Anyone who pays the maximum allowable tax rate for SSI, I think its taxes on $400,000? Can then get the max SSI benefit. Its not something you or will ever see. The main problem is SSI itself uses about $55 Billion a year. The GOP would love to get rid of all $55 billion and send that money in the form of tax breaks to the already filthy rich.
Anyone who pays the maximum allowable tax rate for SSI, I think its taxes on $400,000? Can then get the max SSI benefit. Its not something you or will ever see. The main problem is SSI itself uses about $55 Billion a year. The GOP would love to get rid of all $55 billion and send that money in the form of tax breaks to the already filthy rich.
Anyone who pays the maximum allowable tax rate for SSI, I think its taxes on $400,000? Can then get the max SSI benefit. Its not something you or will ever see. The main problem is SSI itself uses about $55 Billion a year. The GOP would love to get rid of all $55 billion and send that money in the form of tax breaks to the already filthy rich.