Like the 'entertainment industry', the 'mainstream' media are part of the Ministry of Propaganda, Disinformation and Distraction of the Corporatoxicracy, whose job it is to keep the people's eyes, ears and minds OFF the ball.

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Mainstream media is either owned or influenced by those who are subservient to the whims and desires of those that hold the power, the capitalists. In television, news used to be understood a loss leader in financial terms. Now news must “pull it own weight” in regards to advertising income. Through the threat of withdrawal of advertising the wealthy corporations wield tremendous power.

A flood of letters to the editors will have its impact, but because the letters do not carry dollars they only have limited influence on those at the top. The question for the next eleven months is “What will influence the undecided voters in the key states that decide the election?"

It would take a two pronged approach. One is to dog the mainstream media to give truly accurate reporting, and the other is to support the rise of alternative media such as Inequality Media with our support both financially and in sharing posts and videos from these sites to our own networks.

This substack alone has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Heather Cox Richardson has 1.3 million subscribers. Dan Rather, Ruth Ben Giat Judd Legum and others have huge followings. If all of those followers, myself included, shared these posts and videos to our networks, the influence could be great. We can also follow up our activism in this regard with substantial donations to the alternative non-profit progressive media. Personally I will not give a dollar to the Democratic Party, but I will allot all of my dollars instead to alternative progressive media.

This type of coordinated campaign can have a significant impact in a critical election year while at the same time building up an alternative media leadership to guide the future of positive progressive communication in th future.

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I agree wholeheartedly. I support The Guardian, Democracy Now, The Intercept, ProPublica, and Substacks that are informative. I dropped NY Times, Washington Post, and any other newspapers that have disappointed me with their reporting. I used to watch CBSN because they had few ads and lots of news, but that didn't last long. Now it is back to little news and tons of ads.

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PBS New Hour..best news. They bring in good experts to discuss news - not just journalists interviewing journalist. Wish they would be harder hitting on Trump. I donate to PBS.

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I'm sorry, they are bought and sold by Kochs.

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Daniel, the only reason i watch pbs is that they consistently feature articulate women and men of color. although i suppose it's like preaching to the choir, as anyone who watches pbs is probably inclined not to be a flaming racist. otherwise, i call it propaganda lite.

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Can you explain that? It is shocking to hear. I don't see their names in the lists of major donors.

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I doubt seriously that Daniel is correct. See my reply to Daniel.

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Are you sure? Koch is extremely conservative and PBS news hour guest journalists are either quite liberal or only very moderately conservative. I don't see any kind of pandering to conservative views on their evening news.

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This statement is unfounded. The fact the Koch donates to PBS New Hour does not make them bought.

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Tell it to Bill Moyers, Bob Edwards, etc. They don't report on the Kochs. ,

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PBS is kind of like the US Postal Service, both have a long history of being appreciated and beloved by many, but the Republicans have typically been unable to tolerate anything that benefits "the many," anything that has benefited from the support of taxpayers. Therefore, the Republicans have done everything they can to undermine, sabotage, starve and hamstring both of those entities (and others: and they're chomping at the bit to kill Social Security and Medicare, have been doing that "chomping" for decades!). So they cut off PBS, in part or in full, I'm not sure, and made them seek funding far beyond their traditional "donors like you" and necessitated that they find wealthy and corporate funders, in order to exist. They also increased their commercial marketing, e.g. Sesame Street products.

Koch has been one of those corporate funders. What or how much their influence on content is, I don't know and don't know if it's been studied.

Koch also funds others of America's venerated centers for the arts and entertainment. It is a troublesome relationship, but is one forced upon PBS/NPR years ago. It also resulted in the old phrase from PBS/NPR "commercial free" to ring a little less true, although their ads are different from commercial media, to be sure.

From a very lengthy entry on Wikipedia:

David H. Koch Charitable Foundation

David H. Koch established the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation, which, according to its website, "has given nearly $200 million to support diverse causes nationwide including science and medical research, education, the arts, and more".[29] The foundation has funded cancer research and a number of arts and science organizations, including the American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the American Museum of Natural History.[1][30] In 2015, an open letter to museums from 36 members of the scientific community demanded that the Smithsonian and other museums cut any ties with the Kochs, because of worries that they would remove information on climate change. The Smithsonian countered by stating both exhibits in question did examine in great detail the impacts of climate change. The Koch Foundation responded they "have pledged or contributed more than $1.2 billion dollars to educational institutions and cultural institutions, cancer research, medical centers, and to assist public policy organizations."[31]

David Koch donated $35 million in 2012 to the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and $20 million to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.[32] Joe Romm of ThinkProgress stated "David Koch did not personally intervene to affect the exhibit".[33] David Koch was a member of the board of trustees of the American Museum of Natural History in New York and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington.[31]

Atlantic Magazine has done some excellent journalism (SUBSCRIBE! PEOPLE!) on the Koch business' funding of colleges and how their agenda is being promoted in so many areas of American life.

People who don't like to pay taxes and do all they can to avoid paying taxes but like the aspects of life that are funded by taxes shouldn't be surprised when taxpayer supported entities struggle without taxes and turn to moneybags for help. The answer to everything in the US seems to be: follow the money.

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PBS had a Rick Steve’s special about Fascism. I would recommend it

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I agree, Daniel. PBS may list their donors but not the amounts of their donations which would always determine their influence. As a 'public' corporation, PBS should be required to do so.

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Congress was close to defunding PBS and NPR under Reagan and both Bushes. Same with the Smithsonian. Koch money funds natural history at the same time they deny climate science and global warming.

When I lived in DC, we would use the Press Club for some of our programs, and members would speak openly about it. Prior to 2018, when I was still super hatched and couldn't say anything, some of the reporters at the bar at the Press Club accused Bernie of being a commie.

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It is apparent that you do not watch PBS if you think that PBS is controlled in anyway by the Koch’s.

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Ha! My office used to be across the street from them. Cokie Robert's producer was the daughter of one of my colleagues. I remember listening to other employees carp whose names I can't remember when they left...

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I recently listened to a Thom Hartmann podcast in which he was telling about their attempt to create a progressive radio station. It lasted 6 years and was bought out by Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.

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Air America.

I don't understand why the big unions, UAW, UMW, etc haven't established national radio/TV.

I donate to Free Speech TV although I watch Tom via Youtube. I also contribute to his program. I also contribute to Meidas Touch and several others.

I speak to all of them. My niece is an advertising executive. Says the only hope is through "influencers" IMHO the little guy has no voice is most media, but on social media, i.e. Facebook, Meidas, et al. they listen.

There is a separate FCC bar and all of these folks should have retained counsel. .

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I'd like to suggest the BBC World News cable channel. It gives viewers a well rounded picture of what is occurring around the World. I supplement that with my local news and MSNBC. I do maintain subscriptions to several "newspaper" outlets around the world including WaPo and NYT (they include: The Times (UK), Globe and Mail (Canada), WaPo, NYT, San Francisco Chronicle) I was taught that the well rounded citizen read/viewed as many varied news sources as possible in order to obtain a clear(er) picture of the World situation.

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I also count on comedy. It hold these people in my heart, Joh Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and the crew on Comedy Central. They help keep me sane and humane. For me Rachael Maddow is great. Her latest book Prequel An American Fight Against Fascism takes off the rose colored glasses and gives an honest look at our past, and tentative hope,for,our future.

