealth in our country, and enforcing anti trust laws,but the process was started by the Biden administration and would have been continued by Kamala. Trump will now extend the tax cuts for the mega wealthy that would expire had Trump lost. My fear is that the goal of Trump and his wealthy supporters is to undermine our strong economy, and weaken the dollar and replace it with bitcoin currencies. Economists are in agreement that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, and should not be supported by the U.S. dollar. Another financial catastrophe that did not have to happen.
Don't accept payment in bitcoin.
No one who is actually qualified will work for The 34X Felon.
Exactly! If the House gets unhappy with Mike Johnson, none of those who are qualified and willing to work across the aisle will step up. All of the far out Maga group want the limelight. If I remember right, it took 15 votes to get Johnson. How many votes will it take for the next guy/gal? The GOP House is a do nothing but complain group of hypocrites. I hope the mid-terms will give the Dems the majority so something will get done.
He and his masters are in for QUITE the surpise in 2026, after NOTHING is done AGAIN in the next two years.
Sincere question, Daniel: do you think Drumpf will allow elections in 2026? If so, do you think they'll be genuine, and not merely staged?
The midterm elections will be the purview of the states. I’m not 100% positive, but I don’t believe that the federal government has any role to play in what are local elections.
Sincerely, I think you are absolutely on the right track. Back in July, he told a group of evangelical Christians "Vote for me this year, and you won’t have to vote ever again". Trump and his cohorts plans to never again have to run in anything resembling a fair election.
He’s doing this to make it easier for the coup…. Everyone of these picks are weak. Mark my words.
Trump doesn’t even realize that he doesn’t have an original thought. He’s just the puppet for his uber wealthy puppeteers. The Society of Narcissistic Sociopaths.
Erik, I believe Trump and Kump have deliberately scraped up the thickest scum they could find and have suggested them for our highest government positions. The Kump know well what kinds of fools those guys are even if Trump doesn't remember or care, but they want to see if they can actually bring down our nation so their billionaire friends can rule while giving Baby Donnie whatever that toddler-man's mind can dream up while they rape the nation and rob us all into poverty. Why anyone is permitting this and how anyone decided it was a good idea to vote for that is beyond comprehension. It seems people just love men who are into lying, cheating, foreign interference in our elections more than they care about this nation. It seems misogyny and racism are far more powerful than reason and the promise of a better life as things were improving so much under Biden. They love lying to themselves that things were better 4 years ago in a pandemic that Trump magnified through his ignorance. What a mess and Hegseth is just a symptom of it. He is mentally off and needs to be rejected, but the subservience Prof. Reich spoke of last week is alive and well and they just can't say "no" to their toddler-man. And positive caring courage is not abundant among Republicans, if present at all.
I think you're right, Ruth. Look what Assad did to Syria! And at how long it took for him to be overthrown! With domestic terrorists running the country, how long before the US looks like bombed-out Syria or Gaza?
Brain Worm!
Joni Ernst
Republican Senator of Iowa
Contact Information:
If you wish to voice a concern, please contact me here: https://www.ernst.senate.gov/contact/email-joni
or call my office at: 202-224-3254.
(I called and emailed)
All of them frighten us... not a one of them is (a) sane and (b) capable of running a department. And they're all Fascists...
When you combine narcissism with drugs realize that all lies are possible and crazy "bahaviour" is actuslly normal behaviour for people with these types of mental disorders.
Bill, imo you have a good point. Trump takes a lot of meds that aren't bad separately, but imo there aren't many studies about drug interactions or effects of long-time usage. I know prolonged aspirin use can affect your hearing (but I think that's full-dose, not low-dose used to control the risk of a heart attack). Statins can be dangerous, and overuse of antibiotics can cause them to be less effective.
I remember a malignant narcissist who had used opiats and then supposedly stopped. He was a good liar and a cult leader of his following. Of which I was one. The ease and consistency of his gaslighting I have only seen in drug users (current or post). When someone who is a narcissist learns the lying methods and shamelessness of the drug addict they are easily able to manipulate people to do act against their own interests and instead act in the interests of the narcissist.
I have dealt with a malignant narcissist, (actually probably more than one). I agree with everything you have said.
How is he crazy?
Really? You have to ask that question?
Yes. Because you have no examples.
