I believe that the American people have lost all respect for the SCOTUS because of their lack of integrity!

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Of course, it’s a joke. I would, however like to ‘tip my hat’ to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for putting pressure on the Supreme Court to even go this far! Hopefully, he and his committee will continue on and maybe, just maybe, something with a little more teeth will result. I’m not optimistic, but Sheldon Whitehouse has done a masterful job in exposing so many of the SCOTUS’s antics thus far. The sheer EXPOSURE of their exploits and wrong-doings has been nothing short of enjoyable to watch. It’s time to see some TRUE accountability.

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It’s a joke. Do they really think the American people are stupid?

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Feckless John Roberts has reason to avoid any ethical compliance mechanism - his wife’s career. Here is a byline from a January 2023 NYTimes article: “The chief justice’s wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts, has made millions in her career recruiting lawyers to prominent law firms, some of which have business before the court. Now, a letter sent to Congress claims that may present a conflict of interest.”

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Totally agree! Democrats were asleep at the switch except for Rebbe Reich. Disgusting perversion of our democracy. This PR attempt is stupid and childish. It shows us that the justice system is rotten to the core. No wonder maggots exist. Thankfully at least a few justices are above reproach. Thank god there is some decency in our country. We gotta fight like hell to make this experiment work. There is a real conspiracy to make this country a fascist dictatorship. A real conspiracy backed by real money.

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This was and will continue to be purposeful abuse of their power and connections to not only line their own pockets but also influence the decisions of the court. Shameful! And Is the IRS investigating Thomas for tax evasion all these years? They must.

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>misinformation<?? that's a fancy word for LIES, professor reich, as everyone here knows well. and this stupid SCOTUS ethics "rule" (gamesmanship) this is yet another reason that the american public has lost faith in its authorities.

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The new ethics codes are little more than a self-imposed set of rules fit for a group of toddlers in search of some dry diapers. Therse new guidelines have no penalties when it comes to justice abuse. So basically, what they agreed to are a set of rules that has no starch in its collar.

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As a nursing student, I learned that when I received my nursing license I would also have the moral responsibility to act in accordance with my training and knowledge and to care for others. I extrapolated this to mean that any person given a higher duty also takes upon themself the requisite moral responsibility to act in accord with higher moral. I was raised in a military/law household and remember holding Judges and Supreme Court Justices in high regard; for both their knowledge and status. Our Constitution gives Supremes lifetime appointments because in order to adjudicate and interpret our Constitution, they should be free of the cares of day-to-day life, to afford them a level of comfort not guaranteed to any other civil servant. I assumed, and I fully realize the kindergarten meaning here, that the 'weight of the Supreme Court Justice Robe' would also carry a higher moral responsibility to act. What I have witnessed over the past decades is a decay of moral responsibility, a minimizing effect of the moral responsibility they carry, even to the point of denying any moral responsibility at all. My question, how can the highest court in the land, charged with interpreting and maintaining our Constitution within the realm of law and order, be so devoid of any moral conscience or responsibility toward the people they serve? And when challenged on this point, the Justices respond with 'righteous ire' toward the question.

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We all know who they are and what they are. No one respects them and like Trump, Thomas and Alito are going to die sooner than later and will be replaced by decent people if Republicans don’t have anything to do with it. Good riddance! Our main concern should be to change the term limits on the court.

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Thank you for keeping us informed, Robert. The shocking part is the self-justification of behavior even a second-grader knows is wrong. Talk about a slippery slope . . .

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Don't forget about Dick Durbin, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Congress can impeach a Supreme Court Justice. Remember checks and balances.

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There's no code here, and no way to enforce any code, if there were a code. It's an insult to the intelligence of every American. And what is lacking perfectly reveals their lack of sincerity and their feckless over-entitlement. Bah!

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

What really bothers me, is that their frivolous words on a paper, show they take their fellow citizens for stupid and have contempt and utter disrespect for us. A carefully written, comprehensive code of ethics, in addition to sanctions for justice's past conduct, would have shown honor for the office and acknowlegment of the people's need for justices to make decisions that promote Democracy, not self.

There seems to be a distinct pattern where people in the R party show no honor or reverence for the office they hold. Very sad.

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Here in UK the judiciary is independent of government amd has strict t rules as to its functions..break the rules and you get reported to the Lord Chsncelkor and Bar Council both of which hsve the ability to suspend you or ask you to " retire"..

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SCOTUS must NOT become, nor appear to have become, 'above the law'.

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