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YEA because the communists in this country like the State Attorney General in Maine that just decided Trump should be on the ballot, is not totalitarian enough for you? PBS, like all the other mainstream media outlets that ad nauseam pushed the fabricated Russian collusion hoax wasn't hard enough on Trump for you? Because the Mass Media in American, especially PBS the Pseudo-intellectual, badge of honor garbage bin for liberals doesn't lie enough about Trump for you? FYI, 92% negative fake news about Trump over six years. Sounds fair. You're a typical left-wing person that loves reinforcement for your obvious bias and loves the fake , sorta-like British accent delivered news. Makes you seem intelligent in front of your other fake friends that love to virtue signal their fake intellect.

Now go listen to your fav, "All Things Condescending"

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Jan 2, 2024
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are you a robot or did someone really hurt you when you were little and vulnerable?

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Where can I find a list of FOX advertisers? I refuse to watch the channel so I’m hoping to find a list somewhere without having to look at or hear the liars and charlatans who pass as FOX anchors and guests.

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Maybe before you go spewing your bullshit you should actually watch it.

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Maybe you should watch something besides Fox. Who’s your favorite? Hannity? I bet you’ve even sent money to build the wall. Guess Bannon and his buddies fooled you.

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Try the Economist and the Guardian, and the BBC news program on the US. While they have articles on rather British subjects, they have much else.

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Yes. I tune in to BBC on PBS channel here in Oregon.

The bottom line is that with the wonderful convenience of the internet our world continues to get smaller and with that the information available becomes more more and more controlled by those who will control it because of money power. I am not a Bible person but one thing that it states is that the LOVE of MONEY is the root of all evil. It is the one flaw in the human species. It is overindulgence that causes all of the harm to the planet. That is the tendency for humans to want too much of a good thing and will be the cause of the fall for the entire planet in the long run. The insatiable appetite of humans for a variety of things that will be the the cause of every problem in the future. Greed.

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Scientist for the most part agree that we could hit a tipping point for damaging the Earth so it cannot support human life in a decade. You might like to watch the new documentary on Netflix, you are what you eat. What we eat not only affects our personal health, but the health of the planet. There are everyday choices that each of us can make. If you want to know more a great book is Metabolical by Dr. Robert Lustig. If we don’t figure out how to preserve this planet, we won’t have to worry aboutTrump and his ilk.

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A few days ago, an Ontario wildlife rehabber of 40 years experience sent out a message about Canada Geese laying eggs in December. Never before in his experience. Another rehabber added that squirrels are producing third litters., many of which will not survive the cold; the frantic mothers might not survive either. Our planet is going over the brink right this moment. We were warned in the early 60s ... Perhaps even earlier?

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Thank you, Gina, for the clarification. There is quite a difference between "money being the root of all evil" and the correct quotation, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil!" I'm so glad you pointed that out! This is a short response today and have no time read further, so allow me to point out an inaccuracy by another respondent to Robert's blog today: The Koch brother still alive contributes to the science and nature programs on PBS, not the Newshour. And yes, we see evidence of GREED everywhere today! It's so pervasive, it's scary! Makes me glad I'm in the lower range of income, enough to live on thanks to the HUD voucher I now receive at age 83. I'm very grateful to our United States of America's concern for its elders!

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did you read in the article that they did not do a piece on the Koch’s because they were afraid of loosing the funding. The control can be covert and implied, but it is there,

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And a big thank you backatcha Catherine.

I did note that error re the Koch bros contributions to PBS. When I read that I thought..no that is not correct..but I never assume that my memory serves me well all of the time as I am climbing in years also.

I still believe, even with all of its faults, that Democracy is the best form of government and most often it is poor judgement because the faults are mostly human flaws in personality rather than the systems flaws.

Please keep well and stay safe and Happy New Year. Lets all keep the faith.

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With climate change, we will roast in situ for our sins

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One would hope that we will wake up before it is too late.

Sadly, so much of that depends on two things: 1 who is in charge of the management of the planet, 2 How much humans are willing to come to their senses and do what needs to be done TOGETHER as the dominant species on the planet.

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Thank you for speaking truth to power!

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Exactly my story, Margaret. Now we need to spread the word to whomever.will.listen.

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I lay out how to undermine MSM below. In a nutshell, channel Taylor Swift.

Meidas Touch has created its own network, almost as big as major networks like ABC, CBS, etc. https://www.meidastouch.com/

To influence publicly owned companies, challenge them with threats of litigation. Fox v Dominion should have been the call to alarm to all of them. Fox is exposed to dozens of pending suits, It has an attack on its Philadelphia broadcasting license. It has pending shareholder derivative suits.

"The question for the next eleven months is “What will influence the undecided voters in the key states that decide the election?"


I don't think Trump's cult/marks have the same interests as the oligarchs who sponsor him or the media feasting on advertising he generates. 90% of the marks vote contrary to their economic and physical health. Probably a combination of media brainwashing, animal magnetism and a predilection from a collective racial subconscious.

I don't support her but Nikki Haley can beat him. Needs to attack his character. His age. His appearance. His odor ("I'm the only one on this stage who was in a position to smell him."). Most effective:

1. Trump hates dogs. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/05/opinion/trump-military-dog.html

2. Trump family charity stole from kids with cancer and disabled war veterans. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation

She can point out that he has been the poster boy for employer sanctions for hiring illegals.

that he had to pay $25 million to Trump University marks.

that he misled his donors that he had a "defense fund."

that he committed assault of at least one woman -- and has more trials coming up.

Only use that he increased the deficit. that he is in bed with Saudi Arabia, that he created the inflation when questioned.

Any more?

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The only way President Biden will lose the next election is if Trump and all his media cronies rig it so he can't possibly win. That should sound familiar because Trump used that fallacious idea in the 2020 even before a single vote was cast. Today, the opposite is rearing its ugly head, if Biden loses in 2024 it's because the thing was indeed fixed. Trump's entire campaign is based upon a false sense of negativity projected to undermine President Biden's creditability. Lie, lie, and lie some more, Trump's entire political persona is based on a pile of lies told the children of our voting public. Trump told some 30,000 lies while he was president of this country in all good conscience, we have no idea of who Trump really is. His thirst for power is insatiable, his greed is only surpassed by the man's ignorance. The truth is out there but our people will never hear it if they continue to walk behind a mobile "Antrim well." The man's eternal quest to find clean coal should outweigh Biden's honest efforts to help this country. If Trump would have attempted all the relevant things that President Biden has accomplished during his time in the White House, he very well might still be there. The cats in the cradle with a silver spoon----Donald Trump belongs residing on the far side of the moon.

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Unfortunately, Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan (following a Trump-set) deadline and his wildly over-enthusiastic embrace of Israel are also reasons for Biden's loss. Democratic PR suggests that purity will triumph over BS and lies, whereas experience shows that bad-news BS trumps purity and truth. We need to underline Republican lies, misdeeds and failed policies.

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First of all, Steve, The Afghanistan pull out was the continuation of what Trump started by freeing 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal. However, Republicans will continue to spew the lies and distortions of the hater, Trump, trying to make him look credible, which everyone with at least half a brain knows creditability does not exist in Trumps tiny brain.

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Right, plus Trump acolyte Erik Prince, the dark knight, pulled out before we did. Now living in UAE.