Just watch every video out there! Trump is totally demented and has no clue what he's talking about. All he does is say the same garbage lies over and over. He's been spouting stupidity and lies for 4 years. Just before the election a reporter asked him about his healthcare plan, and he said he 'had an idea.' If he really cared about the people and knew he would run again, why didn't he take those four years and come up with what he always says is a genius plan? He has nothing! He's crazy and dangerous!
Convicted felon Trump?
Like a rabid fox.
Well, “Naturalized Texan” you apparently don’t know “crazy”.
As they say in Texas, “you have your ox in a ditch”.
Literally nobody in Texas says that. 🙄
Actually Erik, except for the vaccine amd transgender thing, much of his agenda is actually the progressive agenda. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/21/rfk-jr-progressive-groups-opposition-00190722
This is not a "the end justifies the means" nation, William. Yes, progressives want a lot of those things but how we get there matters a whole hell of a lot.
Sandra, you are not an end justifies the means person, but you can't speak for the nation. The nation is a concept, composed of 350 million people, all with different values, agendas, beliefs, opinions.
However your comment has nothing to do with the link that I posted https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/21/rfk-jr-progressive-groups-opposition-00190722
Yet I deign to mention that progressive moral superiority is the cause of our ruin and downfall. Progressives take nerf bats to sword fights., and look what that has wrought. The last real election ever.
You are right, William. I don't speak for the other 349,999,999 people in the nation. I drew that conclusion from the uproar that Trump's first attempt at controlling the border by separating children from parents and the so-called "Muslim ban". Both of those were things that many people wanted but drew the line at the method used to accomplish that. Based on that, I also concluded, right or wrong, that an anti-vaxxer would not be acceptable regardless of how many other "progressive" ideas he supported. Which, I suggest, was exactly the point of the article you posted. BTW, I would also suggest, that moral superiority has less to do with the cause of our ruin than the lack of any kind of moral anything in the Trump campaign.
That so called uproar Sandra came from a very, very small percentage of the population, a minority of a minority, but when one lives in an echo chamber a whisper sounds like a roar.
As regards moral superiority, It matters not a whit who correct and moral one's position is as opposed to the opposition. What wins the day is force, if not physical force then emotional force.
The moralistic left has been bringing a nerf bat to a knife fight.
Assuage yourself with your morality, as you are been carted off for confinement or disposal.
We know that Trump and MAGAts are immoral, but so what, they now have their hands on the control throttle and steering wheel. Does it matter that we have been moral, when the freight train is barreling into a brick wall.
Maybe for religious believers who believe that there will be an after life accounting, as Allah or Yahweh, holds them to account for their actions.
Me, I live in the here and now, and want to see the sun rise tomorrow, and not from behind barbed wire.
But it is too late, the immoral now have their hands on the throttle and levers of power., because the opposition has been oh so moral.
Hey, William, we are both throwing rhetoric around as if it actually meant something. I have no action items in my rhetoric and I don't see any in yours. Are you suggesting that we man the barricades and throw rocks? I'm willing to do that but for an 82-year-old little old lady, those rocks better be pebble-sized.
There aren't incompetent to be in the White House so it's true. I can't play. This, it is going to came back in office. That it earned the first time. They've ever been in how bad you can't realize the start. Mic dropped on appointment dropped. No, with a high unemployment rate, right? And you always have no idea what you just did. He's gonna BS and I do believe he's a anti Christ down deep in my heart. Am I soul
Trump attended the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in France. A video of him shows him seated as usual, like he's on the toilet. He was very restless and had an angry look on his face. He defintely didn't want to be there. Perhaps the devil he sold his soul to was unhappy with him being in such a wonderous house of worship. Trump is the anti-Christ as far as I'm concerned!
Read the Bible and it will tell you the Anti-Christ will rise out of THE CHURCH!
I been trying to tell people, “If you are looking for God or Jesus you won’t find him in any CHURCH!” I was told that from a childhood friend who died and was resuscitated and brought back to life! She was 11 years old and she told all about her near death experience. I had another friend whose father had a massive heart attack and died for 20 minutes and was brought back and his father said the same thing, “You won’t find God or Jesus in ANY CHURCH!”
Interesting - I had a NDE too and don’t attend a specific church. I don’t mind them but don’t feel the need to “attend”.
