Inappropriate....the nominees are being placed to deliberately DESTROY the agency they will head. The inexperience and behaviour of them is not the point. Even if D nominates someone less offensive/palatable, their goal will be the same. Total & complete annihilation of the agency. When we see Russian cargo planes landing at Andrews AFB you will know they've succeeded
Inappropriate....the nominees are being placed to deliberately DESTROY the agency they will head. The inexperience and behaviour of them is not the point. Even if D nominates someone less offensive/palatable, their goal will be the same. Total & complete annihilation of the agency. When we see Russian cargo planes landing at Andrews AFB you will know they've succeeded
Inappropriate....the nominees are being placed to deliberately DESTROY the agency they will head. The inexperience and behaviour of them is not the point. Even if D nominates someone less offensive/palatable, their goal will be the same. Total & complete annihilation of the agency. When we see Russian cargo planes landing at Andrews AFB you will know they've succeeded