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Trump also surrendered 5 bases, without which we really has no eyes and no way to continue that war which, admittedly, had lasted way too long. For more on the Doha Agreements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US%E2%80%93Taliban_deal

In spite of the hurried departure, the US under Biden managed to pull 122,000 people out of the clutches of the Taliban.

By comparison the final evacuation out of Saigon was Operation Frequent Wind which resulted in 119,000 people being evacuated from Saigon in the last few days.

So by the numbers, Biden still did better than Gerald Ford, who didn't have a traitor sabotaging his upcoming Presidency!

I got both numbers from the Wiki. Here is the link for Vietnam:


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So, those 5,000 freed Taliban soldiers released before Biden's pullout had a chance to retake any segments of growing progress in Afghanistan. If so, too bad such lousy reporting exists.

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This is true, but the right wing media spun it so that people who support Trump put the blame on Biden.

However, I am not happy with Biden's unconditional allegiance to Israel...

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There was totally inadequate preparation for saving Afghans who had helped us. Why did Biden adhere to Trump's idiotic date? Biden's unending support of Israeli mass murder may result in Trump's demolition of our democracy. Remember Biden's backing of Thomas rather than Anita Hill.

I will vote for Biden, since there is no reasonable alternative

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@Steve Bravy. Only a quibble - not Biden's loss, just a hopefully temporary decline in his popularity. Other than 3rd party candidates spoiling the field, Biden can easily beat Trump. Folks should not throw away their votes on spoilers who can't possibly win.

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I hope beating Trump will be as easy as you claim

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I don't believe Biden has lost any popularity, I think the Media is distorting the facts to gain more popularity. Those of us who voted for Biden still think as highly of him as we ever have. Notice how Biden tries his best to do what is right for the people while the Right tries their best to do what is right for their pockets, not what is right for the people.

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"Should" is not a command. People will do as they think best even if it results in the worst.

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Steve--Biden supports the Israeli people not the efforts of Netanyahu.

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And who elected him? Israel. And elected him again knowing what he is like. Sorry, but voters are ultimately accountable, just like they will be if we lose our democracy.

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And how does the slaughter actually support either Israel or Netanyahu? Has Hamas suffered damage commensurate with Palestinian deaths?

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Steve--It was Trump's withdrawal from Afghanistan that President Biden attempted to complete that went awry. No one could have predicted a 300,000 strong, well-equipped army, would have simply laid down their weapons and melted into the indigenous population. If you blame Biden for what happened over there you might want to reevaluate your position.

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Steve--In that part of the world this country has no friends, only latent enemies.

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I blame Biden for supporting mass murder/genocide, not for anything on Oct. 7th. No reevaluation needed.

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If we allow this election to be decided on the basis of one, or a few, issues we deserve what we get. That's almost tantamount to "cutting off ones own nose to spite the face." We have to vote the larger (whole) picture . . . (e.g. the economy, our rights, World affairs, Environment].

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How about whether our democracy will survive?

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But, but, but, that is always the way that we elect: I always have a half dozen issues that I care deeply about and from there, it is a balancing act but I soon figure out whom I want to support. And yes, The Economy [much better under Biden] our rights, [and he will defend those] World affairs [a complicated mess, but I like to keep the allies we have in NATO], the environment [Yes, I like clean air and clean water and, at least in my State [Wisconsin] Republicans are always supporting polluters and their own donors, so... whom I will support is not a hard choice. You can also add guns and reproductive choice. still the same easy choice.

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Biden @POTUS is counting votes. There are more Jewish voters than Palestinian voters. Biden disappoints me.

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He belongs in an orange jumpsuit behind bars with no cell phone.

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Linda--You have a mean streak.

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Only regarding a few people.

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C’mon, Donald — Guantanamo Bay is beautiful (in winter).

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I think you are too optimistic. Gerrymandering, manipulation of voting "rights", judges that side with the GOP (if it comes to that)...There are many scary scenarios out there.

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Mark-- I agree. However, pessimism would only lead to the increased rate in suicides. Keep that glass half full.

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True that, Mark. In Wisconsin, even a 5% statewide in favor of democrats still resulted in 2/3 or representatives being Republicans... but we will be getting new maps, hopefully before 2024. Don't get depressed. It is the worst thing you can do for your cause [and for yourself!]

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Now is a good time to remember that in 2016, "the polls" had Hillary winning in a blowout, and Obama, about a year before his election had really crappy polls. I pay a little more attention once there are a few primaries done and over with. Until then, there are so many ways to rig a poll to get the answer you want... Small sample or polling in a known D or R area, calling only folks with a landline, or only with a cell phone.

Things tighten a bit after a few primaries and Super Tuesday. and even then you still could mis the mark by a mile.

There are also folks who keep beating the drums of negative polls for Biden hoping to depress/ discourage Dems.

the only polls that count are the ones on Election day.

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The Post is guarding its news all too well.

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It's called MAGAlomania.

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James--I need that on a hat.

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I think you have to focus on policy because policy is the effect that government has on the lives of citizens. What is clear to you and me is not clear to anyone who would support Trump. Let me give you an example.

A dozen years ago, I told my good friend, a staunch pro-life conservative, that republicans wanted to give her Social Security money to rich people ( but not in those exact words.). She was horrified! "I've paid into Social Security all my life! That's my money. They can't just take it!"

All the fine points aside, the idea is that there are many other elderly "conservatives" out there who think the same. The only thing that can wake up even a marginal percentage of Trump voters is to make clear that the policies they depend on - i.e. anything in the social safety net - will die in the next four years if republicans currently in congress get their way.

Opinions change when the consequences become personal. If they don't believe proven news about policy that affects them personally, they won't believe any attacks on Trump either. That is my experience.

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Maybe. Let the DNC and Biden focus on policy. Hasn't worked with "lumpen proletariat" voters who happen to be the majority these days. I was just watching MSNBC and the lead story today is how recent polls show Biden is in the worst position at this point of any other president in history.

I speak fluent benefits and if I get their data I never mention Trump and most of the time can show them there are benefits to protect or even acquire.

"They won't believe any attacks on Trump" That's not always true. Can get some reaction to Trump hates dogs and stole from kids with cancer and disabled veterans. Hard evidence that you can hand someone.

Moreover our best chance is to register GenZ. Get them to the polls. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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The Media has never been correct in the polls. I am assuming that it makes their ratings climb when they post the lies and distortions of the Trump fantasies.

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Not exactly like this, but you do have a point: Controversies and outrageous statements sell papers and keep our eyeballs on that shiny object. It is in the interest of Comcast and other news networks to keep the end a mystery: It keeps us biting our fingernails even if deep inside we feel: "How could Trump win???"

They love to keep it as a horse race until the last day.

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@Daniel. Good list. But we must still understand he is a traitor, probably, but not proven yet, sold secrets to foreign governments. He is definitely an insurrectionist (Colorado court decided on the facts). So on your list we must also say, "violated his oath of office".

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Designed for Haley.

Biden should let surrogates carry his message. People like us. He's an insurrectionist, grifter and probably a traitor.

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Lately I’ve been hearing on Sirius XM progressive radio that there’s a surge in discussing the body odor of Drumpf. If that discussion catches on, the lumpen will listen.

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Exactly: I told my local Republican Statesmen that Trump is a Traitor: "Russia, if you are listening", a thief [of Veteran charities, no less!] a liar [about COVID: [he admitted it to a journalist] and if they still think that Jan 6 was only "Legitimate Political Discourse", maybe they should get the visit of a few constituents to have a "Legitimate Political Discourse" with them.