More likely he was afraid his hair would get mussed being in all that open space from the vaulted ceilings.
Maybe someone wasn't properly deferential or paid more attention to Dr. Biden than to him, Mary Ann. I sure hope so! 😊
Mary Ann - what an abdication of norms and responsiblilty that neither biden nor harris was there to represent and support an ally. what a farce the dems have become. let's see if they can give us a decent DNC chairman.
I am so angry at the Dems and journalists who are always badmouthing Biden, especially with his recent choice to pardon Hunter. Every Dem and GOP would do the same thing if it were their child who had a nut case going after them. The GOP stands by drunks, sexual assaulters, liars, felons, and the Dems never are loyal. They jump to 'correct' the so-called wrong to say they're the good guys. Dems don't have to approve, but for gawd sakes, stay silent and don't give the GOP further ammunition to bad mouth the Dems. Dems really do cut off their nose to save their face. It's got to stop! Everyone I think would make a great DNC chair is in office. Am not that up on who works behind the scenes. Perhaps the lawyer who has filed all of the law suits to uphold the Constitution. Marc Elias. ???
Dr. Reich has suggested Ben Wikler (current Chair of the WI Dem Party).
As far as the next Chair of the DNC is concerned, when push comes to shove, if the powers that be in the party leadership don't lke a candidate he or she will be gone. They must toe the corporate line or else, cut off at the knees, so to speak.
I did see that recommendation. I don't know much about him, so will have to do my homework.
How did we get to this? I know is was there until Trump normalized it by his support of the Proud Boys and others. For a book written like this you had to be on the far far fringe and now to be nominated as Sec Def is an affront to all military personnel
It should be an affront to all Americans. As a 32 year veteran of the U. S. Army I am stunned we are here. With all the inappropriate nominees for leadership in our government, not the least of which is the one elected to "lead" the nation. God help us.
I did 24 in the Coast Guard
👍 Semper Paratus
Inappropriate....the nominees are being placed to deliberately DESTROY the agency they will head. The inexperience and behaviour of them is not the point. Even if D nominates someone less offensive/palatable, their goal will be the same. Total & complete annihilation of the agency. When we see Russian cargo planes landing at Andrews AFB you will know they've succeeded
George, far fringe indeed, and absolutely must be stopped! The most obvious reason for trump to select Hegseth for Sec Def is that t. sees him as the ideal instrument to destroy his 'enemy within': completely loyal, rabid with hatred for all 'leftists' and the 'others', and willing to go to any length to serve t's will. Not a mystery why t. is so set on him. We'll see which, if any GOP senators will vote as a vertebrate.
Omg…so scared by these loons!
You and me both
It is an affront to the nation. It's the act of a sick and cruel President elect.
Right you are, George. Hegseth is a bimbo. He is part of the Trump Show. His partying, drinking, and womanizing costs a lot of money. He gets it fro his Faux News appearances, which require demonizing the Dems. A "d" he should keep in mind, as long as he has one, is delirium tremens.
Another loosing human, flawed and out of control. If he is a “lush” Ogh vey!
We won.
That’s how.
Don’t like it?
Cry harder.
If you think Trump's agenda won't affect you personally just because you voted for him, you are crazy! He doesn't care about you or anyone else who isn't super rich or have the power he needs to harness. With his tarrif plan, you'll be paying more for groceries, since the U.S. can't raise enough crops or have enough egg farms etc. to supply our large nation. The countries who supply us with our food now will increase their prices, which we'll pay for with higher prices and taxes. Texas leadership will walk right over you to get what they want. They're already killing women with their ridiculous laws. Hope you don't have a wife, daughter or other female relative of child bearing age, because you could lose them if they can't get the healthcare they need. So sad you voted without thinking about the consequences of your choice!
I'm not too worried he's got a wife or kids to be concerned over... cmon y'all let's stop feeding the trolls.
NONE of what you describe has happened, or will happen.
None of it.
You will find out. It will be another disaster like last time but far worse.
Last time was actually glorious.
This time will be better because of the revenge factor.
Yikes Guy! Apply for a job in Trump’s cabinet immediately. You will fit right in.