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And lest we forget, a traitor is an enemy.

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I suspect that many if not most Trump supporters don't care a whit about his policies, positions, his character, criminality, crazy statements, age, odor, etc. etc. etc. They simply like it that he's a stick in the eye of a system that they feel has let them down, bypassed them, and views them as "deplorables". So, bring on the chaos! They love it.

We might break through this through policies with direct, immediate benefit for this demographic - perhaps income tax relief. Yet our capitalist system is designed to exploit those at the bottom for the benefit of those at the top, so I’m not hopeful.

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Open up oil reserves?

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Well-l-l, I'm afraid that would just (as usual) be a windfall for the megacorps, with little "trickle down" benefit for the average guy. Income tax relief however would go straight to the pockets of ordinary citizens -- and if it's paid for with a progressive tax on wealth, that would bring more fairness to the system that the MAGAs believe is stacked against them. Right?

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I was thinking of things that are within Biden’s control and I think opening up oil reserves is whereas cutting income taxes is not. I don’t know whether the little guy saw much benefit The last time oil reserves were opened up.

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Totally agree with you, Bill

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Thanks Paula!

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If Fox was shut down for its malfeasance & seditious opinion hosts & Bannon shut up & immediately sequestered it would help reduce the noise in the signal.

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Fox is no longer their go to in News, and no: It has not "shut down". They have realized that lying with such effrontery carries big financial risks, so they are a bit softer now.

My hubby, a Trumper, told me "Fox has gone to the dark side", which made me burst out laughing.

He goes to Newsmax, Parlor and OAN. They are all worse, by an order of magnitude.

The sad fact is that now that anyone can be a 'journalist' or a 'reporter' we are fighting a hydra: cut one head and 10 spring back!

My hubby once came very excited and said: "Guess what: Hillary is now locked up in Gitmo". It wasn't hard for her to appear on TV and say: "No, I'm not".

So I notched that one, and now, whenever hubby tells me another one of those phantasmic lies, I ask innocently: " Oh, really? Is that the same source that told you that Hillary was locked up in Gitmo?"

I have a mean streak too, I guess... Try to gather facts and sources and have them "at the ready" for when a Trumper tries for a "Gotcha".

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All good points that would hopefully have an impact and open up many sets of misled eyes. However what's very disturbing but not surprising, Haley said she would pardon Trump. When Ford pardoned Nixon, the crimes paled in comparison of what Trump has done and continues to do. While Haley does not appear to have the lawless autocratic aspirations of Trump, she still appears to have some sympathy for the MAGA lunacy.

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She's not a Democrat. I'd vote for a yellow dog first.

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As an owner of a yellow dog, I have to agree.

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Nikki would be a disaster. Do you honestly think that she would take up the fight against climate change ? it’s just one example.

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Not a chance in hell. Her twisted science- denying base wouldn't ever accept it.

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Hmmmm . . . we can shoot ourselves in our collective feet if all we consume is news from sources we "agree" with. That's the very definition of living in a bubble.

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You better be a fat cat if you decide to sue on of the Media Bigwigs in court- It sounds like a Kamikaze move.

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First, the plaintiffs in the shareholder suits are institutional investors that lost big money because Fox lied.

Second, most of the time, plaintiff's attorneys take a contingent fee, no win, no fee.

Third, there are several public interest groups on the job, like CREW. https://www.citizensforethics.org/

Fourth, the FCC is supposed to be regulating broadcast media.

Huge sums are involved The companies are insured. Have a lot to protect.

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Do you know why the FCC has not reinstated fairness doctrine? They have three Democrats and two Republicans on the board.

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Maybe that's why we should support some financially?

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At the top of this substack is a “Gift a Subscription” button. Start using it to reach your friends, family and acquaintances. Also utilize the “Share" button when you run out of gift money. We can do this and start on the path of activism from our own living rooms.

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I just gave two gift subscriptions to my sons and shared on Facebook. YES, WE CAN DO THIS!

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That has been my strategy for over a year. I still get surveys from Dems followed by a request to donate. I don't think they care about the survey responses; only the money. I put them in spam and delete on my phone. The party has ignored our most pressing need, single-payer universal healthcare, and attempts to make us believe the ACA is the answer. The ACA is to healthcare like bread crumbs are to a loaf of bread. I subscribe to substacks and donate to ProPublica and Inequality Media when I can. I repost and share. Another Trump presidency would be a disaster. I donate to local candidates.

Good news that a U.S. carrier is leaving the Mediterranean and the Israelis are withdrawing troops and changing tactics to targeting.

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Thank you Gloria!!

I personally have stopped answering the scream for dollars. While they ask for money to increase our social security checks!!! Irony?????

But, as you mentioned: Atlantic Mag. ,

Substack ( many marvelous writers with huge information called facts being shared). The Nation, Glenn Kirschner,

Stephen Colbert, yes that’s right!

Brian Tyler Cohen..... pretty much many ways to face truth and facts.

Also, as we read... things can be changed and Democrats need to remind themselves that the Supremist Court can be changed!!!! We went to the moon for gods sake. Also, get Destoppo away from our United States Mail! He wants to privatize OUR mail.. put a “return to sender” on his forehead and send him to desanity in Fla.

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Gloria, the ACA is the best democrats could do because of republican opposition. Granted, we

can do better, but not until Dems are the majority

in both the House and Senate. President Biden

has made more funding available for the ACA, and

of course republicans demand less funding for the ACA in their fantasy version of the budget that has already been negotiated with former Speaker


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I agree, and why does Trump dominate the news, with hardly ever a mention of Biden.?Maybe it has to be bad news to get the media's attention.

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Marc, good for you on your refusal to support the "Party". They did bloody little except collect billions of dollars, most of which were wasted. We need new leadership and employees at the DNC, DCCC, and probably the DSCC too, although I have not observed any of the utter stupidity of the other two.

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I can’t agree with that. I am critical also but we’re only shooting ourselves in the foot if we don’t provide them some support.

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You just made the false equivalency of the Republican and Democratic parties. They are NOT the same. If you want to protect the future, support the Dems, especially now. Third parties are irrelevant and usually throw the election in the wrong direction.

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Looks like lots to do for the next eleven or so months of this new year 2024! Good luck getting out the good word!

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This makes a lot of sense to me. Urgently needed. Let's go!

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Media consumers are treated like mushrooms ; keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em $#it!

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That is an excellent analogy.

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tRump and family (Kushner) are going for the Latinx vote. They now have Univision, it looks like. The guy who calls South American immigrants and Mexicans, "rapists, murderers and criminals full of disease", or at minimum "lazy", now wants to get their vote, using his tried and true method Lies and misinformation. Fear mongering, all of it! He alone, can fix it. He is the "chosen one"! NOT!

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Laurie, it is scary that the push of Trumpers into the Spanish media is going on with little response. It also scares me that the Spanish media consumers could be bought with the lies that Trump cares one wit for them and would push every single one of them out of this country if they could, except for the ones they employ for low wages to do their dirty work around their properties. It is disgusting, but how do those who care about the people in this nation, all of them, respond effectively and get the truth out to our Latinx neighbors?

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Ruth: Yes, knowledge is power, for voters!

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Ruth Sheets: I have read that there is some pushback from Spanish speaking Floridians. Maybe they will see it for what it is, a vote grabbing operation.They can consider the source! Hopefully.