Expect a stock market crash in February 2025, and to pay more for eggs, bacon, avocados, cars, gasoline, heating oil, etc. And forget about the Federal government paying its obligations, grants and contracts, unless you are an oligarch in with The Felon Guy. Now you get to Find Out what it’s like to live through a Great Depression, because it’s about to start…
You know nothing and are part of the problem . You think Trump cares about ANY of you sycophants ??
I don’t need a President to “care” about me.
He’s not my mommy.
I need him to do the job I elected him to do:
Crush the left.
Which is why people voted for Hitler. Crush the commies.
That worked out well for everyone.
He'll crush the right too, Guy. Because if the left is truly crushed, there won't be anyone else left, and a destroyer's gotta go on destroying.
Google these women: Joselli Barnica, Yeniifer Alvarez-Estrada Glick, Porsha Ngumezi, Nevaeh Crain, Amber Nicole Thurman, Candi Miller, Taysha Wilkinson-Sobieski.
Because they are dead. Thanks to your lot and SCOTUS.
Well, DonOLD isn't in office yet. Just wait.
troll again
Dumb, again.
still a troll guy.
Your paranoia is destroying you. Seek professional help.
DonOLD is the one who needs professional help, along with his crazy minions. Besides as the saying goes, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
Just because we are paranoid does not mean someone is not after us.
You’ll be blubbering like Jim Baker in the next decade when he breaks every promise he made to you….
Wanna’ bet?
When NONE of your goofy, paranoid, leftwing predictions comes true, ya’ gonna come here and tell everyone his clueless and paranoid you are?
When did Trump build the wall? When did Mexico pay for it?
Funny fact - Biden had more of the wall erected than Trump. Trump delivered zero in his last administration except tax cuts for the rich and some pathetic, demonstrably incompetent judges.
Your “facts” are false.
unfortunately you have given up on the world of facts, which is why you are exclusively wrong - the consequences of you being an idiot. Is your stupidity the gift of genetics or was there an accident?
at least we won't be "storming" the Capitol, and smearing shyte all over the place like the losers did on January 6th.
You mean the people who will be PARDONED in January?
Guy, if you think trying to obstruct the legitimate transfer of presidential authority is funny, you're the one who needs help.
Not funny.
Just awesome.
Equally repulsive.
No, I think he meant the traitorous criminals who will be pardoned by the head traitorous criminal.
Hey guy! Seek professional help
Did anyone ever tell you you’re a classy woman?
Yeah, I didn’t think so…
Snappy comeback Guy.
Is Joe Rogan on Substack? I think you missed your exit, Guy.
How about the fact that he is not QUALIFIED for the position?
Joni Ernst
Republican Senator of Iowa
Contact Information:
If you wish to voice a concern, please contact me here: https://www.ernst.senate.gov/contact/email-joni
or call my office at: 202-224-3254.
He’s more qualified than anyone.
... with an asterisk?
= D
100%!!! He shouldn’t be in control of anything from the sounds of it….
I always try to find at least one good thing about a person…. Yet to see anything that says this man can be trusted…. Especially with our military. Why? Because he’s a vet? More like he’d be easy for Chump to manipulate. Think. I don’t need to say it out loud.
Just read about Hegseth’s book. That says it all. He is a danger to this country and citizens.
Hegseth is a contemptible bimbo. Who financed his book?
As I have said in my own post on this subject, Pete Hegseth is the ideal target for Honeytraps. All over the world they now are doing their homework on him.
Yep, a man who gets super drunk and sleeps with every woman he can will be manipulated to tell secrets and be blackmailed. Anyone who thinks Pete can just stop drinking because he says so, is crazy! Ask anyone who is addicted to booze how 'easy' it is to stop!
It's amazing to me that these fascists who support Netanyahu (they call it "Israel") but they mean the Likud Party) are at the same time virulently antisemitic. After all, how do you reconcile turning the US into a "Christian" country without oppressing Jews and other religious minorities?
Paula, please don't confuse them with cognitive dissonance. But wait, can't we just deport all the religious minorities?
Pro Israel Nazis. Go figure.
Perhaps the effect of AIPAC’s $$$$$$
Revelations and belief the 'final battle' will take place there. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/apocalypse/explanation/jerusalem.html
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winnah!
How about pro Israel and pro Christian. I really do fear for the future of liberal Jews in America.