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I think dems are not going to be effective retaining / winning back Black & Hispanic voters if we can’t see/grok what they value in tfg.

I’m currently visiting a loved but/and religious Midwest family member, retired elementary educator (4.0 grad school), who voted Biden, but seriously struggled with the choice since she truly believes elective abortion is contrary to human values. Her kids adopted their children- this is a family that practices what they preach. The rest of her extended family votes tfg for four reasons 1) pro life ( but not insanely so), 2) religious Christian views (happy with new SC, want more laws and legislation that favor traditional marriage, family & faith), 3) gut level rejection of ‘liberal’ sexual relationships though I don’t think most would mention it any more, & 4) David French’s on the nose synopsis of what appeals to evangelical mindset: Certainty, Fierceness, & Solidarity.

Tfg also attracts racists, misogynists, insecure incels and gun fetishists, wealthy /corporatists, but CAN’T win on their smaller (if louder) vote numbers alone.

Dems might win on pro choice energy alone if we had a viable candidate (actuarially speaking) given recent SC over-reach.

But if Dems can’t compete in the pro family values arena then we need to revise our position, not only because it will usually lose, but because it is wrong to not strongly support mainstream families too.

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Mark Shields

"Laws that favor traditional marriage, family & faith"!?!??! Please tell me you explained that laws should never favor personal choices. A supposedly *Free* Country extolling equal rights means there should be NO favor, only equal protection under the law. It's long been a problem of the religious right to act as if allowing others to make different life choices somehow oppresses their own life choices - it doesn't.

What does "compete in the pro family values arena" even mean? What are "main-stream families" and who is not supporting them?

Equal rights means equal. Allowing individuals to choose who they marry, make their own reproductive decisions, who are tax dependents, take childcare deductions,... should always apply equally to all families. No one is trying to ban one man-one woman marriages, mandate birth control, or ban faith.

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Am on road trip; will say more (and perhaps say it better?) when I can get to a keyboard, but briefly I would say Jacko’s response to Laurie (below) reflects one part of my point, just as your misunderstanding reflects another, in my view.

Many of us Dems (if I may presume) don’t hear the concerns of the ‘other’ side in what feels to the other side as equal.

Both parties to a conflict stereotypically feel certain they’ve gone MORE than halfway, but each will still feel the other has not.

Not sure Dems are hearing the gut level concerns of conservative religious ri folk, and I fear if we don’t do this better, but instead, insist on parsing things our way, we may do less well in the election than if we proactively acknowledged the extent of shared family interests (who wouldn’t consider violence to protect their child from violence) while mitigating some of their overblown fears ( for example, that their child (or their own happiness) is at any meaningful risk of violence from inappropriate sex reassignment surgery (huge fear, ~zero basis), or sexual assault, or sports trophy displacement due to a trans male in the neighborhood.

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If I understand correctly your point boils down to - communication between left & right sucks. With that I 100% agree. I have long been annoyed by what IMO is very poor messaging from the DNC and major Dem candidates. (never mind the right's lying & fear mongering) But that is a majorly compelling reason why you, I and everyone on the left needs to counter anyone expressing a desire to favor​ the conservatives' notion of traditional​ vs what defines family for others'

As Jacko and I pointed out, tax benefits, childcare, education,... are indicative of a government valuing families. The Democrats are far more generous in supporting ALL families, including 'traditional', than the most powerful republicans are. IOW, Dems are not only competing in the pro-family values arena, but winning. But it's not limited to traditional families, which lacks the favor that many genuinely demand. And it is poorly communicated to the masses, so even those who may not want favor per se, are succumbing to the fear messaging of those who want to continue marginalizing others' Again, it's why each of us should counter inaccurate understandings of the parties' positions.

Certainly some, but I do not believe in general it is Dems or the left en masse who don't hear & know the religious rights' concerns so much as too many voters on the right failing to understand, or refusing to accept, that inclusive Dem. policies include them, whereas conservatives' preferred policies are downright un-American, oppressive, and not even Christian. I for one most definitely hear it - ad nauseum. I live in the bible belt, I was raised in a Christian family, I have immediate family who are a Christian school teacher, a church deacon,... The problem is not that family values or religion are under attack, as many CHOOSE to perceive, but that their version of traditional and religion should be favored, as your family member stated. We have to break through the mindset, not kowtow to it.

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Mark Shields : "The pro family values arena!? Is this some kind of competition or circus? The Separation of Church and state 💔 is real, and should be respected. It is the freedom of/and from religion. Just because a person is silenced, does not make them a believer, or an atheist. The hearts 💕 of men with wombs (humans, wombmen, (or women, for short ), cannot be regulated, dictated or ruled Our Constitution says it plainly. "Let there be no law made concerning religion.." This has been violated by those who want to force their religious values (or bald face power grabs), on others. ( that would be fertile women of any race, or belief system., or class/income status, or political party).or country of origin.

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Yes Laurie, the idea of a Christian country flies in the face of our Constitution. Family values are extremely important, it keeps us on the road to Common Good. However, family values do not have to be a religious thing for the government. Free pre-natal care, day care and preschool, free quality education in high school and first two years of a higher education.

IMHO this would help the disadvantaged monetarily and also afford them a chance to establish some family values.

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Jacko ; I think most of US would agree ; Lord knows we all pay for these things. Then the greedheads hand out a couple trillion to the billionaires! and they blame US for the deficit! VooDoo Economics!

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Any Latinx, women , minority (LGTBQ),black and brown persons who support Trump and the Repuke party are either very uninformed or are malevolent imho.

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Victoria Wilson ; It would surprise me if any sane person voted against their own interests and against the interests of friends and family. Who would enjoy living under someone like Putin?

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And gerrymandering, vote suppression, nonsense suits, insurrection, BS on voter fraud, conspiratorial gibberish, isolationist twaddle, obliterating the separation of Church and State

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Steve Bravy : They ignore precedents, 'norms' and the rule of law. tRump wants to shred the Constitution, among other things, and be King. I would not be surprised if he will require people to kneel before him!

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Not Only have Most Reporters Not Written a Book; most of the Reporters have not Read a Book ...

It’s Easier to take the carefully crafted the position Papers and press releases from the political organizations the candidates have hired , Than to Think Make a Independant assessment of what’s being said and done.

The corporate decision makers are in the making money business. Bombastic statements sell news papers and gain viewers carefully analysis doesn’t sell commercials Hype Does make them money. It’s About Making Money Stupid.

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Citizen J, it is true that money is the main thing for most media, but it seems to me that if the mainstreamers were to stand together for the truth no matter where the bombast lands, the corporate world would need to start rethinking the way they address the news. When there is such strong competition for viewers and money seems to be the major factor, the real news is sacrificed for jerkdom. We all should be demanding better, maybe boycotting corporations that won't do better. First, though we need to find out which corporations are manipulating the news and make the names public.

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Often Corporations are willingly Blind to the Impact of the the attention getters.

I think the pillow Guy Trump had in his back pocket has suffered economic setbacks because the true believers already have enough pillows And his high profile publicity has blown back his product lines. He is the exception.

Most advertisers are not linked to the shows they sponsor. For a while there was halt in cop shows where the cops were glamorized for shoot out with minor criminals but that seems to have rebounded a bit as of late.

Advertisers are just buying people to watch their ad. Of course I would be remiss not to mention the trumpets 🎺 goal of monetizing is booking pictures.

Religion has died for many trumpet’s Orange Jesus routine has captured them just as oral Robert’s and others have accomplished...

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With luck 🍀 we can look forward to pictures of trumpet’s time in Lockup.

I will be interesting to see if he finds a way to monetize that !!!

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Love the "Corporatoxicracy". I endorse the above, but along with the grossly commercialized aspect of today's media, and not wanting the alienate the viewing (and buying) public, comes a lack of courageous reporting. The plain fact is, today's reporters are afraid of the blowback from trump's menage of maniacs, both in their influence and actual physical retaliation against their perceived "enemies." And of course, they fear for losing their jobs.

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Thank you for this comment John! You're spot on! My newest article was exactly on why we need to ensure we keep our eyes on the right ball, not ever ball that's thrown our way: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/whats-the-reality-of-our-future

Curious to your thoughts on my idea of not voting though. There's the Princeton study that shows our elections are another ball because, even thought we say democracy, our policies are oligarchical: https://thenewamerican.com/us/politics/constitution/princeton-northwestern-study-seems-to-conclude-u-s-an-oligarchy/

Do we still live in a democracy?

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Franklin, wow! Not vote! That is ridiculous! I guess that would let you non-voters whine that whatever happens wasn't your fault. Well, it is your choice in a democracy not to vote if you want to go that route, but don't act as though you are some kind of heroes for making such an anti-democratic choice.

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A piece on the wider Ukraine conflict:


Take it under advisement, but much rings true.

ReOg Media: https://www.youtube.com/@reogmedia777

Spooky are the occasional, uncommented iPhone & drone videos of Ukrainian air strikes - planes & helicopters - on Russian Black Sea assets.

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Mahgahs believe movie plots are reality and news is fake

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These outlets depend on financial support of the billionaires and corporate interests. Just like our political system (political campaigns). They are trying to get the same control over government run institutions like education& USPS. They want to cripple (defund) government agencies that would hold them accountable- FTC, FCC and those that regulate energy, employment, taxes, financial industry and the rule of law. They would control that revenue, without oversight and would control the quality of life (or lack there of( of all related employees. We must collectively put our money where our mouths are, by funding independent news and by boycotting the billionaires and corporate interests that are corrupting the nation in their quest for more money & power. I also like "The Atlantic"

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If you subscribe to the WP or the NYT, cancel your subscription? If nothing else you’ll at least stop the steam coming out of your ears.

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Sadly true

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Jan 2, 2024
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"both the Democretins and Republicons". The political Duopoly is preserved by the voter's dilemma: Do I vote for my true choice or do I choose my "lesser of two evils" so that my vote can actually make a difference? The Republicans are a lost cause, but when the Democrats have legislative power again, a public campaign might induce them to mandate Ranked Choice Voting for all federal elections. That would destroy the voter's dilemma. (Make your favorite your first choice. Make your "lesser of two evils" your second choice. If your favorite is eliminated during the instant run-offs to gather a majority, your second choice will count.) Without the burden of the spoiler effect created by the voter's dilemma, independent or third party candidates may actually win. In time this could dissolve the power of the Duopoly, and that would be a wonderful advance in true democratic choice.

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Lapdogs for oligarchs. Where are the first hand reports that Trump stinks, literally?

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I trust Democracy Now! on public radio w Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzales et all. Do you listen to them? Michael Moore. Do they count?

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Democracy Now! is a great source of current news, but not seen by enough people.

Mondoweiss is a great source for news on the occupation by Israel.

Electronic Intifada, Breakthrough News, and Middle East Eye are only available online, but are also good for reliable, in-depth reporting.

Ever since the US attacked Iraq, one online source that covers world news more honestly is Al Jazeera — even named by a former PR officer for the U.S. Army as a reliable source.

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Yes, Al Jazeera, and BBC News, but mostly PBS News!

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Unfortunately, PBS is mostly funded by dark money. Don't rely on them for unbiased news reporting. They are good for programs like Nova, Discover, music concerts, but NOT news.

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You may be right, but they seem to be fair about the Gaza situation and Ukraine!

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My daughter who works in multinational security does not support Al Jazeera. BBC News, to me, is of the same callibre as the magazine The Economist--generated by a country that is low on natural and concrete, ie., non-financial industry, resources. Commensurately, PBS is leaning into information biase in favor of big business, sadly. However, The World on PBS stations might be better than the aforementioned. . . I. d. k.

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O.m. gosh, I just read Daniel Solomon's post, below. This is what PBS must be doing, marketing-wise. As pointless as the 90's (?) focus groups. . . "Over time the media and their advertisers have developed a "target market," four common target marketing strategies: mass (undifferentiated) marketing, differentiated marketing, niche marketing, and micromarketing. These four strategies differ in the way they interact with the target market or potential buyers." Pathetic!

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I like them, too!

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Thank you for those leads, Gwenyth. I trust “The Lever” for in-depth investigative journalism; “Inside Climate News” for in-depth reporting on the climate emergency; and, of course, “Inequality Media” for its clear and concise videos on issues.

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Democracy Now! is available (buried) on Channel 9410 (Link TV) and Channel 9415 (Free Speech TV). on DISH Network. These two channels also have a lot of other great progressive programs. On the flip side, DISH has several far right channels (farther right than Fox) which are NOT buried in their channel lineup. DISH is also a major provider of pornography!

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TFG gets coverage because he is so outrageous. And for most who do not understand history, they think having a dictator in this country is a ridiculous notion. Only those who understand what having a dictator means, how close we came, and how it CAN happen here. Generate enough fear and the sheep will fall in line.

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I've not heard Amy in a while and I get MM's letter.

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40% of the electorate are Gen Z, and most of them do not use main stream media. Most, 70% or more trend Democratic and by shear numbers can tilt the playing field.

No doubt Trump got/gets free advertising from the MSM media. They use it as a "loss leader." A loss leader strategy involves selling a product or service at a price that is not profitable but is sold to attract new customers or to sell additional products and services to those customers.

Those "customers" may be subscribers like us. But more revenue comes from advertising revenue, and that comes from companies that want to sell an unrelated product, like financial services, consumer goods, etc. Journalistic ethics, who, what, when, why and how, are secondary to the bottom line. Those companies gauge their use of advertising on the effectiveness.

Over time the media and their advertisers have developed a "target market," four common target marketing strategies: mass (undifferentiated) marketing, differentiated marketing, niche marketing, and micromarketing. These four strategies differ in the way they interact with the target market or potential buyers.

We have the capacity and a window of opportunity to surpass MSM. Gen Z followers support Taylor Swift's marketing by staying connected through social media, buying her merchandise and talking about her on social media. Taylor Swift doesn't necessarily need to always market herself because so much of her audience does it for her.

She supports abortion rights. She has identified as a feminist and advocated for LGBTQ rights and gun control. She's been critical of police brutality, racism and white supremacy. She has used her influence and social media power to spotlight issues within the industry and society at large, such as fostering reforms to Spotify, Apple Music, Ticketmaster, recording and distribution contracts, and drawing attention to artists' rights, masters, intellectual property, corporate greed, sexism and racism, while being a subject of scrutiny and controversy herself. https://en.wikipedia.org/.../Cultural_impact_of_Taylor....

She has supported Biden, and hopefully she will have the same effect on his campaign as she has had on ancillary products she supports.




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Target social media then.