And there’s no hate like Christian love.
That’s because they use Christianity in their rhetoric, but utterly lack it in their life and writings. There’s no hate like faux-Christian love.
“Christian” what in any way, shape or form is that heathen ask called, except, self-proclaimed “use a small c please! c- hristian” ? The Jesus in the Bible would Never, ever, recognize Himself, in that Hot mess, of a ? What ever of a mass of addictions, and never grew up, pathetic, creature.
Nothing remotely ,”c-hristian” about that idiot. Except self-labeling. a drunkerd, addicted,to just about everything. Patheic, messed up child in an adult body, so mixed up,he needs to be committed and even that probably won’t help.People have to know they need it. If they don’t, nobody can help them. He’ll end up in a gutter some day.
or a Salvation Army general.
I would almost pay to see it.
Exactly my thoughts.
“Pro Israel NAZIs”
Do you have any idea how STUPID that sounds..?
Do you have any idea how little anyone cares about what you think, Guy?
they are "pro" Israel only in that it serves their needs.
Guy, don't you know that Hitler's original plan was to deport Jews to Palestine?
Hegseth is demonstrably extreme and ungrounded from reality. His conception of issues seems insane and violent
And for someone who went to Harvard Mr. Hegsheth’s quotes above show poor writing and a lack of understanding of American history and the Constitution. Shockingly bad.
why is harvard so revered if this garbage is what they produce?
The Ivy league is turning out some seriously disturbed people these days. I'll bet there's a lot of money involved...
That's a question, Pete.
He got a Master's from Harvard in Public Policy, whatever that is. Princeton owns his undergrad years.
I'm sure both schools are very proud of him <sarcasm>.
follow the money.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck; it's a DUCK.
Somehow I doubt they’ll stop his approval by the senate. A repugnican with a spine? They are long past extinct.. hege belongs in the insane asylum…
The world needs to speak up ;) !
Really! EU/GB speak up!
That would beyond irresponsible. Kind of like how they managed Donnie 1.0
Count on sane people to manage them
This guy it too primitive, they probably won’t be able to
Unless they put him in a straitjacket and walk him out
Will Senate Republicans do their duty? What, is that a rhetorical question? If they do, it'd be the first time in many, many years that they did (save for Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger and a _very_ small handful of others, so small that I can't think of any other names offhand.
Republicans are concerned only with their political future, and right now securing that requires locking their lips onto the orange criminal's fat ass, no matter what. A few of the somewhat less cowardly may put up some mild, performative, Susan Collins-esque "concerns," but rest assured that Rs' interest in fulfilling their oath of office is about 99th on their list of Ten Important Things To Do Right Now.
Hegseth's promise to stop drinking if made SecDef: the sure sign of an alcoholic who has not yet hit bottom. This I know from ample experience. Anyone who listens to Hegseth's "pledge" without bursting out into derisive laughter and then immediately calling a substance abuse counselor is either willfully denying reality or a naive fool.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense, would boot this guy. Given his sexual and drinking proclivities, he’d be a candidate for a fabricated tryst by a foreign power. Definitely a national security threat. Normal senators would see the same potential. I am not holding my breath.
Hegseth wasn't even a member of any of the 4 major branches of the military. He was a mid-level officer in the National Guard. He was a ground pounder! His history of alcohol abuse and the fact he won't release a woman from an NDA so she can tell the country why she was paid hush money after a sexual confrontation between her and Mr. Hegseth is suspicious at best. The guy is just another in a long line of Trump stooges who is unqualified to hold any position in our government.
I had a long reply to this but a short one is sufficient.
If Republicans were willing to do their duty, they wouldn't have let Trump run in the first place.
That being said, I expect only the worst from them.
Eric - Bingo! Short and sweet works just as well as whatever else you were going to write. ;)
As long as one side villainizes the other in terms of national politics, we are destined to lose whatever high ground we have. This is my issue with the party who won the election. Mr. Hegseth confuses zealotry with leadership
He is one sick dude
All of that on the record! Good lord.
For Trump, this is all a power and control game. He knows that Hegseth is un qualified, but he will will show the Senate that he is in total control by demanding confirmation.
The man is mentally unstable and shouldbe left no where near our military. Our defense should be given to someone who is a military veteran not an unstable zealot.