All the Politicians ask for money. Why,? To pay for direct communication. If you feel strongly about politics, then why don't you do the communicating yourself? There is a web site: Lib-Talk.com that tells you how to do that and provides the pithy political rhetoric for any topic or to refute any Maga lie on any media or comments section. It focuses more on discussing President Biden's accomplishments than hammering on Trump. That's too easy and everyone is doing that, but how often do you see Biden's accomplishments listed. It's also offers a brief, interesting, detailed history of recent politics.

So look at the site. Paste them in the comments section where you get your news. Better still, go to some conservative site, make a name with a 'Q' or a 'Z' in it and start posting comments about what Biden has accomplished... It's fun. Here are my two favorites to post from the site:

“I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” - Donald Trump in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, 2004.


June 2023 Biden and the Democrats record:

13 million jobs created

Unemployment under 4% for the longest stretch in over 50 years

Manufacturing jobs coming back the fastest in 40 years

Most working age adults in jobs in 16 years

Annual inflation down for 10 straight months

Black unemployment to a record low.

New Black small businesses to a 26-year high.

Real wages up for 10 straight months.

Women's unemployment at record low.

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I am on the attack.

Most effective:

1. Trump hates dogs. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/05/opinion/trump-military-dog.html

2. Trump family charity stole from kids with cancer and disabled war veterans. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation

Very efficient.

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True dat.

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Has this info been updated since 2023?

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What is the source for this information and has it been updated since June 2023?

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On TikTok the channel with the most hits is Now This. It's left, progressive.

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Please don't do TikTok until it is better protected from Chinese govmnt data scraping/snooping/manipulating. . .

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@Penny K, do you know how many Americans use TikTok every day?

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We can’t nor should we replace Biden as the Presidential candidate at this point, but what about Taylor Swift for V.P.? Remember, Ronald Reagan came from the entertainment industry and used it to his unfortunately great advantage. In other words, I agree with you Daniel that we musty utilize the media that Gen Z and other younger voters utilize. Inequality Media does a good job.

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Probably Taylor is more effective in her current role, & she might not be old enough, anyway. Isn't she around 33? Having a VP with no political experience for our oldest president ever, & therefore more likely than most to fall into poor health, is not wise.

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That part of my comment was made as a humorous rejoinder, and not really serious. However, in the future, we should not discount the power of a entertainer/influencer. Didn’t the Donald start his career on television? Also, Robert Reich is quite a good entertainer in his video presentations produced by Inequality Media. Did you see the one where he took on the role of an airplane pilot welcoming his passengers to a miserable ride on his airplane?

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Uh, no. How about a statesperson who has done their homework, over the years, and walked their talk, verifiably, over not just a couple decades? Entertainment is NOT life, just pop culture which never, thank God, lasts, ie., affects eternity.

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Zelensky has shown that an entertainer can be a great political leader, but our history with them hasn't been so good, although we haven't tried it much with liberal Democrats, so who knows?

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She’s 34, but who’s counting? 😁

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So will she turn 35 in time?

AOC, who I think is more qualified, &, in fact, I think would be quite a good VP with her very sharp mind & her connection to ordinary people, is right on that age cusp, too.

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I’m not sure of Taylor Swift‘s next birthday; I just know she’s 34 because I happened to look it up recently with all the fanfare about her as person of the year. I was curious about her age. Anyway, she’ll never be vice president, but AOC would make a great vice president. Except, I feel she is too far to the left for mainstream America. I could be wrong about that (and AOC is good at compromising when necessary); but when I see Democrats criticizing Biden, who’s been an excellent president, and so many people still enthralled with one of the most disgusting human beings on earth, I have to wonder who we are as a country.

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I agree that a young, dynamic VP would help Biden's age vulnerability. My suggestion is Gavin Newsom even though Taylor Swift would be incredible if she would take the job. Kamala Harris has experience prosecuting and would be a great replacement for Merrick Garland.

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I know I sound super critical, but I don't think she can speak. I have 50 years of observing lawyers.

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Sorry, by saying "lawyers", you must mean Kamala.

Her speaking ability hasn't impressed me, but she has looked pretty good sometimes while cross-examining witnesses in Senate hearings. Garland hasn't impressed me as a speaker, either.

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I remember Senate hearings where Kamala Harris was speaking, and she was sharp, smart, and quick with replies. She does seem to have lost some of that sharpness, and I don’t quite understand why.

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By "she", do you mean Taylor or Kamala? And, whichever it is, what about her speaking is not up to par?

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Taylor Swift is also pro-Palestine, I feel like she will abandon Biden since he is pro-Israel. Though, I am not too sure.

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I think the huge advantage Biden offers is that he's filled the cabinet and advisory positions with highly competent people! Trump on the other hand surrounds himself with sycophants of dubious "credentials."

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The most dangerous Trump associate in my opinion is Stephen Miller. Trump's immigration guru. Very smart, very fascist, and very evil. If Trump is elected, he will be driving mass deportations.

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Agreed. Popular Information has an article today about Stephen Miller and it’s terrifying

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Remember Millers first immigrant ban? The airports were chaos. I thought it was his incompetence but now I wonder if he thought that was fun.

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Claudia Vandermade ; Plus, tfg is a criminal and a crook!

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Can someone please provide a list of the advertisers on Fox? I will boycott them ferociously.

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Thank you so much for the link to the list of advertisers! If anyone is leery about the link, just go directly to dropfox.com.. The site is by Media Matters for America. You can google info on the nonprofit watchdog group which was formed in 2004.

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Other than P&G, not a lot of products I’d use or buy every week or even less frequently. The list of advertisers, except for My Pillow, is pretty mainstream. What struck me was the intended demographic you get with GM, Chase, Liberty Mutual, Booking, and several OTC / prescription drug companies - older white males that like American made pickup trucks, that need some meds, car and homeowner insurance, takes a short vacation to Vegas, likes and trusts big bank banking with high fees, and all the P&G products they sell at Walmart.

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Not many. The only one of them from which I might occasionally buy products is Proctor & Gamble.

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Me, too!

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The most recent issue of Atlantic contains a host of well written essays addressing what the country would look like under a fascist leaning Trump second term in the Oval Office.Worth reading from cover to cover and repeatedly.

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Why? Because the corporate mainstream media is an institution of our patriarchal White status quo order of power and wealth. Because so-called “journalistic standards” were created by White men of property to reflect, to protect, and to perpetuate that order. Because the corporate mainstream media, like all corporate existence in the 2023 USA is a highly and increasingly concentrated industry owned and operated primarily by White men of property, or by their White-male-adjacent counterparts, all of whom are more concerned with preserving and advancing their personal benefits from the status quo order of power and wealth than in telling the truth and challenging the order to advance justice. Because false equivalence draws eyes and Dollars from a wider audience to protect and to increase revenue for shareholders, investors, advertisers, and disproportionately compensated executives and managers. Because the First Amendment protection of the “press” is used by the mainstream media primarily to protect their corporate monopolistic, oligarchic, predatory business model rather than to fulfill their concomitant obligation to serve the people by telling the truth to advance justice. That’s “why”.

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Bob, well spoken.

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Why ask me? Ask the editors of the mainstream news outlets. You have more access than we have. Ask please. We want to know.

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A good point. I think a lot of viewers would be interested to see a proper argument, so ratings might even improve. But the media are corporations, and they don't like taxes any more than Exxon. It's in their interests to keep each election about even, so you end up with a split Congress and taxes never go up. This "bothsiderism" culture began with Reagan, and the elections have been finely balanced ever since. The only journalistic exception was Tim Russert, may he RIP.

For example, I was shocked to see Dana Bash of CNN interview Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett, tax cutter and darling of the Heritage Foundation. They were discussing his willingness to shut down the government because of the budget deficit. He kept repeating, in a drawling southern monotone, a very reasonable-sounding proposition: “Ma’am, you can’t keep spending 7 trillion dollars a year when you’re only taking in 5 trillion.”

To which the obvious response should have been screamed out: “The deficit was created by a $2 trillion gift to the wealthy by Donald Trump. Jeff Bezos pays less in taxes than a corporate secretary. You could eliminate the deficit by raising taxes to their original levels, instead of shutting down the government. Oh, and by the way, wanker, what was the cause of the Civil War?"

But not so much as a murmur from Ms. Bash. Someone pulling her strings? Yes, let's ask the editors just what the hell is going on, and demand higher standards.

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I stopped watching CNN when they fired the guy at the top and more or less tried to turn it into a wannabe FOX station and haven’t gone back.

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You want clarity instead of 'both-siderism'? Tune in to Keith Olbermann. Yes, he's still out there raising hell on Youtube.

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I don't watch mainstream media anymore choosing to get my news from what I gather to be reliable sources. Even those sources, I question. It is difficult to ascertain what is exaggerated and what is believable. All of mainstream media has become a reality show trying to outdo each other on the most absurd stories. I also have a problem with these groups on my email that are constantly wanting money. They promise if you donate they can 'get M. Green, Judge Thomas, etc. impeached, reverse the overturning of Roe V. Wade, ensure trump isn't on the ballot, and so many other promises. If you don't donate, they will send emails saying I am no longer a Democrat, I voted for trump, I'm a republican. They'll say without my donation, our country will become an autocracy like it's all my fault for not donating!! That tends to put me off so now I only donate to Veterans, aid for Ukraine, and help for children in war torn areas who are starving. I want America to keep moving forward and strengthen our Democracy so I will vote for President Biden. He has done a remarkable job these first four years and I want him to continue to do that the next four. I will continue to write letters, sign petitions, and talk to whoever will listen about our President and what he has done, and what he will continue to do for EVERY American.

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Thank you Peggy. If misery loves company, there’s probably a lot of us similar thinkers and believers that get forty plus junk emails per day telling us, because we haven’t responded to their last twenty emails asking for money, that we’ve gone for Trump, are voting RFKjr, want to end social security, etc.

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It is so frustrating!! I don't know if these people that are doing these emails realize how they are turning people off with these attacks. When someone states that I am a trump supporter or a republican, I simply scroll past and delete them!!

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I have no idea whether I've been gaslighted like that, because I've blocked all political email except my local and direct state/federal representative messages. They never ask for money and they do specifically tell me what they're doing for us.

I was alarmed a few years ago to get an email from the Trump organization, but an inquiry revealed my name was an un-highlighted "friend" with no other info. I realized they must have bought my name from a retailer or website somewhere. No luck deleting my email from that list, either...

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Every .org and .com keeps lists and most share or sell them to “liked minded” organizations. If you’ve ever donated to a charity or belong (in my case) to any environmental organization (although I’m sure all left of center groups are the same), your name and email address is well populated. I do get emails directly from my Congresswoman and one US Senator and my state assembly member. I doubt they sell lists. Blocking emails works for only a few days.

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I agree that my email was likely purchased from a .com source. I don't think the official government representatives can share emails at any level.

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Robert Reich recommends: "Boycott all advertisers on Fox News." I googled the query: "List the advertisers on Fox News" and got this response:

The top 12 companies that advertise on Fox News are:


Liberty Mutual

General Motors

Procter & Gamble




Kraft Heinz


Charles Schwab



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Toyota? Damn it.

It would also make a lot of sense to have the rest of these sponsors listed products, sub brands etc to spread out far and wide.

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I’d add Subaru.

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As a FOX advertiser to be boycotted?

That’s too bad. I liked that brand as well.

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Good to know. But still, what are the wholly owned subsidiaries? Stop the world, I want to get off.

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Robert, thank you for your ongoing efforts at educating the public on the incredible dangers that MAGA represents to the very fabric of our nation. I am an American who has lived outside the US for the past 35 years (much more than half my life), but I remain engaged in the US political scene as best I can. I have voted in every election that I have been eligible for since 1984 (only exception was 1988 as I was mid-move to Japan that autumn.). I have long been a straight-vote Democrat, and will certainly be in the upcoming election. Republicans have proven to be inanely inept at best, wantonly evil at worst, and have no business being in any position of national power...or any power at all. MAGA must be defeated decisively in 2024 and we then need to begin the long process of recovering our tarnished national honor.

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Andrew Zimmerman : We need to recover our Democracy and some guardrails on our media. Like the Fairness Doctrine. Look at what is happening with Univision! tRump and his corrupt family (Jared Kushner) will have control over this Spanish speaking media giant. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe he wants to get some votes from this community that he has been disrespecting for years?

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Ty. I also read The Guardian, and Heather Cox Richardson every day. I am very grateful to you for your reporting. Increasingly, I have very little faith in the NYTimes.Feels like a dark place except for its podcast, the Daily, which is pretty good. I also follow Bill McKibben for climate information. Thank god for substack.....

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Fake news is the mode of the times.

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Asshole Trump has taught his pathological methodology to other asshole dictators and authoritarians around the world how to label any criticism "Fake News!" They ALL use that phrase now. Just imagine what else they've learned. We will all suffer from Trump detritus for years to come.

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D Kitterman: I hope voters are paying attention: tRump assumes that his targets are clueless. If they knew the danger he represents, they would not vote for him! It is heartening that the Latino community is on to him. They don't like the takeover of Univision! They hate that Jared Kushner has received a medal of honor that he does not deserve. I guess the officials were 'bought' by a dinner at Mar A Lago. It's like tRump handing out the medal of freedom like it's an m&m. Tacky and disgusting people.

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We have to stop being so naive. The mainstream Media is in collusion with the Right Wing to help Fascism gain a foothold. Why? Because the Media is owned by the uber wealthy whose interests lie not within advancing this country but by lowering corporate taxes, breaking unions, restricting healthcare, raiding Social Security...whatever it takes to enrich themselves. Looking at you Murdoch, Bezos, Sulzberger, and all the others. The Mainstream media is the enemy within. A good example is permitting blatant lies to be published by WaPo like Ramirez' "cartoon" and Theisson's drivel. We're really up against a major propaganda machine.

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Thank you as always Professor, especially for the practical and concrete suggestions for what countering steps we can take. I forgot my headphones this morning so I will use my commute to send off messages to the msinstream media editors as you suggest - thank you again for all the important work that you and Inequality Media are doing!

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Interested that you follow the Guardian, as a Brit who has read it for decades. It has an incredibly strong international readership whom I suspect take it at face value. In the U.K. the press is overwhelmingly dominated by a very right wing press with the usual suspects led by Murdoch. They attack the Guardian as being some kind of far left rag when it is pretty much what it has always been - centre-left, regularly attacked from the further Left, socially liberal without being extreme, and economically supportive of both public services and well behaved and regulated capitalism.

If you enjoy reading it, put your hand in your pocket and support it financially.

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